Portal for Journalists and Writers - The directory for reporters, writers, editors and researchers
Publisher: Sources, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published: {1138 SOURCES COM Portal for Journalists and Writers - The directory for reporters, writers, editors and researchers Sources Toronto Canada Sources is an information portal for journalists, freelance writers, news editors, authors, researchers and journalism students -- and a resource for organizations, institutions, businesses, and individuals who want to get media coverage of their expertise and their views on newsworthy topics.
<br>Journalists: Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
<br>Newsmakers: Use Sources to raise your profile and get media coverage. Sources is a powerful tool which complements and magnifies your other efforts to publicize yourself. See, fill out the membership form, or call 416-964-7799. 1977 2009 BC1138-SSOHome.jpg WWW Website Sources is a directory of spokespersons and experts published (in print and online) for the use of journalists, writers, news editors, and producers. Organizations and individual experts list in Sources in order to raise their media profile and attract media attention. Reporters and broadcasters need knowledgeable sources to interview and quote when they write stories or line up guests. The Sources directory is a resource journalists turn to when they need to find experts and spokespersons, because Sources gives them what they most need in their day-to-day work: a wealth of human contacts offering a wide range of views and expertise, ready and willing to speak to the media. More than four thousand journalists, researchers, and communications professionals a day use the Sources Web site to find the spokespersons they need. Sources is one of the top-ranked sites on the Internet, meaning that organizations listed in Sources are also much more like to be found through Google and other search engines.
<br>Sources specializes in collecting, indexing, and disseminating information to help journalists, editors, and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background information and comment on a wide range of topics. Publications and services include Sources, SOURCES SELECT Online, Parliamentary Names & Numbers, Media Names & Numbers, The Sources HotLink, and The Sources Calendar. Sources also provides mailing lists, publishing and research services, and consultations on publishing projects.
<br>The aims and objectives of Sources are:
<br>1. To improve the public's understanding of the widest possible range of subjects.
<br>2. To accomplish this primarily by providing, especially to the largest and best list of Canadian newsmedia personnel, the user-friendliest access to the widest possible range of sources on the maximum number of subjects.
<br>3. To encourage and assist the maximum number and diversity of Canadian organizations and individuals to effectively share their expertise and voice their views to and through the media, and in other ways.
<br>4. To educate these organizations and individuals that communication must be open, persuasive and repetitive to be as effective as possible.
<br>For information about how to become listed in Sources, call 416-964-7799 or visit
<br>The Sources website is built around a controlled-vocabulary subject index comprising more than 23,000 topics. This subject index is underpinned by Sources Intelligent Search system which helps reporters focus their searches by suggesting additional subjects related to their search terms. For example, a search for 'cancer' will suggest terms such as 'chemotherapy', 'melanoma', 'oncology', 'radiation therapy', 'tobacco diseases' and 'tumours', and as well as topics that actually contain the word 'cancer'.
<br>Each topic reference links in turn to experts and spokespersons on that topic, with profiles describing their expertise and where relevant their approach to the issue, along with their phone numbers and other contact information. Sources includes listings for universities and research institutes, non-profit associations and NGOs, government and public sector bodies, businesses, and individuals including academics, public speakers, and consultants.
