Vanguard Magazine
Periodical profile published 1976

Greene, Bonnie (ed.)
Date Written:  2008-01-08
Publisher:  Wedge Publishing Foundation, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  31pp   Price:  $1.00   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX184

An independent Christian magazine dealing with social issues.

An independent Christian magazine, this issue explores some of the difficulties involved in hearing the voices of third-world peoples, as well as some of the opportunities that most of us miss because we seldom recall that they exist. Hugh and Karmel McCullum, co-ordinators of an interchurch effort called Project North state the case for the struggle for survival of Canada's native people. Albert Gidrairtis offers his suggestions for self-educating resources such as books and discs to help white readers orient themselves to the history and social experience of the Native People in North America. In a similar vein, Carol Ricker Wilson offers a mini-guide to the literature of Third World Peoples. And finally, Peter Rietsma attacks a related problem: the difficulty most of us have in hearing about Third World nations and quite naturally reflect western views of what is significant and what is not.

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