I Remember Too
Publisher: Development Education Centre, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Price: $15.00 Resource Type: Film/Video Cx Number: CX188 Three Chilean children's stories about the "old country". Abstract: Three Chilean children's stories, drawings, anecdotes about friends, family and memories of the " old country" are all explored sensitively in this film. The children's recollection of September '73 of the junta's violence, the flight from their homeland and their new life in Canada, unfold in a simple and unsophisticated way that maintains a ring of authenticity throughout. The candidness with which the children speak of their fear, their reluctance to leave their home, their difficulties in adjusting to life in Canada and their hope for a return to Chile communicates the feelings of many thousands of Chileans who today are refugees throughout the world. This film communicates at an intensely human personal level what has already been documented about the Chilean experience at the economic and political levels. |