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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results271 Connexions Library8 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 3 Sources Library 9 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAdalen shootings: Connexipedia Article Article A series of events in and around the sawmill district of Ådalen, Kramfors Municipality, Ångermanland, Sweden, in May 1931 during which five persons were killed by Swedish military troops called in as ... African Mine Workers' Strike of 1946: Connexipedia Article Article A strike, by mine workers of Witwatersrand, which started on August 12, 1946 and lasted around 1 week. The strike was attacked by police and over the week, at least 1,248 workers were wounded and at l... Against All Odds Diemer, Ulli Article 1985 The shadow haunting the power structure is the danger that those who are controlled will realize they are powerless only so long as they think they are. Once people stop believing they are powerless t... The American Working Class in Historical Persepctive ![]() Glaberman, Martin Article 1973 A review of Jeremy Brecher's Strike! (See CX6590) Arizona Copper Mine Strike of 1983: Connexipedia Article Article 1983 Dispute between the Phelps Dodge Corporation and a unionized copper miners. Arvida Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Began July 24, 1941 when some 700 workers in the Aluminium Co. of Canada (Alcan) in Arvida, Québec, spontaneously walked off the job. Asbestos Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article The Asbestos Strike of 1949, based in and around Asbestos, Quebec, Canada, was a four-month labour dispute by the asbestos miners. Asbestos Strike: Connexipedia Article Article The Asbestos Strike of 1949, based in and around Asbestos, Quebec, Canada, was a four-month labour dispute by the asbestos miners. Athenians Teach a New Lesson in (Workers) Democracy Lerner, Eric Article 2011 The Popular Assembly at Syntagma has been able to go beyond democratic discussion to democratic decisions but the construction of real workers democracy is still under way. While thousands take part i... Australia: 1966 Aboriginal Stockmen's Strike Article 2016 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the courageous Aboriginal stockmen's strike at the Wave Hill cattle station in the Northern Territory (NT). On 23 August 1966, head stockman Vincent Lingiari led 200... Australian maritime dispute of 1890: Connexipedia Article Article Was the first of four great strikes that rocked Australasia in the 1890s, which caused political and social turmoil across all Australian colonies and in New Zealand, including the collapse of colonia... Australian shearers' strike of 1891: Connexipedia Article Article One of Australia's oldest and most important industrial disputes. Working conditions for sheep shearers in 19th century Australia were considered by those in the industry to be less than optimal. In 1... Australian waterfront dispute of 1998: Connexipedia Article Article Severe and protracted industrial relations dispute, primarily between the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and Patrick Corporation, a stevedoring and transportation company. Auto Industry Strikes in China Carter, Lance Article 2010 Strikes in China are nothing new, but the recent strike wave was remarkable in at least three respects: the amount of concessions granted to workers; the degree of publicity it initially received in t... Auto-Lite strike: Connexipedia Article Article A strike against the Electric Auto-Lite company of Toledo, Ohio, from April 12 to June 3, 1934. Banana massacre: Connexipedia Article Article Matanza de las bananeras or Masacre de las bananeras was a massacre of workers for the United Fruit Company that occurred on December 6, 1928 in the town of Ciénaga near Santa Marta, Colombia. Battle of Ballantyne Pier: Connexipedia Article Article A clash between city, provincial, and federal police and Communist-led protesters on 18 June 1935 in the East End of Vancouver. Battle of Blair Mountain: Connexipedia Article Article In 1921 between 10,000 and 15,000 coal miners confronted company-paid private detectives in an effort to unionize the southwestern West Virginia mine counties. Battle of Matewan: Connexipedia Article Article A shootout in the coal company town of Matewan, West Virginia on May 19, 1920. Battle of Orgreave: Connexipedia Article Article A confrontation between police and picketing miners at a British Steel coking plant in Orgreave, South Yorkshire, in 1984, during the UK miners' strike. The Battle of Orgreave Smith, Ken Article 2014 The Battle of Orgreave on 18 June, 1984, saw the establishment carry out a mighty state-organised riot, a conspiracy to trap striking miners and unleash brutality on a scale never experienced before i... Bay View Massacre: Connexipedia Article Article A massacre of demonstrators by the Wisconsin National Guard. Beautiful Trouble - Pocket Edition: A Toolbox for Revolution Boyd, Andrew; Mitchell, Dave Oswald (eds.) Book 2014 Ideas for organizers. The Belgian General Strike Brinton, Maurice Article 1961 The strike of 1960-61 was the culmination of a growing movement of social protest that had been building up over many years. The economic situation of Belgium had been slowly deteriorating. The last a... Biggest Strike In China's History Enters 6th Day: Police Arrested Organizers, Workers Battle SWAT Troops Article 2014 The largest strike in China's history has entered the sixth day, defying state attempts to repress workers struggling against economic and social injustice. Police arrested several organizers of the s... Bituminous Coal Strike of 1974: Connexipedia Article Article 1974 A 28-day national coal strike in the United States led by the United Mine Workers of America, Bread and Roses: Connexipedia Article Article The slogan "Bread and Roses" originated in a poem of that name by James Oppenheim, published in The American Magazine in December 1911, which attributed it to "the women in the West." It is commonly a... Brisbane general strike of 1912: Connexipedia Article Article The 1912 Brisbane General Strike in Queensland, Australia, began when members of the Australian Tramway Employees Association were dismissed when they wore union badges to work. British Columbia Woodworkers' Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article 15 May - 20 June 1946. Twenty-seven thousand workers in both the coast and interior regions, led by district president Harold Pritchett, struck when demands for a 25-cent hourly increase, a 40-hour we... Broken Barricades: The Oaxaca Rebellion in Victory, Defeat, and Beyond Collective Reinventions Article 2008 An analysis of the 2006 Oaxaca rebellion and its contradictions. Its diversity encompassed workers, indigenous groups, Stalinists, anarchists and others. Its weapons and tactics included general assem... Buffalo switchmen's strike: Connexipedia Article Article A strike in August 1892 by railroad workers employed by three railroads in Buffalo, New York. Bureaucratic mass strikes: A response to Mark O'Brien Lyddon, Dave Article 2015 The mass strike of 30 November 2011 (N30) was the broadest and biggest ever British public sector strike and involved the largest number of women workers in any British strike. Dave Lyddon comments. Cambodia: Labor and the Coup Phillips, Joshua E.S.; Robinson, Ian Article 1998 IN THE FACE of a repressive and dangerous environment, workers are on the move in Cambodia. Though Americans heard little about it, the emergence of an independent labor movement was one of the most p... Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 1, Number 6 - March 1977 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1977 Cananea strike: Connexipedia Article Article A strike took place in the Mexican mining town of Cananea, Sonora, in June 1906. The Canso Strait Fisherman's Strike, 1970-71 Cameron, Silver Donald Book 1977 An account of the 1970-71 strike of Nova Scotia fishermen, after two large fisheries refused to recognize their newly formed union. Cape Breton Strikes, 1920s: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article The Cape Breton labour wars of the early 1920s represented an intense local episode of class conflict. In such conflicts militant unions, often led by radical leaders, were attempting to change the ba... The Case of Northwest Airlines: Workers' Rights & Wrongs: Against The Current vol. 125 Rachleff, Peter Article 2006 Four years ago, when asked by an academic journal to write about whether the strike was still a viable weapon in labor’s “arsenal,” my title was blunt: “Is the Strike Dead?”(1) As is my style, I intro... Centralia Massacre: Connexipedia Article Article A violent and bloody incident that occurred in the town of Centralia, Washington on November 11, 1919 during a parade celebrating the first anniversary of Armistice Day. China in Revolt Friedman, Eli Article 2012 Few in the West are aware of the drama unfolding in today’s “epicenter of global labor unrest.” A scholar of China exposes its tumultuous labor politics and their lessons for the Left. China on Strike: Narratives of Workers' Resistance Friedman, Eli; Li, Zhongjin; Ren, Hao Book 2016 Through first person accounts, the book details the growing unrest, destabilization and strikes in factories that are gripping China. Collective Action - and Victory! France: CPE Goes Down: Against The Current vol. 122 Morder, Robi Article 2006 Millions of young people in France have lived through the experience of collective action and of an important victory, young people who just a few weeks earlier had paid no attention to political orga... Colorado Labor Wars: Connexipedia Article Article Colorado's most significant battles between labor and capital which occurred primarily between miners and mine operators. Columbine Mine massacre: Connexipedia Article Article A conflict in which police and mine guards attacked striking coal miners with machine guns. Common Front Strikes: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Cartel of Québec public- and para-public-sector trade unions formed in 1972 to negotiate with the provincial government. Common Sense for Hard Times: The Power of the Powerless to Cope with Everyday life and Transform Society in The Nineteen Seventies ![]() Brecher, Jeremy; Costello, Tim Book 1976 Presents a vision of society as it is and as it could be. Putting the problems of contemporary daily life in historical perspective, it reveals that they have their roots in the way our society is org... Connexions: Volume 4, Number 2 - March 1979 - Native Rights/Les Droits des Autochtones Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 Connexions: Volume 6, Number 4 - November 1981 - Unorganized Workers/Travailleurs Non-Organises Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Connexions: Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer 1984 - Rights and Liberties - A Digest of Resources & Groups for Social Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 Connexions: Volume 9, Number 3 - Fall 1984 - Housing - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 Connexions Digest: Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Digest: Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 Connexions Library: Labour and Unions Focus ![]() Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on labour and unions. Connexions Library: Organizing Focus Page ![]() Website Selected articles from the Connexions Online Library. Convict and Immigrant Detainee Struggles Converge in Strike Wave Barksdale, Amiri Article 2016 There was a time in the United States when it was not only common knowledge, but commonly reported, legislated, and adjudicated that crime is a function of poverty. This went out sometime during the C... Copperbelt strike of 1935: Connexipedia Article Article A strike action which performed by African mineworkers in the Copperbelt (then in Northern Rhodesia, today called Zambia) to protest against unfair taxes imposed by the British colonial authorities. Cripple Creek miners' strike of 1894: Connexipedia Article Article A five-month strike by the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) in Cripple Creek, Colorado, USA. Crisis and Coup in Ecuador: Against The Current vol. 87 Meisch, Lynn A. Article 2000 On January 21, 2000, for the first time since the Spanish conquest of Ecuador in A.D. 1533-34, indigenous people briefly -- very briefly -- ruled the country as part of a triumvirate. Frustrated by ov... Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement ![]() Ryan, Howard Book 1984 Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social moveme... Crowsnest Pass Strike, 1932: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike that began in January 1932 with demands that companies divide available work in the depressed coal-mining industry equally among miners rather than playing favourites. Coal companies refused ... Cry for "Bread & Roses" Still Resonates: 100 Years After the Lawrence Strike Early, Steve Article 2012 When worker solidarity prevailed over corporate power in the icy streets of Lawrence a century ago, it made the promise of a better life real for many. The Bread and Roses strike became a consciousnes... The Danish General Strike Chester, Eric Article 1998 THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES have constituted the foremost outposts on the reformist road to socialism. One of them, Denmark, a small country of five million people, has become a flashpoint in the conti... Delano grape strike: Connexipedia Article Article A strike, boycott, and secondary boycott led by the United Farm Workers (UFW) against growers of table grapes in California. Derailing Neoliberalism Haines-Doran, Tom Article 2016 Haines-Doran examines the British transit workers' stike against rail privitization with its lack of concern for safety, unions, and workers' rights. Detroit Politics Embroiled: Against The Current vol. 134 Finkel, David Article 2008 Detroit is a city entangled in a chain of interlocking crises, all the way from the world economic crisis, to deindustrialization in America, down to the regional and local levels of the housing marke... Doubling Down in Atlantic City Reed, Adolph Article 2016 The casino workers' strike at the Trump Taj Mahal Casino is a defining battle for American labor. Dubai Labor Fighting Back Vs. Indentured Globalization: Against The Current vol. 132 Francis, Vicky Article 2008 October, 2007 saw the government of the United Arab Emirates halfway through a "humane" immigration amnesty which, in turn, paved the way for a clampdown on labour. In November a huge strike wave erup... Dublin Lockout: Connexipedia Article Article a major industrial dispute between approximately 20,000 workers and 300 employers which took place in Ireland's capital city of Dublin from 26 August 1913 to 18 January 1914. Eat