Resources By Year of Publication
Resources in the Connexions Library

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1970-1979 Publications


    1. After the Cataclysm
      Postwar Indochina & the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology (The Political Economy of Human Rights)

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      A carefully dcoumented asessment of Western reporting on post-1975 Indochina.
    2. An Account to Settle
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    3. The Anarchists' Convention and other stories
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979   Published: 2005
      A collection of short stories.
    4. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    5. Are we headed for another depression?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Summarizing from a Marxian perspective the most important factors determining the structure of the economy, Moseley concludes that both the squeezing of workers' living standards and government economic interventions can, at best, only prevent a sudden collapse of the system.
    6. Asianadian Vol. 1, #4
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    7. Authority and democracy in the United States
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Paul Mattick shows that corresponding to the absence of a socialist movement in America is the absence of fascistic movements as attempted resolutions of extreme class conflict. The complacency of the American working class, however, depends upon continuing capitalist expansion. Thus, the limits imposed by the developing crisis create the possibility of a break with the belief that politics can be safely left to the bourgeoisie.
    8. Bakunin and the great schism
      Chapter IV for The Anarchists, by James Joll

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      It was Bakunin who gave later anarchists an example of anarchist fervour in action; and it was Bakunin who showed how great was the difference in theory and practice between anarchist doctrine and the communism of Marx, and thus made explicit the split in the international revolutionary movement. Bakunin, too, more than any of his contemporaries, linked the revolutionary movement in Russia with that of the rest of Europe, and derived from it a belief in the virtues of violence for its own sake and a confidence in the technique of terrorism which was to influence many other revolutionaries besides anarchists.
    9. Bakunin vs Marx
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The debates between Bakunin and Marx transcend petty personal squabbles and embody two diametrically opposed tendencies in the theory and tactics of socialism, the authoritarian and libertarian schools respectively.
    10. Barred from Prison 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      An account of what occured inside the B.C. Penitentiary during a prison uprising in September 1976.
    11. The Barter Book
      Consumers Guide to Living Well Without Using Money

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    12. Beyond the Fragments 
      Feminism and the Making of Socialism

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979   Published: 1980
      A call for various fractions of the left to unite and work for a socialism through grass-roots activism.
    13. Bibliography on World Conflict and Peace
      Second edition

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Peace research/educational resources. While the work of the international peace research community is well represented here, the majority of the books listed have been published in North America. Categoriescover scholarly works, journalistic writings, ad
    14. The Birch Bark Alliance
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This issue of The Birch Bark Alliance highlights numerous anti-nuclear activities held in the spring and early summer of 1979. One major event featured was Canada's largest anti-nuclear demonstration to date -- Darlington.
    15. The Birch-Bark Alliance
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This newspaper calls itself "Ontario voice of nuclear concern."
    16. Bold Refugee Strategy Succeeds
      Law Union News, February/March 1979

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    17. Branching Out
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    18. British Columbia Native Women's Society
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      For some years now the British Columbia Native Women's Society (BCNWS) has been assisting native people in British Columbia in a variety of ways, ranging from giving out information, to making referrals to appropriate agencies, to supporting numerous arts and craft enterprises.
    19. Broken Images
      Essays on Chinese Culture and Politics

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Essays on modern Chinese culture and politics.
    20. Building Social Change Communities
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Skills for creating and maintaining a collective or cooperative group, especially living communities. Excellent, concise chapters on consensus decision making, facilitation and conflict resolution.
    21. A Call to Justice Today for Our Children Tomorrow: A Declaration
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A Call To Justice Today For Our Children Tomorrow
    22. Canada Asia CURRENTS
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The Canada Asia Working Group (CAWG), a volunteer collective whose aim is to fill a need for public awareness of the situations which link Canada to Asia, offers, in its first issue of a quarterly newspaper, articles exposing the absence of social justice in Asia and the denial of human rights in this far-flung continent.
    23. Canadian Action for Nicaragua
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Canadian Action for Nicaragua is a coalition of about twenty-five organizations plus a number of individuals wishing to support reconstruction in Nicaragua.
    24. Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples Bulletin
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This issue of Bulletin focuses on Native women.
    25. The Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Editorial explaining that the Canadian Information Sharing Service has changed the name of its publication to 'Connexions'.
    26. Canadian Labour
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Canadian Labour is a bi-weekly magazine published in both English and French by the Canadian Labour Congress.
    27. Canadian Labour Comment
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The Canadian Labour Comment is a bilingual newsletter which includes reports on various labour issues in Canada.
    28. The Canadian Left Debates Its Future
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A debate on left strategies which collects wide-ranging responses from a variety of sources to Canadian Dimension's special issue on Eurocommunism, compiled in the hope that this exchange will advance the level of discussion and provoke still further debate in the ranks of the Canadian left.
    29. Canadian Union News Vol. 7, #1.
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This issue of the quarterly news tabloid examines the Postal Strike, a strike by 1,000 members of the York University Staff Association and the seventh conference of the B.C. Council of the Confederation of Canadian Unions.
    30. Carrefour International Catalogue
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    31. Catholic Immigrant Services
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Catholic Immigrant Services are open to all immigrants, regardless of ethnic origin or religion.
    32. Ce Matin, A L'Ecole, On Parle Des Mineurs
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    33. Changing The Cogs
      Activists and the Politics of Technology

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
      What are the best ways to achieve beneficial change in society? Will widespread use of solar energy and other renewable energy sources bring about a good society? What technologies will be promoted by vested interests in government and big business?
    34. Children
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    35. Cleaners' Action Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Cleaner's Action is a monthly newspaper published in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
    36. Collective Bargaining Course Book
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
    37. Communication and Class Struggle, Vol 2
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    38. Community Economic Workshops
      An Evolutionary Preparation for Social Revolution to Economic Democracy Within an Ecological Society

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
      A short discussion of the use of "community economic workshops" in constructing a democratic, anarchistic society.
    39. Connections, Vol.1, No.2
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This newspaper is concerned with "news about Canada and the third world."
    40. Connexions
      Volume 4, Number 1 - February 1979 - National Security/Securite Nationale

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    41. Connexions
      Volume 4, Number 2 - March 1979 - Native Rights/Les Droits des Autochtones

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    42. Connexions
      Volume 4, Number 3 - May 1979 - Immigration

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    43. Connexions
      Volume 4, Number 4 - September 1979 - Food/La Nourriture

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    44. Connexions
      Volume 4, Number 5 - October 1979 - Nuclear Energy\Energie Nucleaire

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    45. Connexions Index
      February to December 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Index of contributors and titles for Connexions 1978 (Volume 3, Numbers 1 - 6).
    46. The Continuing Debate
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      We should subject both Marxism and anarchism to a critical analysis, and thereby start to provide the basis for a libertarian revolutionary movement that relates adequately to the needs and problems of today.
    47. The Control of the Canadian Economy and the Human Problem of Unemployment:
      A Christian Perspective

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This statement is printed as a fold-out on one sheet with an insert.
    48. The Co-operative Movement on the Prairies, 1900-1955
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
    49. Co-ops, Communes and Collectives: Experiments In Social Change in the 1960's and 1970's
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Contains case studies of alternative organizations and articles addressing issues relevant to how such organizations function. Particularly good is Jane J. Mansbridge's paper, "The Agony of Inequality." Also recommended: "Conditions for Democracy: Making Participatory Organizations Work" Joyce Rothschild-Whitt.
    50. Correspondence
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    51. La crise et les travailleurs
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    52. Critical distance (Bean)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Letter: anarchists must make a choice.
    53. A Culture in Conflict
      Skilled Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario, 1860-1914

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      A study of continuity and change in the lives of skilled workers in Hamilton, Ontario, during a period of economic transformation. Palmer shows how the disruptive influence of developing industrial captialism was counterbalanced by the stabilizing effect of the associaitonal life of the workingman, ranging from the fraternal order and the mechanics' institute to the baseball diamond and the rough music of the charivari.
    54. Cutbacks to Training Allowances & Outreach Programs: Their Impact on Women
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    55. Declaration of Support for Quebec's Right to Self-Determination
      Signatories: Professors at University of Toronto and York University

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This declaration is signed by more than a dozen English-speaking professors in Canadian universities.
    56. Une déclaration politique du collectif des socialistes libertaires
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    57. Deserted wilds in city's centre
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      If we are ever going to get a bicycle and pedestrian path, together with other improvements in the area south of Pottery Road we will have to speak up so that our elected representatives can hear us.
    58. The Destructive Urge
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Marxism's greatest discovery is that it cannot prescribe any science of revolution, any fail-safe program. On the contrary what it provides is a new question, a new responsibility to make a choice..
    59. Development Perspectives: Curriculum Resource Kits for Development Education
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      These kits were originally prepared in 1976 and then tested during 1977 and 1978 in high schools, community colleges and study-action groups.
    60. Discrimination: How Human Rights Laws Protect You
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    61. Dossier Gareries: pour un reseau universel et gratuit
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    62. Employment and the Single Displaced Person
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A project aimed at providing single dispalced persons with work.
    63. L'endettement, nouvelle forme d'exploitation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    64. The Energy File
      Vol.2, No.1 - Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The subtitle of this document is "food and energy." The articles show that the food industry is energy intensive.
    65. Energy Planning in a Conserver Society:
      Parts I&II to the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This brief presents for the first time a consistent alternative energy scenario for Ontario to the year 2025.
    66. Equal Partners for Change - Women and Unions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    67. Ethical Considerations - Uranium Mining
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    68. Evaluation, Participation and Community Health Care: Critique and Lessons
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    69. Family Violence: Report on the Task on Family Violence
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    70. Federated Anti-Poverty Groups of British Columbia
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The above Federation is made up of citizens' groups and individuals working together for change in the low-income people in British Columbia.
    71. The Feminist Party of Canada
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    72. Final Report on Sub-committee on Race Relations
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    73. Flying Together
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The above issue of "Flying Together" focuses on food talks in Toronto and Southwestern Ontario sponsored by the People's Food Commission and Ten Days for World Development during February '79.
    74. Flying Together
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    75. Following the Red Path
      The Native People's Caravan

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      An account of the Native People's Caravan, a cross Canada trek to raise awareness of broken treaties and grievances against the Canadian government.
    76. Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Review of a book titled Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity by the authors Francis Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins.
    77. Forced Native Labor in Sixteenth-Century Central America
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979   Published: 2009
      Presents a comprehensive investigation of the primary issue of the first century of Spanish American colonization: the massive system of Indian forced labour, ranging from outright slavery to the encomienda, upon which Spanish colonial society rested. This book traces the rupturing of Indian traditions and the fate that befell the Indian people.
    78. The Forces Which Shaped Them: A History of the Education of Minority Group Children in British Columbia
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    79. Forgotten People/Peuple Oublie
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This monthly tabloid is the voice of the Native Council of Canada, an umbrella group representing non-status Indians and Metis across Canada.
    80. The Fred Victor Mission Experience
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This paper begins by outlining how in the last ten years Fred Victor Mission's concept of service to poor people in the inner core has evolved toward the development of a social change process with the men on skid row.
    81. Frederico and Ingrid Luchsinger
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    82. Frogs in a Well
      Indian Women in Purdah

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Frogs in a Well is a case study of women at one of India's most sacred Muslim shrines- that of the Sufi saint, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. It is essentially a study of women living in strict purdah. Their situation is so different from that familiar to most non-Muslims today that it is difficult to grasp either the rationale for purdah or the social forces that perpetuate it. This book is an analysis of these forces, within the context of a delicate portrayal of the women's way of life.
    83. Gaies au Quebec
      Vol.1, No.4 - Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      L'article principal de ce numero est le "manifeste et programme de l'A.D.G.Q.", qui a ete adopte le 30 septembre 1978.
    84. Gays Beaten Up! Where's the Outcry?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The anti–gay campaign taking place at the moment threatens more than just gays. The same elements and the same authorities that attack gays are the ones who do their best to keep the rest of us "in line" -- the ones who want strikes banned, the ones who welcomed the imposition of wage controls, in short, the ones who cannot do anybody any good.
    85. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A series of article regarding the Ten Days for World Development conference focused on food.
    86. Grapevine
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund (LMDF), which was founded a year ago, has here produced its first newsletter. The LMDF is aiming to provide "a permanent resource for mothers who are fighting for child custody." Available from the LMDF is legal advice, a legal referral, some financial aid, and support in a personal and sympathetic way.
    87. Grave contradictions of 1979 Iranian Revolution
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      In what proletarian revolution, exactly, was the taking of hostages, and not the rulers, but some fairly low embassy personnel, held to be a revolutionary tactic? Since when has war and revolution been made synonymous? Isn't it about time that Marxist revolutionaries labeled Khomeini's endless repetition of "we are men of war" "looking forward to martyrdom" for what it is by citing Marx, who wrote that Napoleon, the ultimate COUNTER-revolutionary, "substituted permanent war for permanent revolution"?
    88. The Green Book
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Report of the Politico-Military Strategy Commission to the African National Congress National Executive Committee, 1979.
    89. Greenpeace Chronicles
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The articles in this edition of the Greenpeace Chronicles illustrate the concern of the B.C. people with nuclear energy. The question of uranium mining, flaws in the construction of nuclear reacators and the threat of human safety posed by the use of nuclear energy are but three of the questions raised.
    90. Guide to Convivial Tools
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Directories, handbooks, bibliographies. Published as Library Journal Special Report No. 13, this guide was produced as a selection and reference tool by the librarian who founded Centro Intercultural de documentation (CIDOC) in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
    91. A Guide To Cooperative Alternatives
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Edited by "Communities, Journal of Cooperative Living," this book is a resource guide of ideas, resources, references and contacts for people interested in living and working cooperatively. Includes well-annotated section on politics, decision making, education, community organizing and much more.
    92. The Hazards of Uranium Exploration
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This booklet is sponsored by the Kootenay Nuclear Study Group. Its backdrop is the protest barricade by Genelle residents of the drilling and blasting operations of Noman Mines in the China Creek watershed that supplies that community's water.
    93. The Hazards of Uranium Mining
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This leaflet summarizes Britich Columbia opposition to uranium mining.
    94. Health Dangers of the Nuclear Fuel Chain and Low-Level Ionizing Radiation
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      An annotated bibliography of resources on the nuclear fuel chain and its potential impacts on human health.
    95. Healthsharing
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    96. The Hidden Welfare System Revisited
      A report by the National Council of Welfare on the Growth in Tax Expenditures

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This document is an analysis of government spending through tax deductions. Tax deductions are an indirect way of spending money. The government does not declare how much money is spent in this way, as it does in relation to direct spending.
    97. History and Realization of the Material Imagination
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Questions the currently existing lines between "culture" and "nature" and to posit a possible unitary theory encompassing both.
    98. I was a psychic for the FBI
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Para-review investigates parapathology
    99. Immigration Act Repressive in The Canadian Student
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    100. In and against the state
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979   Published: 1980
      The state is not neutral. It does provide services and resources which most of us need – education, health care, social security. But it does not do so primarily for the good of the working class. It does it to maintain the capitalist system. Although the state may appear to exist to protect us from the worst excesses of capitalism, it is in fact protecting capital from our strength by ensuring that we relate to capital and to each other in ways which divide us from ourselves, and leave the basic inequalities unquestioned.
    101. In Our Own Homes
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1979
      Through its programs of study, research and action, Development Education in Action (DEA) gives older people an opportunity to study and share with those of other age groups through discussions, films, book reviews and speakers.
    102. In The Best Interests of the Child
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    103. Indians at Work: An Informal History of Native Indian Labour in B.C.
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    104. Inner City Agencies
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      The Inner City agencies work with a large unemployed, often transient population, very poor senior citizens and the over 55 displaced population who do not qualify for pensions and cannot find employment.
    105. An Inside Look at Our Penal System
      Review of Go-Boy! Memoirs of a Life Behind Bars, by Roger Caron

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      GO-BOY! can be read as a major social document which cries out for long–overdue prison reforms in Canada. It's a major contribution to prison literature and criminology. But GO-BOY!, like much concentration camp literature, can also be read and appreciated as a forceful witness to survival in hell. Caron has been there and come back to life whole, human and still fighting.
    106. Intercede
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    107. Interchurch International For World Development Education
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      This committee is connected with the Ten Days network.
    108. Introduction to Root & Branch #7
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      An introduction to all the featured articles the Root & Branch #7
    109. Introduction to this issue (#4) (Vol. 3, #1)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    110. It's the only game in Town
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1979
      This slide-tape production focuses on the debate surrounding the Cold Lake Oil Sands propsal in Alberta. The production looks chiefly at resource development in that province by featuring two key actors -- the corporations and the citizens. The program also looks at the international setting to get a sense of the "development" issue.
    111. It's a Small World for Noranda
      Atlantic Issues Vol.3, No.2 - Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      This "feature" in vol. 3, No. 2 of Atlantic Issues deals with the presence of Noranda in New Brunswick and Chile.
    112. Job Finders
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Job finders is an innovative program of the Jewish Family Service Agency geared to job counselling and orientation of Agency clients, a large number of whom are recent Russian immigrants.
    113. Journaux radicaux
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    114. J.P. Stevens - Boycott Kit
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      This kit provides extensive background information on the organized boycott against J.P. Stevens and Company Inc. The boycott, now in its third year, was organized to bring wide attention to the unjust and dangerous working conditions in the 85 textile plants of J.P. Stevens. Over 45,000 women and men are employed by the multi-national corporation that operates mostly in North and South Carolina, U.S.A.
    115. Kainai Action Committee
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Elders and other residents of the Blood Indian Reserve in Southern Alberta form this committee concerned about inadequate housing, non-existent plumbing for many families, poor band administration, and the inability to secure adequate loans for farming.
    116. Labour Advocacy and Research Association (L.A.R.A.)
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      The Labour Advocacy and Research Association provides general information for farm and domestic workers.
    117. Lakeland Environmental and Agricultural Protection Society
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Lakeland Environmental and Agricultural Protection Society (LEAPS) is largely an umbrella organization, with an initial membership of over 200 people involved in opposing the Cold Lake Oil Sands project as proposed by Imperial Oil.
    118. Land Tenure Problems and the Saskatchewan Land Bank
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This brief, presented to the People's Food Commission in Langenberg, Sask. examines the food issue from the perspective of the high cost of farm land.
    119. League on Rights and Freedom Information Sheet
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This information sheet, published by the League on Rights and Freedom (formerly the League on Human Rights), reveals that two Québec citizens are prosecuting the RCMP and some security officers for unlawfully subjecting them to illegal investigations following their refusal to "collaborate."
    120. Learnxs
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      A non-profit community organization in support of innovative and experimental programs in community education.
    121. Legal decisions threaten press freedom
      Minus Five

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    122. Legal Process for Battered Women
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    123. The Leninist Facade
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      In direct oppostion to what Marx advocated, the Bolsheviks tried to institute socialism without democracy. The damage to the socialist movement resulting from this was immense.
    124. Letter - Coleman
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    125. Letter - Flosznick
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    126. La Ligue des Droits et Libertes
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    127. Literacy Council of P.E.I. - Charlottetown
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    128. Logos
      Volume 2 Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Counterculture newspaper from Montreal, Canada
    129. Ma Commande Me Fait Mourir
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Ce dossier a été préparé par un groupe de mères de Pointe St-Charles.
    130. The Magic and Deadly Dust: Asbestos and Your Health
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    131. Marx and Keynes: The Limits of Mixed Economy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A look back at Paul Mattick's book Marx and Keynes, ten years after its original publication.
    132. Medical Reform Group News - Volume 1 Issue 1
      November 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    133. Medical Reform Group News Releases 1979 - 1995
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979   Published: 1995
    134. Medical Reform Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979   Published: 2014
      Newsletters published by the Medical Reform Group of Ontario. The newsletters were published under several different names, including Medical Reform Group News; MRG Newsletter, and Medical Reform. The Connexions Archive has an almost-complete set.
    135. Medicare in Crises - A Submission on Ontario's Health Care System
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    136. Memories of the Depression
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Daily life experiences during the Great Depression.
    137. Moratorium Committee on Prison Construction Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The Moratorium Committee on Prison Construction (MCPC) was formed in February 1978 by representatives from civil liberties associations in Quebec and Ontario. This move was a response to the federal Solicitor-General's annoucement of plans to construct 24 new penitentiaries by 1984. The MCPC immediately launched a campaign of public education, press conferences and meeting with senior correction officials. It contacted many individuals, religious organizations, MP's and groups involved in correction across Canada.
    138. Nature Heals 
      The Psychological Essays of Paul Goodman

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Adolescent sexuality, the nature of aggression, ethics, Freud, the psychology of artists, Reich, homosexuality -- large, important, and controversial issues like these fascinated Paul Goodman, and in these essays he writes about them as if he absolutely had to, as if nothing were more important than the subject at hand.
    139. Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    140. Northern Native Rights Campaign
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      In March of 1979 Project North is sponsoring a tour of northern native leaders through communities in southern Canada in order to bring them the position of northern native organizations regarding their rights.
    141. Norwood Community Services Association
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Norwood community of Edmonton is just north of the inner city area.
    142. Nous, les travailleurs immigrants
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    143. Odyssey, Vol.1, No.4
      Contact Dave McCauley - Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Odyssey is a prison journal containing brief articles, reflections and poems by prisoners at Millhaven Penitentiary, as well as by a few people outside the prison.
    144. On The Class Situation In Spain
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    145. One Namibia One Nation
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1979
    146. One Sky
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Theme issue of the One Sky newsletter on Nicaragua.
    147. One Sky
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      A special issue of the One Sky newsletter on the Vietnamese 'boat people' refugees.
    148. Ontario Association of Alternative and Independent Schools (OAAIS)
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Three people met in the summer of 1974 to discuss their concern over alternative and independent schools in Ontario.
    149. Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants ( O.C.A.S.I.) is comprised of 28 agencies that serve many of the ethnic communities including the Chinese, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, West Indian, Spanish etc.
    150. Ontario Hydro
      The Rising Cost of Power

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This four page booklet explains why electricity prices continue to skyrocket and why they will continue to do so unless we opt for a more energy efficient society based on conservation and renewable energy sources.
    151. Ontario's Future - Ontario Hydro
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This brochure is produced co-jointly by Energy Probe, Toronto Mobilization for Survival, Greenpeace Toronto and Birchbark Alliance (OPIRG) and deals with Ontario Hydro's expanding construction program.
    152. An Open Letter to the President of the Ford Motor Company of Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The Ford Motor Company of Canada is the parent company of Ford South Africa. Through Ford South Africa, Ford of Canada sells vehicles to the South African Military and police. The taskforces on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility (TCCR) sees this practice as a reinforcement of the status quo in South Africa, and as a statement in favour of apartheid.
    153. Opening Doors
      Vancouver's East End

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    154. The Organization of Social Services and its Implications for the Mental Health of Immigrant Women
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    155. Outline of Marx's Capital Volume I
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Marxism is wrongly considered to be a new "political economy." It is true that, loosely speaking, even Marxists refer to Marx's analysis of capitalist production as Marxian political economy But Marxian political economy is, in reality, a critique of the very foundations of political economy, which is nothing else than the bourgeois mode of thought of the bourgeois mode of production.
    156. Paddle River Agricultural Protection Society
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Paddle River Agricultural Protection Society (PRAPS) s a community organization of both small town residents and local farmers - dairy, mixed and grain - fighting the Paddle River Dam proposals.
    157. Paz, Pan y Libertad/Bread, Peace and Liberty
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The report of the Canadian delegation to Chile on the occasion of the International Symposium on Human Rights in Santiago, Chile (November 1978) contains the statement of the five-member church delegation and extensive appendices on human rights, economic structures and Canada-Chile relations.
    158. People First - A Community Self-Help Planning Manual
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    159. Perception
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Perception is a national, bilingual magazine of social comment published six times a year by the Canadian Council of Social Development.
    160. The Perils of Probabilities
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A list of issues with report 1149 of the Atomic Energy Control Board regarding safety and liscencing of nuclear energy stations.
    161. Periódicos Radicales
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    162. Personal Politics
      The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Movement and the New Left

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    163. The Phone Book
      Working at the Bell

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      An account centered on Kueyks three years working for the phone company.
    164. Point of order
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Letter on dialectical materialism and on lefty language.
    165. The Political Economy of Health
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979   Published: 1889
    166. A Political Statement of the Libertarian Socialist Collective
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
      The socialist perspective, as we see it, implies a total critique of human society as it is presently constituted. Socialism means a total transformation of life and social institutions - a project of collective self-transformation.
    167. Pour un reseau universal de garderies gratuites et controlees par par les usagers
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    168. Prairitopian
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Prairitopian is a bi-monthly newsletter dedicated to the establishment of a socially and environmentally sustainable society in Saskatchewan.
    169. Press Release
      United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      At the end of June, longshoremen in Sait John, N.B., refused to load a cargo of heavy water destined for use by NANDU nuclear reactor in Argentina. This press release contains the text of a telegram of support sent by the Electrical Workers Union to the longshoremen.
    170. Prime Time Information Kit
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    171. Problems of Immigrant Women in the Canadian Labour Force
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This report begins with the recognition that Canada has promoted immigration in the past for economic reasons.
    172. Problems with Red Menace method
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      our attempts to develop a positive alternative to DiaMat Marxism and Marxist-Leninist sects suffers from a polemical method which reproduces the very problem you want to get away from.
    173. The proliferation of neo-primitives
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Neo-primitives prefer an imaginary past to the work of creating a different society.
    174. Les Proprietaires Des Medias
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    175. Public Gives Direction for Clark's Nuclear Inquiry
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Suggestions given to the federal governemnt as to how a public inquiry into nuclear energy should be conducted.
    176. La publicite sexise c'est quoi?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    177. A Quaker Committee on Jails and Justice Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      A newsletter that argues against capital punishment.
    178. Quand Ferment Les Usines: un dossier d'animation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Préparer à la demande de la CRC-Q (Conférence religieuse canadienne-section Québec) ce dossier d'animation se veut une suite pour aller plus loin, à la prise de position de la CRC-Q à l'occasion de la fermeture de Cadbury.
    179. Le racisme au Quebec
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    180. Radical Newspapers
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A radical newspaper succeeds to the extent that in engages in dialogue with its readers and community, rather than in preaching.
    181. Rapport du Comite d'orientation au congres specail de la CSN sur la question nationale
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    182. RCMP (Recent Coercive Methods of Pacification)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Strike, Vol.2, No.8
    183. The RCMP vs. the People
      Inside Canada's Security Service

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      An examination of the RCMP's Security Service and its abuses of power.
    184. Read before attacking
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Letter: too quick to attack.
    185. Real Change
      A Guide to Social Issue Films

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      An extensive guide to feature films, documentaries, shorts, videotapes, and slideshowa addressing a wide range of social issues. Over 500 are listed, annotated, and illutrated.
    186. REAP (Research Education and Action for Power)
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    187. Recognition of the Dene Nation Through Dene Government
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      In this paper, the Dene Nation outlines the manner in which a Dene Government can be implemented as a means of self-determination of the Dene within Canada.
    188. Recommended Changes in Canada's Refugee Status Determination Procedure:
      A Brief to the Hon. Bud Cullen, Minister of Employment and Immigration

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    189. Red Menace #4
      Volume 3, Number 1 - Winter 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
    190. Release - Vol. 4, No. 1
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Release is a monthly publication directed to readers who are interested and involved in the Church's ministry in the corrections services in Canada and United States.
    191. Report to the Civic Authorities of Metropolitan Toronto and its Citizens
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    192. Rikka - Volume 6, Number 1 - Blacks in Canada
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    193. Root & Branch: A Libertarian Marxist Journal, #8
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    194. Saskatchewan Coalition Against Nuclear Development
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      This packet of published materials deals with the goals, history and present action of the Saskatchewan Coalition Against Nuclear Develpment (SCAND).
    195. Saskatchewan Working Women
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    196. Save Tomorrow, Oppose Pollution (S.T.O.P.) - Conservation Kit
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    197. Save the Toronto Island Community
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      This pamphlet outlines the struggle of the 700 Toronto island residents who are trying to save their homes from demolition.
    198. Science fiction is more than just Buck Rogers
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Like most modern literature, science fiction is concerned with the alienated human condition, yet it articulates this concern in a distinct manner, as a form of literature concerned with the implications of the problems engendered by industrial society.
    199. Social and Sexual Revolution 
      Essays on Marx and Reich

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      A collection of essays by Bertell Ollman. Ollman tackles issues such as Karl Marx's concepts of class, class consciousness, and communism; he argues for the absorption of Wilhelm Reich's insights about the social function of sexual repression in maintaining capitalist relations; and he dicusses the various problems involved in trying to teach 'Marxism' in an academic context without destroying its central purpose as an instrument of class struggle.
    200. The Socialist Register 1979
      Volume 16: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      A series of essays on the state of the global economy.
    201. Some of my best comrades are friends
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The left's sloppy use of language indicates sloppy thinking.
    202. Some Perceptions of the Ethics of Generating Electricity by Nuclear Fuel
      National Conference on Nuclear Issues in the Canadian Energy Context

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The topic was treated by a four-member Panel.
    203. Some Reflections on the Evolution of Canada's Political Economy
      and its Implications on its Families and Communities

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This position statement by the Vanier Institute is originally published in the January 1979 issue of their newsletter Transition.
    204. The Start Chart
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The Start Chart is a 17" by 23" guide to organizing for community action.
    205. Status of Women News
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The National Action Committee (NAC) on the Status of Women comprises approximately 130 non-governmental women's organizations.
    206. Story of a Women's Centre
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    207. STRIKE Support News
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      The Citizens' Strike Support Committee is a group of friends of the labour movement working to organize support in Sudbury for members of Local 6500 United Steel Workers of America who are on strike.
    208. A Submission to the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      In March 1979 a submission from Ontario was made to the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning by the Concerned Farmers of the United Townships (Turnberry, Howick, Wallace, Maryborough, Peel, Woolwich and Pilkington).
    209. Submission to the SW Need Hearings of the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The Food Land Steering Committee is a large umbrella group organized in 1975 to coordinate agricultural concerns in connection with the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning.
    210. Summary--Cluff Lake Board of Inquiry Local Hearings in Northern Sask
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A report on some discrepancies in the Bayda Report.
    211. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VII Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      January 1979 issue.
    212. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VII Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      February 1979 issue.
    213. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VII Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      March 1979 issue.
    214. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VII Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      April 1979 issue.
    215. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VII Number 5

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      Includes letter to readers from CNSP collective.
      May 1979 issue.
    216. Taskforce on Churches and Corporate Responsibility
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
    217. Teaching as a Conserving Activity
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    218. Tenants' Bulletin
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    219. Third World Development
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      This audio-visual package, consisting of cassettes, filmstrips and teachers' guide, has been produced for use by grade 8 classes in the Ontario Geography curriculum but may be used also in grades 6 through 10 and even in adult groups in introductory sessions.
    220. Towards a Decentralist Commonwealth
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
      Could the basic structural concept of common ownership of society's resources for the benefit of all ever be achieved, institutionally, in ways which fostered and sustained, rather than eroded and destroyed, a cooperative democratic society?
    221. Un enunciado político de los Socialistas Libertarios
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    222. Un Pays En Commun, La Solidarite
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    223. Underdevelopment and Social Movements in Atlantic Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      A collection of essays challenging conventional theories about underdevelopment in Atlantic Canada and presenting an alternative view of the origins and nature of regional disparity. The authors offer a persuasive and well-documented argument that underdevelopment is a consequence of capitalist development itself.
    224. Une Critique de l'avant-projet de loi des services de garde a l'enfance
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    225. Unemployment and Youth
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A group that dispells myths about youth and unemployment and promotes government cooperation in creating skilled jobs for youth.
    226. Union Woman
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Organized Working Women (OWW) provides resources and information for women in the labour movement.
    227. The Unity of Canada and the Rights of Minorities
      L'Unite du Canada et les droits des minorities

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The Ontario bishops address the question of treatment of the francophone minority in Ontario in the brief.
    228. URANIUM: Correspondence with the Premier
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      This book is a collection of letters between Bill Harding, former director of programme policy of the United Nations Development Program (New York), and the Office of Premier Allan Blakeney, Saskatchewan. Its aim is a critique of the N.D.P. Government's decision for uranium mining.
    229. Urban Core Support Network - An Overview
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      There are people who, for all intents and purposes, are disenfranchised from much of Canadian Society - "people displaced from economic life, from family supports and often from the means of living a tolerable life".
    230. The Urban Question and Organizing
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    231. Urgent Action Network
      Organization profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1979
      Amnesty International is working to establish an Urgent Action Network of Churches, temples and other groups' members who can spare a few minutes of their time to write a letter on behalf of an Urgent Action case.
    232. "U.S. Discovers Soft Energy Salvation" in Probe Post
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Jan Marmorek suggests that the proposal of the American and Canadian governments to use renewable energy sources to supply a percentage of energy demands are feasible and would bring positive effects to the economy in this article in Probe Post.
    233. Valley Views
      Newsletter of the Valley Research Foundation - Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Valley Research Foundation is trying to stop construction of the West Montrose Dam on the Grand River between Elmira and Guelph, Ontario.
    234. Vie Ouvriere
      Le Syndicalisme au Quebec (dossier 131) - Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Published monthly, Vie Ouvriere always focuses on some aspect of the workers' struggle in Quebec.
    235. Viellir Chez Soi
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    236. Violence in the Home
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This study paper with a questionnaire is concerned that people recognize that violence does exist in the home, and that the Church has a role to play in dealing with it. The paper has three sections. The first two deal with violence in the home, and the third looks at the church's response.
    237. Voice of Women/La Voix Des Femmes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      A Calgary group that opposes nuclear energy.
    238. Voices of Discord Canadian Short Stories from the 1930s
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      An anthology of stories reprinted from Canadian periodicals that were an important publishing forum for new authors in the 1930s, it conveys a rich and complex view of Canadian life during the Depression years.
    239. Wages for Housework Campaign Bulletin
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    240. The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism
      The Political Economy of Human Rights: Volume 1

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Chomsky and Herman demonstrate, with devasting logic and overwhelming documentation, that the purpose of U.S. global policy is to make the world safe for exploitation by U.S. corporate interests and that this has required and continues to require the installation and support of brutal military/police dictatorships throught the Third World. It also requires an apologetic ideology which portrays all this as being in the highest interests of democracy and human rights.
    241. We can learn to live free (Clark)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Give the human race a little credit. We can surely learn to live free, neither dominant nor submissive.
    242. West Germany: Censorship and Repression in the Model State
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      In West Germany, repression is now 'democratically' sanctioned and seen as a model for other countries to adopt.
    243. What Bakunin said (Jewell)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Letter quoting Bakunin.
    244. What Is Important?
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979
      It is necessary to demolish the monstrously false idea that the problems that workers see are not important, that there are more important ones which only "theorists" and politicians can speak about.
    245. When do we eat?
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1979
      A locally produced slide-sound show which relates the world food crisis to Saskatchewan. Who controls what happens to world food supplies? and how is food being used as a political weapon? The Rome Food Conference is the focus of the show.
    246. Where is the Alaska Highway Pipeline Taking Us?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This flyer on the Pipeline argues that the proposed project would not only harm the environment and threaten aboriginal rights, it would also mean FEWER jobs, less independence and lower incomes for Canadians.
    247. Which Path for Labour in the Fight for Jobs and an Independent Canadian Economy
      ...Collaboration or a Militant Class-Struggle Fightback?

