International Year of the Child Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978
Publisher: United Church of Canada - Division of Mission in Canada, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1978
Pages: 8pp Price: Free Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX884
This newsletter is intended to network information, concerns, and actions related to International Year of the Child (IYC).
This newsletter is intended to network information, concerns, and actions related to International Year of the Child (IYC). It will be published throughout 1979 approximately every two months.
The September issue includes a copy of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, background on IYC, why the Church should be involved, and resources relevant to issues concerning children. This issue highlights a report taken from the IYC Report, a publication of the United Nations. The Report, entitled "Children Are the Major Victims of War", states: "More than one-fifth of the 83 developing countries which imported arms in 1975 were among those with an average income of under $200. It was these same poorest nations which also had the highest rates of illiteracy and infant mortality."
"The International Union for Child Welfare, at its statutory meeting in October, 1977 passed a resolution stating that 'in the IYC 1979, efforts must be made to persuade all countries to agree to take such steps as necessary to allocate increased funds, particularly those funds now being spent on armaments, to the welfare and development of children of their own country or to areas of the world where children have the greatest need."
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