Economic Crises
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results88 Connexions Library4 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 3 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 1 Sources Library 2 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe ABCs of the Economic Crisis: What Working People Need to Know ![]() Magdoff, Fred; Yates, Michael D. Book 2009 Rich, powerful people created the economic crisis of 2008-09, while hundreds of millions of working people suffer the consequences -- lost homes, lost jobs, rising insecurity, and falling living stand... The Accumulation of Capital ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1913 Rosa Luxemburg's analysis of the inherent contradictions of capitalist accumulation. An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto ![]() Callinicos, Alex Book 2003 An extended argument about what the anti-capitalist movement should stand for. Asia: Realities of "Recovery": Against The Current vol. 83 Greenfield, Gerard Article 1999 Why are we still talking about the Asian crisis? In recent months we have heard government policy-makers, economists, business journalists, financial analysts, IMF technocrats, big business and even s... A Biological Walk Down Wall Street: Economics, Symbiosis and Parasitoids Martin, Stephen Article 2008 Wall Street today, with the collapse of Freddie Mac, Fanny Mae, AIG, Lehmann Brothers, Washington Mutual and the rest as to come, is highly reminiscent of that scene in "Alien" (Ridley Scott, 1979) wh... Book Review: Marixism without Marx: Recent Interpretations of the Economic Crisis Roth, Gary Article 2012 Paul Mattick’s, Business As Usual, and David McNally’s, Global Slump, each focuses on a single, primary aspect of Marx’s theory as a means to explain the current crisis. For Mattick, the point of entr... Bubbles Always Burst: the Education of an Economist ![]() Hudson, Michael Article 2015 Spouting ostensible free market ideology, the pro-creditor mainstream rejects what the classical economic reformers actually wrote. One is left to choose between central planning by a public bureaucra... Burdened with Debt Reloaded: The Politics ofr Devaluation Article 2012 A series of defensive and sectional struggles at workplaces in the private sector reveal that the Greek industrial capital has already taken advantage of the new institutional framework of the “state ... Business as Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Future of Capitalism ![]() Mattick, Paul Jr. Book 2011 In Business as Usual Paul Mattick explains the recession in jargon-free style, without shying away from serious analysis. He explores current events in relation to the development of the world economy... Canadian Information Sharing Service: Pilot Copy, February 1976 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 The first issue of the Canadian Information Sharing Service publication. The name of the publication was later changed to Connexions and then to Connexions Digest. Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 3, Number 3 - June 1978 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1975: Volume III Number 6 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Das Capital, Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1867 Marx's great work sets out to grasp and portray the totality of the capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that emerges from it. He describes and connects all its economic features, ... The Case for Socialism ![]() Maass, Alan Book 2005 An argument for socialism: a society built from the bottom up through the struggles of ordinary people against exploitation, oppression, and injustice -- one in which people come before profit. A soci... Chicken Game: Eurocrisis, Again.: Washington vs. Berlin Sciortino, Raffaele Article 2012 How does one take an autonomous position against the European policies of social butchery without falling into nationalist, anti-German nostalgia or into rhetoric against “Anglo-Saxon speculation”? Ho... China's capitalism and the crisis Hardy, Jane & Budd, Adrian Article 2012 Coupled with spectacular growth rates since the late 1970s, China’s “soft landing” and apparent rapid recovery from the crisis appear to support claims made by some on the right and the left that the ... Christians in the Crisis Vandezande Book 1984 Describes the urgent need for Christians to respond to the socio-economic and political crises of our time. The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis Book 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, an... The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume II: Economic Writings 2 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis and Paul Le Blanc) Book 2015 This volume contains a new English translation of Luxemburg’s most important book, The Accumulation of Capital (1913) as well as her response to its critics. Taken together, they constitute one of the... Connexions: Volume 6, Number 2 - April 1981 - Urban Core/Milieu Urbain Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Connexions: Volume 8, Number 2 - Summer 1983 - Toward a New Economy Serial Publication (Periodical) 1983 Connexions Digest: Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 Connexions Digest: Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 The Crisis in African Agriculture Gakou, Mohamed Lamine Book 1989 