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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results217 Connexions Library16 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 7 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 117 Sources Library 6 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAcademe's Poisonous Call-Out Culture Walters, Suzanna Danuta Article 2017 I cannot help thinking that something has gone seriously wrong when a scholar who is not transphobic or working against the interests of trans people, but, in fact, considering an important question, ... Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering Deibert, Ron; Palfrey, John; Rohozinski, Rafal; Zittrain, Jonathan (eds.) Book 2008 Many countries around the world block or filter Internet content, denying access to information -- often about politics, but also relating to sexuality, culture, or religion -- that they deem too sens... Against Censorship Diemer, Ulli Article 1995 Some of us would rather not have customs officials and cops deciding what we can read or look at. All Things Censored Abu-Jamal, Mumia Book 2003 A collection of prison essays and radio talks by Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been on death row since 1982. America's last taboo Said, Edward Article 2002 The unspoken premise of the mainstream press is that no Palestinian or Arab position on Israeli police terror, settler-colonialism, or military occupation is worth hearing from. Amid Censorship, Israel's Media Does Its Part Ditz, Jason Article 2010 Israel's media has once again chosen the low road, the one carefully couched in patriotism and praise for the right-far-right coalition government. Anatomy of Censorship: Why the Censors have it Wrong White, Harry Book 1997 Bringing together diverse disciplines such as literary and legal history, modern psychology and contemporary feminism, Anatomy of Censorship sorts out the many confusing explanations and often mislead... Anti-Porn is the Theory, Repression is the Practice Article 1987 The campaign against pornography has been one of the most visible faces of feminism for more than a decade now. Few have wanted to know whether the 'clean up' they were promoting strengthened women's ... Ask Yourself... Do You Really Want More Censorship? Feminists Against Censorship Article 1992 Censorship is dangerous and feminists who support it are wrong-headed. Australia Rejects Israeli-Ordered Media Censorship: A Little Justice for Al Manar TV Lamb, Franklin Article 2010 Australia rejects politically motivated censorship attempts. Away with the gatekeepers!: The bane of cultural appropriation Malik, Kenan Article 2016 On the the controversies over 'cultural appropriation' and what they reveal about the degradation of contemporary campaigns for social justice. The Ban on the Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung Marx, Karl Article 1843 The German press begins the New Year with apparently gloomy prospects. The ban that has just been imposed on the Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung in the states of Prussia is surely a sufficiently convinci... Banned Books Online Website A sampling of books which have been censored or subject to censorship attempts. Banned in Pakistan Malik, Kenan Article 2018 Pakistan's decision to censor 'blasphemous' websites provides a new perspective on the attitudes of many Western liberals towards Charlie Hebdo. Banned in the Media: A reference guide to censorship in the press, motion pictures, broadcasting, and the Internet Foerstal, Herbert N. Book 1998 From colonial times to the present, the media in America has been subject to censorship challenges and regulations. This comprehensive reference guide to media censorship provides in-depth coverage of... Banning of Books Alarms Freedom Advocates Kuppusamy, Baradan Article 2010 The confiscation and banning of books by Malaysian authorities is sending alarm bells ringing among activists, who want the repeal of laws that the government is using to suppress freedom of expressio... The Best Censored Stories of 1989 Article Exposing an issue that was otherwise overlooked or under-reported by national news media. The Best of The Nation: Selections from the Independent Magazine of Politics and Culture Navasky, Victor; Heavel, Katrina Vanden Book 2000 An anthology of articles from The Nation. Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health Garrett, Laurie Book 2000 The story of recent failings of public health systems across the globe. Between the Lines: How to Detect Bias and Propaganda in the News and Everyday Life MacLean, Eleanor Book 1981 An exploration of medthods of "dec-doing" our daily newspapers and radio/TV news. Examines our predominant sources of information (mass media) and indicates the existence of many alternative sources o... Big Boys Gone Bananas!* ![]() Gertten, Fredrik Film/Video 2011 First there was a film about banana workers saying the Dole Food Company had made them infertile. Then Dole attacked the filmmakers. Now it's time for a new film! Blindspots in The News Manson, Katherine; Hackett, Robert Book 1995 The filters that determine what gets into the "news" and what doesn't. Books banned by governments, list of: Connexipedia Article Article This article intends to list works, such as novels, nonfiction books, short stories, and essays that have banned by governments over time. Burma VJ: Reporting From a Closed Country Ostergaard, Anders Film/Video Anders Ostergaard's award-winning documentary assembles footage smuggled out of Burma/Myanmar by an underground journalist group known as Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB). The film explores how DVB mem... Buy Banned Books Brooks, Bonny Article 2018 The article takes a look at 'banned books' in the social media era, where the 'imagination police' dominate and a form of 'fictional aparteid' is taking place, and moreover why we have a duty to buy t... Can We Talk?: Censorship, Pedophilia, and Panic Nair, Yasmin Article 2005 Pederasty and pedophilia have been topics of debate in works about gay and straight history, given long-standing traditions of intergenerational sex between and among men and women. The right uses th... Canadian group not dealing with major free expression issue: Celebrating World Press Freedom Day Fillmore, Nick Article 2014 We need to address how corporate-owned mainstream news organizations restrict the freedom of journalists and prevent the public from having access to a wide variety of important news and opinion artic... Canadian Library Association Website Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1976: Volume IV Number 1 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Censored: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why: The 1995 Project Censored Yearbook Jensen, Carl, and Project Censored. Introduction by Michael Crichton. Cartoons by Tom Tomorrow. Book 1996 Documenting how the U.S. mass media does a shabby job, deliberately or negligently withholding information of vital importance. Censorship: A World Encyclopedia Jones, Derek Book 2001 Censorship: A World Encyclopedia presents a comprehensive view of censorship, from Ancient Egypt to those modern societies that claim to have abolished the practice. For each country in the world, the... Censorship: A Threat to Reading, Learning, Thinking Simmons, John S Book 1994 Pointing out that censorship is undermining the goals of education and plaguing all areas of the curriculum, this collection of essays considers many areas in which students' right to read is being in... Censorship and the School Library Media Centre Kravitz, Nancy Book 2002 Presents censored materials, censorship incidents, court cases, and federal legislation, including the children's Internet Protection Act. Censorship? Haaretz Deletes Amira Hass Article On Surging Settler Violence Abuimah, Ali Article 2012 Israel’s Haaretz has mysteriously deleted a powerful article by Amira Hass headlined “The anti-Semitism that goes unreported,” about an unchecked upsurge in violence against Palestinians by Israeli se... Censorship in Canada - When the Censor Comes Article 1996 Developed primarily for teachers, librarians, booksellers and others who disseminate the printed word, this guide offers basic information about dealing with would-be censors. Researched and written b... Censorship in Islamic Societies Mostyn, Trevor Book 2003 A study of censorship in Islamic societies, concentrating on key events throughout history. The text includes analysis of: censorship in Algeria the "fatwa" against Salman Rushdie Taliban repression i... Censorship, Inc.: The Corporate Threat to Free Speech in the United States Soley, Lawrence Book Soley shows how as corporate power has grown and come to influence