The Indian Act and What it Means
Publisher: Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, Vancouver, CanadaYear Published: 1975 Pages: 87pp Price: 3.50 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX872 The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs is the political organization representing some 52,000 status Indians in the Province. Abstract: The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs is the political organization representing some 52,000 status Indians in the Province. The Indian Act and What it Means is a booklet prepared by the Union for the use of Band members. It is part of a national effort among Indian peoples to get grassroots feedback on what changes they want made in the Indian Act. The foreword states: "To change laws, we need to understand what they are. This is the main reason for this booklet." Sections of the Indian Act are reprinted in the first column of each page. In the second column the parallel section is a paraphrase in more everyday terms. This booklet was originally prepared and circulated to Bands in 1973; because of the demand, it is now in its fourth printing. It includes a detailed alphabetical index of topics. The UBCIC News is a monthly magazine and the official voice of the Union. It is dedicated to building a strong foundation for Indian Government by providing an awareness of the political and social issues affecting the Indians of British Columbia. Along with the magazine, subscribers also receive special reports and information posters, e.g. the Fish Bulletin on Indian fishing rights in British Columbia. Subject Headings |