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Connexions Library

Abbas fears the Prisoners' Hunger Strike
Cook, Jonathan
The Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is due to meet Donald Trump to discuss reviving the long-cold corpse of the peace process. Back home, things are heating up. There is anger in the West Bank, bo...
Abettors of war crimes will be held accountable
Nieuwhof, Adri; Machover, Daniel
Taking action to bring perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice.
An Act of State Terrorism
Sustar, Lee; Ovenden, Kevin
We have to appeal to the core of people who have already been active on one level or another around the Palestinian question, or those who are already convinced, to re-galvanize the movement, and go o...
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Mandela, Nelson
It behoves all South Africans, themselves erstwhile beneficiaries of generous international support, to stand up and be counted among those contributing actively to the cause of freedom and justice. A...
Addressing the Violence: My Roadmap to Peace
El Sarraj, Eyad
In order for peace to set sail there should be some guiding principles. The most important is equality. This is not to say that the conflict is between two equals. Overwhelming Israeli power and uncon...
Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. was used to create Israel
Weir, Alison
An account of how U.S. support enabled the creation of modern Israel, and of how U.S. politicians pushed this policy over the forceful objections of top diplomatic and military experts.
Agreement on terms
Luyendijk, Joris
I have come to accept that western journalists cannot accurately, let alone objectively, represent the Middle East and the Arab world. The problem is not that journalists do not always adhere to their...
AIPAC: Israel's U.S. Spy Den: Against The Current vol. 113
Ruff, Allen
The socialist Left must remain clear in its avoidance of a conspiratorial view of history. The entire U.S. political spectrum in the aftermath of the 2000 election, and especially since 9/11, has bee...
Al-Nakba: A series on the Palestinian 'catastrophe' of 1948 that led to dispossession and conflict that still endures.
For Palestinians, 1948 marks the 'nakba' or the 'catastrophe', when hundreds of thousands were forced out of their homes. But for Israelis, the same year marks the creation of their own state. This se...
Alternative Press Center
Annotated links to alternative points of view available on the Internet.
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America
Hedges, Chris
Hedges examines the Christian Right's origins, its driving motivation and its dark ideological underpinnings, with interviews and coverage of events such as pro-life rallies and weeklong classes on co...
American White Separatist Finds Shared Values with Israel
Sheen, David
If America and Israel have "shared values," as their elected leaders often claim, then how can so many Americans reject ethnocracy in their own country, but support what is happening inside Israel?
America's Complicity in Evil: Barbarism on the High Seas
Roberts, Paul Craig
Once again the US government has permitted the Israeli state to murder good people known for their moral conscience. The Israeli state has declared that anyone with a moral conscience is an enemy of I...
America's last taboo
Said, Edward
The unspoken premise of the mainstream press is that no Palestinian or Arab position on Israeli police terror, settler-colonialism, or military occupation is worth hearing from.
Amid Censorship, Israel's Media Does Its Part
Ditz, Jason
Israel's media has once again chosen the low road, the one carefully couched in patriotism and praise for the right-far-right coalition government.
Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom
Perlman, Fredy
Fredy Perlman tells how encounters with racism in Central Europe, Bolivia and the U.S. heightened his perception and prepared him to denounce "American cheerleaders of Israel." He is astounded that po...
Armed robbery in Gaza - Israel, US, UK carve up the spoils of Palestine's stolen gas
Ahmed, Nafeez
Israel desperately covets Gaza's gas as a 'cheap stop-gap' yielding revenues of $6-7 billion a year, writes Nafeez Ahmed. But first Hamas must be 'uprooted' from Gaza, and Fatah bullied into cutting o...
The arrogance of the long distance Zionist
Higgins, Jim
Immigration as part of a concerted plan that will take over the country, expropriating, expelling and exploiting the native masses, is less immigration and more a long drawn out and aggressive invasio...
The Assault on Israeli Legitimacy
Hedges, Chris
Israel has consciously orchestrated acute misery and poverty in the Palestinian territories over the past two decades in an effort to subdue and ethnically cleanse the captive population. Israel, desp...
The Astounding Violence Of Israeli Colonialism
Peppe, Matt
Recently the world watched the horrific violence perpetrated inside Gaza, as 2,159 Palestinians - including 577 children, 263 women and 102 elderly - were killed during Israel's Operation Protective E...
The Atrocity: Where's the Outrage Over a Boy Burnt to Death?
Avnery, Uri
Bombs are raining on Gaza and rockets on Southern Israel, people are dying and homes are being destroyed...Again without any purpose. Again with the certainty that after it’s all over, everything will...
Avenge But One of My Two Eyes
Mograbi, Avi (director)
Israeli director Avi Mograbi documents what he calls the "culture of death" in the psychology of Israel the occupier.
The Battle for Justice in Palestine
Abunimah, Ali
Ali Abunimah takes a comprehensive look at the shifting tides of the politics of Palestine and the Israelis in a neoliberal world?and makes a compelling and surprising case for why the Palestine solid...
The Battle of the Titans: Who is Pulling the Strings?
Avnery, Uri
This is not merely a fight between Israel and the US. Nor is it only a fight between the White House and Congress. It is also a battle between intellectual titans. Intellectual theories can seldom be ...
BDS: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights
Barghouti, Omar
The case for a rights-based BDS campaign against Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Bertrand Russell's Last Message
Russell, Bertrand
No people anywhere in the world would accept being expelled en masse from their own country; how can anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment which nobody else would tolerate?
Between the Lines: Readings on Israel, the Palestinians and the U.S. "War on Terror"
Honig-Parsas, Tivka; Haddad, Toufic (eds.)
A collection of essays that addresses the situation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the need for changes. It provides the background of the conflict and an analysis of the resistance and repre...
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
Finkelstein, Norman
A meticulously researched expose of the corruption of scholarship on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Bringing to bear the latest findings on the conflict and recasting the scholarly debate, Finkelstein...
The Big Lie at the Heart of the Myth of the Creation of Israel: An Interview with Lia Tarachansky
Valentine, Douglas
Lia Tarachansky's heart-wrenching documentary, On the Side of the Road, reveals the Big Lie at the heart of the myth of the creation of Israel.
Binge and Hangover: Against The Current vol. 124
The Editors
The lords of empire set out to show that the United States, not Iran or any other potential rival, will rule the "new" Middle East. Unable to attack Iran directly, however, they instead employed the w...
Blaming The Victims: Spurious Scholarship And The Palestinian Question
Said, Edward; Hitchens, Christopher (eds.)
Demonstrates with cold precision how the consistent denial of truth about the Palestinians by governments and the media in the West has led to the current impasse in Middle East politics. Controversia...
Blau-Kamm case exposes the dark underbelly of Israel's security state
Cook, Jonathan
In a properly democratic country, Kamm would have an honorable defence against the charges, of being a whistle-blower rather than a spy, and Blau would be winning journalism prizes not huddling away i...
The Boomerang Effect: How Netanyahu Made Israel an American Issue, and Lost
Baroud, Ramzy
Trends in US opinion polls indicate that Israel is not just losing support and overall appeal among large sections of American society but also among the newer generation of American Jews, a worrying ...
Boycott Derails Jerusalem Rail Line: Rail Firm Pays Price for Link to Settlements
Cook, Jonathan
The very survival of the rail project is now in question after the boycott movement's successful lobbying. A Dutch bank, ASN, pulled its investments from Veolia in 2006, and the company lost a large c...
Boycott Israel
Gordon, Neve
It is clear to me that the only way to counter the apartheid trend in Israel is through massive international pressure.
Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb
Davis, Mike
Mike Davis traces the car bomb's worldwide use and development. In his analysis, he also exposes the role of state intelligence agencies - particularly those of the United States, Israel, India, and P...
Building blocks for peace in the Middle East
Galtung, John
The minimal demands of both sides are compatible and legitimate; the maximum demands lead to endless war.
"Burn the Haystack!"
Editors of News from Within - Alternative Information Center
This war is part of (the Israeli government's) plans to achieve total control over the Palestinian people -- plans which will inevitably lead to both peoples, Palestinians and Israelis alike, paying a...
California Leads the Way in the "Block the Boat" Movement: Fighting the Occupation on the West Coast
Norton, Ben
In organizing theory, activists often emphasize the importance of formulating what they call an "escalation plan." When pushing for social change, they explain, it is important that one's methods of e...
Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist ... in Graves and Prisons
Weir, Alison
Palestinians have been engaging in nonviolence for decades. The reality is that nonviolence is only as powerful as its visibility to the world.
The Canadian Jewish Outlook Anthology
Rosenthal, Henry M., Berson, S. Cathy (eds.)
A broad range of articles about secular Jewish life and socialist values.
Carter's Inconvenient Truths: An Honest Man Refutes Propaganda
Roberts, Paul Craig
The reason that Israel has been able to appropriate Palestine unto itself with American aid and support is that Israel controls the explanation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 90% of Ame...
The Case Against Alan Dershowitz: Plagiarism, Cover Up and Misrepresentations
Menetrez, Frank J.
Documents numerous instances of plagiarism and misrepresention by Alan Dershowitz in his smear campaigns against critics of Israel.
The Case Against Israel
Neumann, Michael
Neumann argues that Israel's policies are the cause of the conflict, and that the conflict can be ended by Israel changing its behaviour.
Ceasefires in Which Violations Never Cease : What's Next for Israel, Hamas, and Gaza?
Chomsky, Noam
On August 26th, 2014, Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) both accepted a ceasefire agreement after a 50-day Israeli assault on Gaza that left 2,100 Palestinians dead and vast landscapes of dest...
Celebrate Jewish Glasnot
Karon, Tony
Although you wouldn't know it if you followed Jewish life simply through the activities of such major Jewish communal bodies as the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations and the An...
Censorship? Haaretz Deletes Amira Hass Article On Surging Settler Violence
Abunimah, Ali
Israeli newspaper Haaretz deleted a significant article by Amira Hass headlined "The anti-Semitism that goes unreported," about an unchecked upsurge in violence against Palestinians by Israeli settler...
The Charlatanism Of Palestine-Denial
Vlazna, Vacy
Here we go again. On Israel and the US losing their UNESCO voting rights, ‘Israel's ambassador to UNESCO, Nimrod Barkan, ‘said in an interview that his country supports the U.S. decision [to suspend c...
Chomsky clarifies position on the cultural boycott of Israel
Artists for Palestine UK
Prof. Noam Chomsky makes the essential point: the presence of international artists in Israel is used by the government to cover up its occupation and human rights abuses.
Chomsky on MisEducation
Chomsky, Noam; edited and introduced by Donald Macedo
Chomsky critiques the education system and discusses what education could be like in a democratic society.
Chomsky, Noam
The Noam Chomsky Web site.
Christian Evangelicals Increasingly Support Palestinian Human Rights: David Brog, the Attorney Behind CUFI
Weir, Alison
Support for Israel is eroding among American evangelical Christians, with only 30 percent in a recent survey stating support for Israel above Palestinians.
The Class Nature of Israel
Hanegbi, Haim; Machover, Moshe; Orr, Akiva
Israeli society is not merely a society of immigrants; it is one of settlers. The society, including its working class, was shaped through a process of colonization. The permanent conflict between the...
The Common Good
Chomsky, Noam; interviewed by David Barsamian
Interviews with Noam Chomsky on the U.S. and the world.
Comparison of military strength of Israel and the Palestinians
As the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has once again flared up following Israel's ongoing air and ground assault on the Gaza Strip, the IMEU presents a comparison of Israeli and Palestin...
A Concerted Effort From Europe Against Israeli Produce Exporter Agrexco
Westbrook, Stephanie
In Montpellier, France, over 100 activists from 9 countries gathered for the first ever European Forum Against Agrexco. Delegates from Italy, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and ...
Confronting intimidation, working for justice in Palestine
Pappe, Ilan
If once you do not cave in, you discover that as time goes by, the ability of Zionist lobbies of intimidation around the world to affect you gradually diminishes.
Connexions Annual Resource and Reading List
A short and selective list of resources on issues addressed in the Connexions Annual, such as environment, education, peace, interntional development, women's issues, urban issues, housing, human rig...
Connexions Library: Middle East Focus
Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the Middle East.
Corporate Watch - Tracking Corporate Complicity in the Occupation of Palestine
A blog to track companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of and apartheid policies in Palestine. In addition to research blogs, the site also includes all Corporate Watch's recent articles on I...
Counter-Rhetoric: Challenging "conventional wisdom" & reframing the conflict
Schaeffer, Emily; Halper, Jeff; Johnson, Jimmy
This useful little book does two things. It challenges the rhetoric, the perceptions and assumptions regarding the conflict in Israel/Palestine, and it exposes the underlying imbalance of power around...
Countering Zionist propaganda about Hizbullah and Lebanon
Lowi, Henry
Nothing will change until the people of Palestine, Arabs and Jews, rise up to change the rules of the game, and rebuild the country on a new basis that respects democracy and human rights and good-nei...
A Country Of Sacred Cows And Ten Commandments
Abubacker, Ershad
It's high time that Israel must understand that criticizing Israeli government's foreign policy for assassinating people or for shooting children, is by no way Anti-Semitic, it's just being humane.
The court does not sympathize: The moral depravity of the Israeli legal system
Elhanan, Nurit Peled
The blood of Palestinians is cheap in this country. No one has ever been punished for killing Palestinians' children, adults, newborns, old people. The murderers are all walking among us, free and hap...
Covering Israel-Palestine: The BBC's Double Standards: An Exchange With The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen
The priorities of the news media mean that the more Palestinians are killed, the less importance their deaths have to news organisations. Conversely, the fewer Israelis killed the more seriousness the...
Crayons of Askalan
Hotait, Laila
In 1975, at the age of fifteen, Palestinian artist Zuhdi Al Adaw is sentenced and confined in the high security prison of Askalan, Israel for fifteen years. With the help of his fellow prisoners and t...
Creating A Giant Ghetto in Gaza: Against The Current vol. 125
Avnery, Uri
I is possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it? That is, certainly, an interesting question. So interesting, indeed, that the governments of Israel and the United...
Criminalizing Criticism of Israel: The End of Free Speech?
Roberts, Paul Craig
A massive push is underway to criminalize criticism of Israel. The Lobby is working to ban as anti-Semitic any truth or disagreeable fact that pertains to Israel. It is permissible to criticize ever...
The Crisis in Corbyn's Labour Party is Over Israel, Not Anti-Semitism
Cook, Jonathan
If there is indeed an anti-semitism problem in the UK's Labour party, it is not in the places where the British corporate media have been directing our attention. What can be said with even more certa...
Criticism not disloyal
Support for Palestinian rights thus need not come at the expense of concern for Israelis - in fact, advocating changes to Israeli policies that perpetuate war, anger, and resistance is the truest prom...
Criticizing Israel is Not an Act of Bigotry: Jewish Opposition to Israeli Human Rights Crimes is Growing
Kunin, Jason
A grassroots revolt is underway in Jewish communities throughout the world, a revolt that has panicked the elite organizations that have long functioned as official mouthpieces for the community.
Cult, Ghetto, and State: The Persistence of Jewish Question
Rodinson, Maxime
Jewish studies, Maxime Rodinson says in this book, has been a field in which ideological delirium has long had virtually free rein. In this collection of essays, he tries to redress the balance, bring...
The Culture of Terrorism
Chomsky, Noam
Chomsky argues that the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to contr...
Cynicism, Israeli National Policy: From Victim to Super-Mensch
Pollack, Norman
Israel has become the worst-case scenario of the degradation of Torah, and worst-case scenario of what was once the deep unadulterated humaneness of worldwide Jews.
Damage Control: Noam Chomsky and the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Blankfort, Jeffrey
While Noam Chomsky has provided extensive documentation of Israeli crimes, his approach has also served to block serious efforts to halt those crimes and to build an effective movement on behalf of th...
Dancing with Death: "Waltz with Bashir": Against The Current vol. 141
Abowd, Paul
It took Ari Folman 25 years to make “Waltz With Bashir,” his animated film about Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. First, he had to remember the war.
The Death of Democracy: Israel's Flood of Anti-Democratic Laws
Cook, William A.
Democracy is dying in both Israel and the United States, and much of the world is turning away in revulsion.
Deconstructing The Israeli Narrative
Lieberman, Dan
Israel has revealed its nature; a nation built on actions normally termed war crimes by world institutions; a nation that does not follow international law; and a nation that does not heed United Nati...
Defending The Defensible: Jewish And Palestinian Boycotts
Vlazna, Vacy
Oh dear, poor Israel. Poor Israel - the world's 4th largest nuclear military power. Poor Israel - the serial war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression violator. Poor barbaric Israel is...
Defining Israel as a "Jewish State"
Corrigan, Edward
The definition of what is a "Jewish State" and "what is a Jew" is a fundamental part of this debate. The "Jewish State" is like no other. It uses a concept of Jewish nationality which is like no other...
Dershowitz to the Rescue?: The Israeli Spin-Machine in Overdrive
Abourezk, James
According to Israel's apologists, only Israelis have a right to defend themselves. Palestinians do not have this right, nor does anyone else who is attempting to assist the Palestinians.
Diaspora Jews Must Speak Out: Law in the Service of Discrimination
Bahour, Sam
No democracy, in today’s world, should have the “right” to speak for persons who are not its citizens, live thousands of miles away, and have not given their direct consent to be spoken for or “repres...
The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism
Neuburger, G.
Argues that "Judaism and Zionism are by no means the same. Indeed they are incompatible and irreconcilable: If one is a good Jew, one cannot be a Zionist; if one is a Zionist, one cannot be a good Jew...