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This research and position paper is the United Electrical Workers' (U.E.) response to the report of the Second Tier Committee published in mid-July 1978 after meetings between business, corporations heading the industrial sectors and labour representatives from these sectors.
    248. A Widow's Handbook
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    249. Will the Candidate Please Explain
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      This is a set of reflections on the occasion of the current federal election with questions to be addressed to candidates in that election.
    250. Witness to Justice: A Society to be Transformed
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    251. Women and Poverty: A Report by the National Council of Welfare
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    252. Women and Socialism - Accounting for our Experience
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    253. Women and the Christian Faith - A Selected Bibliography and Resource Catalogue
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    254. Women's Concerns Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1979

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
    255. Workers Against the Gulag
      The New Opposition in the Soviet Union

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
    256. Working Teacher
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1979
      Suggestions by Vancouver teachers on how to teach students about South Africa as well as how teachers can affact Canadian political structures by allying with other workers' unions.
    257. Working in a supermarket
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      Observations on working as a carry-out in a supermarket.
    258. Working Towards Appropriate Development - Report of the Second Eastern Ontario Workshop on Rual Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      With the impending termination of their funding the Council on Rural Development Canada put together a second workshop for the people of the Eastern Ontario Planning Region in an attempt to consolidate contributions made by a previous workshop a year earlier.
    259. World Council on Religion for Peace/Canada
      A Report and Statement to the Third Assembly of the World Council on Religion for Peace(WCRP) in Princeton, NJ 1979

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
      The goal of the World Council on Religion for Peace (WCRP) is the promotion of dialogue between the various world faiths with a view to common action for peace.
    260. World Without Trees
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1979
      Lamb says that "there is one thing of which you can be absolutely certain: if things go one as they are, some day the sun will rise on a world without trees. That day is closer than you think."
    261. Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1979
      The film recounts the bombing of Cambodia by the United States in 1970 during the Vietnam War, the subsequent brutality and genocide that occurred when Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge militia took over, the poverty and suffering of the people, and the limited aid since given by the West.
    262. Yes - Questions and Answers on Sovereignty-Association
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1979
    263. You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship 
      The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1979   Published: 1981
      An Australian socialist-libertarian response to terrorism in the aftermath of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing, and a meditation on the inferior logic of terrorist-based politics.


    1. Action Group on Immigration Rights (A.G.I.R.)
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    2. Les 500 Affiches de Mai 68
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    3. Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL)
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    4. L'Alliance, La Voix des Metis et Indians Sans-Statut du Quebec, Vol.4, No.8-9
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    5. The Alliance, Voice of Metis and Non-Status Indians of Quebec, Vol.4, No.8-9
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    6. An Alternate Investment Proposal
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    7. The American Police State
      The Government Against The People

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      How the CIA, FBI, IRS, NSA and other agencies have spied on Americans during seven administrations.
    8. Anarchism vs. Marxism: A few notes on an old theme 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Anarchist critiques of Marxism typically reveal a lack of knowledge of what Karl Marx actually wrote, resulting in sterile denunciations of a straw-man opponent.
    9. L'anarchisme par rapport au marxisme
      Quelques notes sur un vieux thème

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Plus de cent ans après que le mouvement socialiste soit divisé en factions marxistes et anarchistes, il y a des signes, au moins sur une petite échelle, que les gens, s’appellant des anarchistes, des marxistes ou « des socialistes libertaires », trouvent des moyens pour travailler fructueusement ensemble.
    10. Anarchy Comics
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978   Published:
      Anarchist comics published in the 19780s and 1980s.
      There are several issues in the Connexions Archive.
    11. Anarquismo vs. Marxismo
      Algunas notas sobre un tema antiguo

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Un movimiento que desdeña la teoría y adora las acciones sin crítica, el anarquismo sigue siendo un edificio tambaleante consistente de varios pedazos de análisis marxista, reforzando unos preceptos tácticos inflexibles.
    12. Annual Report, 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    13. Anti-Nuke Songs
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1978
      A collection of anti-uranium and anti-nuclear songs.
    14. As If People Mattered - Resource Issues in Labrador
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    15. The Asianadian
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      This issue of the Asianadian examines the situation of Asian women in western society. Includes an article titled "White Male Supremacy and the 'Oriental Doll'"
    16. The Asianadian: An Asian Canadian Magazine
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    17. Bain Avenue controversy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Rent freeze organizers state their case.
    18. Bain Avenue controversy - Ulli Diemer replies
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      There is no dispute about the importance and validity of economic demands, whether in the workplace or in the community. What is under dispute is Wages for Housework's insistence that money is the only thing around which it is permissible to organize.
    19. Bakounine contre Marx
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Je vous propose d’analyser quelques unes des critiques anarchistes les plus courantes contre le marxisme.
    20. Bakunin vs. Marx 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The anarchist-Marxist split started with Bakunin, who systematically misrepresented Marx's positions.
    21. Bakunin vs. Marx
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      El movimiento anarquista que apadrinó ha sido plagado por la misma polaridad, por la tensión entre el liberalismo real en un lado y algunas veces la irresistible atracción del anti-intelectualismo, terrorismo y conspiración en el otro.
    22. La Balacigne, Vol.1, No.3, novembre 1977
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    23. Battered Women: How to Use the Law
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      As stated in the introduction, "This pamphlet gives information on what to do when you are being threatened or beat up by your husband or boyfriend."
    24. B.C. Today
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    25. Bearing the Burden Sharing the Benefits
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    26. Between Labor and Capital
      The Professional/Managerial Class

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Essays on those between the working class and the capitalist class: technicians, managers, administrators, professionals, service workers, sicentists.
    27. Between The Lines Publishing House
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    28. Beyond the Abdication of Power
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Presents an argument against the views expressed by Kokopeli and Lakey in Leadership For Change. Raises thought provoking issues it raises and demonstrates situations and assumptions under which consensus is not appropriate.
    29. The Body Politic
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      The Body Politic - a magazine for gay liberation is aimed at the building of a gay movement and spreading gay consciousness. The paper features social and political issues representing the struggle of gay men and lesbians for basic human rights and dignity.
    30. Bookchin on Technology
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Murray Bookchin's arguments for a liberatory technology.
    31. Bread and Roses Credit Union
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    32. Brick Lane 1978
      The Events and Their Significance

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Booklet about the events in Brick Lane, in London's East End, in 1978, where Bengali youths and anti-racists clashed with the National Front, amid a surge in racist violence.
    33. A Brief Look at Public Alternative Schools in Ontario
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    34. Brief Presented to the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    35. A Brief Presented to the Commission of Inquiry on Redundancies and Lay-Offs
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A brief regarding management's power to lay off employees with little warning.
    36. Brief to Federal Cabinet
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    37. Brief to the National Unity Task Force
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    38. Brief to the Select Committee on Renewable Resources, New Brunswick Legislature
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    39. Briefs to the People's Commission on Unemployment
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This brief discusses the consequences and the questions which arise when a foreign based multinational company decided to close down its operation either because the resource is depleted or the company decided that it is no longer economically profitable to its shareholders to continue its operation.
    40. Broken Spirit
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    41. Bulletin de liaison, Vol.1, No.1
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    42. Calgary Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    43. Can the NDP be Socialist?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Simon Rosenblum argues that the left should work to transform the NDP, not ignore it.
    44. Canada As a Conserver Society: An Agenda for Action
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    45. Canada and Strategic Nuclear Weapons Systems
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    46. Canada's New Immigraion Act
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      See also: CX905.
    47. Canada's New Immigration Act: A Guide and Critical Commentary
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    48. Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility - Publications - 1978
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    49. Canadian Crossroads International
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    50. Canadian Crossroads International Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      A variety of articles regarding underdeveloped areas of Canada.
    51. The Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    52. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 3, Number 1 - February 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    53. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 3, Number 2 - April 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    54. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 3, Number 3 - June 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    55. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 3, Number 4 - August 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    56. Canadian Information Sharing Service Index
      May 1977 - December 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Index to Volume 2 (Numbers 1 - 5, May 1977 - December 1977) of Canadian Information Sharing Service.
    57. Canadian Policy Towards Southern Africa
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    58. Canadian Renewable Energy News
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    59. The Canadian Teachers' Federation
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    60. Canadian Textile Trade and Hong Kong
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This article was put together through collecting information from back issues of Asia Monitor. It analyzes the effect abroad of Canada's unanticipated, unilateral decision to fix import quotas in the textile and clothing industry, drastically cutting back the '76-'78 levels to those of 1975.
    61. Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Ontario Region, Bulletin
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Two statements by CUPW President, Jean-Claude Parrot, after raids, injunctions and criminal charges following the Postal Strike in October.
    62. Canadians For the Protection of Religious Liberty
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    63. CANTDU
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    64. Cargill Inc.: Making Profit From Hunger
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    65. Catalogue of Resources - Social and Political Action Section - 1978-80
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    66. C'est a Nous de Decider
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      See also CX1099.
    67. C'est a Nous De Decider
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      See also CX864.
    68. Cheap Clothing - At Whose Expense?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    69. The Christian Farmer
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      This issue of their publication expresses a real concern with good stewardship in farming as affected by production quotas. Four article deal specifically with production quotas and their effect on family farming and small farms.
    70. Christians, Church and People Called the Poor...
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    71. Circuit Writer
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    72. Citizen's Guide to City Government in Toronto
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    73. Le Citoyen -Journal du Rassemblement du Citoyens de Montreal-St Louis
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    74. City Farmer
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Based on the observation that hundreds of urban people, legally and illegally, are producing their own food, City Farmer is an alternative Vancouver newspaper concerned with all aspects of such urban agriculture.
    75. CJL Research Project on Canadian Social Policy
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    76. Class Struggle
      Resource Type: Unclassified
      First Published: 1978
      A board game created by Bertell Ollman.
    77. Clearlake Collective
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    78. Co-operative Co-ownership Corporations: Legislative Proposals
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This bound set of notes embodies the discussion paper used in a Symposium held on November 16 - 17, 1978 in Edmonton.
    79. The Coady - Tomkins Experience: The Relevance of the Antigonish Movement Today
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    80. Coalition Fights the Fighter Planes and Ploughshares Asks for 4 Million Peace Fund
      Grindstone Notes

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      These two articles appeared in a special issue of Grindstone Notes on the 1978 Summer Conferences held on Grindstone Island. This island is owned and operated as a conference centre for groups in peace, justice and development by the Grindstone Coop. Ltd., a non-profit educational coop.
    81. Cobequid Shore Opportunities Project
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    82. Comment: The Rise and the Fall of the Isolated Communities Advisory Board
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Seven Northern Alberta communities formed an organization in the early 1970's to take action to protect their rights to their land, which had not been included in any treaties, and their traditional lifestyle.
    83. Commentaires concernant la protection de la matermite a l'occasion de la
      publication du projet d'ordonnance sur les conges de maternite

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    84. La Commission de l'Emploi et de l'Immigration reclame jusqu'a 6 semaines
      de prestations a 6000 chomeurs quebecois et COMUNIQUE

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    85. The Commitee for the Defence of Democratic Rights
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    86. Committee Against Nuclear Pollution in the Phillipines
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      This coalition has been initiated by the International Association of Filipino Patriots to prevent the sale of Canadian uranium for the defective Westinghouse nuclear reactor in the Philippines.
    87. Committee For Original Peoples' Entitlement (COPE)
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    88. The Committee for the Defense of Democratic Rights
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A Law Union pamphlet regarding the legality of national security measures.
    89. Communists on Wall Street
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Eurocommunism in practice.
    90. Community Development Corporations: An Information Kit
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    91. Community Land Trust
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    92. A Community Ministry Theological Statement
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    93. A Community Release Centre for Whitehorse
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    94. Comprendre l'Assurance chomage
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    95. Connections Vol. 1, No.1
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      This is the first issue of a newsletter intended for member of the Learner Centre in Edmonton.
    96. Connexions
      Volume 3, Number 5 - September 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    97. Connexions
      Volume 3, Number 6 - December 1978 - Unemployment/Chomage

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    98. The Conspiracy or How the Transnationals Do It
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    99. Converse
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    100. Convicted but not Convinced
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    101. Council for Yukon Indians
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    102. Creating Knowledge: Breaking the Monoply
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    103. Creeping contradictions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      News tidbits.
    104. Crime
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    105. Crime, Prison and Alternatives
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    106. Criminal Justiice
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    107. Cross-Cultural Learner Centre
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    108. Crystal Eastman on Women and Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    109. Decennial Revision of the Bank Act
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A request to revise the Bank Act in regards to loans made to repressive government by private banks.
    110. Democracy loses out
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The people can say what they want, they can vote how they want, but the bureaucrats make the decisions.
    111. Dene Learning For Self-Determination and The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry: (1974-1977), Working Paper #2
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    112. Dene Nation: Apartheid?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    113. Dependency by Design
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1978
    114. Le Desport, Vol.1 No.1
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    115. Detecting Prejudice
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This handbook was designed by teachers and students for use at the senior elementary and junior secondary level.
    116. Development and Canada's Last Frontiers
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This publication is in the form of a brief review of the exploitation by whites of the lands occupied by the Indians and Inuit.
    117. Development Education Centre-1978-79 Catalogue
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    118. Development Education School Programme
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    119. Dick and Jane Get Unemployed
      Resource Type: Photo/Image/Poster
      First Published: 1978
      "Dick and Jane Get Unemployed" is a cartoon sketch of the present unemployment situation aimed at increasing public awareness of factors affecting and underlying the present high rate of unemployment.
    120. Dignity
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    121. Documents From the Bain Ave. Rent Freeze
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978
    122. Dollar Per Woman Campaign
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      The women's fund Raising Coalition is sponsoring this short-term project to raise $100,000. The goal is to provide an emergency fund for specialized women's projects in Toronto that run into money problems.
    123. E=MC2 Disaster?/Citizens Bill of Rights and Consumer's Guide to Nuclear Power
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    124. Earthcare Newsletter One
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    125. Economic Report: 36th U.E. Convention
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    126. Ecumenical Consultation on Christian Education in Quebec Schools
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    127. Edmonton COmmunity - First Draft
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This is a brief statement of the "position" of a community of 9-13 people, including two married couples and a priest, which emerged out of the animation of a Scarboro priest about two or three years ago.
    128. Edmonton Cross-Cultural Learner Centre
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    129. L'Eglise dans un Quebec en mutation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    130. The Eithics of the Use of Recently Developed Mind/Behaviour Control Mechanisms By and On Convicted Criminals
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    131. Electronic Ethics
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    132. The End of Dialectical Materialism: An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978
      An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists.
    133. Energy and Employment Alternatives
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    134. Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    135. Estimating Lung Cancers: Or Its Perfectly Safe, But Don't Breathe Too Deeply
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    136. Everything You Wanted to Know About Nuclear Power
      (but were afraid to find out)

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    137. Everything you wanted to know about sects but were afraid to ask
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      We would rather fight for what we want (even if we don#t get it in our lifetime) than fight for what we don't want ... and get it.
    138. Explore Co-opertives and Credit Unions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    139. Face a la Justice
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    140. Facts
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This newsletter is designed to inform persons of the involvements and activities of the Canadian Union of public Employees (CUPE)
    141. Fair Deal For Public Employees
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Canadian Labour Congress has published this booklet in conjunction with nine major unions including the Transit Workers, Railway Workers, Postal Workers and Letter Carriers, C.U.P.E. and the Public Service Alliance.
    142. Feux Verts en merge et debout
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    143. A few decide where we live
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      We have to abolish a system whereby a tiny handful with a lot of money can decide how thousands of other people are going to live, how thin their walls are going to be, how much sunshine they'll be able to get, where their children will play.
    144. The Fifth Modernization
      China's Spirit of Democracy

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Wei Jingsheng, a 28-year-old electrician, posted this on the “Democracy Wall” in Beijing in 1978.
    145. First All Tribal Council/Groups & Indian Organizations Meeting
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A collection of documents relevant to the First All Tribal Councils/Groups & Indian Organizations Meeting in British Columbia (October 27-29, 1978) has been complied in one booklet.
    146. Flaws in the Pattern:
      Human Rights in Literature

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    147. Flying Together: The GATT-Fly Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      A newsletter focusing on the issue of national security and its effects on society as a whole.
    148. Food for People
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    149. For Generations Yet Unborn
      Ontario Resources North of 50

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    150. Free Southern Africa Committees
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    151. Friends of the Earth - Canada
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    152. The Frog and The Pond
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1978
    153. From a Different Perspective: A Radio Programme of News, Views and Interviews.
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1978
    154. Frontier College
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    155. Future History
      A Resource Journal for Men Against Sexism

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    156. Future of Montreal and the MCM
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    157. Gai(e)s du Quebec
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    158. Global Village? Global Pillage: Irish Moss from P.E.I. in the World Market
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    159. Go to the People...Some THoughts on Surveying Community Needs
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    160. Good Day Care
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    161. Great Spirit and Dene Nation - God's Covenant and Indian Treaties
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    162. The Great War and Canadian Society
      An Oral History

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Recollections of Canadian men and women who lived thorugh the First World War and recall life in the trenches and on the homefront.
    163. The Grim Reaping
      Patterns of Racism in the Prairie Region

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The text of an address given originally at the institute for Christian Life in Canada. It discusses the ways in which racism is embedded in the politcal economy of the Canadian praries.
    164. A Guide to Co-op Alternatives
      Diverting Profits from the Banks, Food Middlemen, the Landlords

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978
      This extensive guide to cooperative alternatives in the city of Toronto provides information about cooperative and collective ventures in areas such as education, housing, food, work and finance.
    165. Hamilton Committee of/for the Unemployed
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      A committee that has been established in order to organize problems of isolation, depression, insulting and degrading treatment by government officials and bureaucratic red tape encountered at Welfare Manpower and Unemployment Insurance offices.
    166. The Harrowsmith Reader
      An Anthology from Canada's National Award Winning Magazine of Country Life and Alternatives to Bigness

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Articles on land, country careers, shelter, gardening, husbandry, food, trees, and rural life.
    167. Health and Medicine - Are They Synonymous?
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    168. Hitler's Propaganda Machine
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    169. How to Get What's Yours
      A Guide to Unemployment Insurance for Housewives and Other Workers

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978
      This pamphlet is produced to help candidates for unemployment insureance to understand their rights, procedures for filing claims and possible hassles to be encountered when trying to claim unemployment insurance.
    170. The Human Future Revisited
      The World Predicament and Possible Solutions

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    171. Human Rights and Economic Policy ( Draft II)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    172. Human Rights Education: Resource Booklet
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    173. Human Rights in Canada: A Focus on Racism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    174. I Stand Before You as a Proud Man - I Feel No Guilt
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    175. If You're Brown Turn Around
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1978
    176. An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour 1800-1945
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    177. IMMI-CAN
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      This Toronto project was initiated in 1976 to respond to the need for jobs, education and cultural development for youth in downtown low income areas.
    178. Immigrant Women's Resources Project
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    179. The Immigrant Worker
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    180. In Struggle! Canadian Marxist-Leninist Group
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    181. Indian Women and the Law in Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This report examines section 12 (1) (b) of the Indian Act.
    182. Industry and Labour
      Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    183. An Injury to One Is An Injury to All: The History of Trade Unionism in South Africa
      The History of Trade Unionism in South Africa

      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    184. An Injury to One is an Injury to All: THe History of Trade Unionism In South Africa
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1978
    185. Inside OXFAM: OXFAM in the mid-seventies
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    186. Institut de Recherche Applicquee sur la Travail
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    187. Institute for: Christian Life in Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      The various essays in the book "The Institue for: Christian Life in Canada" raise many social issues and problems that are found in the four major regions of Canada. The political and economic structures of our nation often create marginalization as the inability to get out of structured oppressive situations, and it is argued that this has been forced on the peoples of the Atlantic region.
    188. Inter-Church Energy Committee
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    189. International Human Rights
      A Selected Bibiliography

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Human Rights resources directory. Each category inthis directory contains a brief introductory description and is followed by Bibliographic listing with no critical commentary. Topics include such areas as "Basic Issues", "Genocide Convention," "United N
    190. International IDOC Bulletin: Lifestyles
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      IDOC was established, originally in Rome, during the Second Vatican Council as a documentation service supporting recognition for Church concern about social, economic and political movements throughout the world.
    191. International Year of the Child Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      This newsletter is intended to network information, concerns, and actions related to International Year of the Child (IYC).
    192. Introduction to 'Anti-Bolshevik Communism' 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The international socialist movement must of course be an anti-imperialist movement. But it has to actualise its anti-imperialism through the destruction of the capitalist system in the advanced countries. Were this accomplished, anti-imperialism would become meaningless and the social struggles in the underdeveloped part of the world would focus on internal class differences.
    193. Introduction to this issue (#3)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    194. Inuit Hunungar - The People's Land
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    195. Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      According to this report, whose substance was repeated in a number of addresses to Canadian Clubs in Western Canada, the Inuit negotiations for a land claims settlement are not, in their eyes, merely a negotiation for a cash payment and reduced land ownership in exchange for the extinguishing of aboriginal rights.
    196. The Iranian Revolution and the Role of the Proletariat (Theses)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    197. Is Space Research Corporation (Quebec) Inc. Using Barbados to Trans-Ship Arms to Southern Africa?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    198. Issue 17: The Injustice of it All
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    199. Issue 18: Unemployment
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    200. It's More Than A Matter of Saving A Buck Isn't It?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    201. John Howard Society of Quebec, Quarterly Journal
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    202. Journal l'environnement, Journal de la Societe pour vaincre la Pollution, Vol.4, No.6
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    203. Judicial Inquiry Demanded
      Into Uranium Mining in B.C.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A breif that calls for an immediate moratorium on uranium exploration and the establishment of a full public judicial inquiry to ensure a fair and thorough examination of all relevant questions. It also asks for public preliminary hearings in which public interest groups would be permitted to participate.
    204. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution 
      Volume II: The Politics of Social Classes

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Draper ranges through the development of the thought of Marx and Engels on the role of classes in society.
    205. Kinesis
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      See also CX132, CX861, CX2562, CX2439, CX2758.
    206. Kinesis
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      See also CX132, CX633, CX2562, CX2439, CX2758.
    207. Labour
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    208. Labrador: Land Claims Run Aground
      Atlantic Issues, Vol. 3, No. 1

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Indians of Labrador have been pressing land claims as have Native people in other parts of Canada.
    209. Land Study Committee Report
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    210. Law Union News
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A report on the activities of the Law Union, a group of socialist and progressive lawyers, law students and legal workers.
    211. LAWG Letter
      Vol.V, No.6. Food Aid: Blessed Are the Givers

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      An article that critically analyses the reasons for the admitted failure of the Canadian International Development Agency's quarter of a billion annual food aid program in the Third World while hunger continues to grow. The reason suggested for both is the same, namely, that it "blesses the giver far more than the receiver."
    212. LAWG Letter: Guatemala, Vol.5, No. 1.
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    213. Leadership for Change
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Traditional, "patriarchal" leadership is compared to "feminist" or shared leadership in groups. Tactics for changing leadership syle are described.
    214. The Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund: A Resource for Women Fighting Child Custody Cases
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      This fund is a project of "Wages Due Lesbians", a gay women's group active in the International Wages for Housework campaign. It will provide gay women with legal advice and help them to keep or win custody of their children.
    215. Letter to the Editor of Canadian Dimension
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      PAYDAY is a group of people struggling to get recognition in our society for work now unrecognized by the capitalist system, They believe housework, looking for a job, and raising children are, in themselves, wage-deserving enterprises.
    216. Letter to the Joint Clerks of the Special Joint Committee on the Constitution of Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Letter to the Joint Clerks of the Special Joint Committee on the Constitution of Canada is an official response of the United Native Nations to Bill C-60, the Act to amend the Canadian Constitution.
    217. Letters (Issue #3)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Comments on Wages for Housework, libertarian socialism, workplace articles, etc.
    218. List of Canadian Firms in Southern Africa
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    219. Luttons pour des comptoirs de luttes de classes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    220. Mailing List of Individuals Interested in Diversion Process
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    221. Main Currents of Marxism
      Volume 1: The Founders

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Kolakowski gives his interpretation of the origins of Marxism, and analyses the development of Marx's thought and its divergence from other forms of socialism.
    222. Main Currents of Marxism
      Volume 2: The Golden Age

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Kolakowski examines the theories of the leading Marxists, and the controversies between them, in the era of the Second International.
    223. Main Currents of Marxism
      Volume 3: The Breakdown

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Kolakowski examines the origins and development of Stalinism, as well as the contributions of Trotsky, Gramsci, Lukacs, Marcuse, and others, and traces developments in Marxism it period after the Second World War.
    224. The Main Street Group for Cooperative Development
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    225. Major confrontation looms over rent controls removal
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Support for an end to rent controls is growing among government officials who say that apartments aren't being built because developers no longer find it profitable enough. Critics of this line of thinking agree that apartment construction isn't keeping up with demand, but argue that rent controls are not the cause. They point to similar apartment shortages in cities without rent controls, and note that the construction slowdown began before the controls were introduced.
    226. The Mandate of Heaven
      Marx and Mao in Modern China

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      China’s transformation from a poor country devastated by war into a major world power is a modern legend. But how did this change come about? What are the real living conditions of the peasants and workers? Why, when apparently united in their beliefs, are Russia and China enemies? And why, if Mao is right, must Marx be wrong? Using publications from the People’s Republic and his own extensive research, Nigel Harris has written a serious critique of the history, aims and actions of the communist Party in China.
    227. Manitoba Indian Agricultural Program
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    228. Manual For The Jobless Worker
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A manual that describes the rights of unemployed and the unemployment insurance process.
    229. Marxism and the Party
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Molyneux examines the views of Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky, and Gramsci on the question of party organisation. He takes as his central theme their concern with the relationship between the party and the working class.
    230. Marxism: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Until now the history of revolutionary Marxism has been the history of its defeats, which include the apparent successes that culminated in the emergence of state-capitalist systems. It is clear that early Marxism not only underestimated the resiliency of capitalism, but in doing so also overestimated the power of Marxian ideology to affect the consciousness of the proletariat. The process of historical change, even if speeded up by the dynamics of capitalism, is exceedingly slow, particularly when measured against the lifespan of an individual. But the history of failure is also one of illusions shed and experience gained, if not for the individual, at least for the class. There is no reason to assume that the proletariat cannot learn from experience.
    231. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    232. Mental Patients and the Law
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1978
    233. Metro Co-op Community
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      The Metro Co-op Community is "a group of individuals in the Toronto area interested in promoting wider use and understanding of their democratic organizations - co-operatives, credit unions, worker collectives, and community based organizations."
    234. Military Ethics in Society
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This paper is part of a kit on "militarism" which is to be published soon by Project Ploughshares. It begins by outlining the traditional role of the military, namely, that of defending society against outside aggression. The paper then refers to a new source of socialism. Accordingly, much of the opposition to those in power is seen to come from subversive elements.
    235. Mission and Ministry Workbook: Metropolitan Core
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This workbook is being used by the Task Group on The Church in the Metropolitan core as part of a process to develop a policy statement on Urban Mission for the 1980 Council of The United Church in Canada.
    236. Monchanin Journal: Political Self-Determination of Native Peoples
      Special Issue - Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      The Monchanin Cross-Cultural Centre seeks an understanding of life in the perspective of all cultures coming together: African, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian.
    237. More than one way to strike
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Rather than simply walk away from their vehicles, drivers could keep driving, but refuse to collect fares. This puts pressure on the employer without inconveniencing riders.
    238. Mounting Repression: Its Meaning and Importance for Quebec and Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    239. Mouvement Action Chomage
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    240. Mouvement pour l'agriculture biologique au Quebec
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    241. Multiphasic Bureaucratic Follow the Leader Exam
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    242. Des Mythes Sportifs
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    243. Namibia Kit
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    244. National Anti-Poverty Organization
      Dcouments produced by NAPO in 1977-1978.

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Abstracts of three documents produced by the National-Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) in 1977-1978.
    245. National Movement for Full Employment
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      A national call to create a national movement for full employment.
    246. The Native Inmate in Ontario -- A Preliminary Survey
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The above study was conducted jointly by the Ontario Native Council on Justice, together with the Planning and Research Branch of the Ministry of Correctional Services in Ontario.
    247. Native Organizations in Manitoba
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    248. Natotawin
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    249. Neeginan: A Report on the Feasability Study
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    250. Nelson Small Legs Jr. Foundation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A foundation set up to help native ex-offenders to integrate into society.
    251. New Age Politics: Healing Self and Society
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    252. New Internationalist
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    253. New Roots Community Land Trust
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    254. NeWest ReView
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    255. Newfoundland Association for Full Employment
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      One of several groups across Canada recently organized to protest government and business policies which have created and support the current unemployment crisis.
    256. Newsletter
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A newsletter about how unemployment insurance overpayments and "cheating" are handled in Nova Scotia.
    257. Newsletter, Farmland Defence League of B.B., Vol.1, Issue !
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    258. News/Notes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      One article examines the rapid moves made by the Saskatchewan government to push forward on the nuclear path. As the public becomes more informed of the dangers created by nuclear energy and the motivation of 'economic benefits' as opposed to abundant, clean, safe power; opposition is rising from many sectors.
    259. Nexus
      A magazine of land, corporate and community affairs

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978   Published:
      Focusing on the financial, development, and real estate industries in the urban arena, primarily in Toronto. Published in the 1970s. Some copies are available in the Connexions Archive.
    260. NEXUS, Vol. 2, No.1
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    261. The 1978 Seminar on Education Finance: Financial Implications of Declining Enrolment
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      In his opening address, Professor Brock Rideout identifies the real problem facing educational finance today as "the crisis in the economic climate and the change in public policy with respect to education," rather than declining enrolment.
    262. 1978 Annual Report of San Juan River Salmon Enhancement Program
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    263. 1978 Directory of International Communities, Cooperatives, Collectives and Communes
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    264. No Fixed Address
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    265. No Rights - No Candu in Argentina
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    266. No Well - The Canborough (Ontario) Success Story
      Or - How to Wage an Environmental Campaign

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    267. North End Diversion and Neighborhod Justice Project
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    268. Northern British Columbia Women's Task Force Report on Single Industry Resource Communities
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    269. Notes of the Atlantic Workshop on Single Displaced Persons
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This workshop was held in Halifax on September 6, 7, 8, 1978, and attended by fifteen people from five Atlantic province cities. The goal of the event was to enable the participants to "share their perception of the situation, problems and attempted strategies with respect to single displaced or marginal persons in the various Atlantic cities."
    270. Notes on the Diagnostic Process Review of November 22,29 and Dec. 6, 1977.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    271. Nova Scotia Labour Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    272. Nova Scotia Labour Research and Support Centre - Newsletter
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    273. Now, if only the law was applied equally
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      There is a double standard for you - postal workers are threatened when they refuse to obey the law, policemen are threatened when they refuse to break it.
    274. Now that we've burned our boats....
      The Report of the People's Commission on Unemployment

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978
    275. Now that we've burned our boats...
      The Report of the People's Commission on Unemployment, Newdoundland and Labrador

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This report analyzes unemployment in the context of the political and economic history of the Newfoundland and Labrador.
    276. Nuclear Dragons Attack
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    277. Nuclear Newsletter, Vol.2, No.15.
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Nuclear Newsletter addresses itself to people concerned about nuclear development in Saskatchewan.
    278. Nuclear Power And P.E.I.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    279. Nuclear Reaction Nucleaire
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    280. Nuclear Wastes - What, Me Worry?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    281. Obscenity exposed
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The police definition of 'obscenity' gets right to the crux of the question.
    282. Official Report on the International NGO Conference on Discrimination
      Against Indigenous Populations - 1977 - In The Americas.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    283. Old North End Community Housing Limited
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    284. On Women and Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      A collection of the writings of the fmeinist and socialist Crystal Eastman (1881-1928).
    285. One Body: Human Rights, A Global Struggle
      Issue 19-20

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      This is a special, double-sized "Issue" which examines a broad spectrum of violations of human rights during the past couple of years (U.S.A., Europe, Asia, Latin America, U.S.S.R.). These concerns are linked to a reflection on root causes of the violations and on attempts by Canadian organizations to respond (Amnesty International, Operation Liberty, Canadian Labour Congress). As usual, extensive suggestions for group study/actions are included.
    286. An ongoing debate
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Red Menace is meant to be a forum of dissenting views withing the broadly defined boundaries of libertarian socialism.
    287. An Open Letter to Latin Americans
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    288. Operation Freedom
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A tabloid designed to inform the public about the growing national measures in Canada
    289. Operation Liberte
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    290. Operation Liberte Becomes a Permanent Coalition and Letter
      from Provisional Organizing Committee for Operation Liberte

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    291. Operation Liberte Builds Support
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    292. Opposing Censorship
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      According to Ulli Diemer, it is dangerous to think that liberation - in this case, sexual liberation - can be promoted by repressive legislation and censorship.
    293. The Origins of Left Culture in the U.S.: 1880-1940
      Issue 6-7 of Cultural Correspondence and Issue #6 of Green Mountain Irregulars

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978
      A selection of materials from the early years of radical popular culture in the United States, showing how different peoples, over several generations, sought to create out of their own resources a better, more co-operative society.
    294. Our Right to Love
      A Lesbian Resource Book

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Includes over 40 articles and personal testimonies. Lists of reference materials on topics such as where to meet lesbians, how to start an organization, etc. Following each essay sectional is an appendix containing a bibliography and a national lesbian r
    295. Out of School -- Into the Labour Force
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A report on the trends involving newly graduated people seeking jobs in Canada.
    296. Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Anton Pannekoek and Herman Gorter were leading spokespersons for 'council communism.' They argued for the primacy of workers' own organizations, defending their importance agains the parliamentarists and Bolsheviks who saw in the party the nub of working-class organization, and against the anarchists who saw anathema in all organization. This volume contains represenative texts by Pannekoek and Goter, with an introduction by the editor.
    297. Participatory Research Project
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    298. Past Contributors on Unemployment 1976 - 1978
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A list of organizations abstracted in past issues of Connexions from 1976 through 1978.
    299. Patients' Rights
      Resource Type: Photo/Image/Poster
      First Published: 1978
    300. The People's Food Commission, Press Release
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    301. Petition for the Total Economic Isolation of South Africa
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    302. Petition for the Withdrawl of U.S. Bases From the Philippines
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    303. Planning for Agriculture
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This brief was presented to the Ontario Municipal Board to express some concerns of the Christian Farmers Federation (CFF) about the direction of agricultural planning in the Niagara Region of Ontario.
    304. Ploughshares Monitor
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    305. Plow-Share
      Periodical profile published 1978 (June)

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    306. Pluri-elles (Vol.1, No.2): Bulletin de liaison des groupes autonomes de femmes
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    307. Policy Recommendations on the Abortion Issue
      Response of Metropolitan Toronto YWCA to the Report of the Committee on the Operation of the Abortion Law (Bagley Report)

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    308. The Politics of Urban Liberation
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      A broad-ranging study which covers the political economy of the urban question and the importance of the city in the history of social revolution. Schechter's evaluation of libertarian insurgency highlights the importance of movements from below dealing with housing, transportation and other issues of daily life.
    309. Politics and Pensioners Concerned
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A report by the Canadian Pensioners Concerned about the possibility that tax-exempt charitable organizations could lose this status if they become involved in the political process.
    310. The Populist Moment: A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Goodwyn explores the agrarian revolt and the nature of democratic movements.
    311. Position Paper of Moratorium Committee on Prison Construction
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    312. Position Paper on Rural Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      In the above paper submitted to the Canadian Council on Rural Development, the National Farmers Union (NFU) encourages the CCRD to continue to press for federal policies which develop a publicly planned economy in Canada and which include all sectors in a definite development plan.
    313. Pour une Ville Nouvelle, Journal du monde a bicyclette
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    314. Poverty in Canada - A Christian Perspective
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      The book is an editorial revision of the final report of the Anglican Church Task Force on the economy presented to the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada in July 1977. Its purpose was to attempt an adequate diagnosis of the causes of poverty in Canada and to provide a comprehensive review of the possibilities available to us for the elimination of poverty and social injustice in Canada.
    315. Poverty in the 80's
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    316. Poverty: A Study/Action Guide
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      "Poverty" is a workbook designed for small groups interested in becoming more informed and involved in the struggle of the economically poor to dig their way out. It tries to put a common face on poverty through examples as well as present the Christian case for concern.
    317. Power & Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978   Published: 1979
      Between 11 and 13 November 1977 the Italian formation Il Manifesto, organized a conference in Venice on the topic 'Power and Opposition in Post-Revolutionary Societies'. Present were prominent West European Marxist intellectuals and trade unionists, and key socialist oppositionists to the regimes in Eastern Europe and the USSR. This book records their speeches at what must be one of the broadest based conferences ever held on such a topic.
    318. The Powers That Be
      Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Best known for his Who Rules America? (1967), Domhoff here turns his attention from "who" to "how."
    319. Prairie Woman
      Volume 2, Number 6 July/August 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      A newsletter of Saskatoon Women's Liberation.
    320. Prairitopian
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    322. Presentation by Noel V. Starblanket
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    323. Presentation to a Select Committee of the Ontario Legislature
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    324. Presentation to Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    325. Presentation to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of Ontario
      and the Ministry of Community and Social Services of Ontario

