Through Arawak Eyes
Campbell, David
Publisher: Development Education Centre, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Resource Type: Audio Cx Number: CX82 Music and poetry portrays the Indian experience in the Americas. Abstract: David Campbell is half Arawak Indian, born and raised in Guyana, and a singer-writer of protest songs. His music and subtle poetry portray the Indian experience in the Americas. This experience has been marked by immigration, cultural domination, stoop labour and more modern forms of oppression and "resettlement" Campbell's music provides important insights in understanding the history of both indigenous people and our own history. This album is a vehicle for conscientization on native people's issues. But listen to it with your heart as well as your head. This album is deeply spiritual, with a call to repentance and to love, an identity with nature, and the challenge of being in tune with the small planet on which we are ultimately dependent for our survival. Subject Headings |