Disaster and Mental Health: The Palestinian Experience
El Sarraj, Eyad; Qouta, Samir
The continuing Israeli military occupation of Gaza is the cause of deep and widespread trauma for Palestinian children and adults.
Dissidents Looking Beyond Zionism: Against The Current vol. 140
Finkel, David
In 1968 — 1968! — a book appeared with the astonishing title Israel Without Zionists. A Plea for Peace in the Middle East. The timing was even more surprising, in Israel’s flush of euphoria in the wak...
Do I Divest?
Tutu, Desmond
If apartheid ended, so can this occupation, but the moral force and international pressure will have to be just as determined.
Dr. Makdisi on a One State Solution
Makdisi, Saree
A video clip featuring Dr. Saree Makdisi presenting the case for a one-state solution in Israel-Palestine - a democratic secular state.
Education gap divides Jerusalem
A recent report by an Israeli non-governmental organisation says 5,000 Palestinian children in East Jerusalem will not be able to attend classes this year because there are not enough classrooms.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil
Arendt, Hannah
Hannah Arendt's report on the trial of Adolph Eichmann.
Elected Representatives on the Wrong Side of History: Israel is a Criminal State
Naiman, Joanne
The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) has grown exponentially and gained legitimacy in many parts of the world, while the concept of Israel as an Apartheid state has gained much credib...
Empire of Lies and Torture: Against The Current vol. 111
The Editors
The prohibition of torture in international conventions is absolute. There are no exceptions for so-called "ticking bombs," for "high-value terrorists" or "illegal enemy combatants" or similar improv...
Enlightening Disillusionments
Orr, Aki
Memoirs of an Israeli whom the Zionist dispossession and oppression of the Palestinians turned into a humanist and therefore anti-Zionist.
Epilogue to Underground to Palestine
Stone, I.F.
The epilogue to I.F. Stone's first-hand account of the movement of European Jews to Palestine in 1946.
Ethnic Cleansing by All Means: The real Israeli 'peace' policy
Pappe, Iian; Jaber, Samer
This policy of ethnic cleansing, by different means since 1948, is a consensual issue in Israel and thus leaves very little hope for peace and reconciliation. The current Israeli left, the self-acclai...
Ethnic Cleansing of Invented People
Peled, Miko
Once we connect the dots it is not hard to see that the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is only a small part of the Israeli Palestinian issue. The greater issue is the ongoing ethnic cleansing of...
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Pappe, Ilan
Israelo historian Ilan Pappe recounts the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Israel during the war of 1948.
Ethnic Nationalism Versus Common Sense: Response to a Zionist Book Review
Neumann, Michael
Picture this. On the one hand, you have a bunch of people living in Palestine. Their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers most likely lived there too. They make their living there; they mak...
Exposing Israel's Most Dangerous Secret: What's Really Going On at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research?
El-Naami, Saleh
Israel's preparations for biological and chemical warfare.
Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of Transfer in Zionist Political Thought 1882-1948
Masalha, Nur
Before, during and after 1948 the Israelis expelled more than 750,000 Palestinians. The ideas and attitudes that allowed for this concept of "transfer" are examined in Nur Masalha's book. "Transfer"b...
"Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009
Chomsky, Noam
Israel has a straightforward means to defend itself: put an end to its criminal actions in occupied territories, and accept the long-standing international consensus on a two-state settlement that has...
Eyeless in Gaza: Locked in an Embrace
Avnery, Uri
The trouble with war is that it has two sides. Everything would be so much easier if war had only one side. Ours, of course.
Eyeless in Gaza: Israel's Deceptions
Cook, Jonathan
A single incident at the weekend – the reported capture by Hamas on Friday of an Israeli soldier through a tunnel – illustrated in stark fashion the layers of deception Israel has successfully cast ov...
Eyes With Legs
Dinh, Linh
In the last decade, 11 journalists have been murdered by Israeli forces, including Cevdet Kiliclar, a Turkish who was shot in the head, last week, as he photographed Israeli commandos attacking peace ...
The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza: Seeing Through the Lies
Finkelstein, Norman
The record shows that Hamas wanted to continue the ceasefire, but only on condition that Israel eases the blockade. Long before Hamas began the retaliatory rocket attacks on Israel, Palestinians were ...
False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine
Honig-Parnass, Tikva
Honig-Parnass unearths the central role played by the Israeli Left in laying the foundation for the colonial settler project and its campaign of dispossession.
Fearsome Words? : Nationalism and the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Neumann, Michael
We are so bemused by the lovely vision of peoples determining themselves, we cannot see that ethnic self-determination is, in the real world, a quest for racial sovereignty, not a bid to enter some in...
Finding the truth amid Israel's lies
Pappe, Ilan
The famous – and by now overused – expression that history is written by the victors can be countered in many ways. One way is by unpacking the victors’ publications in order to expose the lies, fabri...
Finkelstein, Norman: Connexipedia Article
An American political scientist and author, whose primary fields of research are the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust. (Born 1953).
5 Broken Cameras
Davidi, Guy; Burnat, Emad
A deeply personal, first-hand account of non-violent resistance in Bil'in, a village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank whose lands are being systematically seized to make room for illegal Israeli sett...
Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza - Debunked : Israel claims that it is merely exercising its right to self-defense and that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here's what you need to know about
Erakat, Noura
Israel has killed almost 800 Palestinians in the past 21 days in the Gaza Strip alone; its onslaught continues. The UN estimates that more than 74 percent of those killed are civilians. Israel does no...
Five years of illegality: Time to dismantle the Wall and respect the rights of Palestinians
Oxfam International presents testimonies of Palestinian men and women who recount their daily problems, arising from the construction of Israel's illegal Wall and its associated regime of land confisc...
The Flotilla In The Israeli Press
Cohen, Ran Ha
An analysis of Israeli media propaganda in the wake of Israel's attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
Footnotes in Gaza: A Graphic Novel
Sacco, Joe
A graphic depiction of an incident in Gaza in 1956, when Israeli soldiers massacred 111 Palestinians.
For Israel, A Reckoning
Pilger, John
The farce of the climate change summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity. It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never before: an international...
Free Speech and Acceptable Truths: Statement of the Alumni for Responsible Speech
Alumni for Responsible Speech (Ulli Diemer)
While we support freedom of speech and academic freedom, we believe that university administrations have a duty to provide a safe learning environment in which students and faculty are protected by in...
French Jews for Palestinian Rights: Against The Current vol. 89
Bensaïd, Daniel; Kahn, Marcel-Francis; Tomkiewicz, Stanislas; Vidal-Naquet, Pierre
The following text (abridged here) was published in the French daily Le Monde of October 18, 2000 accompanied by the signatures of fifty French people of Jewish origin, several of them well-known poli...
From Apartheid South Africa to Palestine: "To Exist is to Resist"
Bond, Patrick
The growing support for Palestinian liberation via BDS reminds of small but sure steps towards the full-fledged anti-apartheid sports, cultural, academic and economic boycotts catalyzed by Brutus agai...
From Klinghoffer to the Gaza Flotilla
Ridley, Yvonne
Under the Rome Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988, it is an international crime for any person to seize or exercise control over a ship b...
From one apartheid state to another: Israel's secret military alliance with apartheid South Africa
Gowans, Stephen
Israel regarded the relationship as based on more than just convenience, but on a common position as colonial oppressor, under pressure from national liberation movements. The two countries shared "un...
Fury at Azaria Verdict is Israel's Trump Moment
Cook, Jonathan
Examining the popular reaction to the conviction in military court of Elor Azaria for manslaughter as demonstrating a deep social divide in the vein of Trump's election in the US and the Brexit vote i...
The Future of Israel and Palestine - Interview
Clark, Harry; Shahak, Israel
The first part of this interview with the Israeli human rights campaigner Professor Israel Shahak appeared in our previous issue ("The `Peace Process' and the CIA," ATC 78).
The Future of Israel and the Decline of the American Empire: The Wages of Hubris and Vengeance
Mayer, Arno J.
Israel is in the grip of a kind of collective schizophrenia. Not only its governors but the majority of its Jewish population have delusions of both grandeur and persecution, making for a distortion o...
The Future of Israel/Palestine: Against The Current vol. 139
Halper, Jeff
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s address to both houses of the U.S. Congress in May, 2006 was the clearest, most explicit presentation of Israel’s conception of where it is going vis-à-vis the Pal...
The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. New Afrikaners
Mearsheimer, John J.
The Israel lobby is effectively helping Israel commit national suicide. Israel, is turning itself into an apartheid state, which, as Ehud Olmert has pointed out, is not sustainable in the modern era.
The future of the Nakba
Massad, Joseph
If the Nakba’s most salient features are the theft of Palestinian land and the expulsion of the Palestinians from their land, and subjecting the lands that could not be stolen and the people who could...
G4S To End Israel Prison Contracts Following Protests
Chatterjee, Pratap
G4S, the Anglo-Danish security contractor, has agreed to withdraw from prison work in Israel after activists disrupted the company annual general meeting for the second year in a row. The company is a...
Gaza: Health System in Collapse
Garfinkle, Miriam; Deutsch, Judith; Abdul-Qadir, Reem; Santa Barbara, Joanna
The extremity of suffering in Gaza is little known in the West. Underlying the health emergency is the Israeli military's destruction of Gaza's basic infrastructure and Israel's closure of all Gaza's ...
"Gaza is a graveyard," sing joyful Israeli youths
Abunimah, Ali
This video shows an Israeli mob actually singing in celebration of children’s deaths in the style of a soccer fans’ song: “In Gaza there’s no studying, No children are left there, Olé, olé, olé-olé-ol...
Gaza: Israel's $4 billion gas grab
Ahmed, Nafeez
The purpose of Israel's escalating assault on Gaza is to control the Territory's 1.4 trillion cubic feet of gas - and so keep Palestine poor and weak, gain massive export revenues, and avert its own d...
Gaza Occupation And Siege Are Illegal
Bisharat, George
Collective punishment is specifically barred under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Israeli officials have repeatedly stated that the objective of the blockade is to weaken the Gaza economy...
Gaza Peace Protester Is Prisoner In Own Home
Cook, Jonathan
Nine months after he helped to organise protests against Israel's attack on Gaza, Samih Jabareen is a prisoner in his home in Jaffa, near Tel Aviv, an electronic bracelet around his ankle to alert the...
Gaza, The World's Largest Outdoor Prison: Against The Current vol. 134
Currie, Kristine
Sara Roy couldn't have predicted the deterioration of Gaza since the 2005 unilateral pullout of Israeli occupation forces and settlers any more effectively than in her book Failing Peace: Gaza and the...
Gaza's women of steel
Gadzo, Mersiha
Gadzo interviews three different women in Gaza who have taken on difficult, yet culturally progressive, employment in the wake of the region's economic devastation.
George Bush's Unending War and Israel: Against The Current vol. 125
Warschawski, Michael
The present U.S. strategy, defined by the neo-cons at the end of the 1980s, is no longer a strategy of stabilizing world order and building a “new Middle East” through multilateral negotiations, but i...
Gideon Levy Interview
An interview with Israeli journalist Gideon Levy. 28 minutes.
Gideon Levy: A Voice of Sanity from Israel
Chelala, Cesar
In spite of a systemic policy of demonization, Israeli journalist and human rights activist Gideon Levy continues denouncing the Israeli government and the crimes against Palestinians.
Global BDS Against Israel Is Working
Lendman, Stephen
Israel's ruling elite is increasingly concerned about the international movement for boycott, divestment, and sanctions, but they are unwilling to address the human rights abuses that brought the move...
Globalizing Gaza: How Israel Undermines International Law Through "Lawfare"
Halper, Jeff
At the same time as it engages in repeated massive military assaults on a primarily civilian popuation in Gaza, Israel is also engaged in an ongoing assault on international humanitarian law by a high...
The Goldstone report and the battle for legitimacy
Falk, Richard
It may yet be the case that, as in the anti-apartheid struggle, the shift in the relation of forces in the Palestinians' favour will occur not through diplomacy or as a result of armed resistance, but...
Goldstone Report Dramatized
Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel
Blumenthal, Max
Blumenthal depicts a portrait of Israeli society under the siege of increasingly authoritarian politics as the occupation of the Palestinians deepens.
The Great Fear of Israel's Leaders
Spritzler, John
The great fear of Israel's Zionist leaders is that ordinary people in all of historic Palestine, no matter what their religion, will define the struggle against Zionism not as Jew versus non-Jew but a...
"Greater Israel" in Real Life: Book Review
Abraham, Nabeel
Book Review of "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" by Max Blumenthal.
Grieve the Beloved Children: Israel and the War on Children
Deutsch, Judith
A discussion of Israel's tactics in its campaign against Palestinians, which includes the use of deliberate provocation to incite retaliation, and the disturbing reality that results in large numbers ...
The Growing Boycott of Israel: A Force for Good
Davidson, Lawrence
To join the boycott is good for the world's future in general. It is certainly good for the Palestinians, and yes, it is good for the Jews too.
Guillotining Gaza
Chomsky, Noam
Noam Chomsky briefly depicts the many factors which prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and promote ongoing conflict in the region.
Ha'am, Ahad: Connexipedia Article
Hebrew essayist and one of the foremost pre-state Zionist thinkers. (1856-1927).
Ha'aretz: Periodical profile
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Israeli daily newspaper
Hamas Rocket Launches Don't Explain Israel's Gaza Destruction -- Israeli Forces' Manipulated Figures and Fake Evidence
Porter, Gareth
Israel and its supporters abroad have parried accusations of indiscriminate destruction and mass killing of civilians in Gaza by arguing that they were consequences of strikes aimed at protecting Isra...
Sourcewatch's analysis of 'Hasbara' -- the propaganda efforts to sell Israel, justify its actions, and defend it in world opinion. The premise of hasbara is that Israel's problems are a matter of bett...
Health Care Professionals In Canada Join with PHR-Israel
Garfinkle, Miriam
Canadian health care professionals are linking with Physicians for Human Rights - Isreal to support their work in struggling and advocating for human rights, in particular the right to health, for peo...
Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance
Chomsky, Noam
Chomsky documents how, for more than half a century, the United States has been pursuing a grand imperial strategy with the aim of dominating the globe.
The Height of Kitsch
Avnery, Uri
The attitude of the German government towards Israel is a Sonderbehandlung. It too says the Jews are something special. The "Jewish state" must be treated differently than all other states. That is to...
Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know
Cockburn, Alexander
We are supposed to think that the current crisis in the Middle East has no historical roots.
Historic Declaration by Palestinians, Israelis in Support of Israeli Social Protest, Anti-Colonial Struggle
Some 20 political parties and social movements from both sides of the Green Line issued an historic declaration in support of the social protests currently rocking Israel and their necessary linkage t...
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
Pappe, Ilan
A history of the people of Palestine.
A History of the Jews - Ancient and Modern
Halevi, Ilan
Starting from a political interpretation of the period when judges, kings and prophets held sway over Israel and Judah, Ilan Halevi traces the evolution of the Jewish identity through its numerous sta...
The Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation
Weizman, Eyal
Groundbreaking exposé of Israel's terrifying reconceptualization of geopolitics in the Occupied Territories and beyond.
Holocaust survivor - why I support Palestinian rights
Weiss, Suzanne
For me, the Israeli government's actions toward the Palestinians awaken horrific memories of my family's experiences under Hitlerism: the inhuman walls, the check points, the daily humiliations, killi...
How Can We End the U.S. Government's Pro-Israel Foreign Policy?
Spritzler, John
We need to start thinking about building a revolutionary movement and not a reform movement focused just on one issue.
How Did It Start?
Avnery, Uri
Every serious debate about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raises the question: "When did it start?" Each side has its own date, proving that the other side started it.
How Israel Abuses Africans
Blue Pilgrimage
Part 2 of 3 - interview with community activist Rami Gudovitch about state-sponsored Israeli racism towards non-Jewish Africah asylum-seekers.
How Israel aims to redefine 'ethnic cleansing'
Cook, Jonathan
Netanyahu’s controversial comments have thrown another obstacle in the way of Palestinian statehood, analysts say.
How Israel Bought Off UN's War Crimes Probe: Report's Fate Sealed by Threats to Palestinian Economy
Cook, Jonathan
Palestinian officials faced threats that Israel would retaliate by inflicting enormous damage on the beleaguered Palestinian economy, unless the Palestinian authority agreed to stop pursuing internati...
How Israel Covers Up Its Ugly Racial Holy War
Sheen, David
As the incitement to violence by Israeli leaders ramped up, so did racist attacks by Israeli citizens.
How Israel Created Its Monster
Malik, Kenan
How and why Israel helped Hamas to power.
How Israel Empowers Islamist Movements: Shukran, Israel
Avnery, Uri
If Islamist movements come to power all over the region, they should express their debt of gratitude to their bete noire, Israel. Without the help of successive Israeli governments, they may not have ...
How Israel Silenced its Gaza War Protesters
Eldar, Akiva
A new report from Adalah shows how the courts and police attempted to stamp out opposition to Operation Cast Lead.
How Israel Stacks the Legal Deck: Court System Provides Little Justice for Palestinians
Bisharat, George
To Palestinians, Israeli military courts are sites of repression, not houses of justice. Palestinian defendants facing trial in 2010 were found guilty in 99.74% cases.
How Israel Uses Water as a Weapon of War
Baroud, Ramzy
Entire communities in the West Bank either have no access to water or have had their water supply reduced almost by half. This alarming development has been taking place for weeks, since Israel’s nati...