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The central concern of this brief is the discriminatory nature of the Ontario Student Grants Program (OSGP), against most female students.
    326. Press Release: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A report on United Electrics concern with the use of SIN numbers on identification tags at the General Electric plant in Peterborough, Ontario.
    327. Primer on a Society to Be Transformed
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
      This audiovisual is an educational tool to be used in conjunction with the primer on social justice prepared by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
    328. A Primer on Social Justice
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      The 1977 annual statement of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
    329. Prisoners' Rights Group
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    330. Privacy Journal
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      A monthly newsletter that is, "...filled with American and Canadian news about the confidentiality of personal information." It describes, "...record-keeping in government and business, new invasions of privacy, new legislation, and (alerts) citizens to ways they can protect their personal privacy."
    331. Pro-Life News/Canada
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    332. The Probe Post
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    333. The Problem Exists in the Classroom Because it Exists in the World
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    334. Proceedings of the 1977 Conference of the Institute for Christian Life in Canada (August 21-26, 1977)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    335. A Program Of Action for the Labour Movement
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    336. Programme du Centre de Pastorale en Milieu Ouvrier 1977-78
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    337. Proposition d'Ecole Plate-forme revendicatrive pour une ecole de masse a batir maintenant
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    338. Quaker Committee for Native Concerns Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      As expressed in a letter from editor Lyn Anderson the purpose of QCNC is " show that we care for the concerns native people have, for a lifestyle that is more human for all of us, and for the preservation of the natural environment which sustains us all."
    339. Quand le coeur et la tete sont en affaire
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    340. Radiation, X Rays and Fallout
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    341. Radio Alice: Radio in Action in Italy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Radio in action in Italy.
    342. Rape
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    343. Rapport Annuel 1977-78
      avec le rapport sur la colloque Police et Liberte

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    344. RCMP - The Real Subversives
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      A critique of the motives and actions of the RCMP.
    345. Reactions a l'ordonnance sur les conges maternite
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    346. Red Herring Cooperative Books
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    347. Red Menace #3
      Volume 2, Number 2 - Spring 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
    348. Reflections and Meditations Thirty Years After
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      I.F. Stone's reflections on Israel thirty years after writing his first-hand account "Underground to Palestine'.
    349. Reflexions sur le role de l'Etat et de la Police Series: On Vous a a l'Oeil
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    350. The Refundable Child Tax Credit:
      What it it works

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This report outlines what may be the federal government's most far reaching restructuring of its programmes of financial support for families with children. The Refundable Child Tax Credit Programme is designed to offer full benefits to the poor - those who are most in need. presently, families with incomes below the poverty line are excluded from the benefits of tax cuts simply because they are too poor to pay income tax.
    351. Release To Those In Prison
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    352. Renewable Energy Publications Ltd.
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    353. Report - Canadian Enquiry into Human Rights in Chile
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    354. Report of Canadian Assembly on Disarmament
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    355. Report of Church Persons' Seminar
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This report contains the Seminar's recommendations with respect to civil and political rights, refugee and immigrant rights, rights of women, rights of self-determination, rights of workers, unemployment and farmers in Canada.
    356. Report of Question Period of Annual Shareholder Meeting of Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    357. Report of the Work Group on Civil and Political Rights: Church Persons' Seminar
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A church seminar that asks whether or not Canadians are at risk of losing their civil liberties.
    358. Report on Conference on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    359. Report on Skid Row
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    360. Report on the Potential of Consumer Animation for Energy Conservation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    361. Repression in the Advanced Capitalist Countries
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    362. Responses to "People in Action"
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    363. Le Retour a la Vie
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1978
    364. The Rev. Keith Whitney: Interviewed by Nancy Edwards in Toronto
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    365. The Right to Food First
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A look at the structures that support world food trade and prevent even distribution of food worldwide.
    366. Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area, Issue No. 35
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    367. RIKKA
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      A magazine dealing with historical, cultural and human rights issues within and beyond the Janpanese-Canadian community.
    368. The Romance of American Communism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      Using USA Communist Party members' personal experiences, Gornick examines the attraction of the party and its philosophy.
    369. Rooming House Tenant Project, Toronto Christian Resource Centre
      Progress Report: January 1, 1977-January 30, 1978.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    370. Root & Branch: A Libertarian Marxist Journal, #7
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Articles on the class situation in Spain, authority and democracy in the United States, Marxism and Anarchism.
    371. Rosa Luxemburg in Retrospect
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Mattick reconsiders the legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, particularly her critique of Bolshevism and her economic theory.
    372. Rossing Uranium Limited: Fact Sheet on Rio Tinto-Zinc, Rio Algom, Nuclear Power and Namibian Uranium
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    373. Russia in Revolution 1900-1930
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      A portrait of thirty years of political and artistic upheaval.
    374. Saskatchewan Coalition Against Nuclear Development and the Greenwich Meridian Publications 1975-78
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    375. Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A paper on government spending, wealth distribution, inflation and a variety of other related topics.
    376. Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, CLC Brief to the Federal Cabinet
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    377. Saskatchewan Labour Information Project
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      The Saskatchewan Labour Information Project (SLIP) is a one-year venture sponsored by the Sask. Federation of Labour, CUSO, OXFAM, and various development agencies. The project provides Saskatchewan unions, labour councils, and area coordinating committees with education programmes on the nature and causes of underdevelopment and the working and living conditions of people in the Third World.
    378. Say "No" to Uranium Mining
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This statement, endoresed by thirty-seven anti-nuclear and public interest groups in Saskatchewan, outlines the dangerous effects of the expasion of the uranium industry in Saskatchewan and calls for an immediate halt to the opening of new mines.
    379. Seven News: Principles & Purposes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Statement of principles of Seven News, a community newspaper.
    380. Should Uranium Stay in the Ground?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    381. The Single Parent News
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    382. The Social Organization of Family Violence
      An Ethnography of Immigrant Experience in Vancouver

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This study examines the social organization of wife battering among immigrant families in Vancouver. The focus is immigrant women's experience of being battered, and how this experience is located within the Canadian social and economic context.
    383. La Social-Democracie et les militants chretiens; texte-outil no. 6
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      This study is prepared for militant christens engaged in the Quebec worker movement. It provides a history of social democracy in Europe through the early part of this century tracing the three stages of its rejection by marxists as a form of revisionism. The study continues with an analysis of the political history of militant Christians in Quebec from 1960 to the present. Here, the authors outline four stages.
    384. Socialist Feminism: The First Decade, 1966-76
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      The forging of the Freedom Socialist Party, which was the first Marxist feminist party in the United States.
    385. The Socialist Register 1978
      Volume 15: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    386. Socialist Rights Defense Fund
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    387. Socialist Women
      European Socialist Feminism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      A collection of essays on women, feminism and socialism through the 19th and 20th centuries.
    388. Some Thoughts on Organization
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      What type of organization should anarchists, libertarian socialists and libertarian Marxists be working towards?
    389. Sources (Red Menace #3)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Resources for anti-authoritarians.
    390. South Africa: A Time to Act
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This action kit is meant to be a contribution to an understanding of the South African situation. In addition to its five sections, the kit's cover poster contains a map of the ten "Bantu Homelands" and the names of the groups of Africans in those areas.
    391. Southern Africa News Clippings
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    392. SPEC - Nuclear Debates
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    393. Spectrum - Ottawa's Alternative
      Vol.I, No.9

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Spectrum is a community oriented Ottawa newspaper which strives to cover a variety of areas such as informed discussion and opinion, alternative ideas and lifestyles, current events, community activities, resources for involvement, entertainment reviews and creative writing.
    394. Spooks
      The Haunting of America - The Private Use of Secret Agents

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978   Published: 1979
    395. Starting From Nina: The Politics of Learning
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1978
    396. Statement on Government Defense Cutbacks
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    397. Stop the Sale of Canadian Uranium to the Philipines:
      A Statement of Unity

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    398. Strategies for Urban Socialism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    399. Strike Volume 2, Number 1
      January 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Contents of this issue include On Organization; Thoughts of Stammheim; Cultures/Fragmentes de Musee Conversation; No Butter, No Butter...; Various Ways in Which Charlotte Hildebrand; I Don't Know if You Believe; The Fantasy of a Continuous Erection; Annihilation: To The Limit!; Recordiings by Artists; Intending Bookness.
    400. Studies in Socialist Pedagogy
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    401. Submission by Inuit Tapirisat of Canada to the National Energy Board
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Submission by the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada to the National Energy Board makes the request that the entire question of gas supply and demand be reviewed.
    402. Submission of the Farmland Defence League of B.C. Select Standing Committee on Agriculture
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    403. Submission to the Government of Canada on the Subject of A Food Strategy for Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This submission proposes some radical changes in the marketing and pricing structure for Canadian agricultural products in response to the federal government's food strategy outlined in the white paper entitled "A Food Strategy for Canada."
    404. A Submission to the Government of the Province of Saskatchewan
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    405. Submission to the Poverty Task Force of the United Church of Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A discussion of what direction the efforts of the United Church should take in the fight against poverty in Canada.
    406. Submission to the Poverty Task Force of the United Church of Canada
      How Social and Economc Justice Can be Improved in Canada

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A submission to the United Church clergy on Canada's strategies for developing technology and economy.
    407. Sugar and Sugarworkers: A Popular Report of the International Sugarworkers Conference
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    408. Sugar World
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This publication gives an overview of the concerns relating to those countries, mostly third-world, which are involved in the production of sugar.
    409. The Supermarket Tour
      A Handbook for Education and Action

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1978   Published: 1990
      A handbook for action on food issues in Canada which guides people through the store and gives summaries of many of the products on the shelves.
    410. The Supermarket Tour: A handbook for education and action
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Supermarket Tour manual is an attempt to provide the first step in the development of an understanding of the food problem.
    411. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      January 1978 issue.
    412. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      February 1978 issue.
    413. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      March 1978 issue.
    414. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      April 1978 issue.
    415. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 5

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      May 1978 issue.
    416. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 6

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      September 1978 issue.
    417. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 7

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      October 1978 issue.
    418. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 8

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      November 1978 issue.
    419. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume VI Number 9

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      December 1978 issue.
    420. Taking What's Ours - everywoman's guide to welfare and student aid
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This booklet is intended to be a guide for sorting out the most common problems encountered by women when trying to obtain welfare, mother's allowance or when returning to school.
    421. TAPOL
      Canadian Campaign for the Release of Indonesian Political Prisoners - Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    422. Tenant Handbook
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This fifth edition of the Tenants' Handbook is issued by Communitas Incorporated "to outline those rights which tenants have under the existing law, and to explain how to obtain these rights.
    423. Tenant Research Guide
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The author intends the above publication to be an aid in laying open to view the operations of the owners of rental housing which accommodate 50 per cent of Toronto's citizens.
    424. Theological Reflections on the P.Q. Victory
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    425. Ticker Tape
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    426. A Time To Disarm
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    427. Time to Stop and Think
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    428. Tinig (Voice of Filipinos)
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    429. Toronto Clarion
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
      Profile of a Toronto social change periodical.
    430. The Toronto Committee for Solidarity with Democratic Chile
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    431. The Toronto Full Employment Coalition
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    432. Toronto Native Times
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    433. Trade unionism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      Pannekoek's text first appeared under his pen name "J Harper" in the American journal International Council Correspondence, (Vol II No 2, Jan 1936). This edited version is taken from the American journal Root & Branch (No 6 1978).
    434. TRANET
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    435. A Transforming Influence - Native Peoples and Northern Development, Social Justice and the Church
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    436. Tripartism
      Special Issue of Labour's Side

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A breif that warns of the potential downfalls of labour debate tripartism.
    437. Un Dossier Noir su la Police Politique, Operation Liberte
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    438. The Uncertified Human
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    439. Unemployed Workers Union of Halifax-Dartmouth
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    440. Union Security
      UAW Statement to Ontario Government

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A statement by the United Auto Workers union to the Conservative government.
    441. United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (SUCCESS)
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      SUCCESS is a non-profit society which aims at encouraging individuals among the estimated 80,000 Chinese in British Columbia to overcome language and cultural barriers.
    442. United Church Requests Rate Increase for all Categories of Social Assistance
      Documentation Packet

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    443. Unity
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    444. Unorthodox Marxism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
      An attempt to go beyond what the authors describe as "orthodox Marxism."
    445. Update on the Status of Women in British Columbia
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    446. Upstream
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    447. Upstream: A Canadian Women's Publication
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    448. Vancouver Society for Total Education
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    449. The Vancouver Women's Health Collective
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    450. Vanishing Frontiers - Native Peoples in Canada and Latin America
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    451. Vencermos
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
      Venceremos is a magazine following current political development in Chile and Latin America in order to provide information on and generate support for liberation efforts in those counties. It is oriented toward those in Canada in solidarity with those liberation efforts.
    452. Vers Une Nouvelle Pratique: Sante Mentale Au Quebec
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    453. Victimizing Domestic Workers
      The Last Post, vol. 6, no. 6

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      This article chronicles the struggle of domestic immigrant women to Montreal.
    454. VOICE (Victims of Industry Changing Environment)
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    455. Waiting For the Ice-Cream Man
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    456. WASWANIPI
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    457. When Men Become Gods
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    458. Who is Polar Gas? - A Basic Data Sheet
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    459. Why Are So Many People Out of Work?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    460. Why Chile?
      Periodical profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1978
    461. Why the Leninists will lose
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Leninist groups may still have the ability to disrupt the left, but they are long past the point of being able to achieve any kind of success in their own right.
    462. Women's Fund-Raising Coalition
      Organization profile published 1978

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1978
    463. Words, words, words...
      Diemer, Ulli

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The misuse of language implies a failure to think clearly, to analyse correctly, to communicate with others.
    464. Work (Illustrated)
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    465. Working in an office -- for a while
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The first thing that strikes one about working in this particular office is how little actual work ever gets done.
    466. Working Together
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      A report on the effects of unemployment.
    467. Workplace Democracy
      A Guide to Workplace Ownership, Participation, and Self-Management Experiments in the US and Europe

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    468. Worlds Apart: Economic Relations and Human Rights - Canada - Chile
      Economic Relations and Human rights - Canada - Chile

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
    469. Write to us
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The Red Menace welcomes writers' and artists' contributions.
    470. You Can Do Something
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1978
    471. Youth Employment Lobby. Terms of Reference
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1978
      The purpose of YEL is to mount a campaign for full youth employment by focussing in on the real causes of youth unemployment, the shortage of jobs and the myths which blame young people for their dilemma.
    472. Zimbabwe: With Freedom in Their Eyes
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1978
      This slide/tape montage tries to explain, for a Canadian audience, some of the reasons behind the current struggle in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) in spite of supposed "majority rule" under a new constitution.


    1. Action on Legal Aid
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Brochure that describes several organizations dedicated to the delivery of legal service to individuals and groups.
    2. Agreement in Principle between: The Dene Nation and Her Majesty the Queen
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Inlcuded is a discussion on colonization, a section on the history and rights of the Dene, the relationship between the Dene and the non-Dene, and the reasons for an agreement in principle. The Dene Nation is working towards self-reliance and self-determination as a people within Canada.
    3. Alberta Labour
      Vol.2. No. 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This tabloid consists mainly of columns and stories from Co-operative Press Associates related to labour issues of interest to Alberta workers.
    4. Alternative Energy Association
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      A group that discusses energy conservation issues.
    5. Alternative Research
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Some members of Alternative Research are in the process of compiling a list of progressive of alternative periodicals which is to be published in 1978.
    6. Alternatives
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A poster, brochure, and information on jail chaplaincies and the corrections system.
    7. Amnesty International Letter-Writing Guide and Handbook
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A handbook on how to write letters for Amnesty International.
    8. Another Newsletter
      Vol. 2, No.1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      The newsletter reports current activities of the IS FIVE people in Toronto, especially in the areas of recycling of garbage and paper, creative ideas for gathering solar energy, and education. Besides this, there is also an insert which explains the objectives of the foundation.
    9. Armed on Our Own Ground
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      The slide-tape show focuses on South Africa; the recent student demonstrations, workers' strikes and events leading up to it.
    10. The Arts and Politics
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This newsletter summarizes the discussion from a seminar on the arts for the purpose of providing political education.
    11. ATEED Centre for Environmental Communities
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      ATEED is an Ontario based organization that sees itself as a resource center promoting an "environmental community."
    12. Atlantic Issues
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This tabloid is published quarterly and circulated throughout the Atlantic provinces. The current issue looks at the dying Maritime textile industry, unemployment in the Maritimes, the prison system, and fishing.
    13. Atlantic Region Labour Education Centre
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The Atlantic Region Labour Education Centre (ARLEC) was established in recognition of the fact that labour's ability to contribute to society's improvement is determined primarily by the vitality and currency of its stock of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
    14. The Automated Bread Factory
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This paper studies the consequences in Tanzania of using aid from the Canadian International Development Agency to build an automated bakery in Dar es Salaam.
    15. Bain Co-op hit by rent strike
      Rents up 18%

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Minority of residents launch rent strike while majority pursues co-op ownership.
    16. Bain Co-op Meets Wages for Housework
      A political thriller

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The story of the struggle that gave birth to a housing co-operative and destroyed the credibility of the 'Wages for Housework' sect.
    17. Bain Co-op OK's evictions
      Eviction notices sent

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Bain residents refusing to pay their full rent are to be served eviction notices.
    18. BAKAUI
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Brochure that describes "bakaui", a way of life in which people work, in a community context, to develop an ecologically sound way of supporting human life.
    19. Banking on South Africa
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      A film about Canadian banks making loans to the apartheid government of South Africa.
    20. Basic and Surplus Repression in Psychoanalytic Theory
      Freud, Reich and Marcuse

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    21. A Basic Call to Consciousness
      The Hau de no sau nee Address to the Western World

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A message given by the Hau de no sau nee (or traditional Six Nations council at Onondaga) also called the Iroquois Confederacy to the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland in September, 1977.
    22. Bauxite
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A four page paper describing the bauxtie industry in Canada and around the world.
    23. Berger Report in Brief
      A Summary of Volume I of the Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This summary includes primarily, as its name indicates, a presentation of the main lines of the report. It also includes a brief statement of the main recommendations of the report and an outline of where the Berger Report fits into the overall process which will decide on the pipeline.
    24. Bias in Newfoundland Textbooks
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A review of the bias present in Newfoundland public school textbooks.
    25. The Big Nickel
      Inco at home and abroad

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      An account of the economic power of the world's largest producer of nickel, how it operates in Canada and the Third World, and its human consequences. The Big Nickel also looks at the resistance to the corporation, and the union-busting, attacks by company goons, and successful organizing drives.
    26. Bisexuality
      A Study

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1979
    27. Bishop's Statement on Uranium Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The Roman Catholic and Ukranian Catholic Bishops express their concern about uranium mining and nuclear energy in Saskatchewan. The bishops recognize that uranium could be generate a substantial supply of energy. They also recognize the dangers of the energy produced through the use of uranium.
    28. Black Grassroots Organizing
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This pamphlet suggests a number of actions for examining racism in Canadian society and for moving to eliminate that racism
    29. Black United Front of Nova Scotia
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      One page of the news-magazine is devoted to explaining the objectives and activities of an organization made of, by and for Black Nova Scotians.
    30. Bleeker Street
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      Documentary of the efforts of the residents of Bleeker St. to save their homes.
    31. The Body Politic
      Gay Liberation Journal

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Serious tabloid foucsing on political and social issues related to the gay struggle in Canada and in other countries.
    32. The Boiling Point
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Newsletter serving English-speaking street associations and supporting groups in Pointe St. Charles, Montreal.
    33. Briar Patch
      Vol. 5, no 11 - Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Newspaper featuring articles that effect low-income and working-class people in Saskatchewan.
    34. Brief for Presentation to the Standing Committee on Labour, Manpower, and Immigration on Bill C27
      Proposed Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This is a brief that brings to the attention of the Standing Committee certain inequities in the current system which have been ignored in the proposed amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act (Bill C-7).
    35. A Brief on Energy Policy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This brief outlines the relationship of urban development to energy, a "development" based on planned obsolescence, waste and over-consumption in Montreal.
    36. Brief on the Proposed Borrowers and Depositors Protection Act
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    37. A Brief presented to the People and Parliament of Canadian Trade and Tariffs Committee
      on the Occassion of Multilateral Trade Negotiations under the Auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    38. A Brief to the Alaska Highway Pipeline Inquiry.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This past summer the Alaska Highway Pipeline Inquiry (The Lysyk Inquiry) was established by the federal government to prepare a preliminary report outlining the terms and conditions to be considered in the event of pipeline development in the Yukon.
    39. Brief to the Board of Directors, The Wellesley Hospital.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This brief was prepared for the board of directors of Wellesley Hospital by a group of concerned people who are upset at many of the present practices in the emergency ward of this hospital. The group is made up of residents, health professionals, and community workers in the Don District.
    40. Brief to the National Assembly Committee on Natural Resources at Hearings on Energy Policy.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A breif about the current state of energy conservation, nuclear power, and the like.
    41. Bulletin of the Quaker Jails and Justice Committee
      Vol. 1 No. 5

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Irregularly published newsletter outlining some of the current concerns and activities of the Quaker Committee.
    42. Calary's Eastern Downtown Core:
      Social Perspectives

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The research for this report was completed during the summer of 1975. Its purpose was to obtain an overview of the social problems in Calgary's Eastern downtown core.
    43. Canada - 1977
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1977
      A montage that critically examines the development of the fishing industry in the Atlantic region throughout the 20th century.
    44. Canadian Aid
      Blessing or Burden?

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This article takes the position that political and economic reasons rather than humanitarian, charitable concerns for the poor were and still are the basis and motivation for Canadian government aid to undeveloped countries.
    45. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 1, Number 5 - January 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    46. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 1, Number 6 - March 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    47. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 2, Number 1 - May 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    48. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 2, Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    49. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 2, Number 3 - September 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    50. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 2, Number 4 - November 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    51. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 2, Number 5 - December 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    52. Canadian Information Sharing Service Index
      February 1976 - March 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Index of Volume 1, Numbers 1 - 6 (February 1976 to March 1977) of Canadian Information Sharing Service.
    53. Canadian Labour Comment
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A discussion regarding workers' compensation and unemployment insurance eligibility.
    54. The Canadian Left 
      A Critical Analysis

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The main focus of the book is the emergence and development of Canadian socialist thought. Penner examines the origins of the Communist Party of Canada and its ideological base and the beginings and development of the CCF-NDP.
    55. Canadian Peace Ballot
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A questionaire desinged to organize a referendum of a variety of issues including, but not restricted to pacifism.
    56. The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Marxist perspectives on the Canadian state.
    57. The Canadian Student
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A newsletter that deals with a variety of issues concerning post-secondary education such as tution, discrimination and decreases in enrollment.
    58. The Canadian Student
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The focus of this tabloid is unemployment.
    59. Canadian Transport
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    60. CANDU
      An Analysis of the Canadian Nuclear Program

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Written for the layman, CANDU clearly and concisely describes the basics of nuclear power including atomic fission, ionizing radiation and its affects on man and fuel cycles.
    61. The Canso Strait Fisherman's Strike, 1970-71
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      An account of the 1970-71 strike of Nova Scotia fishermen, after two large fisheries refused to recognize their newly formed union.
    62. Cape Breton Landowners Against the Spray
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      A description of the battle between the Cape Breton Landowners' Association and Nova Scotia Forest Industries Ltd. over the saftey and effectiveness of spraying for spruce budworm on Cape Breton Island.
    63. Cape Breton Steel
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This profile tells the story of the Sydney Steel Corporation (SYSCO) in Cape Breton and reveals one of the most important causes of unemployment and industrial shutdowns in Canada today. It traces the foreign ownership and control over Cape Breton Steel beginning with its original Boston investor H.M. Whitney in 1900 until the final takeover by the province of Nova Scotia.
    64. Capitalism is Icky!
      Resource Type: Photo/Image/Poster
      First Published: 1977
    65. Castlegreen Co-operative -- An Alternative
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A booklet that describes what is meant by the term "co-operative" and gives reasons why they are an appropriate alternative to individual home ownership.
    66. Catholic Family Farmer
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A newspaper of the Catholic Worker Movement.
    67. Caveat Venditor: Let the Seller Beware
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      This Consumer's Handbook was produced by the Consumer Action Centre (CAC) which was established as a project of the Waterloo chapter of OPIRG in 1974.
    68. Chile Informative - Special Editions
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    69. Chinese Shadows 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1978
      A description of Mao Zedong's China.
    70. Christian Farmers Federation Publications
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    71. The Church, Farm and Town
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This magazine seeks to affirm the values of rural and small town life. In this issue, are articles on the need for reflection on the consideration of human sentiment above progress and on the relationship of smallness to Christian roots.
    72. Citizens' Association to Save the Environment
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The association's emphasis is directed toward: food, agriculture and gardening, land use, growth limitation and conservation of resources, pollution, noise, alternate energy and recycling of municipal wastes. The major activities are projects of the association have been: presentation of briefs to the B.C. Government, investigations of community noise problems, bicycle lanes, evening courses, audio-visual programs and displays.
    73. City for Sale
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    74. Co-op Du Possible Sherbrooke
      An experience in Co-operative Self Reliance

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report, written by Jacques Segin, Clay (May 1977) relates the experiences of the co-operative du Possible, a seven building housing co-operative of 44 adult and child members in Sherbrooke, Quebec, founded in 1970. It contains information on its history, management, and neighbourhood oriented goals.
    75. Co-ops. are People
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This brochure outlines six principles of co-operative organizing. These look at membership, distribution of savings among members, limited interest in investments, and education.
    76. Commodity Notes No. 3
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Examination of international trade activities in regard to copper, sugar, tin, and the repression of Peruvian fishermen.
    77. Community Planning Association of Canada
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The Association is concerned with public education for citizen participation. It deals with such issues as farmland, housing, transportation, and the right of citizens to influence the planning process. Program includes workshops, contacts and networking, research, library, and information service.
    78. Community Radio Education Society
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      A series of interviews from BC co-operative radio.
    79. Community Worker Newsletter
      Vol.1, No.3, July 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      An open letter in this issue entitled "Tenants Rights Often Get Trampled in a Society Geared to Landlords" describes the difficulty actually experienced by a certain young woman whose legal agreement with the operator of a house to rent an apartment in Toronto was subsequently rendered impossible by the absentee landlord who disagreed with the terms.
    80. The Concerned Canadian
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    81. The Concerned Parents Group of New Brunswick
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The primary purpose of this group is to promote the implementation of proper safeguards to human health and the environment against the risks involved in the widespread use of chemical pesticides. In addition to researching all aspects of the relationship between pesticides and health, the group is trying to make widely available information that will increase public awareness of the potential dangers.
    82. Consensus Decision Making: An Analysis of the Literature
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Includes a look at historical interest in consensus, an overview of research with critiques, and recommendations for future research. Brings together most of the current empirical findings in research about consensus.
    83. Consumer Credit
      A Blessing or A Curse?

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      An article discussing consumer credit and how it can be viewed as both a way to promote economic growth and prey on the working class.
    84. Consumer and Nuclear Energy: A Luxury We Can No Longer Afford
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An energy analysis with 28 recommendations presented to Pierre Trudeau and his cabinet.
    85. Contrast
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Contrast is a weekly newspaper "serving Canada's black community" since 1969.
    86. La Cooperativa Bain se enfrenta al Grupo de Remuneración por el Trabajo Doméstico
      Una espeluznante historia sobre política.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    87. La coopérative de Bain rencontre 'Salaires pour les travaux domestiques'
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    88. Co-operative Planning Towarrd a Settlement of the Yukon Indian Claim: Document #1, Janury 21, 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The Planning Council For Yukon Indian Claims is comprised of representatives of the Council for Yukon Indians, the Government of the Yukon Territory, and the Government of Canada.
    89. The Coral Battleground
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 2014
      A fight for the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef, located in the coast of Queensland. In the late 1960s the reef began to be threatened with limestone mining and oil drilling.
    90. Creative Growth Games
      75 Fascinating games to expand your imagination

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1978
    91. Criminal Law: 25 Common Mistakes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An examination of common mistakes and impressions people have about criminal law, lawyers, police powers and procedures.
    92. The Crisis in Red Meats
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This newsletter is a report of a seminar dealing with the crises created in the livestock industry in Canada and their relation to marketing, nutrition and the world food situation.
    93. The Crisis of Dialectical Materialism and Libertarian Socialism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Libertarian socialism is defined first and foremost by the negation of political authoritarianism and theoretical determinism.
    94. Critique of Canada's Family Allowances
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      When in January, 1974, major amendments to the Family Allowances came into effect, the National Anti-Poverty Organization examined the effect these changes had on Canadians.
    95. The Crooked Path to Good Eating
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      This nutrition handbook explains that today's large chain supermarkets stock over 10,000 items from which we must choose to get the most for our food dollar, both nutritionally and economically.
    96. C.U.P.E. Journal
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Review of the effectiveness of the anit-inflation board.
    97. Cutbacks
      Wiping out our Gains

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    98. Czym jest wolnosciowy socjalizm?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    99. Daybreak Publications - Winter Catalogue
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A publication created to provide meaningful work for mentally handicapped men and women.
    100. A Declaration of Nishnawbe - Aski (The People and the Land)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      In order for them to regain freedom, it is mandatory that the Nishnawbe-Aski have the right to govern their spiritual, cultural, social, and economic affairs.
    101. Democracy in the Workplace: Readings on the Implementation of Self Management In America
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A how-to for groups beginning a participatory business. Covers structural, organizational, legal and financial matters. A brief section on decision making.
    102. The Dene -- Land and Unity for the Native People of the Mackenzie Valley
      A Statement of Rights

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This booklet documents the tragic history of the Dene since the arrival of white settlers with their culture and their determined effort to assert themselves as a proud people.
    103. Development Education Action
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Development Education Action (DEA) is a reflection-action group composed of senior citizens.
    104. Development Education Project
      Canadian Complicity in South Africa and Chile

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A description of the cooperation of several small groups to educate the Canadian public about corporate involvement in South Africa.
    105. Dignity Denied
      Unemployment in Canada

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This pamphlet examines current opinions about the causes and solutions proposed for unemployment which is at its highest recorded level in Canada.
    106. Disarm and Live
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The People's Assembly on Canadian Foreign Policy is "an umbrella group" comprising a number of organizations who support military disarmament in the interests of peace.
    107. Distortions at Fourth Hand
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Chomsky addresses the issue of "freedom of the press". He points out that while publications that shun eyewitness accounts of the situation in post-war Vietnam have a daily circulation of approx. 250 000, smaller publications which rely on these firsthand testimonies reach a limited audience. In this fashion, Chomsky warns of the dangers of accepting only what filters through to the American public, as it is "a seriously distorted version of the evidence available".
    108. The Double E
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Goodman invokes the guiding principles of ecology and economy in the design of new communities for a new age.
    109. Downtown
      The People Speak Out!

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report contains summaries of briefs presented in May of 1976 concerning the future of Montreal.
    110. Downtown Health and Social Development Centre, Inc. And Emergency Shleter
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This is a collection of newspaper clippings and reports decribing the efforts of two Thunder Bay Emergency Services.
    111. Drawing the Line 
      The Political Essays of Paul Goodman

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1979
      Goodman stresses that massive, uncentered governments and huge, sprawling communities alientate the individual and force people to conform to the status quo rather than to what they are or might become.
    112. East River Branch
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The East River group branched out of the South Shore Environmental Protection Association (SSEPA), a group originally formed to protect the rights of fishermen threatened by the construction of a local nuclear power plant. This sub-group has spread throughout Lunenberg county, Nova Scotia, and its chief concern is noise, air, ocean and river pollution. Its most notable struggle was against the Anil Hardboard Plant (now Maysonite Canada) which was polluting the East River.
    113. Economics, Politics and The Age of Inflation
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    114. Edmonton Cross-Cultural Learner Centre Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      An outreach to associates and members of the ECCLC.
    115. Education Project - co-sponsored by Education Resource Cooperative (Montreal), Canadian University Service Overseas
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      A program that includes work with teachers and community groups on two major themes - racism and consumerism (as it relates to food and cosmetics) as well as a task force on discrimination in text books.
    116. Eligibility, Document#3, March 8, 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This document defines those who are eligible for participation in a land claims settlement and those who are not.
    117. Emerging Co-operatives in Ontario
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Summary of information collected after visiting over 600 co-operative groups in Ontario.
    118. Energy
      A Critical Look at its Use In Saskatchewen.

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Descritpion of an energy seminar that took place in and focused on Saskatchewan
    119. Energy
      Who Wins? Who Loses?

