Indian Act

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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

Aboriginal Ontario: Historical Perspectives on the First Nations
Rogers, Edward S.; Smith, Donald B. (eds.)
Essays on the history of Ontario's native people.
Algonquins vs. Frontenac Ventures: Against The Current vol. 134
Marie, P.
I recently returned from a little-publicized “political hotbed” ignited by Frontenac Ventures Corporation (FVC), a private mining company causing grave injustices against the Ardoch First Nation commu...
Canada's 1960s: The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era
Palmer, Bryan D.
A history of social movements of the 1960s, including Canada’s student and anti-war movements, the rise of women’s liberation, labour agitation, and Quebec’s independence movement.
I Have Lived Here Since the World Began: An Illustrated History of Canada's Native People
Ray, Arthur J.
Ray shows that Native culture played an important -- and largely unrecognized -- part in Canada's economic development. Rather than being "civilized" by European explorers, the indigenous people were ...
The Indian Act and What it Means
The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs is the political organization representing some 52,000 status Indians in the Province.
Occupied Canada
Calihoo, Robert; Hunter, Robert
An autobiography of Robert Calihoo, a native Canadian activist who struggled to regain the reserve that his father had sold out to the Canadian government.
Reservations Are For Indians
Robertson, Heather
Describes the vicious circle of dependence created by government policies which ensnare aboriginal Canadians, combining an account of life in four reserve communities with a history of government poli...
The Seventh Fire: The Struggle for Aboriginal Government
Smith, Dan
Describes the struggles of aboriginal people to run their own affairs.
Surviving As Indians: The Challenge Of Self-Government
Boldt, Menno
Boldt argues that Canadian Indian nations should pursue the goal of self-government by breaking away from the the courts and constitutional processes, and campaign for human rights.
Ten Thousand Roses: The Making of a Feminist Revolution
Rebick, Judy
Using interviews with many feminist activists, Rebick provides an oral history of feminism in Canada from the 1960s through the 1990s.

Sources Library

The Ojibwa of Southern Ontario
Schmalz, Peter S.
A history of the Ojibwa in Southern Ontario.