Native Pastoral Ministry and Native Consultant Ministry
Organization profile published 1977
Publisher: Fr. John Jeffries, Mr. James White, Vancouver, Canada
Year Published: 1977
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX883
Two ecumenical Native ministries are functioning in Vancouver.
Two ecumenical Native ministries are functioning in Vancouver. These ministries arose from simultaneous responses within the Anglican Church to their Hendry Report and within the United Church to reviewing their involvement with Native issues. The Native people had also begun to call for a more effective urban Church.
(1) Native Pastoral Ministry - initiated by the Anglican and United Churches-is facilitated by Fr. John Jeffries, an Ontario Cree. Besides its unique ecumenical base, this ministry is being geared to rekindle community life and confidence among Native people spread throughout Vancouver. This is being done in a variety of ways, e.g. at house services, meals, weddings, funerals, births. Fr. Jeffries' focus is on building community from a spiritual base. Goals are: to begin to indigenize Christian theology; develop pastoral care; develop a worshipping community; develop a bridge between the Native urban ministry and other ministries.
(2) Native Consultant Ministry-initiated by the Anglican, United and Roman Catholic Churches-is facilitated by Mr. James White, a Kwakiutl Indian. This ministry is performed through direct contact with specific Native organizations e.g. the Native Indian Brotherhood, the United Native Nations and the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs around such issues as fishing, land and aboriginal claims, Indian Act revision, as well as involvement with Church policy and education bodies, e.g. Native Affairs Sub-Committee of the Program Committee of the Anglican Church of Canada. Goals are: liaison with various Native organizations; to be a resource person to the Churches where Native issues are concerned; to develop a bridge between Native urban ministry and other ministries.
This organization no longer exists.
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