      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      This video tape compares two energy conferences held in Edmonton in November 1976: the Seventh Annual Conference on Energy and Northern Development, and the Citizens Counter-Conference.
    120. Energy Options for New Brunswick
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This brief has two parts. The first of these looks at the "need" for nuclear power in New Brunswick, while the second considers other ueseful sources of energy which could be tapped. At the end of each section, specific recommendations are made to government.
    121. Environment Probe
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This bi-monthly magazine is a newsmagazine and discussion forum for Saskatchewan citizens and groups with environment interests.
    122. Environmental Information Guide for B.C.
      Where to get information to help you learn more about the environmental crisis and do something about it

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      SPEC is a citizens' evnironmental organization, the oldest and largest in British Columbia. Incorporated as a non-profit society in 1969, SPEC has 2000 members and 17 branches throughout the province. Its primary purpose is to protect the vital life-supporting ecosystems in British Columbia and Canada, and to promote the development of a 'Conserver Society' with stable population and conservation of resources.
    123. Equal Opportunity at Work
      A CUPE Affirmative Action Manual

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      " Equal Opportunity at Work" provides a comprehensive and detailed approach to dealing with the continuing inequalities faced by CUPE women members in their various employment situations.
    124. Family Pastimes
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Catalogue of co-operatively played games to be purchased by mail-order.
    125. Farmers, Feds and Fries - Potato Farming in the St. John Valley
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    126. Farming on the Margin
      Nova Scotia Agriculture

      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1977
      This slide-tape show addresses two issues - the changing role of the farmer and diminishing agricultural production in Nova Scotia.
    127. Feminist Communication Collective
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This monthly newsmagazine reports on women's events in Montreal and feminist issues in Quebec and elsewhere.
    128. Feminist Resource Materials
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A constantly updated bibliography of materials related to women's issues in Canada.
    129. Fertilizing The Economy - The Potash Issue.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This newspaper-style tabloid represents a summary and report of a daylong seminar with workshops co-sponsored by: The Saskatchewan People for Control of Resources and the Institute of Saskatchewan Studies
    130. Financial Constraint and Assisted Housing Budgets
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A critical review of both federal and provincial capital investment in assisted housing programs.
    131. The Fisherman
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A newsletter with articles pertaining to fisheries issues.
    132. The Five-Legged Sheep; Michelin Tire in Nova Scotia (Round One, No.7)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This study outlines the history of a single-family based multinational whose entry into Nova Scotia as the largest private employer has led to the establishment of the "Pictou County Mafia."
    133. Food Co-ops
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A brochure that educates people interested in cutting the supermarket connection.
    134. Food First
      Ten Days for World Development

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Tabloid that exposes the "food myths" that are obstacles to people feeding themselves, particularly in the Third World.
    135. Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    136. Food Industry -- Profits
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A talk given by David Robertson on the relationship between corporate interest and the food industry.
    137. For the Elimination of Poverty and Social Injustice: Report to the Anglican Church of Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    138. Foreign Reminders
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    139. The Formation of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This account explores the formation of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) which has established a formal relationship to the United Nations and is seeking to have concepts of aboriginal rights accepted internationally as basic economic and political rights of indigenous peoples.
    140. The Fourth Estate
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This newspaper, sub-titled Canada's National Press Journal, monitors political and economic voices and trends across Canada. In addition, it gleans newspaper articles or parts of articles from small local newspapers throughout Canada.
    141. Freedom of Information vs Government Secrecy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      OPIRG has established Freedom of Information Documentation Centres at their Waterloo and Peterborough offices. Their purpose is to: push for strong freedom of information legislation, to educate the public about the need for freedom of information, to document cases in which government informaiton has been denied the public, and to publicize the process of freedom of information legislation in both the federal and Ontario governments.
    142. From Now On: Without Blame And Punishment
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A personal approach to the skills of giving feedback and criticism in a way that promotes cooperation rather than conflict. Makes a persuasive statement about applying these techniques in all relationships.
    143. The Global Village Voice
      vol. 1, no. 3

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    144. Greenpeace Experimental Farm
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The farm is concerned with developing a style of rural living that minimizes damage to the ecosystem by reducing power and material goods consumption and using appropriate technology. They have a summer work-study program and are beginning a series of publicaitons.
    145. Group: Ontario North Today
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An Ontario-wide adult education program which has two goals: to educate urban Ontarians about the culture and lifestyle of native people in Northern Ontario, and to begin a province wide process of public dialogue concerning resource development.
    146. Have You Got $10,00 to Burn?
      The Commidity Futures Link in the International Food Chain, Who Needs It and Why Most of Us Don't.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This research paper traces the central role played by commodity futures exchanges in the international farm-to-table food chain, especially as it affects Canadians.
    147. The Hazards of Being Male
      Surviving the Myth of Masculine Privilege

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    148. He who pays the piper...
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Community groups have become dependent on government money resulting in an erosion of their community base and their independence.
    149. A History of the Newfoundland Status of Women Council

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This history is a resume of the activities of one group of women who have been involved in the women's movement in St. John's since the spring of 1972.
    150. The History We Live With
      Indian Land Claims in B.C.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Booklet discussing the history of treaties and land claims in B.C.
    151. Hope Environmental Group
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Hope (Help Our Provincial Environment), a member of the Maritime Energy Coalition, is an environmentally concerned active citizen's group.
    152. House on Laval Street
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This article in the February edition of Benedict Labre House's paper gives a brief history of Le Groupe de l'Avenir and the alternate services it has created.
    153. How Sweet It Is!
      GATT-Flyer No.4

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A critical analysis of the financing of a sugar complex for the Government of the Ivory Coast by Canada's Export Development Corporation.
    154. How Things Don't Work
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Pananek and Hennessey focus on appliances, tooks, and devices that are at the nub of modern living. They show how some of our most cherished possessions, ranging from simple household fixtures to sophisticated electronics, don't work, and challenge us to rethink the uses of technology to demand and create products that are useful, built to human scale, safe, ecologically sound, and inexpensive.
    155. How to Deal with a Racist Incident
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Pamphlet prepared to help people act rationally, safely, and sensibly in the face of racist and discriminatory incidents.
    156. Human Rights in Canada
      A Focus on Racism

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A look at the history of discrimination in Canada and suggestion on how to improve the current situation.
    157. I Remember Too
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      Three Chilean children's stories about the "old country".
    158. I Was Born Here
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      An old Dene of the Mackenzie District, N.W.T., reflects on his land, his People, his values.
    159. Images
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This is a women's paper using a thematic approach to report on women's activities in the Kootenay area such as the Crafts Conference in February, women's theatre, health, art and politics.
    160. Immigration
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A report on the current state of immigration policy in Canada and the possible ramifications of Bill C-24.
    161. Imperialism, Nationalism, and Canada.
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Interpretations of Canada's status in the system of world imperialism and the internal dynamics of class, race, and region within the Canadian national state.
    162. In Memoriam: Beloved Chairman Mao
      A Long, Long Life to Chairman Mao!

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A Long, Long Life to Chairman Mao.
    163. In Search of Social Justice -- A National Food Policy
      One Way Ahead

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Working paper defining NAPO as a special interest group concentrating on legislation and policy surrounding issues of the Canadian poor.
    164. INCAR Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A periodical newsletter that discusses issues of racism in Toronto
    165. An Infantile Disorder?
      The Crisis and Decline of the New Left

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    166. Information and Action for Church IMPACT on Canadian Banks and South African Apartheid
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This kit contains a number of articles which provide background information on the issue of apartheid and which give guidelines for action.
    167. Information et Formation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Ce feullet d'information hebdomadire est publie pour l'usage des associations et groupes quil constituent CRANO.
    168. Inner City Project
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Inner City Project is a Drop-In Centre for Skid-Row people sponsored by the Catholic Church in Calgary.
    169. Inner-City Housing, Rehabliltation and Relocation Committee Working Paper
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A paper on housing shortage issues in Winnipeg, Canada.
    170. The International Situation
      World United Front & Proletarian Revolution

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1977
      These Canadian Marxist-Leninists distinguish themselves from those who they perceive as betrayers of the working class -- namely the Communist Party of Canada and other "phoney" communists. In this paper the authors engage with the international situation and analyze major trends on a global level. Accordingly, they seek to determine: 1) what effect the international situation will have on the revolutionary struggles in Canada and consequently on the tasks of Marxist-Leninists who must lead these struggles, and 2) the responsibilities and tasks of the Canadian working class and Marxist-Leninists in upholding proletarian internationalism. This is Pamphlet 2.
    171. International Study Days for a Society Overcoming Dominations
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The National Conference of Bishops in Brazil have initiated a project aimed at deepening concern and activity throughout the world regarding "the various types of domination to which people today are subjected, the violation of human rights which result from those systems, and the possibilities of educating people to understand, overcome, and transform these structures of domination and mechanisms of oppression."
    172. Interview with Lotta Continua 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Revolutionary actions are directed against the system as a whole - for its overthrow. This presupposes a general disruption of society which escapes political control. Thus far, such revolutionary actions have occurred only in connection with social catastrophe, such as were released by lost wars and the associated economic dislocations. This does not mean that such situations are an absolute precondition for revolution, but it indicates the extent of social disintegration that precedes revolutionary upheavals. Revolution must involve a majority of the active population. Not ideology but necessity brings the masses into revolutionary motion. The resulting activities produce their own revolutionary ideology, namely an understanding of what has to be done to emerge victoriously out of the struggle against the system's defenders.
    173. An Invitation to a Celebration of Life
      Nonviolent Alternatives to Nuclear Aggression

      Resource Type: Photo/Image/Poster
      First Published: 1977
      An invitation to training sessions about the movement to stop the contrction of the Trident submarine in the Vancouver B.C./Bangor WA area.
    174. Is It True What They Say About NIEO
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A series of one page articles explaining the New International Economic Order.
    175. Is The Air Fit to Breathe?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This pamphlet describes some of the more common air-pollution health dangers at the work site and outlines some workers rights guaranteed by law.
    176. Jobs and Poverty
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The National Council of Welfare was established by the Government Organization Act, 1969 as a citizens advisory body to the Minister on matters pertaining to welfare.
    177. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution 
      Volume I: State and Bureaucracy

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A wide-ranging and thorough exposition of Marx's views on democracy.
    178. Keeping the Heat in
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This is a supplement to the regular edition of The Plain Dealer, a New Brunswick other weekly newspaper. It is noteworthy especially for the variety of articles on heat conservation devices. While the supplement deals with energy saving in the home through efficient insulation and furnace systems, there is also an attempt to put this sector of conservation in perspective.
    179. Keywords
      A Vocabulary of Culture and Society

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Williams examines more than 100 familiar words and explores how they are used.
    180. Kitimat Oil Coalition
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      This is an organization of about twenty environmental groups and professional associatons opposed to the development of an oil port at Kitimat and generally concerned with oil tanker traffic along the B.C. Coast.
    181. Land
      The Threatened Resources

      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      A filmstrip about land use issues in Canada.
    182. The Land Bank Revisited
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A newsletter that records the 19th seminar held February 14, 1976 at Wesley United Church in Saskatoon on the Saskatchewan Land Bank. The seminar was held regarding the rampant increase in price of farm land in Saskatchewan.
    183. Land Use and Occupancy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This news release makes reference to an Inuit Tapirisat-commissioned report on Inuit land use and occupancy in the Northwest Territories.
    184. Land Use or Land Abuse?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This Study Action Kit has been compiled to help the interested Canadians learn the facts about the nature, scope and urgency of the present land use situation in Canada. The materials are intended as a starting point for both study and action.
    185. Latin America and Caribbean INSIDE REPORT
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Report to raise the conciousness of citizens to the political-economic-social situation in Canada and Latin America.
    186. The Law Union News
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Monthly newspaper reports on the activities and interests of the Toronto Law Union.
    187. Let Us Take Care!
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      "Let us Take Care!" is the result of discussions held with representatives of the chartered locals of the Ontario Nurses' Association. This report came about when nurses became concerned with the effects of the government's constraints program on health care in Ontario. The report is a compilation of observations of working places, concerns, and recommendations.
    188. Letter from Marty Glaberman to Zerowork
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Martin Glaberman explains some of his criticism of the Zerowork journal.
    189. Letters: (Issue #2)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    190. Libertarian Socialism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      There must be a revolt against bureaucracy - the predominant trend of societal organization.
    191. Lifestyles
      The Politics of Alternative Lifestyles

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This newsletter deals with the questions and issues involved in considering an alternative lifestyle as an option for social change
    192. Listing of Progressive Periodicals
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Listing of progressive and alternative periodicals with many that are financially wanting and deserve support.
    193. The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Series
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1977
    194. The Mackenzie Valley: Native Land Claims and Corporate Growth
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An overview of the demands on the Dene Nation regarding the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline proposal.
    195. Make the Don a Museum of Horrors
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A museum depicting what prison is really like might motivate us to demand radical changes to the way we deal with offenders.
    196. Making Change
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      How to effect community change as an individual or as a member of a support group, a neighborhood organization, a board of directors, or other political group. Organizing skills, conflict diagnosis and resolution, communication skills, and running meetings are a few of the skills described in the context of neighbourhood/community change.
    197. Manifeste - la Situation economique des retraites au Quebec
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    198. Manual for Amnesty International, Canadian Section Members & Groups
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The Canadian appendix of the Amnesty International manual.
    199. A Manual for Group Facilitators
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1977
    200. A Manual for Group Facilitators
      The Center for Conflict Resolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The values, assumptions and techniques of group facilitation. Especially useful to people planning workshops. Includes sections on communication, conflict, problem solving, what can go wrong and what to do about it, and many other relevant topics.
    201. A Manual for Tenant Organizers
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This manual examines the problems of evictions, rent increases, reduction of services and lack of repairs encountered by Montrealers and provides information on possible recourses and action.
    202. A Manual on Nonviolence and Children
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1984
      The authors felt that an important way of building a peaceful world would be to develop a program for young children. It would help children and their caregivers develop non-violent attitudes and skills.
    203. Marx and the Economic-Jew Stereotype
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The real Jewish question in Marx's time was: For or against the political emancipation of the Jews? For or against equal rights for Jews?
    204. The Marxian Legacy
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1979
      Working within the Marxian legacy, Howard poses is problems across the fields of philosophy, sociology, political science and history.
    205. Marxism and Politics
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Miliband sets out to present an overview of the main themes and problems of the Marxist approach to politics.
    206. Marx's Vision of Communism
      A Reconstruction

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Ollman tries to reconstruct Marx's vision of communism from his writings of 1844, the year in which he set down the broad lines of his analysis, to the end of his life.
    207. Media Probe
      The Canadian Journal of Communication

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This publication offers a critical look at the media industry from people who work in it. The first piece is an address by Graham Spry, co-founder of the Canadian Radio Leauge in 1930. The league advocated privacy of public ownership in broadcasting, thus preventing radio from passing completely into the hands of money changers.
    208. The "Menace" of Nelson Small Legs Jrs.' Peacepipe
      Aquash Murder Case Coverage - Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Two articles discuss the failings of the Canadian press in covering major events in the Native community.
    209. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), Peace Section
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report is put together by the Task Force on Women in Church and Society of the MCC.
    210. MicMac News
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    211. Les Militants et la Police
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    212. Mobile Family Service Society
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report describes the operation of an "integrated, comprehensive emergency intervention service." This service fields staff in emergency situations primarily during those days and hours when the rest of the service system is closed.
    213. Money isn't Everything
      A Survival Manual for Non-Profit Organizations

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Addresses the problems affecting non-profit groups today, providing examples and practical solutions.
    214. Montage: John Heartfield
      Vom Club Dada zur Arbeiter-Illustrierten Zeitung - Dokumente - Analysen - Berichte

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    215. Mouvement pour L'Agriculture Bioligique au Quebec (bulletin)
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
    216. Movement for Christian Feminism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This pamphlet outlines the goals of the Christian Feminist Movement which is engaged in an ecumenical project designed to enable women concerned about sexism in the Churches to discover their role in strengthening the life of the church.
    217. Mumming in Outport Newfoundland
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A study of folk culture in Newfoundland's outport villages and its decline in the face of modern industrialism.
    218. The Nangle Report
      Canadian Businesses In South Africa

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    219. National Anti-Poverty Organization Housing Program
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Recently the National Anti-Poverty Organization initiated the start of its housing program with pilot projects in Parson's Pond and Three Mile Rock, Newfoundland.
    220. National Farmers Union Materials
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A collection of materials in various formats addressing local and national issues.
    221. National Pensioners and Senior Citizens' Federation Brief to the Government of Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Resolutions regarding the needs of seniors.
    222. Native Courtworkers and Counselling Association of British Columbia
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The Native Courtworkers and Counselling Association of British Columbia was formed in 1973 in response to the fact that whereas Indians represented 5 per cent of the general population, they represented a disproportionate percentage of the people admitted to Correctional Centres, 14.2 per cent in 1974.
    223. Native Pastoral Ministry and Native Consultant Ministry
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Two ecumenical Native ministries are functioning in Vancouver.
    224. Native Press Vol. 7, Issue 9
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Native Press is a bi-weekly newspaper that covers concerns relevant to native People, as well as various community events in the North West Territories
    225. Native Sons
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    226. The Need for Third Sector Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A paper that argues that large centralized government and business enterprises are incapable of responding to the critical needs of small communities.
    227. Neo-Colonialism and The Canadian Political Economy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This study paper provides information for those seeking to reflect on the dynamics of the Canadian economy in an international context.
    228. The New Brunswick Forest Industry/Breif to the New Brunswick Ministries of Agriculture & Natural Resource
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A discussion of the history and current situation in regards to the forestry industry and small woodlots in New Brunswick.
    229. The New Woman Centre
      Annual Report

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report documents the work of the New Woman Centre for 1976.
    230. Newfoundland Status of Women in Council Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A newsletter that covers women's issues in Newfoundland.
    231. Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      The Inter-Church Committee Newsletter reports in detail on events throughout Latin America.
    232. No Last Frontier
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This booklet was published by the World Council of Churches as part of a series of RISK issues dealing with the struggles of aboriginal peoples. The present issue, a joint venture between RISK and the WCC Programme to Combat Racism, draws attention to the Dene of the Northwest Territories. The struggle of the Dene to control their destiny involves questions of energy policies for North America, racial justice, development, the role of transnational corporations, land and water rights and human rights.
    233. No Pipeline Now Coalition
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The No Pipeline Now Coalition is a broadly based grouping of churches, international agencies and native support, public interest, and labour union groups. The central purpose of this coalition is to push for a ten year moratorium on the construction of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline(or any alternative pipeline route).
    234. Non-Sexist Childraising
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    235. Non-Nuclear Future for Ontario: A Sourcebook.
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The sourcebook points out that in the near future, Ontario will have to choose between high growth energy policies and policies of conservation and maintenance of a reasonable energy level.
    236. North American Energy Colonies
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This particular issue of the newsletter is a product of the World Student Christian Federation-North American Region- Energy Education Project and focuses on some energy issues important to all North Americans. Included are articles on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Canada: U.S. energy colony, the politics of coal, and development and domination.
    237. Northern Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1977
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This issue of Northern Perspectives contains two major articles, one titled 'Thoughts on Canada's Energy' and the other 'There is no such thing as a little garlic.'
    238. Northwest Environmental Student Taskforce (N-WEST)
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The student taskforce is a federation of student environmental organizations in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. Its purposes are to promote communication among evnironmentally concerned students, to coordinate regional action on environmental issues, and to encourage student environmenal projects and organizations on campuses throughout the region.
    239. A Nous De Decider
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Ces pages detaillent l'histoire et principes de l'associaton des forestiers.
    240. Nova Scotia Micmac Aboriginal Rights Position Paper
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This tabloid edition of a position paper presented to the Federal Government in 1977 was signed by twelve chiefs representing the Union of Nova Scotia Indians.
    241. The Nuclear Dilemma
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This paper report on discussions hold at a June 1977 seminar at the Institute for Saskatchewan Studies.
    242. Nuclear Power
      Blessing or Blight?

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    243. Nutrition and Underdevelopment
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1977
      A booklet that attempts to show that hunger, on a world-wide scale, is not the
      result of food scarcity alone but rather a symptom of an unjust world economic
    244. N.W.T. Native Women's Group
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The first native women's conference in the Mackenzie Valley and the Western Arctic took place July 18-22, 1977 at Akaitcho Hall in Yellowknife.
    245. One Earth -- Two Worlds
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Package of materials dealing with food-related themes.
    246. Ontario Coalition to Preserve Food Land
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      This coalition consists of organizations concerned with the various issues of food land preservation in Ontario.
    247. Ontario People's Energy Network (O.P.E.N.)
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      A desciption of Ontario People's Energy Network (O.P.E.N.) and other similar organizations.
    248. Operation Dismantle
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Founded this past summer by Peter Brown, Christopher Hanratty and Director James Stark, Operation Dismantle is an organization committed to bringing about total nuclear disarmament, through a global referendum, in approximately five years.
    249. Ottawa Cooperative Community Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Newsletter published to encourage mutual support and co-operation among co-operatives in the Ottawa region.
    250. Outreach Employment Services

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This document is a brief overview of the approach, objectives and strategies of this program to "increase employment opportunities for special needs people."
    251. The Parkdale Tenant
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This tabloid style newspaper contains bits of information and access to resources for tenants' rights, their needs, and local community events.
    252. Patients' Rights Handbook
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A document that outlines the list of rights held by patients and how to complain if those rights are being ignored.
    253. Peace and Conflict Studies
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    254. The People and the Land are One
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Outline of the position taken by the Cree-Ojibway chiefs against granting further cutting rights to Reed Pulp and Paper.
    255. People for Educational Participation (PEP) Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Newsletter reports on projects aimed at improving or developing alternatives to the current educational system.
    256. People or Pipelines
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      To achieve its purpose in heightening awareness, the "People or Pipelines" presentation from the above study kit requires a group leader with a good general knowledge of energy and northern development issues.
    257. The People's Food Commission
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
    258. Perceptions 4 - People and Agricultural Land
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This publication examines the issue of the use of farmland in Canada.
    259. Perspectives
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Perspectives is a small magazine that deals with a variety of social justice and labour struggles with a focus on the London area, though with a global perspective.
    260. Petition for the Immediate Release of all Prisoners of Conscience
      1977: Prisoners of Conscience Year

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      During 1977, Amnesty International is attempting to bring the situation of prisoners of conscience into stronger international focus. As part of this effort they are circulating a petition for which they hope to get one million signatures.
    261. The Pipeline: What Next
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Included in this newsletter are questions and concerns about: Food and Agriculture, Workers & Runaway Investment, and a report on the Sugar Workers International Conference held in Trinidad.
    262. P.I.S.E.M. Materials
      Questions Immigrants Raise; Immigrant Life in Toronto; Themes for English language training of Portuguese

      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1977
      Audio-visual materials designed for use in small groups with immigrants to give them information about dealing with alienating elements in their environment.
    263. Place de l'Avenir.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Le Groupe de l'Avenir is a recently formed self-help organization of single transient men in downtown Montreal.
    264. Plow-Share
      Periodical profile published 1978 (February)

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1978
    265. Poland: 1970-71
      Capitalism and Class Struggle

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    266. Politics and Religion in the Prairies, Vol. 7, No.2
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    267. Portugal: The Impossible Revolution (review)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Book offers a clear analysis of events in Portugal 1974-1975.
    268. Portugal: The Impossible Revolution?
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The story of what happened in Portugal between April 25, 1974 and November 25, 1975, as seen and felt by a deeply committed participant.
    269. Position Paper: Committee Against the Deportation of Immigrant Women
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This Position Paper was prepared by the Committee Against the Deportation of Immigrant Women (C.A.D.I.W.) in response to the growing discrimination and harassment faced by immigrant women.
    270. The Potash Story
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An analysis of the exploitation of potash resources in Saskatchewan.
    271. Poverty Report and Recommendations
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This booklet, addressed to the membership of the United Church, presents the recommendations adopted by the last General council. It also includes a background for the recommendations and integrates them into the history of the United Church Task Force on Poverty.
    272. The Prairitopian
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A monthly newletter that deals with ecological issues in the thrust towards a stable society.
    273. Prepared evidence for the case of the Committee for Justice and Liberty
      before the National Energy Board's hearings on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Various materials to be presented to the NEB's hearings opposing further pipeline development.
    274. Privacy!
      How to get it .... How to enjoy it

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    275. Pro-Life News/Canada
      Vol.2, No.2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Articles pertaining to Inuit and native rights related to sterlization.
    276. Program III - Study, Dialogue, Reflection, Action, on Social Issues
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This borchure describes the nature and purpose of Program 3, and lists workshops planned for 1977-78.
    277. Project Boomerang
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      For the past five years, Pollution Probe (Toronto) has been researching and lobbying around the problem of solving the solid waste problem.
    278. Project Chile
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The pamphlet serves as background material for Project Chile, a national campaign to stop Canadian private investment in Chile and all governmental support for such investment until human rights and democratic institutions are restored.
    279. Project North
      The Inter-Church Project on Northern Development

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Project North's purpose is to help these churches address more effectively the issues of Native land claims and Northern development.
    280. Project Ploughshares
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A project aimed at educating the Canadian public about Canadian defense policy.
    281. Project Ploughshares Education/Information Packet
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Project Ploughshares is a joint venture of the Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, Canadian University Students Overseas, and Conrad Grebel College. One goal of this organization is to provide public education around the issues of Canadian defence policy and the Canadian arms industry. Another goal is mobilizing support for change.
    282. A Proposal for a Public Seminar on Fundy Tidal Poswer
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The Coalition for Tidal Power Education was organized through the summer of 1977 for the purpose of promoting a wider public discussion of the possibility of tidal power development. It consists of representatives of community and public interest groups in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
    283. A Proposal for the Development of a Community Socio-Legal Clinic
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A report on the success of the addition of a legal clinic to an established community centre.
    284. A Proposal for the Legislation to Establish a Self Development Corporation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This proposal challenges the Canadian government to take immediate action to stop the critical unemployment situation in Canada by introducing a concrete long term job creation program. NAPO's proposal calls for the establishment of a Self Development Corporation which would have as its goal the rehabilitation of people through the development of self sustaining economic enterprises.
    285. Quaker Prison Committee
      A series of reflections by Ruth Morris, director of Canadian Friends Service Committee

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A look at two case histories vis. the bail system and pre-trial treatment of those charged.
    286. Que es el Socialismo Libertario?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    287. Qu'est ce que le socialisme libertaire?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      L'idée que le socialisme est avant tout à propos de liberté et donc sur le dépassement de la domination, de la répression, et de l'aliénation qui bloquent la libre circulation de la créativité humaine, de la pensée et de l'action.
    288. A quiet walk along the Don
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      What you don't see in the lower Don Valley are human beings. Right here the stream is flowing through what must be the densest population area that any river in Canada flows through. There are lots of people up there on the streets and buildings and zipping along the thruways, but almost none of them get down here beside this peaceful stretch of the river.
    289. Racial and Cultural Conflict and the Law Project
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    290. The Rally Story
      An Account of the Planning, Organization and Enactment of Women Rally for Action

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      This book is a description of how women of British Columbia conceived, planned, and organized the largest mass lobby of Members of the Legislative Assembly in the history of B.C.
    291. Recycling Council of B.C.
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The recycling Council acts as a direct link for recyclers with the provinical government as a central research and lobbying office for solid waste-recycling and resource conservation, as a resource centre for public information on recycling, and as a marketing coordinator for seveal recycled commodities. It provides speakes, film slides, publications on recycling, and a newsletter.
    292. Red Bologna
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Examines the Communist administration of the city of Bologna.
    293. Red Menace #2
      Volume 2, Number 1 - Summer 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
    294. The Red Menace Interviews Prime Minister Trudeau
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An exclusive interview with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, published in The Red Menace and nowhere else.
    295. Reed International
      Profile of a Transnational Corporation

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This profile is offered in the interest of assisting native people, church groups, public interest organizations, and individual citizens who have been organizing to resist Reed's private corporate activities.
    296. Regina Committee for World Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Six one-page articles discuss energy production in the Third World.
    297. Reminiscences of Tim Buck
      Yours in the Struggle

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    298. The Renewable Energy Handbook
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The Renewable Energy Handbook was produced in order to provide more information to people interested in finding alternatives to large energy developments like the McKenzie Pipeline and our growing Nuclear Programme.
    299. Report of the Panel of Public Enquiry Into Northern Hydro Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Report describing the evidence to the public enquiry concerning the Nelson-Churchill River Diversion of Northern Manitoba.
    300. Report on the Winnipeg Workshop
      May 4th-8th, 1977.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This fourth Canada-wide meeting of the Urban Core Support Network focused on the problems and attempted solutions in the Winnipeg core area. Native issues, alternative economic strategies, booze and skid row, women on the skids, and kids in the core were the topics for the work groups, which met for two of the four days of the workshop.
    301. Report and Recommendations for Government Action and Statement of Concern
      Housing for Low Income Canadians

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The report identifies maldistribution of income as the prime factor in the housing problem.
    302. Research Bulletin
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The main article of this issue looks at the energy crisis.
    303. Researching Canadian Corporations
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A resource for people and organizations who find themselves victims of some corporation's malice or indifference, and want to do something about it.
    304. Resource Manual for A Living Revolution 
      A Handbook of Skills & Tools for Social Change Activists

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977   Published: 1985
      A manual for people who are concerned or angered by the deterioration of our society and who, because they have some sense that their efforts can have an effect on change, are looking for tools to transform it. It is a working reference for those who are prepared to act to create a better life for themselves and others.
    305. Resources
      On the Dene and The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline.

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      This resource list is primarily intended for those interested in pursuing the issues of native land claims (particularly the Dene) and development in the Mackenzie Valley. Many of the books, papers, and audio-visuals contain more detailed bibliographies for those who want to do further research.
    306. Resources Exchange Project Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Resources Exchange Project (REP) is an information-sharing network for community organizations, social action groups, community workers and others interested in Atlantic Canada. This is the newsletter of that organization.
    307. Resources Exchange Project: 1973-1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    308. Rich Man, Poor Man: Who's the Thief?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    309. A Right to Live
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      A film that explains what happens to job related accident victims and how injured workers are fighting back.
    310. The Rise and Demise of Women's Liberation:
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Dixon uses a Marxist analysis to try to explain the decline of the women's liberation movement in the 1970's.
    311. The Role of Economic Competition in Canadian Society
      A Statement to the Committee on Finance, Trade and Economic Affairs, House of Commons

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    312. Rural Cleanings
      Periodical profile published in 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A small qurterly magazine that deals with land issues in rural Canada.
    313. S.O.S. Montreal
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This magazine is published monthly by Save Montreal, a federation of citizens groups dedicated to the planned and responsible development of Montreal and to the preservation of its neighbourhoods, historic buildings, and green spaces.
    314. Saskatchewan Labour
      Vol.1, No. 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      An issue of Saskatchewan focused on wage controls and the effects of the Anti-Inflation Board.
    315. Saskatchewan's Stake in the Politics of Separatism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This edition reports on discussions and workshops held in connection with a seminar on the possible separation of Quebec from Canada, and its implications for Saskatchewan.
    316. School of New Economics
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The above brochure outlines the goals and courses of the School of New Economics in Peace River, Alberta. This school challenges the assumptions of the traditional study of economics and argues that "fundamental changes in economic theory and practice are essential for the truly human society.
    317. Sea-Bed Wealth
      For Private Profit or Peoples' Development. Vol. IV, No. 7

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This newsletter looks at the implications of the recent and growing interest of transnational corporations and national governments in developing the sea's wealth.
    318. Second Birth
      St. Andrew's Place

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This is a study that tells the story of St. Andrew's Place, a church property that has been redeveloped into a senior citizens' residence and a place for alternate community services.
    319. Seizing Our Bodies
      The Politics of Women's Health

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    320. Service Accessibility and the Multiracial Community
      in Canadian Welfare

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    321. Services for Immigrant Women
      Report and Evaluation of four Workshops

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report 1) describes how the above workshops were planned and put together; 2) gives an account of the content of each workshop including texts from all presentations; and, finally, 3) gives the results of the evaluation of the workshops. Also included are the newsletters, work sheets, agendas, and resource materials prepared for the workshops.
    322. Settlement Model, Document#4, July 14, 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This paper discusses the settlement model that is intended to provide a basis from which an agreement in principle (expected early 1978) is developed with respect to Yukon Indian Land Claims.
    323. Small Claims Court
      Is it Really a People's Court?

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A small selection of documents aimed at educating the public about the Ontario small claims court system.
    324. Social Development
      Vol. 6, No. 2.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This pamphlet reports on the various issues which were of current concern to the Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD).
    325. Socialism and the New Life
      The Personal and Sexual Politics of Edward Carpenter and Havelock Ellis

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    326. Socialism From Below in the United States
      The Origins of the International Socialist Organization

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    327. The Socialist Register 1977
      Volume 14: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    328. A Society to be Transformed
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
    329. A Society to Be Transformed, 1977 Pastoral Statement on Social Justice.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    330. Solving Women's Problems (Through Awareness, Action, And Contact)
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The lowdown on radical therapy principles and practice, positive personal change that empowers individuals to work effectively for social change. Describes the philosophy, theory and practical application of problem-solving groups.
    331. Some Facts About BRIC
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A pamphlet that gives an overview of the effort undertaken to provide Media, Legal and Leadership Training Services to the Black community in Ontario by the Black Resources Information Centre.
    332. Sources Archived News Releases 1977 - 2008
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977   Published: 2008
      News releases from 2008 and before.
      Portal for Journalists and Writers - The directory for reporters, writers, editors and researchers

      Resource Type: Website
      First Published: 1977   Published: 2009
      Sources is an information portal for journalists, freelance writers, news editors, authors, researchers and journalism students -- and a resource for organizations, institutions, businesses, and individuals who want to get media coverage of their expertise and their views on newsworthy topics.
      Journalists: Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
      Newsmakers: Use Sources to raise your profile and get media coverage. Sources is a powerful tool which complements and magnifies your other efforts to publicize yourself. See, fill out the membership form, or call 416-964-7799.
    334. Sources News Releases
      Resource Type: Website
      First Published: 1977   Published: 2017
      News releases from organizations and companies on a wide range of topics. Includes an extensive topic index, an archive of releases going back to the 1970s, and links to experts and organizations knowledgeable about the issues covered in the releases. Available via RSS feed as well as on the website.
    335. Sources (Red Menace #2)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    336. Sources Select Resources
      Reviews and information about print and online resources for journalists and researchers

      Resource Type: Website
      First Published: 1977   Published: 2009
      Reviews and information about print and online resources for journalists and researchers.
    337. Southern Support Group Newsletter #8
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A newsletter written with a view to presenting a wide range of information related to native peoples' concerns about land claims and pipelines.
    338. SPEC
      Canadian Scientific and Environmental Control Society

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A brochure that describes the objectives and activities of SPEC.
    339. Speech by Aubrey Golden to the N.F.U. Convention
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A speech given to the National Farmer's Union regarding the differences between a police force and a security service and the importance of keeping the two seperate.
    340. The Spider and the Fly
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A description of the relationship between family farms and corporate agri-business.
    341. Spontaneity and Organisation
      From 'Anti-Bolshevik Communism'

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Although Lenin counted on, he simultaneously feared, spontaneous movements. He justified the need for conscious interferences in spontaneously-arising revolutions by citing the backwardness of the masses and saw in spontaneity an important destructive but not constructive element. In Lenin's view, the more forceful the spontaneous movement, the greater would be the need to supplement and direct it with organised, planned party-activity. The workers had to be guarded against themselves, so to speak, or they might defeat their own cause through ignorance, and, by dissipating their powers, open the way for counter-revolution.
    342. Statement of Claire Culhane, Provincial Court, New Westminster, B.C.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This is a statement by Claire Culhane in provincial court where she pleaded not guilty to a charge of trespassing on penitentiary land.
    343. A Statement of Goals Respecting the Yukon Indian Claim: Document#2, March 8, 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The basic goal of the Yukon Indians is that of self-determination or a greater degree of control over their destiny.
    344. Statement To Shareholders of Noranda Mines Limited
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This pamphlet outlines the role of the Canadian churches since the rise of the Chilean junta in 1973 and focuses particularly on the churches' opposition to the investment plans of Noranda Mines Limited in the Chilean copper industry.
    345. The Story of Profit
      The Coalition for Energy Price Control

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A report of the actions of 17 groups in Quebec fighting unfair energy price increases.
    346. Strategy for Labrador Straits: Aiming for Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This report outlines a framework for economic development of the Labrador Straits area. Input was requested from community councils, fisheries committees, high school students, private citizens and members of the two sponsoring bodies.
    347. Strategy of Development for the Canadian Housing Co-operative Movement
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An analysis of trends and outcomes of four strategies employed in developing co-operative housing.
    348. Stump Ranch Chronicles and other narratives
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      The story of Arnt Arntzen and Ebe Koeppen, two men who worked in mines, logging and construction camps, on homesteads, farms and stump ranches in British Columbia and other parts of Western Canada from 1912 on.
    349. Submission to the Government of Canada Proposing Economic Recovery through a Full Employment Program
      Proposing Economic Recovery through a Full Employment Program

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An article discussing the possibility of a "great depression" occuring in the 1970s.
    350. Submission to the Hon. Dr. Bette Stephenson, Minister of Labour, Concerning Proposed Occupational Safety and Health
      Legislation for the Province of Ontario.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A letter regarding workplace safety in Canada. The letter discusses Canada's relative lack of legilsation that promote preventative safety measures in the workplace.
    351. Submission to the Sub-Committee on the Penitentiary Systems In Canada Hearings
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A list of recommendations on how to fix certain issues in the prison system.
    352. Submissions to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs
      Sub-Commitee on the Penitentiary System in Canada

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A review of oppresion in the Canadian penitentiary system as a wholem with a closer look at the Millhaven Institution.
    353. Summary of Presentation to the Mayor and City Council of Edmonton, Alberta
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This call for action presented to the city of Edmonton describes a growing crisis in the Boyle Street area and proposes changes in policy and services to respond to the crisis. During the past year, there has been a growth in the number of men and women in the inner city core of Edmonton. At the same time, the report states, there has been a decrease in housing, increasing violence and an overburdening of the services.
    354. Support for Farmers
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      The Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society was founded in June 1976 by a group of individuals concerned about the future of Canada's agricultural self-sufficiency.
    355. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume V Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      January 1977 issue.
    356. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume V Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      February 1977 issue.
    357. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume V Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      March 1977 issue.
    358. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
      Volume V Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
      April 1977 issue.
    359. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - May 1977
      Volume V Number 5

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    360. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - June 1977
      Volume V Number 6

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    361. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - September 1977
      Volume V Number 7

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    362. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - October 1977
      Volume V Number 8

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    363. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - November 1977
      Volume V Number 9

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    364. Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - December 1977
      Volume V Number 10

