Resources for peace, justice, and human rights

Palestinian woman challenges bulldozer.

Connexions, an information clearinghouse founded to promote justice, democracy, and social and environmental alternatives, has compiled this Web gateway to selected resources on Israel/Palestine. These resources were selected to help those who believe that a solution to the conflict is possible only on the basis of justice, equality, mutual recognition and an end to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.
A more extensive selection of books, documentaries, videos, documents and articles is on the Connexions Library under subject headings such as Israel, Palestine, Apartheid, Arab-Israeli Issues, Discrimination, Ethnic Nationalism, Gaza Strip, Human Rights Abuses, International Law, Israeli Apartheid (Hafrada), Israeli Settlements, Media Coverage/Middle East, Occupied Territories, Palestinian Refugees, Refugees, Refugees/Right of Return, War Crimes, Zionism.
Other organizations may be found in the Connexions Directory, especially under Israel and Palestine in the Subject Index. The Connexions Web site — — also features a library of articles and links concerned with alternatives and social justice issues generally. A printable PDF of the organizations, Web sites, and news sources featured on this page is available here.


Selected news and analysis sources

English-language site of the Arabic news network.

Israeli daily newspaper.

Le Monde Diplomatique
Excellent French newspaper with in-depth analytical articles. Also in English, German, and other languages.

An American newsletter featuring numerous articles about the Middle East.

Palestine Chronicle
Independent online newspaper providing daily news, commentary, features and book reviews on a variety of subjects, largely focused on Palestine, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East as a whole.

Redress Information & Analysis
UK-based Web site “aspires to redress the balance of world news and information by being a voice for the voiceless, by focusing on injustice and by providing an alternative interpretation of international and domestic issues”.

Kibush - Occupation Magazine
News, summaries, and commentary by people opposing Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. In Hebrew, English and Russian.

Jonathan Cook
Web site featuring articles of Jonathan Cook, a British journalist based in Nazareth.

Bitter Lemons
Presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent issues of concern, focusing on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peace process. Produced, edited and partially written by Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian, and Yossi Alpher, an Israeli. Its goal is to contribute to mutual understanding through the open exchange of ideas.


Articles and Documents

A more extensive list of articles, books, and other resources is available in the Connexions Library under subject headings such as Israel, Palestine, Apartheid, Arab-Israeli Issues, Discrimination, Ethnic Nationalism, Gaza Strip, Human Rights Abuses, International Law, Israeli Apartheid (Hafrada), Israeli Settlements, Media Coverage/Middle East, Occupied Territories, Palestinian Refugees, Refugees, Refugees/Right of Return, War Crimes, Zionism.

