War Crimes
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results162 Connexions Library7 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 6 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 15 Sources Library 3 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAbettors of war crimes will be held accountable Nieuwhof, Adri; Machover, Daniel Article 2009 Taking action to bring perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice. After Pinkville: In Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam Chomsky, Noam Article 1971 Chomsky begins by expressing criticism of the peace movement protestors. He claims that their demands on the US government to "stop bombing and enter negotiations" in Vietnam were insufficient; they s... American Nuremberg: Putting Washington's War Criminals on Trial - Book Review: Book Review of "American Nuremberg: Putting Washington’s War Criminals on Trial" by Gar Smith. Smith, Gar Article 2016 Any honest review of the aggregating crimes of America’s political leaders gives rise to a nagging question: Isn’t it time someone threw the book at them? Well, the wait is over. We now have the book. American Power and the New Mandarins ![]() Chomsky, Noam Book 1969 Chomsky writes about American power and violence, especially in the context of the Vietnam war, and he focuses especially on the complicity of American intellectuals in supporting and enabling the Ame... America's Latest War Crime Lindorff, Dave Article 2015 The best that Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama can do after the US bombs and destroys a hospital in Afghanistan, killing 22 people, including 12 volunteer doctors from Doctors Without Borders, is ... America's Use of Terror in Vietnam: The Evil That Was Phoenix Jacobs, Ron Article 2014 There’s a reason the CIA wanted to prevent the publication of Douglas Valentine’s 1990 book, The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam. This masterwork is more than an exposé of the US p... The Attack on the People of Gaza: Go ahead and stop us... Roberts, Stella Article 2014 According to the conventional wisdom, the purpose of Israel’s assault on Gaza is self-defense, i.e., to stop rocket fire and to destroy “terror tunnels”. However, the facts include repeated attacks on... Benign State Violence vs. Barbaric Terrorism Peppe, Matt Article 2015 The US and UK target for assassination civilians that allegedly have a connection with ISIS. Such operations are performed without a trial. Peppe discusses how the governments of these countries justi... Big Papers Want Foreign Companies, Not War Crime Victims, to Sue US Johnson, Adam Article 2016 The editorial boards of the US’s four most influential newspapers joined President Barack Obama in opposition to the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, a bill that makes suing Saudi Arabia for... The Biggest Lie: From Hiroshima to Syria, the Enemy Whose Name We Dare Not Speak Pilger, John Article 2013 Whether or not Bashar al-Assad or the “rebels” used gas in the suburbs of Damascus, it is the US not Syria that is the world’s most prolific user of these terrible weapons. Bombing Hospitals: 22 People Killed by US Airstrike on Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan Kelly, Kathy Unclassified 2015 A group of activists living in Baghdad would regularly go to city sites and string large vinyl banners between the trees outside these buildings which read: "To Bomb This Site Would Be A War Crime." ... Breaking the Silence: Army Deliberately Targeted Civilians in Gaza Article 2015 Breaking the Silence, an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers, harshly slammed the Israeli army for its operational policy during last summer’s attack on Gaza, saying it led to "immense and unprec... Canadian hands involved in Gaza bombings: Details on Canadian complicity in Israeli apartheid Christoff, Stefan Article 2014 Aside from sustained Conservative diplomatic cheerleading for Israel, one key element of Canada's implication less in the public eye but very important, is the key role that many Canadian companies ar... Chomsky, Pilger and Loach call on BBC to reflect reality of Gaza's occupation Article 2014 Noam Chomsky, John Pilger and Ken Loach are among 45,000 signatories who have signed an open letter to the BBC calling on its journalists to reflect the reality of Gaza’s occupation while reporting on... CNN and the NYT Are Deliberately Obscuring Who Perpetrated the Afghan Hospital Attack Greenwald, Glenn Article 2015 Much of the world spent the last 48 hours expressing revulsion at the U.S. airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. It was quite clear early on that the perpetrator of the attack was the U.S., ... The Collapse of Western Morality: The Indispensable People? Roberts, Paul Craig Article 2010 Moral degradation is reaching new lows. Connexions Digest: Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 The court does not sympathize: The moral depravity of the Israeli legal system Elhanan, Nurit Peled Article 2009 The blood of Palestinians is cheap in this country. No one has ever been punished for killing Palestinians' children, adults, newborns, old people. The murderers are all walking among us, free and hap... The Crimes of Seal Team 6 Cole, Matthew Article 2017 Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military's special mission units. