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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results259 Connexions Library8 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 4 Sources Library 6 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe ABC of National Liberation Movements Draper, Hal Article 1969 A war is politics continued by other, that is forcible, means. Our attitude toward a war must be congruent with our attitude toward the politics of which it is the continuation. This determines our pr... Adventures in Marxism ![]() Berman, Marshall Book 1999 Marshall Berman explores and rejoices in the emancipatory potential of Marxism.
Africa in Crisis: The Causes, The Cures of Environmental Bankruptcy Timberlake, Lloyd Book Africa in Crisis looks at the causes of African famine and how it is a symbol of a much deeper crisis. African droughts and famines are not just the results of a lack of rain but the end result of a ... After the Revolution, What? Spritzler, John Article 2006 A revolution to politically defeat a social class can take place relatively quickly compared to the task of re-shaping an entire society and economy by very different values. A fundamentally new kind ... Against All Odds Diemer, Ulli Article 1985 The shadow haunting the power structure is the danger that those who are controlled will realize they are powerless only so long as they think they are. Once people stop believing they are powerless t... Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914 - 1991 ![]() Hobsbawm, Eric Book 1994 A overview of the history of the years 1914 - 1991. The Age of Permanent Revolution: A Trotsky Anthology Deutscher, Isaac Book 1964 A collection of writings by Leon Trotsky. All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity ![]() Berman, Marshall Book 1982 Berman examines the clash of classes, histories, and clutures in the modern world, and ponders our prospects for coming to terms with the relationship between a liberating social and philosophical ide... American Civil War: Connexipedia Article Article Also known as the War Between the States and several other names, this was a civil war in the United States of America in which eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United St... American Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article The American Revolution is the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century in which thirteen of Britain's colonies in North America at first rejected the governance of the Parliament o... The American Socialist Movement: 1897-1912 Kipnis, Ira Book 1952 A history of the American Socialist Party, which at its height had over 150,000 dues-paying members, published hundreds of newspapers, and won almost a million votes for its presidential candidate. Anarchism vs. Marxism: A few notes on an old theme ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 Anarchist critiques of Marxism typically reveal a lack of knowledge of what Karl Marx actually wrote, resulting in sterile denunciations of a straw-man opponent. The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution: Documents of revolution Avrich, Paul (ed.) Book 1973 A selection of articles, manifestos, speeches, resolutions, letter, diaries, poems, and songs which seek to capture the spirit of the anarchist movement in Rissia. An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto ![]() Callinicos, Alex Book 2003 An extended argument about what the anti-capitalist movement should stand for. Beyond a Boundary ![]() James, C.L.R. Book 1963 Part memoir of a boyhood in a black colony (by one of the founders of African nationalism), part passionate celebration of the game of cricket, this book raises serious questions about race, class, po... The Butterfly and the Boiling Point: Charting the Wild Winds of Change in 2011 Solnit, Rebecca Article 2011 Revolution is as unpredictable as an earthquake and as beautiful as spring. Its coming is always a surprise, but its nature should not be. A Call to the Workers of the World Luxemburg, Rosa; Liebknecht, Karl; Zetkin, Klara; Mehring, Franz Article 1918 Humanity is facing the alternative: Dissolution and downfall in capitalist anarchy, or regeneration through the social revolution.
Das Capital, Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1867 Marx's great work sets out to grasp and portray the totality of the capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that emerges from it. He describes and connects all its economic features, ... The Caribbean Left's Legacy: Against The Current vol. 112 Abraham, Sara Article 2004 Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has con... A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989 Kenney, Padraic Book 2002 This is the first history of the revolutions that toppled communism in Europe to look behind the scenes at the grassroots movements that made those revolutions happen. Central American Women Speak for Themselves Central America Today Book 1983 A dossier focusing on the participation of women in the popular movements and revolutionary organizations in Central America. Contains transations from newspapers, pamphlets, documents, interviews and... The CIA: A Forgotten History : U.S. Global Interventions Since World War II Blum, William Book 1989 This book tells the remarkable story of the multifarious US/CIA interventions in more than fifty foreign countries. Here are all the details of these exploits, the operations behind the overthrow of g... The Civil War in France ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1871 Written by Karl Marx as an address to the General Council of the International, with the aim of distributing to workers of all countries a clear understanding of the character and world-wide significa... Classical Marxism and the Question of Reformism: Gluckstein, Donny Article 2014 A central issue for our movement is whether to work towards a complete revolutionary overturning of capitalism and the state that protects it, or rely on partial methods of struggle. This choice is ob... The Communist Manifesto ![]() Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1848 Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the theoretical and practical platform of the Communist League, a workers' association.