  1. Activating the Genocide Convention (November 13, 2023)
    There is no doubt that Israel's actions amount to genocide. Numerous international law experts have said so and genocidal intent has been directly expressed by numerous Israeli ministers, generals and public officials. I can see no room to doubt whatsoever that Israel's current campaign of bombing of civilians and of the deprivation of food, water and other necessities of life to Palestinians amounts to genocide.
  2. The Genocidal Language Behind Israel's Intent in Gaza (October 27, 2023)
    Long before October 7, 2023, the Zionist-Israeli discourse was always that of racism, dehumanization, erasure and, at times, outright genocide.
  3. Israel is caught lying time and again. And yet we never learn (October 24, 2023)
    Disinformation over the blast at Gaza's al-Ahli hospital worked as planned, taking the focus off the victims and lifting pressure on Israel to stop its rampage.
  4. Israel's Culture of Deceit (October 18, 2023)
    Israel, which always seeks to blame Palestinians for the atrocities it carries out, is the least trustworthy source about the bombing of the hospital in Gaza.
  5. Western media's parroting of official lies is paving way to genocide in Gaza (October 16, 2023)
    Disinformation campaigns are one of the chief battlefields in any war - something any serious journalist is only too aware of. And western powers and their allies have an appalling track record of lying to their own medias.
  6. Letter From the Gazan Prison (October 15, 2023)
    Ahmed Abu Artema, a founder of the Great March of Return, on facing Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza.
  7. List of war crimes and crimes qualifying as genocide committed by Israel in Gaza since 7th October 2023 (October 15, 2023)
    Defenders of Israel's bombing and invasion of Gaza have challenged me to offer a 'chapter-and-verse' list of war crimes that Israel has committed since the Hamas Offensive of 7th October. Here is an indicative, but not exhaustive, list.
  8. What the media forgets to tell you about Israel and Gaza (October 15, 2023)
    Ignore the fake news. Israel isn't defending itself. It's enforcing its right to continue ethnically cleansing Palestinians.
  9. History of the Gaza Strip (October 13, 2023)
    Maha Nassar provides historical context to the current violence in the densely populated and besieged enclave.
  10. Lawless in Gaza: Why the West Backs Israel No Matter What (October 13, 2023)
    As Western politicians line up to cheer on Israel as it starves and bombs Gaza's civilians, it's important to understand how we reached this point -- and what it means for the future.
  11. The Gaza Ghetto Uprising (October 9, 2023)
    From the Warsaw Ghetto uprising to the Gaza Ghetto uprising, the basic situation is the same: If half-starving people with no clean water or the ability to travel outside of their ghetto launch any kind of uprising, the obvious context is the fact that they were under siege, living in a walled ghetto, prevented from importing the things they need to survive and prevented from traveling. This is the obvious reason for any people living in such conditions to rise up against their occupying power. But instead, we are fed a narrative that begins with the ghetto uprising, without any explanation for the basic nature of the situation, that is, that an occupying army is forcing people to live and starve in a walled ghetto.
  12. Palestinians Speak Israel's Language (October 9, 2023)
    Israel follows the colonial playbook. Death for death. Atrocity for atrocity. But it is always the occupier who initiates this macabre dance and trades piles of corpses for higher piles of corpses.
  13. Israel's crisis is about who gets to play tyrant: the generals or religious thugs (March 29, 2023)
    Over the years, international human rights groups have slowly come to acknowledge this fundamental lack of democracy, too. They now describe Israel as what it always was: an apartheid state.
  14. The Cultural Looting of Gaza (2023)
    People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders.
  15. Ex-Israeli pilot: 'Our army is a terrorist organisation run by war criminals' (May 17, 2021)
    A former Israeli Air Force pilot, Yonatan Shapira, has described the Israeli government and army as "terrorist organisations" run by "war criminals."
  16. This Must End (May 14, 2021)
    Our current living conditions under the siege are an affront to human dignity. Concrete political action is needed NOW to end not only the current deathly bombing raids, but also this illegal occupation and siege of Gaza by Israel, immediately.
  17. Zionism's endgame has begun (May 13, 2021)
    All around us today we hear these blows falling on the central creed of Israel: the supposed right of a Jewish collective to national self-determination in a land populated by others.
  18. Palestinians and Israelis call for a single democratic state (November 15, 2020)
    The Palestinian-led One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC), comprised of Palestinians from every major community ('48, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the refugee camps and the Diaspora/Exile), together with their critical Israeli Jewish partners, has issued a call for the establishment of a single democratic state including everyone living between the River and the Sea, including Palestinian refugees who choose to return to their homeland.
  19. Social media's erasure of Palestinians is a grim warning for our future (October 26, 2020)
    Nowhere are ties between tech and state officials more evident than in their dealings with Israel. This has led to starkly different treatment of digital rights for Israelis and Palestinians.
  20. After Losing Hope for Change, Top Left-wing Activists and Scholars Leave Israel Behind (May 23, 2020)
    They founded anti-occupation movements and fought for the soul of Israeli society, but ultimately decided to emigrate. The new exiles tell Haaretz how they were harassed and silenced, until they had almost no choice but to leave.
  21. Unconditional support for Israel is unconditional support for injustice (2019)
    Like tens of thousands of Jews worldwide, we oppose Israel's ongoing illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and its regime of violence, intimidation and incarceration aimed at the Palestinian population of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. We challenge those who offer unconditional support for Israel to ask themselves if they would support the same violations of human rights and international law anywhere else in the world. We affirm that our criticism of Israel comes from an embrace of both Jewish and universal humanitarian values and has no relation whatsoever to antisemitism.
  22. Massacres and Morality (June 10, 2018)
    What can one say about the morality of Israeli soldiers who shoot unarmed protestors, and then are caught on camera cheering their kills? And how do we judge the civilian population of Israel, many of whom openly support and cheer their soldiers as they go about their work of killing Palestinians? And what can we say about the political leaders of other countries, Canada say, who sit down and smile and make deals with officials of the Israeli government at the very moment that the killing is going on?
  23. Sacrificing Gaza: The Great March of Zionist Hypocrisy (June 4, 2018)
    The Great March of Return is a startling, powerful expression of Palestinian identity and resistance. Thousands of Palestinians have come out, bravely and unapologetically, to say: “We refuse to remain invisible. We reject any attempt to assign us to the discard pile of history. We will exercise our fundamental right to go home.” They have done this unarmed, in the face of Israel’s use of deadly armed force against targets (children, press, medics) deliberately chosen to demonstrate the Jewish state’s unapologetic determination to force them back into submissive exile by any means necessary. By doing this repeatedly over the last few weeks, these incredibly brave men, women, and children have done more than decades of essays and books to strip the aura of virtue from Zionism that’s befogged Western liberals’ eyes for 70 years.
  24. West's failure to act will be cause of the next Gaza massacre (May 16, 2018)
    Jewish Israelis celebrate, and governments around the world stand by passively, as Israel massacres Palestinians in Gaza. Inaction by Western governments ensures that Israel will feel embolded to commit further massacres in the future.
  25. Struggle for equal rights for Palestinians is 'right choice,' and will lead to 'significant exodus of Jews' - Henry Siegman (January 27, 2018)
    Everyone should read Henry Siegman's long piece in the National Interest on the "Implications of President Trump's Jerusalem Ploy." Siegman is a great leader because he has bucked the American and Jewish establishment, of which he is a member, to declare that the two-state solution is dead and buried. He is also a prophet inasmuch as he is counseling American Jewry to give up its attachment to Zionism as a dead letter, no different from a Christian state here, and so prepare itself for a future in which Israel is isolated as a pariah state and there is a "significant exodus of Israel’s Jews." His words are astounding because Siegman, a Holocaust survivor now in his late 80s, was himself a Zionist, and head of the World Jewish Congress. His bravery in renouncing the animating political faiths of his life-- it's inspiring.