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a dar... The Day America Died: Assassinating Awlaki Roberts, Paul Craig Article 2011 As long as the President sanctions an illegal act, executive branch employees are no longer accountable to the law that prohibits the illegal act. On the president’s authority, the executive branch ca... Death of a Hero: The General, The Media Adulation And The Forgotten Victims Cromwell, David Article 2013 If all this glorification of a military commander had happened in the North Korean or the Soviet-era press, lavishly praising an 'original' who'd given years of 'patriotic service' in wars abroad, it ... Destroying Syria: a Joint Criminal Enterprise Johnston, Diana Article 2016 Everyone claims to want to end the war in Syria and restore peace to the Middle East. Well, almost everyone. Drone Strikes? What's To Feel Bad About?: Really Sorry We Burned the Korans Flanders, Laura Article 2012 Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil Arendt, Hannah Book 1963 Hannah Arendt's report on the trial of Adolph Eichmann. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine ![]() Pappe, Ilan Book 2007 Israelo historian Ilan Pappe recounts the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Israel during the war of 1948. Even Wars Have Rules: a Fact Sheet on the Bombing of Kunduz Hospital Kone, Jason Article 2015 Doctors Without Borders is calling for an independent fact-finding investigation to ascertain the truth about the events that led to the killing of our colleagues and patients by US.airstrikes on one ... Every Israeli Missile Strike is a War Crime: The Experts' Verdict ![]() Cook, Jonathan Article 2014 When are going to hear Human Rights Watch or the United Nation’s Navi Pillay stop talking about proportionality or Israel’s potential war crimes, and admit Israel is committing war crimes by definitio... Evil Takes the High Road: Wrapping a Policy of Global Domination in the American Flag ALBERTS, Rev. Williams Article 2013 No heavens for those who live in one of the Muslim countries in which the United States is waging its preemptive global “war on terrorism.” "Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009 Chomsky, Noam Article 2009 Israel has a straightforward means to defend itself: put an end to its criminal actions in occupied territories, and accept the long-standing international consensus on a two-state settlement that has... Fighting Secrecy and the National Security State: An Interview With Birgitta Jonsdottir, the Co-Producer of WikiLeaks's "Collateral Murder" Video Bernstein, Dennis Article 2013 An interview with Iceland Member of Parliament Birgitta Jonsdottir of the Pirate Party on the status of the international struggle against government secrecy and surveillance. Footnotes in Gaza: A Graphic Novel Sacco, Joe Book 2009 A graphic depiction of an incident in Gaza in 1956, when Israeli soldiers massacred 111 Palestinians. For Reasons of State Chomsky, Noam Book 1973 Essays in which Chomsky analyzes the role of the American state and discusses some of the ways in which individuals can respond to its growing power. Foreword to the War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam: In Bertrand Russell's War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam Chomsky, Noam Article 1971 Chomsky introduces the themes to be explored in Russell's book on the Vietnam Tribunal. He points out the complacency in Europe and the USA and calls the Tribunal as a renouncement of the crime of sil... Gaza: Israel bombs water and sewage systems: If this situation continues Gaza residents will be subjected to a humanitarian crisis even worse than the immediate one of trying to survive Omer, Mohammed Article 2014 Israel's armed forces have destroyed vital water and sewage infrastructure in their bombing campaign of the besieged territory. This constitutes a severe breach of the 1977 Protocol to the 1949 Geneva... Gaza's Shocking Devastation Shannon, Harry Article 2008 A Canadian Jew's visit to the territory left him ashamed by what he saw. Gaza's Torment, Israel's Crimes, Our Responsibilities Chomsky, Noam Article 2014 It is important to understand what life is like in Gaza when Israel’s behavior is “restrained,” in between the regular manufactured crises like this one. When Israel is on “good behavior,” more than t... Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War Article 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Adopted on 12 August 1949 by the Diplomatic Conference for the Establishment of International Conventions for the Prote... Globalizing Gaza: How Israel Undermines International Law Through "Lawfare" ![]() Halper, Jeff Unclassified 2014 At the same time as it engages in repeated massive military assaults on a primarily civilian popuation in Gaza, Israel is also engaged in an ongoing assault on international humanitarian law by a high... Goldstone Recants: Richard Goldstone Renews Israel's License to Kill Finkelstein, Norman G. Book 2011 On April 1 2011, in the pages of the Washington Post, the international jurist Richard Goldstone dropped a bombshell. He effectively disowned the massive evidence assembled in the United Nations' repo... The Goldstone report and the battle for legitimacy Falk, Richard Article 2009 It may yet be the case that, as in the anti-apartheid struggle, the shift in the relation of forces in the Palestinians' favour will occur not through diplomacy or as a result of armed resistance, but... Goldstone's shameful U-turn Pappe, Ilan Article 2011 This shameful U-turn did not happen this week. It comes after more than a year and a half of a sustained campaign of intimidation and character assassination. Guilt of War Belongs to All Chomsky, Noam Article 1995 Chomsky discusses the guilt of war and Japan's refusal to apologize for its role in the Second World War. Gunning for destruction in Gaza: 'You want to see people in pieces' Roth, Natasha Article 2015 36,000 artillery shells, tank shells, mortars, anti-tank