Dick and Jane Get Unemployed
Publisher: Greater Vancouver Union of the Unemployed, Vancouver, CanadaYear Published: 1978 Resource Type: Photo/Image/Poster Cx Number: CX850 "Dick and Jane Get Unemployed" is a cartoon sketch of the present unemployment situation aimed at increasing public awareness of factors affecting and underlying the present high rate of unemployment. Abstract: This group was formed to organize and provide a voice for the jobless of Greater Vancouver. They are attempting to work on root causes of unemployment as well as the more immediate problems. They are opposed to all layoffs, plant shutdowns, education and social service cutbacks, and wage controls. Among other things, they advocate increased public works programs, affirmative action plans to create equal employment opportunities for all and full unemployment benifits for all persons not working. "Dick and Jane Get Unemployed" is a cartoon sketch of the present unemployment situation aimed at increasing public awareness of factors affecting and underlying the present high rate of unemployment. Subject Headings |