Poverty in Wealth
Johnson, Leo A.
Publisher: New Hogtown Press, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 35pp. Price: $1.25 Resource Type: Pamphlet Cx Number: CX149 A critique of existing poverty research in Canada. Abstract: Johnson criticizes research into poverty in Canada which studies the individual characteristics of the poor, rather than the underlying economic structure of the capitalist labour market. He attempts to correct this deficiency through the analysis of no less than 24 tables, mainly based on government statistics. Among his conclusions: the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting transfer payments (and poorer). An increasing proportion of low-income earners are finding their real incomes declining. Welfare and minimum wage programmes have failed to raise standards of living among the poor to the so-called poverty line level. The Canadian taxation system is brutally regressive against the lowest income recipients. Subject Headings