Why is Africa no longer able to feed itself? Lamine Gokou poses this question against a background of meticulous evidence charting the dimensions of the Continent's agricultural decline. He shows what... Crisis of External Dependence: The Political Economy of Foreign Aid to Bangladesh Sobhan, Rehman Book This book presents an informed, wide-ranging and critical account of the impact of foreign aid on Bangladesh's economy and society. The author shows the distortive consequences that, in practice, aid ... The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire McCoy, Alfred Article 2010 The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more realisti... Detroit Politics Embroiled: Against The Current vol. 134 Finkel, David Article 2008 Detroit is a city entangled in a chain of interlocking crises, all the way from the world economic crisis, to deindustrialization in America, down to the regional and local levels of the housing marke... Devastating Crisis Unfolds: Against The Current vol. 132 Brenner, Bob Article 2008 Bob Brenner, for the ATC editors. The current crisis could well turn out to be the most devastating since the Great Depression. It manifests profound, unresolved problems in the real economy that have... The Economic Crisis in Fact and Fiction: Paul Mattick Jr. with John Clegg and Aaron Benanav ![]() Mattick, Paul Jr.; Clegg, John; Benanav, Aaron Article 2011 An interview with Paul Mattick Jr., the author of Business as Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Future of Capitalism. The Economics of Global Turbulence Brenner, Robert Book 2009 Brenner presents a survey of the world economy from 1950 to the present. He charts the post-war history of the global system and is critical of the results which include over-production and over-compe... Food, Shelter and the American Dream Aronowitz, Stanley Book 1974 Discusses the state of the American economy, the consequences for politics and culture that might arise from the new situation, and possible solutions. The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx: 1843 to Capital Mandel, Ernest Book 1971 Mandel discusses the development of Marx's economic ideas from their beginning to the completion of the Grundrisse. He combines a historical retrospective and a review of curent discussions on each of... The Grundrisse: Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1857 Marx wrote this huge manuscript as part of his preparation for what would become A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (published in 1859) and Capital (published 1867). The series of sev... Help or Hindrance?: United States Economic Aid in Central America Danaher, Kevin; Benjamin, Medea; Berryman, Philip (eds) Book 1989 Help or Hindrance? uncovers why the economic crisis in Central America has worsened as U.S. aid has skyrocketed in the 1980s. This report shows how security and military related aid, hidden under the ... In Spain they are all indignados nowadays Ainger, Katharine Article 2013 The indignado protests that flared up two years ago have become a Spanish state of mind. An Injury to All: The Decline of American Unionism Moody, Kim Book The author, a union organizer and activist, details the decline of the American union movement. "Just Say No!" to the Robin Hood-in-Reverse Bailout: And What to Do Instead Gibbs, Jeff Article 2008 The reverse Robin Hood deal to bail out the rich cannot be allowed to stand. It's time to take to the streets.
Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy ![]() Hudson, Michael Book 2015 In Killing the Host, economist Michael Hudson exposes how finance, insurance, and real estate (the FIRE sector) have seized control of the global economy at the expense of industrial capitalism and go... Krisis Pashalidou, Nina Maria; Katsaounis, Nikos Film 2012 By 2010, Greece was in an economic crisis and the society and people were shown to be deeply affected by the country's state. Latin America: Peace, Democratization and Economic Crisis Silva-Michelena, Joe (ed.) Book Wars between countries in Latin and Central America may be rare, but peace in the region is a fragile hostage both to economic crisis and repressive regimes, and Cold War conflicts and U.S. interventi... The Looming Crisis of World Capitalism Brenner, Robert Article 1998 MARXIST ECONOMISTS ARE famous for having accurately predicted seven out of the last one international economic crisis. Perhaps for that reason, many in recent times have been unusually cautious about... Madness and Ruin: Politics and Economy in the Neoconservative Age Watkins, Mel Book 1992 Watkin's book, based on his monthly articles in This Magazine is a scathing attack on the Mulroney government's adoption of neo-conservative economics. With their adoption of Reaganite policies they h... Making Sense of This Economic Crisis: Against The Current vol. 146 Hossein-zadeh, Ismael Article 2010 While it now is generally agreed that the main source of the 2008 financial implosion was the accumulation of too much toxic debt, there is little agreement on the factors that precipitated the buildu... The March 29 Strike Against Labor Law Reform in Spain: Outline of the Conjuncture CV Article 2012 The general strike of March 29, although it mobilized a good part of the population, apparently took place with more pain than glory. Once the day of the strike was over, everything seemed to continue... A Marxist History of the World part 101: The Long Recession Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 By the early 1970s, the levers of state economic management had stopped working and the world economy entered a long period of stagnation. A Marxist History of the World part 102: What is neoliberalism? Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The ‘free-market’ theory provides a pseudo-scientific justification for the greed and poverty endemic to the system, and the main beneficiaries are the global mega-corporations of neoliberal capitalis... A Marxist History of the World part 105: The 2008 Crash: from bubble to black hole Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The financial crisis represents the end of an era in which greed and casino-madness had been given free rein by market deregulation and rising debt. A Marxist History of the World part 106: The Second Great Depression Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 Four years after the beginning of the crisis, the neoliberal elite is trapped by the contradictions of the system on which its wealth depends. A Marxist History of the World part 82: The Hungry Thirties Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 Beginning with the Wall Street Crash in 1929, the world economy entered the Great Depression. The misguided policies that world leaders pursued ensured that millions of lives were torn apart. A Marxist History of the World part 85: June 1936: the French general strike and factory occupations Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 In the mid-1930s French workers launched a wave of strikes and occupations. Neil Faulkner explains how the Stalinised Communist Party worked to contain this resistance. Meltdown: The End of the Age of Greed Mason, Paul Book 2009 Paul Mason, the economics editor of BBC Newsnight, discusses the current economic recession and how it has caused for the neo-liberal orthodoxy to be undermined. He explores the roots of the crisis , ... Multiculturalism or World Culture?: On a "Left"-Wing Response to Contemporary Social Breakdown ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 1991 Post-modernists are profoundly bored by any questions of economics and technology which cannot be connected to cultural differences. The implicit agenda of the multiculturalists is to present the valu... A New Phase of Economic Crisis: Against The Current vol. 135 Rasmus, Jack Article 2008 In early AprilL 2008 the general consensus was that the U.S. economy had clearly fallen into recession. A long list of key economic indicators from November 2007 through March 2008 were all flashing r... "No one represents us": the 15 May movement in the Spanish state Durgan, Andy & Sans, Joel Article 2011 On 15 May 2011 thousands of people, mainly young, demonstrated all over the Spanish state under the slogans "For real democracy now" and "We are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers... Notes from a Revolution Dying: Against The Current vol. 134 Pirani, Simon Article 2008 In June 1922, five years on from the Russian Revolution, a group of Moscow communists gathered to discuss a letter by Vladimir Petrzhek, an auto worker, tendering his resignation from the communist (o... Obama's "We Got No Money" Rap : Why It Augurs a Sinister Banksters' End Game Whitney, Mike Article 2009 Obama is deliberately precipitating another crisis on the advise of his chief lieutenants. Summers and Geithner are steering the economy back into recession so they can implement the same austerity me... On Transforming Africa: Discourse with Africa's Leaders Hadjor, Kofi Buenor Book Hadjor believes that people have stopped asking questions about Africa. The depth of Africa's crisis seems to evoke passivity rather than serious discussion about solutions. But Hadjor argues that wit... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2015: Resisting Neoliberalism Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 Resisting neoliberalism: "free markets" and "free trade" are an ideological cover for what is actually a form of state capitalism in which working people subsidize and bail out corporations and the ri... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 3, 2015: Greece and thd debt crisis Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 Our spotlight this issue is on the debt crisis facing Greece. To understand the crisis, one has to look beyond the mainstream media to alternative sources of information. We've done that, with article... Pamplona's locksmiths join revolt as banks throw families from their homes Muñoz, Monica; Tremlett, Giles Article 2013 In the years of the housing boom, Spain's banks offered 100% mortgages. Now, while receiving millions in public aid, they are throwing people out of their homes. But there's a rebellion under way. A People's History of the World: From the Stone Age to the New Millennium ![]() Harman, Chris Book 1999 Harman describes the shape and course of human history as a narrative of ordinary people forming and re-forming complex societies in pursuit of common human goals. Poisoned Fruits of Austerity Editors Article 2015 The most dramatic advance of the far right is that of the National Front in France. It is not unusual that such forces prosper, with some working-class support, in the absence of well-articulated prog... Privatizing Social Security: Who Wins?: Against The Current vol. 114 Prins, Nomi Article 2005 Over the years, there have been numerous attempts and proposals to privatize the social security system. It was a key Republican platform item in the 2000 election. The idea was subsequently thwarte... Radical Perspectives on the Economic Crisis of Monopoly Capitalism URPE/PEA Teach-In/Teach-Out Pamphlet Collective Book 1975 A popular education pamphlet on the economic crises of monopoly capitalism. Restructuring and Resistance: Diverse voices of struggle in Western Europe Abramsky, Koyla Book 2000 The book consists of 77 individual chapters, almost all of them written by activists based on their experiences of struggle against the different aspects of capitalist globalisation. Those that aren't... Russia's Crisis: Capitalism in Question Ticktin, Hillel; Weissman, Susan Article 1998 THE ECONOMIC CRISIS in Russia is a trigger for the world-wide decline in stock markets and currencies rather than its cause. Russia has been in a sharp economic crisis for a decade, since Gorbachev p... Shock and Au-sterity Article 2010 Scared to death that all the lights were about to go out after pulling the plug on Lehman Brothers, the bourgeoisie rolled up its sleeves, girded its loins, crossed its fingers, and reached deeper tha... The Socialist Register 1982: Volume 19: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1982 Socialist Register 1991: Volume 27: Communist Regimes the Aftermath Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 Socialist Register 2012: Volume 48: The Crisis and the Left Panitch, Leo; Albo, Gregory; Chibber, Vivek (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2012 Sources HotLink - June 30, 2016 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 Articles about the FBI and the information it gathers, Donald Trump and the media, and the role of pharmaceutical companies in suppressing information. Spokes on the Anti-Austerity Wheel: Building Movements That Can Move Beyond Reform Article 2014 When it comes to fighting the crisis of austerity cuts and financial recession, we need to focus on how to build fighting communities rather than simply reacting to the attacks. The State as Protection Racket: Chapters in the History of Daylight Robbery Wilkinson, T.P. Article 2010 The debate about the current global economic "crisis" is obscenely counterintuitive and illogical to the point of incoherence. Who is willing to 'follow the money"? This dictum appears utterly forgott... The Sub-Prime Market Crisis: Against The Current vol. 131 Prins, Nomi Article 2007 It wasn't until I flew to the United Kingdom on Saturday, September 15th, that the globalized nature of the sub-prime contagion really hit home, as it were, for me. On my flight over, I grabbed a copy... Toronto's Poor: A Rebellious History Palmer, Bryan D.; Heroux, Gaetan Book 2016 Toronto’s Poor reveals the long and too often forgotten history of poor people’s resistance. It details how the homeless, the unemployed, and the destitute have struggled to survive and secure food an... A "Tunisia Moment" Coming?: Against The Current vol. 160 Reddy, Niall Article 2012 A prominent commentator and a brother of the former president, Moeletsi Mbeki caused a major stir last year when he announced that South Africa is headed for a “Tunisia Moment.” 25 Years After the Gdansk Uprising: Against The Current vol. 121 Weissman, Suzi Article 2006 Suzi Weissman interviews David Ost. The occupation of the Gdansk shipyard by Polish workers in 1980, demanding recognition of their independent trade union Solidarnosc, rocked the Eastern bloc and ins... We Can't Save the Economy Unless We Fix Our Debt Addiction Hudson, Michael Article 2016 Our economy has increasingly been financialized, and the result is a sluggish economy and stagnant wages. We need to decide whether to stop the cycle and save the economy at large, or to stay in thral... Whose Wipeout? Whose Bailout?: Against The Current vol. 137 The Editors Article 2008 Is this what 1931 looks like? Years ago, we recall, two themes for popular cinema were people trapped in burning skyscrapers ("Towering Inferno") and market sharks engaged in financial manipulations ... Women Organizing for Change: Confronting the Crisis in Latin America Book 1988 A series of articles which seek to examine the effects of recent profound economic, social and political crises of the part several years, particularly the effects of the crisis on the lives of women ... The World Crisis: Its Economic and Social Impact on the Underdeveloped Castro, Fidel Book 1983 A reissue of the original edition published in Havana in 1983 under the title: "The World Economic and Social Crisis." Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesBreak Their Haughty Power Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective. Left Business Observer Left Business Observer is a newsletter on economics and politics. This site collects some sample articles and background information.
Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryBanks got $114B from governments during recession CBC News 2012 Canada's biggest banks accepted tens of billions in government funds during the recession, according to a report released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. From the Connexions ArchivesMarxists Internet Archive ![]() Website Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable. |