missiles and munitions, alongside an ubiquitous use of armored bulldozers, razed streets and districts to the ground during last summer's Gaza ... Hidden Agendas Pilger, John Book 1998 Pilger's book is an indictment of Tony Blair's government and his easy acceptance of the Thacherite view of foreign affairs. Using the examples of Indonesia, East Timor, Burma, Murdoch and China he ch... The History of the German Resistance 1933-1945: Widerstand, Staatsstreich, Attentat Hoffman, Peter Book 1969 A thorough portrayal of the plans, hesitations, frustrations, and failures of the opposition to Hitler. How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage and Crimes Against Humanity Mandel, Michael Book 2003 Michael Mandel offers a critical account of America's illegal wars and a war crimes system that has granted America's leaders an unjust and dangerous impunity, effectively encouraging their illegal wa... How Israel Bought Off UN's War Crimes Probe: Report's Fate Sealed by Threats to Palestinian Economy Cook, Jonathan Article 2009 Palestinian officials faced threats that Israel would retaliate by inflicting enormous damage on the beleaguered Palestinian economy, unless the Palestinian authority agreed to stop pursuing internati... How Israel Spins War Crimes: The Secret Report That Helps Israelis Cover Atrocities Cockburn, Patrick Article 2014 Israeli spokesmen have their work cut out explaining how they have killed more than 1,000 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians, compared with just three civilians killed in Israel by Hamas roc... How We Fought the War: Bob Kerrey's Revolting Medal of Honor St. Clair, Jeffrey; Cockburn, Alexander Article 2001 On May 16, 2016, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey was named chairman of Fulbright University, a US-backed college with ties to the State Department in Ho Chi Minh City. During his recent visit to Vi... Humanity Imperiled: The Path To Disaster ![]() Chomsky, Noam Article 2013 For the first time in the history of the human species, we have clearly developed the capacity to destroy ourselves. That's been true since 1945. It's now being finally recognized that there are more ... 'I Would Have Refused Such An Order' - Former RAF Pilot Gives His View of US Bombing Of MSF Hospital In Kunduz Article 2015 In our previous media alert, 'Sick Sophistry', we examined media coverage of the deliberate US bombing of a Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan on October 3, 2015. In particular, ... If John Bolton Is Right, Pearl Harbor Was Perfectly Legal Love, Kary Article 2018 Michigan attorney Kary Love explores the legal basis for a pre-emptive attack on North Korea by the USA. Independent Groups Debunk Israeli War Propaganda Deen, Thalif Article 2009 As the Israelis try to justify the massive loss of civilian life in Gaza, their arguments and counter-charges continue to be shot down either by the United Nations or by international human rights org... Invisible War Crimes - The Corporate Media On Yemen Article 2015 Anyone struggling to understand the violent upheaval in Yemen this year might be tempted to consult the country's 'most important source of news' -- the BBC. The Iraq War Was an Act of Military Aggression Launched on a False Pretext: Remarks on the Chilcot Inquiry Report Corbyn, Jeremy Article 2016 The following is a transcript of Jeremy Corbyn's remarks in the House of Commons. Is the UN complicit in Israel's massacre in Gaza? Barghouti, Omar Article 2009 A friend forwarded to me the most original greeting for the New Year: "I wish in 2009 a horrible year for all war criminals and their accomplices." I could not but think of whether some United Nations... Israel and US apologists rattled by UN report on war crimes in Gaza: The 'democracy' that can do no wrong Balles, Paul J. Article 2009 Paul J. Balles considers the, "...lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia" inherent in the hypocritical reactions of Israeli officials, and of Israel's apologists in the United States, to the ... Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate destruction or "collateral damage"?: Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure Article 2006 Amnesty International calls for the immediate establishment of a comprehensive, independent and impartial inquiry into violations of international humanitarian law by both Hizbullah and Israel in the ... Israel: Misuse of Drones Killed Civilians in Gaza: Sources News Release Article 2009 Israeli attacks with guided missiles fired from aerial drones killed civilians during the recent Gaza fighting in violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch says. Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights ![]() Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Website 2006 A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights. Israeli War Crimes? Who, Us?? Avnery, Uri Article 2015 The concept of "war crimes" is dubious. The biggest crime is starting the war in the first place. This is not the business of soldiers, but of political leaders. Yet they are rarely indicted.These phi... Israel's appalling bombing of Gaza Tilley, Virginia Article 2006 Destroying the only power source for a trapped and defenseless civilian population is an unprecedented step toward barbarity. It reeks, ironically, of the Warsaw Ghetto. Israel's atrocities in Gaza prompt unprecedented political fallout White, Ben Article 2014 "Carnage" in Gaza – "the killing of children and the slaughter of civilians". Not the words of a Palestinian spokesperson but rather French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. Australia's FM Julie Bishop... Israel's attack on the UN