INCAR Newsletter Periodical profile published 1977
Publisher: International Committe against Racism (Toronto), Canada
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 5pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX307
A periodical newsletter that discusses issues of racism in Toronto
Abstract: The Committee against Racism has been a strong and vocal opponent of Government policy regarding immigrants in Toronto for the last two or three years. This month's newsletter especially focuses on the recent appointment of Jim Noble to be Deputy Police Chief. In four years, he has moved from a position as
sergeant in the force to this post. In 1972, the Committee reports, Sergeant Noble was attempting to pin responsibility for rising crime rates in the Bathurst-Bloor area on the non-white immigration in that area. Indications the Committee has received would show that the police force has interpreted Noble's promotion as a reward for his racist attitudes.
In a document reported in the same newsletter the Committee supported the Shromani Sikh Society in their protest against inaction by the police force when they were attacked by a group of youths in the presence of the police.
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