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis Book 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, an... Connexions Digest: Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Consumption: Domestic Imperialism Gilbert, Dave Article This article deals with the social organization of production under modern American capitalism. The author considers the impact of technological development on labour and its potential for liberation ... Counter Power: Making Change Happen ![]() Gee, Tim Book 2011 Argues that no major movement has ever been successful without counterpower, or the power that the "have-nots" can use to remove the power of the "haves." This book sets out to demystify the power dyn... Crisis and Coup in Ecuador: Against The Current vol. 87 Meisch, Lynn A. Article 2000 On January 21, 2000, for the first time since the Spanish conquest of Ecuador in A.D. 1533-34, indigenous people briefly -- very briefly -- ruled the country as part of a triumvirate. Frustrated by ov... Cuba, the United States and the Left: Against The Current vol. 89 Almeyra, Guillermo Article 2000 The nationalist anti-imperialist revolution of the long beards has lasted forty-one years. It was never a socialist revolution. The Moncada combatants were not socialists, neither were those in the Si... Cuban Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article An armed revolt that led to the overthrow of U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista of Cuba on January 1, 1959 by the 26th of July Movement led by Fidel Castro. Declaration of Independence Jefferson, Thomas Article 1776 The document in which the 13 American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Article 1789 Approved by the National Assemby of France August 26, 1789.
Democracy Against Politics: Against The Current vol. 136 Feinberg, Joseph Grim Article 2008 “¡Que se vayan todos!” shouted rebellious crowds during the Argentine economic crisis of 2001, “Out with them all!” The call soon spread throughout Latin America: for a new politics without politician... Democratic Revolution and Socialist Revolution: A Reply to Malik Miah Bloom, Steve Article 1998 IN ATC 75 Malik Miah presents an analysis of events surrounding the fall of Indonesian President Suharto (“Indonesia's Democratic Revolution”). As a descriptive report of what has been happening in th... The Dialectics of Community Control Aronowitz, Stanley Article 1970 The movement for community control will fall short often, unless it becomes a broader struggle for popular, democratic control of all public institutions and the economy. Donghak Peasant Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article Was an anti-government, anti-yangban and anti-foreign uprising in 1894. The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet Foster, John Book Argues that the roots of the present ecological crisis lie in capital's rapacious expansion, which has now achieved unprecedented heights of irrationality across the globe. Egypt's Revolution at Three Radwan, Noha Article 2014 Radwan examines the Egyptian Revolution and the rise of General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi after the ousting of President Morsi. Elections in the Southern Cone: Against The Current vol. 85 Sobrino, Francisco T. Article 2000 During the last three months of 1999, presidential elections took place in the three southernmost countries of the Latin American continent. The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? ![]() Kovel, Joel Book 2002 We live in and from nature, but the way we have evolved of doing this is about to destroy you. Capitalism and its by-products -- imperialism, war, neoliberal globalization, racism, poverty, and the de... The English Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article The period of the English Civil Wars and Commonwealth period 1640-1660, in which Parliament challenged King Charles I's authority, engaged in civil conflict against his forces, and executed him in 164... Essays on Marx's Theory of Value Rubin, Issak Illich Book 1928 A discussion of concepts at the root of Marxism: the theory of value and commodity fetishism. Everyday Life in the Modern World Lefebvre, Henri Book 1968 Everyday life is non-philosophical in relation to philosophy and represents reality in relation to ideality. Fake news about the Rojava revolution Fredman, Nick Article 2017 Sharply different opinions have developed among the radical left in recent years towards the Syrian radical democratic movement led by the Democratic Union Party (PYD) -- an initially Kurdish-based fo... For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution! Part Two: How the Liberals and Reformists Derailed the Struggle for Integration Alexander, Don Article 2004 There is a lot of talk today about multiculturalism, diversity, whiteness and "racialized subjects" and other liberal jargon that essentially attempts to erase the centrality of anti-black racism and ... For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution! Part One: Contradictions of the Civil Rights Movement: A Marxist Analysis Coleman, Diana Article 2012 We describe the black population in the U.S. as an oppressed race-color caste. From their arrival in this country, the Negro people have been an integral part of American class society while at the sa... For Communism: Propositions on a Strategy for Revolution in the Advanced Capitalist Countries Article 1970 A series of 100 propositions addressing the strategic vacuum on the Italian and European left at the end of the 1960s.
