Co-operative Co-ownership Corporations: Legislative Proposals
Publisher: Communitas Inc. #200, Edmonton, CanadaYear Published: 1978 Pages: 115pp Price: $3.50 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX985 This bound set of notes embodies the discussion paper used in a Symposium held on November 16 - 17, 1978 in Edmonton. Abstract: This bound set of notes embodies the discussion paper used in a Symposium held on November 16 - 17, 1978 in Edmonton. A major part of the volume consists of the text of a legislative proposal for "Co-operative Co-ownership Corporations" with coloured inserts of proposals for alteration of the text throughout as these were made during the Symposium. The result is a thorough model for Co-operative housing legislation with considerable material indicating the questions it raised during the Symposium. The Symposium itself brought together people from housing co-operatives in six provinces. The purpose, for those from outside Alberta, was "to examine philosophies of co-operation, to exchange experiences, to bring their expertise to bear on the specific issues confronting Albertan housing co-operatives." For Albertans its purpose was to examine concrete legislative proposals in detail, suggest alterations and begin planning the next steps. In the section entitled "Symposium Report" are collected the tangible results of the Symposium. Among the questions discussed are community, security, creativity, the corporation, co-ownership, and the co-operative. The discussion topics, points of consensus and proposals of a number of discussion groups are also offered. Subject Headings |