From Words to Action
1976 Labour Day Message of the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops, Ottawa
Publisher: Canadian Catholic Conference, Publication Service, Ottawa, Canada
Year Published: 1976
Pages: 4pp Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX146
Four page pamphlet outlining the bishop's message.
In recent years, the Canadian Catholic bishops have focussed public attention on major social issues such as world hunger and northern development in their annual Labour Day Message. This year, the bishops' message is not focussed on a specific social issue. Instead, the message concentrates on some of the basic elements in the Gospel of Justice. In particular, the bishops' message stresses: "Clearly, the gospel calls us to become new men and women in the service of others. It also calls us to a conversion of attitudes leading to a change of those structures that cause human suffering. And this conversion requires all of us to see the reality of everyday life in a new light: from the perspective of Jesus Christ and his concern for the poor and oppressed." The bishops go on to provide the grounds for giving witness to the Gospel of Justice through social and political action. Six steps of Christian Praxis are identified in the message. And a set of probing questions for study and action are provided for parish and community groups.
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