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
    365. A Tale of Two Offices
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Daily life and offices politics viewed through the experience of working in two libraries with very different management styles.
    366. Tanzanian Coffee Project
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      A slide tape show about cooperative coffee farming in Tanzania and the coffee industry.
    367. Taxes a rotten deal for working people
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A business is allowed deductions based on the actual situation, whereas for working people allowances are not realistic, but more in the nature of a gesture or a token.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      These two papers deal with Canada's relationship to South Africa. They are published in 1977 by the Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Southern Africa (TCLSAC), a Canadian group supporting the national liberation movements in Africa.
    369. Ten Days for World Development 1977/Leader Kit
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A kit designed for those who plan activites for the Ten Days for World Development programme.
    370. Les Tetes de Pioche
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    371. Their Methodology and Ours
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Self-introduction of the sole issue of the journal Strategy, which appeared, and disappeared, in the spring of 1977.
    372. These Old Ones
      Growing Old in China and in Canada

      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1977
      A slide tape presenation about what it means to be old in Canadian society.
    373. This book explains how things don't work
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      There a lots of guides explaining how things work. This one explains how they don't -- and why they don't.
    374. Tightwire
      Vol. III, Edition 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
    375. Toronto Rape Crisis Centre Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      In their article entitled "Critique on the Amirs" Gillean Chase and Ilene Bell question the advisability of the hiring by the Federal Government of Menachem and Delila Amir, both non-Canadian residents, to do research on Canadian Rape Crisis Centres.
    376. Toward a New Constitution?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    377. Toward Preventing Alcoholism and Alcohol Misuse
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    378. Transport 2000
      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      Transport 2000 is a nationally-based citizens' organization devoted to the preservation and advancement of public transportation throughout Canada.
    379. Le Tremplin
      Vol. 3 #2 - Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Newsletter produced by a group whose main work is finding employment and support for ex-inmates.
    380. Trigger
      Survival Guide

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      Trigger is a job-finding centre for youth which is staffed by non-professionals who have all had personal experiences of unemployment.
    381. The Uncertified Human
      Vol. 4, No. 8

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Monthly pro-life publication designed to keep subscribers up to date on genetic engineering, euthenasia, mandatory sterilisation, abortion, capital punishment, pro-life feminism and constructive solutions to world and human problems.
    382. The Uncertified Human
      Vol. 4, No. 12

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      A pro-life newsletter that discusses various forms of legislation that are relavent to their movement.
    383. Underdevelopment in Canada
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1977
      A collection of articles analyzing underdevelopment in Canada in historical and economic terms.
    384. Unemployment
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This broadsheet examines the crucial unemployment situation in Nova Scotia and outlines attempts by the unemployed in union with working people to confront this problem.
    385. Unemployment Manifesto in Briar Patch
      Vol, 6, No. 7, PP.23-27

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An analysis of the unemployment manifesto in Briar Patch.
    386. United Electrical News
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      The U.E. Newsletter reports union negotiations and contracts but also ranges widely over other issues.
    387. The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      In this popular book, author Wendell Berry argues that good farming is a cultural and spiritual development, and modern agribusiness takes farming out of its cultural context, away from families and their connection to the land.
    388. Upstream
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Upstream is a monthly newsmagazine published by Feminist Publications of Ottawa. Topics covered in the paper include female unemployment, female political prisoners in Indonesia, Law for Women, the Berger Report, book reviews, and a section on poetry. One feature article is on the female alcoholic.
    389. Venna Connosco - Come With Us
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1977
    390. The Video Theatre
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The Video Theatre is a communication resource centre where video tapes and video production equipment are available free of charge.
    391. Vision Canada
      Unmet Needs of Blind Canadians

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A study with four main objectives: 1) to determine the current needs of visually handicapped people, 2) to determine whether needs are being adequately met, 3) to suggest what changes are required to improve existing programs or develop new ones, 4) to collect informaiton on the special unmet needs of multi-handicapped people.
    392. Voice of the Annex
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Voice of the Annex is a newsletter that examines official planning for Toronto and citizen participation in this process.
    393. Wages for Housework Committee Materials
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A series of films on women's rights centred around the family allowance program.
    394. Walk for Life Newsletter
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This newsletter provides a report and a reflection upon the May 1977 Walk For Life from Toronto to Ottawa.
    395. Wawatay News
      Voices of the North

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      Wawatay News is a community newspaper serving the native peoples of north-western Ontario. It contains news of community events and other information important to native people of the North.
    396. We Still Have A Heart
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      In this videotape program, the Dene people tell how their land and political rights have been usurped. They use as examples the coming of the mining and petroleum corporations, and what this has meant for them in terms of political struggle for their land. The videotape focuses specifically on the presentation of the Dene people's position to the federal government in October 1976.
    397. The Weston Group of Companies
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A profile of the Canadian bakery and its extended holdings across North America and around the world.
    398. What is Libertarian Socialism? 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Revolution is a collective process of self-liberation: people and societies are transformed through their struggles for freedom and for a better world.
    399. What is The Red Menace?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      About The Red Menace, a libertarian socialist publication.
    400. What's Canada Doing in Brazil?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      This paper traces the historical relationship of Canadian based corporations in Brazil.
    401. When Did We See You Hungry?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An educational leader kit designed to focus the theme of food.
    402. Where do We Go From Here?
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
    403. Who Calls The Tune?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      "Who Calls the Tune?" is a new publication by the Canadian Council on Social Development recounting the experiences of small community organizations with the media.
    404. Who's in Control?
      Issue 14

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      An examination of the phenomenon of corporate power.
    405. Why the Leninists Will Win
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      Clark argues that the failure of the libertarian left to take organizing seriously makes it likely that capitalism will be overthrown by Leninists who will preside over a social system as undemocratic as the old.
    406. Why You Should Question Your Bank
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A pamphlet urging Canadians to question their bank's involvment in loaning money to the racist South African government.
    407. Women and the Law in Nova Scotia
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A booklet about women and the law.
    408. Women at Work in Nova Scotia
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1977
      A pamphlet that examines the struggles and realities of working women in Nova Scotia.
    409. Women's Research Centre
      Organization profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1977
      The intention of the Women's Research Centre is to work closely with women who do not normally have access to research facilities or who lack the skills to do such work themselves.
    410. Women's Work
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1977
      A film about the wage disparity between men and women.
    411. Word is Out
      Stories of Some of Our Lives

      Resource Type: Film
      First Published: 1977
      Interviews with 26 people, who speak about their experiences as gay men and lesbians.
    412. Words and Deeds
      Canada, Portugal and Africa

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      These essays culminate three years of research by the Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Southern Africa (TCLSAC), an organization working in support of the liberation movement of Southern Africa and on issues which link the concerns of Canadians to these struggles.
    413. Work & Daily Life Intro
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
      A forum through which people can communicate what they feel about their jobs and the others things that happen to them every day.
    414. The Working Poor
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      "Sixty per cent of Canada's poor derive the greatest part of their income from work."
    415. World Military and Social Expenditures 1977
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1977
    416. World Minorities
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      An account "of the plight today and the problems of some of the world's oppressed minorities".
    417. Youth & Unemployment
      A Source Book

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1977
      A document prepared by Kevin Collins, Program Director of Income Security for the Canadian Council for Social Development (CCSD), for a 1976 CCSD consultation on "Youth Development: The Need for Integrated Policies."
    418. Yukon Indian News
      Periodical profile published 1977

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977
      This is the official Native newspaper in the Yukon.
    419. Zerowork 2
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1977


    1. Abridged Version of Judgement by Justice K Macay in the case involving Atlantic, Redpath and St. Lawrence Sugar Ref
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Abridged text of judgement to aid citizens to understand the issues involved.
    2. Access Community - Media
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Proposal for funding for a community media resource unit.
    3. A.G.A.I.N./Direct Services/Employment:
      Introduction to Employment Strategies & Note on the Consultation A.G.A.I.N.

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Critiques of government employment strategies in the urban core/skid row areas.
    4. All in the Family
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A booklet explaining some of the legal consequences which flow from marriage, common law relationships, owning property, and having children.
    5. Amnesty International
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      An independent non-governmental organization that endeavours to ensure the right for everyone to hold and express his or her beliefs.
    6. An Analysis of the Decreasing Viability of Small and Medium sized Farms in Canada.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Describes the economic, physical, and political conditions that cause a rapid decrease in small and medium sized farms in Canada.
    7. Die "andere" Arbeiterbewegung und die Entwicklung der kapitalistischen Repression von 1880 bis zur Gegenwart
      Ein Beitrag zum Neuverständnis d. Klassengeschichte in Deutschland. Mit ausführl. Dokumentation zu Aufstandsbekämpfung, Werkschutz u.a.

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    8. Annual Report, Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility 1975-76
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An account of the issues and corporations which are of current concern to the TCCR.
    9. Approaches To Foreign Rrepresentatives of Governments
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Guidelines useful in securing and attending interviews with ambassadors.
    10. Appropriate Technology
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A pamphlet about inappropriate aid programs and our need to look at alternate forms of energy.
    11. The Arbritary Enfranchisement of Indian Women
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A brief arguing for the amendment of certain provisions of the Indian Act providing for the involuntary enfranchisement of Indian women.
    12. Argentina '76
      A dossier on political repression and the violation of human rights

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A report that outlines the torture of political prisoners, censorship, and religious persecution that occurs in Argentina.
    13. Attitudes at the Canadian Grassroots
      Signs and Portents in the Seventies

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A report on people's attitudes across Canada.
    14. Banking on Apartheid
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Package states the case against further Canadian bank loans to the government of South Africa. Suggests actions for persons wanting to resist further bank loans.
    15. B.C. Ecologue
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A handbook for study and action on the ecological crisis.
    16. Bear Hills Native Voice
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Bi-monthly publication covering politics, sports, recreation, agriculture and cultural events in the Bear Hills community.
    17. A Brief on the Effects of Inflation on Welfare Recipients
      Presented to P.E.I. Cabinet Ministers

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An exploration of the situation of those of Prince Edward Island most harshly affected by the effects of inflation and legislation governing wage and price controls.
    18. Brief to NDP Caucus
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Critique of the amendments to the Landlord and Tenants Act and recommendations for modifications to present legislation.
    19. Bring it Home
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A pamphlet about the needs of grass roots, people-oriented health programs and awareness.
    20. A Call For a Moratorium
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A brief submitter to the Berger Inquiry by PROJECT NORTH.
    21. Calumet
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Quarterly newsletter published to promote the aims of the movement for social justice and peace.
    22. Canada -- Beware! Look What's Happened to Peru
      GATT-Flyer No. 3

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Parallels are drawn between the Canadian and Peruvian Oil Industries.
    23. Canada, Left-Nationalism, and Younger Voices
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Published in Studies in Political Economy, 33 (Autumn 1990)
    24. Canada, Namibia and You
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Pamphlet to aid letter writing campaign against S. Africa's occupation of Namibia.
    25. Canada and the Rights of the Chilean People
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Brief presented to the Canadian Government by the Coalition on Canadian Policy Toward Chile.
    26. Canadian Alternatives in 1975: a movement maturing
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Overview and analysis of the growing Canadian "Alternatives Movement".
    27. Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsiblity Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A report of important events across Canada and internationally on concerns related to nuclear energy.
    28. The Canadian Grain Trade - An Introductory Outline.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Outline of the grain trade in Canada and parallels to the situation underlying the New International Economic Order.
    29. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Pilot Copy, February 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The first issue of the Canadian Information Sharing Service publication. The name of the publication was later changed to Connexions and then to Connexions Digest.
    30. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 1, Number 2 - July 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
    31. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 1, Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
    32. Canadian Information Sharing Service
      Volume 1, Number 4 - November 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
    33. The Canadian News Synthesis Project
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      Presenting current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. The Canadian News Synthesis Project published from 1974 to 1980.
    34. Canadian News Synthesis Project - January 1976
      Volume III Number 11

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    35. Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1976
      Volume III Number 12

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    36. Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1976
      Volume IV Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    37. Canadian News Synthesis Project - April 1976
      Volume IV Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    38. Canadian News Synthesis Project - May 1976
      Volume IV Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    39. Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1976
      Volume IV Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    40. Canadian News Synthesis Project - July 1976
      Volume IV Number 5

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    41. Canadian News Synthesis Project - September 1976
      Volume IV Number 6

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    42. Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1976
      Volume IV Number 7

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    43. Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1976
      Volume IV Number 8

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    44. Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1976
      Volume IV Number 9

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    45. Canadian Policy Towards Southern Africa:
      An Ecunemical Concensus Paper

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Paper presented to government officials detailing position on racial oppression in S. Africa.
    46. CANDU: An Analysis of the Canadian Nuclear Program
      Part I - Technical Handbook

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Handbook on the issues surrounding the nuclear program
    47. Capital and community
      The results of the immediate process of production and the economic work of Marx

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    48. Cargill and Friends
      The Grain Companies' Rollercoaster and Why We Should Get Off

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A brochure that charts the growth of major multinational grain trading companies.
    49. A Case Study on the Interaction of Immigrant-Canadians in Their Work
      and the Influence of this Interaction on the Resocialization of the Immigrant

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A sociological analysis done from the perspective of participant observation including theological reflections.
    50. The Catalyst
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A monthly newspaper produced by a federation of member-run food coops in B.C.
    51. Chile Report
      Enterprise and Repression Multinational Goes to Chile

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Looks at Noranda Mines' copper mine investment in Chile.
    52. Church Presentation to the Annual Meetings of Three Canadian Banks
      Re: Loans to South Africa

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A statement questioning the morality of loaning money to a racist South African government.
    53. Citizen Action
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Bibliography of case studies involving community/social planning and action.
    54. Citizen Involvement in Housing and Community: An Action Research Design
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A proposal for funding a housing inventory network to deal with the housing crisis in Edmonton.
    55. Citizens Counter-Conference on Energy and Northern Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Report on the proceedings of the '76 "Citizens Counter-Conference".
    56. La clase trabajadora y el cambio social
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
    57. Clear Hamilton of Pollution (CHOP)
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Newsletter that addresses itself to Canadian citizens interested in environmental pollution control in Hamilton and Northern Ontario.
    58. Clearness
      Processes for Supporting Individuals and Groups in Decision-Making

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    59. CNSP Review 1974-75; Canada in an International Context
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An analysis of developments in Canadian society based on newspaper coverage.
    60. COCOA
      Commodity notes available from GATT-fly

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Background analysis and current report on this key international commodity.
    61. Coffee
      Gatt-Fly Commodity Profile

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A look at coffee as a commodity and the reasons for its fluctuating cost.
    62. Cointelpro
      The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      The first in-depth look at the covert and illegal FBI counterintelligence program - code-name COINTELPRO.
    63. Columbus: His Enterprise
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      The traditional view of Christopher Columbus was as a single-minded, courageous visionary whose navigational skills led him to "discover" the Americas. Hans Koning gives us a different history of Columbus' life and voyages.
    64. Comments from our readers (Issue #1)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
    65. Commodity Notes No.2
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Keeping readers up to date on international commodities.
    66. Common Sense for Hard Times 
      The Power of the Powerless to Cope with Everyday life and Transform Society in The Nineteen Seventies

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Presents a vision of society as it is and as it could be. Putting the problems of contemporary daily life in historical perspective, it reveals that they have their roots in the way our society is organized, and thereby enables us to re-examine our own situation and experience.
    67. Community Congress for Economic Change: Credit Union
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A booklet describing the motives and aspirations of the CCEC Credit Union.
    68. Connexions Digest
      A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976   Published: 1992
      The Connexions Digest published information about resources, groups, actions, strategies and ideas for social change. The Connexions Digest is no longer published in print, but information from it appears on the Connexions Web site.
    69. Constructive Criticism: A Handbook
      Issues in Radical Therapy

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      The need for, logic behind, and techniques of constructive criticism in groups. Includes detailed decription of specific skills. Written for Marxist activists, but useful for anyone.
    70. Consumers' Rights
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Booklet designed to inform consumers about how the law affects people as buyers, borrowers, and householders.
    71. Converse
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      The role of church people in the correctional system.
    72. ConVerse Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A quarterly report of local and national news and events related to the penal system.
    73. Co-op Housing
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Booklet designed to answer initial questions on co-op housing laws and procedures in Canada.
    74. Co-op Housing - An Alternative
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A brochure describing non-profit co-op housing in Toronto.
    75. Co-operative Games
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      Offering games based on co-operation rather than conflict.
    76. The Co-operative Union of Canada
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      An educational and promotional organization for all cooperative projects.
    77. Corporate Concentration and the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Condensed version of the brief presented to the Bryce Commission on Corporate Concentration.
    78. Danger: Radiation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Leaflet that asks and answers some basic questions about nuclear energy.
    79. The Dark Side of "The Light": Brascan in Brazil
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Report evaluates the impact of BRASCAN Ltd. in Brazil as well as that of the economic system the company promotes.
    80. Des Outils pour Pratique Communautaire
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      La presentation de quatre outils de travail servant a l'analyse critique du vecu quotidien.
    81. Development Education Viewpoints
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Educational tools focused on worldwide underdevelopment in a Canadian context.
    82. The Development of a Guaranteed Annual Income in Canada and the Involvement of Canadian Churches
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A paper designed to educate church people about the concept of a guaranteed annual income as an effective "weapon against poverty".
    83. Diagnosis, Goals and Methods of Social Change
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Outline of several diagnoses of the state of social systems and institutions.
    84. Directory of Alcoholism Services
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Comprehensive list of all agencies serving Metropolitan Toronto.
    85. Directory of Services for Mentally and Physically Handicapped of the Lower Mainland (B.C.)
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Alphabetical lists of Services and Agencies.
    86. Dossier No. 2 on the Homeless Single Men of the Lower Downtown
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Report on an organizing effort by two social workers with single homeless men in Montreal.
    87. Dossier No.2 Sur les Sans-Foyer ou Hommes Seule du pas de la Ville
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Suite a l'interet formule pour le dossier Homme Seul Itinerant.
    88. Dossiers Vie Ouvriere
      Avril 1976, Vol XXVI#104 - Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Chretiens et Marxistes dans l'action la combat pour la justice.
    89. The Double Helix
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A volume of poetry.
    90. Down on the Farm
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      Four days in the life of National Farmers' Union organizer, Don Kossick.
    91. Downtown Action
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A monthly magazine that attempts to provide a critical analysis of issues and events affecting the quality of life in Metro Toronto.
    92. Downtown East
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Community newspaper reporting the efforts of D.E.R.A. in confronting exploitive practices.
    93. Drugs Won't Cure Common Colds and Flu
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A booklet (French or English) that simply and graphically describes what are, and how one contracts, common colds and influenza.
    94. The Economics of Alcohol in Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A paper written in response to the growing concern about the increasing abuse of alcohol in Canada shows the direct relation between consumption and advertising.
    95. Ecumenical Consultation on the Problems of Quebec
      Abstracted from Oecumenisme/Ecumenism No. 46

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Summary of a bilingual, multi-denominational, and multi-cultural event sponsored by the Montreal Ecumenical Centre.
    96. Eight Men Speak
      And Other Plays from the Canadian Workers' Theatre

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Eight plays presented by the Canadian Worker's Theatre in the 1930s.
    97. Essays in Canadian Working Class History
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    98. Everybody Dreams
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      Study of an immigrant family's life as homesteaders in P.E.I. and its opposition to encroaching corporate demands.
    99. The Fellowship of Reconciliation
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      A movement committed to non-violence, both as a way of life and a means of building a world community.
    100. Final Report of the Canadian Non-Governmental Participation Group (CNGPG) for Habitat
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Review of the history and formation of the CNGPG for Habitat and its performance during the conference. Printed in both English and French.
    101. The Food Co-operator
      Vol II, #1 - Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Newsletter to provide news and information for people who do business with the Federation.
    102. For Bread and Hope
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1976
      15 min. slide-tape looking critically at migration and regional under-development in Canada.
    103. FORUM - A Publication of Catholics for Social Change
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Calendar, information, communication and support.
    104. From Trident to Life
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Pamphlet outlining PLC's campaign of resistance against the Trident submarine missile system based in Bangor, Wash.
    105. From Words to Action
      1976 Labour Day Message of the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops, Ottawa

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Four page pamphlet outlining the bishop's message.
    106. GATT-FLY
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      A project to assist Canadian Churches in their mission for world justice by advocating alternative economic policies.
    107. Global Community Centre News
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Issues in developing countries as well as events, news, and resources in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.
    108. Global Reach
      The Power of the Multinational Corporations

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      An examination of corporate power.
    109. Gramsci's Marxism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Carl Boggs introduces Gramsci as one of the first marxist theorists to grapple with the problems of revolutionary change in advanced capitalist society and as the first to identify the importance of the ideological-cultural struggle against bourgeois values.
    110. Grassroots Press
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Local community newspaper covers local and national issues and events.
    111. Greenpeace Chronicles
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A twice-yearly newspaper originating out of Vancouver.
    112. Guide to Ecology Information and Organizations
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Ecology address book. Written primarily for public librarians and library patrons.
    113. Guide to the B.C. Women's Movement
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Guest speakers, addresses, transition houses, and more.
    114. Habitat and Urban Core Issues: Report and Impressions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A brief report on the participation of the UCSN staff in the 1976 United Nations Habitat Forum.
    115. Habitat Participation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Issues related to land use, indigenous peoples' rights, nuclear power, etc.
    116. Hamilton Tenant
      A guide to tenants' rights and the Landlord and Tenant Act

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A guide to the rights and obligations of tenants as set out in the current (1967) legislation.
    117. Harlan County USA 
      Resource Type: Film
      First Published: 1976
      An effort of 180 coal miners and their wives to strike for benefits at the Eastover Coal Company's Brookside Mine in Harlan County, southeast Kentucky in 1973.
    118. The Hidden Welfare System
      A report on the personal income tax system in Canada

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A critical analysis of the Income Tax Act and deductions that benefit the top 5% of filers.
    119. The Hite Report
      A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      The results of a survey of 3,000 American women regarding their sexuality.
    120. Honest Womanhood
      Feminism, Feminity and Class Consciousness Among Toronto Working Women 1893-1914

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
      Roberts' book is a look at paid employment for women at the turn of the century. He looks at the experience of the working women in the labour force, the realities of paid employment and the wages in a time of emerging capitalism. Also included is an analysis of women's role in the labour movement and the reasons for their relative lack of participation in trade unions and labour politics.
    121. Housing
      An anarchist approach

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    122. How the Other Half Dies
      The Real Reasons for World Hunger

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976   Published: 1977
      Why are so many people hungry? Susan George affirms with conviction and with evidence that it is not because there are too many people on the planet, nor because of bad weather or changing climates, but because food is controlled by the rich.
    123. How to Make Meetings Work
      The New Interaction Method

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    124. I Was Born Here
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      An old Dene Indian reflects on his land, his people and his values.
    125. Inflation and Democracy in Canada
      Thirty Years of Stop and Go

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
      Pamphlet discusses wage and price Controls and how they affect Canadians.
    126. Instead of Education
      Ways to Help People Do Things Better

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Holt returns to the old truth that we learn things by doing them. He says this has been forgotten by today's educators, who believe we shouldn't start to do things until after they have been "learned."
    127. Instead of Prisons
      A Handbook for Abolitionists

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A Meditation on the abolition of prision system - chapters include "Demythologizing our views of prison," "Diminishing/Dismantling the Prison System," "Decarcerate," and "Excarcerate."
    128. Interchurch Energy Committee
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
    129. The Inter-Church Task Force on the Churchill River Diversion
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      Task Force formed to assist the Northern Flood Committee.
    130. International Communities as a Strategy for Social Change
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Analysis of the significance of the role of "community" in the struggle toward a more human social order.
    131. Interval House
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Two articles briefly describe the shelter for women and children.
    132. Intimate Friendships 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Examines various forms of intimate relationship, from monogamy, to monogamy with adultery, to polygyny, polyandry and group relationships.
    133. Introduction to Social Revolution
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
      A Short Introduction to Social Revolutionary Politics, with short articles on ""Capitalism," "War," "State Capitalism," "National Liberation and Imperialism," "Racism," "Sex Roles," "Education," and "Reform and Revolution."
    134. Introduction to the Red Menace
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An introduction to, and the mission statement of, the libertarian socialist publication, The Red Menace.
    135. Is the James Bay Model Good Enough for the N.W.T.?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An analysis of the $225 million James Bay Agreement forced upon the Inuit and Cree of Northern Quebec.
    136. Is World Hunger our Responsibility?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Collection of articles discussing how we cause world hunger and what we must do.
    137. Issue 11 Quebec
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A look at the economic, language, and cultural issues facing Quebec.
    138. Justice Demands Action
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A statement presented to the Prime Minister and Federal Cabinet by Canadian church leaders.
    139. Justice Not Charity: A New Global Ethic for Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    140. Kainai News, "Canada's Leading Indian Newspaper"
      Defunct publication

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Provincial Indian newspaper dealing primarily with local issues and events.
    141. Käthe Kollwitz: Woman and Artist
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A biography of the German artist Käthe Kollwitz.
    142. Kinesis, Vancouver Status of Women
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Published monthly to provide an open channel of communication among members.
    143. Know Thy Enemy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A poem.
    144. Die Kunst findet nicht im Saale statt
      Politische Plakate

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    145. Labour's Day of Protest -- The Issues and the Press
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An issue sheet examining the biases of the Canadian Press in its coverage of the Oct 14th national Day of Protest against wage and price control policies.
    146. LAM News (Legal Aid Manitoba)
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      An underground paper dealing toung-in-cheek with the legal (aid) system.
    147. Land Use
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Critical examination of social concers in a way designed to strengthen discussion and action.
    148. Letter to the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A letter rasing critical questions about the commission.
    149. Letters of Insurgents 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A fictional exchange of letters between people grappling with the question of what the struggle for freedom means in the West and in the countries of the Soviet bloc. A gripping discussion of the issues of social change and liberation as they affect real people.
    150. Lifestyles
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Booklet about over-consumption, vegetarianism, co-ops, and Third World model of co-operation.
    151. Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976   Published: 1977
    152. List of Groups Involved in Social Action in Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      CISS's first list of people networks engaged in Social Action in Canada.
    153. Local schools perpetuate social inequality says survey
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      The more money your parents earn, the better you are likely to do in school. This is the conclusion of a massive study of the Toronto school population just released by the Board of Education.
    154. A Look at Skid Row 1976 - Where is it Going?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A final report to the Non-Medical Use of Drugs Directorate on trends in Skid-Row movement.
    155. Looking at the Conference
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Ashley Chester comments on the Popular Education Conference.
    156. Love, Therapy And Politics
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      This ia a collection of articles compiled from the first year of "Issues in Radical Therapy." It includes political perspectives on therapy, group dynamics, male/female sex roles, and other concerns relevant to the practice of radical therapy.
    157. Macroanalysis Bibliography For Canadian Groups
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A collection of Canadian materials to accompany a seminar programme to develop social change programs.
    158. Make the World a Home
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A pamphlet with the theme "Live simply that others may simply live".
    159. Mapoon - Book Three
      The Cape York Aluminum Companies (Alcan, Comalco, R.T.Z., Kaiser, C.R.A., Billiton, Pechiney, Tipperary) and the Native Peoples

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Chronicle of the policies and actions of the Aluminium Companies with respect to the native peoples and their land claims.
    160. Marx for Beginners
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976   Published:
    161. Marxist Women versus Bourgeois Feminism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      The texts presented here are intended to revive acquaintance with a revolutionary women's movement, which was undoubtedly the most important one of its kind that has yet been seen. Yet it has been so thoroughly dropped down the memory hole that even mention of its existence is hard to find.
    162. The Memory of Justice
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      The Memory of Justice is a 1976 documentary film directed by Marcel Ophüls. It explores the subject of atrocities committed in wartime.
    163. Mental Patients' Association
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      An alternative community organization dedicated to providing choices and power to ex-mental patients.
    164. Mercury Poisoning
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Quaker involvement with the issue of mercury poisoning at White Dog and Grassy Narrows Reserves.
    165. Miners and Steelworkers
      Labour in Cape Breton

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
    166. Mission Information Department - Scarborough Foreign Mission Society
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1976
      Social Issues documentaries.
    167. Missionary Involvement and Catholics in Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Report on survey results on missionary activities at home and abroad.
    168. A Model of Theological Reflection
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Training document to organise analysis of the conditions that foster the existence of skid row.
    169. A More Just and Humane Criminal Justice System
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Outline of the council's objectives, goals, history, and programme developments.
    170. MOSAIC: Center for Non-English Speaking Immigrants and Citizens
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      MOSAIC was formed in 1976 as a society from the amalgamation of two former 1972 Local Initiative Projects geared to the needs of non-English speaking immigrants in Vancouver: Language Aid for Ethnic Groups, offering various social services, and Multilingual Social Service (originally Project Contact), focusing on the immigrant community in the Grandview-Woodland area of the city.
    171. Moving Toward A New Society
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A vision of a new society, with a strategy for achieving it through non-violent revolution, and specific suggestions for what individuals can do now to work for fundamental social change.
    172. NAPO-INFO, National Anti-Poverty News
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      This was a bilingual, bi-monthly newspaper dealing with issues affecting the poor across Canada.
    173. The National Missionary Council Resource File
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An information package offered to assist in identifying agencies of similar interests.
    174. The National Question 
      Selected Writings by Rosa Luxemburg

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      In her penetrating analysis of nationalism, Rosa Luxemburg argues that the formula of "the right of nations to self-determination" is essentially not a political or programmatic guide to the nationality question, but only a means of avoiding that question.
    175. Natural Life
      A Journal of Natural Living,vol. 1 issue 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A magazine dedicated to providing information to Canadians interested in exploring alternatives in the areas of life-styles, energy, co-ops, organic foods, and schools among others.
    176. Network
      Vol 1, No 2, March 1976 - Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      An inter-community newsletter.
    177. New Age Transition Center
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      New Age Transition Center provided workshops for people interested in developing a creative awareness gained through major life changes.
    178. New Breed
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Monthly, new magazine to inform and educate native people in Saskatchewan about current events, history and tradition, and the local and national Indian scene.
    179. New Dawn Enterprises Limited
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      Paper describes the efforts of New Dawn to mobilize government and voluntary resources to contribute solutions to economic and social problems in Cape Breton.
    180. The New Games Book
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A collection of noncompetitive, "play hard" games from the New Games Foundation. Emphasis is on fun and cooperation. Highly recommended.
    181. New Ideas
      IDERA Newsletter - publication of the International Development Education Resource Association - Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Sharing the objectives, resources, and contributions of groups concerned with Third World and Development issues.
    182. 1976 Prisoner of Conscience Week Booklet
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A list of 14 prisoners on conscience. Chosen for Prisoner of Conscience Week.
    183. No Bosses Here: A Manual On Working Collectively
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
      An overview of how to organize and operate a working collective. Includes discussions of decision making, meetings, common interpersonal problems as well as practical concerns such as finances and bookkeeping. Written in a personal, friendly style and draws on the experience of many collective members.
    184. Nuclear Power
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A well-documented account of the nuclear industry in Canada illustrated with lively cartoons.
    185. One Earth, One Sky
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A pamphlet about the links among all people, historically, daily.
    186. One Gigantic Prison
      The Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to Chile, Argentina and Uruguay

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Three Canadian MPs report on human rights violations in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay.
    187. Open Road
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976   Published: 1990
      Anarchist paper published in Vancouver from 1976 to 1990.
      A digital archive of Open Road is online at
    188. Organizing a Union
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1976
      The procedures for obtaining certification from the Labour Relations Board.
    189. Organizing in a Small Town
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Experiences in organizing in a small town in Ontario in the early 1970s.
    190. Ottawa Co-op Resource Group (Newsletter)
      Sept 8, 1975 Vol II #1 - Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A voluntary coalition interested in communal and co-operative forms.
    191. Our two cents' worth...
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Analysis of the Popular Education Conference
    192. Out From the Shadows
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A bigliography of the history of women in Manitoba.
    193. Out of Control
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      A film that exposes the Trudeau Anti-Inflation Bill as an attack on Canadian workers.
    194. P.A.C.I.F.I.C. Advocate
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Monthly publication on issues related to the Friendship Centre Movement.
    195. Parallel Institute Video-Tapes
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      Training tapes designed to teach organizations the practical and political skills of organizing.
    196. Parallel Institute Video-Tapes
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      Training tapes to teach poor and working class organizations the basic practical and political skills of organizing.
    197. Parkdale Community Legal Services Newsletter
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Newsletter published twice yearly to inform the reader about the work done by the PCLS.
    198. The People Farm
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      A film that provides insight into growth stimulation of handicapped adults.
    199. People of the Valley
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      An account of a spiritually-based educational commune in Ontario.
    200. People Power
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Pamphlet about over-consumption, multinationals, and developing countries.
    201. The People, The Land, Our Hope
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Pamphlet outlines the plan of the committee to hold land in trust on which to develop a cooperative community.
    202. A People's History of Prince Edward Island
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      The history of Prince Edward from a people's perspective, looking at how tenant farmers, independent merchants, fishermen, workers, and farmers fought ti improve their conditions and improve their society.
    203. The Plain Dealer
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      This feature discusses the use of DDT and fenitrothion to kill spruce bud worm in New Brunswick.
    204. Plan for Detoxification Center
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Proposal given to the Quebec government to establish a detox center in downtown Montreal.
    205. Politics of Transportation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Articles on the role of transportation in Saskatchewan society.
    206. The Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
    207. Popular Education Conference
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      The level of discussion was brought down to actual examples and practice quite in contrast to the sloganeering and shallow definition of terms that is typical of most formal intra-left gatherings.
    208. Popular Education Conference - Overview
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A report on the Popluar Education Conference.
    209. Population Issues
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A pamphlet linking the overpopulation problem to over-consumption in rich countries.
    210. Portugal
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      The revolutionary process in Portugal is not one that lends itself very easily to a coherent political analysis. Political leadership is quickly thrown up by the creative energy of the workers and peasants and as quickly discarded as its usefulness to them wears thin.
    211. Poverty in Wealth
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
      A critique of existing poverty research in Canada.
    212. The Poverty of Power
      Energy and the Economic Crisis

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Commoner argues that the environmental, energy, and economic crises are interconnected. The industries that use the most energy have the highest negative impact on the environment; the focus on non-renewable resources as sources of energy means those resources are growing scarce, thus pushing up the price of energy and hurting the economy. These problems can ultimately be addressed only by replacing capitalism with socialism.
    213. Prairie Star
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A pro-labour perspective on contemporary events and issues.
    214. Prison Abolition & Alternatives
      Nine Perspectives for Prison Abolitionists

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A argument for the abolition of prisons and a discussion of alternatives.
    215. Quicksilver and Slow Death
      A study of mercury pollution in Northwestern Ontario

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A comprehensive paper describing the causes and effects of mercury pollution.
    216. Raids and Reconstructions
      Essays on Politics, Crime, and Culture

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      A collection of essays on culture and poltics.
    217. Rap About Prisoners
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Representing people both inside and outside the prison system.
    218. Rape of the Block or every person's guide to neighbourhood defence
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Written to enable citizens of Edmonton to "begin to plan their own communities."
    219. Red Menace #1
      Volume 1, Number 1 - February 1976

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      The first issue of The Red Menace, a libertarian socialist newsletter.
    220. Report on the Assemble Generale de U.C.S.N. au Monteal of May 4,5,6, 1976
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Report of a workshop designed to aid individuals involved in urban core issues.
    221. Resource and Development in Newfoundland
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      This pamphlet traces the history and inequities of Newfoundland's development of resources.
    222. Resource Kit on Northern Development
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Introduction to issues surrounding Native rights and northern development.
    223. Resources - "Awareness towards Action"
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Booklet to provide parish Youth Corp groups with essential information for dealing with issues of social justice.
    224. The Revolution is Dead Long Live the Revolution
      Readings on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution from an Ultra-Left Perspective

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      essasy on China's Great Proletarian cultural Revolution.
    225. Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area
      Newsletter #26

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Newsletter to keep members informed of the latest developments on the abortion question in Toronto, Ontario and Canada at large.
    226. The Role of the Soviets in Russia's Bourgeois Revolution: The Point of View of Julius Martov
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An essay on Russian revolution.
    227. Runaway Industries
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Study of transnational corporation investments and its effect on international union solidarity.
    228. St. Louis - Sud - Community Newspaper
      Vol. 3, No. 9 - Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Community newspaper serving the residents of St. Louis, Montreal. Printed in English, French, Greek & Spanish.
    229. The Saskatchewan Indian
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A vehicle for Indian opinion in Saskatchewan.
    230. Scarboro Missions
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Magazine discussing themes related to the work of Roman Catholic missionaries in Canada and abroad.
    231. Sharing Daily Bread
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1976
      16 minute slide tape documentary defining the causes of global food shortage.
    232. She never was afraid
      The biography of Annie Buller