How low will Israel stoop to win the propaganda war?
Littlewood, Stuart
The Israel Project's training manual is an unpleasant piece of work. It recycles many of the discredited techniques used by the advertising industry. And it serves to undermine with clever words the i...
How Many Divisions?: Israel is losing this war
Avnery, Uri
In this war, as in any modern war, propaganda plays a major role. The disparity between the forces, between the Israeli army - with its airplanes, gunships, drones, warships, artillery and tanks - and...
How Most Aid to the Palestinians Ends up in Israel's Coffers
Cook, Jonathan
While Europe may think of itself as part of an enlightened West, using aid to defend Palestinians' rights, the reality is less reassuring. The aid may actually be making things significantly worse.
How to Defend Israel
Draper, Hal
Out of the night of national hatred in Palestine, from the ranks of the working class there, there can arise a real Zion, a Middle East in which Jew and Arab build together a workers, a world without ...
How to really fight anti-Semitism
Weiss, Suzanne
How Zionism's brutality reaches from Gaza's beaches to US academia
Nair, Yasmin
Read one way, Steven Salaita's new book is about lies and children. (Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom by Steven Salaita, Haymarket Books). There are the persistent lies abou...
How Zionist terrorism determined Palestine's fate
Such, Rod
A book review on State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel, Thomas Suárez, Olive Branch Press (2017).
Human Rights Watch investigator among those attacked by Israeli forces
"We didn't see any soldiers near us. That's why we felt safe. No one was throwing rocks or anything. Soldiers just started shooting."
Hypocrisy Reigns: Don't Forsake the Struggle
Blum, William
When Israel labels as "terrorists" the ship passengers who offered some resistance to the Israeli invaders, who points out that the passengers who resisted the 9-11 highjackers on the plane which cras...
If I Am Not For Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew
Marqusee, Mike
In a journey through family memory and leftwing history, Marqusee introduces us to Jewish heretics and heroes. In proudly reclaiming the Jewish radical tradition, he reminds us that cultures are not t...
If Israel Has the Right to Use Force in Self Defense, So Do Its Neighbours
Khalid, Amad Samih
There is no reason why Israel should be able to enter Arab sovereign soil to occupy, destroy, kidnap and eliminate its perceived foes - repeatedly, with impunity and without restraint - while the Arab...
"If not now, when?" On BDS and 'singling out' Israel
Marqusee, Mike
This is an edited version of a letter I've sent to a relative in the US who's been trying to figure out the BDS issue in the wake of the recent onslaught against the American Studies Association's dec...
The I.F. Stone's Weekly Reader
Stone, I.F.
An anthology of 20 years of journalism by independent journalists I.F. Stone.
If the 'product' is wrong, a rebrand won't help Israel
Cook, Jonathan
Cook discusses Israel's attempt to rebrand itself. Specifically, he addresses "hasbara", translated as "public diplomacy", a campaign that calls for Israelis to justify and defend any policy regarding...
Image and Reality of The Israel-Palestine Conflict
Finkelstein, Norman
Challenges generally accepted truths of the Israel-Palestine conflict as well as much of the revisionist literature. This new and enlarged edition critically re-examines dominant popular and scholarly...
Imperial Crusades: Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia: A Diary of Three Wars
Cockburn, Alexander; St. Clair, Jeffrey
Iraq was just one of three major imperial crusades in the decade after 1992, orchestrated by a new generation of American politicians, both Democrat and Republican, who backed pre-emptive strikes to o...
In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
Cook, Jonathan
Jeff Halper's new book sheds light on the arms industry, arguing that Israel is now the go-to nation for armies and police forces around the world.
In Defense of Divestment: Against The Current vol. 114
Leibowitz, Shamai K.
As an Israeli citizen and former tank gunner in the Israeli army, I feel the need to explain why I, along with many other Jews, support divestment from Israel. We are asking the city of Somerville, as...
In new book, Ilan Pappé says settler colonialism and apartheid best explain Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Clarke, Ben
An analysis of Ilan Pappe's new book, Israel and South Africa - The Many Faces of Apartheid, and how Israel's settler colonization of Palestinians is similar to apartheid in South Africa.
In the Matter of the International Community v Israel
Cohen, Stanley
In its first full week of a "new" get tough policy, almost 500 young Palestinian demonstrators were injured, shot and maimed, and at least three teens murdered in response to what Israel sees as a ris...
Incarcerated Inside Israel: Palestinians Tortured and Isolated
Peebles, Graham
Detention without trial, the presumption of guilt, denial of family visits, solitary confinement, torture, violent interrogation, and denial of access to appropriate health care, such is the Israeli j...
Independent Groups Debunk Israeli War Propaganda
Deen, Thalif
As the Israelis try to justify the massive loss of civilian life in Gaza, their arguments and counter-charges continue to be shot down either by the United Nations or by international human rights org...
Inside Israel-Palestine The Conflict Explained
Bennis, Phyllis
An ideal guide, in question and answer format, to this most complex of conflicts.
Insisting on Humanity: The Plight of the Palestinians
Baroud, Ramzy
It is important that we preserve the distinction between the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian people, who have held on to their rights for so many years, and unleashed two of the greatest express...
An Interview with Tanya Reinhart: The Roadmap to Nowhere
Hazan, Eric
Persistent struggle can have an effect, and can lead governments to act. Such struggle begins with the Palestinian people, who have withstood years of brutal oppression, and who, through their spirit ...
The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland
Sand, Shlomo
The Invention of the Land of Israel deconstructs the age-old legends surrounding the Holy Land and the prejudices that continue to suffocate it. Sand’s account dissects the concept of “historical righ...
The Iron Cage
Khalidi, Rashid
Is Israel an Apartheid State?: Rhetoric or Reality? Summary of a Legal Study by the Human Sciences Research council of South Africa
Do Israel's practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law?
Is Israel singled out for its human rights violations?
Some people assert that human rights activists and the international community are disproportionately – and unjustifiably – focusing their attention on the Jewish state. They are "ignoring" human righ...
Is the UN complicit in Israel's massacre in Gaza?
Barghouti, Omar
A friend forwarded to me the most original greeting for the New Year: "I wish in 2009 a horrible year for all war criminals and their accomplices." I could not but think of whether some United Nations...
Islamic Terrorism
Hekmat, Mansoor
There is not the slightest real and legitimate relationship between the appalling calamities that have befallen the Jewish people in this century and the suppression and crimes committed by the extrem...
Israel: A Colonial-Settler State?
Rodinson, Maxine
Rodinson argues that Zionism fits into the general pattern of Western colonialism, and that Arab opposition to Israel is the opposition of a colonized people towards their colonizers.
Israel and apartheid: A fair comparison?
Corrigan, Edward C.
The comparison between Israel's policies toward the Palestinians and to apartheid is a legitimate part of that debate and this is an analogy frequently used by Israelis and also by South Africans.
Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations
Shlaim, Avi
Reflections on the causes and consequences of the Israel Palestine conflict, by the author of The Iron Wall.
Israel and the Arabs: the good guys don't always wear white hats: Review of Israel: A Colonial-Settler State, by Maxime Rodinson
Diemer, Ulli
The tragedy of two peoples brought into conflict by forces largely outside of their control.
Israel and US apologists rattled by UN report on war crimes in Gaza: The 'democracy' that can do no wrong
Balles, Paul J.
Paul J. Balles considers the, "...lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia" inherent in the hypocritical reactions of Israeli officials, and of Israel's apologists in the United States, to the ...
Israel: Boycott, divest, sanction
Klein, Naomi
The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa.
Israel boycott may be the way to peace
The non-violent international response to apartheid was a campaign of boycott, divestment and UN-imposed sanctions which enabled the regime to change without bloodshed. We should try to follow the sam...
Israel Calls a Man Its Soldiers Killed a 'Terrorist': Until They Realized He Was an Israeli Jew
Greenwald, Glenn
The Jerusalem Post today describes the killing of a man by two IDF soldiers after, the soldiers claim, he was acting erratically and tried to grab one of their guns. When he was fatally shot by the ID...
Israel Commemorates Nakba with Mass Murder at the Gaza Fence
Baraka, Ajamu
On the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, the "catastrophe" that resulted in the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and the theft of their lands, homes, and even their household possessio...
Israel deliberately provoked the latest violence in Gaza, but you won't learn that in the NY Times
North, James
The Times breathlessly and at length recounts Israeli anxiety over the limited attacks from Gaza: "Sirens blared again;" "cellphones were buzzing with alerts of incoming rockets." The Times has a repo...
Israel does not want peace
Levy, Gideon
Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone.
Israel hopes 'lost tribes' can boost Jewish numbers
Cook, Jonathan
Facing Palestinian majority, Israeli officials seek way to loosen legal definition of 'Jew' so millions more can qualify for immigration.
Israel ignoring "tectonic change" in public opinion
Avnery, Uri
World public opinion is important. More than that, it is vital. The British parliament’s resolution may be non-binding, but it expresses public opinion, which will sooner or later decide government ac...
Israel in Gaza: A Critical Reframing
Halper, Jeff
The critical reframing we offer, that of Israelis committed to human rights, international law and a just peace as the only way out of this interminable and bloody conflict, argues that security canno...
'Israel is a terrorist state'
Cook, Jonathan
The violence rocking the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and now Gaza is on the verge of spilling into Israel, Palestinian leaders in Israel warned. A wave of unrest has swept Palestinian towns in ...
Israel is a Terrorist State
Cook, Jonathan
The violence rocking the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and now Gaza is on the verge of spilling into Israel, Palestinian leaders in Israel warned.
Israel is an apartheid state and that is why they are losing legitimacy
Rebick, Judy
Israel is losing legitimacy in the world because of what their government is doing to the Palestinians, not because of anti-semitism.
Israel Is Now a Lunatic State
Finkelstein, Norman G.; Kevorkova, Nadezhda
What happened with the Gaza flotilla was not an accident. You have to remember that the Israeli cabinet met for a full a week. All the cabinet ministers discussed and deliberated how they would handle...
Israel Is The Real Problem
Elite power cannot abide a serious challenge to its established position. And that is what Labour under Jeremy Corbyn represents to the Tory government, the corporate, financial and banking sectors, a...
Israel lawfare group plans 'massive punishments' for activists
Abunimah, Ali
"Why are we using the word Palestinian? There’s no such thing as a Palestinian person," Brooke Goldstein declared to enthusiastic applause at a meeting of key Israel lobby operatives in New York earli...
Israel, Lebanon and Torture: Against The Current vol. 125
Finkel, David
An interview with Marty Rosenbluth. Marty Rosenbluth is Amnesty International’s country specialist for Israel, the Occupied Territories and the Palestinian Authority.
Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate destruction or "collateral damage"?: Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure
Amnesty International calls for the immediate establishment of a comprehensive, independent and impartial inquiry into violations of international humanitarian law by both Hizbullah and Israel in the ...
Israel, Lebanon, and the "Peace Process"
Chomsky, Noam
Chomsky illustrates the position of Lebanon amidst the conflicts and interventions belonging to the Israel-Arab contention.
The Israel Lobby?
Chomsky, Noam
Noam Chomsky comments on an article by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in which they assert that "the Lobby" dominates over strategic-economic interests in Israel's policy-making. Although Chomsky p...
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Mearsheimer, John J., Walt, Stephen M.
Mearsheimer and Walt describe the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the United States provides to Israel and argue that this support cannot be fully explained in either strategi...
Israel: Misuse of Drones Killed Civilians in Gaza: Sources News Release
Israeli attacks with guided missiles fired from aerial drones killed civilians during the recent Gaza fighting in violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch says.
Israel Must Win: "You Cannot Promise Victory, Produce a Humiliating Defeat and Stay in Power"
Atzmon, Gilad
IDF military offensive doctrine is grounded on one basic axiom that was defined by David Ben Gurion in the early fifties: whatever it takes, Israel must always win! This axiom is indeed very powerful,...
Israel: Obama's "Bibiyahu" Problem: Against The Current vol. 140
Avnery, Uri
Is this the government of Biberman [Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of the right-wing Likud Party, and foreign minister Avigdor Liberman of the ultra-right Israel Beitenu], or perhaps of Bibarak [Bibi a...
Israel offered Nukes to Racist South Africa for Use on Black Neighbors
Cole, Juan
The implication, that Iran must be stopped because it would proliferate to neighbors, may come back to haunt pro-Israeli propagandists, given Tel Aviv's own secret role in attempting to proliferate nu...
Israel/Palestine: "It's Complicated" ... Or Is It?
Spritzler, John
We often hear it said that the Israel/Palestine conflict is complicated. But is it really?
Israel/Palestine Lexicon For Mainstream Media
Podur, Justin
If you are writing for mainstream media, you need to learn special uses of words and phrases that are specific to Israel/Palestine. If you use common usage, you will run into confusions, paradoxes, an...
Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights.
Israel & Palestine The occupation is killing us all: New Internationalist August 2002 - #348
Serial Publication (Periodical)
An in-depth look into the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Discusses modern myths that have further fuelled the conflict, possible paths to peace, and the role of the United States in the issue.
Israel: Politics, Myths and Identity Crises
Orr, Akiva
Essays dealing with the politics and ideology of Zionism, the sociology of Israel, and politics of ethnicity generally.
Israel seeks to 'publicly shame' human rights groups
Cook, Jonathan
The Israeli government is being accused of implementing a campaign that criminalizes human rights groups.
Israel Seeks Ways To Silence Human Rights Groups
Cook, Jonathan
In a bid to staunch the flow of damaging evidence of war crimes committed during Israel's winter assault on Gaza, the Israeli government has launched a campaign to clamp down on human rights groups, b...
Israel Shamir and Slavoj Zizek
Proyect, Louis
Despite my general aversion to Slavoj Zizek, I want to defend him against the misrepresentations found in Israel Shamir’s Counterpunch article from July 14th titled “Doing a Full Monty for Tel Aviv: Z...
Israel Steps up Dirty Tricks Against Boycott Leaders
Cook, Jonathan
The current obsession with the challnege posed by BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) reflects a changing political environment for Israel.
Israel Targets Ha'aretz: "A Shin Bet State"
Cook, Jonathan
Israel uses police state tactics to crush journalists who expose crimes committed by the military.
Israel uses Palestinian land to illegally dump toxic waste
Israel dumps unknown waste and military garbage in a disposal site in Kisan village, in the occupied West Bank.
Israeli Ads Warn Against Marrying Non-Jews: "Lost" American Youth Urged to Come to Israel
Cook, Jonathan
The Israeli government has launched a television and internet advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews.
Israeli agents to screen judges before appointment: Fury as security service gets veto over judiciary
Lynfield, Ben
Israel's internal security service has been given a de facto veto over the appointment of judges.
An Israeli Anti-Zionist Memoir: On the Border: Against The Current vol. 118
Hochman, Larry
Michael Warschawski has written a richly deserved prize winning book On the Border. Warschawski, director of the Alternative Information Center in Jerusalem and a well known anti-Zionist activist, fir...
Israeli Apartheid and Terrorism
Herman, Edward S.
If Jews in France were required to carry identification cards designating them Jews, could not acquire land or buy or rent homes in most of the country, were not eligible for service in the armed forc...
Israeli calls for Palestinian blood ring at fever pitch
Sheen, David
Concerned humanists may have hoped that when a group of Jewish Israelis confessed to kidnapping and killing Muhammad Abu Khudair, a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem — forcing him to drink gasoline an...
Israeli Cease Fire Violations and Media Propaganda: The Conquest of Palestine
Peppe, Matt
The Israeli conquest of Palestine has always been a difficult issue for Western mainstream media to cover. The difficulty lies not in the task of reporting the facts on the ground and transmitting an ...
Israeli Deaths Matter More
The reality is that by devoting disproportionate coverage to Israeli deaths over Palestinian deaths, the BBC's claims to 'impartial' reporting are simply demolished. With great consistency, lives in t...
Israeli Doctors Collude in Torture
Cook, Jonathan
Israeli human rights groups charge that Israel's watchdog body on medical ethics has failed to investigate evidence that doctors working in detention facilities are turning a blind eye to cases of tor...
Israeli government pays students to spread propaganda online
Bannoura, Saed
The Israeli government has launched a program to pay students to promote the Israeli agenda on Facebook and internet chatrooms.
Israeli guards 'humiliated inmates'
A group of female former Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails have accused prison guards of subjecting them to intrusive and degrading treatment.
Israeli journalist Anat Kam under secret house arrest since December
An Israeli journalist has been under secret house arrest since December on charges that she leaked highly sensitive, classified military documents which suggest the Israeli military breached a court o...
Israeli minister threatens "holocaust" as public demand ceasefire talks
Abunimah, Ali
Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai has threatened Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip with a "holocaust." The comments came a day after Israeli occupation forces killed 31 Palestinians,...
Israeli minister threatens to destroy Gaza "once and for all"
Abunimah, Ali
As Israel bombed it dozens of times in the past day, a senior Israeli minister has incited the total destruction of Gaza.
Israeli Occupation Archive
Israel’s War Against Palestine: Documenting the Military Occupation of Palestinian and Arab Lands.
Israeli Police Impunity
Cook, Jonathan
Israeli police expect, and usually receive, impunity for using violence against Palestinians.
Israeli Rabbis Ban Marriage For Jewish 'Untouchables'
Cook, Jonathan
New immigrants to Israel from Russia with inadequate documentation have found themselves on a collision course with Israel's Orthodox rabbis, who regard themselves as guarding the Jewish people's ethn...
