The Fisherman
Periodical profile published 1977
Publisher: The fisherman Publishing Society
Year Published: 1977
Pages: 12pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX337
A newsletter with articles pertaining to fisheries issues.
This issue highlights the United States proposal for more convention waters fishing time for sections of its gillnet fleet. This would permit United States to "afford its citizen who possess treaty fishing rights an increased opportunity to fish vis-à-vis non-treaty citizens, but within the framework of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission (IPSFC)". This proposal would mean, in effect, an extra night's fishing, weekly in Area 4B of Convention waters for Washington State Indian fishermen whose treaty right to harvest 50 percent of salmon bound for state rivers was upheld in a landmark court decision in 1974.
John Roos, the IPSF commission's assistant director, is reported in the article as denouncing the U. S. proposal as being completely contrary to the whole spirit of the 40-year-old convention between this country and the United States under which the salmon commission was first established. At the same time, Robert Christensen and Wallace Green, United States advisers to the Commission, are quoted as stating that their government is not being honourable in its convention with Canada and with the U.S. fishermen. They see the 'real crux of the problem' to be the government's attempt to manipulate the commissioners to accept. Regulations to afford its citizens who possess treaty fishing rights an increased opportunity to fish vis-à-vis non-treaty citizens. The dozen Canadian and United States advisers to the IPSF commission see this attempt by the United States government to draw them into an American domestic dilemma as the "thin edge of the wedge," designed to do away with the salmon commission.
A second article in the same edition explores the dilemma facing fishermen by way of an alternative to the two-troll license system proposed by Jack Davis. Subsequent to the promise of Federal Fisheries Minister, Romeo Leblanc, to review the salmon license limitation program and to defer for one year the controversial two-license scheme, the UFAW Union is accepting the challenge to come up with a workable alternative by first conducting its own royal commission.
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