Forty years after the portuguese Carnation Revolution Costa, Jorge Duarte Article 2014 On the eve of April 25, 1974, Portuguese society was smouldering from contradictions accumulated in half a century of dictatorship. At the heart of these contradictions was a war that lasted thirteen ... 40 years ago: the grandeur and the limits of the Portuguese Revolution Palheta, Ugo Article 2014 The Portuguese Revolution plunged its roots in the crisis of the Salazar regime. A fascist dictatorship based on a reactionary ideology which would serve as inspiration for the Vichy regime, the Estad... The Fourth International, Stalinism and the Origins of the International Socialists Kuper, Richard (ed) Book 1971 ... Free Association: Revolutionary Committees as a Method of Organization Article The revolutionary committee "More to Come" elucidates its vision of collective uprising and revolution. While abhoring the use of violence, the group acknowledges the need for defense against reactio... French Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article Was a period of political and social upheaval and radical change in the history of France, during which the French governmental structure, previously an absolute monarchy with feudal privileges for th... French Revolution of 1848: Connexipedia Article Article One of a wave of revolutions in 1848 in Europe. From Bolshevism to the Bureaucracy Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1962 Among the innumerable questions raised by the fate of the Russian Revolution, two form the poles around which we may organise all the others. The first question is: What kind of society was produced b... From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution ![]() Ruhle, Otto Book 1924 Parliaments are becoming increasingly empty trappings: the parties are collapsing, destroying one another, and losing their political credibility: the trade unions are changing into ruins. The breakdo... From Wildcat Strike to Total Self Management Vaneigem, Raoul [Ratgeb] Article 1974 Vaneigem’s book is one of the few texts that seriously consider the problems and possibilities of a postrevolutionary society. German Revolution of 1918-19: Connexipedia Article Article The politically-driven civil conflict in Germany at the end of World War I. The Great Reversal: The Privatization of China Hinton, William Book 1991 In these essays Hinton argues that Deng XiaoPing and his privatization reforms destroyed the achievements of the Maoist Revolution of 1949. Greek War of Independence: Connexipedia Article Article War of independence waged by the Greek revolutionaries between 1821 and 1829. Haitian Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article The only successful slave revolt in history which established Haiti as the first republic ruled by blacks. Hamburg at the Barricades ![]() Reissner, Larissa Book 1925 Articles by the revolutionary journaliist Larissa Reissner, covering the Hamburg uprising of 1923 and the life and times for Germany in the years 1923-1925. History and Revolution: A Revolutionary Critique of Historical Materialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Article 1965 Paul Cardan's critique of Marxism'. History and Revolution: A Revolutionary Critique of Historical Materialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1965 How to Start a Revolution Arrow, Ruaridh (Director/Producer) Film/Video 2011 A documentary on the work and ideas of Gene Sharp, a theorist of non-violent revolution. Hungarian Revolution of 1848: Connexipedia Article Article One of many revolutions that year and closely linked to other revolutions of 1848 in the Habsburg areas. Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Connexipedia Article Article A spontaneous nationwide revolt against the Stalinist government of the People's Republic of Hungary. Hungary 1956: A workers' revolt crushed by the "workers' state" Diemer, Ulli Article 1973 The Hungarian revolution, brief though it was, did as much as a century of socialist theorizing to show what a united and determined people could do to transform their society. Hungary 56 ![]() Anderson, Andy Book 1964 The Hungarian Revolution was far more than a national uprising or than an attempt to change one set of rulers for another. It was a social revolution in the fullest sense of the term. Iceland's Revolution Thorsteinsson, Vidar Article 2016 After its financial crisis, Iceland put bankers in jail. But it didn't rein in capital. In reality the responses to the 2008–9 Icelandic banking crash were only modestly progressive and failed to brin... In Defence of the Terror: Liberty or Death in the French Revolution Wahnich, Sophie Book 2012 A discussion about the causes and consequences of revolutionary violence, with the premise that dismissive disgust at bloodshed is an overly simplistic response. In Nobody's Backyard: Maurice Bishop's Speeches 1979-1983: A Memorial Volume Bishop, Maurice Book A collection of Maurice Bishop's speeches accompanied by an introduction from Richard Hart, former Attorney-General of Grenada under the New Jewel Movement. Introducing the Year 1905: Centennial of Struggle: Against The Current vol. 114 The Editors Article 2005 The year 1905 stands out as the onset of an era of explosive anticapitalist struggle—all the more so 100 years later, when we feel stranded in a neoliberal ice age. Looking back at the events of that ... Introduction to Social Revolution Article 1976 A Short Introduction to Social Revolutionary Politics, with short articles on ""Capitalism," "War," "State Capitalism," "National Liberation and Imperialism," "Racism," "Sex Roles," "Education," and "... The Invading Socialist Society James, C.L.R.; Forest, F. [Raya Dunayevskaya]; Stone, Ria [Grace Lee Boggs] Book 1947 History has shown that in moments of great social crisis, its farthest flights fall short of the reality of the proletarian revolution. Never was the proletariat so ready for the revolutionary struggl... Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignity in England and America Morgan, Edmund S. Book 1989 The author makes the case that the United States has remained politically stable because the Founding Fathers invented the idea of the American people and used it to impose a government on the new nat... Iraq: Guerrilla War in Sadr City: Against The Current vol. 114 Schwartz, Michael Article 2005 In attacking first Najaf, then Tal Afar and Samarra, and finally tackling the center of Sunni resistance in Fallujah, the United States was seeking to reverse this process. But these attacks were not... Ireland's Unfinished Revolution Burtenshaw, Ronan; Byers, Sean Article 2016 The revolutionary period sparked by the 1916 Easter Rising offered a vision of a truly democratic Ireland. Jose Marti: Architect of the Cuban Revolution Turton, Peter Book This book looks at Marti as both thinker and man of action in relation to his own country (Cuba), Latin America as a whole, and the United States. Turton presents Marti as a contradictory man, avoidin... The Joy of Revolution ![]() Knabb, Ken Book 1997 Knabb says "What is needed, I believe, is a worldwide participatory-democracy revolution that would abolish both capitalism and the state. This is admittedly a big order, but I'm afraid that nothing l... The June Revolution Marx, Karl Article 1848 The defeated plebeians are tormented by hunger, abused by the press, forsaken by the physicians, called thieves, incendiaries and galley-slaves by the respectabilities; their wives and children are pl... Karl and Rosa: November 1918: A German Revolution Doblin, Alfred Book 1983 A novel about the German Revolution of 1918, focusing on Karl Liebknect and Rosa Luxemburg. Karl Marx: Essential Writings Bender, Frederic L. Book 1972 A selection of Marx's writings ranging from his early works on philosophy, religion, alienation, and Hegelianism, through the materialist conception of history, the theoretical analysis of capitalism,... Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy Bottomore, T.B.; Rubel, Maximilien (eds.) Book 1956 A selection of Marx's writings intended to present the evolution of his ideas, the main features of his mothod, and the chief conclusions of his research. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume I: State and Bureaucracy ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1977 A wide-ranging and thorough exposition of Marx's views on democracy. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume II: The Politics of Social Classes ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1978 Draper ranges through the development of the thought of Marx and Engels on the role of classes in society. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume III: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat Draper, Hal Book 1986 Hal Draper examines how Marx and Marxism dealt with the issue of dictatorship in relation to the revolutionary use of force and repression, particularly as this debate has centered on the use of the t... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume IV: Critique of Other Socialisms ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1990 Much of Karl Marx's most important work came out of his critique of other thinkers, including many socialists who differed significantly in their conceptions of socialism. Draper looks at these critiq... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume 5: War & Revolution Draper, Hal; Haberkern, E. Book 2005 The subject of this volume is Marx and Engels' views on the relation between war and revolution. Its thesis is that, over the course of decades, their views on this question changed -- evolved is a be... Korea's New Revolutionaries: Against The Current vol. 87 Sheppard, Barry Article 2000 Against the background of a rising militant working-class movement, revolutionary socialists in South Korea are undergoing a process of regroupment. An important force in this development are comrades... The "Labor Aristocracy" and Working-Class Struggles: Consciousness in Flux, Part 2: Against The Current vol. 124 Post, Charles Article 2006 Whatever the theoretical and empirical problems with the economics of the labor aristocracy thesis, its defenders still claim that well paid workers have generally been more reformist and conservative... The Legacy of 1968: Against The Current vol. 136 Horn, Gerd-Rainer Article 2008 In 1989, the world systems theorists Giovanni Arrighi, Terence K. Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein wrote the following five short sentences: “There have only been two world revolutions. One took place... Libya: From Colony to Revolution St John, Ronald Bruce Book 2011 Provides the background to the Libyan revolution by discussing its history from colonization up through the 2011 rebellion/foreign intervention that ousted Mu'ammar al-Qadafi. Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global ![]() Mason, Paul Book 2010 Mason realtes a series of struggles for worker and human rights over the past two hundred years and compares them to current struggles. The Lost Revolution Malik, Kenan Article 2014 A discussion of the Haitian revolution, read through the lens of Julia Gaffield's paper on the lost and found Haitian Declaration of Independence. Rosa Luxemburg: A letter about Rosa Luxemburg's contribution to Marxism ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2000 In a time when the socialist movement was evolving in directions increasingly removed from Marx's positions -- Social Democratic reformism on the one hand, and Leninist bureaucratic centralism on the ... Main Currents of Marxism: Volume 1: The Founders Kolakowski, Leszek Book 1978 Kolakowski gives his interpretation of the origins of Marxism, and analyses the development of Marx's thought and its divergence from other forms of socialism. Manifestos, Programs, Visions: Selected Manifestos - Political Statements - Programs ![]() Website 1649 A selection of left manifestos, programs, poltical statements and visions from the 1600s to today. Man's Worldly Goods: The Story of the Wealth of Nations Huberman, Leo Book 1936 Huberman sets out to explain history using economic theory, and to explain economic theory using history. He tries to explain, in terms of the development of economic thought, why certain doctrines ar... Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 13: Marx and Engels 1854 - 1855 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes Revolutionary Spain Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies ![]() Anderson, Kevin B. Book 2010 Marx’s critique of capital was far broader than is usually supposed. To be sure, he concentrated on the labor-capital relation within Western Europe and North America. But at the same time, he expen... Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life: Toward a Permanent Revolution Brown, Bruce Book 1974 The theory and practice of revolutionary social transformation, Brown argues, must encompass the subjective, psychological dimensions of the revolutionary process. Marx, theoretician of anarchism ![]() Rubel, Maximilien Article 1973 Under the name communism, Marx developed a theory of anarchism; and further, in fact it was he who was the first to provide a rational basis for the anarchist utopia and to put forward a project for a... A Marxist History of the World part 46: The American Revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2011 In 1764, Americans thought of themselves as British subjects of King George III. By 1788, they would, by their own decisions and actions, have made themselves the free citizens of a new republic forge... A Marxist History of the World part 47: The French Revolution - Storming of the Bastille Faulkner, Neil Article 2011 In the latest of his series on the Marxist understanding of history, Neil Faulkner explores revolution and counter-revolution in 18th-Century France. A