Israeli refusers follow South African footsteps in the struggle against apartheid
Vardi, Sahar
Shministim are conscientious objectors. We are Israeli high-school graduates who refuse conscription into the military, and are repeatedly imprisoned as a result. We will not take part of the occupati...
Israeli Spying in the United States: Full-Spectrum Penetration
Ketchham, Christopher
Israel runs one of the most aggressive and damaging espionage networks targeting the U.S.
Israeli spyware being used to monitor Indonesian LGBT community, religious minorities
Pasti, Liberti
A look at the company and spyware product that is used by various institutions to monitor the activities of the LGBT community and religious minority groups in Indonesia.
Israelis have the Upper Hand when it Comes to Vengeance
Cook, Jonathan
As Human Rights Watch warned, Israel’s recent actions – mass arrests; armed raids; the killing of Palestinians, including minors; lockdowns of cities, house demolitions; and air strikes – amounted to ...
Israelis Targeting Grassroots Activists
Frykberg, Mel
Israeli authorities are increasingly targeting and intimidating nonviolent Palestinian grassroots activists involved in anti-occupation activities who are drawing increased support from the internatio...
Israel's anti-African dragnet tightens
Sheen, David
The past year saw some of the most ruthless Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza since the territories were occupied in 1967. Israeli political leaders incited violence against Pa...
Israel's Apartheid
Dobbin, Murray
Blacks in South Africa never faced a 20-foot wall dividing their communities. Palestinians' land is still being seized, their orchards bulldozed.
Israel's appalling bombing of Gaza
Tilley, Virginia
Destroying the only power source for a trapped and defenseless civilian population is an unprecedented step toward barbarity. It reeks, ironically, of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Israel's approved ethnic cleansing
Herman, Edward S.
Israel's treatment of the Palestinians has always presented a moral problem to the West, as that treatment has violated every law and moral standard on the books.
Israel's Arab Minority: The Beginning of a Tragedy
Draper, Hal
Excerpt: Without in the least derogating this moral indignation at the treatment of the Arab minority, which is richly justified, one aspect of the denunciation misses the mark. The moral indignati...
Israel's Arab Minority: The Great Land Robbery
Draper, Hal
Something that is disturbing about those Israeli liberals who do tell the truth about the Arab minority is that they tend to pass the guilt off onto the backs of "the Jewish people." They ask how coul...
Israel's Arab Women Workers Need Not Apply
Cook, Jonathan
Israel's private sector is almost entirely closed to Arab women because of discriminatory practices by employers.
Israel's attack on the UN post in Lebanon
Diemer, Ulli
Israel's leaders could care less about world outrage. Israel's superpower patron, the United States, supports everything Israel does and keeps supplying money and arms, while the U.S. and Canadian med...
Israel's Attack on Us All
Cook, Jonathan
If we needed any evidence of the degree to which Western TV journalists are simply stenographers to power, the BBC, CNN and others are amply proving it. Mark Regev, Israel's propagandist-in-chief, has...
Israel's Colonial War against the Gaza Strip
Aburaiya, Issam
Israel is becoming a war machine, terrifying yet lacking in all moral grounding.
Israel's Crimes, America's Silence
Dugard, John
To date, too little mention has been made of investigations that show there is sufficient evidence to bring charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity against Israel's political and military le...
Israel's education system peddles intolerance and lies
Cook, Jonathan
John Kerry spent last week testing the waters with the Israelis and the Palestinians over his so-called framework agreement – designed to close the gaps between the two sides. But the issues he is try...
Israel's Gaza backlash targets Arab minority
Cook, Jonathan
Israel's large Palestinian minority is facing an unprecedented backlash of incitement and violent reprisals as Israeli Jews rally behind the current military operations in Gaza, human rights groups an...
Israel's Indigenous Invaders: How Israel Justifies the Immanent Relocation of Thousands of Palestinian Bedouin by Characterizing Them as Invaders
Gordon, Neve; Perugini, Nicola
If implemented, the “Prawer Plan for the Arrangement of Bedouin-Palestinian Settlement in the Negev” will expel an estimated forty thousand Palestinian Bedouin from their current homes.
Israel's 'left' apologists
Gowans, Stephen
Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism.
Israel's 'mad dog' diplomacy doesn't make it more secure
Cook, Jonathan
Israel is feeling cornered on every front it considers important; and like Dayan's 'mad dog,' it is likely to strike out in unpredictable ways. These trends are likely only to deepen in the coming mon...
Israel's 'nation-state law' parallels the Nazi Nuremberg Laws
Abulhawa, Susan
Israel's new 'nation-state' law follows in the footsteps of Jim Crow, the Indian Removal Act and the Nuremberg Laws.
Israel's new 'attack on freedom of speech'
Cook, Jonathan
The Israeli government and its right-wing supporters have been waging a 'McCarthyite' campaign against human-rights groups.
Israel's New Land Law: Clearing the Path to Annexation
Cook, Jonathan
The Israeli parliament passed the legalisation law on Monday night, widening the powers of Israeli officials to seize the final fragments of Palestinian land in the West Bank that were supposed to be ...
Israel's new police chief emerges from shadowy world
Cook, Jonathan
Palestinian minority in Israel worried by top cop's twin-track as interrogator for secret police and hardline settler.
Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
Blumental, Max
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecut...
Israel's New Strategy: "Sabotage" And "Attack" The Global Justice Movement
Abunimah, Ali
Reut's analysis vindicates the effectiveness of the Boycot Divestment Sanctions strategy. As Israeli elites increasingly fear for the long-term prospects of the Zionist project they are likely to be m...
Israel's occupation is more complex than a genocide
Cook, Jonathan
Israeli officials were caught in a revealing lie late last month as the country celebrated the Jewish New Year. Shortly after declaring the most popular boy’s name in Israel to be "Yosef", the interio...
Israel's racist elections
I didn’t expect any good from the elections to the Israeli Knesset. Its results are decided a priori by the definition of the voters’ register.
Israel's 'right to self-defense' - a tremendous propaganda victory
Hass, Amira
By supporting Israel's offensive on Gaza, Western leaders have given the Israelis carte blanche to do what they're best at: Wallow in their sense of victimhood and ignore Palestinian suffering.
Israel's road signs policy 'erases memory of place'
Israeli authorities have long banned the Palestinian Authority (PA) from putting up its own road signs that refer to Palestinian towns and villages.
Israel's settlements: 50 years of land theft explained
Tahhan, Zena
Today, between 600,000 and 750,000 Israelis live in these sizeable settlements, equivalent to roughly 11 percent of the total Jewish Israeli population. So why have these housing compounds caused so m...
Israel's starvation diet for Gaza
Cook, Jonathan
Israel’s calculating of daily caloric needs shows how it manages the lives of Palestinians in Gaza in almost microscopic detail.
Israel's Struggle Within: Against The Current vol. 113
Finkel, David
ATC interviews Uri Davis.
Israel’s Terrible Problem: Two States or One?
Chuckman, John
Israel has created a terrible problem which it is incapable of solving. That is why it has always been the case that the United States must pretty much dictate a solution, but it is unable to do so, p...
Israel's vivid act of piracy may yet turn the tide of global opinion
Grant, Linda
In the summer of 1947 a steamer named the Exodus set out from France to run the British blockade of Palestine. The British authorities boarded and seized the ship, and killed three passengers who trie...
Israel's War on Africans
Blue Pilgrimage
72-minute slideshow about Israel's treatment of non-Jewish African asylum-seekers, given at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada on March 9, 2014.
Israel's "Withdrawal" Toward Apartheid: Against The Current vol. 120
Finkel, David
David Finkel interviews Jeff Halper. “From Sharon's point of view it’s a done deal. Israel has won its century-old conflict with the Palestinians,” writes Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against ...
Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression
Researched, written, and edited by members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, this pamphlet focuses on the role of Israel’s government, its military, and related corporations and organi...
Israel's first trans officer helps with ethnic cleansing
Barrows-Friedman, Nora
Queer and transgender activists protested an event featuring an Israeli soldier in Seattle on 5 April.The event was supported by the LGBTQ Commission, a body that advises city leaders on lesbian, gay,...
An Issue Of Justice: Origins Of The Israel/Palestine Conflict
Finkelstein, Norman
Finkelstein lays out the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict with clarity and passion, arguing that any other similar conflict would be perfectly understood, yet this one exists beneath a blanket...
It's Not Piracy!: The International Law Framework
Brayer, Linda; Wimmer, Andrew
The crimes that Israel committed during its assault on the vessels and civilian passengers of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla fall firmly within the category of "high crimes." The assault, rather than an ac...
Jailed by Israel for his cartoons, Mohammad Saba’aneh speaks out
Mohammad Saba’aneh, who has a daily cartoon in the Palestinian newspaper al-Hayat al-Jadida, has published his work in newspapers across the Arab world. His cartoons are decidedly political, frequentl...
Jeff Halper's Obstacles to Peace: Against The Current vol. 120
Finkel, David
“The occupation challenges us all… Can a system of control, displacement, denial of fundamental rights and repression actually prevail? What does it mean if we are unable to end an occupation that is ...
Jewish Canadians Concerned About Suppression of Criticism of Israel
We are Jewish Canadians concerned about all expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and social injustice. We believe that the Holocaust legacy "Never again" means never again for all peoples. It is a tr...
Jewish Women Occupy Israeli Consulate in Toronto
A group of Jewish-Canadian women occupied the Israeli Consulate in Toronto in protest against the on-going Israeli assault on the people of Gaza. See a video at
Journalists assaulted and censored
Palestinian journalists are under attack from Israeli forces and are also subjected to raids and arrests as a result of political rivalry between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, report the Palest...
Joyless in Zion
Weiss, Philip
Israel is held in contempt by much of the western world, and Israelis know it even as they get down to the hard business of shooting border-crossers. The New York Times did a piece suggesting that Isr...
Justice in the News: A Response to the targetting of media in Gaza
A mission to Gaza found that media were subject to intimidation and direct military assault and deliberately prevented from working freely. The findings confirm evidence of frequent targeting of media...
Justice, Peace and the Israeli State: Rule by Ruthless Force
Cook, William
International Law and the creation of a world body to aid in the direction of nation states to live in peace and justice under defined conditions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ...
Labor Organizing Across Israel's Apartheid Line: An Interview with Israeli Labor Activist Yoav Tamir
Balthaser, Benjamin
Yoav Tamir is an organizer with the new Israeli labour union, Workers Advice Center, or WAC-MANN. WAC-MAAN was founded in the late 1990s as (as its name might suggest) a workers' advice center, and be...
The Last Refuge: Neve Gordon and the Boycott of Israel
Levy, Gideon
Let us admit the truth: The occupier deserves to be boycotted. As long as the Israelis pay no price for the occupation, the occupation will not end, and therefore the only way open to the opponents of...
Lawyers in EU draw up list of alleged IDF war criminals
Pfeffer, Anshel
Lawyers in a number of European countries are collecting information on Israeli soldiers who are implicated in war crimes.
Leader and Vassal: Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims
Roberts, Paul Craig
Americans do not think of themselves or of Israel as terrorist states, but the evidence is complete and overwhelming. Thanks to the power of the Israel Lobby, Americans only know the Israeli side of t...
The Lessons of Lebanon: Against The Current vol. 124
Avnery, Uri
So what has happened to the Israeli army? This question is now being raised not only around the world, but also in Israel itself. Clearly, there is a huge gap between the army's boastful arrogance, on...
The lessons we have learned: Palestine & Iraq: Any Signs of Hope?
Lowi, Henry
A speech on "the peace movement: lessons learned and the way forward." Henry Lowi argues that "There is no sign of hope, for the old prejudices and the old concepts, and there is no hope for the colon...
Letter to Palestinian and Lebanese filmmakers from Israeli filmmakers
We unequivocally oppose the brutality and cruelty of Israeli policy.
The Life and Death of Socialist Zionism
Schulman, Jason
As a mass movement, Socialist Zionism is finished. One might say that it accomplished its actual goal -- the building of the Jewish state. Unless one identifies "socialism" with statism, socialism was...
The Life of Death: An Exchange
Shahak, Israel
The really great form of courage and honesty that could be witnessed under the conditions of the Holocaust was when a Pole opposed the opinion or the silence of other Poles, when a Jew opposed other J...
The Lion and the Gazelle: On Jewish History
Avnery, Uri
If we, the Israelis, want to consolidate our nation, we have to free ourselves from the myths that belong to another form of existence and re-define our national history. We must recognize the differe...
The Logic of Murder in Israel: A Culture of Impunity in Full View of the Entire World
Baroud, Ramzy
"Whether he made a mistake or not, is a trivial question," said an Israeli Jewish man who joined large protests throughout Israel in support of a soldier who calmly, and with precision, killed a wound...
Looking at Israel from the other side: Book Review
Garfinkle, Miriam
A review of two books: Sharon and My Mother-in-Law: Ramallah Diaries, by Suad Amiry, and The Other Side of Israel: My Journey Across the Jewish/Arab Divide.
The lying silence of those who know: Holocaust Denied
Pilger, John
In every war, Israel has had the same objective: the expulsion of the native people and the theft or more and more land.
Marching to Jerusalem: Searching for Dignity in Occupied East Jerusalem
46 years ago, Israel seized East Jerusalem. Since then, Israel has undertaken measures to restrict Palestinian movement.
Married to Another Man: Israel's Dilemma in Palestine
Karmi, Ghada
Karmi argues that Israel has never been able to solve the original and unresolved Zionist quandary of how to create and maintain a Jewish state in a land inhabited by another people. She maintains tha...
Martin Kramer, Harvard and the Eugenics of Zion
Klein, Jeff
At Herzliya the cream of the Zionist security elite gather to raise the alarm about Arab births and hear scholarly analyses of family size and fertility rates among Jews and Arabs as 'existential' thr...
A Marxist History of the World part 95: Oil, Zionism, and Western Imperialism
Faulkner, Neil
British support for the Zionist movement led to the foundation of Israel in 1948. In conjunction with US imperialism, the Israeli state is an enduring source of oppression in the Middle East.
The Massacre and the Cover-Up
Freeman-Maloy, Dan
Without much stronger international pressure than the international community has applied to date, there is every reason to expect Israeli massacres to steadily become more severe, their PR rationales...
Massacres and Morality
Diemer, Ulli
What can one say about the morality of Israeli soldiers who shoot unarmed protestors, and then are caught on camera cheering their kills? And how do we judge the civilian population of Israel, many of...
Media bias on the Middle East
Part of the Palestine: Information with Provenance (PIWP database). Provides documents from all points on the ideological spectrum, both Zionist and anti-Zionist, along with background on everybody wh...
The media consensus on Israel is collapsing
Smith, Jordan Michael
Across the political spectrum, once-taboo criticism is now common.
Medic Who Killed Palestinian Being Portrayed as 'National Hero': DM Slams Coalition Members for Backing Execution
Ditz, Jason
Tensions within Israel's extremely narrow right-far-right coalition continue to grow, as the military's investigation into an Israeli medic who shot and killed an already wounded and disarmed Palestin...
Merkel in the Knesset: Israel, Israel Above Everything!
Haadeh, Anis
We are still confronted with the phenomenon that critics of the Jewish State are labeled as anti-Semites or as self-hating Jews, respectively.
Method and Madness: The Hidden Story of Israel's Assaults on Gaza
Finkelstein, Norman
In the past five years Israel has mounted three major assaults on the 1.8 million Palestinians trapped behind its blockade of the Gaza Strip. Taken together, Operation Cast Lead (2008-9), Operation Pi...
Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes
Chomsky, Noam
In October 1991 a Conference on the Middle East was held in Madrid. Chomsky compares and contrasts two perspectives on this event. The first praises President Bush's diplomacy skills and accredits thi...
Middle East Illusions: including Peace in the Middle East? Reflections on Justice and Nationhood
Chomsky, Noam
Written during the last 30 years, these pieces display many characteristics of Chomsky's thought: a deep mistrust of U.S. and Israeli intentions and a desire to change the course of history. Chomsky i...
The Middle East in Flames: Against The Current vol. 124
Kennedy, Andrew; Weissman, Susan
Andrew Kennedy and Suzi Weismann Interview Gilbert Achcar. Gilbert Achcar is the author of Eastern Cauldron and The Clash of Barbarisms, both published by Monthly Review Press.
Miss Calculatsia: Danger of War That No One Wants: Against The Current vol. 130
Avnery, Uri
Introducing Miss Calculatsia, that fashionable foreigner, the new star in Israeli discourse.
Mongolia, Canada, Israel & the United States: Colonialism, Mining and Oil Shale: Don't Let the Genie Out of the Bottle
Stainsby, MacDonald
Genie Energy announces a deal they struck with the Petroleum Authority of Mongolia.
The Monster That Israel Helped Create
Malik, Kenan
There is a terrible irony in Israel’s current assault on Gaza. More than 200 Palestinians have died in an onslaught supposedly aimed at weakening Hamas and degrading its capacity to fire rockets into ...
Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran nuclear programme
Spy cables reveal that Mossad concluded that Iran was not producing nuclear weapons, even though Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu told the UN the opposite.
Mossad Operation Threatened Against Reporter
Cook, Jonathan
An Israeli journalist who went into hiding after writing a series of reports showing lawbreaking approved by Israeli army commanders faces a lengthy jail term for espionage if caught, as Israeli secur...
The Most Moral Army?
Avnery, Uri
War is the realm of killing and destroying. How is it possible to talk about a law of war when war itself breaks all laws? An army that trains its soldiers to kill, how can it demand from them to show...
