Canadian Peace Ballot
Publisher: Peace Ballot committee, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 4pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX292 A questionaire desinged to organize a referendum of a variety of issues including, but not restricted to pacifism. Abstract: This questionnaire is a joint initiative of the World Law Foundation and the World Federalists of Canada. It will be circulated across Canada to obtain a sense of priorities on peace-related issues from the interested public. The results will be used to construct a national referendum and a Peace Platform to present to candidates in the next federal election. In the human rights section of the ballot, proposals are made around such issues as the liberation of political prisoners, the abolition of torture, the acceptance of political refugees and the appointment of a UN High Commissioner on Human Rights. In the natural resources section proposals are made concerning Canadian support for pollution control legislation, non-nuclear energy alternatives and the creation of an International Oceans Authority to reduce pollution and regulate the use of the oceans' resources. Proposals are made in four other categories including the reversal of the arms race and the development of global institutions and national structures for peace. The Ballot gives the public an opportunity to evaluate all of these proposals, to endorse some and reject others and to add proposals in each category. |