Union Woman
Publisher: Organized Working Women (Toronto Area), Don Mills, CanadaYear Published: 1979 Pages: 4pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX894 Organized Working Women (OWW) provides resources and information for women in the labour movement. Abstract: Organized Working Women (OWW) provides resources and information for women in the labour movement. The organization is active in educational conferences, government lobbying and supporting different struggles of working women. They also have films and speakers for educational purposes. Union Women published by the OWW looks at various issues affecting women in the labour force. One article examines the inadequacies of labour legislation with regards to maternity leave. It states that women should accumulate seniority during the time taken off to bear children. They are in fact now been penalized by losing seniority. The Employment Standards Act is vague around the whole maternity leave issue-"the employer must reinstate (a woman) to the same job at the same wages with seniority and benefits accrued as at the date of leaving. If her original job is not available she will be assured of reinstatement to a comparable job". Much is left for the employer to interpret, especially the word "available". Some unions have gained better protection and seniority rights for women who take maternity leave. All unions are encouraged to fight for changes in their contracts in order that women will not lose their seniority while bearing children, as well as press for changes in the present inadequate legislation. Other articles look at issues particularly concerning women in the workplace, such as daycare, exploitive wages, health hazards, etc. $10 membership. Subject Headings |