The myth of Israeli morality
Andoni, Lamis
Israel has consistently reacted with repression or even extreme violence to cultural and political manifestations of Palestinian identity.
The myth of one Jewish nation
Avnery, Uri
Zionism is an anti-Semitic creed. It was so right from the beginning. Already the founding father, Theodor Herzl, a Viennese writer, penned some pieces with a clear anti-Semitic slant. For him, Zionis...
The Myths of Liberal Zionism
Laor, Yitzhak
Yitzhak Laor, one of Israel's most independent writers and prominent dissidents, demystifies the "peace camp" liberals.
Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies
Chomsky, Noam
An inquiry into the nature of the media and the role of intellectuals in "a political system where the population cannot be disciplined by force, and thus must be subjected to more subtle forms of ide...
Netanyahu: Have You No Shame?
Lerner, Rabbi Michael
Israel’s Prime Minister attributing the Holocaust to Palestinian influence over Hitler is a "Blood Libel" level lie.
The New McCarthyism In Israel
Cook, Jonathan
The Israeli government and its right-wing supporters have been waging a 'McCarthyite' campaign against human-rights groups by blaming them for the barrage of international criticism that has followed ...
The nightmare hidden within liberal Zionism
Lloyd, David
Since the American Studies Association (ASA) announced this month that its members had voted overwhelmingly to endorse the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, the predictable outpouring of furio...
The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism
Barker, Jonathan
An in-depth look at the nature of terrorism that discusses questioning terrorism, assessing it, the difference between state terrorism and group terrorism, morality and history, and war and politics.
Norwegian Pension Fund Divests from Israeli Military Giant Elbit
The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has excluded the Israeli company Elbit Systems Ltd. from the Government Pension Fund - Global, on the basis of the Council on Ethics' recommendation. The Council on E...
Now Is The Time
El Sarraj, Eyad
The world must be offered the chance to see the good Palestinian, the good Arab and the good Muslim. We must be offered the chance to see the good Jew and the well-intentioned Christians and West. It ...
NYT op-ed describing Israel as a place of refuge is missing the word, Palestinians
Levine, Joseph
A rebuke by author Levine to the New York Times op-ed written by Susan Silverman titled "How Did Israel Become A Place of No Refuge?".
Obama on Israel-Palestine
Chomsky, Noam
Noam Chomsky criticizes Barack Obama's vague stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict and warns that there is much importance in what he is not expressing.
Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority
Omeish, Sufyan; Omeish, Abdallah
A thorough examination on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Occupation captured
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Photos of Palestinian life and Israeli occupation in the West Bank city of Hebron.
Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid?: A re-assessment of Israel's practicies in the occupied Palestinian territories under international law
The Middle East Project, Democracy and Governance Program
A study of the Israel-Palestine situation from the standpoint of international law.
Occupation Diaries
Shehadeh, Raja
An inside look at daily life in Palestine.
The Occupier Defines Justice
Hass, Amira
Of Sowing and Harvests
Marcos, Subcomandante
Perhaps our word can manage to join forces with others in Mexico and the world and perhaps first it's heard as a murmur, then out loud, and then a scream that they hear in Gaza. We don't know about yo...
Old Wine, Broken Bottle: Ari Shavit's Promised Land
Finkelstein, Norman G.
My Promised Land by Haaretz journalist Ari Shavit has been one of the most widely discussed and lavishly praised books about Israel in recent years. It has garnered encomiums from a broad spectrum of ...
The Olga Document: For Truth and Reconciliation, For Equality and Partnership
A document written in a series of meetings in Givat Olga, Israel, and titled after the location, The Olga Document. Advoctes coexistence of the peoples of this country, based on mutual recognition, e...
Olive oil, opposition and Gaza
Salutin, Rick
Rick Salutin writes about increasingly widespread Jewish opposition to Israel's actions.
On Israel, Ukraine and Truth: The Return of George Orwell and Big Brother's War
Pilger, John
As advanced societies are de-politicised, the changes are both subtle and spectacular. In everyday discourse, political language is turned on its head, as Orwell prophesised in 1984. "Democracy" is no...
On Israel's colonial narrative
Abulhawa , Susan
Analysis: Palestinian novelist Susan Abulhawa deconstructs Israel's insidious language of power.
On Oil and Quicksand: Against The Current vol. 114
The Editors
The end of 2004 finds the Middle East sliding toward an even bloodier morass, thanks in large part to imperial and colonial arrogance which has rarely been on such open display.
On Resistance: BDS and Israel's Declining Support Among Diaspora Jews
Cohen, Stanley L.
Like its predecessor movement decades ago in South Africa, assessing the success of BDS against Israel today necessarily rubs up against the tension between Israeli Hasbara (propaganda) and its realit...
On the US-Israeli Invasion of Lebanon
Chomsky, Noam
The supposed justifications for the invasion are a cynical fraud.
One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse
Abunimah, Ali
One Country proposes a radical alternative to the impasse in Israel/Palestine: to revive the neglected idea of one state shared by two peoples. Ali Abunimah shows how the two are by now so intertwined...
One in five Israelis lives in poverty
Mason, Barry
With just over 8 million people, Israel has over 1.7 million, more than 20 percent of the population, living below the poverty line, according to the latest report issued by the National Insurance Ins...
One State is Not Snake Oil: A Reply to Michael Neumann
Spritzler, John
The income of the 18 wealthiest families in Israel is equivalent to 77 percent of Israel's national budget, which is NIS 256 billion a year. This means that in less than 4.4 years the 18 wealthiest fa...
One State: Trump Has Reminded Palestinians What It Was Always About
Cook, Jonathan
For more than 15 years, the Middle East "peace process" initiated by the Oslo accords has been on life support. Last week, United States president Donald Trump pulled the plug, whether he understood i...
An Open Letter From Anti-Zionist Jewish Youth in Canada: Sources News Release
Let us not be silent bystanders while humanity suffers. Let us raise our voices, as Jewish youth, and demand a single, democratic state, with equal rights for everyone in Israel/Palestine.
An open letter from Jewish academics and elders to McGill's administration regarding false allegations of student anti-Semitism
This letter was sent Nov. 13 to Principal Suzanne Fortier, Provost Christopher Manfredi, and Secretariat Board of Governors and Senate Maria Kontzidis.
Open Letter to German Left Party (Die Linke)
The state of Israel does not deserve prizes for its occupation, racist separation and its war crimes. Only international policy which emphasises to Israel that violations of international law are not ...
Operation Cast Lead: News control as a military objective
Control of news in time of war has become a military objective.
The Other Israel: Voices of Refusal and Dissent
Carey, Roane; Shainin, Jonathan (ed.)
A compilation of essays written by Israelis who oppose Israel's occupation of Palestine.
The Other Israel: The Radical Case Against Zionism
Bober, Ari (ed.)
A collective effort by a small group of Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel to penetrate the dense net of illusion and myth that dominates the thinking and feeling of most Israelis and, at the same tim...
The Other Side of Israel: My Journey Across the Jewish/Arab Divide
Nathan, Susan
Explores the unequal treatment of Palestinians living in Israel as "citizens", but as second-class citizens in a theocratic state that discriminates against Arabs in many ways.
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 21, 2014: Killings by Police
Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Topic of the week is Killings by Police. Articles on the way the Ebola crisis illuminates the moral bankruptcy of capitalism; Responding the capitalist crisis, in 1914 and 2014; Globaling Gaza: Israel...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2015: Resisting Neoliberalism
Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Resisting neoliberalism: "free markets" and "free trade" are an ideological cover for what is actually a form of state capitalism in which working people subsidize and bail out corporations and the ri...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2015: Urban agriculture and local food production
Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Other Voices ranges widely, from increasing worker activism and strikes in China, to advances in battery technology that make it much easier and cheaper to store solar and wind energy fo...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 12, 2017: Race and Class
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Class conflict - first and foremost, the relationship between the capitalist class and the working class -- is the fundamental contradiction that defines capitalist society. Class is a reality which s...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 28, 2017: Resisting Injustice
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
In this issue, we look at the relentless persistence of people challenging injustice and entrenched power in places around the world, including Palestine, Korea, China, Canada, and the United States. ...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 10, 2018: Massacres and Morality
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
In the wake of Israel's brutal massacres of Palestinian protestors in Gaza in May and June 2018, Other Voices looks at the ways in which state terrorism is used to keep subjugated populations in line,...
Our exclusive right to self-defense: Rattling the Cage
Derfner, Larry
This is the Israeli notion of a fair deal: We're entitled to do whatever the hell we want to the Palestinians because, by definition, whatever we do to them is self-defense. They, however, are not ent...
Our Way to Fight: Peace-work under siege in Israel-Palestine
Riordon, Michael
Documents the lives and work of grassroots peace activists, Israelis and Palestinians fighting for justice and human rights on both sides of the wall. The book also explore events that stirred people ...
Out of the Frame: The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel
Pappe, Ilan
Links Pappé's personal struggle against Israeli McCarthyism with a broader struggle for human and political rights of which "academic freedom" is merely one aspect.
Outcry Over Israel's War Crimes
Cook, Jonathan
Jonathan Cook describes legal actions underway to hold Israel accountable for war crimes.
Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine
Kovel, Joel
Kovel argues that the inner contradictions of Zionism have led Israel to a 'state-sponsored racism' fully as incorrigible as that of apartheid South Africa and deserving of the same resolution. Only a...
Painting a false picture
Such, Rod
A review of the book "The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel and the Media" by Greg Shupak.
Palestine Freedom Battle "will be won": Interview with Author Miko Peled
Silver, Charlotte
An interview with Miko Peled, the Israeli author of The General’s Son.
Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education
Peled-Elhanen, Nurit
How are Palestine, and the Palestinians, portrayed in the Israeli school system? Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that ...
Palestine is not an environment story: How I was censored by The Guardian for writing about Israel's war for Gaza's gas
Ahmed, Nafeez
After writing for The Guardian for over a year, my contract was unilaterally terminated because I wrote a piece on Gaza that was beyond the pale.
Palestine/Israel: A single state, with liberty and justice for all
Abulhawa, Susan; Baroud, Ramzy
The notion of religious-ethnocentric entitlement and exclusivity for one people at the expense of another has been rejected the world over. Palestinians reject it and we assert that we are human being...
Palestine: Israeli Love Song
A video response to Israeli propaganda and PR efforts.
Palestine overwhelmed by Illegal American Immigrants
Cole, Juan
Israel illegally annexed part of the Palestinian West Bank to its district of Jerusalem and then settled it with squatters, not only Israeli but also American.
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Carter, Jimmy
Former U.S. President Carter calls Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid' and identifies continuing Israeli control of the occupied territories as the primary obstacle to peace.
Palestine's 'Prayer for Rain': How Israel Uses Water as a Weapon of War
Baroud, Ramzy
Israel has been 'waging a water war' against Palestinians, according to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister, Rami Hamdallah. The irony is that the water provided by "Mekorot' is actually Palestinian ...
Palestinian Democracy: Against The Current vol. 121
Warschawski, Michael
Few elections throughout the world have been perceived by the local population, as well as international observers, as democratic and transparent as the Palestinian ones. At first glance, Palestine se...
Palestinian, Jewish Voices Music Jointly Challenge Israel's Past
Baroud, Ramzy
Baroud analyzes how Israel has appropriated the Palestinian narrative of Al-Nakba to rewrite history and place the occupation of Palestine in a positive light.
Palestinian Refugees: The Right Of Return
Aruri, Naseer (ed.)
The thorniest of issues, elucidated, discussed, and contextualized, by an impressive array of scholars and activists, including Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, Norman Finkelstein, Jaber Sueiman, Nahla Ghan...
Pappe and Israel's New Historians: Against The Current vol. 152
Wainer, Kit Adam
An irony of Israeli political culture is that Zionism is exceptionally rigid in comparison to the democratic philosophy that legitimizes the U.S. political system, yet the breadth of political debate ...
The Pariah State: A Short History of Israeli Impunity
Jones, Evan
Hasbara has elevated the manipulation of language to a new plateau. This is a qualitative leap. Moving beyond the difficulty of seeing the stye in our own eye, the Hasbara upends linguistic convention...
The Pattern (Musically Annotated): From the Annals of Occupation
Rovics, David
The war of words heats up. Israeli and US leaders are all over the airwaves, saying Israel has a right to defend itself and that Hamas is responsible for all deaths on both sides. The news organizatio...
PayPal censors journalists who criticize Israel
Abunimah, Ali
Under apparent influence from Benjamin Weinthal, PayPal chose to close down the account of the French online publication Agence Media Palestine. Such a move constitutes censorship as it denies journal...
Peace Beyond Annapolis: Against The Current vol. 132
Newash, Hasan; Finkel, David
What are the prospects for progress toward Israeli-Palestinian and regional peace coming out of the one-day conference called by president George W. Bush? One leading Arab-American organization offeri...
Peace in the Middle East?: Reflections on Justice and Nationhood
Chomsky, Noam
An analysis of the Arab-Israeli conflict arguing for socialist bi-nationalism as the way out of the morass.
Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy
Christison, Kathleen
Christison shows how America's singular focus on Israel and general ignorance of the Palestinian point of view, has impeded a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Personal testimony of an Irraeli refusnik
Oron, Asaf
Why would a regular guy get up one morning in the middle of life, work, the kids and decide he's not playing the game anymore?
Plowshares into Swords: From Zionism to Israel
Mayer, Arno
An authoritative history of Zionism and Israel.
Poisoning Wells
Shamir, Israel
The Politics Of Anti-Semitism
Cockburn, Alexander; St. Clair, Jeffrey (eds.)
How did a term, once used accurately to describe the most virulent evil, become a charge flung at the mildest critic of Israel, particularly concerning its atrocious treatment of Palestinians? This is...
Post-Zionism Zionism
Zer-Aviv, Avi
What do we need to do to let go of all fear that separates Jew and Arab, and embrace a truly pluralistic, secular, democratic, multicultural and loving society?
The Power of the Israel Lobby: Two knights and a dragon
Avnery, Uri
The Israel Lobby has shifted more and more to the Right. The billionaires who finance the Lobby are the same people who finance the extreme Israeli Right, and most of all the settlers.
Press for Conversion #51: May 2003
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Why is the U.S. government reviled by so many people in the Middle East and North Africa? This issue looks at the past 50 years of wars and regime changes in the region and unveils a consistent patter...
The Price of Torching Mosques: Burning Rage
Cook, Jonathan
By reminding Palestinians on either side of the Green Line of their common fate, Israel may yet unleash a force too powerful to control. The price tag – this time demanded by Palestinians – will be hi...
A pro-Israel group's plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia
Electronic Intifada exposes a secret scheme by a pro-Israel pressure group to infiltrate the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia to rewrite Palestinian history, pass off crude propaganda as fact, an...
Pro-Israel stance reeks of double standards and historical amnesia
Diemer, Ulli
Israel bombs, terrorizes and kills as it pleases, on a daily basis, and the media praise it for its restraint.
Pro-Israel Lobby Alarmed by Growth of Boycott, Divestment Movement
Young, Art
The international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel is emerging as one of the most important ways to demonstrate solidarity with Palestine.
Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack on the Gaza Peace Flotilla - Part 1
We are trained to react to violent acts, not on the basis of their objective legality and human cost, but on the basis of the perceived legitimacy of the people committing the act. Violence committed ...
The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many
Chomsky, Noam
a collection of short commentaries by Noam Chomsky on global issues, drawn from interviews in the early 1990s. Topics include global economics, racism, NAFTA, and hot topics of the day.
Questions about Israel's attack on Gaza
Diemer, Ulli
Why do these terrible outbreaks of violence keep happening? Written during the Israeli attack on Gaza in July 2014.
Rabbis Take on Settlers
Frykberg, Mel
Away from the media spotlight that focuses on the widening chasm between Israelis and Palestinians, a group of Israeli humanists is quietly working to break down barriers with their Palestinian neighb...
Race, Religion and Rounding Up Africans in Israel
Sheen, David
Israel has launched a wholesale roundup of African immigrants, whom members of the ruling parties call a "cancer" on the Jewish state. To circumvent court rulings against imprisonment without trial, t...
'Rachel' screening in San Francisco shows a growing movement tired of being censored about Israel
Gottlieb, Rabbi Lynn
A wide spectrum of individuals and organizations attempt to enforce the axiom: there shall be no public criticism of Israel. This platitude ironically goes hand in hand with the view that "Israel is t...
Racism in Israel
Sheen, David
Reports of anti-African race riots in Tel Aviv in May finally broke western media silence over one of the most contentious issues facing the state of Israel in recent years: the arrival of tens of tho...
Racist Universities?: New Rules Favor Former IDF Soldiers
Cook, Jonathan
Measures designed to benefit Jewish school-leavers applying for places in Israeli higher education at the cost of their Arab counterparts have been criticised by lawyers and human rights groups.
Radical Digressions 3
Diemer, Ulli
Radical Digressions 4
Diemer, Ulli
Radical Digressions 5
Diemer, Ulli
Radical Digressions 6
Diemer, Ulli
Radical Priorities
Chomsky, Noam; edited by C.P. Otero
Otero presents an analysis and overview of Chomsky's social and political philosophy. For the first time the roots of Chomsky's politics are examined and the relationship to his theory of linguistics ...
Radicals, Rabbis and Peacemakers: Conversations with Jewish Critics of Isreal
Farber, Seth (ed.)
This is a collection of interviews, edited, introduced, and annotated by Farber, a member of Jews Against The Occupation. The contributors are among the leading American Jewish critics of Zionism and...