  26. How a Selective Boycott Can Boost External Support for Palestinians (October 18, 2016)
    The pro-Palestine solidarity movement could enlarge its following, convince more influential supporters, and get past trivial, harmful and sectarian disputes -- if it wants to. A boycott must be humanist, as is the cause of supporting Palestinian self-determination. Boycotting humanism allows the cynical internal corrosion of any political movement of the left.
  27. Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine: Home Demolitions on the Rise (April 22, 2016)
    According to the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions, an Israeli NGO, the Israeli government has demolished 28,000 Palestinian structures since the Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza began in 1967, resulting in the homelessness and suffering of untold numbers of people. There is little ambiguity about the morality of this form of ethnic cleansing, and even most Israeli legal scholars agree that it is in contravention of international law.
  28. Israel spraying toxins over Palestinian crops in Gaza (January 19, 2016)
    Khan Younis, Gaza Strip - On January 7, 2016, a low-flying agricultural aircraft sprayed herbicides on to Palestinian farmlands along the eastern border, eradicating or damaging up to 162 hectares of crops and farmland along the Israeli border fence. The sprayed areas belong to Israel's unilaterally imposed and poorly delineated "buffer" or "no-go zone".
  29. Globalizing Gaza (August 18, 2014)
    At the same time as it engages in repeated massive military assaults on a primarily civilian popuation in Gaza, Israel is also engaged in an ongoing assault on international humanitarian law by a highly coordinated team of Israeli lawyers, military officers, PR people and politicians. It is an effort not only to get Israel off the hook for massive violations of human rights and international law, but to help other governments overcome similar constraints when they embark as well on “asymmetrical warfare,” “counterinsurgency” and “counter-terrorism” against peoples resisting domination. It is a campaign that Israel calls “lawfare” and had better be taken seriously by us all.
  30. To the family of the one thousandth victim of Israel's genocidal slaughter in Gaza (August 3, 2014)
    This is 2014 — the destruction of Gaza is well documented. This is not 1948 when Palestinians had to struggle hard to tell their story of horror; so many of the crimes Zionist committed then where hidden and never came to light, even until today. So my first and simple pledge is to record, inform and insist on the truth. But surely this is not enough. I pledge to continue the effort to boycott a state that commits such crimes.
  31. Questions about Israel's attack on Gaza (July 23, 2014)
    Why do these terrible outbreaks of violence keep happening? Written during the Israeli attack on Gaza in July 2014.
  32. Israel showed restraint in Gaza before attacking? You must be kidding (July 14, 2014)
    Israeli journalist Amira Hass, writing in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, demolishes some myths.
  33. The True Gaza Backstory (July 10, 2014)
    How come all those Palestinians – all 1.5 million – are crammed into Gaza in the first place? Well, their families once lived, didn’t they, in what is now called Israel? And got chucked out – or fled for their lives – when the Israeli state was created.
  34. Let's talk about Gaza, Sderot and the racist valuation of lives (July 8, 2014)
    A frank discussion about everything we don’t mention when talking about rockets and bombs and Gaza. Let’s talk about fear, about poverty, about angst and about racism.
  35. Israel does not want peace (July 4, 2014)
    Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone.
  36. Water Apartheid in Palestine (March 26, 2014)
    Ayman Rabi on the 2.1 million Palestinians who suffer an artificial water scarcity deliberately created and sustained by Israel’s military occupation and the private Israeli water company Mekorot.
  37. Abandoned in the Cold and Dark (December 25, 2013)
    The world has forgotten Gaza, its women and children. The people of Gaza are being crushed under the Israeli blockade which severely restricts essential supplies coming into the strip. The blockade is as bad as the war; it’s like a slow death for everyone in Gaza.
  38. Why is Canada Subsidizing Racist Property Restrictions? (October 23, 2013)
    In Canada it is illegal to restrict the sale of property to certain ethnic or religious groups but many of our business people and politicians promote an organization that does exactly that in Israel.
  39. Justice, Peace and the Israeli State (December 4, 2012)
    International Law and the creation of a world body to aid in the direction of nation states to live in peace and justice under defined conditions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charters of the UN suggests that Israel must change, it must recognize that it is not the sole determiner of world events, that it has lifted its beliefs beyond those that exist elsewhere in the world and it must, therefore, reverse its direction to become one with its neighbors and all the nations of the UN.
  40. What Really Happened in Gaza (November 29, 2012)
    The official storyline is that Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense on 14 November, 2012 because, in President Barack Obama’s words, it had 'every right to defend itself.' The facts, however, suggest otherwise.
  41. Ethnic Cleansing of Invented People (December 20, 2011)
    Once we connect the dots it is not hard to see that the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is only a small part of the Israeli Palestinian issue. The greater issue is the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Zionist state. The way forward for Israelis and Palestinians alike is to oppose the ethnic cleansing by opposing all its manifestations.
  42. The Futile Undertaking of Palestinian Statehood (September 23, 2011)
    Eventually a state that represents all its inhabitants on the basis of equality and genuine respect and dignity for all its citizens is one that the world will some day celebrate, not a phony declaration that legitimizes the oppressive nature of one and confers false hope on the other.
  43. Shot in the Head (January 14, 2011)
    In the past 10 years Israeli forces have killed at least 255 Palestinian minors by fire to the head, and the number may actually be greater, since in many instances the specific bodily location of the lethal trauma is unlisted. In addition, this statistic does not include the many more Palestinian youngsters shot in the head by Israeli soldiers who survived, in one form or another.
  44. Historic Declaration by Palestinians, Israelis in Support of Israeli Social Protest, Anti-Colonial Struggle (2011)
    Some 20 political parties and social movements from both sides of the Green Line issued an historic declaration in support of the social protests currently rocking Israel and their necessary linkage to the struggle against Israel’s occupation and colonial policies.
  45. Statement by Jewish Activists and Organizations active in BDS against Israel (2011)
    A Jewish response to the February 2011 Statement of Jewish Zionist Organizations on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
  46. Insisting on Humanity (December 17, 2010)
    It is important that we preserve the distinction between the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian people, who have held on to their rights for so many years, and unleashed two of the greatest expressions of people's power and resolve: the First Uprising of 1987 and al-Aqsa Intifada of 2000. A whole population taking on the self-celebrated "greatest army in the Middle East" is hardly "powerless". The Palestinian people have printed themselves on the practical discourse of this conflict, and they have proved themselves to be powerful players in determining their own fate.
  47. Gazan Youth's Manifesto for Change (December 13, 2010)
    We, the youth in Gaza, are so fed up with Israel, Hamas, the occupation, the violations of human rights and the indifference of the international community!
  48. The Root of the Mid-East Conflict and the Reason Our Government Supports Israel's Government (June 23, 2010)
    How should decent people respond to the Middle-East conflict? We should support equality, not Zionist ethnic cleansing. Equality is the way to make a better world for ordinary people from Watertown to Ramallah to Tel Aviv, and it is the only way to end racist ideologies such as anti-Semitism and Zionism.
  49. The Massacre and the Cover-Up (June 2, 2010)
    Without much stronger international pressure than the international community has applied to date, there is every reason to expect Israeli massacres to steadily become more severe, their PR rationales more outlandish. Mild diplomatic rebukes will not sway them. Unless serious costs are imposed for such crimes, much worse is yet to come.
  50. America's Complicity in Evil (June 1, 2010)
    Once again the US government has permitted the Israeli state to murder good people known for their moral conscience. The Israeli state has declared that anyone with a moral conscience is an enemy of Israel.
  51. Israel Is Now a Lunatic State (May 31, 2010)