the issues on which ordinary Americans should be able to speak out, new strategies have developed to restrict free speech on issues i... Challenged Books and Magazines List 2009 Freedom to Read Article 1989 This updated document provides a list of 100 books and magazines which have been challenged due to their content between the years of 1989 and 2009. Challenged Books List Article 2004 A partial list of books subjected to censorship attempts in Canada from the early 1980s to 2003. CIA Chief Declares War on Truth BoardmAN, William Article 2017 Mike Pompeo made it clear that he has little regard for truth, for personal decency, or for the Constitutional protections for free speech or for the free exercise of religion. It was an altogether c... Comments on The Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction Marx, Karl Article 1842 The real, radical cure for the censorship would be its abolition; for the institution itself is a bad one, and institutions are more powerful than people. Connexions: Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring 1986 - The Arts and Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1986 Connexions: Volume 11, Number 2 - Winter 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1988 Connexions Annual Overview: Human Rights, Civil Liberties Article 1989 If we accept that anyone may be denied their rights, their freedom, then we undermine our own rights and freedoms even as we undermine social solidarity. Connexions Annual Resource and Reading List Article 1989 A short and selective list of resources on issues addressed in the Connexions Annual, such as environment, education, peace, interntional development, women's issues, urban issues, housing, human rig... Connexions Digest: Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Digest: Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Digest: Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Connexions Digest: Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Connexions Digest: Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 Connexions Digest: Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 Connexions Library: Arts, Media, Culture Focus ![]() Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on media, culture, and art. Connexions Library: Human Rights and Civil Liberties Focus ![]() Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on civil liberties and human rights. The conspiracy to censor the Internet Article 2017 The political representatives of the American ruling class are engaged in a conspiracy to suppress free speech. Under the guise of combating "trolls" and "fake news" supposedly controlled by Russia, t... Cowardly Firing of Australian State-Funded TV Journalist Highlights the West's Real Religion Greenwald,Glenn Article 2015 A TV sports commentator in Australia, Scott McIntyre, was summarily fired by his public broadcasting employer, Special Broadcasting Services (SBS), because of a series of tweets he posted about the vi... Cowardly New World: Alternative Media Under Attack by Algorithms ![]() Sonnenblume, Kollibri terre Article 2017 An insidious assault is underway against alternative media on the internet. Leftist and progressive websites have been suffering significant declines in traffic. Some have had online income sources cu... Criminalizing Criticism of Israel: The End of Free Speech? Roberts, Paul Craig Article 2009 A massive push is underway to criminalize criticism of Israel. The Lobby is working to ban as anti-Semitic any truth or disagreeable fact that pertains to Israel. It is permissible to criticize ever... Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights ![]() Strossen, Nadine Book 1995 Traditional explanations of why pornography must be defended from would-be censors have concentrated on censorship's adverse impacts on free speech and sexual autonomy. In contrast, Nadine Strossen fo... Democracy's Oxygen: How Corporations Control the News ![]() Winter, James Book 1997 Winter shows that far from providing "democracy's oxygen," the news media legitimize a fundamentally undemocratic system. Instead of keeping the public informated, news organizations manufacture publi... Domestic reality does not match bold words on Internet freedom of expression Article 2011 The U.S. government gives lip service to online free speech but simultaneously acts in ways to drastically limit freedom of expression. Don't Incite Censorship Malik, Kenan Article 2007 Free speech for everyone but bigots is no free speech at all.
Draw and you'll go to jail': the fight to save comics from the censor Barnett, David Article 2016 From worried parents to policemen with built-in 'Satan detectors', underground comics have never lacked enemies. And for 30 years Neil Gaiman and his friends have fought back in the name of free speec... Emails Reveal Dairy Lobbyist Crafted 'Ag-Gag' Legislation Outlawing Pictures of Farms Fang, Lee Article 2015 Across the country, legislatures are responding to whistleblowers and activists who have exposed inhumane and at times unsanitary practices at farms by passing laws that criminalize the taking of phot... The Encyclopedia of Censorship Green, Johnathon Book 1992 This Encyclopedia concentrates primarily on the United States and the United Kingdom, but it also covers events in Western and Eastern Europe and in parts of the Third World. The Encyclopedia is an ac... Enemies of the Internet 2013: Sources News Release Article 2013 Reporters Without Borders is releasing a Special report on Internet surveillance Eyes With Legs Dinh, Linh Article 2010 In the last decade, 11 journalists have been murdered by Israeli forces, including Cevdet Kiliclar, a Turkish who was shot in the head, last week, as he photographed Israeli commandos attacking peace ... Facebook Shut Me Down Miko, Peled Article 2015 Peled describes how Facebook shut him down after he exposed an Israeli plant.
False Freedom: Online Censorship in the Middle East and North Africa Zarwan, Elijah; Goldstein, Eric; Ghaemi, Hadi; Stork, Joe; PoKempner, Dinah; et al. Article 2005 This report examines internet censorship policy and how theIinternet has transformed the accessibility of information mainly in the countries of Egypt, Iran, Syria, and Tunisia. When examining each co... Feminists Against Censorship Website A group of feminist academics and campaigners who fight censorship from a feminist perspective. They believe:
1) Censorship is a dangerous tool that is primarily used to suppress dissent from those ... 50 Ways to Fight Censorship: And Important Facts to Know about Censors Marsh, Dave Book 1991 A practical guide to generating support and publicity for freedom of speech and how to combat acts of censorship. First they came for Alex Jones. Now Facebook bans Venezuela news site Article 2018 Days after the purge of Alex Jones from social media, Big Tech seems to have found another suitable target for apparent censorship. Facebook suspended the page of a prominent leftist news site writing... Flaunting It! Jackson, Ed; Perksy, Stan (eds.) Book 1982 An anthology of articles spanning the first decade of the Canadian gay liberation periodical, The Body Politic. For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship Article 2018 In this open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, the threat and consequences of internet censorship and reduction in access to information is highlighted. Free Speech and Acceptable Truths: Statement of the Alumni for Responsible Speech Alumni for Responsible Speech (Ulli Diemer) Article 2008 While we support freedom of speech and academic freedom, we believe that university administrations have a duty to provide a safe learning environment in which students and faculty are protected by in... 'Free speech' - as long as it doesn't offend anyone ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2009 On the issue of free speech most of the right and much of the left are in agreement, and so too are many liberals, activists, and human rights apparatchiks. They hold essentially the same position on ... Free speech fights: Wikipedia article Article Free speech fights are conflicts over the right to speak freely, particularly involving the Industrial Workers of the World efforts in the early twentieth century to organize workers and publicly spea... Free Speech For Me - But Not For Thee: How the American Left and Right Relentlessly Censor Each Other Hentoff, Nat Book 1992 Hentoff is a passionate believer in free speech who recognizes that if speech is truly to be free, we must protect the expression even of ideas we abhors. He catalogues with equal disapproval the effo... Free speech for me - you shut up Diemer, Ulli Article 2008 The right to express offensive views is at the very heart of the principle of free speech.