Pray Love Strike: The Law of the Bargaining Table Macaray, David Article 2010 We admire underdogs, yet we do not rejoice when underdogs go on strike against corporate fat cats. We admire hard-workers, yet we do not embrace those who are, arguably, the hardest-workers among us ... Estevan Coal Miners' Strike, 1931: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike which led to the murder of three miners by the RCMP. Everything's on the Line at AAM: Against The Current vol. 134 Feeley, Dianne Article 2008 The strike of 3,600 UAW-represented workers at American Axle and Manufacturing plants in Michigan and New York has forced the idling of more than 40,000 workers in 30 GM plants and shut down a number ... February strike (The Netherlands): Connexipedia Article Article A general strike organized during World War II in The Netherlands against the anti-Jewish measures and activities by the Nazis. Fighting for Union Autonomy: Mexican Miners On Strike: Against The Current vol. 122 La Botz, Dan Article 2006 On April 20 eight hundred state and federal police launched an assault on 500 striking workers who had been occupying a steel mill in Lázaro Cárdenas. Two were killed, five seriously injured and 40... The First Legal Russian Strike in a Decade: Against The Current vol. 132 Article 2008 The almsot month-long strike at the Ford-Vsevolozhsk assembly plant, a small plant near St. Petersburg, ended December 16 with an agreement that negotiations would resume. The strike began on November... Flint Sit-Down Strike: Connexipedia Article Article Changed the United Automobile Workers from a collection of isolated locals on the fringes of the industry into a major union and led to the unionization of the United States automobile industry. Fort William Freight Handlers Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike by 700 non-unionized immigrants in August 1909 that was defeated by the use of militia and the RCMP and resulted in the firing of hundreds of workers. 45 Days of Solidarity: How Verizon workers outmatched the country's largest telecommunications company. Katch, Danny Article 2016 The strike by 39,000 Verizon workers -- members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) -- ended after forty-five days with a tentativ... Fraser River Fishermen's Strikes: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strikes by whites, natives and Japanese fishermen against salmon canneries that lined the lower Fraser River. Fraser River Railway Strikes: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Strikes which started in March 1912 when railway workers organized by the Industrial Workers of the World walked out of construction camps on the Canadian Northern line to protest conditions. From Mass Strike to New Society Brecher, Jeremy Article 2014 Jeremy Brecher examines where and how mass strikes have progressed into the working class attempting to run society in its own interests and the lessons we can learn from them. General Strike France 1968: A factory-by-factory account ![]() Hoyles, Andree Book 1969 Andre Hoyles analyses the development, organisation and end of the mass strike in France, 1968, with reference to case studies of particular factories. Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite ![]() Levine, Bruce E. Book 2011 Levine offers insights into the epidemic of political passivity in America and analyzes how major U.S. institutions have created helplessness and fatalism. He proposes ways of recovering dignity, ener... Martin and Jessie Glaberman Collection: Papers, 1939-2001 Glaberman, Martin & Jessie Unclassified The papers of the Marxist radicals Martin Glaberman and Jessie Glaberman, now housed at Wayne State University. Grabow Riot: Connexipedia Article Article A confrontation between timber workers and owners in Louisiana. Great Railroad Strike of 1877: Connexipedia Article Article Began on July 14 in Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States and ended some 45 days later after it was put down by local and state militias. Great Southwest Railroad Strike of 1886: Connexipedia Article Article A strike against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads involving more than 200,000 workers. The Great Strike at UNAM: Against The Current vol. 88 Castillo, Christian Article 2000 The Great Strike of the Mexican National Autonomous University (UNAM), which for more than nine months was occupied by students organized in the Strike General Committee (CGH), started on April 20, 19... Great Strike of 1913: Connexipedia Article Article A near general strike that took place in New Zealand in 1913. Guide to taking strike action: Tips and advice on how to effectively organise and carry out strike action at your workplace. Article 2006 Our labour is the ultimate weapon that workers possess. Without workers bosses cannot make a profit. Strike action can be very powerful, but at the same time it, at the very least, reduces take home p... Harlan County USA ![]() Kopple, Barbara Film 1976 An effort of 180 coal miners and their wives to strike for benefits at the Eastover Coal Company's Brookside Mine in Harlan County, southeast Kentucky in 1973. Haymarket affair: Connexipedia Article Article Disturbance that took place on Tuesday May 4, 1886, at the Haymarket Square in Chicago. Haywood, Bill (Big Bill Haywood): Connexipedia Article Article American unionist and communist, one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) (1869-1928). Herrin massacre: Connexipedia Article Article Occurred in June 1922 in Herrin, Illinois where 19 strikebreakers and 2 union miners were killed in mob action between June 21-22, 1922. Hold the Line Lee, Min Sook (Director) Film/Video 2009 A restrained story-telling of the 2009 CUPE strike in Windsor, Ontario. Excellent shots of Windsor backed by a moody soundtrack, this film tells the story of the Windsor CUPE strike from the workers' ... Homestead Strike: Connexipedia Article Article A labour lockout and strike which began on June 30, 1892, culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892. How Our Lives Have Been Changed: An interview with Kate DeSmet Article 1997 You understand that there's a "common union" and "community," which of course is where "communion" comes from. That's better than what I had before. The best writers write with their own voice; and i... The Iceland women's strike, 1975 Johns, Steven Article 2016 A short history of the strike, or day off, by the of women in Iceland for equality with men on 24 October, 1975. Indianapolis Street Car Strike of 1913: Connexipedia Article Article The Indianapolis Street Car Strike of 1913, the Indianapolis Police Mutiny of 1913, and the 1913 Indianapolis Riots began as a workers strike by the union employees of the Indianapolis Traction and Te... Invergordon Mutiny: Connexipedia Article Article An industrial action by sailors in the British Atlantic Fleet that took place in September 1931. For two days, ships of the Royal Navy at Invergordon were in open mutiny. Joelito's Big Decision Berlak, Ann Book 2015 Story of ten-year old Joelito, who learns about the struggle for economic justice as he heads toward the door of MacMann’s Burger Restaurant for his regular Friday-night family dinner. Labour Left Out: Canada's Failure to Protect and Promote Collective Bargaining as a Human Right Adams, Roy J. Book 2006 Labor Politics in Action, 1901-1911: The Union Labor Party of San Francisco: Against The Current vol. 81 Perry, Hayden