Feminism in the Radical and Early Socialist Movement
Chapter 8 of Hidden from History. 300 Years of Women's Oppression and the Fight Against It

Rowbotham, Sheila
Publisher:  Pluto Press, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {25490 Feminism in the Radical and Early Socialist Movement FEMINISM IN THE RADICAL AND EARLY SOCIALIST MOVEMENT Chapter 8 of Hidden from History. 300 Years of Women's Oppression and the Fight Against It Rowbotham, Sheila http://www.marxists.org/subject/women/authors/rowbotham-sheila/hidden-history.htm#s8 http://www.marxists.org/subject/women/authors/rowbotham-sheila/hidden-history.htm#s8 Pluto Press United Kingdom There existed a strong minority tradition in radicalism which questioned the whole social and sexual position of women. 1973 1975 ART Article CX10785 0 false true false CX10785.htm [0xc000384c90 0xc000a2a540 0xc000af2210 0xc0029f5650] Cx}
Year Published:  1975
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX10785

There existed a strong minority tradition in radicalism which questioned the whole social and sexual position of women.

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