Free Speech for the Right? A Primer on Key Legal Questions and Principles DiMaggio, Anthony Article 2017 The rise in national attention to the "alt-right" and fascist-white supremacist protesters has raised questions about the parameters of free speech in America. When can free speech be limited, if ever... Free Speech in a Plural Society Malik, Kenan Article 2006 The argument against free speech is really an argument in defence of particular sectional interests. And that is the best reason for rejecting restraints on speech. We can build a plural society in wh... Free Speech in an Age of Identity Politics Malik, Kenan Article 2015 Transcript of Malik's TB Davie Memorial lecture on academic freedom at the University of Cape Town. Freedom of Speech Under Siege Wollstein, Janet Article 1991 Censorship is the handmaiden of a police state. Freedom to Read Week Website Freedom to Read Week encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom. From Fatwa to Jihad: The Rushdie Affair and its Legacy ![]() Malik, Kenan Book 2009 Tells the story both of the Rushdie affair and of its transformative impact on cultural and political landscape of the West. The book explores the issues that the Rushide affair raised. in particular ... Further Dialogue on Pornography: Pornography, Censorship, Sexuality Herzig, Nancy; Bernabe, Rafael Article 1997 The Church and right-wing groups have intensified their war on the three horsemen of immorality: abortion, gays and pornography. In the struggle against this, we have emphasized the need to oppose cen... Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Law Of Obscenity And The Assault On Genius de Grazia, Edward Book 1992 De Grazia, an attorney and defender of First Amendment rights, chronicles the conflict between artistic expression and censorship. Details the struggles of authors, booksellers and publishers. God's Spies: Stories in Defiance of Oppression Manguel, Alberto (ed.) Book 1999 Short stories on the theme of resistance to oppression. Good Girls, Bad Girls: Sex Trade Workers and Feminists Face to Face Bell Laurie Book 1987 Looks into issues like racism in pornography, reclamation of the label "whore," the concerns surrounding censorship and the myths and stereotypes that have made sex trade workers outcasts. Google's Eric Schmidt admits political censorship of search results Niemuth, Niles Article 2017 Recent remarks by the Executive Chairman of Google's parent company confirm charges that the company has been deliberately altering its search algorithms and taking other measures to prevent the publi... Google's new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites Damon, Andre; North, David Article 2017 New data suggests that the implementation of changes in Google's search evaluation protocols resulted in a massive loss of readership of socialist, anti-war and progressive web sites. Hate speech in a plural society Malik, Kenan Article 2005 One of the ironies of living in a more inclusive, more diverse society appears to be that the preservation of diversity requires us to leave increasingly to leave less room for a diversity of views. S... Here We Go Again ![]() Malik, Kenan Article 2012 One thing should be clear. The violence across the Muslim world in response to an American anti-Islamic film has nothing to do with that film. Yes, The Inocence of Muslims is a risibly crude diatribe ... In Defense of Free Speech: It's Easier to Blame Bad Filmmakers Than to Address Massive War Crimes Giambrone, Joe Article 2012 The answer to speech you disagree with is … (drum roll) … MORE SPEECH. Increasing Legal Suppression of Freedom of Thought and Expression in So-called Free and Democratic Societies: As evidence for increasing totalitarianism Rancourt, Denis Article 2015 That freedom of speech is the foundational individual right for a truly democratic system to exist or emerge. And that this freedom must be defended without compromise, and without bias against any pa... Inside Google's Effort to Develop a Censored Search Engine in China Gallagher, Ryan Article 2018 Google analyzed search terms entered into a Beijing-based website to help develop blacklists for a censored search engine it has been planning to launch in China, according to confidential documents s... Interview with Ulli Diemer Diemer, Ulli; Orchard, Jeff Article 1990 Jeff Orchard interviews Ulli Diemer about socialism, capitalism, life, and social change. Into the Buzz Saw Borjesson, Kristina; foreword by Gore Vidal Book Accounts of journalists investigating stories which the power structure doesn't want investigated. Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights ![]() Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Website 2006 A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights. Israeli journalist Anat Kam under secret house arrest since December Article 2010 An Israeli journalist has been under secret house arrest since December on charges that she leaked highly sensitive, classified military documents which suggest the Israeli military breached a court o... Israel's new 'attack on freedom of speech' Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 The Israeli government and its right-wing supporters have been waging a 'McCarthyite' campaign against human-rights groups. Jewish Canadians Concerned About Suppression of Criticism of Israel Article 2009 We are Jewish Canadians concerned about all expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and social injustice. We believe that the Holocaust legacy "Never again" means never again for all peoples. It is a tr... JournalismSources.com Website 2017 A portal featuring news, articles, and resources about journalism, press freedom, free speech, censorship and related topics. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A sea... Journalists assaulted and censored Article 2010 Palestinian journalists are under attack from Israeli forces and are also subjected to raids and arrests as a result of political rivalry between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, report the Palest... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume I: State and Bureaucracy ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1977 A wide-ranging and thorough exposition of Marx's views on democracy. The left and the Porn Wars: A Case Study in Sexual Politics Burstyn, Varda Book 1987 Published in Who's on Top?: The Politics of Heterosexuality, edited by H. Buchbinder et al. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1987 Libel Law is dangerous Writers to Reform the Libel Law Article 1992 Libel laws threaten freedom of speech. Lies The Media Tell us Winter, James Book 2007 Outlines the extent to which the mainstream media is subject to its corporate publishers and advertisers. Manifesto: Together Facing the New Totalitarianism: Writers' statement on cartoons Article 2006 We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all. Media Censorship in a Plural Context: A Report on the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Mazrui, Alamin M.; Muchiri, Mundia; Oloo, Vera; Kenya Human Rights Commission Book 1998 Media Censorship in the Middle East Al-Obaidi, Jabbar Audah; Jawad, Abdul Sattar Book 2007 Examines Middle-Eastern media censorship and shows how the censorial culture grew as the media developed in this region. It also illustrates the illusionary and deceptive arguments presented by the au... Microsoft, piracy, and independent media in Kyrgyzstan O'Brien, Danny Article 2010 Selective enforcement of alleged software infringement is being used with some frequency in the former Soviet republics as cover to harass independent media. Local law enforcement officials have been ... The Missing News: Filters and Blind Spots in Canada's Press ![]() Hackett, Robert A.; Gruneau, Richard; with Donald Gutstein, Timothy A. Gibson and Newswatch Canada Book 2000 Asks a number of questions, including: How well do the news media filter reality, for what purposes, through what processes and in whose interests? How do newspapers and TV stations choose what news i... Mossad Operation Threatened Against Reporter Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 An Israeli journalist who went into hiding after writing a series of reports showing lawbreaking approved by Israeli army commanders faces a lengthy jail term for espionage if caught, as Israeli secur... Net freedom 'at stake' on WikiLeaks York, Jillian Article 2010 Internet service providers are cutting access to the whistleblower site, raising broader concerns about online freedom. Netizen Report: Why Did YouTube Censor Your Videos? You May Never Know.: Global Voices Advocacy's Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights ar Netizen Report Team Article 2017 Amid an apparent shift in YouTube’s approach to monitoring for rules violations and staying in the good graces of advertisers, a wave of YouTube users have found their work either blocked or relegated... The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media Steven, Peter Book 2004 Peter Steven aims to make readers realize the power and influence of dominant media but, at the same time, also understand that they are not "omnipotent" and that there are alternative forms available... No platform or no democracy? Malik, Kenan Article 1996 Rather than promoting themselves as vehicles for broadening access to discussion and debate, universities now seek to present themselves as highly regulated institutions in which students will be prot... NYT Advocates Internet Censorship Parry, Robert Article 2016 The New York Times wants a system of censorship for the Internet to block what it calls "fake news," but the Times ignores its own record of publishing "fake news." Obscenity exposed Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 The police definition of 'obscenity' gets right to the crux of the question. On Freedom of the Press (5): Censorship Marx, Karl Article 1842 A censorship law is an impossibility because it seeks to punish not offences but opinions, because it cannot be anything but a formula for the censor, because no state has the courage to put in genera... On Freedom of the Press (1): Prussian Censorship Marx, Karl Article 1842 Apart from the catchwords and commonplaces which fill the air, we find among these opponents of press freedom a pathological emotion, a passionate partisanship, which gives them a real, not an imagina... On Freedom of the Press (2): Opponents of a Free Press Marx, Karl Article 1842 What an illogical paradox to regard the censorship as a basis for improving our press! On Freedom of the Press (3): On the Assembly of the Estates Marx, Karl Article 1842 Precisely because freedom of discussion, the speaker concludes, is desirable in our Assembly - and what freedoms would we not find desirable where we are concerned? - precisely for that reason freedom... On Freedom of the Press (4): As a privilege of particular individuals or a privilege of the human mind? Marx, Karl Article 1842 From the standpoint of the idea, it is self-evident that freedom of the press has a justification quite different from that of censorship because it is itself an embodiment of the idea, an embodiment ... On Freedom of the Press (6): Freedom in General Marx, Karl Article 1842 Some want a full censorship, others a half censorship; some want three-eighths freedom of the press, others none at all. God save me from my friends! On the Critique of the Prussian Press Laws Engels, Friedrich Article 1842 Two ways are open to the Prussian for the publication of his thoughts. He can either have them printed in his own country, in which case he has to submit to the domestic censorship; or, should he meet... Operation Cast Lead: News control as a military objective Article 2009 Control of news in time of war has become a military objective. Opposing Censorship Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 According to Ulli Diemer, it is dangerous to think that liberation - in this case, sexual liberation - can be promoted by repressive legislation and censorship.