    What happened with the Gaza flotilla was not an accident. You have to remember that the Israeli cabinet met for a full a week. All the cabinet ministers discussed and deliberated how they would handle the flotilla. At the end of the day, they decided on a nighttime armed commando raid on a humanitarian convoy. Israel is now a lunatic state. It's a lunatic state with between two and three hundred nuclear devices. It is threatening war daily against Iran and against Hezbollah in Lebanon. We have to ask ourselves a simple, basic, fundamental question: can a lunatic state like Israel be trusted with two to three hundred nuclear devices when it is now threatening its neighbours Iran and Lebanon with an attack?
  52. Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem does not belong to Jewish-Israelis (March 23, 2010)
  53. Israel's Apartheid (March 8, 2010)
    Blacks in South Africa never faced a 20-foot wall dividing their communities. Palestinians' land is still being seized, their orchards bulldozed.
  54. Israel is an apartheid state and that is why they are losing legitimacy (March 3, 2010)
    Israel is losing legitimacy in the world because of what their government is doing to the Palestinians, not because of anti-semitism.
  55. Palestine/Israel: A single state, with liberty and justice for all (December 30, 2009)
    The notion of religious-ethnocentric entitlement and exclusivity for one people at the expense of another has been rejected the world over. Palestinians reject it and we assert that we are human beings worthy of the same human rights accorded to the rest of humanity; that we are worthy of our homes and farms, our heritage, our churches and mosques, and our history; and that we should not be expected to negotiate with our oppressors for such basic dignities. The two-state solution was and remains an instrument to circumvent the basic human rights of Palestinians in order to accommodate Israel's desire to be Jewish. Polls show that Palestinians refuse to be the enemies of our Jewish brothers and sisters anywhere, just as we refuse to be oppressed by them.
  56. Tactics of desperation: Using false accusations of 'anti-semitism' as a weapon to silence criticism of Israel's behaviour (December 27, 2009)
    The Israeli state and its defenders are increasingly attempting to silence critics because they are losing the battle for public opinion.
  57. Steel walls cannot contain the struggle for freedom (December 20, 2009)
    If siege is an act of aggression and war, then breaking out of it by any means is an act of self-defense and resistance.
  58. Dead Palestinian Babies And Bombed Mosques - IDF Fashion 2009 (December 5, 2009)
    Dead babies, mothers weeping on their children's graves, a gun aimed at a child and bombed-out mosques - these are a few examples of the images Israel Defense Forces soldiers design these days to print on shirts they order to mark the end of training, or of field duty. The slogans accompanying the drawings are not exactly anemic either: A T-shirt for infantry snipers bears the inscription "Better use Durex," next to a picture of a dead Palestinian baby, with his weeping mother and a teddy bear beside him. A sharpshooter's T-shirt from the Givati Brigade's Shaked battalion shows a pregnant Palestinian woman with a bull's-eye superimposed on her belly, with the slogan, in English, "1 shot, 2 kills."
  59. Occupation Industries: The Israeli Industrial Zones (December 2, 2009)
    In a climate in which the call for a consumer boycott of Israeli goods is finally gaining strength, one area of Israel's economy is, as yet, surprisingly under-researched. Most of Israel's industrial zones in the West Bank are connected to illegal residential settlements and provide an indispensable economic backbone to the local settler economy. Business areas like the industrial zones are at the forefront of Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine, facilitating ethnic cleansing and acting hand-in-hand with the Israeli state in their quest for territorial dominance.
  60. Fearsome Words? (October 14, 2009)
    We are so bemused by the lovely vision of peoples determining themselves, we cannot see that ethnic self-determination is, in the real world, a quest for racial sovereignty, not a bid to enter some international folk dancing festival.
  61. On Palestinian Civil Disobedience (September 28, 2009)
    Human rights organizations have documented the forms of repression Israel deploys against villages that resist the annexation of their land. Once a village decides to struggle against the annexation barrier the entire community is punished. In addition to home demolitions, curfews and other forms of movement restriction, the Israeli occupation forces consistently use violence against the protestors - and most often targets the youth -- beating, tear-gassing, as well as deploying both lethal and 'non-lethal' ammunition against them.
  62. How low will Israel stoop to win the propaganda war? (September 16, 2009)
    The Israel Project's training manual is an unpleasant piece of work. It recycles many of the discredited techniques used by the advertising industry. And it serves to undermine with clever words the inalienable rights pledged by the UN and the world's civilized nations to all peoples, including the Palestinians.
  63. U.N. Team on War Crimes Condemns Israel, Hamas (September 16, 2009)
    A four-member United Nations fact-finding mission, which has just concluded an investigation into last year's brutal conflict in Gaza, makes a strong case for war crimes charges against Israel for its unrelenting 22-day military attacks on Palestinians, largely civilians, including women and children.
  64. Farmers in Palestine create amazing produce in adverse conditions - and are fighting to export them (September 13, 2009)
    Palestine produces some of the finest olive oils in the world, not to mention dates, nuts, tomatoes - even wine. Now, despite the conflict, farmers are finding ways to export their produce - and show the world that their country is still the land of milk and honey.
  65. Naomi Klein Shows You Can Boycott Israel Without Cutting Off Dialogue Over Palestine (September 1, 2009)
    An interview with Klein and Israeli publisher Yael Lerer on why boycotting Israel will pressure the country to live up to international law.
  66. Boycott Israel (August 26, 2009)
    It is clear to me that the only way to counter the apartheid trend in Israel is through massive international pressure.
  67. Gaza's Kite Runners (August 11, 2009)
    Gazan children's kites are expressions of defiance, hope and the longing for freedom.
  68. Israel Seeks Ways To Silence Human Rights Groups (August 4, 2009)
    In a bid to staunch the flow of damaging evidence of war crimes committed during Israel's winter assault on Gaza, the Israeli government has launched a campaign to clamp down on human rights groups, both in Israel and abroad.
  69. Twitterers Paid To Spread Israeli Propaganda (July 21, 2009)
    Israel's foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel. Internet-savvy Israeli youngsters, mainly recent graduates and demobilised soldiers with language skills, are being recruited to pose as ordinary surfers while they provide the government's line on the Middle East conflict.
  70. Israel's Crimes, America's Silence (June 17, 2009)
    To date, too little mention has been made of investigations that show there is sufficient evidence to bring charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity against Israel's political and military leadership for their actions in Gaza. Recently, two comprehensive independent reports have been published on Gaza, and earlier this month a mission mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, and chaired by South African Richard Goldstone, visited Gaza to conduct a further investigation into Israel's offensive....
  71. Criminalizing Criticism of Israel (May 7, 2009)
    A massive push is underway to criminalize criticism of Israel. The Lobby is working to ban as anti-Semitic any truth or disagreeable fact that pertains to Israel. It is permissible to criticize every other country in the world, but it is anti-semitic to criticize Israel, and anti-semitism will soon be a universal hate-crime in the Western world.
  72. Israeli Spying in the United States (March 12, 2009)
    Israel runs one of the most aggressive and damaging espionage networks targeting the U.S.
  73. Jewish Canadians Concerned About Suppression of Criticism of Israel (March 10, 2009)
    We are Jewish Canadians concerned about all expressions of racism, anti-Semitism, and social injustice. We believe that the Holocaust legacy "Never again" means never again for all peoples. It is a tragic turn of history that the State of Israel, with its ideals of democracy and its dream of being a safe haven for Jewish people, causes immeasurable suffering and injustice to the Palestinian people.
  74. Justice in the News: A Response to the targetting of media in Gaza (February 20, 2009)
    A mission to Gaza found that media were subject to intimidation and direct military assault and deliberately prevented from working freely. The findings confirm evidence of frequent targeting of media during the operations.
  75. Operation Cast Lead: News control as a military objective (February 17, 2009)
    Control of news in time of war has become a military objective.
  76. Self-Defense Against Peace (February 5, 2009)