Marxist History of the World Part 48: The French Revolution - The Jacobin Dictatorship Faulkner, Neil Article 2011 In his latest instalment, Neil Faulkner explores the rise of the Jacobin dictatorship and the ever-present threat of counter-revolution in 18th Century France. A Marxist History of the World part 49: The French Revolution - Themidor, Directory and Napoleon Faulkner, Neil Article 2011 In his third chapter on the French Revolution, Neil Faulkner discusses the contradictions of bourgeois revolution - but celebrates the gains it won. A Marxist History of the World part 71: Dual power: the mechanics of revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The centuries old Russian monarchy was overthrown in a matter of days in February 1917. Neil Faulkner looks at the months of turmoil that followed. A Marxist History of the World part 72: February to October the rhythms of revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The situation of 'dual power' that emerged after the overthrow of the Tsar in February 1917 was marked by a series of major political crises. A Marxist History of the World part 77 World Revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 In the five years after the First World War, revolutionary contagion spread around the world. It showed the extraordinary possibilities that arise when the masses become active in making their own his... A Marxist History of the World part 78: The First Chinese Revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 In 1927, the Chinese nationalists smashed the country's first working-class revolutionary movement – a defeat that would shape the whole subsequent history of China.Counterfire A Marxist History of the World part 86: The Spanish Civil War Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 In 1936, after General Franco had led an unsuccessful coup against a democratically elected government, revolution swept across Spain. Neil Faulkner explains why the workers were ultimately defeated. Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism ![]() Hudis, Peter Book 2013 In contrast to the traditional view that Marx's work is restricted to a critique of capitalism – and that he consciously avoided any detailed conception of its alternative – this work shows that Marx ... The Meaning of Socialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Article 1961 Paul Cardan's 1961 discussion of modern conceptions of socialism, and the future of socialist movements. Memoirs of a Revolutionary 1901- 1941 ![]() Serge, Victor Book 1943 Victor Serge, who was bron in 1890 and died in 1947, was an anarchist, a Bolshevik, a Trotskyist, and a revisionist-Marxist. Belgian by birth and upbringing, French by adoption and in literary express... The necessary revolution: Working together to create a sustainable world Senge, Peter et al. Book 2008 Originally published in 2008 as: The necessary revolution: how individuals and organizations are working together to create a sustainable world. The new socialist revolution: An introduction to its theory and strategy Lerner, Michael P. Article 1973 Chapter 6 - Strategy and Tactics. The first task of the revolutionary movement, its most important task within the next few years, is to destroy bourgeois hegemony and develop a radical consciousness ... News & Letters: Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2006 - 2007 Article 2006 We aim to help fill the void on the question of "what happens after" by creatively rethinking and restating his concept of "revolution in permanence" for today. The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century ![]() Boggs, Grace Lee; Kurashique, Scott; Glover, Danny Book 2011 Why revolution is not only possible and necessary, but in some places already in the making. The Next Liberation Struggle: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy in Southern Africa Saul, John S. Book 2005 An indispensable guide to understanding how the resources of that era can be used to contribute to real liberation for the region and for the continent of Africa as a whole. Nicaragua: A Revolution Under Siege Harris, Richard; Vilas, Carlos M. (ed.) Book Latin American and U.S. scholars and journalists present an independent analysis of the first five years of the Sandinista Revolution. They show the immense problems - organizational, economic, politi... Nicaraguan Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article Encompasses the rising opposition to the Somoza dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s. 1905 ![]() Trotsky, Leon Book 1922 For a number of years, when the reaction was triumphant, the year 1905 appeared to us as a completed whole, as the Russian revolution. An October for Us, for Russia and for the Whole World: Against The Current vol. 131 an appeal from Russian Intellectuals and Artists Article 2007 This appeal from Russian intellectuals and artists on the 90th anniversary of the Russian October Revolution comes to us from veteran leftists, social democrats, artists and even children of Left Oppo... October Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article The October Revolution, also known as the Soviet Revolution or Bolshevik Revolution, was a political revolution and a part of the Russian Revolution. The Old Mole Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1917 The question of peace is in reality bound up with the unimpeded, radical development of the Russian Revolution. But the latter is in turn bound up with the parallel revolutionary struggles for peace o... On May '68: Against The Current vol. 136 Löwy, Michael Article 2008 Interview with Michael Löwy. Michael Löwy is the author of numerous works on socialist thought from Marx to the present as well as on liberation theology in Latin America. On Oil and Quicksand: Against The Current vol. 114 The Editors Article 2005 The end of 2004 finds the Middle East sliding toward an even bloodier morass, thanks in large part to imperial and colonial arrogance which has rarely been on such open display. On Revolution Arendt, Hannah Book 1963 Arendt examines the American, French, and Russian revolutions and draws conclusions about the meaning of revolution. The Oratory of Malcolm X: Against The Current vol. 120 McTaggart, Ursula Article Spike Lee closes his 1989 film “Do the Right Thing” with two quotes: In one, Malcolm X proclaims the right to self defense and in the other, Martin Luther King, Jr. insists upon non-violent protest. E... Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists Makhno; Mett; Arshinov; Valevski; Linski Article 1926 In 1926 a group of exiled Russian anarchists in France, the Delo Truda (Workers' Cause) group, published this pamphlet. Our Program and the Political Situation Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1918 Tthe text of a speech by Rosa Luxemburg to the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Germany (Spartacus League), made on December 31, 1918.
