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Wawatay News
Voices of the North

Publisher:  Wa-Wa-Ta Native Communications Society, Canada
Year Published:  1977
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX444

Wawatay News is a community newspaper serving the native peoples of north-western Ontario. It contains news of community events and other information important to native people of the North.

Wawatay News is a community newspaper serving the native peoples of north-western Ontario. It contains news of community events and other information important to native people of the North. Some articles are presented in both English and Cree. An article of special interest in this issue is by Chief Andrew Rickard of Grand Council Treaty No. 9. It presents the objectives of the Grand Council in brief form. Chief Rickard also outlines very briefly the origins of the Grand Council. He points out that there was a very elaborate and functional system of government before the arrival of the white man. These told the native people that their system was superior and insisted that one leader should represent the entire population. In order, today, to regain something of their own self-determination, the chiefs of treaty nine have formed a Board of Directors of the Grand Council. They will attempt to gain resources and develop programs. They will then attempt to move control of all programs from the organization to the chiefs, from the chiefs to the regions, and, finally, to the local community. Chief Rickard sees this as a practical way of dealing with the problem of regaining resources which will allow the people to move toward self-determination. Chief Rickard is well aware of the problems of bringing his people back to an earlier sensitivity and self-determination. He also recognises the need for local economic development. Finally, he points to the attempt by Reed Paper Company to bypass the Grand Council. Nevertheless, he wishes to forget the injustice of the past and get on with the constructuve work required for the future.

Periodical profile published 1977

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