Article 1999 In 1900 San Francisco had an organized labor movement that reflected the unique development of this metropolis of the West. San Francisco did not experience the slow and steady growth of Chicago and o... Labor Scores at Verizon: Against The Current vol. 89 Douglas, Rachel Article 2000 On August 6 87,000 members of the Communication Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) struck Verizon Communications in twelve states from Maine to Vir... Labor's Disaster at American Axle: Against The Current vol. 137 Feeley, Dianne Article 2008 The 87-day strike earlier this year at American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM) ended in a rout that has devastating implications for the organized U.S. labor movement. Begun on a snowy morning early Febru... Lattimer massacre: Connexipedia Article Article The killing of 19 unarmed striking immigrant anthracite coal miners at the Lattimer mine near Hazleton, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 1897, by a sheriff's posse. Lawrence textile strike: Connexipedia Article Article A strike of immigrant workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912 led by the Industrial Workers of the World. The strike is often known as the "Bread and Roses" strike, or, "The Strike for Three Loaves... Leadville Colorado, Miners' Strike: Connexipedia Article Article Occurred as a result of rapid industrialization and consolidation of the mining industry. Lessons from the Tekel strikes: class solidarity and ethnic (in)difference Ates, Kadir ; Korkmaz, Toros Article 2010 A worker puts it: “There are no differences between Kurds, Alevis, Sunnis and Turks. We have no party.” The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited by Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and Annelies Laschitza) Book 1990 Blending a passionate sensibility and a steely intellect with an unshakeable commitment to revolutionary socialism, Rosa Luxemburg is one of the towering figures of the twentieth century. In this comp... Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global ![]() Mason, Paul Book 2010 Mason realtes a series of struggles for worker and human rights over the past two hundred years and compares them to current struggles. London Dock Strike of 1889: Connexipedia Article Article An industrial dispute involving dock workers in the Port of London which resulted in a victory for the strikers and established strong trade unions amongst London dockers. London matchgirls strike of 1888: Connexipedia Article Article A strike of the women and teenage girls working at a match factory in London. Loosing Another Round: Against The Current vol. 135 The Editors Article 2008 The strike at American Axle, which we reported on in ATC 134, ended when workers voted to go back under a concessionary agreement. The 25% who voted no didn’t feel they were close to winning but they ... Loray Mill Strike: Connexipedia Article Article One of the best known labor strikes in the history of the United States. Lowell Mill Girls: Connexipedia Article Article Female textile workers in Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 19th century. Ludlow massacre: Connexipedia Article Article The violent deaths of 20 people, 11 of them children, during an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado on April 20,... Lupeni Strike of 1929: Connexipedia Article Article Near the end of 1928, miners' leaders in the Jiu Valley had begun agitating for an extension of their collective work contract.The two sides could not reach an agreement. A trial, and then a strike en... The Making of Jericho Road: Against The Current vol. 132 Williams, Charles Article 2008 An interview with Michael Honey. The paperback edition of Michael Honey’s Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign is released this January 2008. Manoir Richelieu Dispute: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Rioux, Michel Article Few labour disputes have included such dramatic developments as the eventful Manoir Richelieu conflict, which shook Quebec in December 1985 when the Parti Québécois government sold the property, a ren... Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 26: Engels 1882 - 1889 Engels, Friedrich Book 1889 Includes Manuscripts on Early German History and The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, and Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, and The Role of Force in His... Marx et Makhno a la rencontre de McDonald's Goldner, Loren Article 2005 A Paris, les travailleurs précaires qui sont sortis vaniqueurs de plusieurs grèves en ont perud d'autres avec les honneurs à cause des méthodes à la fois légales et illégales des syndicats et des ultr... Marx and Makhno Meet McDonald's ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2005 Over the last several years, a revolving network of militants in Paris, France, have developed a strategy and tactics for winning strikes by marginal, low-paid, outsourced and immigrant workers agains... The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1906 Luxemburg writes that "the mass strike in Russia [in 1905] has been realised not as means of evading the political struggle of the working-class, and especially of parliamentarism, not as a means of j... Matewan Sayles, John (director) Film/Video 1987 A film based on events in Matewan, West Virginia in 1920. Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934: Connexipedia Article Article A strike by Teamsters against most of the trucking companies operating in Minneapolis. Miramichi Lumber Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article The Miramichi Lumber Strike began 20 August 1937 when 1500 millworkers and longshoremen along the Miramichi River in northern New Brunswick struck 14 lumber firms for increased wages, shorter working ... More than one way to strike Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 Rather than simply walk away from their vehicles, drivers could keep driving, but refuse to collect fares. This puts pressure on the employer without inconveniencing riders. Murdochville Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article On 10 March 1957 the 1000 workers of Gaspé Copper Mines, Murdochville, Qué, struck for the right to unionize. The conflict lasted 7 months and ended in defeat for the miners. New Orleans general strike of 1892: Connexipedia Article Article A general strike in the U.S. city of New Orleans, Louisiana, that began on November 8, 1892. The new strikes in China Nao Article 2014 An article by "friends of gongchao" describes the development of strikes in China in recent years as well as the strike at Yue Yuen shoe factories in Dongguan, South China, in April 2014. New Zealand waterfront dispute of 1951: Connexipedia Article Article The largest and most widespread industrial dispute in New Zealand history. Newfoundland Loggers' Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article The Newfoundland Loggers' Strike began 31 December 1958 when hundreds of loggers employed by Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co at Grand Falls struck for wage increases and for improvements in living c... Newsboys Strike of 1899: Connexipedia Article Article A youth-led campaign to force change in the way that Joseph Pulitzer's and William Randolph Hearst's newspapers compensated their child labor force. 