Periodical profile published 1979

Publisher:  Women Healthsharing Collective, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1979
Pages:  19pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX1097

Healthsharing is published by Women Healthsharing - a resource and writing collective. In the first issue, the collective defines the term "healthsharing" as - "the concept of sharing health is, for us, a feminist approach to health and healing. It denotes the caring and sense of community which are the essence of both feminism and healing. The emphasis is upon the positive, the ideal - health. Our concern is with health in all its aspects, as it relates to our bodies, our minds, our common and individual environments. Sharing is the process - the sharing of knowledge, ideas experiences and responsibility."

This issue of Healthsharing includes articles on "Birth Options", mid-wifery, health and alternative services for women. "Birth Options" examines the experience women have of giving birth in our society today, and experience that can often be one of alienation, ignorance and powerlessness. Birth in the 20th century has changed from a natural process to a medical event.

The article cites the growing movement in the 60's and 70's to oppose the treatment by the medical establishment of pregnancy and birth as an illness,

There is growing support for great parent understanding and involvement in the birthing process and many groups are active in lobbying hospitals for improved practices in procedure. However, it is noted that although some changes have been made, rooming in for the baby and mother, fathers present in the delivery room, etc., it is questionable as to whether women have any more real control over their births. The work toward a system that provides a variety of child-birth options for all women that are safe and fully supported by the medical establishment is just beginning.

Subject Headings

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