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After Pakistan's Election: Against The Current vol. 133 Tariq, Farooq Article 2008 Throughout Pakistan the massive anti-Musharraf vote on 18 February, 2008 spoke volumes: We do not like the military dictatorship; we want Musharraf out. Aliens, Antisemitism, and Academia Frim, Landon; Fluss, Harrison Article 2017 Criticizing Enlightenment thought has become fashionable across the political spectrum. For the past several decades, more and more academics have called reason into question. This is especially true ... Amazing Brexit: Identity and Class Politics ![]() Bohne, Luciana Article 2016 This shell of a once fighting left embraces the culture of identity but excludes the entity of class. As a result poverty has become the P-word, and the poor the pariahs of neoliberal dystopic utopia.... Another world is possible if... ![]() George, Susan Book 2004 Susan George suggests that we can create a new and better world -- if we act together to bring about changes. She discusses the ifs and hows. An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto ![]() Callinicos, Alex Book 2003 An extended argument about what the anti-capitalist movement should stand for. Approaching Development: GMO Propaganda and Neoliberalism vs Localisation and Agroecology Todhunter, Colin Article 2018 A look at the pro GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) lobby and the reasons why they are pushing GMO technology. The article looks towards agroecology as a better means of achieving genuine food sove... Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism? Albo, Greg; Fanelli, Carlo Article 2014 Australia: Socialist Alliance's 'International Political Perspectives' Resolution Socialist Alliance Article 2014 Resolutions adopted by the 10th National Conference of the Socialist Alliance, June 7-9, 2014. Beyond Neoliberal Identity Politics Street, Paul Article 2017 Neoliberal identity politics (NIP) is a great weapon on the hands of the privileged capitalist Few and their mass-murderous global empire. Brexit and the Diseased Liberal Mind ![]() Cook, Jonathan Article 2016 The enraged liberal reaction to the Brexit vote is in full flood. The anger is pathological -- and helps to shed light on why a majority of Britons voted for leaving the European Union, just as earlie... Brexit and the EU implosion Amin, Samir Article 2016 The article looks into the construction of the European Union, Britaint's Brexit choice and Germany's hegemony, particularly in the euro zone.The author talks about a range of ways that financialised ... Build It Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century Lebowitz, Michael Book 2006 Influenced by the dramatic proeesses unfolding in Venezuela, Lebowitz re-imagines a socialism for the twenty-first century that places workers and popular communities at the centre of the project. Can We Criticize Foucault? Zamora, Daniel Article 2014 Since his death in 1984, Michel Foucault's work has become a touchstone for the academic left worldwide. But in a provocative new book published in Belgium last month, a team of scholars led by sociol... Canada After Harper: His Ideology-fuelled Attack on Canadian Society and Values, and How We Can Resist and Create the Country We Want Finn, Ed (editor) Book 2015 Essays documenting the breadth and depth of the Harper government's attack on institutions, policies, and programs that embody values and principles shared by most Canadians: education, health care, w... Canada Since 1960: A People's History: A Left Perspective on 50 Years of Politics, Economics and Culture Gonick, By (ed.) Book 2016 An account of the most important developments in Canadian history from the 1960s to today, seen through the eyes of Canadian Dimension magazine. Canadian group not dealing with major free expression issue: Celebrating World Press Freedom Day Fillmore, Nick Article 2014 We need to address how corporate-owned mainstream news organizations restrict the freedom of journalists and prevent the public from having access to a wide variety of important news and opinion artic... The Catastrophic International Consequences of the Capitulation of Syriza and the Criminal Responsibility of Mr. Tsipras Mitralias, Yorgos Article 2015 Syriza's betrayal comes at a very critical historical moment, when the racist extreme right is advancing almost everywhere in our continent, which already makes immediate and direct the threat that ma... Catherine Rottenberg's Neoliberal Feminism: Book Review Bailes, Jon Article 2019 An interview with Catherine Rottenberg, author of The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism (2018). The CIA Reads French Theory: On the Intellectual Labor of Dismantling the Cultural Left Rockhill, Gabriel Article 2017 A recently unclassifed CIA documents reveals that in the 1980s, the agency had its analysts devote substantial time and resources to studying trends in French theory, and specifically, the work that w... Class, Party and the Challenge of State Transformation Panitch, Leo; Gindin, Sam Article 2017 An essay examining the challenges of changing the state and status quo following major crises of capitalism, and how the current neoliberal status quo has persisted through the various crises it has p... Connexions Library: Economy, Poverty, Work Focus ![]() Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the economy and economics. Contours of Descent : U.S. Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity Pollin, Robert Book 2003 The Corporate State and Manufactured Dependence: Sure, It Can Get Worse...It's Happening Right Before Our Eyes Urie, Rob Article 2013 The 'resistance is futile' mindset that supports plutocrats and the global corporations they own assumes the existing order is the only possible order and the costs of resistance are too great because... Democracy Against Politics: Against The Current vol. 136 Feinberg, Joseph Grim Article 2008 “¡Que se vayan todos!” shouted rebellious crowds during the Argentine economic crisis of 2001, “Out with them all!” The call soon spread throughout Latin America: for a new politics without politician... The Demonology School of Journalism: Putin and the press Petras, James Article 2015 The major influential western print media are engaged in a prolonged, large-scale effort to demonize Russian President Putin, his politics and persona. There is an article (or several articles) every ... Destroying Estonia: The One Per Cent’s New/Old Solution to Economic Crisis Somers, Jeffrey; Sippola, Markku Article 2011 Many economists and financial press writers mimic children on amusement park rides. They think their austerity policies are “steering” their vehicle rather than being guided by underlying structural ... Destroying Libya's Welfare State: NATO's Great Victory Kovalik, Dan Article 2011 For NATO, its corporate allies, and its media mouthpieces, such prosperity for workers simply will not do. We live in a world where austerity for the workers is the order of the day – for those in Lib... Devastating Crisis Unfolds: Against The Current vol. 132 Brenner, Bob Article 2008 Bob Brenner, for the ATC editors. The current crisis could well turn out to be the most devastating since the Great Depression. It manifests profound, unresolved problems in the real economy that have... Donald Trump and the Vicious Culture of Neoliberal Mass Idiocy Street, Paul Article 2016 The U.S. media and educational elites share responsibility for creating a world where a despicable idiot like Trump coud be president. The Dying Days of Liberalism: How Orthodoxy, Professionalism, and Unresponsive Politics Finally Doomed a 19th-century Project Forte, Maximilian C. Article 2017 It's not a small thing that has fallen here, not merely the defeat of Hillary Clinton and Americans rejecting Obama’s "legacy". We are dealing with a series of institutions, an expert class, and a net... Ecuador's Bitter Choice Becker, Marc Article 2014 Becker analyzes the politics behind the decision to extract petroleum from Ecuador's ecologically fragile Yasuní National Park. Elections in the Southern Cone: Against The Current vol. 85 Sobrino, Francisco T. Article 2000 During the last three months of 1999, presidential elections took place in the three southernmost countries of the Latin American continent. Empire, Religion and Liberation: Against The Current vol. 135 Webber, Jeffery R. Article 2008 “At least 10 Palestinians were killed in Gaza on Sunday by Israeli fire,” today’s New York Times reports as I write this review, “bringing the number of Palestinians killed since Wednesday… to more th... Fictitious Capital and Contracted Social Reproduction Today: China and Permanent Revolution Goldner, Loren Article 2012 Once gain, as in 1914, capital requires, in order to survive as capital, a vast devalorization of all existing values, however great the destruction of human beings and means of production which that ... The Financial System is a Larger Threat Than Terrorism Roberts, Paul Craig Article 2016 Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers' burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security complex in order to combat insignificant foreign "threats," such as the ... Foucault and Neoliberalism Zamora, Daniel; Behrent, Michael C. Book 2015 Michel Foucault has a reputation, especially in the academic world, as a radical. This collection of essays explores another, less acknowledged, side of Foucault's thinking: his embrace of some key el... From Jenner to Dolezal: One Trans Good, the Other Not So Much ![]() Reed, Adolph Jr. Article 2015 As is ever clearer and ever more important to note, race politics is not an alternative to class politics; it is a class politics, the politics of the left-wing of neoliberalism. It is the expression ... The Global Gang Thang: A World of Change: Armed Young Men and Gansta Culture (Globalization and Community) Hagedorn, John Book 2008 Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance ![]() Chomsky, Noam Book 2003 Chomsky