    Legally and morally, an aggressor cannot rely upon self-defence to justify violence against resistance to its own aggression. The most plausible reason Israel is fighting Hamas (and the PLO before it) is 'self-defence', not against rockets and mortars, but against having to make peace with the Palestinians on the basis of the pre-1967 borders as required by international law.
  77. "Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009 (January 20, 2009)
    Israel has a straightforward means to defend itself: put an end to its criminal actions in occupied territories, and accept the long-standing international consensus on a two-state settlement that has been blocked by the US and Israel for over 30 years, since the US first vetoed a Security Council resolution calling for a political settlement in these terms in 1976. The Arab League has gone even beyond the consensus, calling for full normalization of relations with Israel. Hamas has repeatedly called for a two-state settlement in terms of the international consensus. Iran and Hezbollah have made it clear that they will abide by any agreement that Palestinians accept.
  78. Why Israel Won't Survive (January 20, 2009)
    If there was ever a moment when the peoples of the region would accept Israel as a Zionist state in their midst, that has passed forever. Israel's "military deterrent" has now been repeatedly discredited as a means to force Palestinians and other Arabs to accept Zionist supremacy as inevitable and permanent. Now, the other pillar of Israeli power - Western support and complicity - is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over.
  79. Time for a New Divestment Campaign (January 19, 2009)
    We must see Israel with the same eyes as we saw South Africa in the apartheid years - as a racist nation deserving of international isolation and sanctions.
  80. The Facts About Hamas and the War on Gaza (January 13, 2009)
    The record shows that Hamas wanted to continue the ceasefire, but only on condition that Israel eases the blockade. Long before Hamas began the retaliatory rocket attacks on Israel, Palestinians were facing a humanitarian crisis in Gaza because of the blockade.
  81. Israel in Gaza: A Critical Reframing (January 10, 2009)
    The critical reframing we offer, that of Israelis committed to human rights, international law and a just peace as the only way out of this interminable and bloody conflict, argues that security cannot be achieved unilaterally while one side oppresses the other and that Israel's attack on Gaza is merely another attempt to render its Occupation permanent by destroying any source of effective resistance.
  82. Israel: Boycott, divest, sanction (January 9, 2009)
    The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa.
  83. The lying silence of those who know (January 9, 2009)
    In every war, Israel has had the same objective: the expulsion of the native people and the theft or more and more land.
  84. Olive oil, opposition and Gaza (January 9, 2009)
    Rick Salutin writes about increasingly widespread Jewish opposition to Israel's actions.
  85. Turn off the Canadian Media, Please (January 9, 2009)
    If you want to have the first idea what is happening in Israel/Palestine (or most of the rest of the world), the best thing to do would be to turn the Canadian media off completely.
  86. Jewish Women Occupy Israeli Consulate in Toronto (January 7, 2009)
    A group of Jewish-Canadian women occupied the Israeli Consulate in Toronto in protest against the on-going Israeli assault on the people of Gaza.
    See a video at
  87. In Support of the Palestinian Human Rights Community Call for International Action (January 5, 2009)
    In the past the world knew how to fight criminal policies. The boycott on South Africa was effective, but Israel is handled with kid gloves: its trade relations are flourishing, academic and cultural cooperation continue and intensify with diplomatic support. This international backing must stop. That is the only way to stop the insatiable Israeli violence.
  88. 'Free speech' - as long as it doesn't offend anyone (January 1, 2009)
    On the issue of free speech most of the right and much of the left are in agreement, and so too are many liberals, activists, and human rights apparatchiks. They hold essentially the same position on freedom of expression: they are for it - in principle - but only so long as it isn't used to express views that they find unacceptable or offensive. What they disagree about is merely who gets to decide what ideas are unacceptable, i.e. who gets to censor who.
  89. Obama on Israel-Palestine (2009)
    Noam Chomsky criticizes Barack Obama's vague stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict and warns that there is much importance in what he is not expressing.
  90. Covering Israel-Palestine: The BBC's Double Standards (April 22, 2008)
    The priorities of the news media mean that the more Palestinians are killed, the less importance their deaths have to news organisations. Conversely, the fewer Israelis killed the more seriousness their deaths are accorded.
  91. Free Speech and Acceptable Truths (April 1, 2008)
    While we support freedom of speech and academic freedom, we believe that university administrations have a duty to provide a safe learning environment in which students and faculty are protected by incorrect or harmful ideas. To achieve this safe learning environment, it will be necessary for the university authorities to cleanse the university's libraries of harmful books, to block inappropriate Internet sites, to ban guest lectures who hold improper views, and to identify and prosecute students and faculty who are guilty of thought crimes.
  92. Israel threatens Palestinians with 'holocaust' (February 29, 2008)
    One day after Israeli occupation forces killed 31 Palestinians, nine of them children, including a six-month-old baby, in a series of bomb attacks across the Gaza Strip, Israel's deputy defense minister threatened to unleash a holocaust on Gaza if Palestinians do not cease their resistance.
  93. War Crimes Airbrushed from History (January 4, 2008)
    A report written by a respected Israeli human rights organisation, one representing the country's Arab minority not its Jewish majority, has unearthed evidence showing that during the 2006 Lenanon war Israel committed war crimes not only against Lebanese civilians -- as was already known -- but also against its own Arab citizens.
  94. Putting Technology to Work for Palestine Activism (2008)
  95. Revisiting the partition of Palestine (October 19, 2007)
    Henry Lowi calls on honest, realistic and pragmatic peace activists the world over to expose partition, protest against it and propose an alternative solution to the question of Palestine.
  96. The Power of the Israel Lobby (October 4, 2007)
    The Israel Lobby has shifted more and more to the Right. The billionaires who finance the Lobby are the same people who finance the extreme Israeli Right, and most of all the settlers.
  97. Celebrate Jewish Glasnot (September 1, 2007)
    Although you wouldn't know it if you followed Jewish life simply through the activities of such major Jewish communal bodies as the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations and the Anti-Defamation League, the extent to which the eight million Jews of the Diaspora identify with Israel is increasingly open to question (much to the horror of the Zionist-oriented Jewish establishment).
  98. Why Israel? (August 19, 2007)
    A routine strategy of Israel's defenders is to continually redirect attention to the human rights failings of countries hostile to Israel, or to catastrophes like Darfur that are used to argue the ongoing need for the sort of 'humanitarian interventions' that provide cover for the advancement of U.S. interests. Yet the question of why Israel is being targeted and not some other country assumes, erroneously, that other countries are not being targeted. The reverse, in fact, is usually the case. Often, countries deemed acceptable for criticism by supporters of Israel are already subject to political and diplomatic sanctions by the U.S. and its tool, the UN Security Council -- sometimes for acting in ways identical to Israel.
  99. Health care and children in crisis in Gaza (March 26, 2007)
    These days one hears a lot about Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, adults who have been specifically trained for warfare, who are nevertheless traumatized by the experience of seeing comrades injured or killed, or suffering injuries or danger themselves. The trauma goes on, long after the experience has ended and they are back in a place of safety. How much worse then for children in Gaza who witness and experience these events day after day, week after week with no end and with no place of safety.
  100. Agreement on terms (March 16, 2007)
    I have come to accept that western journalists cannot accurately, let alone objectively, represent the Middle East and the Arab world. The problem is not that journalists do not always adhere to their own professional codes and methods, though that does happen. It is that even if correspondents strictly obey all the rules, they still present a fundamentally biased and skewed picture of the Middle East.
  101. Strip-Searching Children (March 15, 2007)
    Israeli officials have been regularly strip-searching children for decades.
  102. The Wall, Apartheid and Mandela (March 2, 2007)
    During his years of struggle in South Africa, Nelson Mandela offered ideas worth examining closely, especially when considering that he and his followers defeated the very condition that Palestinians face today, Apartheid.