1905 ![]() Trotsky, Leon Book 1922 For a number of years, when the reaction was triumphant, the year 1905 appeared to us as a completed whole, as the Russian revolution. Notes from a Revolution Dying: Against The Current vol. 134 Pirani, Simon Article 2008 In June 1922, five years on from the Russian Revolution, a group of Moscow communists gathered to discuss a letter by Vladimir Petrzhek, an auto worker, tendering his resignation from the communist (o... Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative Cohn-Bendit, Daniel; Cohn-Bendit, Gabriel Book 1968 An account of the May 1968 uprising in Paris, positing a left radical alternative to the encrusted beliefs of the old left and the right. A comment on power, on bureaucracy, and on the paths to libera... Oshawa Strike 1937: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article In 1937, more than 4000 workers if General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario, went on strike to fight for better wages and working conditions. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 12, 2015: Organizing Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 The focus of this issue is organizing. How can we challenge and overcome entrenched structures of economic and political power? Our own source of power is our latent ability to join together and work ... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2015: Urban agriculture and local food production Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 This issue of Other Voices ranges widely, from increasing worker activism and strikes in China, to advances in battery technology that make it much easier and cheaper to store solar and wind energy fo... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2016 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 This issue of Other Voices features a wide range of issues. The topic of the week is homophobia, the hate that led to 49 deaths in Orlando last week, but which is present in greater or lesser form in ... Pain on Their Faces: Testimonies on the Paper Mill Strike, Jay, Manie, 1987-1988 Jay-Livermore Falls Working Class History Project Book 1998 An accourt of an epic struggle by workers and their community against a powerful and aggressive corporation -- a strike by 1,250 workers against the International Paper Company in Jay, Maine, in 1987-... Palestine Strike: Arabs and Jews Unite Cliff, Tony Article 1946 The biggest strikes in the history of Palestine far surpassing any other which have taken place, broke out last month (April 1946). 32,000 workers came out, of which 26,000 were Arabs and 6,000 Jews.
... Palestinian general strike 1936: Connexipedia Article Article Part of the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. Pay Cheques & Picket Lines: All About Unions in Canada MacKay, Claire; Illustrated by Peters, Eric Book 1987 A children's book which explains what unions are, how they came to be, and why they exist. A People's History of the World: From the Stone Age to the New Millennium ![]() Harman, Chris Book 1999 Harman describes the shape and course of human history as a narrative of ordinary people forming and re-forming complex societies in pursuit of common human goals. Picketing: Connexipedia Article Article A form of protest in which people congregate outside a place of work or location where an event is taking place. Often, this is done in an attempt to dissuade others from going in ("crossing the picke... Pilbara strike of 1946: Connexipedia Article Article A strike by Indigenous Australian pastoral workers in the Pilbara region of Western Australia for human rights recognition and payment of fair wages and working conditions. The Political Mass Strike ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1913 If we want to prove ourselves worthy of the great coming events then we must not begin at the wrong end by attempting to make technical preparations for the mass strike. When the situation is ripe, th... The Politics of Nonviolent Action: Part Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action ![]() Sharp, Gene Book 1973 An encyclopedic treatment of the theory and practice of nonviolence, with a detailed examination of 198 specific methods of the technique — illustrated with actual cases — within the broad classes of ... Port Chicago mutiny: Connexipedia Article Article A refusal by servicemen to load munitions in 1944 in the face of unsafe working conditions which had led to an explosion the previous month in which 320 sailors had been killed. Portugal: The Impossible Revolution? Mailer, Phil, Book 1977 The story of what happened in Portugal between April 25, 1974 and November 25, 1975, as seen and felt by a deeply committed participant. Post-World War II demobilization strikes: Connexipedia Article Article Strikes within Allied military forces stationed across the Middle East, India and South-East Asia in the months and years following World War II. The Press and the Class Struggle: Against The Current vol. 131 Eidlin, Barry Article 2007 Early on the morning of August 19, 1997, the U.S. labor movement experienced something it had rarely known in recent years: a victory on a national scale. After two weeks out on strike, over 185,000 m... La Presse Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Two days later, the 3 main Union Centrals defied a municipal ban to organize a huge march in solidarity with the newspaper workers. More than 12 000 people clashed with 100 Montréal policemen. The out... Pride Warchus, Matthew (director) Film/Video 2014 Based on a true story, the film depicts a group of lesbian and gay activists who raised money to help families affected by the British miners' strike in 1984, at the outset of what would become the Le... The problem of the one-day strike: a response to Sean Vernell O'Brien, Mark Article 2014 An overview of the wave of strikes that took place over the issue of pensions across public sector trade unions between March 2011 and June 2012. Producers' strike at CBC/Société Radio-Canada: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike by producers at Société Radio-Canada in Montréal in 1958-59. Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization: Connexipedia Article Article A United States trade union which operated from 1968 until its decertification in 1981 following a strike which was broken by the Reagan Administration. Puerto Rico's La Huelga del Pueblo Bernabe, Rafael Article 1998 AFTER FORTY DAYS on strike, several paros (one-day stoppages) in various government agencies and a two-day general strike, Puerto Rico's telephone workers have returned to work without attaining their... Pullman Strike: Connexipedia Article Article A nationwide conflict between labour unions and railroads that occurred in the United States in 1894. Québec Shoe Workers' Lockout: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A lockout of Quebec shoe workers in 1900. Rank and File: Personal Histories of Working Class Organizers ![]() Lynd, Alice; Lynd, Staughton (eds.) Book 1973 A collection of stories and recollections from labour movement organizers. The Real Cost of a Cheap Burger: Fastfood Workers Go Hungry: Is that the American Dream? Frank, Thomas Article 2014 America’s fastfood outlets are not restaurants but food systems serviced by cheap labour in de-skilled jobs — employees so badly paid that they need state aid and charity. They went on strike in North... Red cap terror at the moussaka line: West London ready-meal workers' report and leaflet AngryWorkersWorld Article 2017 Workplace report for WorkersWildWest