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      The story of Annie Buller, a Canadian trade union activist and Communist.
    233. Shin-aki: The Unicorn Hunter's Guide
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A quarterly newsletter of one Toronto network of Christian Communities.
    234. Single Displaced Persons Project
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Outline of the efforts of individuals from various church related institutions to change the system of services that is seen to perpetuate skid row.
    235. Social Democracy & Industrial Militancy
      The Labour Party, the Trade Unions and Income Policy 1945-74

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Panitch describes the British experience of income policies (the measures aimed at controlling wages) in the post war years and the resulting relationship between trade unions and the Labour government.
    236. The Socialist Register 1976
      Volume 13: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
    237. Some Communities in Toronto.
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Listing of selected communities in Toronto, Canada, North America and Europe.
    238. Stalin, Marxism-Leninism and the Left
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    239. Technology, the Labor Process, and the Working Class
      Monthly Review July-August 1976

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    240. Ten Days for World Development, Study Issue, 1976
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      "Lifestyle" issue points out global realities call for a less consumer-oriented lifestyle.
    241. Tenant Handbook
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Answers to key questions for tenants and those working with tenants in Alberta.
    242. Theological Reflection Re: Skid Row
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Reflection on the conditions that foster the existence of Skid Rows in Canada.
    243. This Land Is Not For Sale
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      Examination of Native land claims and development in Canada's north.
    244. Through Arawak Eyes
      Resource Type: Audio
      First Published: 1976
      Music and poetry portrays the Indian experience in the Americas.
    245. Tin
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      An Analysis of the economics of tin from mining and production through marketing.
    246. To Have or To Be? 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976   Published: 1989
      Fromm calls for a social and psychological revolution. He argues that two modes of existence are in fierce conflict: the Having Mode, dedicated to material possession and property, agressiveness, personal gain, and war, and the Being Mode, sufused with love, the spirit of caring and a regard for humanity, which means contentment, a pleasant sufficiency of the mean to life (but no more) and a profound kinship with nature.
    247. Toronto Clarion
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976   Published:
      Independent alternative newspaper published in Toronto in the 1970s and 1980s.
    248. Toronto Collective Statement
      Autonomy and Power Relations Within the Working Class

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A statement written in June 1976 by some members of the former Struggle Against Work Collective.
    249. Tribal News
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      News pamphlet written primarily to raise the social and political awareness of native people in B.C.
    250. Underdevelopment in Canada Volume Two
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      20 articles discussing underdevelopment in Canada.
    251. Unity
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Newspaper dedicated to promoting participation of all Christians in the Apostolate of the Church.
    252. US Grain Firms in Canada
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      A discussion of the movement of Cargill & Continental Grain Inc. into Canada.
    253. Vancouver Cooperative Radio
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      City-wide FM radio station run on a non-profit, no-commercial, committe-run basis.
    254. The Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements
      With introductory comment by Bernard M. Daly

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Final text of the declaration, with comments on the parts the Canadian delegation opposed.
    255. Vancouver People's Law School
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      Video tapes made by local lawyers who explain laws and legal procedures.
    256. Vancouver Status of Women
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Brochure that describes the inner workings of the Vancouver Status of Women organization.
    257. Vanguard Magazine
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      An independent Christian magazine dealing with social issues.
    258. "Vie Ouvriere" (Worker's life)
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      An editorial collective in collaboration of Young Christian Workers "at the service of radical Christians of the working world".
    259. Violations of Human Rights in Uruguay 1972-76
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
    260. Wage and Price Controls -- What Have They Done To Others?
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      An international perspective on wage and price controls.
    261. Wage & Price Controls
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Canadian working people have now joined the ranks of workers in other western capitalist countries who have been subjected to a statutory incomes policy.
    262. Wages for Housework Video Tape
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      A video record of the development of the wages for housework debate.
    263. We Just Won't Take It
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1976
      Film expressing the opposition of the U.A.W. to wage controls.
    264. We stand on guard for whom?
      A study of Corporate Control over Resources in the Northwest Territories and Brazil

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A study of corporate control over resources in the NorthWest Territories and Brazil.
    265. Welfare Practices and Civil Liberties
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Report, based on 2-year survey of welfare recipients and administrators, identifies a number of serious problems.
    266. Wesika: A Journal Devoted to the Land Claims Movement
      Periodical profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1976
      Presents the Indian Land Claims issue from an Indian perspective.
    267. West Coast Environmental Law Association (WCELA)
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      An "environmental law center" providing legal advice, public education, and the promotion of legal reforms dealing with environmental issues.
    268. What Happened to Better Read Graphics?
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
      Four members of the Better Read Graphics collective (identified only by their initials) explain the political differences which led the collective to decide to dissolve in the summer of 1976.
    269. What is Socialist Feminism?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
    270. Women and the Law in Newfoundland
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976   Published: 1977
      This booklet discusses some of the laws of Newfoundland as they apply to women.
    271. Women on "Skid Row"
      A Proposal for a Shelter for Alcoholic and Homeless Women in Montreal

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A proposal written to funding bodies requesting financial assistance in setting up a women's shelter in Montreal.
    272. Women Working
      Issue #6

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      Examination of many of the issues facing women in the working world.
    273. Women's Communications Centre
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      Information centre on women's issues.
    274. Workers, Wages, and Controls
      The Anti-Inflation Programme and Its Implications for Canadian Workers

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1976
    275. Working in Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1976
      This book is a collection of experiences written by workers, or based on interviews with them, about what they do and feel on a day to day basis and what they think needs to be done to change their condition and that of other working people.
    276. Your Rights as a Tenant
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1976
      A booklet providing information and simple explanations of the laws governing landlord and tenant relationships in Ontario.
    277. Youth Corps
      Organization profile published 1976

      Resource Type: Organization
      First Published: 1976
      An organization in which young people grow through community service.


    1. Approaches to Skid Row: Rosewater? Rehabilitation? Radical Renewal?
      Notes on the Conference of December 3, 4, 5, 1974

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Report of the first National Conference of the Skid Row National Coalition.
    2. Arms and the Woman
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1980
      The modern revolutionary movement must destroy this opposition of pleasure-activity, sensitivity-lucidity, conception-execution, habit-innovation.
    3. The Battle of Chile
      Chile, Obstinate Memory

      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1979
      The Battle of Chile is a documentary film directed by the Chilean Patricio Guzman, in three parts: The Insurrection of the Bourgeoisie (1975), The Coup d'état (1976), Popular Power (1979). It is a chronicle of the political tension in Chile in 1973 and of the violent counter revolution against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. It won the Grand Prix in 1975 and 1976 at the Grenoble International Film Festival.
    4. The Battle of Chile
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1979
      On September 11, 1973, President Salvador Allende's democratically-elected Chilean government was overthrown in a bloody coup by General Augusto Pinochet's army. Patricio Guzman and five colleagues had been filming the political developments in Chile. THE BATTLE OF CHILE, an epic chronicle of that country's open and peaceful socialist revolution, and of the violent counter-revolution against it.
    5. The Betrayal of Marx 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      The public has too long been fed the view that figures such as Lenin and Stalin are genuine followers of Marx, simply because they have claimed that distinction. Nothing justifies the deeds of a perverse 'Marxism' (e.g. that of Stalin); a proper understanding of Marxist humanism, and its betrayal, in contrast, enables us to raise afresh the question of means and to reevaluate the relevant historical, economic, and political facts.
    6. Black Canadians
      A Long Line of Fighters

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Discusses the roles played by black Canadians in history.
    7. Buchans - Company Town
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1975
      A history of Buchans, Newfoundland, and the advantages and disadvantages of a company town.
    8. The Canadian Alternate Celebrations Catalogue
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A catalogue of ways to seek alternatives in our way of living and celebrating in the context of a comsumer society.
    9. The Canadian Corporate Elite
      An Analysis of Economic Power

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      An exhaustive study of the concentration and perpetuation of economic power in Canada.
    10. Canadian News Synthesis Project Review 1974 - 1975
      Review 1974-75

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      Special review supplement for 1974 - 1975. The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Supplement covers major topics during 1974 - 1975.
    11. Canadian News Synthesis Project - January 1975
      Volume III Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    12. Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1975
      Volume III Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    13. Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1975
      Volume III Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    14. Canadian News Synthesis Project - April 1975
      Volume III Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    15. Canadian News Synthesis Project - May 1975
      Volume III Number 5

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    16. Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1975
      Volume III Number 6

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    17. Canadian News Synthesis Project - July 1975
      Volume III Number 7

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    18. Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1975
      Volume III Number 8

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    19. Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1975
      Volume III Number 9

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    20. Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1975
      Volume III Number 10

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    21. Changing Men
      July 1975 - No. 16

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      Monthly paper of the men's resource center. A coalition of changing men.
    22. Chile Report
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Describes the repression and injustice that exists in Chile and criticizes Canada's attitude.
    23. Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published:
    24. Cointelpro
      How the FBI Tried to Destroy the Black Panthers

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A brief history of the FBI's COINTELPRO, a counter intelligence program against the New Left and militant black organizations, specifically its covert operation to bring down the Black Panther Party, largely through illegal means.
    25. The Communist Party in Canada
      A History

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A history of the Communist Party in Canada from its beginnings to the 1970s.
    26. Co-workers in a World Struggle
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Problems facing agriculture in Manitoba, similar to problems facing Japanese farmers.
    27. Critical List
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975   Published:
      A magazine founded in 1975 dealing with issues in health and the illness business. There are some issues in the Connexions Archive.
    28. Critique of Syndicalist Methods
      Trade-Unionism to Anarcho-Syndicalism

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1998
      Bonanno's 1975 meditation on the means to be used in pursuit of the anarchist project. Emphasizes the utility of unions in propagating capitalist control of industry and agriculture.
    29. Cultivating Famine: The World Food Crisis
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1975
      A look at the historical and structural causes of the wold food crises and their most commonly advocated solutions.
    30. Cultural Correspondence
      Resource Type: Website
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1985
      A critical review of popular culture, born from the collapse of the New Left and hopes for a new beginning of a social movement, intermittently published in Providence from 1975 to 1985.
      A digital archive is available at
    31. Darkness at the End of the Tunnel
      A Radical Analysis of Canadian-American Relations

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
    32. Dying Hard
      The Ravages of Industrial Carnage

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A shocking and indignant challenge to the conscience and humanity not just of Canada but of all nations, an outraged cry of protest and concern of workers victimized alike throughout the modern world.
    33. The East York Workers' Association
      A Response to the Great Depression

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
      An account of the activity of relief recipients in the township of East York, an eastern suburb of Toronto, in the 1930s.
    34. The Economics of Injustice

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Various aspects of poverty in Canada, the guaranteed income plan & social justice.
    35. Ecotopia
      The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A novel describing an ecological utopia.
    36. The Emergence of the Canadian Working Class Movement 1845-1875
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
    37. The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages
      The Ford Lectures for 1973 and Related Studies

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Investigates the question of whether or not peasants might be considered their own social class.
    38. Factory Committees and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      It is a tragic fact, for which Leninists of all kinds (Stalinists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and the advocates of various theories of "state capitalism", i.e. International Socialists, Bordigists, "Marxist Humanists", etc.) must carry their full share of responsibility, that we know less today about the early weeks of Russian Revolution than we do, for instance, about the history of the Paris Commune.
    39. For the Fun of It! Selected Cooperative Games for children and Adults
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Activities that groups of adults, kids, or a mixture can use to develop cooperation and to have fun.
    40. For Their Triumphs and For Their Tears
      Women in Apartheid South Africa

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1985
      First published in 1975 at the start of the United Nations International Decade of Women, this substantially re-written and updated edition appeared in 1985. Containing much new material reflecting those ten years, the book details the circumstances of the lives of women in South Africa.
    41. Gay Left
      A socialist journal produced by gay men - Number One, Autumn 1975

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      This is a socialist journal edited by gay men. We have a two-fold aim in producing this magazine. First, we hope to contribute towards a marxist analysis of homosexual oppression. Secondly, we want to encourage in the gay movement an understanding of the links between the struggles against sexual oppression and the struggle for socialism.

      A copy of this publication is in the Connexions Archive.
    42. Hands Across Polluted Waters
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1975
      Chronicle of the visit or representatives from White Dog and Grassy Narrows Reserves to Minimata and Niigaata in Japan.
    43. Historical Survey of Communities in Toronto
      New Communities and the Institutional Church

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A review of the phenomenon of community in the city in the sixties and seventies.
    44. The History of Canadian Business 1867-1914
      Volume I - The Banks and Finance Capital

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A comprehensive history of Canadian business and a detailed account of the development of commerce and industry in the formative period from Confederation to the first World War. In Volume 1 on the banks and finance capital, the story of the growth of the Canadian chartered banking system is told in detail. Included is an analysis of the many bank failures, and an explanation of the techniques used successfully by the largest chartered banks to dominate banking and finance in the new confederation. Several chapters deal with hitherto unrecorded facets of the development of the financial system of Canada, the major financial institutions and the types of operations they financed.
    45. The History of Canadian Business 1867-1914
      Volume II - Industrial Development

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      This comprehensive two-volume history of Canadian business is a detailed account of the development of commerce and industry in the formative period from Confederation to the first World War. Volume II deals mainly with the develpment of manufacturing and industry. The rapid growth of foreign branch plants which followed the National Policy is examined in detail, as are business assistance measures like patent laws, tariffs, government subsidies and municipal 'bonusing'. Naylor offers detailed accountes of the rise of big businesses through the formation of cartels and mergers assembled out of smaller independent operations.
    46. Housing Rehabilitation Guides
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A series of four booklets dealing with housing in Edmonton.
    47. Human Rights and American Foreign Policy
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1978
    48. Independent Co-operative Enterprizes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Report on an economic strategy to help marginalised men and women.
    49. The Indian Act and What it Means
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs is the political organization representing some 52,000 status Indians in the Province.
    50. Inland Terminals threaten Small Towns
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      The threat of American multinationals to Canadian farming system.
    51. Inside the Company: CIA Diary
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
    52. Interactions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      These are nots of remarks made at an all-day consultation between New Communities and representatives of the Churches of Toronto.
    53. Interview with J.J. Lebel 1975
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Transcript of an interview with J.J. Lebel.
    54. Just Like You and Me
      Images of the downtown eastside, Vancouver

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Photographic and poetic images of the people of the "skid row" area of Vancouver.
    55. The Liberated Man
      Beyond Masculinity: Freeing Men and Their Relationship with Women

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Farrell explores the problems that men face and suggests new approaches to better male-female relationships.
    56. The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1975
      German original title: Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum. A young woman's life is scrutinized by police and tabloid press after she spends the night with a suspected terrorist.
    57. Martin Glaberman: La Classe Ouvrière - Préambule
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
    58. The Meaning of Vietnam
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Chomsky believes that no outside power will make the USA own up to the factual account of the war and the domestic resistance it faced. He claims that efforts will actually be made to obscure this history. Consequentially, Chomsky, as a sort of custodian of history, attempts to gather these facts and discuss the ideological conflict over "the lessons of Vietnam".
    59. A Modest Proposal for How the Bad Old Days Will End
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
      A brief explanation of capitalism and an optimistic manifesto for stateless communism.
    60. Money and Rain: Tom Wayman Live!
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
    61. Monographs on the Portuguese
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A collection of analytical essays on the Portugese immigrant community in Toronto.
    62. National Skid Row Coalition Conference, Vancouver May 12-15, 1975
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Description of conference with reflections on implications for Calgary.
    63. The Nationalization of the Masses
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
    64. The New Capitalism and the Old Class Struggle
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
    65. New Hogtown Press
      After Retrenchment, A Few Steps Forward

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A profile of New Hogtown Press, a radical book and pamphlet publisher and distributor.
    66. New Hogtown Press - Catalogue supplement Winter '75
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
    67. The Newsletter #6
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      This mailing was not numbered as one of the New Tendency Newsletters, of which five numbered issues were published. This mailing consisted of statements concerning the dissolution of the New Tendency, packaged in a format similar to the preceding five newsletters.
    68. Le Nouvel Ordre Economique International
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Une vue d'ensemble du "nouvel ordre economique international."
    69. Of dust and time and dreams and agonies
      A short history of Canadian people

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A short economic and social history of canada
    70. On Active Service in War and Peace
      Politics and Ideology in the American Historical Profession

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A well-documented attack on the American historical profession for its rabid anti-radicalism and its complicity in American imperialism.
    71. Our Generation
      Volume 10 Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
    72. Paul Mattick Interview with J.J. Lebel 1975
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
    73. People and Systems
      Multiple Authorship

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Packet of materials on how the people of Tanzania, Cuba, China, U.S, and Canada are coping with education, health care, religion, work, and the status of women.
    74. Plunderbund and Proletariat
      A History of the IWW in B.C.

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A history of working class struggle from the workers' perspective.
    75. Preface to Martin Glaberman's Four Essays on the Working Class
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
      Glaberman insists that the working class is not merely a victim of capitalism. Working people are active participants in creating their own consciousness, their methods of struggle and their own history.
    76. Prison of Grass (Revised Edition)
      Canada from a Native Point of View

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1989
      In Prison of Grass, Adams contrasts the official history found in the federal government's documents with the unpublished history of the Indian and Métis people.
    77. Proletarian Order: Antonio Gramsci, Factory Councils and the origins of communism in Italy
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Williams' book is sympathetic to the libertarian contribution to the Italian movement after World War I and I highly recommend it.
    78. The Promotion of Tourism Prince Edward Island Style
      A brief presented to Hon. Gilbert R. Clements, Minister of Tourism, Parks and Conservation

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Critique of the impact of tourism and its promotion on the people of P.E.I.
    79. Publications List of the Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1976
      Comprehensive list of publications relating to native peoples.
    80. Radical America - Volume 9, Numbers 4-5
      American Labor in the 1940s

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      A special double issue of Radical America devoted to the history of workers' struggles during the Second World War and the early years of the Cold War.
    81. Radical America - Volume 9, Number 6 - November-December 1975
      Revolution in Portugal

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
      Articles on the Portuguese revolution of 1975.
    82. Radical Perspectives on the Economic Crisis of Monopoly Capitalism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      A popular education pamphlet on the economic crises of monopoly capitalism.
    83. The Red Menace 
      A libertarian socialist newsletter

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1980
      Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, and terrorism.
    84. Reflections on the 7th Special Session of the U.N. General Assemly
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Overview and critique of the U.N. conference dealing with the New International Economic Order.
    85. Report on the Conference; Vancouver 1975
      May 12-13, 1975

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Conference on stategies used on Skid Row, focusing on Vancouver organisations.
    86. Resistance in Europe: 1939 - 45
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1976
      Essays on the resistance against Hitler during World War II.
    87. Revolutionary Self-Theory: A Beginners' Manual
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1985
      A booklet is for people who are dissatisfied with their lives.
    88. Romantic Revolutionary
      A Biography of John Reed

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1981
      A biography of John Reed (1887-1920), the American radical and journalist who participated in the Mexican and Russian revolutions, and wrote the classic account of the Russian Revolution, Ten Days That Shook the World.
    89. Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #6
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
    90. Rosa Luxemburg: A Reappraisal
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
    91. A Seventh Man
      A book of images and work about the experience of migrant workers in Europe

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Images, poetry, quotes and short written pieces that portray the experiences of male migrant workers in Europe.
    92. The Socialist Register 1975
      Volume 12: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
    93. Solidaire No. 7
      April 1975

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975
      Issue focuinsg on the beginnings of a socialist movement in Montreal.
    94. Solidarity For Ever! Can These Bones Live?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A newsletter that looks at the agricultural labour movement.
    95. Southern Populism & Black Labor
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
    96. Submission to the Ontario Government on the Employment and Housing Crisis
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      A brief arguing that housing should become a regulated public utility.
    97. The Swastika and the Maple Leaf
      Fascist Movements in Canada in the Thirities

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Betcherman deals with Adrien Arcand and other leading Canadian fascists of the 1930s, as well as Swastika Clubs, and fascist movements in the west.
    98. Target -- Nuclear Power
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      Information about the controversial issue of nuclear energy.
    99. Them and us : struggles of a rank-and-file union
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      This account, co-written by an ex-machinist and UE organizer, was one of the first accounts of the militant, highly democratic, activist union in the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE).
    100. A Time to Die
      The Attica Prison Revolt

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 2011
      A first-hand account of the Attica prison riot of 1971.
    101. Unearthing Seeds of Fire: The Idea of Highlander
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
      An account of the Highlander Folk School and its founder Myles Horton.
    102. U.S. Imperialism Defeated, Capitalist Rule Smashed
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975   Published: 2015
      April 30, 2015 was the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, marking the defeat of U.S. imperialism and its South Vietnamese puppet forces. The heroic Vietnamese workers and peasants fought not just for national liberation but also for social revolution.
    103. What A.G.A.I.N.?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Adequate Guaranteed Annual Income and Skid Row.
    104. What is the New International Economic Order?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1975
      Overview and critique of the New International Economic Order.
    105. Who Pays? Who Profits? Food Production in Canada
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1975
      Who is responsible for the high price of food in Canada?
    106. Wie Alles Anfing
      How it All Began - The Personal Account of a West German Urban Guerilla

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1977
      The original German edition of Wie Alles Anfing was seized by security police when it appeared in 1975. The resulting trial and publicity raised an international outrcy and the book has since been republished in German and translated into six languages.
    107. Work Camps and Company Towns in Canada and the U.S.
      An Annotated Bibliography

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975
    108. A Worker in a Worker's State
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1975   Published: 1977
    109. The Working Class and Social Change
      Four Essays on the Working Class

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1975
      A study of "The Working Class," and the complexities of its definition as economic categories diffused from profound bases of social demarcation during the 1960's.
    110. Zerowork 1
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1975


    1. Against Sectarianism
      The Challenge of the Labor Party

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      Members of the Socialist League argue that Trotskyist-socialists should continue to work within the NDP with the goal of winning the ranks of the NDP to a socialist program.
    2. The Anarchist Collectives
      Workers' Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution 1936-1939

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Examines the experiments in workers' self-management, both urban and rural, which took place in Spain during the revolution and Civil War.
    3. The Anatomy of Racism
      Canadian Dimensions

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Militant Native protests, racist responses to third world immigration, relations between French and English are discussed in the context of racial scapegoating in a time of economic recession, and the prevalence of prejudice and discrimination in Canada.
    4. The Artistic Woodwork Strike 1973
      A Lesson for the Canadian Labour Movement

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
    5. Auto worker says automation creates worker alienation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      It is only struggle, says Martin Glaberman, that creates an awareness of collective strength.
    6. Autonomous Struggles and the Capitalist Crisis
      A Workers' Autonomy Pamphlet

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A Canadian pamphlet with English translations of three articles originating with the Italian autonomist Marxist organization Lotta Continua.
    7. Bituminous Coal Strike of 1974
      Connexipedia Article

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      A 28-day national coal strike in the United States led by the United Mine Workers of America,
    8. Bureaucracy and Revolution in East Europe
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      For twenty years the workers in Eastern Europe have fought, fallen back, and fought again -- for food and workers' power. Their victory would shatter the oppressive regimes they live under and ignite revolution in Russia itself.
    9. Bureaucratic Collectivism
      The Stalinist Social System

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      An analysis of the nature of the Stalinist states.
    10. Canada and Mozambique
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
    11. Canadian News Synthesis Project - September 1974
      Volume II Number 9

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    12. Canadian News Synthesis Supplement: The CIA in Chile
      Volume II Number 9 (supplement)

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      Supplement to Canadian News Synthesis Project Volume II, Number 9 (September 1974). The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Special in-depth issue on the presence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Chile.
    13. Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1974
      Volume II Number 10

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    14. Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1974
      Volume II Number 11

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    15. Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1974
      Volume II Number 12

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    16. Capitalism and Theory
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      About the permanent arms economy, the latest phase of capitalism.
    17. Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Captains of Consciousness offers a historical look at the origins of the advertising industry and consumer society at the turn of the twentieth century.
    18. The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974   Published: 1975
    19. Citizens Participate - An Action Guide for Public Issues.
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    20. The Corporations and the State
      Essays in the Theory of Capitalism and Imperialism

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Essays discussing modern U.S. capitalism and imperialism. Each chapter tries to delineate the relationship between 'economic' and 'political' processes, or at least recognize the unity between them. The unifying them is the role of the large corporations in U.S. society and the world eonomy, and the relationship between these corporations and the capitalist state.
    21. Cuban Women Now: Afterward 1974
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      I am writing this afterword because I feel that in the past three years fundamental changes have taken place in Cuban society,changes concerning women's role and men's, and women's attitudes towards those roles.
    22. The Decline and Fall of a Good Idea
      CCF-NDP Manifestoes 1932 to 1969

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      The party's manifestos over the decades. With an introduction by Michael W. Cross.
    23. The Dispossessed
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A 1974 utopian science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin, set in the same fictional universe as that of The Left Hand of Darkness.
    24. Dossier Homme Seul Itinerant
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Theoretical base for organising and educative effort with single itinerant men in Montreal.
    25. The Early Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1935)
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974   Published: 1995
    26. Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      Essasys on capitalism, class struggle, communism, Leninism, and ultra-leftism.
    27. Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
    28. The Economics of Imperialism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Brown discusses different theories of the connection between capitalism and imperialism. His own position is derived from Rosa Luxemburg, holding that imperialism is a process of assimilation and transformation of economies into the sphere of competitive capital accumulation.
    29. 1837: Revolution in the Canadas
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A selection of the writings of William Lyon Mackenzie and the Patriots of the 1837 Rebellion.
    30. El Trotskismo y el Partido de Vanguardia
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974   Published: 2010
    31. Engels, Manchester and the Working Class
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      An account and interpretation of the writing of Friedrich Engels' first major work, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844.
    32. Escape from Childhood
      The Needs and Rights of Children

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A book about young people and their place, or lack of place in society today. It is about the institution of modern childhood, the attitudes, customs and laws that define children and locate children in life and determine to a large degree what their lives are like and how we, their elders, treat them.
    33. Failure of a Dream?
      Essays in the History of American Socialism

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Examines the reasons for the relative weakness of American socialism.
    34. Fall of Eagles: Lenin and Trotsky in London
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1974
    35. False Promises: A Review 
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      False Promises is a strange book. Despite a certain carelessness of presentation, I recommend it to all concerned with the working class for its extensive documentation of the working-class experience, at work, in the larger society, and in the unions. It is imbued with the conception that freedom is the fundamental quality of revolutionary change and it rejects the strangling doctrines and structures of the union movement and of the vanguard parties. Yet it cannot overcome a conception of working-class consciousness which reduces workers to victims and consciousness to verbalizations.
    36. Farming Without Machines: A Revolutionary Agricultural Technology
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974   Published: 2012
      Originally published in 1974, How to Grow More Vegetables, Eighth Edition: (And Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops) than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land than You Can Imagine1 remains a vital resource for farmers, agricultural researchers and planners, sustainability activists and home gardeners.
    37. Feminism vs. Marxism: Origins of the Conflict
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Contrary to an opinion still subscribed to in certain circles, modern feminism did not emerge full-grown from the fertile womb of the New Left, but is in fact an ideological offspring of the utopian egalitarianism of the early nineteenth century.
    38. Film as a Subversive Art
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Analyzes how aesthetic, sexual and ideological subversives use film to change and demystify.
    39. The First Three Internationals
      Their history and lessons

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A short history, from a Trotskyist perspective, of three attempts to build a revolutionary organization of workers on a world scale -- the first three internationals.
    40. Food, Shelter and the American Dream
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Discusses the state of the American economy, the consequences for politics and culture that might arise from the new situation, and possible solutions.
    41. Forget It Jack
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1974
      Film documenting the reasons for a strike at the Norfolk General Hospital in Simcoe, Ontario.
    42. The Fourth World
      An Indian Reality

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Traces struggle of Canadian Indian to survive as nation, culture and reality. Suggests 'new order' so that original natives and Europeans can co-exist without destroying each other.
    43. Free Bleecker
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1974
      A documentary on the "redevelopment" of the South St. Jamestown neighbourhood in Toronto.
    44. From Wildcat Strike to Total Self Management
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Vaneigem’s book is one of the few texts that seriously consider the problems and possibilities of a postrevolutionary society.
    45. A Guide to Working Class History
      Second Edition

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      A guide to resources about the history of working people in North America. The bulk of it is about the United States; the final section is on Canada.
    46. Hierarchy of salaries and incomes
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974   Published: 1979
      The official ideology's justification of hierarchy does not coincide with either logic or reality.
    47. The History of Painting in Canada
      Toward a People's Art

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A histor of Canadian painting from the art of the native peoples up to the 1970s. It explores how art in Canada was shaped by British and American imperialist influences, and how it has also been part of the fight against domination.
    48. Hogtown
      Working Class Toronto at the Turn of the Century

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    49. The Incomplete Work of the Situationist International
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    50. India-China: Underdevelopment and Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    51. Interview with Ralph Borsodi
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
    52. James Bay - Development for Whom?
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1974
      Documentary of the struggles of the Native Peoples affected by the James Bay project.
    53. Kitchener-Waterloo Free Press
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      An account of an attempt to start a weekly alternative newspaper in Kitchener-Waterloo in 1973-1974.
    54. Labor and Monopoly Capital
      The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
    55. The Lands We Lost
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      The Lands We Lost is a history of the cut-off lands and land losses from Indian reserves in British Columbia.
    56. Leaving the 20th Century
      The Incomplete Work of the Situationist International

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      An anthology of Situationist writings.
    57. The Malaise on the Left 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Let us take it for granted that meaningful activity needs to be collective, that social transformation needs emancipated individuals, and that the institutional framework of any new society will probably be based, in part at least, on those forms which the struggle itself has repeatedly thrown up at its moments of deepest insight and creativity. What we now need to think about - and to discuss widely throughout the libertarian left - is the political content of an activity that consciously seeks both to avoid recuperation and to be relevant to the conditions of today.
    58. Male Chauvinism!
      How it Works and How to Get Free of it

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    59. The March of Socialism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A view of the history of socialism.
    60. Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life
      Toward a Permanent Revolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      The theory and practice of revolutionary social transformation, Brown argues, must encompass the subjective, psychological dimensions of the revolutionary process.
    61. Marx on Democratic Forms of Government 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Marx's socialism (communism) as a political programme may be most quickly defined, from the Marxist standpoint, as the complete democratization of society, not merely of political forms. For Marx, the fight for democratic forms of government - democratization in the state - was a leading edge of the socialist effort; not its be-all and end-all but an integral part of it all.
    62. Marxism and the Mass Media
      Toward a Basic Bibliography

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    63. Marxist Views of the Working Class
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      We are not discussing the working class because we want to find out what the noble worker is all about. We are concerned with social change. The fundamental problem of how you define and how you view the working class is the problem of whether the working class is a viable instrument for social change.
    64. Monthly Review - Volume 26 Number 3
      Labor and Monopoly Capital: The degradation of work in the twentieth century

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    65. The Mozambican Woman in the Revolution
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      This selection of writings on Mozambican Women deals with a number of important aspects in the struggle for the emancipation of women - Mozambican women, African women and humanity's women.
    66. Muscle & Blood
      The Massive, Hidden Agony of Industrial Slaughter in America

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    67. Native People's Caravan
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974   Published: 2024
      The Native People's Caravan was a 1974 cross-country protest that saw Indigenous activists travel from Vancouver to Ottawa to meet with parliamentarians and demand justice for Indigenous peoples. In addition to delivering its demands to the federal government, the Caravan aimed to unite Indigenous peoples and call national attention to the injustices they faced. The Caravan culminated in a protest at Parliament that was met with a violent response from the RCMP.
    68. Native People's Caravan (Deutsch)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974   Published: 2024
      Der «Native People’s Caravan» bezeichnet den Protest aus dem Jahr 1974, der quer durch Kanada zog, bei welchem indigene Aktivisten von Vancouver und andern Orten nach Ottawa reisten, um von Parlamentsmitgliedern Gerechtigkeit für die indigenen Völker zu fordern. Neben der Intention seine Forderungen der Regierung mitzuteilen, zielte der Native People’s Caravan auch darauf ab, die indigenen Völker zu vereinen und das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit für die von ihnen erlebten Ungerechtigkeiten zu stärken. Seinen Höhepunkt erreichte der Caravan bei einem Protest am Parlament, bei dem die Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) zu Gewalt griff.
    69. NDP: The Dream of Power
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A history of Canada's New Democratic Party from its origins to 1973.
    70. New Hogtown Press - Spring-Summer 1974 Catalogue
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    71. The Newsletter #4
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    72. The Newsletter #5
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    73. No Right-of-Way
      How democracy came to the oil patch

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    74. Notes on the American Working Class and Capital in the 1960s
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
    75. Ojibway Warriors' Society in occupied Anicinabe Park
      Kenora August 1974

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
    76. On left-wing dogmatism - a senile disorder
      plus, Vanguard, vanguard, who's got the vanguard?