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 16, 2014: Arms Trade Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2014 Topic of the week is the Arms Trade. Featured resources include The No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade, an article on Israel's War Business, and the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade. A new feature ... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 29, 2015: Land seizures and land take-overs Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 This issue of Other Voices focuses on the issue of land seizures and land take-overs. Also included: Greece's solidarity movement, and the challenges and opportunities it faces after the election of a... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 5, 2015: Ecosocialism, environment, and urban gardening Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 This issue of Other Voices covers a wide range of issues, from the climate crisis and the ecosocialist response, to terrorism and the struggle against religious fundamentalism, as well as items on urb... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2016 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 This issue of Other Voices features a wide range of issues. The topic of the week is homophobia, the hate that led to 49 deaths in Orlando last week, but which is present in greater or lesser form in ... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 1, 2017: April 1 issue Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Other Voices always strives to present you with alternative views on important topics. This issue offers some really alternative perspectives and even some "alternative facts." As always, read critica... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 21, 2018: Their Interent or Ours? Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2018 The Internet, which was at one time a free and open space for sharing information and ideas, has been privatized and twisted to serve the profit-making agenda of huge corporations, working hand-in-glo... Our Generation: Volume 13 Number 12 Serial Publication (Periodical) PayPal admits US pressure over WikiLeaks account freeze Addley, Esther Article 2010 PayPal today admitted it suspended payments to WikiLeaks after an intervention from the US State Department. PayPal censors journalists who criticize Israel Abunimah, Ali Article 2018 Under apparent influence from Benjamin Weinthal, PayPal chose to close down the account of the French online publication Agence Media Palestine. Such a move constitutes censorship as it denies journal... The Philosophy of Antonio Negri: Resistance in Practice Murphy, S. Timothy (ed.), Mustapha, Abdul-Karim (ed.) Book 2005 Porn, Women's Rights and the Left: A Response to Gail Dines Barnett, Jerry Article 2014 I believe that government belongs in health, education, welfare, social services, environmental protection and transport; but I do not believe that it belongs in our bedrooms. Pornography in a Free Society Hawkins, Gordon, and Zimring, Franklin E. Book 1988 An examination of public policy debates about pornography in the United States in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Pornography and the Sex Censors: A review of 'Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights,' by Nadine Strossen Crossen, Cathy Article 1996 The pornography debacle has driven deep wedges among feminists, and has weakened the women's movement by alienating many women who cannot relate to a perceived ethos of anti-sexuality, gender antagoni... The Power of the Israel Lobby: Two knights and a dragon Avnery, Uri Article 2007 The Israel Lobby has shifted more and more to the Right. The billionaires who finance the Lobby are the same people who finance the extreme Israeli Right, and most of all the settlers.
Progressives shouldn't be begging the police to take more power Diemer, Ulli Article 1984 The last thing we need is to hand the police even more power to decide what we are allowed to see or read. Prosecution of Assange is Persecution of Free Speech Hayase, Nozomi Article 2017 US authorities are reported to have prepared charges to seek the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. This overreach of US government toward a publisher is another sign of a crumbling façade of... Protect the Freedom to Shock Malik, Kenan Article 2001 Far from being the cornerstone of a diverse, plural society, the refusal to give offence shows respect neither for oneself nor for others. Respect for oneself requires self-belief, a willingness to ta... Queer Progress: From Homophobia to Homonationalism McCaskell, Tim Book 2016 A political memoir by a leading gay rights and AIDS activist. Quotes about Free Speech Unclassified 'Rachel' screening in San Francisco shows a growing movement tired of being censored about Israel Gottlieb, Rabbi Lynn Article 2009 A wide spectrum of individuals and organizations attempt to enforce the axiom: there shall be no public criticism of Israel. This platitude ironically goes hand in hand with the view that "Israel is t... Radical Digressions ![]() Diemer, Ulli Website 2006 Ulli Diemer's website/blog featuring comment from a radical left-libertarian Marxist perspective.
The real first casualty of war Pilger, John Article 2006 Censorship by journalism is virulent in Britain and the US - and it means the difference between life and death for people in faraway countries. Relentless Persistence: Nonviolent Action in Latin America McManus, Philip and Schlabach, Gerald (ed.) Book 1991 There is in Latin America a tradition of "firmeza permanente," relentless persistence, which has enabled the people to preserve parts of their culture during five centuries of conquest and oppression. A Reply on Overcoming Zionism: Against The Current vol. 132 Kovel, Joel Article 2008 David Finkel and I see eye to eye on most basics where Israel is concerned, and he is generous in praising my recently published Overcoming Zionism. For years I have known him to be a stalwart anti-Zi... Respect is a Two-Way Street Tatchell, Peter Article 2006 There is a whiff of hypocrisy among some Muslims who, in the name of being spared offence, want to censor other people's opinions. The Right to Offend Bonbnell, Kenneth H. Article 1990 Humans do have a right to offend other humans, especially in presenting dissent from the views with which many people seem to be very content. This includes those views called religious. Right-Wing Thought Police Assault Free Speech on Campus Article 2005 The Orwellian campaign to portray the expression of views in the university that run contrary to those ruling the country as a lack of "academic freedom." Ryerson Made a Mistake in Cancelling Panel Discussion Turk, James L Article 2017 Not only are censorship and suppression fatal to the purpose of the university, they undermine the foundation of democratic society. When individual rights to freedom of expression are diminished or t... The Secret Museum: Pornography in Modern Culture Kendrick, Walter Book 1988 Kendrick looks at the idea of pornography since the word was coined a century and a half ago, concentrating less on the books and pictures that have instigated battles over "pornography" than on what ... Self-Censored Questions by Career Questioners Nader, Ralph Article 2017 I've always been intrigued by the major questions not asked by reporters at press conferences, not asked by legislators at public hearings or even the questions citizens at town meetings don't ask pub... Seven Forbidden Words: On the Uses of Censorship Davidson, Lawrence Article 2018 In December 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) moved to take ideological control of the agency's budget-writing process. A Trump appointed official presented a directive to the ag... Silenced: International Journalists Expose Media Censorship Dadge, David Book 2005 What happens to journalists who expose uncomfortable truths? How far are journalists prepared to go in order to report a difficult story? Silenced provides answers to these questions with the stories ... Some Elementary Comments on The Rights of Freedom of Expression ![]() Chomsky, Noam Article 1980 It is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended; it is easy enough to defend free expression for those who require no such defense. A Story About Making a Sex Movie Article 2005 Politicians try to impose censorship by the back door, by imposing record-keeping obligations that are impossible to comply with. The Strange (and Tortured) Legacy of 