The real aim of Israel's attacks on Lebanon
Avnery, Uri
The real aim is to change the regime in Lebanon and to install a puppet government.
The Real Motive Behind the Gaza Flotilla Attack: Sabotaging Peace
Amiri, Rannie
Israel's leadership is committed to "a dynamic state bent upon expansion". The greatest threat to continued expansion is the threat of peace. Whenever Israel's leadership is faced with the threat of p...
Reflections and Meditations Thirty Years After
Stone, I.F.
I.F. Stone's reflections on Israel thirty years after writing his first-hand account "Underground to Palestine'.
Rejoinder to Criticism of Chomsky: Asset or Liability?
Hammond, Jeremy R.
One can learn much more about Chomsky’s actual views from the real Chomsky than from reading about some imaginary Chomsky which some critics have manufactured.
A Rejoinder to Joel Kovel: Against The Current vol. 133
Finkel, David
Joel Kovel is to be congratulated on the successful struggle to overturn the outrageous University of Michigan Press decision to halt distribution of Overcoming Zionism. To whatever extent the contro...
A Reply on Overcoming Zionism: Against The Current vol. 132
Kovel, Joel
David Finkel and I see eye to eye on most basics where Israel is concerned, and he is generous in praising my recently published Overcoming Zionism. For years I have known him to be a stalwart anti-Zi...
A Reply to B'nai Brith's Manifesto Denouncing CUPE-Ontario's Boycott of Israel
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Why supporting the global campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid is the right thing to do.
Resistance to Reporting on Discrimination in Israel
Sheen, David
To date, I have published over a hundred reports about anti-African racism in Israel. Some of these stories have been widely circulated, including a 10-minute video released last month that has been s...
Resolutions Advocating a Boycott of Israel
Surin, Kenneth
The Modern Language Association (MLA) Delegate Assembly voted in Philadelphia on two resolutions, for and against, of an academic boycott of Israel.
A Response to Norman Finkelstein
Tilley, Virginia
A response to Norman Finkelstein's attack on the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Tilley says that Finkelstein's insistence that the movement has to adjust itself t...
The Returns of Zionism: Myths, Politics and Scholarship
Piterberg, Gabriel
Leading Israeli scholar with a major re-evaluation of Zionist ideology and literature.
Revisiting the partition of Palestine
Lowi, Henry
Henry Lowi calls on honest, realistic and pragmatic peace activists the world over to expose partition, protest against it and propose an alternative solution to the question of Palestine.
Right and Wrong Responses to Palestinian Suicide Bombers
Spritzler, John
The Israeli government hypocritically seizes upon every suicide bombing to justify the far greater Israeli state terror against Palestinians. To side with Israel in this hypocrisy is as morally bankru...
Rights on Condition: Association for Civil Rights in Israel State of Human Rights Report 2009
In Israel, the entire spectrum of rights is dependent on what we say or believe, what ethnic group we belong to, how much money we have, and more.
The Road to Civil War: Against The Current vol. 113
Avnery, Uri
Everybody in Israel is talking about the Next War. The most popular TV channel is running a whole series about it.
The Roadmap to Nowhere: Israel/Palestine Since 2003
Reinhart, Tanya
An urgent and searing exposé of the 'peace process' by a prominent Israeli thinker.
Rocket Attacks on Israeli Civilians
Spritzler, John
I challenge anybody to show how attacks on Israeli non-combatants help defeat the Israeli ruling class. It is as clear as day that it only strengthens our enemy. If the Israeli rulers didn't have rock...
The Root of the Mid-East Conflict and the Reason Our Government Supports Israel's Government
Spritzler, John
How should decent people respond to the Middle-East conflict? We should support equality, not Zionist ethnic cleansing. Equality is the way to make a better world for ordinary people from Watertown to...
The roots of Israel's most racist law
Noy, Orly
Israel’s most draconian laws may have been passed by the current right-wing government, but the stage was set long ago by the Israeli Left. With a majority of 65 votes, the Knesset approved last week ...
Roots of Israel's violence
Cliff, Tony
Looking back on my own experience in Palestine I can see how today's horror grew from small beginnings. Zionism, Jewish separateness and the belief in a Jewish homeland, have developed into state viol...
Sacrificing Gaza: The Great March of Zionist Hypocrisy
Kavanagh, Jim
The Great March of Return is a startling, powerful expression of Palestinian identity and resistance. Thousands of Palestinians have come out, bravely and unapologetically, to say: “We refuse to remai...
The sad, sad world of Israel's big-time liars
Littlewood, Stuart
Stuart Littlewood views Israel’s propaganda minister, the self-confessed racist and squatter Yuli Edelstein, and takes a close look at the manual to which Edelstein and other Zionist propagandists wor...
The Salaita Affair: Lessons Heard and Lessons Learned
Ramahi, Omar M.
Professor Steven Salaita was to begin his new faculty appointment in Fall 2014 as a tenured Associate Professor in the American Indian Studies Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign...
The Samson Option
Hersh, Seymour M.
Hersh, the investigative journalist who exposed the Mai Lai massacre, documents how Israel acquired nuclear weapons with U.S. connivance.
Sanctions Against the Israeli Occupation: It's Time
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
A call from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) for sanctions as the next logical step in the global campaign to end the Occupation.
Scenes from the Uprising
Chomsky, Noam
Noam Chomsky calls upon his visits to Israel and Nicaragua to explore the nature of popular struggle in regions under occupation.
The Secrets in Israel's Archives: Evidence of Ethnic Cleansing Kept Under Lock and Key
Cook, Jonathan
Israel has extended the time limit for releasing documents in its archives to 70 years, to prevent disclosure of evidence of widespread ethnic cleansing. The state's chief archivist says many of the ...
A secular-democratic state
Higgins, Jim
What is needed is a secular Arab-Jewish state based on socialism and democracy in all of Palestine.
Selective Vision: Iran, Israel and Nuclear Arms
For many years, the corporate media has been amplifying supposed "fear" in the West about Iran becoming a nuclear-armed nation alongside the US, the UK, France, Russia - and Israel.
Self-Defense Against Peace: Israel's Unjust War on Gaza
Mandel, Michael
Legally and morally, an aggressor cannot rely upon self-defence to justify violence against resistance to its own aggression. The most plausible reason Israel is fighting Hamas (and the PLO before it)...
The Semantics of Terrorism
Al-Jurf, Soha
A mental construct has been created in which the State of Israel is an entity that is under constant attack. By terrorists. Who, irrefutably, must be eradicated. Their actions are somewhat irrelevant....
A serious newspaper should not confuse Jews and Zionists
Rabkin,Yakov M.
On the eve of the 62th anniversary of Israel, it is important to remember that it was the Zionist minority of Palestine's inhabitants that issued the unilateral declaration of independence. Israel is ...
Seth Farber's Radicals, Rabbis and Peacemakers: Against The Current vol. 120
Smith, Michael Steven
My grandparents came to America from Hungary in 1912. My family who stayed there and the Hungarian Jewish population were mostly killed by the fascists in the bitter winter of 1944, some 800,000. Twen...
Setting the Record Straight: Zionism from the Standpoint of its Jewish Critics
Aronowitz, Stanley
There is a hope a bi-national soluation will be brought about through political discussion and agitation within both left and liberal circles, especially within the United States, a much less timid Is...
Shame on you, Mr. Harper
Open letter initiated by members of Shalom-Salaam, a Jewish-Arab Montreal dialogue group.
Shocked by Donald Trump's 'travel ban'? Israel has had a similar policy for decades
White, Ben
Describing how President Trump's stances and policies on immigration, borders and torture draws heavily from existing policies and tactics of the Israeli state.
The shocking story of Israel's disappeared babies
Cook, Jonathan
New information has come to light about thousands of mostly Yemeni children believed to have been abducted in the 1950s.
Shooting Back: Young Palestinians With Cameras
Duncan, Don
For the past three years, Btselem, the Israeli human rights NGO, has provided cameras and training to young Palestinians as part of its camera distribution project, to collect video evidence of abuses...
Shot in the Back: Did the IDF Execute Mavi Marmara Victims?
Lindorff, Dave
In the Israeli commando assault on the Gaza aid flotilla, if victims were shot in the back or in the back of the head, then one is left really with only two possible conclusions: either the shooters, ...
Should People Opposed to Bigotry and Anti-Semitism Support Israel?
Spritzler, John
That the Zionist project is bad for Jews as well as for non-Jews is an idea which, for many decades, has been suppressed. It is time good people -- of all faiths -- rediscovered it.
Should There Be A Jewish State?
Spritzler, John
The very concept of ethnically pure states is divisive and destined to stoke conflict. The so-called "two state solution" in the Middle East - establishing a Palestinian state to counter the Jewish st...
The single-state solution
Diemer, Ulli
Bringing about a single secular state in which Jews and Palestinians have equal rights will not be easy, but ultimately it is the only solution to the conflict. A state based on respect for the human ...
6 Floors to Hell
Efrat, Johnathon Ben (Director)
On the outskirts of Tel Aviv, in an underground world, live hundreds of Palestinian workers sleep in this hell in order to find a day's work in Israel and bring money home to their families in the Wes...
Six Questions for Augustus Richard Norton on Lebanon
Silverstein, Ken
Questions concerning the 2006 abduction of Israelis to trade for Lebanese prisoners being held in Israeli prisons.
'68: The Year of the Barricades
Caute, David
Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening aro...
The Smile of Policeman Agadi
al-Ahmed, Abdel Rahman
An account of the abuse of Palestinian political prisoners in the Israeli prison system.
The Socialist Register 1970: Volume 7: A Survey of Movements & Ideas
Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
The Socialist Register 1976: Volume 13: A Survey of Movements & Ideas
Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Socialist Register 2003: Volume 39: Fighting Identities
Panitch, Leo; Leys, Colin (eds.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Some Deaths Really Matter: The Disproportionate Coverage of Israeli And Palestinian Killings
Media Lens editor
Israeli deaths matter much more than Palestinian deaths. This has long been a distinguishing feature of Western news media reporting on the Middle East. The recent blanket coverage afforded to the bru...
Some deaths really matter - The disproportionate coverage of Israeli and Palestinian Killings
Documening that the deaths of Israelis is far more heavily weighted than those of Palestinian deaths, garnering more media coverage.
Some Israeli Leaders Do Sometimes Tell The Truth
Hart, Alan
Still today, 48 years on, there are relatively few people who know the whole truth about how Israel set the stage for war in June 1967 to grab more Arab land. The single most decisive event that made ...
Sons and mothers vs. sacred cows
Abramovitch, Dorit
A growing movement to refuse to serve in the Israeli military and especially in the occupied territories.
Speaking the truth to Jews
Eisen, Paul
Many perfectly legitimate criticisms of Israeli policy are blanketed as attacks on Israel's right to self-defense and therefore as attacks on Israel's right to exist and, therefore themselves as anti-...
Spot The Difference
Avnery, Uri
When I first brought up the similarity between Prussia and Israel (in a chapter dedicated to this theme in the Hebrew and German editions of my 1967 book, "Israel Without Zionists") it might have look...
Statement by Jewish Activists and Organizations active in BDS against Israel
A Jewish response to the February 2011 Statement of Jewish Zionist Organizations on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
Stop That Shit
Avnery, Uri
Whoever longs for a solution must know: there is no solution without settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Strip-Searching Children: Humiliation and Child Abuse at Israeli Checkpoints
Weir, Alison
Israeli officials have been regularly strip-searching children for decades.
Struggle for equal rights for Palestinians is 'right choice,' and will lead to 'significant exodus of Jews' - Henry Siegman
Weiss, Philip
Everyone should read Henry Siegman's long piece in the National Interest on the "Implications of President Trump's Jerusalem Ploy." Siegman is a great leader because he has bucked the American and Jew...
Stuxnet on the Loose: Security for the One Percent
Blunden, Bill
Suspicions that the Stuxnet computer worm was indeed developed by the United States and Israel has once again exposed American exceptionalism. Espionage and sabotage are presented as intolerable crimi...
Stuxnet-Like Digital Attack on Iran Nuclear Talks May Have Come from Israel, Security Researchers Say
Alimardani, Mahsa
Moscow-based technical security company Kaspersky Lab last week revealed evidence of a new cyber attack on both its own network and those of several European hotels that hosted nuclear negotiations be...
Tactics of desperation: Using false accusations of 'anti-semitism' as a weapon to silence criticism of Israel's behaviour
Diemer, Ulli
The Israeli state and its defenders are increasingly attempting to silence critics because they are losing the battle for public opinion.
Take Israel To International Criminal Court
Dhansay, Sayed
It is imperative that the international community view the Israeli response to the Goldstone report as a blatant attempt to whitewash its crimes in Gaza, and refer the matter to the ICC without furthe...
Telling It: Women and Language Across Cutures
Telling It Book Collective ( Lee, Sky; Maracle, Lee ; Marlatt, Daphne ; Warland,Betsy)
The Tent Intifada
Efrat, Yacov Ben
The bug that had spread from Tahrir Square in Cairo to Del Sol in Madrid now landed in Tel Aviv. The slogan coined in Cairo, "Social Justice!" became the main slogan in Israel.
Terror in a Christmas Tree : Israel Tries to Ban Non-Jewish Celebrations
Cook, Jonathan
Who would imagine that Israeli Jews could be so intimidated by the innocuous Christmas tree?
There Is a Coordinated Campaign to Suppress Criticism of Israel
Shahshahani, Azadeh
Israel's human rights violations are accompanied by U.S. efforts to stifle dissent.
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby
Findley, Paul
The author of this book served 11 terms as a Republican Congressman from Illinois. He describes the influence on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on the U.S. Senate and Houseof Rep...
Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide
Webb, Whitney
Massive rallies and Facebook campaigns calling for Palestinian genocide are ignored by Western mainstream media and Facebook despite concerns and collaborations aimed at stopping "calls to violence".
Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis Chant: 'No to the nation-state law, yes to equality'
Palestinian flags were seen held high during a demonstration in which tens of thousands of Arab Palestinians and Israeli Jews marched on Saturday, in Tel Aviv, to protest against the controversial Jew...
A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism
Rabkin, Yakov M.
Rabkin brings to light continuing Jewish opposition to Zionism, a religious tradition which presents a fundamental challenge to the idea of Israel as a Jewish state.
A Threat from Within: Jewish Opposition to Zionism - Review
Neumann, Michael
Review of a book on Jewish Orthodox opposition to Zionism.
Time for a New Divestment Campaign: From South Africa to Israel
Gray, Kevin Alexander
We must see Israel with the same eyes as we saw South Africa in the apartheid years - as a racist nation deserving of international isolation and sanctions.
A Time to Speak Out: Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish Identity
Karpf, Anne; Klug, Brian; Rose, Jacqueline; Rosenbaum, Barbara
A collection of strong Jewish voices, drawing on an established tradition of Jewish dissidence, come together to explore some of the most challenging issues facing diaspora Jews, notably in relation t...
To be Intimidated is to be an Accomplice
Ali, Tariq
The Nazi judeocide of should not be used as a cover to commit crimes against the Palestinian people.
To end the occupation, cripple Israeli banks
Crawford-Browne, Terry
The international banking sanctions campaign in New York against apartheid South Africa during the 1980s is regarded as the most effective strategy in bringing about a nonviolent end to the country's ...
To the family of the one thousandth victim of Israel's genocidal slaughter in Gaza
Pappe, Ilan
This is 2014 — the destruction of Gaza is well documented. This is not 1948 when Palestinians had to struggle hard to tell their story of horror; so many of the crimes Zionist committed then where hid...
Towards a 'Israeli War Criminals Watch'
Warschawski, Michael
It is upon us, every woman and man, in Israel and abroad, who fear for international public hygiene and international law, to unite forces in order to place before those war criminals the dilemma: ris...
Towards a New Cold War: Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There
Chomsky, Noam
A sobering assessment of American foreign policy from the end of the Vietnam era to Ronald Reagan.
The Tragedy of Norman Finkelstein -- Time to Say Goodbye
Greenstein, Tony
Norman Finkelstein seems to have moved from an anti-Zionist position to believing that the best we can do is create a Palestinian bantustan while Israeli remains as a state where Jews rule and Palesti...
The True Gaza Backstory: It's About Land, Stupid
Fisk, Robert
How come all those Palestinians – all 1.5 million – are crammed into Gaza in the first place? Well, their families once lived, didn’t they, in what is now called Israel? And got chucked out – or fled ...
A truly fragile identify
Said, Edward
Israel has equated modern identity not with actual live people, with rights and obligations, but with a vast collectivity with no limits either in the past, the present, or the future.
Truth Against Truth
Avnery, Uri
Challenges the myths, conventional lies, and historical falsehoods on which most of the arguments of both Israeli and Palestinian propaganda rest. The truths of both sides are intertwined into one his...
The Truth Behind The Israeli Propaganda
Fisk, Robert
The amazing thing in all this is that so many Western journalists - and I'm including the BBC's pusillanimous coverage of the Gaza aid ships - are writing like Israeli journalists, while many Israeli ...
A turning point for the US solidarity movement
Elia, Nada
We have learned that change will not come from above. It will and must come from the grassroots, the people, those who have nothing to lose but their prison walls, the daily humiliation of life as a r...
Twitterers Paid To Spread Israeli Propaganda
Cook, Jonathan
Israel's foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel. Intern...
"Two State Solution" Equals Racism: Palestinians and Jews CAN Live Peacefully as Equals in One Democratic State
Spritzler, John
The mutual fear and distrust between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine today is no more innate to these people than the belief in anti-black stereotypes so widely accepted by white Americans in the past ...