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
    77. Our Generation
      Volume 10 Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    78. Our Generation
      Volume 10 Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    79. Our Generation
      Volume 10 Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    80. Out of the Driver's Seat
      Marxism in North America Today

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      Outlines the political perspective of the Windsor-based Labour Centre in the wake of divisions in the Centre in 1974. Issues explored include the nature of the working class, women in the working class, gay rights, and students rights.
    81. A Political History of Agrarian Organizations in Ontario 1914-1940
      with special reference to Grey and Bruce Counties

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      Examines the development and evolution of the United Farmers of Ontario.
    82. Poverty in Wealth
      The Capitalist Labour Market and Income Distribution in Canada

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    83. Privilege of Sex
      A Century of Canadian Women

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    84. Radical America - Volume 8, No. 5 - September-October 1974
      Class Struggle in Britain

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    85. The Rejection of Politics and other essays
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      "The rejection of politics" is a basic tenet of all anarchism. Woodcock however does not discuss anarchism as such but the path that his own political interests have taken: from international anarchist to Canadian patriot. Two recurrent themes in the book are his antipathy to Marxism and his ambivalent attitude toward Canadian nationalism. Woodcock believes that the "Left" is dead and that modern anarchists have to shed outdated concepts of the past.
    86. The Repression at Belgrade University
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      During the 1960s, the philosophy and sociology departments of the Belgrade University in former Yugoslavia began discussing general social issues such as the meaning of technology, of freedom and democracy, of social progress, and of the role of culture in building a socialist society. In response, authorities tried to repress these discussions. Chomsky presents the background, developments, and situation of the conflict.
    87. Review of the Press: Portugal 1974
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      The subtext of mainstream media coverage of social upheavals in post-fascist Portugal is that a return to dictatorship is necessary and inevitable to preserve the social order.
    88. Revolutionary Soviet Film Posters
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    89. The Right to be Greedy
      Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    90. School Drop-Outs
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      A list of proposals for reducing the school drop-out rate.
    91. The Seven Laws of Money
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A book that tells you how to live with money; how to get it, care for it, forget about it.
    92. The Socialist League and the Struggle for a Socialist Canada
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      The Socialist League is a democratic centralist organization which views its main tasks as gathering cadres for the future mass revolutionary party.
    93. The Socialist Register 1974
      Volume 11: A survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
    94. The Socialized Penis
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      On the sexual socialization of men in the United States.
    95. Solidaire No. 6
      April 1974

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      On women and the class struggel in Quebec, with articles on Perspectives on the Women's Movement, and Women in the Workplace.
    96. Soviet Russia Masters the Comintern
      International Communism in the Era of Stalin's Ascendancy

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A documentary history.
    97. Statement: A New Beginning
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Canadian Dimension emerged as an important voice of dissent during a time when political discourse and philosophizing in Canada was dead. However, now Canadian Dimension must address itself to a new context, that of helping Canadian socialists close the gap between job consciousness and class consciousness.
    98. Strange Empire
      Louis Riel and the Metis People

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    99. Structuralism as Defense of the Bureaucratic Status Quo 
      A Dialectical Critique of Althusserian Theory

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Althusserian theory is deeply conservative and puts obstacles in the way of seeing the truly revolutionary currents that exist in the modern world.
    100. Sweat and Struggle
      Working Class Struggles In Canada 1789 - 1899

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    101. Today's Epigones Who Try to Truncate Marx's Capital
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Far from 'ownership' alone determining the class relationship, Marx, from his first break with bourgeois society in 1843, through his leadership in the Workingmen's (First) International Association in 1864, to his death in 1883, never varied from 'dead labor dominating living labor' as the determinant of capitalism.
    102. Total Self-Management
      Chapter 3 of Raoul Vaneigem's book From Wildcat Strike to Total Self-Management

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      Vaneigem's book is one of the few texts that seriously consider the problems and possibilities of a postrevolutionary society.
    103. Trotskyism and the vanguard party 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1974
      One of the most consistent achievements of the Trotskyists over the years has been to drive people away from radical politics. The number of burned-out and alienated ex-Trotskyists greatly exceeds the number of active Trotskyists. Their transparently manipulative tactics in the organizations they infiltrate tend to drive ordinary members away, forever wary of anyone identified as a Trotskyist.
    104. The Trouble With Co-ops
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      The story of a pioneer co-operative housing project in downtown Toronto: Down Area Co-operative Homes, inc. (DACHI).
    105. A Very Ordinary Life
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      The story of one woman's life in the context of a dazzling and brutal century, encompassing the rise of fascism, the great depression, emigration, war, and above all, a likfe of work -- in mining and logging camps, in factories, on the farm.
    106. A Veteran Communist Speaks
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
    107. What is to be Undone
      A Modern Revolutionary Discussion of Classifcal Left Ideologies

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      A massively confused straw-man critique of "marxist" and "anarchist" theories that exist only in the author's head.
    108. Women at Work
      Ontario 1850-1930

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      Wmen at Work attempts to explore the realities of Canadian women's experiences, and proposes a framework which begins to answer why the double exploitation of women as mothers and workers has persisted to the present day.
    109. Women in the Chinese Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    110. Workers Against the Monolith
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
      How the so-called Communist parties became forces of order and counter-revolution.
    111. Working -- and Not-Working -- at the Post Office
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1974
      An essay written by a young postal worker in Toronto, Canada.
    112. The Working-Class Majority
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974   Published: 1975
      Defining the working class and people employed in essentially rote, manual labour, Levison shows that today's woerks are not dwindling in number, are not financially secure, do not enjoy an easy middle-class way of life, and are, for the most part, neither racist nor conservative.
    113. Years of Hard Labour
      Trade Unions and the Workingman in Canada

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1974
    114. The Yellow Journal
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      An independent non-profit newspaper for the people of Metropolitan Toronto funded by the Opportunities for Youth Program in 1974.
    115. The Yellow Journal
      Issue 3 - July 8, 1974

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      Articles on Toronto Island homes in the news; a Brazilian trade mission; opinion polls; American control of the media.
    116. The Yellow Journal
      Issue #4 - July 25, 1974

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      Articles on Anatomy of a News Empre; [Toronto] Sun inspires fear; How newspapers make mistakes; Press comments on election coverage; the Davey Report.
    117. The Yellow Journal
      Issue 5 - August 1974

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1974
      Articles on Stereotypes in the Dailies; Getting to the heart of housing; Kenora Occupiers Supported; Media coverage of a raid on Rochdale College; In Defence of Patronage;


    1. Advanced Capitalism and the Revolutionary Left
      Towards a New Practice

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      The programme of the Winnipeg Labour Collective, its understanding of socialism's past forms and its conception of socialism's future.
    2. Alternatives to Poverty and Welfare in Alberta
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      A basic accounting of the extent of poverty and of those on welfare in Canada and Alberta.
    3. The American Working Class in Historical Persepctive 
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      A review of Jeremy Brecher's Strike! (See CX6590)
    4. The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution
      Documents of revolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A selection of articles, manifestos, speeches, resolutions, letter, diaries, poems, and songs which seek to capture the spirit of the anarchist movement in Rissia.
    5. Anatomy of the Micro-Sect
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Is there an alternative to the sect mode of organization which dominates the whole history of American socialism, past and present?
    6. Art and Sexual Politics
      Why Have There No Great Women Artists?

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Examines cultural and ideological biases about female artists
    7. Black Mountain: An Exploration in Community
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A history of Black Mountain College (1933-57), an experimental school which pioneered many educational, cultural, and artistic innovations.
    8. Brazil -- The Price of a Development Miracle
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1973
      A critical view of the Brazilian "economic miracle" since the military coup of 1964.
    9. Canadian News Synthesis Project
      Volume I Number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    10. Canadian News Synthesis Project
      Volume I Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    11. Canadian News Synthesis Project
      Volume I Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    12. Canadian News Synthesis Project
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
    13. Capitalism, The Family, and Personal Life
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    14. Chile Versus the Corporations
      A Call for Canadian Support

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      This booklet sketches corporate (including Canadian) involvement in Chile, the attempts of the Allende government to reverse this domination and the massive repression against Chile instituted by the capitalist countries. Useful both as a brief guide to the Chilean situation, and for the philosophy it adheres to: "The position of Christ was in no way ambiguous: his was an option for the poor and against anyone or any system that stood in the way of man's liberation. The present international economic system is a situation of sin, and as such it must be rejected."
    15. The CIO: From reform to reaction
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      In popular mythology, the CIO was a revolutionary union in the tradition of the IWW. In actuality, the CIO was created by those opposed to the kind of working class self-activity best embodied in the U.S. by the IWW. This article by E. Jones, from Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal (number 6; n.d.; c. 1970s), critiques the CIO's reactionary role in containing class struggle militancy.
    16. Complaints and Disorders
      The Sexual Politics of Sickness

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    17. Consciousness and Action Among the Western Working Class
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A comparative analysis of working-class consciousness in Britain, France, Italy and the United States which seeks to answer the question of whether the working class today is a potentially revolutionary force.
    18. Correcting Common Misconceptions About Nonviolent Struggle
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      A handout sheet addressing common misconceptions about nonviolent action and answering some frequently asked questions. Excerpted from The Politics of Nonviolent Action.
    19. Course Union Organisers' Handbook
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      A manual on organzing course unions for university students.
    20. Decline of the Dollar: A Marxist View of the Monetary Crisis
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Useful for a-deeper understanding of what you read about in the business pages.
    21. Democratic Theory
      Essays in Retrieval

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    22. Dialectical Adventures Into the Unknown
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      A Nihilist/Anarchist repudiation of 1970's-era British society.
    23. The Dilemma of Canadian Socialism
      The C.C.F. in Ontario

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      The history of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Ontario, set in the context of the national movement.
    24. Documents of the Fourth International
      The Formative Years (1933-1940)

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Documents from conferences of the Left Opposition and its successors leading up to the founding conference of the Fourth International.
    25. Dr. Snider's Report
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Issues facing senior citizens in Alberta.
    26. The Earth Belongs to the People
      Ecology and Power

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      Ecology is about everything that makes life possible. It is about the fact that all these things depends on each other, and if one goes, all suffer -- just like a house of cards. Ecology is a mtter of balance: the balance of life. Something is messing up the balance of life, and all of use are suffering.
    27. Ecology and Social Action 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      That there is an important connection between ecology and social action is now self-evident. There seems little reason to doubt that there is some connection between what ecology tells us about the degraded quality of life and the social action needed to improve it.
    28. An Economic History of West Africa
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An examination of the economy of West Africa from the fifteenth to the twentieth century.
    29. False Promises
      The Shaping of American Working Class Consciousness

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    30. Feminism in the Radical and Early Socialist Movement
      Chapter 8 of Hidden from History. 300 Years of Women's Oppression and the Fight Against It

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1975
      There existed a strong minority tradition in radicalism which questioned the whole social and sexual position of women.
    31. The Fight for Freedom for Women
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      The fight for women's rights in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, primarily focusing on Britain and the USA.
    32. The Fiscal Crisis of the State
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      O'Connor sets out to find answers to questions such as 'Who will pay for rising government expenditures? Will some kinds of spending rise while others are cut back? Can the government deliver more services for less taxes? Why don't American want to pay for services that presumably benefit the "people"? Can the fiscal system survive in its present form?'
    33. For Reasons of State
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Essays in which Chomsky analyzes the role of the American state and discusses some of the ways in which individuals can respond to its growing power.
    34. Grassroots Cells, Devil's Architects Defend Communities
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1989
      Organizational principles and campaign tactics communities can use to fight projects or developments being foisted on them.
    35. Group Marriage
      A Study of Contemporary Multilateral Marriage

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A study of more than 100 group marriages in the United States, exploring the psychology and sociology of this form of marital relationship. The study looks at how group marriages are established, who enters into such relationships, how they communicate, how children and adults relate, how conflicts are resolved.
    36. Halfbreed; A Proud and Bitter Canadian Legacy
      A Proud and Bitter Canadian Legacy

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    37. Hanging in Canada
      A Concise History of a Controversial Topic

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1982
    38. Hazards of Work: How to Fight Them
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    39. Herstory
      A Canadian Women's Calendar 1974 - Periodical profile

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    40. Highrise and Superprofits
      An Analysis of the Development Industry in Canada

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    41. History and Will
      Wakeman, Frederic E.

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    42. History of the Socialist Party of Canada
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
    43. A History of the Steelworkers Union
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    44. The History of Working People in the South
      A Draft Study Guide

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    45. How they shot those campus bums
      Review of The Truth About Kent State

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      How Ohio National Guard troops out to "get" campus radicals and teach them "what law and order is all about" shot down students at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, killing four and wounding nine others.
    46. Hungary 1956: A workers' revolt crushed by the "workers' state"
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      The Hungarian revolution, brief though it was, did as much as a century of socialist theorizing to show what a united and determined people could do to transform their society.
    47. The I.F. Stone's Weekly Reader
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An anthology of 20 years of journalism by independent journalists I.F. Stone.
    48. Imagination in Power 
      The Occupation of Factories in France in 1968

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A brief study of the factory occupations which were a crucial component in the May 1968 events in France.
    49. The Informal Work Group
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Stan Weir on some of his life experiences at work and what he saw as the "the only organizational form opposed to formal bureaucracies which cannot be captured by them", the informal work group.
    50. Die Internationalisierung der kapitalistischen Produktionsverhältnisse und der Nationalstaat
      Internationale Marxistische Diskussion 42

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    51. Israel and the Arabs: the good guys don't always wear white hats
      Review of Israel: A Colonial-Settler State, by Maxime Rodinson

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      The tragedy of two peoples brought into conflict by forces largely outside of their control.
    52. Jeremy Brecher responds 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Jeremy Brecher responds to Murray Bookchin's critical response of Brecher's review of Bookchin's book.
    53. Karl Marx: His Life and Thought
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A biography of Karl Marx.
    54. The Labor Wars
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1974
      A survey of landmark events in the U.S. labour movement.
    55. Last Words to the Nation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      This speech was delivered at 9:10 am on September 11, 1973, in the midst on an ultimately successful US-sponsored coup d'etat against the democratically-elected government. Barricaded inside La Moneda, the presidential palace, President Allende gave his life defending Chilean democracy.
    56. Liberation - Volume 18, Number 4 - December 1973
      Do The People Need a Party?

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    57. Lip and the Self-Managed Counter-Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1975
      Analyses of the struggle in the LIP watch-making factory in France.
    58. Listen Marxist: a reply
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Murray Bookchin replies to Jeremy Brecher's review of Post-Scarcity Anarchism.
    59. The Lordstown Struggle and the Real Crisis in Production
      Solidarity Pamphlet 45

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      An attempt to document some important tendencies developing in the motor car industry but which are relevant to modern production as a whole.
    60. Marx, theoretician of anarchism 
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      Under the name communism, Marx developed a theory of anarchism; and further, in fact it was he who was the first to provide a rational basis for the anarchist utopia and to put forward a project for achieving it.
    61. Middle-Class Women Begin to Organise
      Chapter 9 of Hidden from History. 300 Years of Women's Oppression and the Fight Against It

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1975
    62. Modem Capitalism and Other Essays
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A collection of essays on the state of modern capitalism.
    63. The Movable Airport
      The politics of government planning

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An account of the manoeuvring and bureaucratic runaround that went into the planning of the Pickering airport, and of the resistance that it produced.
    64. Nationalism, Communism and Canadian Labour
      The CIO, The Communist Party, and the Canadian Congress of Labour 1935-1956

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A history of the Canadian Congress of Labour and of the CIO in Canada from the 1930s to the 1950s. The author raises many significant questions concerning the presence of American unions in Canada and the crucial role played by the Communist party in the history of the Canadian labour movement.
    65. Native Canadians and the United Church in Winnipeg
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      A study of the status of Ministries, Lodge and Indian workers, and recommendations.
    66. New Democratic Youth Newsletter
      March 1973

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      Newsletter containing a report on the ONDY's activities in 1972; on the left and the Waffle in the NDP, and an announcement of the ONDY's 11th annual convention.
    67. New Hogtown Press - Fall 1973 Catalogue
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    68. The new socialist revolution
      An introduction to its theory and strategy

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      Chapter 6 - Strategy and Tactics. The first task of the revolutionary movement, its most important task within the next few years, is to destroy bourgeois hegemony and develop a radical consciousness among each of the potential constituencies for revolutionary action.
    69. The Newsletter
      Periodical profile

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1974
      Newsletter published in 1973 and 1974 by the New Tendency, a loose collaboration of independent leftists primarily based in Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg, and Kitchener-Waterloo. Articles dealt with workplace issues, labour unions, workers autonomy and related topics. A total of five-and-a-half issues were published. Copies of the newsletters are available in the Connexions Archive and online on the Connexions website.
    70. The Newsletter #1
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      Published by the 'New Tendency.' Contributions from Winnipeg, Kitchener-Waterloo, Toronto, and Windsor.
    71. The Newsletter #2
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    72. The Newsletter #3
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    73. Northern Perspectives
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      The Canadian Arctic Resources Committee (CARC) has met three of its seven objectives: to report on any research related to Northern development; to compile background material needed to educate the public concerning the environmental effects of development; to publish pertinent information relating to Northern development and the Arctic.
    74. Not in God's Image
      Women in History from the Greeks to the Victorians

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Extracts from writings by or about women, from Ancient Greece to the mid-19th century.
    75. Notes on Trotsky, Pannekoek, Bordiga - Gilles Dauvé (Jean Barrot) (1972)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      An examination on the standpoints of Trotsky, Pannekoek and Bordiga.
    76. On the First International
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    77. 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of "nonviolent weapons" at their disposal. Listed are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. Excerpted from The Politics of Nonviolent Action.
    78. Other dimensions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Paul Mattick's critique of Marcuse reviewed by Peter Rachleff in Root & Branch No. 4.
    79. Our Generation
      Volume 9 number 1

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    80. Our Generation
      Volume 9 Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    81. Our Generation
      Volume 9 Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    82. Our Generation
      Volume 9 Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    83. Philosophy and Revolution
      From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to Mao

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1989
      Dunayevskaya argues in favour of a re-evaluation of the theoretical philosophy of Hegel and its application by Marx and the later Lenin to the history of mankind.
    84. The Political Economy of Dependency
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    85. The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Laing questions the concept of 'normality' and explores the psychological wepaons of construction, deprivation, splitting, and projection.
    86. The Politics of Nonviolent Action 
      Part Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An encyclopedic treatment of the theory and practice of nonviolence, with a detailed examination of 198 specific methods of the technique — illustrated with actual cases — within the broad classes of nonviolent protest and persuasion, non-cooperation (social, economic and political) and nonviolent intervention.
    87. A post-affluence critique 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Post-Scarcity Anarchism by Murray Bookchin (Ramparts Press, 1971) reviewed by Jeremy Brecher Root & Branch No. 4 (1973), pp. 7-22.
    88. Postwar America: 1945-1971
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    89. The President and the Presidency
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Chomsky assesses public reactions to the Watergate scandal, dividing them into two categories: cynicism or outrage. He further explores the different perceptions of what in fact Nixon's criminal actions were and discusses the meaning of the principle of unconstrained executive power in relation to democracy.
    90. Primary Sources in Canadian Working Class History 1860-1930
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    91. Problems of Everyday Life
      And Other Writings On Culture & Science

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      The focus of this book is the impact of the Russian Revolution of the culture life of the country -- and conversely, the effect of the country's cultural backwardness on the course of the revolution. Among the topics discussed are religion, communications media, language, education, science, industry, cinema, marriage, the position of women, child care, "proletarian" literature, art, philoosphy, primitive rural conditions, the dangers of overspecialization and bureaucracy.
    92. Productivity
      The Employers' attack and How To Fight It

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    93. The Public Assistance Food Allowance Increase
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      An analysis of the effect on the Alberta poor of a 9% food allowance increase in 1972-73.
    94. Radical America - Volume 7, Number 2 - March-April 1973
      Working Class Struggles in Italy

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    95. Radical America - Volume 7, Number 4-5
      Volume 7, Numbers 4 & 5 - Women's Labor

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    96. Radical Digressions 1
      Resource Type: Website
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1979
    97. Rank and File 
      Personal Histories of Working Class Organizers

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1974
      A collection of stories and recollections from labour movement organizers.
    98. Real Time 2
      A catalog of ideas and information

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Real Time is a trip, self-consciously so. It's full of "new technologies", "new perceptions", "media-mixes", "communication", "system, "soft-ware", "interdisciplinary viewpoints", and "consciousness programs". More concretely, it's a book, 256 pages long.
    99. Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #4
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    100. The Roots of Class Struggle in the South
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    101. Rosa Luexmburg in retrospect
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Mattick reconsiders the legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, particularly her critique of Bolshevism and her economic theory.
    102. SDS 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1974
      The rise and development of the Students for a Democratic Society, the organization that became the major expression of the American left in the 1960s -- its passage from student protest to institutional resistance to revolutionary activism, and its ultimate impact on American politics and life.
    103. Sellout
      The Giveaway of Canada's Energy Resources

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Documents the misdevelopment of Canadian energy resources.
    104. September 11, 1973: The Coup in Chile
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      How the reasonable men of capitalism orchestrated horror in Chile.
    105. Sex and Marriage in Utopian Communities in Nineteenth Century America
      Nineteenth-Century America

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A look at original approaches to sex and marraige in the utopian communities of nineteenth-century America. Many of these communities abolished monogamy and individualism and sought ways of dealing with the sexual life of the group as a whole.
    106. Small is Beautiful
      A Study of Economics as if People Mattered

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Schumacher argues that mainstream economics is incompatible with the long-term ends of humanity.
    107. The Social Passion
      Religion and Social Reform in Canada 1914-28

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An account of the movement within Canadian protestantism which sought to revive the neglected social dimensions of Christianity and to involve the church in social action.
    108. A Socialist Alternative For Canada
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      A discussion on the future of the sociliast left in Canada and its relationship to the New Democratic Party.
    109. The Socialist Register 1973
      Volume 10: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
    110. Society of the Spectacle (film)
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1973
      "The Society of the Spectacle" is Guy Debord's film adaptation of his own 1967
      book of the same name (see and
    111. Solidaire No. 5
      September 1973

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1973
      Parti Quebec, Strike at UQAM, Autonomous Left in Quebec.
    112. Spontaneity and Organization: Some Comments
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      A contribution to a symposium on Jeremy Brecher's book Strike!
    113. Strike!: A Review
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Jeremy Brecher's Strike!, reviewed by Steven Sapolsky in Root & Branch No. 4.
    114. A study of urban communes and co-ops inToronto
      MA Thesis, University of Toronto, 1973

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
    115. Ten Lost Years 1929 - 1939
      Memories of Canadians Who Survived the Depression

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An oral history of the Great Depression in Canada.
    116. Theory and practice: an introduction to Marxian theory 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      1979 article by Root and Branch, introducing Marxist theory.
    117. Third World: Development of Underdevelopment
      Resource Type: Slide Show
      First Published: 1973
      Multi-media resource kit examines general international development issues with real-world examples.
    118. Tourists of the Revolution
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
    119. The Truth About Kent State
      A Challenge to the American Conscience

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      An account of the murder of four students at Kent State University by National Guard troops.
    120. An Unauthorized History of the RCMP
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A critical history of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
    121. Underhanded History of the USA
      Radical America - Volumer 7 No.3

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
    122. The Unfashionable Human Body
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      A discussion of apparel, in the broadest sense of the word, and how it has reflected and shaped attitudes to the human body.
    123. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3092
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
    124. A very great year?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Eve Smith discusses the aims and effectiveness of Nixon's economic policies on the working class in the America.
    125. Vietnam
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      On the 1973 cease-fire called in the Vietnam war.
    126. Vietnam: Whose Victory?
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
    127. VTR - Edmonton Chinatown...A Beginning...
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Report on the use of video tape to facilitate Chinese community's role in shaping the direction of their community.
    128. The Wandering of Humanity
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973   Published: 1975
      Humans are subjugated by Capital. The logic of production removes decision-making from human control. Capital is anthropomorphized. Technology has no borders or limits. Nature is ravaged as humanity wanders.
    129. Watergate
      A sceptical view

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      Noam Chomsky asserts that in light of the other telling symptoms of an unhealthy democracy - such as Kissinger's murderous war ambitions - the Watergate scandal should not have come as a shock to even the least cynical. He illustrates why Nixon's small-scale coup attempt and the revelations which followed should not be the focus of skepticism, noting that there are other issues which deserve more attention.
    130. White Collar Blues
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1973
      An article about working in a Canadian government office (the Unemployment Insurance Commission).
    131. Who Advocates Spontaneity? 
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      The working class can come to understand its power to act only by acting.
    132. The Winter of our Discontent
      Experiences Organizing Nursing Homes

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973
      An account by two nursing home workers describing their jobs and their successful efforts to organize unions at their workplaces.
      Published in Issue #2 (1973) on the New Tendency newsletter.
    133. Woman's Consciousness, Man's World 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      The cultural and economic liberation of women is inseparable from the creation of a society in which all people no longer have their lives stolen from them, and in which the conditions of their production and reproduction will no longer be distorted or held back by the subordination of sex, race, or class.
    134. Women and the Family
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      How the 1917 Russian revolution opened the door to new possibilities in the fight for women's liberation.
    135. Workers' Control
      A Reader on Labor and Social Change

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1973
      Beginning with a push twoard workers' management of the shop and ultimately moving toward control over what is produced, how it is produced and for whom it is produced, workers' control is one of the essential building blocks of a program for social change that would unite the Left and a revitalized labour movement.
    136. Working Class Toronto at the Turn of the Century
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1973


    1. A is for Anachronism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      Experiences of a teacher.
    2. Begin at Start
      Some Thoughts on Personal Liberation and World Change

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Sue Negrin talks about her experiences in the hip, free school, mysticism, New Left, feminist and gay movements; how she sees them shedding old skins and coming together in a new way.
    3. Cambao - The Yoke
      The Hidden Face of Brazil

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      The story of the Peasant League in 1955, organized to fight against the oppression of the peasants.
    4. Canada's Water: For Sale
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Describes the pressures behind U.S. demand for Canadian water and the Canadian response and presents the case against grand engineering schemes, major dams, and large river diversions.
    5. Capitalism and the National Question in Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Essays examining a variety of questions about Canada's past, from a Marxist perspective.
    6. Capitalism and communism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1997
      Gilles Dauvé outlines the development of capitalism, and communism as the real movement in everyday life which tends towards the abolition of wage labour.
    7. Christians for Socialism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A report on the First Latin American Encounter of Christians for Socialism, held in Santiago, Chile, in April 1972.
    8. A Citizen's Guide to City Politics
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    9. Class Composition and the Theory of the Party at the Origin of the Workers-Councils Movement
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      Re-examines a crucial segment of labour history, the German workers' council experience, which bridges the classical socialist phase of the Second and Third Internationals, and the post-Keynesian period.
    10. Communes in America
      The Place Just Right

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Traces the history of collective settlements in the United States and compares their organization and purpose with the communes of today.
    11. Communes USA
      A Personal Tour

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      An account of a variety of communes in the United States.
    12. Community
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      The time has come to start a community. The purpose of this article is to explain why and how.
    13. The Counter-Revolution in Ireland
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1974
    14. The Critique of Everyday Life, the New Left, and the Unrecognizable Marxism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      In this introduction to his book, The Unknown Dimension, Karl Klare asserts that Marxism must be continuously rediscovered, recreated and reinvigorated by every generation. Any comprehensive and historical theory of our situation today must find its place within Marxism, because the problems that brought Marxism into being have not been resolved.
    15. Danbury: Anatomy of a Prison Strike
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    16. "Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis" -- A Review
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    17. Discussion of Marx's Theory of Crisis (Part 1)
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    18. Ernest Mandel's Late Capitalism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    19. Fantasy and the Counter-Culture
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      The purpose of this article is to evaluate the usefulness of speculative fiction in our search for an alternative way of life.
    20. Fighting Back
      Urban Renewal in Trefann Court

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A detailed report on the conflict between city bureaucrats and residents of Trefann Court, a five-block area just east of downtown Toronto. Bent on tearing down as a step towards urban renewal, the planners and government officials met organized resistance by homeowners, landlords and tenants for over six years.
    21. Forum: Canadian Life and Letters - 1920-1970
      Selections from the Canadian Forum

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A selection of articles from fifty years of the Canadian Forum magazine.
    22. Foundations
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      Communes, communism, comradeship -- whatever you wish to call the mood of the young both in and out of communal homes -- will die without an understanding of our foundations, in history, where we have been, where we are going, what we are doing here.
    23. Free Ourselves
      Forgotten Goals of the Revolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      How do we liberate ourselves?
    24. The French Communist Party versus the Students
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Why was the French Communist Party hostile to the student rebellion in May-June 1968, when one might have expected a revolutionary party to support a revolutionary movement? Richard Johnson shows that the events of May-June 1968 are proof of the ultimately unbridgeable gap between contemporary communism and revolutionary thought and action.
    25. From Resistance to Revolution
      Colonial Radicals and the Development of American Opposition to Britain, 1765-1776

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1992
      An examination of the step-by-step process through which the extra-legal institutions of the colonial resistance movement assumed authority from the British.
    26. Going Crazy
      The Radical Therapy of R.D. Laing and Others

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    27. Great Gay in the Morning
      One Group's Approach to Communal Living and Sexual Politics

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    28. Greenpeace
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    29. History and Revolution
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      Two critiques of Paul Cardan's critique of Marxism.
    30. The Householder's Guide to Community Defence Against Bureaucratic Aggression - Review
      A report on Britain's Government Machine

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1989
      Organizational tactics communities can use to fight projects or developments being foisted on them.
    31. The Householder's Guide to Community Defence Against Bureaucratic Aggression.
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    32. The impoverishment of the Canadian left
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      Perhaps the most visible phenomenon 9and the most painful) on the scene of social change in Canada today, is the lack of any real left alternative to either bourgeois or liberal radical politics.
    33. Institute for the Study of Cultural Evolution
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      An attempt to make the university of humanity a conscious coordinated effort towards humanity at peace with itself and its environment.
    34. International Communism in the Era of Lenin
      A Documentary History

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    35. Karl Marx: Essential Writings
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A selection of Marx's writings ranging from his early works on philosophy, religion, alienation, and Hegelianism, through the materialist conception of history, the theoretical analysis of capitalism, and the politics of revolution. Bender provides informatative introductions setting the context for each set of materials.
    36. Labour Martyr: Joe Hill
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      The story of the rebel songwriter and union activst Joe Hill, who was murdered by the state of Utah in 1915.
    37. Lewis attacks Waffle, begins to purge faction from NDP
      Wafflers only allowed three-minute rebuttals

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      In March 1972, Ontarion NDP leader Stephen Lewis delivered a major attack against the party's left-wing Waffle group, laying the ground for forcing the Waffle to either disband or to leave the party.
    38. Liberation - Volume 17, No. 3, 4, 5 - August 1972
      Workers: A Special Section

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    39. A Long View from the Left
      Memoirs of an American Revolutionary

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A memoir of a member of the American Communist Party.
    40. Louder Voices: The Corporate Welfare Bums
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      NDP leader Davis Lewis provides facts and analysis to support his charge that "government and big business are holding hands -- in your pocket."
    41. Manual for Revolutionary Leaders
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A devious satire aimed at Leninists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and vanguardists of all stripes.
    42. Message of a Wise Kabouter
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    43. Native Rights in Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A report on the legal rights of the natives of Canada.
    44. A New History of Leviathan
      Essays on the Rise of the American Corporate State

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    45. The New Refugees
      American Voices in Canada

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Stories of 18 "new refugees" who came in Canada to escape the U.S. war against Vietnam.
    46. The New Woman: Feminism in Greenwich Village, 1910-1920
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      The experiences of feminists who lived in New York's Greenwich Village during the 1910s.
    47. One Dimensional Man In Class Society
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    48. Only Connect
      On Culture and Communication

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    49. Only One Earth
      The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    50. Open Marriage 
      A New Life Style for Couples

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      The authors propose open marriage as a way to help couples realize that there can be both relatedness and freedom in marriage, and that freedom, with the growth and responsibility it entails, can be the basis for intimacy and love.
    51. The Other Israel
      The Radical Case Against Zionism

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A collective effort by a small group of Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel to penetrate the dense net of illusion and myth that dominates the thinking and feeling of most Israelis and, at the same time, determines the prevailing image of Israel in the Western world. According to the Zionist fairy tale, the state of Israel is an outpost of democracy, social justice, and enlightenment, and a homeland and haven for the persecuted Jews of the world. The reality, as this book demonstrates, is utterly different.
    52. Our Generation
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    53. Our Generation
      Volume 8 Number 4

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    54. A Parable of Pigs
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      There once was a pig farm that was operated by an old farmer, his son, and a hired man. The farmyard was filled with hundreds of pigs of all sizes, and they all ate their swill from a huge trough.
    55. The Paris Commune of 1871 
      The View from the Left

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      For the Left, the Paris Commune of 1871 stands as the first example of the exercise of political power by a working class. Socialists, Communists and Anarchists have all looked to this 72-day revolution for lessons - often conflicting - in the development of approaches to state power, democratic processes and a vanguard party in socialist revolutions. This volume gives the English reader direct access to a substantial collection of documents from the time of the Commune - most of which have remained unpublished even in France. These are writings in which some Communards themselves express the view that the Commune was an egalitarian social revolution committed to the ultimate abolition of classes.
    56. The Party of Eros
      Radical Social Thought and the Realm of Freedom

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      King looks at radical theorists -- Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich, Paul Goodman, Herbert Marcuse, and Norman O. Brown -- who have attempted to deal with the intersections of eros and power.
    57. The Pentagon Papers and U.S. Imperialism in South East Asia
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      Chomsky considers the imperial interests of the USA in South East Asia, claiming that these are revealed in the Pentagon Papers. Then, after a detailed account of the content, he suggests that mere anti-communist goals were not the sole motivation for moving into the region but it was rather the "perceived significance of Southeast Asia for the integrated global system that was to be organised by American power."
    58. Playgrounds are only one aspect of the struggle
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    59. Polemics and Prophecies 1967-1970
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      An anthology of I.F. Stone's articles from 1967 - 1970.
    60. Political Economy of Population Control in Latin America
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      An analysis of the use of birth control in Latin America.
    61. Quebec A Chronicle 1968-1972
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A documentary record of the most crucial events of a four-year period in Quebec, including the first stirrings of rebellion in the industrial towns, the heroism of the Mouvement de Liberation du Taxi and the 'Lapalme guys', the drama of the October Crisis of 1970.
    62. Radical America - Volume 6, No. 3 - May - June 1972
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    63. Radical America - Volume 6 Number 5
      Special Issue: Quebec

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      An analysis of the Quebec general strike of 1972 and its roots in Quebec history.
    64. Radical Perspectives in the Arts
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      An anthology of Marxist literary and cultural criticism.
    65. Red Emma Speaks
      Selected Writings and Speeches by Emma Goldman

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A collection of essays which provide a comprehensive view of Emma Goldman's theories and beliefs.
    66. Regent Park Community News
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1978
      A newsletter/newspaper published in the Regent Park area of Toronto in the 1970s.
    67. Reichstag Fire: Ashes of Democracy
      Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Violent Century

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    68. Revolutionary Organisation and Open Letter to IS
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      A 1972 pamphlet incorporating two previously published texts, 'Revolutionary Organisation' (1961) and 'An Open Letter to I.S.' (1968). They are presented as "a contribution to the serious discussing now taking place, within the ranks of revolutionaryies, as to what kind of organisation is necessary."
    69. Rosa Luxemburg 
      Selected Political Writings

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism.
    70. The Rules of the Game
      A handbook for tenants and homeowners

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      When citizen's groups fight redevelopment, they almost always focus their energies upon City Hall, making deputations to an endless of succession of committees and packing meetings to try to influence politicians to favour their cause. But it is developers who lobby and manipulate politicians into approving developments that will ensure profits. This Handbook argues that developers use City Hall to ensure that they can build where they want and build what they want.
    71. Samuelson's 'Transformation' of Marxism
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      Somehow, and for reasons known only to himself, Paul A. Samuelson cannot leave Marx alone.
    72. Schule und Fabrik
      Internationale Marxistische Discussion 30

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    73. Servants of God or Masters of Men?
      The Story of Capuchin Mission in Amazonia

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Bonilla traces the history of a Columbian Indian tribe facing a Catholic missionary community, but see much larger implications in the subject matter: "the everlasting story of the West against the Indian."
    74. Silencing the Workers
      Censorship in the National Film Board

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    75. Socialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women's Movement 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      Our movement's strategy must grow from an understanding of the dynamics of power, with the realization that those who have power have a vested interest in preserving it and the institutional forms which maintain it. Wresting control of the institutions which now oppress us must be our central effort if women's liberation is to achieve its goals. To reach out to most women we must address their real needs and self-interests.
    76. The Socialist Register 1972
      Volume 9: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    77. Sociology Misconstrues the Working Class
      Part II: Class conflict outside the workplace

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    78. The Sociology of Political Sects
      Four sects in Toronto in 1968-1969

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      PhD Thesis, University of Toronto, 1972
    79. 'Solidarity' and the Neo-Narodniks
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
    80. Some realities to remember
      An exchange on Adventure Playgrounds

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    81. Strike! 
      The True History of Mass Insurgence from 1877 to the Present

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1997
      A history-from-below that brings to light strikes as authentic revolutionary movements against the establishments of state, capital, and trade unionism.
    82. Teamster Rebellion
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 2004
      The first of four volumes on the Minnesota Teamsters: Teamster Rebellion, Teamster Power, Teamster Politics and Teamster Bureaucracy.
    83. Theses on Mass Worker and Social Capital
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      An attempt to bring together, in the form on a historical outline, some of the political hypotheses and methodological guidelines that circulated within the Italian working-class movement in the period 1967-1972.
    84. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 1 - Spring 1972
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    85. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 2 - Summer 1972
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    86. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 3 - Fall 1972
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    87. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 4 - Winter 1972-73
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    88. Three Essays on Marxism 
      Leading Principles of Marxism; Introduction to Capital; Why I Am a Marxist

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      In these essays Korsch offers his thoughts on basic Marxist ideas.
    89. Toronto For Sale: the Destruction of a City
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      An account of how the Toronto City Council rezoned land to maximize land densities, favoring the interests of private developers over the public in the 1970s.
    90. Toward Class Consciousness Next Time: Marx and the Working Class
      Published in Politics & Society, Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 1972

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      Ollman asks what stands in the way of working people becoming class conscious.
    91. Towards a Method for the Revolutionary Reconstruction of Everyday Life
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      On the critique and transformation of everyday life as a key part of the struggle for revolutionary transformation. Published in Liberation magazine April 1972.
    92. Transformation
      Vol.1 No 4 Summer 1972

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
      Theory and Practice of Social Change
    93. Transformation Volume 1, Number 4
      Summer 1972

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1972
    94. Under New Management?
      The Fisher-Bendix Occupation

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      Solidarity's eyewitness account, with background information, of the ccupation of Fisher-Bendix factory and offices against closure in 1972. The workers also implemented certain new aspects of work policy.
    95. Unions vs. Workers in the Seventies
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      The tightly knit structures of the big industrial unions leave no room for maneuvering. There is no reasonable way in which young workers can use the union constitution to overturn and overhaul the union structure. The constitution is against them; the money and jobs available to union bureaucrats are against them. And if these fail, the forces of law and order of city, state and federal governments are against them. If that were not enough, the young workers in the factories today are expressing the instinctive knowledge that even if they gained control of the unions and reformed them completely, they would still end up with unions - organizations which owe their existence to capitalist relations of productions.
    96. The Unknown Dimension 
      European Marxism Since Lenin

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      The radical intellectual tradition of European post-Leninist Marxism, so different from the dogma of the orthodox leftist parties, is an unknowwn dimension. This anthology sets out to recover this Marxist tradition and to restore the centrality of Marxist revolutionary thought and practice.
    97. Up Against City Hall
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      John Sewell describes his early life and explains how he accidentally got involved in politics. He tells of his experiences in Trefann Court, and how this opened his eyes to the realities of civic politics, and gives behind-the-scenes accounts of some of the major battles at City Hall.
    98. Vanguard, Vanguard, Who's Got the Vanguard?
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972
      A critique of Leninist vanguard-party theories and practice, especially as manifested in the new left groups of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Published in the May 1972 and August 1972 issues of Liberation magazine.
    99. The Veritable Split in the International
      Public Circular of the Situationist International

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1974
      What are called "situationist ideas" are nothing other than the first ideas of the period of reappearance of the modern revolutionary movement.
    100. Viet Peace will come with victory
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      The burning determination of the Vietnamese to control their own future deserves our full support.
    101. Vietnam
      How the government became wolves

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
      In note of the fact that the American administrations never deviated from the basic assumption that communism must be defeated, Noam Chomsky describes how the image of the USA as a noble and virtuous political leader that is "bewildered and victimized, but not responsible" had been concocted.
    102. Vote!
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    103. The Warsaw rising
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
    104. Ways of Seeing
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      Seeing establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it.
    105. "What is Class Consciousness?" -- A Review
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1972
    106. Winnipeg 1919
      The strikers' own history of the Winnipeg General Strike

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1975
      The Winnipeg General Strike was a landmark in Canadian political and labour history. This book, with the lively and clearly-written strikers' account of the strike and more than 40 photos of major strike events, offers the perspective on the strike of the people who organized it. Second edition.
    107. Winter Soldier
      Resource Type: Film
      First Published: 1972
      A chronicling of the Winter Soldier Investigation - about war crimes during the Vietnam War - that took place in Detroit, Michigan, from January 31 to February 2, 1971.
    108. Women, Resistance and Revolution 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1974
      A wide-ranging survey of the roots of inequality and of the long but sporadic struggles to covercome it. Her narrative extends from the seventeenth century to present-day (1970s) Vietnam, showing how certain women have struggled, in both revolutionary and repressive situations, to achieve liberation.
    109. Women Unite
      An Anthology of the Canadian Women's Movement

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972
      An anthology doucmenting the Canadian women's movement of the late 1906s and early 1970s.
    110. Women's Liberation and Revolution
      A Bibliography

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1973
    111. Working 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1972   Published: 1974
      People talk a bout what they do all day and how they feel about what they do.


