Revolutionary Priest
The Complete Writings & Messages of Camilo Torres
Gerassi, John
Publisher: Vintage Books, New York, USA
Year Published: 1971
Pages: 460pp ISBN: 0-394-71668-X
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX7617
The writings and speeches of Camilo Torres, a radical priest turned guerrilla who was killed in 1966.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Camilo Torres and the Revolutionary Church
1. Social Problems in the University
2. Bogotá, Preindustrial City
3. The Standard of Living in Bogotá
4. On Land Reform
5. Is the priest a Witch Doctor?
6. Building an Authentic Latin-American Sociology
7. The Radio Schools of Sutatenza
8. The Crisis in the University
9. A Priest in the University
10. Urbanization and Urban Reform
11. Social Change and Rural Violence in Colombia
12. The Integrated Man
13. How Pressure Groups Influence the Government
14. Science and Dialogue
15. Two Subcultures
16. Revolution: Christian Imperative
17. Criticism and Self-Criticism
18. Platform for a United Popular Movement
19. Letter to Bishop Rubén Isaza
20. Platform of the United Front of the Colombian People
21. Communism in the Church
22. Possibilities for the Left
23. Expropriation of Church Property
24. Laicization
25. Crossroads of the Church in Latin America
26. Three Letters to the ELN
27. Address to Union Delegates
28. Why I am not Participating in the Elections
29. Message to Christians
30. Message to Communists
31. Assignments
32. Message to the Military
33. Message to the Nonaligned
34. Join the Workers
35. Message to the Trade Unions
36. Father Torres Speaks
37. Message to the Peasants
38. Organizing the Nonaligned
39. Message to Women
40. The Platform and the Revolution
41. Message to the Students
42. Strengthening the Internal Organization
43. Message to the Unemployed
44. Message to the United Front of the People
45. Messages to Political Prisoners
46. Message to the Oligarchy
47. Message to Colombians from the Mountains
a. Camilo Torres's Mother to Pope Paul VI
b. Gospel and Revolution: Pastoral Letter from the Third World
c. Latin America: Lands of Violence
d. A Letter to Christians: Violence, Revolution and Morality