A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster ![]() Solnit, Rebecca Book 2010 The most startling thing about disasters, according to Rebecca Solnit, is not merely that so many people rise to the occasion, but that they do so with joy. That joy reveals an ordinarily unmet yearni... The Paris Commune of 1871: The View from the Left ![]() Schulkind, Eugene; (Editor) Book 1972 For the Left, the Paris Commune of 1871 stands as the first example of the exercise of political power by a working class. Socialists, Communists and Anarchists have all looked to this 72-day revoluti... A People's History of the World: From the Stone Age to the New Millennium ![]() Harman, Chris Book 1999 Harman describes the shape and course of human history as a narrative of ordinary people forming and re-forming complex societies in pursuit of common human goals. The Philippines under fire: New Internationalist March 1990 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 An investigation into the political and cultural life of the Philippines, told in the form of a travelogue. The stories of ordinary people are interspersed with historical detail and analysis of the c... Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to mao Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1973 Dunayevskaya argues in favour of a re-evaluation of the theoretical philosophy of Hegel and its application by Marx and the later Lenin to the history of mankind. A Political Statement of the Libertarian Socialist Collective Libertarian Socialist Collective Article 1979 The socialist perspective, as we see it, implies a total critique of human society as it is presently constituted. Socialism means a total transformation of life and social institutions - a project of... Portugal: The Impossible Revolution (review) Freedman, Fred Article 1977 Book offers a clear analysis of events in Portugal 1974-1975. Portugal: The Impossible Revolution? Mailer, Phil, Book 1977 The story of what happened in Portugal between April 25, 1974 and November 25, 1975, as seen and felt by a deeply committed participant. The Principle of Self-Emancipation in Marx and Engels ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1971 For Marx and Engels, there was a direct relationship between the revolutionary (literally subversive) nature of their socialism and the principle of emancipation-from-below, the principle that, as Eng... Quotes about Revolution Unclassified Radical Digressions ![]() Diemer, Ulli Website 2006 Ulli Diemer's website/blog featuring comment from a radical left-libertarian Marxist perspective.
Raids and Reconstructions: Essays on Politics, Crime, and Culture Enzensberger, Hans Magnus Book 1976 A collection of essays on culture and poltics. Red Emma Speaks: Selected Writings and Speeches by Emma Goldman Goldman, Emma (edited by Shulman, Alix Kates) Book 1972 A collection of essays which provide a comprehensive view of Emma Goldman's theories and beliefs. Redefining Revolution Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1963 Modern society certainly remains profoundly divided. It constantly functions against the immense majority of working people. In everyday life the exploited defend themselves against exploitation by pa... Reform or Revolution ![]() Mattick, Paul Book 1983 The reformists had no principles to 'betray.' They remained what they had been all along, but they were now obliged first of all to safeguard the system in which their cherished practice could continu... Rejoinder: The Dynamics of Revolution Miah, Malik Article 1998 ONE COMMON ERROR socialists tend to make when discussing unfolding revolutions in other countries is to offer programmatic analysis that has little to do with the real situation on the ground. Comrade... Resource Manual for A Living Revolution: A Handbook of Skills & Tools for Social Change Activists ![]() Coover, Virginia, Deacon, Ellen, Esser, Charles, Moore, Christopher Book 1977 A manual for people who are concerned or angered by the deterioration of our society and who, because they have some sense that their efforts can have an effect on change, are looking for tools to tra... Revolution and Counter Revolution Marx, Karl; edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling Book 1896 A collection of articles and letters written by Marx for the New York Tribune in 1851 and 1852. Revolution in Paris Engels, Friedrich Article 1848 The bourgeoisie has made its revolution, it has toppled Guizot and with him the exclusive rule of the Stock Exchange grandees. Now, however, in the second act of the struggle, it is no longer one sect... The Revolution Is Not A Party Affair Rühle, Otto Article 1920 The revolution is not a party affair. The three social-democratic parties (SPD, USPD, KPD) are so foolish as to consider the revolution as their own party affair and to proclaim the victory of the rev... Revolution of the Snails: Encounters with the Zapatistas Solnit, Rebecca Article 2008 Give the Zapatistas time -- the slow, unfolding time of the spiral and the journey of the snail -- to keep making their world, the one that illuminates what else our lives and societies could be. Our ... Revolution Re-Assessed: Politics of Human Liberation ![]() Article 1980 The political objectives and beliefs of the Australian-based Libertarian Socialist Organisation. Revolutionary Centennial: Guyana's 1905 Rebellion: Against The Current vol. 114 Westmaas, Nigel Article 2005 1905 was a landmark year in the history of Guyana, as it was for several places around the world. In Russia, the Tsar and his troops shot workers delivering a petition in St. Petersburg. In Bengal t... List of revolutions and rebellions: Connexipedia Article Article This is a list of revolutions and rebellions Revolutions of 1848: Connexipedia Article Article A series of political upheavals throughout the European continent. Described by some historians as a revolutionary wave, the period of unrest began in France and then, further propelled by the French ... Revolutions of 1848 in the German states: Connexipedia Article Article "Germany" at the time of the Revolutions of 1848 was a collection of 39 states loosely bound together in the German Confederation. As nationalist sentiment crystallized into resistance to the traditio... The Rights of Man Paine, Thomas Book 1792 Thomas Paine's defense of the French Revolution -- and the right to revolt. Romanian Revolution of 1989: Connexipedia Article Article A week-long series of increasingly violent riots and fighting in late December 1989 that overthrew the Government of Nicolae Ceausescu. Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited with an introduction by Robert Looker) Book 1972 A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa. [Anderson, Kevin; Hudis, Peter (eds.)] Book 2004 A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1981 Part I - Rosa Luxemburg as Theoretician, as Activist, as Internationalist. Part II - The Women's Liberation Movement as Revolutionary Force and Reason. Part III - Karl Marx: From Critic of Hegel to Au... The Russian Revolution ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1918 The basic lesson of every great revolution, the law of its being, decrees: either the revolution must advance at a rapid, stormy, resolute tempo, break down all barriers with an iron hand and place it... The Russian Revolution Ninety Years After: Against The Current vol. 131 Mandel, David Article 2007 The October Revolution of 1917 in Russia was the most influential political event of the 20th century. But since history is written by the victors, it is not well known that October was the opening sh... Russian Revolution of 1905: Connexipedia Article Article A wave of mass political unrest through vast areas of the Russian Empire. Russia's Chechnya Syndrome: Against The Current vol. 84 Weissman, Susan Article 2000 The near-genocidal war that Russia's Putin-Yeltsin government is waging in Chechnya is cynical on many counts. Some might compare it to U.S. efforts to end the “Vietnam syndrome” by engaging in small ... Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or Reaction? CARDRI - Committee Against Repression and for Democratice Rights in Iraq Book 1990 Seeds of Fire: A People's Chronology ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2012 Recalling events that happened on this day in history. Memories of struggle, resistance and persistence. Selections from the Prison Notebooks ![]() Gramsci, Antonio Book 1951 Gramsci's Notebooks cover a wide range of subjects including history, culture, politics, and philosophy. Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934 ![]() Reich, Wilhelm; (Baxandall, Lee, ed.) Book 1934 Wilhelm Reich's writings from his Marxist period, outlining his thoughts about sexual and political liberation. Socialism and Revolution ![]() Gorz, Andre Book 1967 Representative democracy in every industrially advanced country is in a state of profound crisis. But we have been accustomed for so long to accept democracy in the form of its outward appearances and... Socialism.ca ![]() Website 2016 A gateway to resources about socialism, socialist history, and socialist ideas, compiled by Connexions. Socialist Humanism Fromm, Erich (ed.) Book 1965 An international symposium whose contributors explore the humanist essence of socialism. Among the contributors are Herbert Marcuse, Maximilien Rubel, Norman Thomas, T.B. Bottomore, Raya Dunayevskaya,... The Socialist Register 1974: Volume 11: A survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1974 The Socialist Register 1975: Volume 12: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 The Socialist Register 1976: Volume 13: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 The Socialist Register 1982: Volume 19: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1982 The Socialist Register 1989: Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Socialist Register 1996: Volume 32: Are There Alternatives? Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1996 Socialist Register 2017: Volume 53: Rethinking Revolution Panitch, Leo; Albo, Greg (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 This 53rd volume of the Socialist Register addresses the question of the meaning of revolution in the twenty-first century. Coming to terms with the legacy of 1917 is obviously one aspect of this. ‘Oc... Spanish Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article A workers' social revolution that began during the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The Spirit of Revolution Article 1998 REVOLUTION, AS ALL readers of the liberal and intellectual press know, is irrelevant now, an outdated dream long abandoned by its former practitioners who have moved on to more mature projects. Take ... State Capitalism and World Revolution James, C.L.R. Book 1950 The great organisations of the masses of the people and of workers in the past were not worked out by any theoretical elite or vanguard. They arose from the experience of millions of people and their ... States of Change: A Central European Diary, Autumn 1989 Jones, Lynne Book 1990 A first hand and day to day account of Jones' travels through the GDR, Cxechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland in 1989. Student Protest: The Student Radical in Search of issues....or, please don't shoot the Piano Player McGuigan, Gerald F. Book 1968 Studies in Revolution: The Ideological Origins of the European Revolutionary Movement Carr, E.H. Book 1950 Sweeter than Honey: Ethiopian Women and Revolution: Testimonies of Tigrayan Women Book 1990 Through the voices of Tigrayan women-farmers, famine survivors and military commanders this book allows the reader to see what is happening in Tigray. Women have been working with the People's Liberat... Ten Days That Shook The