2009 Journalist Conference in Israel: No News
Issachar, Hedva
The support provided by Israel's primary media to the security and political moves of the government - any government - is not new in Israel. The perception that media is committed to the ethics of th...
Ultra-Zionists protest Muslim-Jewish wedding saying miscegenation is 'gravest threat to the Jewish people'
Sheen, David
As even mainstream Israeli politicians threaten the Palestinians of Gaza with ethnic cleansing and genocide, Israel's far-right figures take to the street to rile up racist supporters and to chase Pal...
UN Battle to 'Shame' Israel Over Abuse of Children
Cook, Jonathan
Palestinian solidarity groups have taken to social media to step up the pressure on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to include Israel for the first time on a "shame list" of serious viola...
The UN did NOT create Israel
Weir, Alison
UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the Partition Plan, was a recommendation that was to go to the Security Council. The resolution requested that the Security Council take it up. This never happened,...
The UN in Israel's Crosshairs: Nowhere to Run to, Nowhere to Hide
Amiri, Rannie
History will record Israel's onslaught in Gaza as noteworthy not only for the wide destruction of institutions of state and civil society, but for the deliberate targeting of the United Nations and th...
U.N. Team on War Crimes Condemns Israel, Hamas
A four-member United Nations fact-finding mission, which has just concluded an investigation into last year's brutal conflict in Gaza, makes a strong case for war crimes charges against Israel for its...
An Unauthorized Biography of the World: Oral History on the Front Lines
Riordon, Michael
This book uses oral history to discuss oral history. It is in memoir style, and delves into how oral history is done in such places as First Nations (Canada), Turkey, Chicago, Newfoundland, Peru, New ...
Underground to Palestine
Stone, I.F.
Underground to Palestine was written in the spring of 1946 when Stone was the first newspaper reporter to accompany survivors of the Holocaust on their epic clendestine journey to Palestine.
Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Bennis, Phyllis
Designed to inform those who are somewhat unfamiliar with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Written in question and answer format
UN's 1947 Partition Plan made Palestine a deal it had to refuse
Weinroth, Michelle
Weinroth analyzes the reasons behind Palestinians' refusal of the Partition Plan, reasons that have been largely dismissed in favour of casting their actions in an unfavourable light and thereby justi...
Uri Avnery Is Dead Wrong
Spritzler, John
In order to move forward and overcome the arguments people like him will hurl against us, we will need to get outside the reformist box and adopt a frankly revolutionary outlook, one that clearly sees...
U.S. & Israel: Dog Wags Tail Wags Dog: Against The Current vol. 138
Ruff, Allen
A tremendous amount of ink and energy has been expended interpreting the “special relationship” between the United States and Israel. The debate over Israel’s influence on U.S. Middle East policy has ...
US Navy Veterans Continue to Seek Justice for Israeli Attack
Jamail, Dahr
On June 8, 1967, while sailing in international waters, the US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked by air and naval forces of the state of Israel. Of the Liberty's crew of 294, more than h...
US tax-exempt donations fund Israeli settlements
Frykberg, Mel
Millions of tax-exempt dollars from the US are being funneled towards Israel's illegal settlement building in the occupied Palestinian West Bank in flagrant violation of international law.
Using a Black Icon to Sell Apartheid: Israel's Chutzpah
Wolf, Sherry
Apologists for Israel are now using fabricated 'quotes' from Martin Luther King to make it seem that King supported Israeli apartheid.
Using Children for Israeli Propaganda
Engler, Yves
Engler brings to light Canadian schools' practices that indoctrinate students with problematic colonial, Zionist views.
Videos Challenge Israeli Police Account of Shootings
Cook, Jonathan
It has been called the "smartphone intifada". After a sharp escalation in violence between Palestinians and Israelis in recent weeks, shocking scenes captured on video have spread across social media.
Voices for Palestine
Arab women from Jordan who came together in response to Israel's attack on Gaza and its people.
The Wall, Apartheid and Mandela: Will the Wall Bring Down Israel?
Harley, Peter
During his years of struggle in South Africa, Nelson Mandela offered ideas worth examining closely, especially when considering that he and his followers defeated the very condition that Palestinians ...
The Wall Must Fall: End the Occupation and Violence in Israel-Palestine
A resource for interested union and community members featuring voices from the Israeli and Palestinian peace movements often shut out of the mainstream media. By highlighting the progressive peace mo...
Waltz with Bashir: A Lebanon War Story
Folman, Ari; Polonsky, David
A graphic novel depicting an Israeli soldier's experience during Israel's war in Lebanon. See also the film with the same name.
The Wanted 18
A claymation comic that showcases the BDS movement through the establishment of a Palestinian dairy co-operative in Beit Sahour.
War Against the People: Israel, The Palestinians and Global Pacification
Halper, Jeff
Governments today are waging a 'war against the people' -- whether 'securitization' against asylum seekers in Fortress Europe, 'counterinsurgency' in Afghanisation, or the subliminal war of policy and...
War and Peace in the Middle East
Shlaim, Avi
Avi Shlaim locates various sources of conflict in the Middle East, from the presence of oil, competition between the Soviet Union and the United States, to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
War Crimes Airbrushed from History: Evidence of Israeli "Cowardly Blending" Comes to Light
Cook, Jonathan
A report written by a respected Israeli human rights organisation, one representing the country's Arab minority not its Jewish majority, has unearthed evidence showing that during the 2006 Lenanon war...
The War Isn't Over, But Israel Has Lost
Karon, Tony
The Israelis - and their backers in the American political establishment - appear incapable of grasping that which is empirically obvious: Hamas and its ilk grow stronger every time Israel seeks to el...
We are NOT the 'Story', It's Not Just Our 21 Kidnapped Passengers : Sources News Release
On June 30th 2009 Israeli Occupation Forces forcibly boarded the Free Gaza boat, SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, and kidnapped 21 human rights workers and journalists who were on their way to deliver much needed ...
We must speak out
Berger, John
Supporting a world-wide appeal to teachers, intellectuals and artists to join the cultural boycott of the state of Israel.
Welcome to the World’s First Bunker State: Room for Jews Only in Israel’s ‘Villa in the Jungle’
Cook, Jonathan
The bunker state is almost finished, and with it the dream of Israel’s founders is about to be realised.
We're not celebrating Israel's anniversary
We will celebrate when Arab and Jew live as equals in a peaceful Middle East.
What Comes Next?: A forum on the end of the two-state paradigm
"What Comes Next?: A forum on the end of the two-state paradigm" was initiated by Jewish Voice for Peace as an investigation into the current state of thinking about one state and two state solutions,...
What Comes Next: Towards a bi-national end-game in Palestine/Israel
Halper, Jeff
Jeff Halper suggests that the best political system to express both the desires of the two national communities of Palestine/Israel for self-determination and of its individual citizens for democracy ...
What is Anti-Semitism?
Neumann, Michael
Inflating the meaning of 'antisemitism' to include anything politically damaging to Israel is a double-edged sword. It may be handy for smiting your enemies, but the problem is that definitional infla...
What Should Be Done in Palestine: Israel Shamir's Talk at the Ankara Conference
Shamir, Israel
Indeed, the whole story of Palestine is a story of immigrants taking over a country. Such things happen: immigrants from Britain took over North America and Australia. This is a sad thing, but it happ...
What the American Media Won't Tell You About Israel: The savage punishment of Gaza traces back to decades ago.
Chomsky, Noam
An old man in Gaza held a placard that read: “You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us al...
What Was Missing From Coverage of Netanyahu's Speech
Naureckas, Jim
Reading the lead stories on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress about Iran in five prominent US papers – the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Wall Street Journal a...
What Will It Take To Win?
Spritzler, John
Our current strategy engages people in an arena - history and events in Palestine/Israel - far from their direct experience. We are the experts on a topic they know little about. We ask people to lear...
What's in a name? In a racist society, everything
Irvine, Richard
In our society refusal to contemplate a relationship with a person from another ethnic or religious background is described and denounced as racism or bigotry. In Israel it is protected by law.
When BBC Calls, Don’t Answer..
Falk, Richard
In any event, my advice to the media savvy, is that if you have caller ID, and you can tell that it is BBC calling, don’t bother answering. I hope I have the good sense to follow my own advice should ...
When journalists forget that murder is murder
Fisk, Robert
When Israelis are involved, our moral compass, our ability to report the truth, dries up.
Which came first? Palestinian rockets or Israeli violence?
Weir, Alison
Since US media are reporting the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza as though it is a defensive action, I thought I would set the record straight. Israeli forces shelled and invaded Gaza BEFORE the rocke...
Who Could Ever Feel Pride in the Balfour Declaration?
Fisk, Robert
Although the Balfour Declaration itself has been parsed, de-semanticised, romanticised, decrypted, decried, cursed and adored for 100 years, its fraud is easy to detect: it made two promises which wer...
Who is Afraid of a Real Inquiry?
Avnery, Uri
If a real Commission of Inquiry had been set up into the Free Gaza Flotilla attack (instead of the pathetic excuse for a commission), here are some of the questions it should have addressed.
Who Profits?: Exposing the Israeli Occupation Industry
In exposing companies and corporations involved in the occupation, we hope to promote a change in public opinion and corporate policies, leading to an end to the occupation.
Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified
Finkelstein, Norman G.
If singling out South Africa for an international economic boycott was defensible, it would seem equally defensible to single out Israel's occupation, which uniquely resembles the apartheid regime.
Why Is BDS A Moral Duty Today?: A Response To Bernard-Henri Levy
Barghouti, Omar
The reality of the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions.
Why Is Benjamin Netanyahu Trying To Whitewash Hitler?
Abunimah, Ali
Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly asserted that Adolf Hitler had no intention of exterminating Europe's Jews until a Palestinian persuaded him to do it.
Why Is Israel Killing Gazans?
Spritzler, John
Why is the West praising Malala, but ignoring Ahed?: Is an empowered Palestinian girl not worthy of Western feminist admiration?
Khoja-Moolji, Shenila
Khoja-Moolji examines the lack of media response to the plight of 16 year-old Ahed Tamimi, detained for allegedly assaulting an Israeli soldier during a confrontation at her home during which Israeli ...
Why Israel Desires to be Hated by Palestinians: Gaza 2012: On the Use and Abuse of Hatred and Violence
Ben-Dor, Oren
Israel desires to be hated by Palestinians. By provoking violence Israel has not merely managed to divert the limelight from its apartheid nature. It has also managed to convince that, as Joseph Mas...
Why Israel has silenced the 1948 story of Nazareth’s survival
Cook, Jonathan
A rarely told story of the 1948 war that founded Israel concerns Nazareth's survival. It is the only Palestinian city in what is today Israel that was not ethnically cleansed during the year-long figh...
Why Israel is blocking access to its archives
Cook, Jonathan
Israel is concealing vital records to prevent darkest periods in its history from coming to light, academics say.
Why Israel Won't Survive
Abunimah, Ali
If there was ever a moment when the peoples of the region would accept Israel as a Zionist state in their midst, that has passed forever. Israel's "military deterrent" has now been repeatedly discredi...
Why Israel?
Kunin, Jason
A routine strategy of Israel's defenders is to continually redirect attention to the human rights failings of countries hostile to Israel, or to catastrophes like Darfur that are used to argue the ong...
Why Israeli Anti-Zionists do NOT 'recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist as a Jewish state'
Lowi, Henry
States that define themselves with reference to the domination of one ethnic group cannot claim legitimacy.
Why Israeli Leaders Love Qassam Rockets: A Reply to Michael Neumann
Spritzler, John
Israeli leaders want Jews to believe that they are surrounded by violent anti-Semites. This is how the billionaires and generals and politicians who rule over the Israeli population get away with what...
Why Not Sanctions for Israel?: Gross Violations of Human Rights
Roberts, Paul Craig
The US led the imposition of sanctions against South Africa because of South Africa's apartheid practices. The sanctions forced the white government to hand over political power to the black populatio...
Why Our Government Supports Israel's Government, and Why We Shouldn't
Israel's Leaders Harm Both Jews & Palestinians.
Why 'Pick On' Israel? Here's Why
Spritzler, John
There are a lot of excellent reasons for singling Israel out, and none of them have anything to do with anti-Semitism. Israel is the only nation that self-righteously accuses any critic of its ethnic ...
Why There Are No 'Israelis' in the Jewish State
Cook, Jonathan
A group of Jews and Arabs are fighting in the Israeli courts to be recognised as 'Israelis,' a nationality currently denied them, in a case that officials fear may threaten the country's self-declared...
Widerspruch gegen linkes Lavieren
Israelische Linke rufen in offenem Brief an die Linkspartei zu Dialog über Nahostkonflikt auf In einem Offenen Brief an die LINKE haben über 100 linke Israelis ihre Erwartungen an eine solidarische P...
Will the Iran Deal Hold?
Finkel, David
Finkel explores the underlying reasons behind Israel and Saudi Arabia's disapproval over the United States' nuclear weapon deal with Iran.
With A Little Help From Outside
Levy, Gideon
The world sees a great and ongoing injustice. They want a just Israel. They see an Israel that occupies and is clearly unjust, and they believe they should do something. We should thank them for this ...
Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical Theory
Lynd, Staughton; Grubacic, Andrej
Wobblies and Zapatistas offers readers an encounter between two generations and two traditions. Staughton Lynd and Andrej Grubacic meet in dialogue in an effort to bring together the anarchist and Mar...
Women Take On the Orthodox
Kessel, Jerrold; Klochendler, Pierre
Increasing religious domination by the Orthodox is increasing conflict within Israeli and tension between American Jews and Israel.
Words have failed
Hass, Amira
The written word is a failure at making tangible to Israeli readers the true horror of the Occupation.
Worse Than North Korea
Lindorff, Dave
The reality is that we are dealing with a pariah state, no better at this point in its respect for international law and basic human rights (where non-Israelis are concerned), than North Korea. And ma...
The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel and the Media
Shupak, Greg
The Wrong Story lays bare the flaws in the way large media organizations present the Palestine–Israel issue. It points out major fallacies in the fundamental conceptions that underpin their coverage, ...
Yes to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel: An Answer to Uri Avnery
The BDS campaign was initiated by a broad coalition of Palestinian political and social movements. No Israeli who claims to support the national rights of the Palestinian people can, decently, turns h...
Yiddish Language and Song: A Collision with Zionism and the Birth of Israel
Interview with Yiddish culture archivist, Frank Krasnowsky.
You Can’t Force-feed Occupation to those who Crave Freedom
Cook, Jonathan
Israel wants to believe that through force of will it can keep the tide of accountability at bay in the occupied territories. But belligerent occupations – especially ones where no hope or end is in s...
Young protesters are defying Israel's blockade with scraps of paper and plastic
Cook, Jonathan
Five years ago, the film Flying Paper documented the successful efforts of Gaza’s children to set a new world record for mass kite-flying. The children defied Israel’s blockade, which prevents entry o...
Zionism doesn't define Jews: It divides us
Mate, Gabor
Zionist theory denied the legitimate presence of an emerging, indigenous nation in Palestine. Zionist practice ensured its dispossession and exile.
Zionism in the Light of Jerusalem
Kavanagh, Jim
'Zionism is nationalism, not Judasim,' a former Hebrew school teacher explains
Weiss, Philip
Former Hebrew school teacher, Tziva Thier clarifies the distinction between Zionism as a political movement and Judaism as a religion, and explains why Israel's acts cannot be condoned by the religion...
Zionism, Israel, & the Arabs
Draper, Hal
Essays by Hal Draper on Israel/Palestine, some of them dating to the period before the founding of the state of Israel. Draper argues that only a binational state that recognizes the rights of both pe...
Zionism - tried and failed: Interview with Akiva Orr
Orr, Akiva
In the end, the Zionist thing is basically, from a Jewish point of view, a failure. It's not safe and it doesn't preserve the Jewish identity.
Zionism vs. Zionism
Chernus, Ira
Mainstream and right-wing Zionism has always been tangled up in this catch 22: wanting to be normal, yet at the same time wanting to be seen as totally unique, singled out, attacked more unfairly than...
Zionist Colonization is Not 'Exceptional': A Marxist Viewpoint
Honig-Parnass, Tikva
This article aims to challenge the rather widely accepted claim that the nature of Zionist settler colonization is exceptional and even "defies appeal to any precedent that can usefully be invoked as ...
The Zionist educator we should have listened to
Gertel, Gil
At a time when Israel's education minister sees only Jews as moral, it is worth remembering a prominent Zionist educator who taught us that things could have turned out differently.
ZNet Israel-Palestine Watch
Progressive Web site with extensive coverage of Israel-Palestine.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Against the Current
Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation.
Alternative Information Center
A Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting coo...
Alternatives - Action & Communication Network for International Development
Alternatives, Action and Communication Network for International Development, is a non-governmental, international solidarity organization. Alternatives works to promote justice and equality amongst i...
Bat Shalom
Feminist peace organization working toward a just peace between Israel and its Arab neighbours.
A partnership of Jewish and Arab eco-builders, architects, academics, and farmers promoting social and environmental justice in Israel/Palestine. BUSTAN cultivates sustainable models to effect change ...
Canada-Palestine Support Network
canpalnet gathers Canadians of all backgrounds who support the human, democratic, and national rights of the Palestinian people. canpalnet aims to change the policies and actions of the Canadian gove...
