Media Relations
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results82 Connexions Library3 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 3 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 42 Sources Library 11 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe Activists' Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Participatory Democracy Ricketts, Aidan Book 2012 A guide to grassroots activism. Advice on Hiring a Media Trainer Carney, William Wray Article 2002 Media training is highly recommended for any media spokesperson, whether a novice or a veteran. Backing it Up Rothstein, Al Article 1999 If you say something in a media interview, make sure you can back it up. Calling All Radicals: How Grassroots Organizers Can Help Save Our Democracy Thompson, Gabriel Book 2007 Thompson argues that we can reclaim our democracy through grassroots organizing. Connexions: Volume 6, Number 4 - November 1981 - Unorganized Workers/Travailleurs Non-Organises Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Connexions: Volume 8, Number 3-4 - Winter 1983/84 - Native Issues - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 Connexions: Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1987 Connexions Digest: Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Digest: Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Connexions Library: Organizing Focus Page Website Selected articles from the Connexions Online Library. Crisis Communications Czarnecki, Al Article 1997 Being prepared for a crisis is second best only to avoiding one altogether. Crisis Communications Checklist Article 1999 Nothing impresses like real confidence, and only advance planning can bestow it. Don't Forget to Write Diemer, Ulli Article 1997 Writing letters to the editor is an effective way of getting publicity for your point of view. Dressing for TV Zwicker, Barrie Article Advice for what to wear when you are going to be interviewed on television. Effective Media Relations: Nurturing your relationships with reporters Article 2000 Our relationships with journalists need to be maintained over time in order to be fruitful. Effective Media Relations Article 2006 Media relations is human relations. Journalism is about telling compelling stories about people and their lives. Expand your knowledge by getting advice from the experts! Article 2001 Public opinion plays a key role in government spending decisions, and one of the most effective ways to influence public opinion is through the media. A single appearance on television, for example, g... Expose Yourself: Using the Power of Public Relations to Promote Your Business and Yourself Beals, Melba Book 1990 A hands-on, practical book that gets down to the details of doing promotion. Frequently Asked Questions about Sources Article 2009 SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, c... Get Active Website A guide to organizing and carrying out campaigns on social and environmental issues, prepared by Greenpeace Australia. Getting Publicity: A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Small Business and Non-Profit Groups Fletcher,Tana and Rockler, Julia Book 1990 Step-by-step instructions illustrate what it takes to attract media attention to any enterprise. Getting the Most from Interviews Hilder, Yvonne Article 1997 Tips from a pro for getting the most from media interviews. Give your Sources media profile an extra boost Article 2006 Creating a link from your Web site to your Sources listing boosts your visibility. Grassroots media relations: A short introduction to media relations strategies for activist groups Diemer, Ulli Article 2010 A media relations guide for organizers and activists. Guerrilla Tactics for Maximizing the Results of Your Media Campaign Freeman, Cameron Article 2001 Strategy and tactics for successful media campaigns. Guidelines for successful interviews Article 1998 Things to keep in mind when going into a media interview. Helping you reach the media: How Sources can help you get more and better media coverage Article 2009 Media coverage is the most valuable kind of publicity there is because it is based on the news value or information value of what you do or say, and is therefore far more credible than paid publicity ... How Embarassing when your messages unravel: The Emperor's New Speak Bennett, Steve Article 2001 Analyze your messages to make sure their will hold up to critical scrutiny. How many spokespersons? Rothstein, Al Article 1998 Speaking with one voice means your spokespersons should deliver the same message. It does not mean use only one spokesperson. If the news media representative knows your experts are available and reli... How Media Relations Helps the Marketing Plan LaVigne, Mark Article 2002 Using media relations to support your marketing strategy. How Sources magnifies your Internet visibility Article 2006 How the high Internet ranking of the Sources Web site helps magnify the public profile of organizations and companies who are listed in Sources. How the Media Can Be Positive For Your Business Rothstein, Al Article 2001 If both you and the reporter benefit, the chances are you will do business with that reporter again, good business. Is the Media Your Message? Article Mainstream media are good for getting exposure, but for social change activists they may not be the best avenue. Lobbyists for the havens: ICIJ's guide to the offshore system's defenders Chavkin, Sasha Article 2013 Across the world, tax havens are under attack. Leading global organizations like the G20 and OECD have put cracking down on offshore tax avoidance at the top of their agendas. Ambitious plans for auto... Making the News: A Guide for Activists and Nonprofits Salzman, Jason Book 2003 Salzman explores ways in which organizers can be creative and innovative in using the media to publicize their cause. Media Events - Maximizing Your Attendance & News Pick-up LaVigne, Mark Article 2002 Maximizing your attendance and news pick-up at media events. Media For Social Change: A Resource Book For Community Groups Farrell, Siobhan; Walsh, Barbara Book 1986 An aid for community groups to help them obtain greater access to mainstream media or even to create their own media.