  103. Addressing the Violence: My Roadmap to Peace (2007)
    In order for peace to set sail there should be some guiding principles. The most important is equality. This is not to say that the conflict is between two equals. Overwhelming Israeli power and unconditional United States support has no comparison on the Palestinian side, other than the tragic balance of terror that has been reached with Israel through suicide bombing. But neither side should be treated differently from the other.
  104. Why Israeli Anti-Zionists do NOT 'recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist as a Jewish state' (2007)
    States that define themselves with reference to the domination of one ethnic group cannot claim legitimacy.
  105. Israel boycott may be the way to peace (December 15, 2006)
    The non-violent international response to apartheid was a campaign of boycott, divestment and UN-imposed sanctions which enabled the regime to change without bloodshed. We should try to follow the same route to a just peace.
  106. We must speak out (December 15, 2006)
    Supporting a world-wide appeal to teachers, intellectuals and artists to join the cultural boycott of the state of Israel.
  107. The Academic Boycott Debate (November 28, 2006)
    An excellent summary and commentary on a debate at Ryerson University about whether Israel should be subjected to an academic boycott because of its human rights violations.
  108. An Interview with Tanya Reinhart (October 2, 2006)
    Persistent struggle can have an effect, and can lead governments to act. Such struggle begins with the Palestinian people, who have withstood years of brutal oppression, and who, through their spirit of zumud--sticking to their land - and daily endurance, organizing and resistance, have managed to keep the Palestinian cause alive
  109. Building blocks for peace in the Middle East (August 15, 2006)
    The minimal demands of both sides are compatible and legitimate; the maximum demands lead to endless war.
  110. Sanctions on Israel: If not now, when? (July 28, 2006)
    How much longer are we prepared to watch Lebanon and Palestine burn, before we act?
  111. Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know (July 21, 2006)
    We are supposed to think that the current crisis in the Middle East has no historical roots.
  112. Countering Zionist propaganda about Hizbullah and Lebanon (July 18, 2006)
    Nothing will change until the people of Palestine, Arabs and Jews, rise up to change the rules of the game, and rebuild the country on a new basis that respects democracy and human rights and good-neighbourly relations.
  113. If Israel Has the Right to Use Force in Self Defense, So Do Its Neighbours (July 18, 2006)
    There is no reason why Israel should be able to enter Arab sovereign soil to occupy, destroy, kidnap and eliminate its perceived foes - repeatedly, with impunity and without restraint - while the Arab side cannot do the same.
  114. Israel's appalling bombing of Gaza (June 30, 2006)
    Destroying the only power source for a trapped and defenseless civilian population is an unprecedented step toward barbarity. It reeks, ironically, of the Warsaw Ghetto.
  115. With A Little Help From Outside (June 12, 2006)
    The world sees a great and ongoing injustice. They want a just Israel. They see an Israel that occupies and is clearly unjust, and they believe they should do something. We should thank them for this from the bottom of our hearts.
  116. Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified (January 14, 2006)
    If singling out South Africa for an international economic boycott was defensible, it would seem equally defensible to single out Israel's occupation, which uniquely resembles the apartheid regime.
  117. Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel (2006)
    A call for sanctions against Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights.
  118. How to Deal with The Lobby: The De-Zionization of the American Mind (2006)
    Countering the influence of the Zionist lobby.
  119. Telling it like it isn't (December 28, 2005)
    Let's call a colony a colony, let's call occupation what it is, let's call a wall a wall.
  120. Disaster and Mental Health (2005)
    The continuing Israeli military occupation of Gaza is the cause of deep and widespread trauma for Palestinian children and adults.
  121. The Olga Document (July 12, 2004)
    A document written in a series of meetings in Givat Olga, Israel, and titled after the location, The Olga Document. Advoctes coexistence of the peoples of this country, based on mutual recognition, equal partnership and implementation of historical justice.
  122. Words have failed (March 3, 2004)
    The written word is a failure at making tangible to Israeli readers the true horror of the Occupation.
  123. The lessons we have learned (November 10, 2002)
    A speech on "the peace movement: lessons learned and the way forward." Henry Lowi argues that "There is no sign of hope, for the old prejudices and the old concepts, and there is no hope for the colonialists, and the supremacists, and the ethnic nationalists. There is hope for those who proclaim clearly, and organize diligently, for coexistence between Arabs and Jews under a democratic constitution that upholds human rights."
  124. Do I Divest? (October 17, 2002)
    If apartheid ended, so can this occupation, but the moral force and international pressure will have to be just as determined.
  125. Israeli Violations of Human Rights (June 20, 2002)
    Speech by Jeff Halper, Coordinator Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. Halper focuses on the fact that "virtually all of Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands violates human rights conventions and especially the Fourth Geneva Convention that forbids an occupying power from making its presence a permanent one."
  126. What is Anti-Semitism? (June 4, 2002)
    Inflating the meaning of 'antisemitism' to include anything politically damaging to Israel is a double-edged sword. It may be handy for smiting your enemies, but the problem is that definitional inflation, like any inflation, cheapens the currency. The more things get to count as antisemitic, the less awful antisemitism is going to sound.
  127. A truly fragile identify (March 1, 2002)
    Israel has equated modern identity not with actual live people, with rights and obligations, but with a vast collectivity with no limits either in the past, the present, or the future.
  128. Personal testimony of an Irraeli refusnik (February 1, 2002)
    Why would a regular guy get up one morning in the middle of life, work, the kids and decide he's not playing the game anymore?
  129. When journalists forget that murder is murder (August 18, 2001)
    When Israelis are involved, our moral compass, our ability to report the truth, dries up.
  130. Anti-racists who queston Zionism are not racists (July 1, 2001)
    Anyone who criticizes the actions of the Israeli government runs the risk of being labelled anti-Semitic by those who want to silence all criticism of Israel.
  131. Israel's approved ethnic cleansing (June 1, 2001)
    Israel's treatment of the Palestinians has always presented a moral problem to the West, as that treatment has violated every law and moral standard on the books.
  132. Eastern Exposure (1996)
    Noam Chomsky examines and praises Norman Finkelstein's study of the difference between the image and reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  133. Israeli Apartheid and Terrorism (May 1, 1994)
    If Jews in France were required to carry identification cards designating them Jews, could not acquire land or buy or rent homes in most of the country, were not eligible for service in the armed forces, and French law banned any political party or legislation calling for equal rights for Jews, would France be widely praised in the United States as a "symbol of human decency" and paragon of democracy?
  134. Reflections and Meditations Thirty Years After (March 1, 1978)
    I.F. Stone's reflections on Israel thirty years after writing his first-hand account "Underground to Palestine'.
  135. Bertrand Russell's Last Message (1970)
    No people anywhere in the world would accept being expelled en masse from their own country; how can anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment which nobody else would tolerate?
  136. Hasbara
    Sourcewatch's analysis of 'Hasbara' -- the propaganda efforts to sell Israel, justify its actions, and defend it in world opinion. The premise of hasbara is that Israel's problems are a matter of better propaganda, and not one of an underlying unjust situation.
  137. A Heartfelt Apology to Haaretz Readers
    To all offended readers, I apologize for the one-sidedness. How could I not maintain a balance between the murderer and the murdered; the thief and his victim; and the occupier and the occupied?
  138. Israel's 'left' apologists
    Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism.
  139. One Democratic State Campaign Manifesto
    We contend that the only way to achieve justice and permanent peace is dismantling the colonial apartheid regime in historic Palestine and the establishment of a new political system based on full civil equality, and on full implementation of the Palestinian refugees’ Right of Return, and the building of the required mechanisms to correct the historical grievances of the Palestinian people as a result of the Zionist colonialist project.

