N.W.T. Native Women's Group
Organization profile published 1977
Publisher: c/o Gina Blondin, P.O. Box 2580, Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada
Year Published: 1977
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX501
The first native women's conference in the Mackenzie Valley and the Western Arctic took place July 18-22, 1977 at Akaitcho Hall in Yellowknife.
The first native women's conference in the Mackenzie Valley and the Western Arctic took place July 18-22, 1977 at Akaitcho Hall in Yellowknife. Delegates from 29 communities of Dene, Metis and Inuit ancestry, as well as representatives from the Inuit regional organizations attended. The theme of the conference was community action. Delegates were invited to discuss and identify specific issues which they took back to their communities to act upon.
Workshops concentrated on the economic, social and political development of native women. The conference also investigated the possibility of stabilizing and improving monetary returns to artists in fields such as arts and crafts. In the social arena, areas of concern included alcohol, day care services, nutrition and food costs. The issues of land claims and northern development were also part of the conference agenda.
By making women more aware of what can be done to improve and control their lives, the conference succeeded in its goal to take the first step in developing a strong and active women's group in the N.W.T. The main purpose of the conference was to combine and develop the ideas, experience and leadership abilities of woman of all ages in order that they may take collective action on issues that affect them directly.
This organization no longer exists.
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