The New Woman Centre Annual Report
Publisher: New Woman Centre, Montreal, Canada
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 175pp Price: $12.00 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX260
This report documents the work of the New Woman Centre for 1976.
Abstract: This report documents the work of the New Woman Centre for 1976. It discusses this work in terms of the overall feminist perspective of the Centre and in terms of its two related but different goals. First is the desire to improve the social, political and economic environment for women in Quebec. The second flows from the recognition that, at the same time, individual women can be helped to cope individually and collectively with the dilemmas that they face in the existing situation. For the purpose of description and analysis, the report is divided into thre sections: services to clients, education and political action and resource development. It explains each area of service (legal information and referral, crisis intervention with battered women, abortion counselling and referral, and general couselling) and how each fits into the overall perspective of the Centre. It analyzes the women who came to the Centre for these services in terms of their age, income, number of children, and language. There is a brief discussion of how these women saw the results of this contact with the Centre. The section on education describes the efforts of the Centre to bring the issues that affect women out of the area of private misery into the area of public concern. The primary mechanisms for this were the news media and courses to police, students and community groups. The final section on political action and resource development discusses the Centre's work in re-activating the Committee for the Legal Defense of Dr. Henry Morgentaler, its mobilization of the Womens' Emergency Housing Coalition and its organizing of sole-support mothers into the Female Head of Family Union. The report concludes by analyzing the centre's role in the community and arguing that new sources of funding should be found at the end of the current grant period.
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