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
To empower Canadians of all backgrounds to promote justice, development, and peace in the Middle East. * To advocate for a just foreign policy regarding Middle-East issues. * To insist that the Cana...
The Noam Chomsky Web site.
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Believes that Israel is an apartheid state that resembles South African Apartheid and that justice will not be achieved without equal rights for everyone in the region, regardless of religion, ethnici...
Coalition for a Just Peace in Palestine and Israel
Group of individuals, various faith leaders (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) and peace activists working to promote a greater understanding of the conflict and raise awareness of Israeli violations of P...
Connexions Information Sharing Services
Connexions provides information and services for advocacy groups, voluntary and non-profit organizations, and individuals, who are working for social and economic justice, environmental responsibility...
An alternative news site based in India. We bring out what the mainstream media fails to tell you, or hides from you. These are the things that really matter. The things which may determine the fate o...
End the Israeli Occupation - Justice for the Palestinians. We are a coalition of charities, trade unions, faith and other campaign groups who have come together because we want peace for Israelis an...
Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres
ESSF est une association de solidarit‚ internationale. Traitant d'un large ‚ventail de questions, notre site pr‚sente une information militante sur de nombreuses luttes et campagnes ; ainsi que des ar...
The website of Professor Norman Finkelstein.
Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
Gisha is an Israeli not-for-profit organization, founded in 2005, whose goal is to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians, especially Gaza residents. Gisha promotes rights guaranteed by inter...
Gush Shalom
Gush Shalom (Translated from Hebrew, the name means "The Peace Bloc") is the hard core of the Israeli peace movement. Often described as "resolute", "militant", "radical" or "consistent", it is known...
Hagada Hasmalit
Israeli left radical forum.
ICAHD-USA is committed to advancing a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on coexistence and respect for the human rights of both peoples. We believe that the needs for self-determinati...
Independent Jewish Voices
We represent Jews in Canada from diverse backgrounds, occupations and affiliations who have in common a strong commitment to social justice and universal human rights. We believe that individuals and ...
International Middle East Media Center
Media center developed in collaboration between Palestinian and International journalists to provide English language media coverage of Israel-Palestine.
International Solidarity Movement
A Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli apartheid in Palestine by using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popul...
Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
A joint institution of Israelis and Palestinians dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of "two states for two peoples". Recognizes the rights of the Jewish peopl...
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
A non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories, now also engaged in resistance activities in other ...
Israeli Left Archive
Devoted mainly to the radical left and the women's peace movement in Israel during the sixties, seventies and the eighties.
Jewish Voice for Peace
A diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. Supports the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for sec...
Jews Against the Occupation
Jews Against the Occupation-Sydney (JAO-Sydney) is a diverse group of Jews in Sydney who oppose the continuing Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. We support a non-violent negotiated s...
Jews for a Just Peace
An organization of Vancouver Jews whose purpose is to build support in our community for a fair and just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recognizing the inequality in the power of the tw...
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
We Believe That * Peace in the Middle East will only come about with mutual recognition and respect and must be seen as just by both sides. * Peace requires the end of illegal occupation and settlem...
Kibush's aim "is to provide informations and alternative commentary on the ongoing developments in the Occupied Territories - the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The need for such informations arises si...
Featuring the writings of Joel Kovel on social justice, ecology, Zionism and other topics.
The website of writer Linda McQuaig.
Writings on politics, culture, and sport.
Mondoweiss is a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective. It has four principal aims: 1. To publish important develo...
Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada
NECEF is an academically oriented volunteer organization whose extensive international network of individuals and NGO's with expertise about and concern for the Arab World includes a Canadian speakers...
New Internationalist
New Internationalist reports on issues of world poverty and inequality. We focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide in the fight for global justice.
New Profile
A movement for the civil-ization of Israeli society. We, a group of feminist women and men, are convinced that we need not live in a soldiers' state. Today, Israel is capable of a determined peace po...
Not In My Name
A predominantly Jewish organization committed to a peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, one that will provide safety, security and freedom for Jews, Palestinians, and all ...
Not in Our Name
Formed in solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine against Israel's wars and in opposition to the complicity of the Canadian government with Israel's criminal actions. Our basic principles ...
One Democratic State Group
We are a diverse group of Palestinian activists, from various backgrounds, who have come together to further peace with justice in the Middle East. We believe that the One State Solution is the only v...
Physicians for Human Rights - Israel
Physicians For Human Rights-Israel was founded with the goal of struggling for human rights, in particular the right to health, in Israel and the Occupied Territories. Human dignity, wellness of mind ...
Redress Information & Analysis
Aspires to redress the balance of world news and information by being a voice for the voiceless, by focusing on injustice and by providing an alternative interpretation of international and domestic i...
Refuser Solidarity Network
Supports Israelis who refuse to serve in the Occupation. The Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) was formed to provide support for the growing Refuser Movement in Israel. The initial impetus for the e...
Sawt el-Amel/The Laborer's Voice
An independent grassroots organisation founded by Palestinian Arab workers in Nazareth to defend and promote the rights of Arab citizens is Israel to work and social security. In order to reach its ob...
Writings of Israel Shamir
Champions "One Man, One Vote, One State" solution seeking to unite Palestine & Israel in one democratic state. Shamir's work and that of his contributors speaks to the aspirations of both the Israelis...
A grassroots movement of Arabs and Jews working to break down the walls of racism and segregation by constructing a true Arab-Jewish partnership.
A Montreal-based collective of social-justice organizers & media activists, working to build relationships of solidarity with grassroots political movements for social and economic justice between Bei...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

The Bible Unearthed
Article in Wikipedia on the book The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
A 2001 book about the archaeology of Palestine and its relationship to the origins of the Hebrew Bible.
Brit Shalom (political organization)
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
Brit Shalom was a group of Jewish 'universalist' intellectuals in Palestine, founded in 1925, which never exceeded a membership of 100.
'Call me a terrorist, but I'm no different from Israeli troops defending their homeland'
Levy, Gideon; Levac, Alex
Some thoughts on the true source of incitement against and hatred of Israelis from a Palestinian who spent 23 years in jail for killing one. In 1990, Muqbel was sentenced to life imprisonment for the ...
Continuous protest at Israeli consulate in Toronto starts July 24
Sources News Release
On July 24 people of conscience including Muslims, Jews, and Christians, are coming together at the Israeli consulate in Toronto for a three day continuous vigil to call attention to the frightening s...
Defiant Journalists Back Ethical Campaign for Palestinian Media
Sources News Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has concluded the launch of its programme to support ethical journalism in Palestine with a series of proposals to strengthen independent media even i...
Digital occupation: What's behind Israel's social media in Arabic
Alsaafin, Linah
Israeli social media accounts in Arabic aim to normalise Israel's occupation and whitewash its image, Palestinians say.
Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored
Greenwald, Glenn
Last week, a major censorship controversy erupted when Facebook began deleting all posts containing the iconic photograph of the Vietnamese "Napalm Girl" on the ground that it violated the company's b...
'54 Palestinians die' as Israel refuses medical permits
Najjar, Farah
According to Rights groups, Israel is responsible for 54 deaths in the besieged Gaza Strip in 2017 due to a lack of medical permits.
50 Young Israelis Send a Letter to Netanyahu: "We Refuse to Serve in the Occupation Army"
Sources News Release
We, the undersigned, intend to refuse to serve in the army and the main reason for this refusal is our opposition to the military occupation of Palestinian territories.
Global Press Freedom Declines in Every Region for First Time Israel, Italy and Hong Kong Lose Free Status
Sources News Release
Journalists faced an increasingly grim working environment in 2008, with global press freedom declining for a seventh straight year and deterioration occurring for the first time in every region, acco...
Government Stonewalling and Possibly Spying to Shield Controversial Charity
Sources News Release
Access to Information documents reveal that Harper's government has been pressuring the Canada Revenue Agency to protect the controversial charity Jewish National Fund (JNF) from public scrutiny. It h...
The Great Book Robbery
Brunner, Benny (director)
As Palestinians were expelled from their land in 1948, librarians from Israel’s National Library followed the militias as they forced their way into Palestinian homes. Their mission was to collect as ...
Haaretz reporter Uri Blau facing up to seven years in prison
Journalist faces heavy jail sentence for using classified military papers to document human rights abuses and murders by the Israeli military.
Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus
A handbook on how to do pro-Israel advocacy.
The Hollow Ethics of Israel's Liberals
Cook, Jonathan
Although sympathetic to the plight of African immigrants, when it comes to the Palestinians most liberal Israelis sound little different from Netanyahu's supporters, both concerned with maintaining Is...
IFJ Condemns Deportation Move against US Journalist in Israel
Sources News Release
The International Federation of Journalists today called on Israeli authorities to revoke the deportation order served on American journalist and chief English editor of Ma'an news agency, Jared Malsi...
IFJ Condemns Violence against Photojournalists by Israeli Military in West Bank
Sources News Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Israeli authorities to investigate violence by its soldiers in the West Bank who attacked a group of local photojournalists last week ...
IFJ Defending Journalists in Palestine and Israel
Sources News Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reaffirmed its commitment to defend the interests of journalists in Palestine and Israel.
IFJ Demands Overhaul of Repressive Media Laws in the Middle East
Sources News Release
Launching its â##Breaking the Chains' annual report into press freedom violations in the Arab World and Iran, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for a radical overhaul of ...
Israel sentences two to prison terms for censorship breach
Sources News Release
The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns an Israeli court decision to sentence two television journalists on charges of breaching the military censorship law during the offensive in Gaza in Decem...
Israel: The Broken Silence
Shulman, David
Book review - Israel: The Broken Silence.
Israel threatens Palestinians with 'holocaust'
Sources News Release February 29, 2008
One day after Israeli occupation forces killed 31 Palestinians, nine of them children, including a six-month-old baby, in a series of bomb attacks across the Gaza Strip, Israel's deputy defense minist...
Israeli authorities close Palestinian media centre in East Jerusalem
Sources News Release
Reporters Without Borders condemns yesterday morning's decision by the Israeli internal security ministry to shut down the Palestinian media centre that had been set up in the East Jerusalem.
Israeli human rights organization highlights deterioration of Palestinian health under occupation
Sources News Release
Reports by Physicians for Human Rights - Israel document the deterioration of Palestinian health in the West Bank and Gaza as the direct consequence of ongoing Israeli military occupation.
Israeli media forbidden to report case widely covered internationally
Sources News Release
Reporters Without Borders condemns an absurd court-ordered ban on Israeli media coverage of the case of Anat Kam, an online journalist and former soldier accused of leaking classified military informa...
Israeli soldiers disguised as photojournalists endanger journalists' lives, says MADA
Sources News Release
The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) expresses concern over the Israeli occupation forces disguising themselves as photojournalists in the middle of Palestinian protesters.
Jewish Voices for Peace and Justice
Press Release
Canadian Jews who oppose the continued occupation of the West Bank and Gaza by Israel will gather for a one-day conference on June 8, 2003 in Toronto.
Journalists Call Israel to Account over "Premeditated and Precise" attacks on Media in Gaza
Sources News Release
The targeting of media by the Israeli military during last month's offensive in the Gaza Strip was "premeditated and precise" and in violation of international law, says the International Federation o...
Lavon Affair
Wikipedia article
The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews wer...
A Letter to CBC: Your Biased Coverage of the Land Day Massacre
The following letter was sent yesterday to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation regarding their biased coverage of the Land Day massacre
Kawas, Hanna
Chairperson of the Canada Palestine Association, Hanna Kawas, presents a letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, alleging editorial interference by pro-Israel lobbying group 'Honest Reporting...
Life in Stills
Tal, Tamar
A photo shop owner and her grandson join forces to save the shop and the nearly one million negatives that document Israel's defining moments.
London, Ontario peace and human rights advocates occupy office of Conservative MP
Sources News Release
Five London peace and human rights advocates are now occupying the office of the Conservative MP for London North Centre.
Middle East & North Africa: Region performs poorly, Israel nose-dives
Sources News Release
For the first time Israel is not at the head of the Middle Eastern countries in the press freedom index. By falling 47 places to 93rd position, it is now behind Kuwait (60th), United Arab Emirates (86...
More than 100 media sign the Reporters Without Borders petition for international journalists to be allowed into the Gaza Strip
Sources News Release
Reporters Without Borders reiterates its appeal for support by the international media and again urges the Israeli authorities to lift the ban on foreign media access to the Gaza Strip that has been i...
Newspaper reporter arrested as she returns to Israel from Gaza Strip
Sources News Release
Reporters Without Borders condemns Israeli newspaper reporter Amira Hassâ##s arrest at the Erez border crossing yesterday as she returned to Israel after spending four months in the Gaza Strip reporti...
Novel about Jewish-Palestinian love affair is barred from Israeli curriculum
A novel about a love affair between a Jewish woman and a Palestinian man has been barred from Israel's high school curriculum, reportedly over concerns that it could encourage intermarriage between Je...
One-state solution
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
RSF tells Netanyahu attitude of Israeli soldiers towards media is unacceptable
Sources News Release
In response to recent cases of violence against journalists by members of Israel's security forces, Reporters Without Borders writes to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking him to end the ...
The shining beacon of democracy
Diemer, Ulli
Busy though it is slaughtering Palestinians, the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ is still finding time to make its democratic structures even more perfect.
Small countries, big crimes
Diemer, Ulli
One of the stock phrases Israel’s apologists repeat, parrot-like, is that Israel is "a small country". The idea is to make us feel sympathy for Israel, the plucky little country standing up to dangero...
Stakes rising for Israel as rockets reach airport
Temporary air blockade of Israel reveals deeper issues to its citizens
Cook, Jonathan
Israel’s effective loss of its only international airport for a couple of days last week — and the cloud of uncertainty that continues to hang over its operation in the future — has deeply unsettled I...
Two-state solution
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
Why aren't we expelling Israel's diplomats?
Letter to the Editor
Diemer, Ulli
Canada expelled Russian diplomats on the strength of unsubstantiated allegations that Russia was involved in the poisoning of a former spy in Britain. Will Canada now expel Israeli diplomats in condem...
Winners of Courage in Journalism Awards Announced
Sources News Release
Iryna Khalip of Belarus, Agnes Taile of Cameroon and Jila Baniyaghoob of Iran win Courage in Journalism Awards from the International Womenâ##s Media Foundation. Amira Hass of Israel is Lifetime Achie...

From the Connexions Archives

Against the Current
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation.
The Alternative Information Center
A Bridge of Information and Israeli Palestinian Co-operation
A Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting co...
Bat Shalom (Daughter of Peace)
Feminist peace organization working toward a just peace between Israel and its Arab neighbours.
Organization profile published 2007
The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
A partnership of Jewish and Arab eco-builders, architects, academics, and farmers promoting social and environmental justice in Israel/Palestine. BUSTAN cultivates sustainable models to effect change ...
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Organization profile published 2007
Believes that Israel is an apartheid state that resembles South African Apartheid and that justice will not be achieved without equal rights for everyone in the region, regardless of religion, ethnici...
Periodical profile
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Progressive U.S. website/newsletter.
Double Standards
Focusing on double standards in the media and in international politics. "Double Standard 1. a rule or principle applied more strictly to some people more than others (or oneself)."
Embassy Row Online
Contact names and numbers for all embassies to Canada and all Canadian embassies abroad.
Gush Shalom
Organization profile published 2007
Gush Shalom (Translated from Hebrew, the name means "The Peace Bloc") is the hard core of the Israeli peace movement. Often described as "resolute", "militant", "radical" or "consistent", it is known...
International Middle East Media Center
Media center developed in collaboration between Palestinian and International journalists to provide English language media coverage of Israel-Palestine.
International Solidarity Movement
A Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles.
Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
Organization profile published 2007
A joint institution of Israelis and Palestinians dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of "two states for two peoples". Recognizes the rights of the Jewish peopl...
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
Organization profile published 2007
A non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories, now also engaged in resistance activities in other ...
Israeli Left Archive
An evolving data base of the Israeli Radical Left. The long range vision of this project is to continue to digitalize thousands of items (leaflets, internal documents, newspaper articles and press cli...
Jewish Voice for Peace
A diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. Supports the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for sec...
Jews for a Just Peace
Organization profile published 2007
An organization of Vancouver Jews working to build support for a fair and just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Machsom Watch
Israeli women's organization which monitors the behaviour of Israeli soldiers and police at checkpoints and which attempts to ensure that the human and civil rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Ter...
Making a Killing
The Canada-Israel Military-Industrial Partnership
Young, Art (ed.)
Canadian companies supply many essential components to Israel's war machine. This pamphlet provides information on the arms trade that will help to strengthen the movement for boycott, divestment and ...
New Democracy Internet site
Supports a democratic revolution to overthrow corporate capitalism, but opposes socialism. Features short articles on labour issues, the deficit, education.
New Internationalist
Serial Publication (Periodical)
New Internationalist reports on issues of world poverty and inequality. We focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide in the fight for global justice.
Not In My Name
A predominantly Jewish organization committed to a peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, one that will provide safety, security and freedom for Jews, Palestinians, and all ...
Redress Information & Analysis
Exposing injustice, disinformation and bigotry
Aspires to redress the balance of world news and information by being a voice for the voiceless, by focusing on injustice and by providing an alternative interpretation of international and domestic i...
Refuser Solidarity Network
Supports Israelis who refuse to serve in the Occupation.
Stop the Wall
Organization profile published 2007
Site of the Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign.
Organization profile published 2007
A grassroots movement of Arabs and Jews working to break down the walls of racism and segregation by constructing a true Arab-Jewish partnership.