Services for Immigrant Women
Report and Evaluation of four Workshops
Publisher: Women's Research Centre, Vancouver, Canada
Year Published: 1977
Pages: 120 Price: $2.00 Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX859
This report 1) describes how the above workshops were planned and put together; 2) gives an account of the content of each workshop including texts from all presentations; and, finally, 3) gives the results of the evaluation of the workshops. Also included are the newsletters, work sheets, agendas, and resource materials prepared for the workshops.
This report 1) describes how the above workshops were planned and put together; 2) gives an account of the content of each workshop including texts from all presentations; and, finally, 3) gives the results of the evaluation of the workshops. Also included are the newsletters, work sheets, agendas, and resource materials prepared for the workshops.
The workshops on services for immigrant women were organized as a result of concern for immigrant women, particularly low income or working class immigrant women, on the part of some people within the Women's Research Centre who were involved in immigrant communities. Through work and experience, it has been realized that every problem faced by women in our society is accentuated for immigrant women. It was decided to examine the concrete situations of immigrant women and the factors which keep them in these situations.
There is an inadequacy of services for non-English speaking and low-income people, particularly women, and, in talking with other women who work with immigrants in the community, it was discovered that many people shared feelings of frustration and isolation in their unsuccessful, single-handed attempts to deal with the problems faced by immigrants. The workshops were an attempt to bring social agency workers in immigrant communities together to talk about their work, about how the system of service delivery is currently operating, and how it might be improved.
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