documents how, for more than half a century, the United States has been pursuing a grand imperial strategy with the aim of dominating the globe. The History of Costa Rica Molina, Ivan; Palmer, Steven Book 1998 An overview of Costa Rican history with an emphasis on how Costa Ricans have been able to make their own history, "though they do not make it just as they choose." How Inequality Kills Nasser, Alan Article 2017 The Global March of Neoliberalism: The World Inequality Report 2018 How Neoliberal Fundamentalism Helped Make Trump President Lindstrom, Alex Article 2018 A common, headache-inducing media narrative has surfaced since the election in 'mainstream' liberal U.S. publications they can no longer trust, such as The Washington Post or New York Times: that the ... How not to grow a new town Rush, Elizabeth Article 2013 For years the governments of Peru, and the municipality of Lima, had a working deal with rural migrants who flocked to the city: we'll plan the place, you build it, amenities will arrive. Then came th... How should we remember Ralph Klein? Fillmore, Nick Article 2013 Ralph Klein was one of Canada's most aggressive neo-liberals. Klein's true legacy is a string of anti-social policies and programs. Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century Smith, John Article 2015 An excerpt from John Smith's book "Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century", in which he examines the relationship between the core capitalist countries and the rest of the world in the age of neolibe... Just Around the Corner: The Paradox of the Jobless Recovery Aronowitz, Stanley Book 2005 Aronowitz details how U.S. capitalism has achieved higher profits at the expense of the quality and quantity of jobs, and contradicts the ideological justifications that seek to justify deteriorating ... The "Labor Aristocracy" and Working-Class Struggles: Consciousness in Flux, Part 2: Against The Current vol. 124 Post, Charles Article 2006 Whatever the theoretical and empirical problems with the economics of the labor aristocracy thesis, its defenders still claim that well paid workers have generally been more reformist and conservative... Latin America after Neoliberalism: Turning the Tide in the 21st Century? Hershberg, Eric; Rosen, Fred (ed.) Book 2007 A primer on the social and economic changes sweeping across contemporary Latin America. The region is an epicentre of dissent from neoliberal ideas and resistance to U.S. economic and political domina... The Lies of Neoliberal Economics (or How America Became a Nation of Sharecroppers) Hudson, Michael; Hedges, Chris Article 2016 Michael Hudson and Chris Hedges talk about how America become a nation of 'sharecroppers'. Lineages of the Arab Revolt: Book Review Machover, Moshé Article 2014 A review of "Lineages of Revolt: Issues of Contemporary Capitalism in the Middle East" by Adam Hanieh. The Looming Crisis of World Capitalism Brenner, Robert Article 1998 MARXIST ECONOMISTS ARE famous for having accurately predicted seven out of the last one international economic crisis. Perhaps for that reason, many in recent times have been unusually cautious about... Make Art! Change the World! Starve!: The Fallacy of Art as Social Justice - Part I Nair, Yasmin Article 2012 Market Democracy in a Neoliberal Order: Doctrines and Reality Chomsky, Noam Article 1997 Noam Chomsky illustrates the importance of considering doctrine against the background of reality. He reveals that the political and economic principles that have prevailed are often remote from those... A Marxist History of the World part 102: What is neoliberalism? Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The ‘free-market’ theory provides a pseudo-scientific justification for the greed and poverty endemic to the system, and the main beneficiaries are the global mega-corporations of neoliberal capitalis... A Marxist History of the World part 104: 2001: 9/11, the War on Terror, and the New Imperialism Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The Al-Qaida terror attacks allowed the great powers to justify new imperialist wars to safeguard the interests of global capital. The Meaning of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution: Against The Current vol. 113 Albo, Greg Article 2004 A feature of revolutions is that they keep coming around in unexpected ways and in unexpected places. Who would have dared predict the eruption that was Seattle in November 1999, when the powers behi... Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism - Review Fisher, Becca Article Naomi Klein provides us with an engaging and easy to read account of the rise and rise of neoliberalism. However, her limited historical and analytical scope are disappointing. Neo-liberalism and the ongoing economic assault on ordinary Canadians Dobbin, Murray Article 2012 Two recent stories out of Ottawa underline the ongoing political and economic assault on ordinary Canadians. More Canadians are now working for low wages than at any time in decades, continuing a tren... Neoliberal Ebola: The Agroeconomic Origins of the Ebola Outbreak Wallace, Rob Article 2015 Wallace describes the rise of Ebola, connecting its outbreak to capital-driven shifts in land and changes in the agroeconomic context. Neoliberalism against capitalism? Davidson, Neil Article 2015 Neil Davidson on how the current neo-liberal project has been almost too successful as a ruling class strategy, creating a form of capitalism which endangers the long-term security of capital itself a... Neoliberalism Is a Political Project Harvey, David Article 2016 David Harvey gives his views on what neoliberalism is, how it unfolds, and what resistance to it looks like. Neoliberalism and the New Lynching Brown, Michael Article 2015 I don't think it's a coincidence that they would raise mass Black and Brown incarceration as being a counterinsurgency tactic. I think we've seen that out there on the streets, out there in Baltimore ... The New "Politics from Below": Book review of Raul Zibechi's "Territories in Resistance: A Cartography of Latin American Social Movements" Quandt, Midge Article 2013 Zibechi's "Territories in Resistance" centres on the practices in Latin American movements, such as the Zapatistas and the Landless Workers Movement, analysing their strengths and weaknesses over time... No Ban! No Wall! No War? Moser, Richard Article 2017 The corporate media avoids connecting our wars to Trump's ban because war and empire is a matter of agreement among the political elites, an elite that the corporate media is very much a part of. Not Bad Policy, But Class Policy: Holes in the Keynesian Against G20 Austerity Plan Hossein-Zadeh, Ismael Article 2010 Liberal critics of the vicious austerity policies passionately argue against such policies as bad, misguided, or unwise as if the governments that make such policies do not know what they are doing. A... On Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine" Cockburn, Alexander Article 2007 Capitalism has always been a shock doctrine of selfish predation, as one can discover from Hobbes and Locke, Marx and Weber, none of them saluted by Klein. However there are huge third world economies... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2015: Resisting Neoliberalism Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 Resisting neoliberalism: "free markets" and "free trade" are an ideological cover for what is actually a form of state capitalism in which working people subsidize and bail out corporations and the ri... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2015: Corruption Diemer, Ulli (editor); Richwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 Corruption - or at least some types of corruption - are much in the news, with the ongoing scandals in the Canadian Senate and the recent U.S. targeting of the Swiss-based football federation FIFA for... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 24, 2015: Voter Suppression Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 Featuring information and articles related to the October 19, 2015 Canadian election. The topic of the week is Voter Suppression, with articles about voter suppression in Canada and the United States. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 9, 2017: Meeting the Challenge of the Right Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Challenging the Right requires not only anti-fascist actions in the street, but organizing to reach those who may be attracted the the appeal of the Right and offering an alternative social vision. Th... Parasites in the Body Economic: the Disasters of Neoliberalism ![]() Hudson, Michael Article 2015 Michael Hudson discusses his new book, "Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy." The Police and Court System: Neoliberal America's Tax Collectors Platt, Brian Article 2015 Last week Biloxi, Mississippi became the latest city to be sued by the ACLU for running a "modern-day debtors’ prison." Political Correctness: Handle with Care ![]() Street, Paul Article 2016 Racial, gender, and ethnic diversity matters, of course, but political correctness (PC) tied to bourgeois identity politics can be deadly to left thinkers and activists and to the causes of peace and ... The Poor Must Die: Anglo-American Political Philosophy 101 Floyd, Chris Article 2010 For more than 30 years, the world-dominating Anglo-American alliance has been under the sway of factions which, for all their internal squabbling and hair-splitting, are strongly united in their stead... Postcolonial Thought's Blind Alley ![]() Chibber, Vivek Article 2014 Throughout the 20th century, the anchor for anti-colonial movements was, at least for the left, a belief that oppression was wrong wherever it was practised, because it was an affront to basic human n... The Postmodern Left and the success of neoliberalism ![]() Jay, Scott Article 2016 The international Left promotes its own image rather than engaging in the bitter reality of resistance against neoliberalism. It does not need to believe