Media Names & Numbers: Your Connection to the Media Serial Publication (Periodical) 2000 A comprehensive directory of the Canadian news media, including television and radio stations and programs, daily, weekly, ethnic and campus newspapers, consumer and trade magazines, and academic jour... Media Relations (Review) Fenske, Lynn Article A book that helps you conquer the challenges of dealing effectively with the media. Media Relations - Behaviours Unbecoming Graham, Barbara Florio Article 2003 What NOT to do when dealing with the media. Meeting the Media Article Dealing with the media can be a less than thrilling experience, but it's a necessary one. Meeting the Media Face-to-Face Bonner, Allan Article 2004 What to do when a reporter calls or when meeting the media face to face. Michael Levine's Ten commandments for Dealing with the Media Levine, Michael Article 2003 Rules for dealing with the media. News releases that work -- and those that don't Article 1999 Media relations know-how: effective media releases. Pressing for Press Wineland, Slyvia Article 1988 A serious attempt to get press coverage can be a campaign in itself. If you really want it, go after it methodically and shamelessly. The Princess and the Press: How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball Cowan, Kirsten Article 2001 Your relationship with the press might not be a fairy tale, but it definitely doesn't have to be horror story: How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball. The Princess and the Press: How to write a news release that will make you the belle of the ball Cowan, Kirsten Article How to write effective press releases. Publicity and the Canadian State Kozolanka, Kirsten Book 2014 A collection examining the state's relationship with public practices and the "permanent campaign," the constant search for politicians and their strategists for popular consent. Publicity and Media Resources Website Resources and publications to assist your organization in getting more and better media coverage and raising awareness.
PublicitySources.com Website 2017 A web portal featuring publicity and PR resources, including articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A... 7 Ways to Get More Mileage from a Case Study Slaunwhite, Steve Article 2004 Case studies are a valuable addition to your public relations' arsenal. They not only explain the success of your product or service in action, they also tend to have high editorial acceptance and rea... Smooth Talking! Explore the Paid Speaking Market Fillmore, Cathleen Article 2005 Becoming a professional speaker. Soundbitten: The Perils of Media-Centered Political Activism Sobieraj, Sarah Article 2011 Sobieraj argues that activist groups' efforts to get media attention for themselves and their concerns often ends up undermining their capacity to communicate with ordinary people. Sources.com: Portal for Journalists and Writers - The directory for reporters, writers, editors and researchers Website 1977 Sources is an information portal for journalists, freelance writers, news editors, authors, researchers and journalism students -- and a resource for organizations, institutions, businesses, and ind... Sources (portal for journalists and writers) - Wikipedia article: Connexipedia Article Article 2008 An information portal for journalists, freelance writers, editors, authors, and researchers, focusing especially on human sources: experts and spokespersons who are prepared to answer reporters' quest... Spinwars: Politics and New Media Fox, Bill Book 1999 An examination of media manipulation in late 20th Century North American politics. Spin Works! A Media Guidebook for Communicating Values and Shaping Opinion Bray, Roberts Book 2000 A guide to utilizing the media for social justice organizations and individual activists. Sultans of Sleaze: Public Relations and the Media Nelson, Joyce Book 1989 Reveals the extent to which we have been deceived by public relations firms on behalf of their unscrupulous clients -- the corporations and governments that control our society. Top Ten List of Media Relations Fenske, Lynn Article 2002 Top ten recommendations for becoming (and remaining) media friendly: Top Ten Questions to Ask When a Reporter Calls You Bonner, Allan Article 2006 When you're respoding to a reporter's call, take time to think and ask yourself these questions. The View from the Press Room Ritchie, Kevin Article 2001 How charities can sell their stories to the media. What Does a Reporter Want? Cowan, Kirsten Article 2001 What does a reporter what when they interview you? When & How to Hold a News Conference Shiller, Ed Article 2002 So before you decide to call a news conference, make sure that the circumstances meet ALL of the criteria. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesMedia Names and Numbers Published by Sources, Media Names & Numbers is a comprehensive directory of the Canadian news media, including television and radio stations and programs, daily, weekly, ethnic and campus newspapers, ... Sources Sources specializes in collecting, indexing, and disseminating information to help journalists, editors, and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background i... Sources HotLink, The The Sources HotLink is a newsletter, published by Sources, featuring articles, practical ideas and tips for getting positive media coverage. The Sources HotLink is sent free to companies... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryBuilding Media Relationships How to Establish, Maintain, and Develop Long-Term Relationships Sommers, Susan 2009 Sommers wrote this guide to teach how media can be used to raise an organization's public profile and improve its connection with the target audience. The Canadian Guide to Managing the Media Revised Edition Shiller, Ed 1994 Every aspect of media relations is covered including crisis management, handling an interview, planting a story and mastering the tools of the trade (media kits, releases, videos, conferences). Don't forget to write Diemer, Ulli 1997 Writing letters to the editor is an effective way of getting publicity for your point of view. Expose Yourself! Diemer, Ulli (ed.) 2006 A booklet about effective media relations, providing practical advice about getting media coverage and relating to the media. Getting Out the News Department of Agricultural Education and Communication A short guide on developing a media relations strategy. Getting your story into the media 2009 Stories are the heart and soul of the media. Journalism is about telling stories, and good stories require sources # human contacts, the people who provide informed comment and expertise, the people w... HotLink.ca bigger and better 2006 HotLink.ca features a large collection of articles about many different aspects of media relations, all cross-indexed by topic, author, and title. HotLink Resource Shelf #30 Fenske, Lynn 2004 Start by accepting the fact that the media moves faster than you do, so be prepared. Always. How to get the most out of your Sources Listing 1998 You get out what you put in! Extra attention to the content of your listing can result in more calls, more media awareness and greater success. The number of calls you'll receive from the media direct... How to Pitch the Media Greer, Jon Journalists hate dealing with media pitches. The more often they receive them, the more annoyed they get. This article teaches three effective means of pitching news topics to media sources. In The News The Practice of Media Relations in Canada Carney, William Wray 2002 Carney gives everyone, from student to seasoned practitioner, a thorough understanding of who the media are, how they work and how to approach them with stories. Laura Ingraham's advertisers aren't really staging a boycott. It's a capital strike Bruenig, Elizabeth 2018 There are no regulations or laws preventing or even restricting capital strikes in the form of corporate activism, therefore social and political aspirations of capital always have an effective instru... Media manipulation Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia Media manipulation is an aspect of public relations in which partisans create an image or argument that favours their particular interests. Media Relations The Bonner Communications Series Bonner, Allan 2004 A primer on attaining media preparedness. Media Relations as a Marketing Tool Friesen, Carl The first step to getting media attention is to make sure that reporters know about you. Media relations for politicians A Service for Parliamentarians, Legislators, and Municipal Councillors 2009 Public relations tools for elected officials and community leaders. MediaSpeak The bold New Guide to Public Relations and Reputation Management Taylor, Ian 1999 In order to deal with the news media messengers, we need to manage our message -- the strategy, the choice of words and the delivery of those words. An Ounce of Prevention Navigating your way through Damage Control and Crisis Response Bonner, Allan Dr. 2010 An organization must recognize the need to be as prepared as possible for crises and controversies. This book, and the companion DVD, are templates to use in preparing both corporate and site-specific... Pitching the Media Bucaro, Leanne 2010 When pitching a story idea to a reporter, remember that they don't really care. Your job is to make them care. A well thought-out, concise pitch will ensure you don't strike out. Political Columns Behind the scenes with powerful people Bonner, Allan 2007 A reader of his book will get Bonner's insight on everyone from Winston Churchill to Belinda Stronach. It is a series of columns, many of which were written for the US magazine Winning Campaigns. Publicity 101 for Colleges Sources News Release 2009 Q: What's the best way for a college to get continuing media attention?
A: By being found in SOURCES, the Media's Guide to Experts and Spokespersons
Sharpen Up: From Experience To Expertise Wade, P.J. 2007 Years of experience do not automatically make you an expert. Nor do "know-it-all" confidence, an encyclopedic memory or Jeopardy-speed retrieval always add up to expert status. Sources gives you powerful tools to help you stand out from the crowd 2009 An overview of how you can use SOURCES to amplify your message.
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, writers, producers and researchers with the sources they need for their ... Speaking to the Media A special report from Sources with articles from The Sources HotLink Diemer, Ulli (ed.) 2005 Being seen, heard, and quoted in the media is perhaps the quickest, best, and most lasting way for a speaker to become better known and more sought after. This booklet offers advice on handling media ... The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and SOURCES Stevenson, Robert Louis; Diemer, Ulli 2012 Stories turn out better with SOURCES. Telling Journalists Who You Are Getting the most from Sources 1999 A well-written descriptive paragraph in your Sources listing tells journalists why they should call you. Twenty-five Years of Sources 2002 From the beginning, Sources was seen as a public service as well as a tool for journalists. From the Connexions ArchivesCo-op programs Article Student co-op programs can be useful and rewarding for both the non-profit group and the students. Get the Internet working for you Diemer, Ulli Article 1997 A Web site works best when it is integrated into a co-ordinated communications strategy. Media Guide addition Article Sources News Releases Website 1977 News releases from organizations and companies on a wide range of topics. Includes an extensive topic index, an archive of releases going back to the 1970s, and links to experts and organizations know... |