no.5 and leaflet for future distribution. Main challenge will be the migrant status of workers - there have been various police raids in the plant - and the langua... Red Clydeside: Connexipedia Article Article A term used to describe the era of political radicalism that characterised the city of Glasgow in Scotland, and urban areas around the city on the banks of the River Clyde such as Clydebank, Greenock ... Reesor Siding Strike of 1963: Connexipedia Article Article A labour conflict which resulted in the shooting of 11 union members. Relentless Persistence: Nonviolent Action in Latin America McManus, Philip and Schlabach, Gerald (ed.) Book 1991 There is in Latin America a tradition of "firmeza permanente," relentless persistence, which has enabled the people to preserve parts of their culture during five centuries of conquest and oppression. Remington Rand strike of 1936-1937: Connexipedia Article Article A strike against the Remington Rand company. Renewal through Strike Zeise, Fanny Article 2013 Strikes are a major means of trade union self-assertion. A closer look at strikes in Germany reveals interesting trends and developments, indicating new approaches to trade union strategies and practi... Revolutionary Centennial: Guyana's 1905 Rebellion: Against The Current vol. 114 Westmaas, Nigel Article 2005 1905 was a landmark year in the history of Guyana, as it was for several places around the world. In Russia, the Tsar and his troops shot workers delivering a petition in St. Petersburg. In Bengal t... Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited with an introduction by Robert Looker) Book 1972 A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa. [Anderson, Kevin; Hudis, Peter (eds.)] Book 2004 A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1981 Part I - Rosa Luxemburg as Theoretician, as Activist, as Internationalist. Part II - The Women's Liberation Movement as Revolutionary Force and Reason. Part III - Karl Marx: From Critic of Hegel to Au... Rothbury Riot: Connexipedia Article Article An incident in which police shot into a crowd of locked-out miners in the New South Wales. The Russian Revolution Ninety Years After: Against The Current vol. 131 Mandel, David Article 2007 The October Revolution of 1917 in Russia was the most influential political event of the 20th century. But since history is written by the victors, it is not well known that October was the opening sh... Saga of the Neptune Jade Perry, Hayden Article 1998 ON SEPTEMBER 28, 1997, a container-ship sailed through the Golden Gate into San Francisco Bay and tied up at the Yusen Terminal in the port of Oakland. This precipitated an international drama that ra... Saint Louis general strike 1877: Connexipedia Article Article Generally accepted as the first general strike in America, the 1877 Saint Louis general strike grew out of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. The general strike was largely organized by the Knights of... Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike against the introduction of medicare by Saskatchewan doctors in 1962. Scargill, Arthur: Connexipedia Article Article British trade unionist and political party leader. (Born 1938). Seattle General Strike: Connexipedia Article Article A general work stoppage by over 65,000 workers in the U.S. city of Seattle, Washington in 1919. Seeds of Fire: A People's Chronology ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2012 Recalling events that happened on this day in history. Memories of struggle, resistance and persistence. Selective strikes: Rather than an all-out strike, rapid random stoppages can be highly effective Article 2006 Unpredictability is a great weapon in the hands of the workers. In the US, Pennsylvania teachers used the Selective Strike to great effect in 1991, when they walked a picket line on Monday and Tuesday... Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike That Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labor Movement Tully, John Book 2014 In 1889, Samuel Winkworth Silver's rubber and electrical factory was the site of a massive worker revolt. The factory was notorious for oppressive working conditions and its largely unorganized, unski... Sitdown strike or occupation guide: A guide to taking sit-down strike action or occupations, in which by suddenly refusing to work gains can be won rapidly Article 2006 A strike doesn't have to be long to be effective. Timed and executed right, a strike can be won in minutes. Such strikes are "sitdowns" or "occupations" when everyone just stops work and sits tight, o... Slaughterhouse Fight: A Look at the Hormel Strike Boyce, Steve; Edwards, Jake; Wetzel, Tom Article 1986 The Socialist Register 1972: Volume 9: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1972 The Socialist Register 1973: Volume 10: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1973 The Socialist Register 1985/1986: Volume 22: Social Democracy and After Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John; Liebman, Marc; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1986 Some Lessons of the Toledo Strike Muste, A.J. Article 1935 There will be no unions worth the name unless the militants build and maintain them. Without fighting unions the workers will presently be made the object of an attack which will make 1929-35 seem lik... Spontaneity and Organization: Some Comments Montgomery, David Article 1973 A contribution to a symposium on Jeremy Brecher's book Strike!
Ssangyong Motors Strike in South Korea Ends in Defeat and Heavy Repression Goldner, Loren Article 2009 The hard-right Korean government is signaling with these measures -- its latest and most dramatic "take no prisoners" victory over popular protest in the past year and a half -- its intention to steam... Staley's Legacy of Struggle, Lessons of Defeat Hawking, C.J. Article 1996 Local 7837 should be proud to have chipped away at racism and sexism, setting an example for other locals to do the same. It takes an openness to risk criticism and allow the fight to be for everyone.... Steel strike of 1952: Connexipedia Article Article A strike by the United Steelworkers of America against U.S. Steel and nine other steelmakers. Still Got the News: Against The Current vol. 84 Esch, Betsy Article 2000 As a student activist at the University of Michigan in the middle and late 1980s, I was part of a coalition of activists who planned and carried out a democratic takeover of our school's newspaper, Th... Strike!: The True History of Mass Insurgence from 1877 to the Present ![]() Brecher, Jeremy Book 1972 A history-from-below that brings to light strikes as authentic revolutionary movements against the establishments of state, capital, and trade unionism. The Strike and Its Enemies Ackerman, Seth Article 2012 Like the progressive labour bureaucrats, today’s generation of young radicals have spent all of their formative years living in the era of capitalist realism — the era of There is No Alternative. And ... Strike Lessons from the Last Twenty-Five Years: Walking Out and Winning: Against The Current vol. 124 Early, Steve Article 2006 Labor's strike effectiveness and organizational strength have long been connected. Throughout history, work stoppages have been used for economic and political purposes, to alter the balance of power ... Strike strategy today Goulet, Tim Article 2016 Why has the use of the strike in the US become so scarce? While subjective factors are more