in postmodernism because it is postmodernism. The postmodern left and the success of neoliberalism Jay, Scott Article 2016 The rise of neoliberalism across the globe for decades, and its continued resilience since the 2007-2008 financial crisis in particular, forces us to ask why there has not been a more successful resis... Postmodernism, the Academic Left, and the Crisis of Capitalism Rechtenwalk, Michael Article 2013 Over the past fifty years, postmodern theory — an umbrella term generally used to refer to such diverse theoretical movements and paradigms as post-structuralism, Lacanian psychoanalysis, deconstructi... The Power of a Dollar Bateman, Milford Article 2015 Microcredit is nothing more than a socially validated way for financial elites to exploit the poor. Private Profits vs Public Policy: The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Canadian State Lexchin, Joel Book 2016 According to Joel Lexchin, "Given the central role that medicines play in keeping us healthy, it is essential that we understand the policy environment that governs drug development, from the initial ... The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie. ![]() Pilger, John Article 2015 According to John Pilger, the leaders of Syriza are revolutionaries of a kind - but their revolution is the perverse, familiar appropriation of social democratic and parliamentary movements by liberal... Que se vayan todos! Krise und Widerstand in Argentinien Situaciones, Colectivo Book 2003 A collection of essays studying noncapitalist collectivism. The Quick and The Dead: Brian Mulroney, Big Business And The Seduction Of Canada McQuaig, Linda Book 1991 McQuaig argues that since 1984, there has been a systematic transfer of power in Canada from the democratically elected government to the private sector. A quick note on neoliberalism and state capitalism Diemer, Ulli Article 2015 The key to understanding neo-liberalism, in my opinion, is power, not ideology. Radical economics, Marxist economics and Marx's economics Hardy, Jane Article 2016 The major global crises of the mid-1970s and 2008-9 provoked debates among the ruling class about the best economic policies to manage capitalism. For socialists and activists the question was differe... Shooting the Hippo: Death by Deficit and Other Canadian Myths ![]() McQuaig, Linda Book 1995 An examination of how economic policies systematically favour the interests of the rich while pretending to be for the common good. Silence in NGO Discourse Barker, Micheal Article 2017 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) maintain a ubiquitous presence in most peoples lives (whether they realize it or not). It therefore should be a commonsense act that we scrutinize NGO activities ... Slumming It At the Rodeo: The Cultural Roots of Canada's Right-Wing Revolution Laird, Gordon Book 1998 Are the Federal Reform Party's Manning, Ontario's Harris and Alberta's Klein the struttin' cowboy champions of direct democracy? Or just sell- outs to the private sector? Laird tackles these question... Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives Raphael, Dennis (ed.) Book 2004 The social determinants of health are summarized and analyzed by over 30 medical and social academics. Socialist Register 1991: Volume 27: Communist Regimes the Aftermath Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 Socialist Register 1996: Volume 32: Are There Alternatives? Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1996 Socialist Register 1997: Volume 33: Ruthless Criticism of All that Exists Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1997 Socialist Register 2012: Volume 48: The Crisis and the Left Panitch, Leo; Albo, Gregory; Chibber, Vivek (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2012 Syriza and Sanders: "Just Say 'No'" to Neo-liberalism ![]() Rectenwald, Michael Article 2015 Hopes for Syriza's negotiations with the banking troika in the EU simmered and even boiled over among elements of the left, especially after the vaunted "No" referendum vote suggested that the Greeks ... Targeting Iran Barsamian, David Book 2007 A critical analysis of the Bush administration's policies towards Iran. Tearing Down the Seven Pillars of Neoliberalism: Manifesto 2007 ![]() Attac France Article 2007 With the beginning of the 1980s, we entered a new era of capitalism, the era of neoliberalism. This project systematically destroys all political, social and ecological restrictions for the activity o... Telling the Truth: Socialist Register 2006 Panitch, Leo; Keys, Colin (eds.) Book 2005 A collection of essays that examines the difficulties of illuminating the degenerative and secretive nature of public life. Tide Turning in Latin America?: Against The Current vol. 131 Quandt, Midge Article 2007 NACLA’s first volume in its new series, Dispatches from Latin America: On the Frontlines Against Neoliberalism, reported on an array of popular initiatives and left-leaning regimes across the continen... Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights Boulder, Kamala Kempadoo (ed.) Book 2005 This collection of essays underscores the interlocking relationship between prostitution, migration and trafficking. They reveal a deep seated anxiety about borders, economic resources and the fragili... Transpacific Partnership and Monsanto Chicherio, Barbara Article 2013 The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has the potential to become the biggest regional Free Trade Agreement in history, both in economic size and the ability to quietly add more countries in addition to... The Trickledown Revolution Roy, Arundhati Article 2010 The first step towards re-imagining a world gone terribly wrong would be to stop the annihilation of those who have a different imagination - an imagination that is outside of capitalism as well as co... The Trouble With Billionaires ![]() McQuaig, Linda; Brooks, Neil Book 2010 The glittering lives of billionaires may seem to be a harmless source of entertainment, but authors Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks argue that such financial power not only threatends everyone's economi... Voices of Resistance to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Bowles, Paul; Veltmeyer, Henry Article 2013 The National Energy Board's Joint Review Panel (JRP) has just published its recommendation that the Enbridge's proposed Northern Gateway to transport Alberta's tar sands oil to the northwest coast of ... The Wages of Neoliberalism: Poverty, Exile and Early Death Peries, Sharmini; Hudson, Michael Article 2016 Economist Michael Hudson says neoliberal policy will pressure U.S. citizens to emigrate, just as it caused millions to leave Russia, the Baltic States, and now Greece in search of a better life. A res... We are everywhere: The irresistable rise of global anticapitalism ![]() Notes from Nowhere Collective Book 2003 Global voices presenting alternative visions of democracy.
What is Neoliberalism?: A Brief Definition for Activists Martinez, Elizabeth; Garcia, Arnoldo Article 1996 Neo-liberalism is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United States, you can clearly see the effects of neo-... What's Left of Queer?: Immigration, Sexuality, and Affect in a Neoliberal World Nair, Yasmin Article 2012 We need to refuse the narratives of abjection that are routinely forced upon us. They only render us immobile creatures, begging for help. We are all neoliberals now. We're all selling our bodies, our... Workers Hold the Keys Chibber, Vivek; Farbman, Jason Article 2017 In a discussion of the history and practice of socialist ideas, Chibber and Farbman discuss precarity and the changing composition of the working class, how socialists should think about unions, and h... World Cup 2010: Showcase South Africa: Against The Current vol. 132 Ross, Sam Article 2008 September 15, 2007, marked the beginning of a 1,000-day countdown to the 2010 International Federation of Football Associations World Cup hosted by South Africa, the first African nation ever to host ... World's Best Economist Tells All! Roberts, Paul Craig Article 2017 If you want to learn real economics instead of neoliberal junk economics, read Michael Hudson’s books. What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the larg... Zombie neoliberalism threatens Ecuador's 'citizen's revolution' Rogatyuk, Denis Article 2015 Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and social movements behind Ecuador's "Citizens' Revolution" are engaged in yet another battle against the South American country's elites. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesFriends of the Earth International We are the world's largest grassroots environmental network, uniting 76 national member groups and some 5,000 local activist groups on every continent. With over 2 million members and supporters aroun... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryBrexit, Jeremy Corbyn, and Contempt for Democracy Introduction to the July 2, 2016 issue of Other Voices Diemer, Ulli 2016 A constant theme in elite reaction to the Brexit referendum, expressed especially through the mainstream media, has been a visceral contempt for democracy. Ordinary working people are portrayed as stu... CRUCIBLE: Neoliberalism in SEA: A Critical Turn in Philippine South Wadi, Julkipli 2014 Neoliberalism as a frame in understanding domestic issues. Failed neo-liberalism sees SA sleepwalking into a revolution Nkosi, Redge 2013 Two decades into democracy the outcomes of our economic system and its policy framework are unambiguous: increased poverty, increased inequality, increased unemployment, escalating costs of living and... Trade agreements and the corporate war on democracy Introduction to the November 7, 2015 issue of Other Voices Diemer, Ulli 2015 The Trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiated in secret, and now scheduled to be rubber-stamped by national governments on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, is best understood as a major milestone in the long-... |