Books, Films and Periodicals

  1. Against Our Better Judgement
    How the U.S. was used to create Israel
    Author: Weir, Alison
    An account of how U.S. support enabled the creation of modern Israel, and of how U.S. politicians pushed this policy over the forceful objections of top diplomatic and military experts.
  2. Avenge But One of My Two Eyes
    Author: Mograbi, Avi (director)
    Israeli director Avi Mograbi documents what he calls the "culture of death" in the psychology of Israel the occupier.
  3. BDS: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
    The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights
    Author: Barghouti, Omar
    The case for a rights-based BDS campaign against Israeli occupation and apartheid.
  4. Beyond Chutzpah
    On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
    Author: Finkelstein, Norman
    A meticulously researched expose of the corruption of scholarship on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Bringing to bear the latest findings on the conflict and recasting the scholarly debate, Finkelstein points to a consensus among historians and human rights organizations on the factual record. Why, then, does so much controversy swirl around the conflict? Finkelstein's answer, copiously documented, is that apologists for Israel contrive controversy. Whenever Israel comes under international pressure, another media campaign alleging a global outbreak of anti-Semitism is mounted.
  5. Blaming The Victims
    Spurious Scholarship And The Palestinian Question
    Author: Said, Edward; Hitchens, Christopher (eds.)
    Demonstrates with cold precision how the consistent denial of truth about the Palestinians by governments and the media in the West has led to the current impasse in Middle East politics. Controversial, forceful, and 'above all' honest, it attempts to redress a sustained crime against historical truth in order to make a more rational political future in Palestine possible. Searing essays from Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Peretz Kidron, G. W. Bowerstock, Ibrahim and Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Mumammad Hallaj, Elia Zureik, and Rashid Khalidi.
  6. Brief History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
    Teach-In on Gaza, Israel, and Hamas
    Author: Finkelstein, Norman
  7. The Case Against Israel
    Author: Neumann, Michael
    Neumann argues that Israel's policies are the cause of the conflict, and that the conflict can be ended by Israel changing its behaviour.
  8. Decolonising Israel, Liberating Palestine
    Author: Halper, Jeff
    This book explores how the concept of settler colonialism provides a clearer understanding of the Zionist movement's project to establish a Jewish state in Palestine by displacing the Palestinian Arab population.
  9. Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine
    Zionism, Settler Colonialism, and the Case for One Democratic State
    Author: Halper, Jeff
    Jeff Halper argues that the only way out of a colonial situation is decolonization: the dismantling of Zionist structures of domination ad control and their replacement by a single democractic state, in which Palestinians and Israeli Jews forge a new civil society and a shared political community.
  10. Dr. Makdisi on a One State Solution
    Author: Makdisi, Saree
    A video clip featuring Dr. Saree Makdisi presenting the case for a one-state solution in Israel-Palestine - a democratic secular state.
  11. Drinking the Sea at Gaza
    Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege
    Author: Hass, Amira
    Israeli journalist Amira Hass describes life in Gaza under Israeli siege.
  12. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
    Author: Pappe, Ilan
    Israeli historian Ilan Pappe recounts the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Israel during the war of 1948.
  13. Expulsion of the Palestinians
    The Concept of Transfer in Zionist Political Thought 1882-1948
    Author: Masalha, Nur
    Before, during and after 1948 the Israelis expelled more than 750,000 Palestinians. The ideas and attitudes that allowed for this concept of "transfer" are examined in Nur Masalha's book. "Transfer"being a euphemism for expulsion- and he shows how that concept is the logical extension of the Israelis process of colonization.
  14. The Fateful Triangle
    Israel, the United States and the Palestinians
    Author: Chomsky, Noam
    Chomsky examines how Israel has systematically tried to eradicate the Palestinians as a political, national and cultural entity by stealing their land, invasion and occupation and how this has been made possible by U.S. aid.
  15. Gaza Fights for Freedom
    Author: Martin, Abby; Prysner, Mike
    Filmed during the height of the Great March Of Return protests, it features exclusive footage of demonstrations where 200 unarmed civilians have been killed by Israeli snipers since March 30, 2018.
  16. A History of Modern Palestine
    One Land, Two Peoples
    Author: Pappe, Ilan
    A history of the people of Palestine.
  17. The Hollow Land
    Israel's Architecture of Occupation
    Author: Weizman, Eyal
    Groundbreaking exposé of Israel's terrifying reconceptualization of geopolitics in the Occupied Territories and beyond.
  18. If I Am Not For Myself
    Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew
    Author: Marqusee, Mike
    In a journey through family memory and leftwing history, Marqusee introduces us to Jewish heretics and heroes. In proudly reclaiming the Jewish radical tradition, he reminds us that cultures are not the exclusive franchises of nation-states, and that Zionists and anti-semites share the same sinister, racialized concept of group identity.
  19. Image and Reality of The Israel-Palestine Conflict
    Author: Finkelstein, Norman
    Challenges generally accepted truths of the Israel-Palestine conflict as well as much of the revisionist literature. This new and enlarged edition critically re-examines dominant popular and scholarly images in the light of the current debacle of a "peace" process.
  20. In Search of Fatima
    A Palestinian Story
    Author: Karmi, Ghada
    A frank and intimate memoir by diaspora Palestinian Ghada Karmi, detailing her experiences of displacement, nostalgia and loss.
  21. Inside Israel-Palestine The Conflict Explained
    Author: Bennis, Phyllis
    An ideal guide, in question and answer format, to this most complex of conflicts.
  22. The Iron Cage
    The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood
    Author: Khalidi, Rashid
    Rashid examines the history of the Nakba and the circumstances and context that surrounded it.
  23. Israel: A Colonial-Settler State?
    Author: Rodinson, Maxine
    Rodinson argues that Zionism fits into the general pattern of Western colonialism, and that Arab opposition to Israel is the opposition of a colonized people towards their colonizers.
  24. Israel and Palestine
    Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations
    Author: Shlaim, Avi
    Reflections on the causes and consequences of the Israel Palestine conflict, by the author of The Iron Wall.
  25. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
    Author: Mearsheimer, John J., Walt, Stephen M.
    Mearsheimer and Walt describe the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the United States provides to Israel and argue that this support cannot be fully explained in either strategic or moral grounds. This exceptional relationship is due largely to the political influence of a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively work to shape U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction. Mearsheimer and Walt contend that the lobby has a far-reaching impact on America's posture throughout the Middle East and the policies it has encouraged are in neither America's national interest nor Israel's long-term interest.
  26. Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide
    Author: White, Ben
    A readable introduction to the history and practice of apartheid in Israel.
  27. Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
    Author: Blumental, Max
    About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and activists.
  28. An Issue Of Justice
    Origins Of The Israel/Palestine Conflict
    Author: Finkelstein, Norman
    Finkelstein lays out the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict with clarity and passion, arguing that any other similar conflict would be perfectly understood, yet this one exists beneath a blanket of ideological fog. Finkelstein cuts through the fog with indisputable historical facts, optimistic that the struggle is winnable, and that it is simply an issue of justice.
  29. Method and Madness
    The Hidden Story of Israel's Assaults on Gaza
    Author: Finkelstein, Norman
    In the past five years Israel has mounted three major assaults on the 1.8 million Palestinians trapped behind its blockade of the Gaza Strip. Taken together, Operation Cast Lead (2008-9), Operation Pillar of Defense (2012), and Operation Protective Edge (2014), have resulted in the deaths of some 3,700 Palestinians. As Norman G. Finkelstein sets out in this concise, paradigm-shifting new book, an examination of Israel's motives reveals a state whose repeated recourse to savage war is far from irrational. Rather, Israel's attacks have been designed to sabotage the possibility of a compromise peace with the Palestinians, even on terms that are favorable to it.
  30. Middle East Illusions
    including Peace in the Middle East? Reflections on Justice and Nationhood
    Author: Chomsky, Noam
    Written during the last 30 years, these pieces display many characteristics of Chomsky's thought: a deep mistrust of U.S. and Israeli intentions and a desire to change the course of history. Chomsky is erudite, and some of the points are now standard in discussion about the Middle East, such as the contradiction of Israel being both a Jewish state and a democracy.
  31. The Myths of Liberal Zionism
    Author: Laor, Yitzhak
    Yitzhak Laor, one of Israel's most independent writers and prominent dissidents, demystifies the "peace camp" liberals.
  32. +972
    +972 is a blog-based web magazine jointly owned by a group of Israeli journalists and bloggers whose goal is to provide fresh, original, on-the-ground analysis and reporting of events in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
  33. On the Side of the Road
    Author: Tarachansky, Lia
    Filmed over the course of five years, this documentary focuses on the collective Israeli denial about the expulsion and displacement of Palestinians in the wake of the 1948 war for independence.
  34. The Other Israel
    The Radical Case Against Zionism
    Author: Bober, Ari (ed.)
    A collective effort by a small group of Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel to penetrate the dense net of illusion and myth that dominates the thinking and feeling of most Israelis and, at the same time, determines the prevailing image of Israel in the Western world. According to the Zionist fairy tale, the state of Israel is an outpost of democracy, social justice, and enlightenment, and a homeland and haven for the persecuted Jews of the world. The reality, as this book demonstrates, is utterly different.
  35. The Other Israel
    Voices of Refusal and Dissent
    Author: Carey, Roane; Shainin, Jonathan (ed.)