post in Lebanon Diemer, Ulli Article 2006 Israel's leaders could care less about world outrage. Israel's superpower patron, the United States, supports everything Israel does and keeps supplying money and arms, while the U.S. and Canadian med... Israel's Attack on Us All Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 If we needed any evidence of the degree to which Western TV journalists are simply stenographers to power, the BBC, CNN and others are amply proving it. Mark Regev, Israel's propagandist-in-chief, has... Israel's Crimes, America's Silence Dugard, John Article 2009 To date, too little mention has been made of investigations that show there is sufficient evidence to bring charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity against Israel's political and military le... It's Not Piracy!: The International Law Framework Brayer, Linda; Wimmer, Andrew Article 2010 The crimes that Israel committed during its assault on the vessels and civilian passengers of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla fall firmly within the category of "high crimes." The assault, rather than an ac... It's Time to Call Economic Sanctions What They Are: War Crimes Cockburn, Patrick Article 2018 Cockburn argues that economic sanctions impose collective punishment on the general population rather than targetting the people in power. Joint Declaration by International Law Experts on Israel's Gaza Offensive: The International Community Must End Israel's Collective Punishment of the Civilian Population in the Gaza Strip Falk, Richard Article 2014 The indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, the targeting of objectives providing no effective military advantage, and the intentional targeting of civilians and civilian houses have been persist... Kampuchea, Decade of the Genocide: Report of a Finnish Inquiry Commission Kiljenen, Kimmo Book 1990 Commissioned by the Finnish Inquiry Commission this a straight forward account of the history of Kampuchea from the saturation bombing by the United States during the Vietnam war in the 1970's to the ... Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam Turse, Nick Book 2013 Turse demonstrates that violence against Vietnamese noncombatants was not at all exceptional during the American war against Vietnam. Rather, it was pervasive and systematic, the predictable consequen... The Kill Team Krauss, Daniel Film 2013 An account of the aftermath of one American soldier's decision to turn whistleblower after his involvment in the Maywand District murders during the War in Afghanistan. Kunduz Killers Go Free Article 2016 On the night of October 3, 2015, a United States Air Force AC-130 gunship repeatedly attacked a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Forty-two people were killed and dozens ... Lancet: an Open Letter for the People of Gaza: The Massacre Must Stop Manduca, Paola; Chalmers, Iain; Summerfield, Derek; Gilbert, Mads; Ang, Swee Article 2014 A public letter from doctors and scientists to stop the massacre. Lawyers in EU draw up list of alleged IDF war criminals Pfeffer, Anshel Article 2009 Lawyers in a number of European countries are collecting information on Israeli soldiers who are implicated in war crimes. Liberation, Then What?: Against The Current vol. 124 Webber, Jeffery R. Article 2006 In a lucid contribution to our understanding of contemporary Africa, David Seddon and Leo Zeilig recently charted that continent's two waves of popular protest and class struggle over the last 40 year... The lying silence of those who know: Holocaust Denied Pilger, John Article 2009 In every war, Israel has had the same objective: the expulsion of the native people and the theft or more and more land. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media ![]() Herman, Edward S.; Chomsky, Noam Book 1988 Contrary to the usual image of the press and cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitious in its search for truth, Herman and Chomsky depict how an underlying elite consensus largely structures all facets... The Massacre Rothbard, Murray N. Article 1982 All other news, all other concerns, fade into insignificance beside the enormous horror of the massacre in Beirut. All humanity is outraged at the wanton slaughter of hundreds of men (mainly elderly),... The Massacre of Withdrawing Soldiers on "The Highway of Death": Excerpted from the book War Crimes: A report on United States war crimes against Iraq Chediac, Joyce Article 1992 I want to give testimony on what are called the "highways of death." These are the two Kuwaiti roadways, littered with remains of 2,000 mangled Iraqi military vehicles, and the charred and dismembered... Mayday: The Case for Civil Disobedience Chomsky, Noam Article 1971 Chomsky addresses the expected "cooling" of the Student Movement in light of negative reviews of the May Day demonstration. He analyzes this cooling as a key factor in US strategy, especially in relat... Media Think Winter, James Book 2000 Increasingly the news media are owned by a small group of very large corporations with extensive interests outside the industry, run by the corporate elite.Winter argues that instead of offering diver... The Memory of Justice Ophuls, Marcel (director) Film/Video 1976 The Memory of Justice is a 1976 documentary film directed by Marcel Ophüls. It explores the subject of atrocities committed in wartime. The Most Moral Army? Avnery, Uri Article 2017 War is the realm of killing and destroying. How is it possible to talk about a law of war when war itself breaks all laws? An army that trains its soldiers to kill, how can it demand from them to show... Most US drone strikes in Pakistan attack houses: Drone strikes