Cutbacks to Training Allowances & Outreach Programs: Their Impact on Women
Publisher: Canadian Committee on Learning Opportunities for Women, Toronto, CanadaYear Published: 1979 Pages: 35pp Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX1084 Abstract: The purpose of this brief is to outline the severe impact of federal cutbacks in training allowances and outreach programs on the present status of women. The outline was presented to all three major political parties in Canada. This statement from the Canadian Committee on Learning Opportunities for Women hopes that the three major parties will show renewed interest and take a stance regarding the crucial problems involved with the employment and language training for women. The brief raises four areas of concern: "Amount of Training Allowance Cut"; "Unemployment Insurance Substituted for Training Allowance"; "Outreach Programs for Women Cut Back"; and "Assisted and Family Class Immigrants Manpower Training Allowances for Language Classes Cut". Background information and statistics are provided for each area. For example, the general impact of cutbacks in Amount of Training Allowance means that "all trainees with less than three dependents (over 90 per cent of trainees) will have training allowances reduced". The brief says that the Our-reach Program has been more successful in placing women in the work force than has been the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission (CEIC). Many women feel that the CEIC is irrelevant to their needs and are unwilling to use CEIC centers. But, closure of cutbacks of the Outreach Program will force women to use these centers if they want to work; or many more women will join the growing numbers of the hidden unemployed. Twenty recommendations are made in the brief. Women should have access to programs, counseling services, government assistance while on skill training or academic upgrading, day-care provided at major training and upgrading centers, additional training allowances for baby-sitting, transportation, and help for immigrant women. Subject Headings |