The Co-operative Union of Canada
Organization profile published 1976

Mulhall, Douglas; Rose, Bonnie; Et al.
Year Published:  1976
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX67

An educational and promotional organization for all cooperative projects.

The Co-operative Union of Canada is a basic resource functioning as an educational and promotional organization for all cooperative projects. Their journal Co-op Commentary is most useful for statistics, addresses, and co-op news (fortnightly on request) 111 Sparks St. Ottawa, Ont. (613) 232-9657. Also useful are their occasional publications. Bonnie Rose's Workers' Co-operatives (Ottawa, CUC, May 1975, 45 c) gives a summary of the workers' co-op movement around the world. Co-ops and the Poor - Getting back to the Basics by Douglas Mulhall (Ottawa, CUC, Dec. 1975, $1.00) uses Canadian data to show the need for co-ops devoted to the struggle of the poor and gives information on some projects that already exist.

This organization has changed its name to the Canadian Co-operative Association.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1976.
See also cx2801.

Subject Headings

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