in Pakistan Ross, Alice K; Serle, Jack Article 2014 Domestic buildings have been hit by drone strikes more than any other type of target in the CIA’s 10-year campaign in the tribal regions of northern Pakistan, new research reveals. Mounting evidence of deliberate attacks on Gaza health workers by Israeli army Article 2014 An immediate investigation is needed into mounting evidence that the Israel Defense Forces launched apparently deliberate attacks against hospitals and health professionals in Gaza, which have left si... Museum of the World and Image Becerra, Diana C.S. Article 2013 Challenges the "official narrative" that re-writes the Civil War as a struggle of "national security" against an "internal communist threat," manifested in the form of unions, student groups, human ri... New World Order: A postwar analysis Chomsky, Noam Article 1991 Everyone is allowed to play the game, so long as it's according to the U.S. rules. NGO Reports on Gaza War Belie Israeli Claims Cobban, Helena Article 2009 This week, two respected human rights organisations - one Palestinian, one Israeli - each came out with very full reports into the extent of the damage caused by the assault Israel waged against Gaza ... Occupation on Trial - Palestinian village sues Canadian corporations for building illegal Israeli settlements: Sources News Release Article 2009 Bil'in, a Palestinian village that has become an international symbol of Palestinian popular non-violent resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli separation wall, is suing Canadian corpor... On the US-Israeli Invasion of Lebanon Chomsky, Noam Article 2006 The supposed justifications for the invasion are a cynical fraud. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 19 2014: Spying, terrorism, and protest Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2014 Coverage of spying, terrorism, and protest. Articles on how the ISIS (Islamic State group) comes to be using American weapons; the U.S. government's secret plans to spy for American corporations; the ... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 22, 2017: Disobedience Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Ultimately all power structures depend on the obedience of those over whom they rule. It helps if people believe in the legitimacy of those who wield power, but the crucial thing is obedience. Once pe... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 22, 2017: Secrecy and Power Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Secrecy is a weapon the powerful use against their enemies: us. This issue of Other Voices explores the relationship of secrecy and power. Outcry Over Israel's War Crimes Cook, Jonathan Article 2009 Jonathan Cook describes legal actions underway to hold Israel accountable for war crimes. The Persecution of Pfc. Bardley Manning: The Leaker as American Hero Cohn, Marjorie Article 2010 If Manning did what he is suspected of doing, he should be honoured as an American hero for exposing war crimes. A Poisonous Affair: America, Iraq, and the Gassing of Halabja Hiltermann, Joost R Book Joost's Hiltermann "A Poisonous Affair" is a disturbing book. Chronicling both the use of chemical weapons against the Iranis and specifically the Kurds at Halabja it is also the tale of culpability b... Press for Conversion #44: April 2001 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2001 This annual research report by COAT juxtaposes evidence from a variety of sources to demonstrate Canada's complicity in international war crimes and crimes against humanity. Preventive War 'the Supreme Crime' Chomsky, Noam Article 2003 Chomsky illustrates how the US-UK coalition reconfigured the term "pre-emptive" into "preventive" in an attempt to justify the invasion of Iraq despite opposition from the international society. Problems of Knowledge and Freedom: The Russell Lectures Chomsky, Noam Book 1971 These lectures explore Bertrand Russell's work on empiricism, morality, linguistics and politics. ... Profiting from Gaza Children's Agony Vlanza, Vacy Article 2015 The shocking decision by the government-owned New Zealand Super Fund (NZSF) to NOT divest from Israel Chemicals Ltd (ICL), manufacturer of white phosphorus, blatantly violates the NZSF Responsibilit... Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack on the Gaza Peace Flotilla - Part 1 Article 2010 We are trained to react to violent acts, not on the basis of their objective legality and human cost, but on the basis of the perceived legitimacy of the people committing the act. Violence committed ... Put the Palestinians On A Diet Article 2010 Israel has been forced to reveal what Palestinians and other observers on the ground have known for a long time: that the blockade of Gaza is state policy intended to inflict collective punishment, no... Questions about Israel's attack on Gaza Diemer, Ulli Article 2014 Why do these terrible outbreaks of violence keep happening? Written during the Israeli attack on Gaza in July 2014. The Radically Changing Story of the U.S. Airstrike on Afghan Hospital: From Mistake to Justification Greenwald, Glenn Article 2015 When news first broke of the U.S. airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, the response from the U.S. military was predictable and familiar. It was all just a big, ter... Review: Nick Turse, Kill Anything That Moves. The Real American War in Vietnam (2013) Goldner, Loren Article 2014 Review of Nick Turse's book Kill Anything That Moves. The Real American War in Vietnam. Revolutionary Nonviolence: Essays by Dave Dellinger Dellinger, Dave Book 1970 Dellinger says that "those of us who oppose the violence of the status quo and reject the violence of armed revolt and class hatred bear a heavy responsibility to struggle existentially to provdew non... Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower ![]() Blum, William Book 2005 A mini-encyclopedia of the numerous un-humanitarian acts perpetrated by the United States since the end of the Second World War. Russia's Chechnya Syndrome: Against The Current vol. 84 Weissman, Susan Article 2000 The near-genocidal war that Russia's Putin-Yeltsin government is waging in Chechnya is cynical on many counts. Some might compare it to U.S. efforts to end the “Vietnam syndrome” by engaging in small ... Russia's Fantasy "Stray Missiles," America's Real Ones Arbuthnot, Felicity Article 2015 Even to those who do not watch closely it has to be apparent that Washington's vast disinformation machine is finally out of control, seriously awry, or desperate. Samples of Israeli Horrific Brutality and War Criminality in Gaza Greenwald, Glenn Article 2015 The Israeli group Breaking the Silence issued a report this morning containing testimony from Israeli soldiers about the savagery and criminality committed by the Israeli military during the attack on... A Short History of U.S. Bombing of Civilian Facilities Schwarz, Jon Article 2015 The U.S. has repeatedly attacked civilian facilities in the past. This is a sampling of such incidents since the 1991 Gulf War. Sick Sophistry: BBC News On Afghan Hospital "Mistakenly" Bombed by United States Media Lens Article 2015 One of the defining features of the corporate media is that Western crimes are ignored or downplayed. The US bombing of a Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, on the night of Octo... Six Facts from Sudden Justice, A New History of the Drone War Currier, Cora Article 2015 Sudden Justice: America's Secret Drone Wars, a new book by London-based investigative journalist Chris Woods, traces the intertwined technological, legal and political history of drones as they evolve... Somebody Else's Atrocities Chomsky, Noam Article 2012 Atrocities commited by official enemies are routinely condemned, but atrocities for which our own country is responsible are rarely mentioned. Sudden Justice: America's Secret Drone Wars Woods, Chris Book 2015 Traces the growing use of armed drones. Woods examines the multiple legal and ethical issues that surround the drone wars. Take Israel To International Criminal Court Dhansay, Sayed Article 2010 It is imperative that the international community view the Israeli response to the Goldstone report as a blatant attempt to whitewash its crimes in Gaza, and refer the matter to the ICC without furthe... The terrible legacy of Agent Orange and dioxin Wynter, Coral Article 2013 Agent Orange was manufactured by Monsanto Corporation and Dow Chemicals to use as a herbicide and defoliant in the Vietnam War. This is Genocide: On Israel/Palestine Rohricht, Alyssa Article 2014 To call what is going on in Israel and Palestine a “conflict” is to partake in the racist and blatantly false narrative that is being pushed by Israel. When one side fights with stones and homemade ro... To the family of the one thousandth victim of Israel's genocidal slaughter in Gaza Pappe, Ilan Article 2014 This is 2014 — the destruction of Gaza is well documented. This is not 1948 when Palestinians had to struggle hard to tell their story of horror; so many of the crimes Zionist committed then where hid... Toronto Star Supports the Perpetrators of War Crimes in Ukraine: Crazed Warmongers Annis, Roger Article 2015 Toronto Star has distinguished itself for supporting the fundraising projects of Ukraine's extreme-right parties and militias. Towards a 'Israeli War Criminals Watch' Warschawski, Michael Article 2009 It is upon us, every woman and man, in Israel and abroad, who fear for international public hygiene and international law, to unite forces in order to place before those war criminals the dilemma: ris... Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' Cockburn, Patrick Article 2010 The shocking rates of infant mortality and cancer in Iraqi city raise new questions about the battle. Treading the Borders Between Life and Death Jasiewicz, Ewa Article 2009 During Israel's Operation Cast Lead in December 2008 - January 2009, Israeli forces killed 16 emergency medical staff and injured 57. According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), perha... Trying to Arrest Madeleine Albright: Against The Current vol. 81 Heller, Stanley Article 1999 I used to cringe every time I'd be in a demo and hear the chant, "You can't run. You can't hide. We charge you with genocide!" But in the case of the sanctions against Iraq it really has become genoc... Turning Blood into Money: Profiting from Killing Vlazna, Vacy Article 2013 Yotam Feldman’s documentary The Lab, released in August, is one of the most important exposés of the obscene rationale and execution of Israel’s hugely lucrative arms and security industries through... The UN in Israel's Crosshairs: Nowhere to Run to, Nowhere to Hide Amiri, Rannie Article 2009 History will record Israel's onslaught in Gaza as noteworthy not only for the wide destruction of institutions of state and civil society, but for the deliberate targeting of the United Nations and th... U.N. Team on War Crimes Condemns Israel, Hamas Article 2009 A four-member United Nations fact-finding mission, which has just concluded an investigation into last year's brutal conflict in Gaza, makes a strong case for war crimes charges against Israel for its... US Dispatched a Murderous AC-130 Airborne Gunship to Attack a Hospital Lindorff, Dave Article 2015 Evidence continues to mount that the US committed a monstrous war crime in attacking and destroying