World ![]() Reed, John Book 1919 John Reed's gripping account of the Russian Revolution of November 1917. Thank God for the Revolution: A Journey through Central America Coxsedge, Joan Book Coxsedge compares daily life in Nicaragua after the revolution with El Salvador at that time, warning of the dangers to the region of US policies. Total Self-Management: Chapter 3 of Raoul Vaneigem's book From Wildcat Strike to Total Self-Management Vaneigem, Raoul Article 1974 Vaneigem's book is one of the few texts that seriously consider the problems and possibilities of a postrevolutionary society. Uncovering the Sixties: Life and Times of the Undergound Press Peck, Abe Book 1985 A book about the Sixties and how they were recorded by radical participants. It traces how movements and communities convinced that their news did not fit into the agenda of mainstream media covered t... Velvet Revolution: Connexipedia Article Article A non-violent revolution in Czechoslovakia that saw the overthrow of the Communist government in 1989. The Venezuelan Revolution: New Internationalist June 2006 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2006 A look inside the Venezuelan Revolution and facts and history of the country. A Very Ordinary Life Knight, Rolf Book 1974 The story of one woman's life in the context of a dazzling and brutal century, encompassing the rise of fascism, the great depression, emigration, war, and above all, a likfe of work -- in mining and ... What is a Revolution?: A Total Mess Ali, Tariq Article 2013 Ever since the beginning of the Arab Spring there has been much talk of revolutions. What is Libertarian Socialism? ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1977 Revolution is a collective process of self-liberation: people and societies are transformed through their struggles for freedom and for a better world. When in Doubt, Do Both: The Times of My Life Macpherson, Kay Book 1994 Macpherson chronicles the stirrings that led to the modern women's movement in Canada, including the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1967. Why Marx Was Right ![]() Eagleton, Terry Book 2011 Eagleton takes common objections to Marxism and demonstrates how and why they are wrong. Women, Resistance and Revolution ![]() Rowbotham, Sheila Book 1972 A wide-ranging survey of the roots of inequality and of the long but sporadic struggles to covercome it. Her narrative extends from the seventeenth century to present-day (1970s) Vietnam, showing how ... Words Unchained: Language and Revolution in Grenada Searle, Chris Book The Grenada Revolution proved to be the most sustained anti-imperialist process as yet to have taken place in an English-speaking country, and it made a significant impression on the struggles and hop... Writings on the Paris Commune ![]() Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich (Draper, Hal, ed.) Book Hal Draper's compilation of all the writings by Marx and Engels on the Paris Commune of 1871, when a working-class-led revolution took power and established a new type of state for the first time in t... Year One of the Russian Revolution Serge, Victor Book 1930 The purpose of Year One of the Russian Revolution is essentially one of reconstructing the chain of events, in the Russia of revolution and counter-revolution, which has led from the 'Commune-State' o... You Don't Play With Revolution: The Montreal Lectures of C.L.R. James ![]() James, C.L.R.; Austin, David Book 2009 A collection of never-before-published lectures by the Marxist cultural critic C.L.R. James, delivered in Canada in 1967-68, at the height of James's political maturity. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesAK Press AK Press is a worker-run collective that publishes and distributes radical books, visual and audio media, and other mind-altering material. We're small: a dozen people who work long hours for short mo... Anarkismo.net Anarkismo.net is the product of international co-operation between anarchist groups and individuals who agree with our editorial statement. It is intended to further communciation, discussion and deba... Black and Red Publishing books and pamphlets with an anti-authoritarian perspective since 1968. Black & Red books record contemporary and historical attempts to lead principled lives. They examine social relations ... Bureau of Public Secrets Articles from a Situationist perspective.
Marxism.ca A gateway to resources about Marxism compiled by Connexions. Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... Red Menace, The The online archive of the libertarian socialist newsletter The Red Menace. Articles on socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, h... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryThe City in History Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects Mumford, Lewis 1961 Beginning with an interpretation of the origin and nature of the city, Mumford follows the city's development from Egypt and Mesopotamia through Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages to the modern world. Made in America An Informal History of the English Language in the United States Bryson, Bill 1994 A history of American English. Revolution.international Web resources on revolutionary politics and revolution. From the Connexions ArchivesBreak Their Haughty Power ![]() Goldner, Loren Website Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective.
The International Situation World United Front & Proletarian Revolution Article 1977 These Canadian Marxist-Leninists distinguish themselves from those who they perceive as betrayers of the working class -- namely the Communist Party of Canada and other "phoney" communists. In this p... Marxists Internet Archive ![]() Website Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable. The Red Menace ![]() A libertarian socialist newsletter Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, ... |