Women's Work
Publisher: Development Education Centre, CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 20min Resource Type: Film/Video Cx Number: CX399 A film about the wage disparity between men and women. Abstract: Women comprise one third of Canada's labour force yet their salaries are, on the average, 45% lower than those for men. The Equal Pay Act states that men and women must be paid equally for equal work. This film interviews women who work beside men doing the same job and are paid less. The film questions the law and the way in which it is enforced. Loopholes, such as a variation in classifying positions, allow employers to discover ways around this law. The film also questions the value placed on "women's" work. Where men and women work in different areas but their skill level has the same value, often men's wages are higher. Their call is for equal pay for work of equal value and the film suggests ways that an individual can voice her or his feelings about a system that uses women as cheap labour. |