    1. After Pinkville
      In Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Chomsky begins by expressing criticism of the peace movement protestors. He claims that their demands on the US government to "stop bombing and enter negotiations" in Vietnam were insufficient; they should have instead called for immediate withdrawal and adherence to international law. Chomsky then turns his criticism towards the American moral standing, citing one professors take on foreign policy: "To crush the people's war, we must eliminate the people". He parallels this to the moral level of Nazi Germany and questions the US's lack of moral considerations in the Vietnam War.
    2. Alienation 
      Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Ollman reconstructs Marx's theory of alienation from its constituent parts and offers it as a vantage point from which to view the rest of Marxism. The book further contains a detailed examination of Marx's philosophy of internal relations, the much neglected logical foundation of his method, and provides a systematic account of Marx's conception of human nature.
    3. The alienation of radical theatre
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    4. Alternate Society
      Volume 3, Number 7 - October - November 1971

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    5. The American Economy: Crisis and Policy
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Since capitalist economic policy must make no mention of the exploitation relations underlying the capitalist mode of production, economists and politicians must seek 'solutions' to economic problems in terms of market phenomena.
    6. America's War in Indochina
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      There is no special reason for America's intervention in Indochina, apart from her general policy of intervening anywhere in the world in order to prevent political and social changes that would be detrimental to the so-called 'free world,' and particularly to the power which dominates it.
    7. The Anarchists
      The men who shocked an era

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      The history and ideology of anarchism.
    8. Antinomy
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
      Antinomy was a free bi-weekly newspaper published by and for high school and university students in Toronto.
    9. Any Word Marksmen in the House?
      The Uncertain Mirror

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      On labelling and stereotyping in the media. This article first appeared in the January 1971 issue of Content magazine (Issue #3).
    10. Bakunin on Anarchy
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      An anthology of Bakunin's writings.
    11. Brother
      A forum for men against sexism

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
      An anthology of personal and political writings. There is one copy (No.11-12) of this periodical in the Connexions Archive.
    12. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
      An Indian History of the American West

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A well documented account of the systematic destruction of the American Indian.
    13. Cabbagetown: A Working Class District
      Hugh Garner's novel revisited

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    14. Canadian Textbooks and the American Knowledge Industry
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      A look into the industry of textbooks in America and the effect on Canadians.
      Published in This Magazine is about Schools, Volume 5, Number 3, Summer 1971.
    15. The Canadian Whole Earth Almanac
      Profile of a project

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    16. Capital: A Readable Introduction to Volume I
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    17. Children's Play and Official Playgrounds
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    18. Childrens Liberation
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    19. Class Bias in Toronto Schools
      Downtown Kids Aren't Dumb: They Need A Better Program

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      A brief by the Park School community council addressing the streaming of poor and working class children into the bottom levels of the school system. These children, the brief says, have badly developed basic skills, particularly in reading and writing. Published in This Magazine is about Schools, Volume 5, Number 4, Fall/Winter 1971.
    20. The Class Nature of Israel
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      Israeli society is not merely a society of immigrants; it is one of settlers. The society, including its working class, was shaped through a process of colonization. The permanent conflict between the settlers' society and the indigenous, displaced Palestiniann has never stopped and has shaped the very strcuture of Israeli sociology, politics, and economics.
    21. The Closing Circle 
      Man, Technology & the Environment

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Commoner argues that economic life must be structured to conform to the principles of ecology, as opposed to the goal of unlimited growth that underpins capitalist economies.
    22. Collectives in the Spanish Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
      An account of the collectives set up in Spain during the struggle against Franco.
    23. The Coming of the New International
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    24. Communism Takes China
      How the Revolution Went Red

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A short history of Chinese history from 1911 to 1949.
    25. Conversation with Allende
      Socialism in Chile

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    26. Counter-Planning on the Shop Floor
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
    27. "Culture", Science and State-Capitalism
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      Neither culture nor science can lead lives separate from the economic realities of the societies which nurture them. Science and culture, even as they are procliamed to be the harbingers of revolutionary change, are being used today by the existing social order to preserve itself.
    28. The Decline of Working Class Politics
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    29. Diet for a Small Planet
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
    30. The Enemies of Anarchy: A Critical Summary
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    31. Essays on the Left
      Essays in Honour of T.C. Douglas

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Essays collected as a tribute to T.C. Douglas on the occasion of his retirement ad leader of the New Democratic Party.
    32. Exploitation
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Jenkins argues that the conventional approaches to international relations, aid and development are a sham that is all the more unforgivable because they pretend to be scientific and objective when in fact they are a series of compounded lies in defence of the status quo.
    33. The Fallacy of "Community Control"
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      The idea of community control which proceeds from a geographic definition of community contains the serious fallacy of assuming that any neighbourhood is or can becomes a community (of equals). This fallacy leads to the consequent, easily documented failure to achieve any fundational -- or even minor, for that matter -- social changes. The community control advocates themselves recognize the failures, but they do not understand the cause: the lack of class analysis upon which an adequate theory can be built to guide one's practice.
    34. Farmers Confront Industrialism
      Some Historical Perspectives on Ontario Agrarian Movement

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
    35. The Female Eunuch
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    36. Feminism and "The Female Eunuch"
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      A review of the book Germaine Greer's book "The Female Eunuch." Originally published in International Socialist Review.
    37. Foreword to the War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam
      In Bertrand Russell's War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Chomsky introduces the themes to be explored in Russell's book on the Vietnam Tribunal. He points out the complacency in Europe and the USA and calls the Tribunal as a renouncement of the crime of silence. Although the Tribunal was not accurately reported, criticisms arose, two of which Chomsky highlights: 1) The bias of jurors, witnesses and participants; and 2) The superfluous nature of the Tribunal in light of the atrocity of the crime of barbarism.
    38. Format and Communications
      Chapter 9 of 'Speaking and Language: Defence of Poetry'

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    39. The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx
      1843 to Capital

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Mandel discusses the development of Marx's economic ideas from their beginning to the completion of the Grundrisse. He combines a historical retrospective and a review of curent discussions on each of the subjects and problems central to Marxist economic theory.
    40. The Fourth International, Stalinism and the Origins of the International Socialists
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    41. From the workers: a practical critique of bourgeois sociology
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    42. Ho
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A portrait of Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh.
    43. The House of Horrors that Jack Built
      A look at early childhood literature

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    44. In Defense of the Student Movement
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      In 1971, Chomsky proclaims the student movement to be the one organized segment of the intellectual community that is genuinely and actively committed to the kind of social change needed. However, he outlines what he finds to be the grave tactical mistakes being made by the movement, one being their search for confrontation. Chomsky sees this as "suicidal". However, regardless of his practical criticisms, he continues to express his explicit support.
    45. Inside Rochdale
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      What Rochdale has done is to provide a meeting ground on which those disenchanted with the running of modern society can attempt to work out an alternative environment.
    46. An Introduction to Capitalism
      Four lectures on Marxian Economies

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
    47. The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    48. Ireland and the Irish Question
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Brings together all of Marx's and Engels' writing on Ireland in one volume.
    49. Italy: Womein in the Fiat Factory
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      An article was written by a Turin collective working on the problems of women employed by Fiat, originally published in Lotta Continua, February 1970. Underlying this article is the idea that the significance of a fight in one department within a factory, for instance, or strata within the working class, in this case women, can only be understood in terms of the relationship between this particular point of struggle and others.
    50. The joyful community
      An account of the Bruderhof, a communcal movement now in its third generation

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1980
      An in-depth study of the Bruderhof community.
    51. Keep on truckin'
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Mac Brockway analyes the machinations of unions in maintaining order in the workplace, with particular focus on a small dispute in the truck driving industry in New York.
    52. A letter of resignation
      I refuse to brainwash Canadian students

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    53. Life on the Line
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Working on an assembly line in an auto plant.
    54. Makers of our Daily Bread
      An interview with two bakery workers

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    55. Marxist-Humanism's concept of 'Subject'
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Transcendence has, in academia, both a theological and philosophic meaning far removed from practice. But transcendence as a historic category means people abolishing the old, creating the new; indeed it is the only real transcendence; all else is hogwash.
    56. Mass Communications and American Empire
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      An in-depth look at international and domestic media, and the effect of capitalism on mass communications.
    57. Mayday
      The Case for Civil Disobedience

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      Chomsky addresses the expected "cooling" of the Student Movement in light of negative reviews of the May Day demonstration. He analyzes this cooling as a key factor in US strategy, especially in relation to the Congress and disputes arguments such as civil disobedience is illegitimate in a democracy as decisions are reached via democratic institutions. After his exploration of the numerous questions surrounding the issue of civil disobedience, Chomsky warns that by blocking channels of protest, the government may "bring about a domestic crisis of indeterminable proportions".
    58. The Modern Prince
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    59. No Futher Retreat
      The Fight to Save Florida

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    60. Not Speaking and Speaking
      Chapter 1 of 'Speaking and Language: Defence of Poetry'

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    61. On Spontaneity and Organisation
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
      On the relationship of spontaneity and revolution.
    62. On the Transition to Socialism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Essays discussing the economic, social, and political aspects of the attempt to create a new society after the governmental power of the old has been destroyed and replaced. Central to the discussion is the possibility that the policies adopted by the new governments under the stress of economic and political difficulties may result in the creation of a new capitalist in "statist" forms.
    63. Open Veins of Latin America 
      Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1973
      A political economy, a social and cultural narrative, and a powerful description of primitive capital accumulation.
    64. Organize! My Life as a Union Man
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    65. The Organizer's Manual
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Practical suggestions for small-group and grassroots organizing, political self-e4ducation, mass education and communications, alternate community services, mass actions, legal and medical self-defense. Strategies for organizing high schools, universities, racial groups, women, the military, labor, the professions.
    66. Organizing "The Poor" - Against The Working Class
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      The newly found "poor" have become a focus for middle class activists. Having learned in the schools and universities that the working class either did not exist or that if it existed, it was co-opted and apathetic and could not possible act as the agent for social change, they found it "refreshing" to locate this new constituency.
    67. Origins of the International Socialists
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    68. The Origins of the Modern Leftism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
    69. The People's History of Cape Breton
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      The story of the working people of Cape Breton: a history of hte common people, of their day-to-day fight to improve their working conditions and their struggle to build a better way of life.
    70. Photography and the Powerless
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      A critique of photographers who come to exploit "the poor."
    71. Post Scarcity Anarchism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Modern radicals, says Bookchin, have ignored the real revolutionary possibilities of modern technology and the counterculture. Unless they start building a movement which looks to the future, they are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
    72. The poverty of sociology
      A review of James Lorimer's "Working People"

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    73. The Principle of Self-Emancipation in Marx and Engels 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      For Marx and Engels, there was a direct relationship between the revolutionary (literally subversive) nature of their socialism and the principle of emancipation-from-below, the principle that, as Engels wrote, "there is no concern for ... gracious patronage from above."
      Marxism, as the theory and practice of the proletarian revolution, therefore also had to be the theory and practice of the self-emancipation of the proletariat. Its essential originality flows from this source.
    74. Problems of Knowledge and Freedom
      The Russell Lectures

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1972
      These lectures explore Bertrand Russell's work on empiricism, morality, linguistics and politics.
    75. The Radical Therapist
      Therapy means change not adjustment

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      The contributors to this anthology proceed from the premise that therapy should be a means of liberation rather than a tool of social control.
    76. The Real Story Behind CFI
      From Zurich to The Pas: The $100 Million Rape of Manitoba

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
    77. Revolutionary Priest
      The Complete Writings & Messages of Camilo Torres

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      The writings and speeches of Camilo Torres, a radical priest turned guerrilla who was killed in 1966.
    78. Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #2
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    79. Rules for Radicals 
      A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Alinsky's Rules for Radicals provides perspectives, principles and lessons for realistic radical organizers.
    80. Rumours of War
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
    81. Sexual Politics
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1972
    82. She Named It Canada
      Because that's what it was called

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      An illustrated history of Canada.
    83. The Socialist Register 1971
      Volume 8: A survey of movements and ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    84. Sociology Misconstrues the Working Class
      Part I: Class conflict in the workplace

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    85. Solidaire
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1975
      A magazine published in the 1970s by a group of English-speaking Quebecois to inform Anglophones in Quebec and progressive people in Canada and the U.S. of the growing struggle for independence and socialism in Quebec. A number of issues are in the Connexions Archive.
    86. Some Historical Perspectives on Canadian Agrarian Political Movements
      The Ontario Origins of Agrarian Criticism of Canadian Industrial Society

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1973
    87. Speaking and Language
      Defence of Poetry

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1972
      Goodman writes, "I do not think there can be a rule for the appropriate use of formal or vernacular language...The best is to try for a vernacular that molds itself to what is going on and to use it critically".
    88. Steal This Book
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A guide to fighting government and corporations. The book is divided into three sections, "Survive!", "Fight!" and "Liberate!"
    89. The Strikebreakers Go on Strike... Police Militancy vs. Labor
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      The article excerpted here explains the reactionary and anti-labor nature of the 1971 New York City patrolmen's strike and of the police themselves. The article is reprinted from Workers’ Action (No. 8, April-May 1971), precursor of Workers Vanguard.
    90. The Struggle Against Fascism in Germany 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A collection of Leon Trotsky's writings on the situation in Germany from 1930 to 1940. From 1930 on Trotsky sounded the alarm about the rise of fascism in Germany, and warned that the policies of the Communist Party and the Social Democrats were likely to lead to disaster. He urged a common front, mobilizing the German working class regardless of party affiliation, against the Nazis.
    91. The Struggle for Quebec
      Spokesman Pamphlet No. 13

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      Essays analyzing class struggles in Quebec in, and leading up to, 1971.
    92. Study No. 22
      Task Force on Labour Relations

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1972
    93. A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      The seminal text of the movement which was later characterized as liberation theology.
    94. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 1 - Winter 1971
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    95. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 2
      Spring 1971 issue

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    96. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 3 - Summer 1971
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    97. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 4 - Fall/Winter 1971
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    98. Toward an Authentic Canadian Left
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
      Recent developments have only further revealed what has been evident for a long time, namely, the impotence and irrelevance of the Canadian left; the fact that it is minute, factionalized and unable to mobilize people around critical issues, or day-to-day problems.
    99. Transformation
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971   Published: 1972
      A magazine on the theory and practice of social change. Four issue were published in 1971 and 1972. Copies of all issues are in the Connexions Archive.
    100. Transformation
      Vol.1 No.1 January-February 1971

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    101. Transformation
      Vol.1 No.2 March-April 1971

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    102. Transformation
      Vol.1 No.3 Summer 1971

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
      Theory and Practice of Social Change
    103. Transformation No. 1
      Janaury - February 1971

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    104. Transformation Volume 1, Number 2
      March - April 1971

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    105. Transformation Volume 1, Number 3
      Summer 1971

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1971
    106. Two Miners
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      An interview with two miners, one in Sudbury, Canada, and one in Sweden.
    107. Unbecoming Men
      A Men's Consciousness-Raising Groups Writes on Oppression and Themselves

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      Members of a men's group attempt to trace their experiences back to their roots, discovering how they learned to be male and sexist.
    108. Weatherman
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A history of the Weatherman organization.
    109. Women's liberation, then and now
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
    110. Workers' Control is More than Just That
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1971
      One perspective on workers control is that it will never be won while capitalism prevails and must be fought for precisely for that reason. Gorz shares this view and argues that, when we speak of workers' control, we speak of the capability of the workers' to take control of the process of production and to organize the working process as they think best.
    111. Working Class Communism
      A Review of the Literature

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1971
    112. Working People
      Life in a Downtown City Neighbourhood

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971
      A description of the Don Vale neighbourhood of downtown Toronto in the 1960s.
    113. Zur Strategie und Organisation von "Lotta Continua"
      Internationale Marxistische Diskussion 18

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1971


    1. Alternate Society
      Volume 2, Number 3 - July 1970

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    2. At War With Asia
      Essays on Indochina

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Noam Chomsky examines the many effects of America's war in Indochina and tries to answer the questions that underlie this conflict.
    3. The Bad Trip
      The Untold Story of the Spadina Expressway

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    4. Banned Books
      Informal Notes on Some Books Banned for Various Reasons

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    5. The Barnyard Epithet and Other Obscenities
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    6. Bertrand Russell and Industrial Democracy
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    7. Bertrand Russell's Last Message
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      No people anywhere in the world would accept being expelled en masse from their own country; how can anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment which nobody else would tolerate?
    8. The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control 
      The State and Counter-Revolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A pamphlet exposing the struggle that took place over the running of workplaces in the immediate aftermath of the Russian Revolution. In doing so not only does it demolish the romantic Leninist "history" of the relationship between the working class and their party during these years (1917-21) but it also provides a backbone to understanding why the Russian revolution failed in the way it did. From this understanding flows alternative possibilities of revolutionary organization.
    9. Cambodia
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Chomsky discusses the invasion of Cambodia. He describes it in terms of the internationalization of the Vietnam war as well as explores the internal developments leading up to the event. Specifically, Chomsky focuses on the right-wing coup of Prince Sihanouk on March 18th 1970 as the turning point from neutrality to destabilization.
    10. La Causa
      The California Grape Strike

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A documentary of the California grape workers' strike.
    11. The Children's Crusade
      The Story of the Company of Young Canadians

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    12. Close the 49th Parallel Etc
      The Americanization of Canada

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      The increasing Americanization of Canada is now evident to all, and it is also becoming evident that the elites in Canada have been anxious to avoid any confrontation of this fact or any examination of its consequences. This collection of essays attempts to display some of the effects of US corporate imperialism and the permissive policy of its Canadian supporters, to analyse the the ideologies involved, to explain the social, economic and political costs of the process, and to suggest how it might be reversed.
    13. The Communist Movement
      From Comintern to Cominform

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1975
    14. Content magazine
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1992
      Content magazine was a Canadian magazine about journalism published in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
    15. Cuba for Beginners
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1971
      A comic book history of Cuba and the Cuban Revolution.
    16. The Death of the State in Marx and Engels 
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Surveys the thinking of Marx and Engels on the 'dying-away' of the state in socialist (communist) society.
    17. Deschooling Society 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    18. Design for the Real World 
      Human Ecology and Social Change

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1973
      While two-thirds of the world's population lives in poverty, valuable human and natural resources are used to produce: fur-covered toilet seats, electronic nail polish dryers, diapers for parakeets, and mink-oil fertilizer for "the plant that has everything." Papanek discusses why the things you buy are expensive, badly designed, unsafe, and often don't work. He proposes alternative ways of thinking and alternative designs for safe, inexpensive, and desperately needed products.
    19. The Dialectics of Community Control
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      The movement for community control will fall short often, unless it becomes a broader struggle for popular, democratic control of all public institutions and the economy.
    20. Do It
      Scenarios of the Revolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    21. The Economy of Cities
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Ideas about what makes cities rich or poor, how cities grow, and how city growth affects national economies.
    22. Empire and Revolution
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    23. The Enemy
      Notes on Imperialism and Revolution

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    24. The Energy Poker Game
      The Politics of the Continental Resources Deal

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    25. Eye for an Eye
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Four inmates talk about the American penal system over 50 years of rehabilitation and the corruption inherent of the prison system.
    26. Five Lectures
      Psychoanalysis, Politics, and Utopia

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    27. For a Socialist Ontario in an Independent Socialist Canada
      Resolutions prepared for the Ontario New Democratic Party Convention, October, 1970 by the Ontario Waffle Movement

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
    28. For Communism: Propositions on a Strategy for Revolution in the Advanced Capitalist Countries
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
      A series of 100 propositions addressing the strategic vacuum on the Italian and European left at the end of the 1960s.
    29. The Great Conspiracy Trial
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    30. Hard Times 
      An Oral History of The Great Depression

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      In a series of interviews, Studs Terkel captures a mosaic of memories of the Great Depression in the United States.
    31. The High School Revolutionaries
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Two young teachers travel across America gathering the views of young high school radicals.
    32. The Higher Circles
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    33. Hip Culture: 6 Essays on its Revolutionary Potential
      Yippie, Third World, Feminist, Marxist, High School Student, Anarchist

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
      Asks whether hip culture is making demands that cannot be accommodated by the system, or whether it promotes a 'do your own thing' ideology that can easily be co-opted?
    34. How People Get Power
      Organizing Oppressed Communities for Action

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A book about community organizing, written for organizers.
    35. Ice
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1970
      An underground revolutionary group wages guerilla warfare against a fictionalized fascist regime.
    36. In North Vietnam
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Chomsky traveled to North Vietnam in 1970 to explore the state of the country and give lectures at the Polytechnic University. While there, he discovered that although the nation had begun to lay the foundations for modernization and development, progress had been dramatically disrupted through the war with America. He reveals that the "air war of destruction" was in fact not as accurate in targeting military points as previously claimed. Yet Chomsky notes the enduring spirit of the Vietnamese who accept each struggle - whether with the Chinese, Mongols, Japanese, French, or Americans - as a succession of victories.
    37. The Indochina Story
      A Fully Documentary Account

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    38. The Irrational in Politics 
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1975
      The Irrational in Politics examines the way in which we have been programmed by social and sexual patterns of the dominant ideology. The result is mass produced individuals incapable of automous thought and perpetually craving authority and leadership. In this light he looks as well at the sexual revolution and the failure of the Russian Revolution. His aim is to allow the ordinary individual to aquire insight into their own phychic structure and in doing so become harmonised with their own deep aspirations and desires.
    39. Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets
      A Collection of Writings by Peter Kropotkin

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A collection of pamphlets about liberty, anarchism and anarcho-communism written and published by Peter Kropotkin in exile in England.
    40. Left at the Post
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    41. The Legend of Marx, or 'Engels the founder'
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
    42. Lenin and Luxemburg: Negation in theory and Praxis
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
    43. Manifesto - Ecology Action East
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Root and Branch puts forward a communist approach to environmental issues.
    44. Marxism and the Trade Unions
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Draper argues that essentially, no Marxist group has ever carried on any systematic revolutionary work in trade unions.
    45. Marx's Theory of Alienation 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Meszaros provides a comprehensive treatment of Marx's theory of alienation by surveying Marx's work as a whole. In doing so, he argues against the commonly held distinction between a young philosophically-oriented Marx and a mature economics-oriented Marx.
    46. Die Massenstreikdebatte
      Arbeiterbewegung Theorie und Geschicthe

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    47. The Mysterious East
      An independent Atlantic magazine

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970   Published:
      A magazine published in Atlatnic Canada in the early 1970s. There are 12 copies of this periodical in the Connexions Archive.
    48. The New Left in Canada
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A book of essays on the 1960s New Left in Canada, by members of the New Left.
    49. 1919
      Red Mirage

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      An account of the rebellion and counter-rebellion that spread across Europe in 1919.
    50. Notes on Anarchism
      In Daniel Guerin, Anarchism: From Theory to Practice

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Noam Chomsky explores numerous variations and philosophies associated with the anarchist notion. He considers them in a context of historical development and elaborates with his own perspectives, explanations, and general commentary.
    51. Notes on the postal strike, 1970
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Root and Branch on the wildcat strike of US postal workers in 1970 and its implications.
    52. Old Age
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1977
    53. Old left, new left, what's left?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Paul Mattick Jr. takes a look at the 'New Left' and student movement at the end of the 1960s.
    54. Old Left, New Left, What's Left?
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Paul Mattick Jr. takes a look at the 'New Left' and student movements at the end of the 1960s.
    55. On Wielding the Subversive Scalpel
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      In subversion, we leave behind the interminable argument between the good bureaucrats & the bad ones. By subversion we do not mean, as in its common usage, "overthrowing the government" & replacing it with ourselves. We mean undermining the very addiction, the sick, junkie-like need, to govern or be governed at all. In the end / in the beginning, there are no leaders, no followers: there are only actors.
    56. The Only Good Indian
      Essays by Canadian Indians

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      The authors of this book are native people, mostly young, from coast to coast in Canada. They are thoughtful, angry, poetic, full of a generous passion to improve their lives.
    57. Our Generation
      Volume 7 Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    58. Our Generation
      Volume 7 Number 2

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    59. Our Generation
      Volume 7 Number 3

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    60. Pedagogy of the Oppressed 
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Freire maintains that every human being, no matter or "ignorant" or submerged in the "culture of silence," is capable of looking critically at the world in a dialogical encounter with others, and that provided with the proper tools for such an encounter, can gradually perceive his personal and social reality and deal critically with it.
    61. The Penguin Book of Socialist Verse
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      An anthology of poems, some by socialists, other by poets who do not identify themselves as socialist but who have written poetry reflecting a socialist sensibility.
    62. Point of view: Solidarity
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Root and Branch introduce the British libertarian socialist group Solidarity to their American readers, appending the group's statement of principles, As We See It.
    63. The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism 
      Hobbes to Locke

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A fundamental reinterpretation of political theory from Hobbes to Locke which emphasizes the role of liberal political theory in justifying the appropriation of property to private ownership.
    64. The Politics of War
      The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    65. Pollution Probe
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    66. Prison Journals of a Priest revolutionary
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A collection of interviews, meditations and reflections on the current American prison system from the perspectives of past and current inmates. Berrigan, a political prisoner in Connecticut, shares thoughts about his radical activities, the inadequacy of the legal system, the failure of the prison system to rehabilitate, the meaning of true church reform, and the future of the radical movement in the US.
    67. Push Comes to Shove
      The Escalation of Student Protest

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Diary of Kelman's undergraduate years at Harvard during times of SDS-led student protest.
    68. Radical America - Volume 4, No. 6 - September - October 1970
      Special Lenin-Hegel Issue

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
    69. Radical America - Volume 4, Number 6
      Special Lenin-Hegel Issue - Periodical profile

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    70. The Real World of City Politics
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A report about what is going on -- and what is going wrong -- in Canada's cities. Urban reneewal, public housing, downtown schools, citizen participation, highrise development, city politicians.
    71. Reclaiming the Canadian economy
      A Sweddish approach through functional Socialism

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    72. Reflections on the Revolution in France: 1968
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      In May 1968 France was on the threshold of something entirely new. In this 'pre-revolutionary situation' nothing went unquestioned. The writers, trade unionists and students who contribute to this volume all believe our future is foreshadowed in the events of May. And they explain why, after this shock to a regime of seemingly impregnable strength, things can never be the same again.
    73. The Relevance of Anarchism to Modern Society
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
      An attempt to elucidate "classical anarchism," a la Proudhon, Kropotkin, etc., so as to repudiate "neo-anarchism," with its emphasis on "escapist individualism" and "action for the sake of action."
    74. Reservations Are For Indians
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1991
      Describes the vicious circle of dependence created by government policies which ensnare aboriginal Canadians, combining an account of life in four reserve communities with a history of government policies and programmes.
    75. Review: The American Working Class in Transition by Kim Moody
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Joel Stein reviews Kim Moody's book on the American working class in transition for Root & Branch No. 1, 1970, dealing in particular with Moody's take on the unions.
    76. The Revolution Game
      The Short Unhappy Life of the Company of Young Canadians

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A historical overview of the Company of Young Canadians.
    77. Revolutionary Nonviolence
      Essays by Dave Dellinger

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1971
      Dellinger says that "those of us who oppose the violence of the status quo and reject the violence of armed revolt and class hatred bear a heavy responsibility to struggle existentially to provdew nonviolent alternatives." Dellinger's essays attempt to explore those alternatives.
    78. Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class
      Torchbook Edition

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A study of Cuban workers after consolidation of the Castro regime.
    79. Root & Branch
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1979
      A libertarian socialist journal.
    80. Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #1
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    81. Rosa Luxemburg Speaks
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A selection of speeches and writings by Rosa Luxemburg.
    82. Russia, China and the West 1953-1966
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Essays on the history of the Soviet Union and its role in the world from the death of Stalin to Khrushchev's fall and the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
    83. A Sand County Almanac
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    84. Seven News
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
      Seven News (7 News) was a community newspaper published in the area of Toronto east of downtown which at the time was known as Ward 7. Seven News was published from 1970 to 1985. Seven News is no longer publishing, but all issues of the paper have been scanned and are available on the Connexions website.
      Ward 7 covered the area of Toronto east of downtown, from Sherbourne Street to Logan Avenue, south of Bloor-Danforth, including Don Vale, Cabbagetown, Regent Park, Riverdale, St. Jamestown.
    85. Silent Surrender
      The multinational corporation in Canada

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Levitt examines the historical background of foreign investment in Canada, its acceleration since the Second World War, and the nature of the intrusion into a sovereign state of the multinational corporation. she argues that recolonization by U.S. international corporations is rapidly transforming Canada into the world's richest under-developed country.
    86. Sisterhood is Powerful 
      An Anthology of Writing From the Women's Liberation Movement

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      The first comprehensive collection of writings from the Women's Liberation Movement, including articles, poems, photographs, and manifestos.
    87. Socialism in Cuba
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    88. The Socialist Register 1970
      Volume 7: A Survey of Movements & Ideas

      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    89. Standing Fast
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    90. The Struggle for Socialism
      Resource Type: Audio CD
      First Published: 1970
      A socialist critique of late-60's/early-70's British society and economics, with emphasis on the distortion of resources' availability and use, as well as capitalism's inate predilection for war. Is concludes that the only recourse is socialist revolution.
    91. Summerhill: For and Against
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      Essays discussing the ideas and pratice of A.S. Neill.
    92. This Book Is About Schools
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A collection of articles from This Magazine is About School containing many first person narratives that argue that the current school system is rife with inequality and repression. Repo points out that "free" schools have less freedom than most people expect. One theme that does emerge is that through the emergence of common responsiblities in the 'free" system adult and children alike have started to feel like members of a large intense clan -- they have begun to feel like citizens for the first time.
    93. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 2 - Spring 1970
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    94. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 3 - Summer 1970
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    95. This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 4 - Fall 1970
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970
    96. Toward a New Beginning - On Another Road
      The Alternative to the Micro-Sect

      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      To Marx, any organization was a sect if it set up any special set of view (including Marx's views) as its organizational boundary; if it made this special set of views the determinant of its organizational form.
      Neither Marx nor Engels ever formed or wanted to form a Marxist group of any kind - that is, a membership group based on an exclusively Marxist program. All of their organizational activity was pointed along a different road.
    97. Towards a New Marxism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1973
      A collection of papers presented at the Frist International Telos Conference, October 8 - 11, 1970, in Waterloo, Ontario.
    98. Trial
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    99. Twentieth Century Pacifism
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    100. La tyrannie d'une absence de structure
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
    101. The Tyranny of Structurelessness 
      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
      Contrary to what we would like to believe, there is no such thing as a "structureless" group. Any group of people of whatever nature that comes together for any length of time for any purpose will inevitably structure itself in some fashion. The structure may be flexible; it may vary over time; it may evenly or unevenly distribute tasks, power and resources over the members of the group. But it will be formed regardless of the abilities, personalities, or intentions of the people involved.
    102. The Tyranny of Structurelessness - Japanese text
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
    103. Unfriendly skies - The air traffic controllers' sick-out, 1969
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Short article about the 1969 mass calling-in sick strike of air traffic controllers in the US over wages and conditions, and the new union of the workers, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization.
    104. The Uses of Disorder
      Personal Identity and City Life

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      An examination of the ways the modern city has failed, and an exploration of new modes of urban organization through which city life can become richer and more life-affirming.
    105. Verdict
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
    106. Vietnam: The Quiet Mutiny
      Resource Type: Film/Video
      First Published: 1970
      John Pilger's first film, The Quiet Mutiny, made in 1970 for the British current affairs series World in Action, broke the sensational story of insurrection by American drafted troops in Vietnam. In his classic history of war and journalism, The First Casualty, Phillip Knightley describes Pilger's revelations as among the most important reporting from Vietnam. The soldiers' revolt – including the killing of unpopular officers – marked the beginning of the end for the United States in Indo-China.
    107. A Visit to Laos
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      Chomsky shares an account of his 1970 visit to Laos, revealing the heavy atmosphere owing to foreign power presence. "The US has penetrated every phase of existence (as well as destruction)." He explores Laos' recent political history in the contexts of the Pathet Laos and American involvement, as well as the difference between the local and American understandings of where the source of conflict lies.
    108. Waffle News
      Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
      First Published: 1970   Published:
      Newsletter of the Waffle movement which was part of the NDP (New Democratic Party) until 1972, and then operated autonomously for a while.
    109. White Racism
      A Psychohistory

      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970   Published: 1984
      Kovel probes the deep psychological and historical embedments of racism in Western civilization.
    110. Women: Caste, Class or Oppressed Sex
      Resource Type: Article
      First Published: 1970
      The author traces the sources of women's oppression, and outlines her understanding of the Marxist approach to its origins. Originally published in International Socialist Review.
    111. Women's Liberation: Notes from the Second Year
      Major Writings of the Radical Feminists

      Resource Type: Pamphlet
      First Published: 1970
    112. The Youth Communes
      Resource Type: Book
      First Published: 1970
      A short survey of American youth communes of the late 1960s.