difficult to quantify, certain basic reasons seem more readily evident. Union membership, particularly in th... The strike that led to Tahir Square: An act of courage that launched a revolution Sly, Liz Article 2012 Labour struggles at Egypt's largest cotton mill, starting in 2006, laid the groundwork for the revolution of 2011. Strike Wave Sweeps Brazil La Botz, Dan Article 2011 Workers in Brazil—in heavy industry, services, the public sector, and agriculture—are involved in a series of strikes and mass protests such as the country hasn’t seen in decades. Strikes Pannekoek, Anton Article 1948 State power acquires now an important function in organizing business life. In the devastated Europe it takes the supreme lead; its officials become the directors of a planned economy, regulating prod... Strikes: Connexipedia Article Article A work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to perform work. Strikes and Lockouts: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike is the withholding of labour by workers in order to obtain better working conditions; such withholding of labour is generally accompanied by demonstrations, such as picketing, parades, meetin... Strikes in South Korea 1996-1997: Connexipedia Article Article 1996 In December 1996 and January 1997, South Korea experienced the largest organized strike in its history, when workers in the automotive and shipbuilding industries refused to work in protest against a ... Strikes, List of: Connexipedia Article Article The following is a list of deliberate absence from work related to specific working conditions (strikes) or due to general unhappiness with the political order (general strikes). The Struggle at Peugeot in France Chatroussat, Jose Article 2013 When the management of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group announced, in early July 2012, that it was eliminating 8,000 jobs and closing the Aulnay plant near Paris (3,000 employees) in 2014, it caused a sh... The Struggle of the 'Mill Girls': Class Consciousness in Early 19th Century New England Schlom, Ian Article 2014 This article traces the development of class consciousness of and the antagonism between capitalists and the Lowell and Lawrence "Mill Girls" in the earlier half of the 19th Century in New England. Tailoring to Needs: Garment Worker Struggles in Bangladesh Marriott, Red Article 2010 The class struggle in Bangladesh is fought at a consistently high level and concentrated in the ready made garment (RMG) sector, the country’s dominant industry. Mainly unmediated by trade unions, str... Textile workers strike (1934): Connexipedia Article Article A strike involving 400,000 textile workers from New England, the Mid-Atlantic states and the U.S. Southern states. A Troublemaker's Handbook: How to Fight Back Where You Work -- And Win! ![]() La Botz, Dan Book 1991 An organizing manual for workers dealing with both major issues and everyday problems in the workplace. A Troublemaker's Handbook 2 ![]() Slaughter, Jane (ed.) Book A manual for workers who want to take control over their lives at work. In hundreds of first-person accounts, workers tell in their own words how they organized and struggled to do that. 24 Days in Brooks Inkster, Dana (Director) Film/Video 2007 Centred on the 24-day Lakeside Packers strike, this film is a nuanced portrait of people working together for change. They are people like Peter Jany Khwai, who escaped war in Sudan and Edil Hassan, a... The Two Methods of Trade-Union Policy Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1907 To be sure, revolutions and revolutionary struggles cannot be transplanted artificially, by means of ‘good intentions’, into a country. But the examples and lessons of a neighbouring revolutionary cou... United Kingdom general strike of 1926: Connexipedia Article Article The 1926 General Strike in the United Kingdom was a general strike called by the General Council of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in an unsuccessful attempt to force the government to act to prevent... UK miners' strike (1984 - 1985): Connexipedia Article Article 1984 A major industrial action affecting the British coal industry. Unless Union Workers Can Strike, They're Dead: Level the Playing Field Macaray, David Article 2013 The strike is workers' only viable weapon. Why? Because it, and it alone, immediately affects the company’s profits. Without labour, they're crippled. U.S. Strikes Drop Dramatically Article 1992 A decade of Reaganism has left employers in a position to destroy unions without fear of significant political and public retribution. Vancouver general strike of 1918: Connexipedia Article Article The first general strike in Canadian history, held 2 August 1918, organized as a one-day political protest against the killing of draft evader and labour activist Albert "Ginger" Goodwin, who had call... Vancouver Island Coal Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike that began in September 1912 when miners at declared a holiday to protest the firing of a worker. Violence and the Newspaper Strike Bernick, Thomas Article 1997 To those who still allow their anti-union biases and their exposure to employer misinformation to cloud their perception of reality, I would pose the following question: If the employer and its suppor... Waihi miners' strike: Connexipedia Article Article A major strike action in 1912 by gold miners in the New Zealand town of Waihi. Wapping dispute: Connexipedia Article Article A significant turning point in the history of the trade union movement and of UK industrial relations. "We Called a Strike and No One Came": or Confessions of SDSers (An Allegorical Epic with Footnotes) Book 1968 West Coast Longshore Strikes, 1923 and 1935: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Strikes by members of the International Longshoremen's Association. West Coast waterfront strike 1934: Connexipedia Article Article The 1934 West Coast Longshoremen's Strike lasted eighty-three days, triggered by sailors and a four-day general strike in San Francisco, and led to the unionization of all of the West Coast ports of t... West Virginia Mine War of 1912-1913: Connexipedia Article Article A confrontation between striking coal miners and coal operators in Southern West Virginia Western Federation of Miners: Connexipedia Article Article Radical labor union that gained a reputation for militancy in the mines of the western United States and British Columbia. Westmoreland County Coal Strike of 1910 - 1911: Connexipedia Article Article A strike by coal miners represented by the United Mine Workers of America, is also known as the "Slovak strike" because about 70 percent of the miners were Slovakian immigrants. What Happened - and Didn't: Behind New York's Transit Strike: Against The Current vol. 124 Downs, Steve Article 2006 Early on December 20, 2005, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100, representing some 33,000 of New York City's subway and bus workers, called a strike. When dawn broke, there was no public transport... When the UAW Was Young: Against The Current vol. 131 Feeley, Dianne Article 2007 An interview with Erwin and Estar Baur. Who Advocates Spontaneity? ![]() Brecher, Jeremy Article 1973 The working class can come to understand its power to act only by acting.
