Youth Corps
Organization profile published 1976

Publisher:  Youth Corps, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX74

An organization in which young people grow through community service.

The brochure describes the purpose of Y.C. to foster situations in which young people can discover themselves as creative persons; build friendship and community; become aware of world needs and respond through deepening relationships, especially with the wounded and rejected; and discover the presence, meaning and challenge of Jesus in their lives. Activities revolve around weekend retreats for youth and adults, educational programs, involvement in prisons and work with the handicapped and preparing people for commitment.

Resources: A) Films 1) Secret to Peace - Jean Vanier and Mother Theresa : rental $10.00, purchase $160.00, 2) Youth in Search of Meaning - Dr Viktor Frankl : Video tape rental $10.00. B) Tapes 1) Secret to Peace - Jean Vanier and Mother Theresa 2) Youth in search of Meaning - Dr. Viktor Frankl 3) The Christian in Action - Cesar Chavez 4) The Call of the Wounded - John Howard Griffin 5) The Mystery of Life -Frank Sheed and Catherine Docherty. Tapes available from reel to reel or cassette $7.50. C) How to Create Practical ideas to develop leaders, reach people more effectively and to deepen apostolate work. D) Slide Tape Presentations 1) Reconciliation - Co-creators of the kingdom on earth in the world as it is.
2) Free - Liberated - Alive - ways people strive to be free.

This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1976.

Subject Headings

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