    A compilation of essays written by Israelis who oppose Israel's occupation of Palestine.
  36. The Other Side of Israel
    My Journey Across the Jewish/Arab Divide
    Author: Nathan, Susan
    Explores the unequal treatment of Palestinians living in Israel as "citizens", but as second-class citizens in a theocratic state that discriminates against Arabs in many ways.
  37. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 4, 2023
    Gaza: Dehumanization and humanity
    Author: Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
    On Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza, October-November 2023.
  38. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 2, 2023
    Toward the light
    Author: Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
    Most of us no longer celebrate the ancient festivals, but many of us - countless thousands - have been asserting our own desire and determination to create light in the darkness by going out into the streets and making our voices heard. This issue of Other Voices looks at challenges we face, asks questions about what we should do, and looks to the past, as well as what is happening now, for ideas about how to move forward.
  39. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 10, 2018
    Massacres and Morality
    Author: Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
    In the wake of Israel's brutal massacres of Palestinian protestors in Gaza in May and June 2018, Other Voices looks at the ways in which state terrorism is used to keep subjugated populations in line, at home or abroad. The issue also questions the morality of those who either support, or keep silent about, the violence of the oppressor.
  40. Our Way to Fight
    Peace-work under siege in Israel-Palestine
    Author: Riordon, Michael
    Documents the lives and work of grassroots peace activists, Israelis and Palestinians fighting for justice and human rights on both sides of the wall. The book also explore events that stirred people to action, and the escalating risks they face in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. The title is borrowed from a young Palestinian who makes and teaches film in the Jenin refugee camp. "This is my way to fight," he said. Like other people featured in the book, he is a peace activist. Like them he is also, in his own way, a freedom fighter. If a just peace can grow in this beautiful, hard land, the seeds for it will have been planted by people like these.
  41. Overcoming Zionism
    Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine
    Author: Kovel, Joel
    Kovel argues that the inner contradictions of Zionism have led Israel to a 'state-sponsored racism' fully as incorrigible as that of apartheid South Africa and deserving of the same resolution. Only a path toward a single-state secular democracy can provide the justice essential to healing the wounds of the Middle East. Kovel draws on his detailed knowledge of the Middle East to show that Zionism and democracy are essentially incompatible. Ultimately, Kovel argues, a two-state solution is essentially hopeless as it concedes too much to the regressive forces of nationalism, in which lie the roots of continued conflict.
  42. Palestine & Palestinians Guidebook
    More than an ordinary tourist guidebook, this book provides an in-depth discovery of the entire range of Palestinian culture: historical, archaelogical, religious, and architectural, as well as the daily realities of the Israeli occupation.
  43. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
    Author: Carter, Jimmy
    Former U.S. President Carter calls Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid' and identifies continuing Israeli control of the occupied territories as the primary obstacle to peace.
  44. Palestinian Children and Israeli State Violence
    Author: Abdolell, Mohamad
  45. Palestinian Refugees: The Right Of Return
    Author: Aruri, Naseer (ed.)
    The thorniest of issues, elucidated, discussed, and contextualized, by an impressive array of scholars and activists, including Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, Norman Finkelstein, Jaber Sueiman, Nahla Ghandour, Susan Akram, Salman Abu-Sitta, and Jan Abu Shakrah. The chapters cover the historical roots of the Palestinian refugee question; the obligations of host countries under international law (the case of Lebanon); Israeli perceptions of the refugee question; the role of the United States and the European Union and the Refugee Question; the PLO; meeting the needs of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon; Palestinian refugees and Jewish immigrants from Arab countries; and a program for an Independent Rights Campaign.
  46. The Politics Of Anti-Semitism
    Author: Cockburn, Alexander; St. Clair, Jeffrey (eds.)
    How did a term, once used accurately to describe the most virulent evil, become a charge flung at the mildest critic of Israel, particularly concerning its atrocious treatment of Palestinians? This is the question considered in these 18 essays (by nine Jews and nine Gentiles), including Edward Said, Robert Fisk, Norman Finkelstein, Lenni Brenner, and Uri Avnery.
  47. Press for Conversion #66
    Spring 2012
    In an effort to support the international Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, and the call for an arms embargo on Israel, COAT's two-part report exposes $1.5 billion-worth of CPP investments in 68 companies selling products and services for Israel's wars and the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
  48. Radicals, Rabbis and Peacemakers
    Conversations with Jewish Critics of Isreal
    Author: Farber, Seth (ed.)
    This is a collection of interviews, edited, introduced, and annotated by Farber, a member of Jews Against The Occupation. The contributors are among the leading American Jewish critics of Zionism and of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians. The book articualtes the reason behind the dissent and a vocbulary and framework to express it.
  49. Reporting from Ramallah
    An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land
    Author: Hass, Amira
    Amira Hass, a Jewish Israeli journalist lives in the Palestinian town of Ramallah. These dispatches cover five years of her reporting
  50. The Returns of Zionism
    Myths, Politics and Scholarship
    Author: Piterberg, Gabriel
    Leading Israeli scholar with a major re-evaluation of Zionist ideology and literature.
  51. The Roadmap to Nowhere
    Israel/Palestine Since 2003
    Author: Reinhart, Tanya
    An urgent and searing exposé of the 'peace process' by a prominent Israeli thinker.
  52. Sharon and my Mother-in-Law
    Ramallah Diaries
    Author: Amiry, Suad
    A diary of everyday life under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank, depicting the Kafkaesque absurdities and injustices Palestinians are forced to live with.
  53. 6 Floors to Hell
    Author: Efrat, Johnathon Ben (Director)
    On the outskirts of Tel Aviv, in an underground world, live hundreds of Palestinian workers sleep in this hell in order to find a day's work in Israel and bring money home to their families in the West Bank.
  54. Solidarity: Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories
    Author: Peck, Bob
    Drawing on both historical and current struggles for Palestinians under siege, occupation and forced displacement, including the Great March of Return in Gaza, the film provides a stirring indictment of Israel’s settler project as well as that of the cable networks’ deliberate spin to shield Israel from accountability. As the film’s title indicates, Peck divides the film into five themes: the expulsion of Palestinians during the Nakba, when 800,000 Palestinians were forced from their homeland in 1947-1948; Israel’s disproportionate violence against Palestinians; Israel’s continued expansion of illegal settlement colonies; the US’ financial support of Israel; and what’s behind the smear campaigns to label criticism of Israel’s policies as anti-Semitism.
  55. Ten Myths about Israel
    Author: Pappe, Ilan
    In this book published on the fiftieth anniversary of the Occupation, the outspoken and radical Israeli historian Ilan Pappe examines the most contested ideas concerning the origins and identity of the contemporary state of Israel.
  56. 'This Time We Went Too Far'
    Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion
    Author: Finkelstein, Norman G.
    For the Palestinians who live in the narrow coastal strip of Gaza, the Israeli invasion of December 2008 was a nightmare of unimaginable proportions: In the 22-day-long action 1,400 Gazans were killed, several hundred on the first day alone. And yet, while nothing should diminish Palestinian suffering through those frightful days, it is possible something redemptive is emerging from the tragedy of Gaza. For, as Norman Finkelstein details, the profound injustice of the Israeli assault was widely recognized by bodies that it is impossible to brand as partial or extremist.
  57. A Threat from Within
    A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism
    Author: Rabkin, Yakov M.
    Rabkin brings to light continuing Jewish opposition to Zionism, a religious tradition which presents a fundamental challenge to the idea of Israel as a Jewish state.
  58. A Time to Speak Out
    Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism and Jewish Identity
    Author: Karpf, Anne; Klug, Brian; Rose, Jacqueline; Rosenbaum, Barbara
    A collection of strong Jewish voices, drawing on an established tradition of Jewish dissidence, come together to explore some of the most challenging issues facing diaspora Jews, notably in relation to the ongoing conflict in Israel-Palestine.
  59. The UnJewish State
    The Politics of Jewish Identity in Israel
    Author: Orr, Akiva
  60. Unprovoked narratives
    A series of films celebrating the beauty of Gaza, its people, its struggle and its survival. The program aims to resist the demonisation of this beautiful place.
  61. War and Peace in the Middle East
    Author: Shlaim, Avi
    Avi Shlaim locates various sources of conflict in the Middle East, from the presence of oil, competition between the Soviet Union and the United States, to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  62. We Blocked The Boat - Oakland 2014
    For four days straight the San Francisco Bay Area community blocked the Israeli ZIM ship from unloading at the SSA. And today, we salute the rank and file workers of ILWU local 10 for standing with us against Israeli Apartheid by honoring our pickets.
  63. We teach life, sir
    Author: Ziadah, Rafeef
    Rafeef Ziadah is a Canadian-Palestinian spoken word artist and activist.. Her poem 'We teach life, sir' is about the occupation of Palestine.
  64. Yes to life in spite of everything: Children and Israel's war on Gaza 2006 - 2024
    Connexions Other Voices May 25, 2024
    Author: Diemer, Ulli
    For most of us our natural instinct is to protect children, nurture them, teach them, answer their questions, help them understand, help them find their way.
    But sometimes we can't protect them.
    And we have no answers to their questions.
    We can’t explain why this is happening or why the world is letting it go on.

Selected Quotes - Israel/Palestine
A selection of quotes about Palestine and Israel.


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