'Free Speech' Boggs, Carl Article 2017 Despite a well-cultivated radical image, Antifa rarely focuses on the growing ultra-nationalism, militarism, and imperialism that lies at the very core of American politics – tendencies in fact more d... Tactics of desperation: Using false accusations of 'anti-semitism' as a weapon to silence criticism of Israel's behaviour ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2009 The Israeli state and its defenders are increasingly attempting to silence critics because they are losing the battle for public opinion. Telling the Truth: Socialist Register 2006 Panitch, Leo; Keys, Colin (eds.) Book 2005 A collection of essays that examines the difficulties of illuminating the degenerative and secretive nature of public life. Ten Best Censored Stories of 1988 Article Documenting the failure of the mass media to provide Americans with all the information they need to make informed decisions. Their Internet or Ours?: Introduction to the April 21, 2018 issue of Other Voices Diemer, Ulli Article 2018 What happened to the Internet? The Internet, which was at one time a free and open space for sharing information and ideas, has been privatized and twisted to serve the profit-making agenda of huge co... There Is a Coordinated Campaign to Suppress Criticism of Israel Shahshahani, Azadeh Article 2018 Israel's human rights violations are accompanied by U.S. efforts to stifle dissent. Threatened with Censorship and Ouster by PEN's Henchmen: Sign the Petition to Remove Suazanne Nossel Walsh, John Article 2013 Nossel's appointment may be seen as the most visible and overt symptom of Western subversion that goes back to the very founding of the "human rights" NGO’s Throw it in the garbage myself Manguel, Alberto Article 1992 I will not have anyone tell me or my children what we can or cannot read. Time magazine honors journalists facing repression - but snubs Julian Assange Martin, Patrick Article 2018 A look at Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year' award for 2018, which did not list any journalist who exposed state secrets or government misconduct in the United States, nor whistleblowers from Israel... To Name The Unnameable Malik, Kenan Article 2012 Discussing Salman Rushdie's non-appearance at the Jaipur Literature Festival. Today's Trumbo: Try telling academic critics of Israel McCarthyism is behind us Palumbo-Liu, David Article 2015 "Trumbo," starring Bryan Cranston as Academy Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, tells the sordid and tragic story of the anti-communist witch hunt commonly referred to as the "Red Sca... Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 Article 2009 Provides a list and indepth analysis of the top 25 stories that were censored throughout the year in 2009. Tracking the News that Wasn't Evans, Ron Article 1996 A review of two books about media bias and censorship. Trump and Clinton: Censoring the unpalatable Pilger, John Article 2016 A virulent if familiar censorship is about to descend on the US election campaign. As the cartoon brute, Donald Trump, seems almost certain to win the Republican Party's nomination, Hillary Clinton is... Trump, Namazie, Islam, Free Speech and the Left ![]() Malik, Kenan Article On the odd relationship that many on the left have with Islam. They view all Muslims as helpless victims, and regard any criticism of Islam as a form of bigotry. Twitter closes down my account for 'hateful conduct' Greenstein, Tony Article 2018 Several Twitter accounts with pro-Palestinian content have been suspended. At the same time those making explicit threats against them have been found not to violate Twitter's terms of service. Ukraine Is Banning 'Communist Symbols' and the Kremlin Is Peeved Poludenko-Young, Anna Article 2015 Ukraine is pushing to erase all evidence the Soviet Union and its defeat of Nazi Germany from its history books. Unveiled: Art and Censorship in Iran Boyle, Kevin et al. Article 2006 This report seeks to illustrate the manner in which artistic censorship in Iran is both shaped and shapes; to demonstrate where the focus of the conflict lies between the Islamic Republic of Iran and ... US Military Brands Assange, WikiLeaks As "The Enemy" Van Auken, Bill Article 2012 Secret US Air Force documents reveal that the American military has branded WikiLeaks and its editor Julian Assange as "the enemy", placing them on a legal par with Al Qaeda and threatening them with ... Utopian Essays and Practical Proposals ![]() Goodman, Paul Book 1951 Whatever the subject, Goodman asks: What blocks and limits human freedom, joy, and creativity? What tends to release, free, liberate? In criticizing society and life his purpose is to improve. Goodman... The War Against "Fake News" is a War on Us ![]() Cook, Jonathan Article 2018 Barely a day passes without a new development in the war on social media -- that is, the war on us. Today, it is a report that Twitter has emailed hundreds of thousands of its users, warning them that... Warning: This May Injure Your Modesty Malik, Kenan Article 2016 Ahmed Naji is an Egyptian novelist and journalist who, in February, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for "injuring public modesty". In August 2014, Akhbar al-Adab, a state-funded literary maga... West Germany: Censorship and Repression in the Model State Cutajar, Mario Article 1979 In West Germany, repression is now 'democratically' sanctioned and seen as a model for other countries to adopt. When Progressives Start Abandoning Free Speech Vonn, Micheal Article 2017 In the wake of attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia there were a number of rallies in Canadian cities. The anti-racist counter-demonstrators hugely outnumbered their rally opponents, constituting phen... Why Banning Laura Kipnis Would Betray Wellesley's Academic Mission Friedersdorf, Conor Article 2017 Six professors at an elite American college insist that students will suffer "damage" or "injury" if speakers they may disagree with are allowed to speak on campus. Why I had to face down the bullies trying to silence my supposedly 'offensive' stance on Islam Namazie, Maryam Article 2016 This week marked the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. The atrocity was a brutal attack not just on human life but also on the principle of free speech, one of the pillars of h... Will We Ever See Al Jazeera's Investigation Into the Israel Lobby? Fisk, Robert Article 2018 So when am I going to be able to watch Al Jazeera's hard-hitting investigation into Israel’s powerful lobby in the United States? Remember Al Jazeera? The tough, no-holds-barred Middle East satellite ... The Witch-Hunters Raimondo, Justin Article 2016 Washington Post pushes campaign to censor alternative media. Women Against Censorship Burstyn, Varda Book 1985 Essays which argue that women have nothing to gain by allying themselves with anti-feminist forces and mainstream politicians. The contributors say that censorhip will be used against feminists who se... Women and Censorship - Letters to Index on Censorship Article 1991 Reader comments on pornography and censorship. You Can't Read This: Forbidden Books, Lost Writing, Mistranslations, and Codes Ross, Val Book 2006 Written for children ages ten and up, You Can't Read This explores the development of alphabets, the decoding of ancient languages, and censorship in Ancient Rome and modern America.
Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesACTRA The union representing Canada's 21,500 performers, writers and broadcast journalists. Concerned about free trade, cultural sovereignty, censorship, public broadcasting, copyright, Canadian film. Banned Books Online A sampling of books which have been censored or subject to censorship attempts.
Beyond Borders -- Ensuring Global Justice for Children Beyond Borders, a charitable organization, works to end all sexual crimes against children, especially cross-border crimes including sex tourism and child pornography. Beyond Borders is the Canadian a... Canadian Civil Liberties Association The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is a national organization that was constituted to promote respect for and observance of fundamental human rights and civil liberties, and to defend, extend, a... Canadian Journalists for Free Expression Working to promote freedom of expression. CCPJ's main project is the IFEX Clearing House which operates an Action Alert Network and disseminates information on freedom of the press to organizations an... Chomsky.info The Noam Chomsky Web site.
Connexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... Connexions Information Sharing Services Connexions provides information and services for advocacy groups, voluntary and non-profit organizations, and individuals, who are working for social and economic justice, environmental responsibility... FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting) U.S. media watch group that documents and criticizes media bias and censorship, scrutinizes media practices that marginalize public interest, minority, and dissenting viewpoints, and advocates for gre... Feminists for Free Expression Feminists for Free Expression (FFE) is a group of diverse feminists working to preserve the individual's right to see, hear and produce materials of her choice without the intervention of the state "f... International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House IFEX is comprised of 72 organizations from around the world who work together to promote and further freedom of expression. The IFEX communique is available in a number of languages as a weekly e-new... KenanMalik.com Kenan Malik's home page. See also blog at http://kenanmalik.wordpress.com.
Academically, my main areas of interest are the history of ideas; the history and philosophy of science; the philosophy of m... Lesbian and Gay Archivist To acquire, preserve and provide public service for material in any medium relating to lesbians and gays, with an emphasis on Canada, but in the context of events worldwide. Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders is an international organization that defends imprisoned journalists and press freedom throughout the world, as well as the right to inform the public and to be informed, in ... Society for Human Sexuality Social and educational organization whose purpose is to promote understanding and appreciation for the many forms of adult intimate relationships and consensual sexual expression.
Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryAfrica's Worst New Internet Censorship Law Could be Coming to South Africa Malcolm, Jeremy; 2015 Only once in a while does an Internet censorship law or regulation come along that is so audacious in its scope, so misguided in its premises, and so poorly thought out in its execution, that you have... An apology for the Danish cartoon crisis Hvidberg, Lars 2014 One of the leading forces in the 2005–06 prophet Muhammad cartoon controversy, Danish Muslim activist Ahmed Akkari, now regrets his role as agitator and reveals a larger, more deliberate, and more vic... AUSTRALIA: Some reflections on the Anzac Day 'cyber-lynching' of a journalist Kenneally, Mathew; 2015 The right of free speech v. the rightnot to be offended. A sports commentator has been fired over things he said on twitter, things unrelated to his job. Authorities step up offensive against journalists and websites Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders is concerned about freedom of expression in Bahrain. In the past couple of months, two journalists have been charged because of what they wrote and the information ministry h... Authorities turn their sights on microblogging Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders is concerned about a new crackdown in China on social-networking tools, especially microblogging services. Avoiding Gripes About Your Gripe (or Parody) Site 2009 Here's a story we hear a lot at EFF: You think BadCo, Inc. is a bad actor and you've developed a really cool site to tell the world why. Maybe just by griping about them or maybe through a bit of paro... Berlin Twitter Wall website blocked just days after its launch Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders deplores the fact that the Chinese authorities blocked the Berlin Twitter Wall website (www.berlintwitterwall.com) just days after its launch. Big business censorship Boura, Malcolm 2011 Big business is almost entirely unaccountable. Some of the worst offenders are US corporations exporting harmful attitudes from the USA to the rest of the world. We suspect that some of them are drive... The biggest threat to a free society is freedom of speech, says Canada’s Public Safety Minister Diemer, Ulli 2015 Canada's "Public Safety" Minister Steven Blaney says that the Holocaust could have been prevented if only Germany hadn't suffered from an excess of freedom of speech. Bill to stifle flow of information poised to pass in Japan Sources News Release 2013 The Committee to Protect Journalists is gravely concerned by a new state secrets bill before the Japanese parliament, which, if passed, would broaden the government's power to determine which informat... Brazil's highest court takes stand against prior censorship Sources News Release 2014 Reporters Without Borders hails last week's ruling by the Federal Supreme Court overturning a ban on distribution of the latest issue of the leading national newsweekly Istoe, which a lower court had ... By Accepting Chinese Censorship of Domains, Registry xyz.com Invites More Malcolm, Jeremy 2015 Industry news site Domain Incite has reported that this puts perhaps close to 12,000 banned words and expressions onto the blacklist, thereby preventing terms such as the Chinese words for 'democracy'... Canadian Court to the Entire World: No Links For You! Sutton, Maira 2014 The Supreme Court of British Columbia has ordered Google to remove entire domains from its search results — a decision that could have enormous global implications on free expression. This is the late... Censored book about corruption in Angola now available on RSF site Sources News Release 2015 Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is facilitating access to 'Blood Diamonds: Corruption and Torture in Angola,' the book by Angolan journalist Rafael Marques de Morais that is censored in his country. Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature Darnton, Robert 2014 A book on literary censorship and the role that states have played in it. Censorship Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia Censorship is the suppression of speech or other communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, m... Censorship and Cultural Sensibility The regulation of language in Tudor-Stuart England Shuger, Debora K. 2006 In this study of the reciprocities binding religion, politics, law, and literature, Debora Shuger offers a profoundly new history of early modern English censorship, one that bears centrally on issues... Censorship is the Wrong Way to Combat the British National Party Fox, Claire 2009 The illiberal obsession with silencing Nick Griffin and the British National Party in the run up to elections has won the party undeserved publicity, says Claire Fox Censorship not a solution to terrorism, IFJ & Pakistan media reject guidelines Sources News Release 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) expresses its strong concern over new press guidelines for Pakistan's television and print media. China puts Tibetan writer and husband under house arrest amid Kerry Visit 2014 Chinese Authorities placed Tsering Woeser and her husband, Wang Lixiong, under house arrest on July 9 during US Secretary of State John Kerry's visit to China. China's Media War: Censorship, Corruption & Control Sources News Release 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) yesterday released the seventh annual China Press Freedom Report, CHINA'S MEDIA WAR: Censorship, Corruption & Control. China's new leadership faces censorship challenge Sources News Release 2013 China's new leaders will face unprecedented challenges to controlling the media, even as journalists' efforts to test the system continue to carry great risk, according to a new report by the Committe... Companies that cooperate with dictatorships must be sanctioned Sources News Release 2011 Reporters Without Borders condemns the criminal cooperation that exists between many western companies, especially those operating in the new technology area, and authoritarian regimes. A Copy of Tucson's Banned Book List Reese, Debbie 2012 People involved in the Mexican American Studies struggle in Tucson, Arizona recently compiled a list of the banned books from the district, as well as released a letter signed by many organizations ex... Dissident journalist facing jail term on 'disrespect' charge Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders calls for the immediate release of independent journalist Alberto Santiago Du Bouchet, who was arrested after a verbal exchange with a policeman in Artemisa (in Havana provin... EFF Battles Abuse of Site-Blocking Court Orders Sources News Release 2015 The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) urged a federal court in an emergency hearing and a written filing this week to block the recording industry's move to force Internet infrastructure companies ... Egypt: Security authorities confiscate book about corruption Sources News Release 2009 The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) reports that the Egyptian security authorities have confiscated a book entitled "A Flood of Corruption and the Advance of bin Laden in Algeria" ... Environmental journalists censored and assaulted 2009 Journalists worldwide risk their lives to report on environmental degradation. In the fight against climate change, the media is a watchdog for corrupt governments that obstruct efforts to protect the... The Erotic Arts Webb, Peter 1975 Covers the uses of erotic themes in various branches of the arts at all times and in many civilizations. Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored Greenwald, Glenn 2016 Last week, a major censorship controversy erupted when Facebook began deleting all posts containing the iconic photograph of the Vietnamese "Napalm Girl" on the ground that it violated the company's b... Fanning the flames of intolerance The burning of books -- an ultimate form of control and condemnation Henley, John 2010 A historical overview of book burnings by political and religious regimes. Free Speech, but Not for All? Gup, Ted 2017 Just over a century ago, the president of a distinguished college barred the suffragette and human-rights activist Jane Addams from speaking on campus, and suspended a student named Inez Milholland fo... Free Speech - Censorship: Ulli Diemer - Selected snippets & quotes from Radical Digressions Diemer, Ulli From Cave Paintings to the Internet Norman, Jeremy 2013 Chronological and Thematic Studies on the History of Information and Media. Fundamentalists target Twitter and Facebook in unprecedented move Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders deplores the ruling by an Islamic court ordering a Nigerian human rights group, the Civil Rights Congress, to close its blog and stop hosting debates on Twitter and Facebook ... Germany: Are online user comments protected by press freedom laws? Stupp, Catherine 2014 A local newspaper in the western German city of Darmstadt is at the centre of a legal case that will measure whether readers’ comments are protected by Germany’s press freedom laws. Global media rights groups condemn "culture of impunity and indifference" in Sri Lanka Sources News Release 2009 Since the beginning of the New Year, both the killing of a senior editor and the attack on the facilities of a popular independent TV channel have led to a total paralysis of the media community in Sr... Google will 'de-rank' RT articles to make them harder to find - Eric Schmidt 2017 The Executive Chairman of Google's parent company Alphabet states that the company will engineer specific algorithms for news services RT and Sputnik to make their content less prominent on the search... Government closes TV station owned by political rival Sources News Release 2008 Reporters Without Borders condemns the Madagascar governmentâ##s closure of Viva TV since 13 December, after it broadcast a message by former President Didier Ratsiraka. The Guardian, White Helmets, and Silenced Comment Hayward, Tim 2018 The Guardian recently published an article claiming that critical discussion of the White Helmets in Syria has been 'propagated online by a network of anti-imperialist activists, conspiracy theorists ... How far will Media Council go to eliminate Klubradio? Sources News Release 2012 Reporters Without Borders is dismayed to learn that Hungary's Media Council (NMHH) has rejected opposition radio station Klubradio's bid to keep its Budapest commercial radio frequency. Human Rights Council resolution on blasphemy Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned by a resolution condemning #defamation of religions# which the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted on 25 March. Human rights defender held in Saudi Arabia since mid-June on charge of 'annoying others' Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Sheikh Mekhlef bin Dahham al-Shammari, a writer, human rights activist and social reformer who was arrested in Saudi Arab... IFJ Condemns Attempts by Embattled Food Company to Censor Free Speech in US Sources News Release 2009 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned as "unforgiveable censorship" attempts by the US fruit company, Dole Food, to prevent the release of a documentary film Bananas which ex... IFJ Condemns Deportation Move against US Journalist in Israel Sources News Release 2010 The International Federation of Journalists today called on Israeli authorities to revoke the deportation order served on American journalist and chief English editor of Ma'an news agency, Jared Malsi... IFJ Condemns Palestinian Authority Over Ban on Al-Jazeera Sources News Release 2009 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Palestinian Authority to rescind its decision to close down the office the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera television in the West Bank. IFJ Report Lists China's Secret Bans on Media Reporting Sources News Release 2010 A new report by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on press freedom in China highlights the battle by local censors to control media commentary on a wide range of topics throughout in 2... The internet's cyber radicals: heroes of the web changing the world A generation of political activists have been transformed by new tools developed on the internet. Krotoski, Aleks 2010 Internet activists speak about censorship, the democratising impact of open source technology, and the importance of oportunities for anonimity in a post 9-11 world. Iran bars foreign media from reporting on protests Sources News Release 2009 The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the Iranian government's decision to bar foreign journalists from leaving their offices to report, film, or take photographs--a restriction intended to pr... Iran: Book Censorship The Rule, Not The Exception Sarkouhi, Faraj 2007 Censorship in Iran has intensified over the last two years, with many books appearing only in expunged versions, while others previously available have had subsequent print runs banned. Iraq: News website latest target in government's legal offensive against independent media Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders condemns the Iraqi governmentâ##s continuing legal offensive against independent news media, which for the first time is also targeting Internet media. Israel sentences two to prison terms for censorship breach Sources News Release 2009 The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns an Israeli court decision to sentence two television journalists on charges of breaching the military censorship law during the offensive in Gaza in Decem... Israeli media forbidden to report case widely covered internationally Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders condemns an absurd court-ordered ban on Israeli media coverage of the case of Anat Kam, an online journalist and former soldier accused of leaking classified military informa... It's not a 'defense' of Alex Jones to argue that we're on a slippery slope of internet censorship Ryan, Danielle 2018 The celebration on the Left at the quick-fire purge of Alex Jones and InfoWars from social media has been disturbing -- not because Jones' views deserve to be defended, but because his banning is a wa... Journalism: Truth or Dare? Hargreaves, Ian 2003 Ian Hargreaves discusses the history, development, future and ethics of journalism and describes journalists' relationship with the public. He focuses on the increase in journalism's influence and the... Kazakhstan: RFE/RL website editor beaten unconscious in Almaty Sources News Release 2009 Ermek Boltay, a young journalist who edits the website of Radio Free Europe/Radio Libertyâ##s Kazakh-language service, was beaten unconscious outside his home in Almaty on 18 January. Malaysian cartoonist faces sedition charges Sources News Release 2010 The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the arrest of Malaysian cartoonist Zulkifli Awar Ulhaque, also known as Zunar, a contributor to the popular news site Malaysiakini and author of a new col... The mass graves of Kashmir India's dirty war unmasked Scott-Clark, Cathy 2012 For 22 years this contested region has endured a regime of torture and disappeared civilians. Now a local laywer is discovering their unmarked graves and challenging India's abuses. Media Freedom You will be harrassed and detained Adam, Brad 2007 This report analyzes how the Chinese government is failing to fulfill its commitments to respect the reporting freedom of foreign correspondents during the period of the temporary regulations and is i... More than 3,500 petition Iran to free journalists, writers Sources News Release 2010 More than 3,500 concerned people from around the world are petitioning Iran#s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, to immediately release dozens of journalists writers, and bloggers currently... More websites blocked at government's behest Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders condemns the directive issued by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to Internet Service Providers instructing them to block access to 6 web pages on the grounds they a... Nazeeha Saeed - Raising her voice for journalists in Bahrain Devlin, Megan 2014 Nazeeha Saeed was detained and tortured for 13 hours while covering the 2011 uprisings in Bahrain along with her colleagues. She is now raising awareness for journalists in Bahrain. New Crackdown on Media is Step Towards Authoritarism in Ethiopia, Says IFJ Sources News Release 2014 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the appalling treatment of media by authorities in Ethiopia after a number of journalists and media workers were detained in the countr... New online censorship campaign extinguishes last flicker of Olympic torch Sources News Release 2009 China's campaign against 'Internet porn' is targetting political and human rights websites such as Amnesty International's. Bullog (http://www.bullog.cn), a political blog portal, has been inaccessibl... New Yemeni press court sentences, bans journalists Sources News Release 2009 The Committee to Protect Journalists urges Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to end the intensifying judicial and media campaign to silence critical journalists and eradicate press freedom. Novel about Jewish-Palestinian love affair is barred from Israeli curriculum 2016 A novel about a love affair between a Jewish woman and a Palestinian man