Why I'm on the Picket Line Ehrcke, Tara Article 2014 Teacher Tara Ehrcke talks about why she voted to strike in Greater Victoria, British Columbia: The "public" in public school shouldn't mean just providing a building, with some tired teachers to deliv... Why No Reporters in Suez?: The Real Revolution Will Not Be Televised Cramer, Mary Lynn Article 2011 What is happening in Tahrir Square Cairo has been built on the backs of millions of Egyptian workers who waged 3,000 strikes over the past eight years. Why Strikes Fail Brown, Tom Article 1943 Essentially a reprint of Tom Brown's 1943 essay, "The Social General Strike: Why 1926 Failed." Centres on workers' response to the British General Strike of 1926, and their repudiation of traditional... Wildcat or official strike action?: A discussion of the relative merits of official strike action or unsanctioned wildcat action Article 2006 The best-known form of direct action is the strike, in which workers simply walk off their jobs and refuse to produce profits for the boss until they get what they want. This is the preferred tactic o... The Willmar 8 Grant, Lee (Director) Film/Video 1981 Eight female employees of the Citizens National Bank in Willmar Minnesota, USA went on strike on December 16, 1977 over charges of sex discrimination. The tellers and bookkeepers were protesting unequ... Windsor Strike 1945: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Windsor Strike, 12 Sept-20 Dec 1945, at the WINDSOR, Ont, plant of Ford Motor Co. There was really only one strike issue at Ford: union recognition. The united automobile workers demanded it; the comp... Winnipeg 1919: The strikers' own history of the Winnipeg General Strike Penner, Norman (ed.) Book 1972 The Winnipeg General Strike was a landmark in Canadian political and labour history. This book, with the lively and clearly-written strikers' account of the strike and more than 40 photos of major str... Winnipeg General Strike: Connexipedia Article Article The Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 was one of the most influential strikes in Canadian history, and became the platform for future labour reforms. In March 1919 labour delegates from across Western C... Winter of Discontent: Connexipedia Article Article A term used to describe the British winter of 1978-1979, during which there were widespread strikes by local authority trade unions demanding larger pay raises for their members. Worker Cooperatives in America Jackall, Robert; Levin, Henry M. (ed.) Book 1984 A historical background of worker cooperatives as well as a contemporary discussion of small and large co-ops. Worker Resistance in Telecommunications Moody, Kim Article 1998 LABOR RESISTANCE SEEMS to be spreading, capturing public support, and even winning some gains here and there. Such diverse groups as New York cabbies and construction workers, California nurses and t... Worker-Student Action Committees France May '68 ![]() Gregoire, R.; Perlman, F. Book 1969 An account of the May-June 1968 events in Paris. The authors state that "our intention is not to 'clarify' the sequence of events which took place in France in order to make possible a ritual repetiti... Working Class Experience: Rethinking the History of Canadian Labour, 1800-1991 ![]() Palmer, Bryan D. Book 1983 From nineteenth-century tavern life to late twentieth-century cinema, from rough canallers and the first stirrings of craft unionism to contemporary public-sector strikes, this books provides a sweepi... The working class, trade unions and the left: the contours of resistance Vernell, Sean Article 2013 Vernell talks about the attacks of the British government to stabilise capitalism, as well as the response of the working class. Workmates: direct action workplace organising on the London Underground Kay, Joseph Article 2011 An online pamphlet detailing resistance in the late 1990s by London Underground employees to outsourcing via a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. Workers organized outside the Rail, Maritime and... World Cup 2010: Showcase South Africa: Against The Current vol. 132 Ross, Sam Article 2008 September 15, 2007, marked the beginning of a 1,000-day countdown to the 2010 International Federation of Football Associations World Cup hosted by South Africa, the first African nation ever to host ... Year of the Strike: A Short Story Yates, Michael Article 2012 A short story about a boy's money-making scheme during the year his father and other workers go on strike at the town glass factory. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesBreak Their Haughty Power Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective. Bureau of Public Secrets Articles from a Situationist perspective.
LaborNet Global online communication for a democratic, independent labor movement. Labour/Le Travail A bilingual journal holding no rigid position on the definition of labour. The editorial board hopes to foster imaginative approaches to both teaching and research in labour studies through an open ex... LabourStart A major site with information about labour activities throughout the world.
Libcom.org Resource for all people who wish to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from experiences of the past and develop strategies ... Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryJournalists and media attacked during general strike in Nepal Sources News Release 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU), in condemning several incidents of attacks on journa... Miners' strike: senior officer was 'appalled' at conduct of other police Townsend, Mark 2012 A senior police officer breaks ranks to describe how he and others were "appalled" at the behaviour of colleagues during the 1984-85 miners' strike in the UK, as calls mount for a fresh inquiry into t... Review of the Press - November 21, 1975 1975 It's probably no surprise to most people that Toronto's three dailies are all anti-union and anti-working-class. But it takes a big strike, like the postal strike or the school strike, to bring out th... From the Connexions ArchivesBreak Their Haughty Power ![]() Goldner, Loren Website Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective.
The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike Against G.M. 1936-37 How Trade Unionism was Won Linder, Walter Article A history of the Flint strike (1936-1937). Labour in an Affluent Society Fox, Steve; Kissinger, C. Clark; Mull, Brenda Article Put together by the Radical Education Project, this paper includes the following articles: "WILDCAT: anatomy of a work stoppage" by Steve Fox; "THE BRUNS STRIKE: a case study of student participation ... Marxists Internet Archive ![]() Website Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable. The Newsletter Periodical profile Serial Publication (Periodical) 1973 Newsletter published in 1973 and 1974 by the New Tendency, a loose collaboration of independent leftists primarily based in Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg, and Kitchener-Waterloo. Articles dealt with work... Organizing for Workers' Power! Engler, Allan Article Allan Engler, author of Economic Democracy, critiques segments of the left for largely ignoring working class power. Recognizing that social change can only be carried through by the working class, En... STRIKE Support News Periodical profile published 1979 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 The Citizens' Strike Support Committee is a group of friends of the labour movement working to organize support in Sudbury for members of Local 6500 United Steel Workers of America who are on strike. |