Pharmaceuticals Industry

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Connexions Library

Bad Pharma, Bad Journalism
Cromwell, David
‘The drugs don't work: a modern medical scandal’, from Ben Goldacre's new book, Bad Pharma presents a disturbing picture emerges of corporate drug abuse.
Big Pharma Making a killing: New Internationalist November 2003
Serial Publication (Periodical)
A look at big pharmaceutical companies and issues surrounding their pursuit for profit at the expense of peoples' health.
A Brief History of the Medical Reform Group
Guyatt, Gord
Covers the year 1979 - 1994.
Connexions Library: Health Focus
Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on health.
Deception By Design: Pharmaceutical Promotion in the Third World
Lexchin, Joel; Kaur, Shila Rani
The authors discuss the workings of the pharmaceutical industry by exposing the unethical marketing practices, double standards and weak marketing codes.
A web portal featuring information and resources about health, with articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and important arti...
How Big Pharma Infiltrated the Boston Museum of Science
Rosenberg, Martha
Mental illness is a highly stigmatized, life-long condition, that millions do not even realize they have and only a pharmaceutical drug can fix says Pharma and its operatives.
Moral bankruptcy of capitalism': UK's top public doctor shames western society over Ebola
Western countries should tackle drugs firms' "scandalous" reluctance to invest in research into the virus which has already killed over 700 people in West Africa, the UK's top public doctor said, addi...
My Interview with Pisstex
Manouchian, Sarkis
Currently the government is trying to whip up national hysteria over drug consumption. Part of this hysteria is the effort to implement mandatory drug testing for all American workers. The administrat...
Narcs Versus Big Pharma: Behind the Meth Curtain
Mokhiber, Russell
Communities in the heartland of America are fighting an epidemic of methamphetamine labs. The driving force behind the scourge? Big Pharma.
The No-Nonsense Guide to HIV/AIDS
Usdin, Shereen
This book gives an overview of the origins of HIV, the ways in which it spreads, the profits made by drug companies, women's special vulnerability and the positive action being taken by people and com...
Outrage Against Big Pharma! Activists Protest "Obscene" Conference
Kinder, Chris
It was in their fancy tailored suits and with suspicious eyes that Big Pharma CEO's and investors got interrupted by protestors as they came and went from the (too-big-to-fail) JP Morgan-sponsored con...
The Political Economy of Health
Doyal, Lesley
Private Profits vs Public Policy: The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Canadian State
Lexchin, Joel
According to Joel Lexchin, "Given the central role that medicines play in keeping us healthy, it is essential that we understand the policy environment that governs drug development, from the initial ...
The Real Pushers: A Critical Analysis of the Canadian Drug Industry
Lexchin, Joel
A comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceutical drug industry in Canada.
Safety Last: The Failure of the Consumer Health Protection System in Canada
Regush, Nicholas
Regush investigates how new medical devices and drugs are tested. He argues that the health protection bureaucracy is doing shoddy work, caving in to pressure from pharmaceutical corporations instead ...
Sources HotLink - June 30, 2016
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Articles about the FBI and the information it gathers, Donald Trump and the media, and the role of pharmaceutical companies in suppressing information.
South Africa's Deadly Decade of HIV Denial: Against The Current vol. 111
Bond, Patrick
The African National Congress has returned to power with an overwhelming majority in South Africa's third post apartheid democratic election. With millions of South Africans dying early because of AI...
Strictly Legal: The Caronia Decision and a Culture of Mercantile Nihilism
Iglarsch, Hugh
The Caronia decision reveals an injustice system whose function is to provide legal cover for the excesses of the corporate elite. Caronia is a wake-up moment, announcing that the institutions and the...
TPP: Big Pharma's Big Deal
Nelson, Joyce
We still don't know all the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal tentatively agreed to on Oct. 5 by negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries, but already critics are slamming it ...
TPP is "Worst Trade Agreement" for Medicine Access, Says Doctors Without Borders
The TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership] will…go down in history as the worst trade agreement for access to medicines in developing countries, said Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in...
The Truth About the Drug Companies
Angell, Marcia
The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]. Over the past two...
What the Tamiflu Saga tells us about Drug Trials and Big Pharma
Goldacre, Ben
We now know the government's Tamiflu stockpile wouldn't have done us much good in the event of a flu epidemic. But the secrecy surrounding clinical trials means there's a lot we don't know about other...
Whose Health Care?: Challenging the Corporate Struggle to Rule Our System
Gindin, Sam; Armstrong, Hugh; Armstrong, Pat, Leys, Colin; et. al.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

New Internationalist
New Internationalist reports on issues of world poverty and inequality. We focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide in the fight for global justice.
Sources specializes in collecting, indexing, and disseminating information to help journalists, editors, and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background i...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Healy, David
David Healy's comprehensive argument against the pharmaceuticalization of medicine is an indictment of problems in health care that are leading to a growing number of deaths and disabilities.

From the Connexions Archives

New Internationalist
Serial Publication (Periodical)
New Internationalist reports on issues of world poverty and inequality. We focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide in the fight for global justice.