has been barred from Israel's high school curriculum, reportedly over concerns that it could encourage intermarriage between Je... Onlinecensorship.org Onlinecensorship.org seeks to encourage social media companies to operate with greater transparency and accountability toward their users as they make decisions that regulate speech. We're collecting ... Our association recommends [censored] 2014 The CAJ recently sent a letter to the Treasury Board President (Tony Clement) on how the federal government can be more transparent and accountable. Payment Processors are Still Policing Your Sex Life, and the Latest Victim is FetLife Malcolm, Jeremy 2017 The adult social network FetLife just lost its ability to process credit card payments because it offers a platform for members to discuss and to post depictions of consensual BDSM practices. Petition launched for release of two Burmese bloggers serving sentences of 20 and 59 years in prison Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders urges the international community not to forget Nay Phone Latt or or Zarganar, one of Burmaâ##s best known comedians. Prime Minister Harper - Keep working to free Fahmy 2014 The Canadian Association of Journalists condemns the conviction of Mohamed Fahmy, a Canadian journalist who served as Al Jazeera’s acting bureau chief in Cairo, to seven years in prison for terrorism-... Reporters Without Borders and Torservers.net, partners against online surveillance and censorship Sources News Release 2014 Reporters Without Borders and Torservers.net have joined forces to create and maintain 250 additional relays for the Tor network. Reporters Without Borders unveils first-ever 'Anti-Censorship Shelter' Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders today launched the world#s first #Anti-Censorship Shelter# in Paris for use by foreign journalists, bloggers and dissidents. RSF alarmed by journalist's arrest on terrorism charges in Bahrain Sources News Release 2016 Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is worried by the terrorism charges brought against Mahmood Al Jazeeri, a journalist with the independent daily newspaper Al Wasat, who has been held for the past 11 da... RSF decries Saudi citizen-journalist's jail term and writing ban Sources News Release 2015 Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the four-year jail sentence and 15-year writing ban that a Saudi court passed yesterday on writer and citizen-journalist Zuhair Kutbi as "unjust and disproport... The Rushdie Affair The Novel, the Ayatollah and the West 1990 This is an account of the controversy surrounding Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses. Following the novel's publication in London in 1988, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran issued an edict condemn... Saturday Morning Censors Television Regulation Before the V-chip Hendershot, Heather 1998 Examines the history of adults' attempts to safeguard children from the violence, sexism, racism, and commercialism on television since the 1950s. By focusing on what censorship and regulation are and... Scunthorpe problem Wikipedia article The Scunthorpe problem is the blocking of e-mails, forum posts or search results by a spam filter or search engine because their text contains a string of letters that are shared with an obscene word. Seizure of AP phone records condemned as 'grave violation' Sources News Release 2013 Reporters Without Borders regards the US Department of Justice's seizure of the records of thousands of Associated Press phone calls as an "extremely grave violation of freedom of information." Self-censorship Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia The act of censoring or classifying one's own work out of fear or deference to the sensibilities of others without an authority directly pressuring one to do so. South East Asian Media Unite to Combat Impunity, Censorship and Wage Insecurity Sources News Release 2014 The South East Asian Journalists Unions (SEAJU) have taken a united stand to combat the rampant state of impunity for journalist attacks in the region and to bring their unions together to advocate on... Spiked: Fighting In-House Censorship When Media Managers Can't Handle The Truth Lewis, Charles 2015 Working in mainstream print media can be very frustrating. Between the corporate and editorial red tape and censorship, it might be more worthwhile to become an independant journalist. Suppressing TVO video, stifling free speech, is making Wilfrid Laurier unsafe Haskell, David Millard 2017 The university is wrong to castigate a grad student and teaching assistant for showing to her students a debate on TVO’s The Agenda that featured controversial professor Jordan Peterson. The 10 Tools of Online Oppressors O'Brien, Danny 2011 The world’s worst online oppressors are using an array of tactics, some reflecting astonishing levels of sophistication, others reminiscent of old-school techniques. From China’s high-level malware at... 10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger 2009 CPJ names the worst online oppressors. Booming online cultures in many Asian and Middle Eastern nations have led to aggressive government repression. Burma leads the dishonor roll. Thailand: Call for moratorium on prosecutions for criticising the King, dialogue on Internet freedom Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders joined by 31 other organisations in a call for moratorium on prosecutions for criticising the King, dialogue on Internet freedom. Thailand: With Censorship, Thais Turn to Websites and Foreign Media Macan-Markar, Marwaan 2009 When the Thai government imposed an emergency law cracking down on rampaging red-shirted protesters on the streets of Bangkok, the military, in combat gear, was not its only weapon. The state#s censor... Thou Shalt Not Give Offence Malik, Kenan 2017 Kenan Malik looks at the free speech debates around the Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo. Thought police strike again as Wilfrid Laurier grad student is chastised for showing Jordan Peterson video Blatchfor, Christie 2017 A Wilfrid Laurier University teaching assistant has been identified as “transphobic” and sanctioned for last week showing her class an excerpt of a video debate involving the controversial University ... Toronto's Citizen Lab uses forensics to fight online censors Mahoney, Robert 2009 Citizen Lab's team of academics and students investigate in real time governments and companies that restrict what we see and hear on the Internet. They are also trying to help online journalists and ... Turkey, enemy of the Internet? Sources News Release 2014 The 9th annual Internet Governance Forum will be held in Istanbul from 2 to 5 September. Reporters Without Borders will be there to denounce the increasing violations of freedom of information in Turk... Turkey's parliament approves even more Internet censorship and surveillance Sources News Release 2014 Turkey: Government agency given more power to block websites and gather user data. US and European companies jointly responsible for Internet censorship Sources News Release 2009 Reporters Without Borders has called for the need for legislation to allow US and European Internet companies operating in repressive countries to escape rules imposed on them by these governments. Vietnam: Blogger's Arrest Alarms Free Speech Advocates 2009 Reporters Without Borders has condemned the arrest of Vietnamese pro-democracy blogger Nguyen Tien Trung on July 7 for allegedly engaging in anti-state activities.
Violence, arrests and censorship in all four corners of India Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders condemns a wave of violence and censorship against the media in various parts of India in the past few weeks. Web 2.0 versus Control 2.0 Morillon, Lucie; Julliard, Jean-François 2010 The fight for free access to information is being played out to an ever greater extent on the Internet. The emerging general trend is that a growing number of countries are attemptimg to tighten their... When Free Speech Becomes Dead Silence – The Israel Lobby And A Cowed Academia Media Lens 2015 The Israeli government works hard to shut down academic conferences on Palestine. When media bosses censor their own journalists Sources News Release 2014 Reporters Without Borders condemns the censorship of Suelte la lengua (Talk freely), a programme that Canal 6 TV has not broadcast since 15 May without any explanation from its CEO, Paul Misselem. Why Facebook Failed Our Censorship Test Maass, Dave 2015 If you click around Facebook's "Government Request Report," you'll notice that, for many countries, Facebook enumerates the number of "content restrictions" the company has fulfilled. This is a saniti... Young bloggers jailed for over 2 months without charge Six members of blogging group Zone 9 and three other journalists could could face terrorism charges in one of the world's deadliest countrie Knezevic, Milana 2014 Six young social/political issues bloggers were jailed in Ethiopia, the worlds 3rd worst jailer for journalists, without charge. From the Connexions ArchivesIndex on Censorship Serial Publication (Periodical) One of the world's leading repositories of original, challenging, controversial and intelligent writing on free expression issues. Documents free expression abuses in scores of countries world wide.an... IntelligentSearch.ca Website 2017 A web portal featuring topics related to research and the Internet. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A search feature, subject index, and other research tools make ... The Red Menace ![]() A libertarian socialist newsletter Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, ... |