a fully operational hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan on the night of Oct. 3, 2015, killing at least 2... US drone strikes kill 28 unknown people for every intended target Article 2014 US drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan have killed as many as 1,147 unknown people in failed attempts to kill 41 named individuals, a report by human rights charity Reprieve has found. US Lies and Excuses for Bombing Hospital Cook, Jonathan Article 2015 Here is the US changing its story for the FOURTH time of why it launched an air strike on the Doctors without Borders hospital in the Afghan town of Kunduz at the weekend, massacring at least 22 patie... A View from Gaza: This Is a Brutal Attack, Not a "Military Operation" El-Farra, Mona Article 2014 In Gaza, recent Israeli military attacks by sea, air and via artillery shells are not part of a war or a military operation though it may look so. It is collective punishment and it is a brutal attac... Voices for Palestine Website Arab women from Jordan who came together in response to Israel's attack on Gaza and its people. Waltz with Bashir: A Lebanon War Story Folman, Ari; Polonsky, David Book 2009 A graphic novel depicting an Israeli soldier's experience during Israel's war in Lebanon. See also the film with the same name. War and the Culture of Violence: Against The Current vol. 125 Feeley, Dianne Article 2006 Last year I had the opportunity to see “Winter Soldier,” a rarely shown 1971 documentary based on the testimony of over 100 soldiers recently back from Vietnam. It was filmed during a three-day hearin... War crime: NATO deliberately destroyed Libya's water infrastructure Ahmed, Nafeez Article 2015 The military targeting of civilian infrastructure, especially of water supplies, is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions. Yet this is precisely what NATO did in Libya. Since then, the country's wa... War Crimes Article Corporate media can't ignore photos the way they ignored protests. The real reign of terror we face is much closer to home than we dare to think. War Crimes Airbrushed from History: Evidence of Israeli "Cowardly Blending" Comes to Light Cook, Jonathan Article 2008 A report written by a respected Israeli human rights organisation, one representing the country's Arab minority not its Jewish majority, has unearthed evidence showing that during the 2006 Lenanon war... 'War crimes': Israeli bombs wiped out entire families in Gaza, Amnesty says Article 2014 Israel used disproportionate military force during its summer operation in Gaza. Entire Palestinian families were killed when their homes were leveled by Israeli bombs falling with no warning and for ... The War Crimes of a Sergeant, the War Crimes of a Nation: A Double Standard of Justice McNamara, Tom Article 2012 It is alleged that on the evening of March 10-11, 2012, US Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales left his base in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, fully armed and loaded, and murdered 16 civilians in a nearby v... Wars for Africa's wealth: New Internationalist May 2004 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2004 Discussion of the wealth in Africa, and the wars and violence which it has fuelled. Watch: Al Jazeera’s "Massacre at Dawn" Gives Glimpse of Horror in Shujaiya Abusalama, Shahd Article 2014 Thinking that the footage contained in Massacre at Dawn is just a fraction of the horror makes it even worse. No wonder Israel prevented media from covering the brutality that our people endured there... When Phoenix Came to Thanh Phong: Bob Kerrey and War Crimes as Policy in Vietnam Valentine, Douglas Article 2016 On May 16, 2016, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey was named chairman of Fulbright University, a US-backed college with ties to the State Department in Ho Chi Minh City. During his recent visit to Vi... White Flag Deaths: Killings of Palestinian Civilians during Operation Cast Lead Article 2009 Documents incidents where Israeli soldiers fired on civilians with small arms during Israel's military operations in Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009. These attacks killed 11 civilians, includin... Who Profits?: Exposing the Israeli Occupation Industry Database 2010 In exposing companies and corporations involved in the occupation, we hope to promote a change in public opinion and corporate policies, leading to an end to the occupation. Why Is the U.S. Refusing an Independent Investigation If Its Hospital Airstrike Was an "Accident"? Greenwald, Glenn Article 2015 In Geneva , Doctors Without Borders (MSF) demanded a formal, independent investigation into the U.S. airstrike on its hospital in Kunduz. The group's international president specified that the inquiry... Why the rise of fascism is again the issue ![]() Pilger, John Article 2015 Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping blackshirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies, whose war-making elites urge us never to ... A Wikileak on the US and Al-Jazeera: Blaming and (Killing) the Messenger Christison, Kathleen Article 2011 A Wikileaks-released cable from the U.S. embassy in Doha, Qatar, shows that U.S. officials were angry with Al Jazeera in the wake of Israel’s three-week assault on Gaza, because, alone of news network... Winter Soldier Winterfilm Collective Film 1972 A chronicling of the Winter Soldier Investigation - about war crimes during the Vietnam War - that took place in Detroit, Michigan, from January 31 to February 2, 1971. Yemen as Laboratory: Why is the West So Silent About This Savage War? Mundy, Martha Article 2015 What is at stake in Yemen that far more systematic violations of the Geneva Conventions than in any of the recent wars which Western powers have supported in the Arab world (Iraq, Syria, Libya and Gaz... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesAlternative Information Center A Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting coo... Centre for Research on Globalization An independent research and media group of writers, scholars and activists. Publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focussing on social, econo... Chomsky.info The Noam Chomsky Web site.
Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade COAT is a national network of individuals and organizations in Canada that began in late 1988 to organize opposition to ARMX '89, which was the country's largest weapons bazaar. COAT has continued to ... Electronic Intifada Palestinian portal for information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its depiction in the media. News, commentary, analysis, and reference materials about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fro... Physicians for Global Survival (Canada) An association of 2500 Canadian physicians and public supporters who believe the greatest threat to human and environmental health is war, and the threat posed by the existence of nuclear weapons. Aff... War Criminals Watch War Criminals Watch exists for one and only one reason: to ensure that prosecutions of high officials of the Bush administration who are guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors" take place now. Key ac... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryAerial bombing of cities Wikipedia article The aerial bombing of cities in warfare is an optional element of strategic bombing which was first seen in World War I. The bombing of cities grew to a vast scale in World War II, and is still practi... Bringing up the bodies in Bosnia Vulliamy, Ed 2016 Using cutting edge scientific research, an international organization is digging up mass graves to give victims' families some sense of closure and justice. Comparing evils Diemer, Ulli 2008 Al-Qaeda is willing to kill large numbers of innocent people, including children, in pursuit of its goals, and the U.S. is willing to kill large numbers of innocent people, including children, in pur... Continuous protest at Israeli consulate in Toronto starts July 24 Sources News Release 2014 On July 24 people of conscience including Muslims, Jews, and Christians, are coming together at the Israeli consulate in Toronto for a three day continuous vigil to call attention to the frightening s... Crimes of War What the Public Should Know (Crimes of War project) Dworkin, Anthony; Gutman, Roy; Rieff, David; Mendez, Sheryl 2007 An A-Z guide to the laws governing armed conflict and their application in practice. The chapters include discussions of the crimes prohibited by international humanitarian law, key terms relating to ... Croatia: Judicial harassment of war crimes reporter continues Sources News Release 2009 Zeljko Peratovic is accused of â#odisseminating information likely to upset the populationâ## under article 322/1 KZA of the criminal code. Eighth Journalist Killed in Gaza: Israel Must Answer for Crimes Sources News Release 2014 Two Palestinian journalists were killed while reporting in a market in Gaza yesterday – an appalling incident which means eights journalists have now lost their lives since the Israeli bombardment o... 50 Young Israelis Send a Letter to Netanyahu: "We Refuse to Serve in the Occupation Army" Sources News Release 2014 We, the undersigned, intend to refuse to serve in the army and the main reason for this refusal is our opposition to the military occupation of Palestinian territories. The Gaza Platform 2015 The Gaza Platform is an interactive map of attacks by Israeli forces on Gaza between 8 July and 26 August 2014. It enables its users to explore a vast collection of data, collected on the ground by th... A history of violence: Growing up in CAR Specogna, Heidi 2017 A child born from rape and a young gunshot victim grow up amid CAR's cycle of violence. Modern Wars The Humanitarian Challenge ICIHI Since 1949, there have been some 150 conflicts, claiming some 20 million victims, most of whom were civilians not combatants. The purpose of humanitarian law is not to suppress war but to attenuate it... My Lai Massacre Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder conducted by a unit of the U.S. Army on March 16, 1968 of 347–504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam, all of whom were civilians and a majority of whom were wo... Saudi Warplanes Destroy MSF Hospital in Yemen At Least Two Staff Hurt in Attacks Ditz, Jason 2015 Adding to concerns about Saudi attacks on civilians in Yemen, an overnight air raid against the capital city of Sanaa pounded a residential district, hitting several homes, a girl's school, and destro... Small countries, big crimes Diemer, Ulli 2009 One of the stock phrases Israel’s apologists repeat, parrot-like, is that Israel is "a small country". The idea is to make us feel sympathy for Israel, the plucky little country standing up to dangero... Two journalists among 17 killed in Israeli raid on Gaza market Sources News Release 2014 Two Palestinian journalists were killed July 30 in an Israeli air raid on a crowded market in the Shijaiyah neighbourhood, east of Gaza City. From the Connexions ArchivesMaking a Killing The Canada-Israel Military-Industrial Partnership Young, Art (ed.) Article 2009 Canadian companies supply many essential components to Israel's war machine. This pamphlet provides information on the arms trade that will help to strengthen the movement for boycott, divestment and ... |