<br>The subject index and the search menus are being translated into French, Spanish, and German to make Sources more of an international resource. CX5795 0 true true false CX5795.htm [0xc00085b4d0 0xc000968000 0xc000c396b0 0xc000c398f0 0xc000c583f0 0xc001175f20 0xc0011e3e00 0xc0011f8f30 0xc001b23a70 0xc001b764e0 0xc001c66150 0xc001c7be00 0xc001ce3ad0 0xc001ce3b90 0xc001ce3bf0 0xc001dba090 0xc001dd09c0 0xc001e192f0 0xc001e19560 0xc001e413b0 0xc001e70510 0xc001e87500 0xc001e9a0f0 0xc001e9a330 0xc001e9b650 0xc001e9b710 0xc001e9b800 0xc001eb2300 0xc001ec9d40 0xc001ee00c0 0xc001ee0120 0xc001ee0240 0xc001ee0480 0xc001ee0bd0 0xc001ef8540 0xc001ef8ae0 0xc001ef95f0 0xc001ef97a0 0xc001fee0c0 0xc001fee1b0 0xc001fee270 0xc0001bc1b0 0xc0002e7680 0xc0000b4a80 0xc000218a20 0xc0003fba70 0xc0004cbaa0 0xc0004e6600 0xc0004e6f30 0xc0000d8900 0xc0001f2090 0xc0001f2990 0xc0001f2bd0 0xc0001f2c90 0xc0002c0db0 0xc0002c0de0 0xc00044f020 0xc000586ae0 0xc000586b40 0xc000586bd0 0xc000586d20 0xc000587ad0 0xc000587da0 0xc000587f50 0xc00059c000 0xc0005b2420 0xc0005fb830 0xc00061e450 0xc00069d4a0 0xc0002f8ea0 0xc0000e0c00 0xc00019e990 0xc00023ef60 0xc00023f080 0xc00023f2c0 0xc00023f3e0 0xc00023f4d0 0xc0002975c0 0xc000603230 0xc0001273e0 0xc0004921e0 0xc000852c90 0xc00089bad0 0xc000933bc0 0xc000c48630 0xc000c48930 0xc000c48fc0 0xc000cb9bf0 0xc000cc7bc0 0xc000cc7d10 0xc000cdc540 0xc000cdc750 0xc0001760c0 0xc000252b70 0xc0002ccd80 0xc0002f6690 0xc000324780 0xc0003248a0 0xc000324a80 0xc000325170 0xc00033c060 0xc0003e7f20 0xc000404180 0xc0008c9bc0 0xc0009aaae0 0xc0009ab050 0xc0009ab890 0xc0010c6e10 0xc0000ff320 0xc0001cc510 0xc0001cd350 0xc0002c7a10 0xc0007a2f30 0xc0007a3200 0xc000807f50 0xc000834930 0xc000835c50 0xc000835f20 0xc0008642d0 0xc000864420 0xc000864690 0xc000864930 0xc000865dd0 0xc00089e240 0xc00089e2a0 0xc00089e390 0xc00089e3f0 0xc00089e4b0 0xc00089e630 0xc00089e7e0 0xc00089eab0 0xc00089eb10 0xc00089ec60 0xc00089fb60 0xc00089fce0 0xc0008d2300 0xc0008d35f0 0xc000904690 0xc0009051a0 0xc000986cf0 0xc0009a86c0 0xc0009a96e0 0xc0009a9800 0xc0009ce1b0 0xc0009ce510 0xc0009ce600 0xc0009ce6f0 0xc0009ce8d0 0xc0009cecf0 0xc0009cef90 0xc0009cf5f0 0xc0009cf920 0xc0009cfa10 0xc0009cfe00 0xc0009f87e0 0xc000a16930 0xc001371680 0xc001371830 0xc001929380 0xc00193b110 0xc00193b710 0xc00194c7b0 0xc00194cf00 0xc00194d1d0 0xc001966510 0xc001966bd0 0xc001967860 0xc001967f20 0xc00197ca20 0xc001993d70 0xc0019a6810 0xc0019a6a20 0xc001b58e40 0xc001c42f60 0xc001d05c50 0xc001d05e00 0xc001d311d0 0xc001d31410 0xc001d315f0 0xc001d317a0 0xc001d623c0 0xc0006f7e90 0xc000cf34d0 0xc00108f860 0xc0011feb70 0xc0011fed80 0xc0011fee10 0xc0011feea0 0xc001298030 0xc0012981b0 0xc001298870 0xc001298f90 0xc0012ca450 0xc0013d5bc0 0xc0013e9320 0xc0013e9410 0xc0017f6b10 0xc00181e990 0xc00181ed20 0xc00183f200 0xc001887b90 0xc0018ac450 0xc0018ac600 0xc0018acd50 0xc0018ad800 0xc0018ce750 0xc0018cf170 0xc0018cf770 0xc001c65d70 0xc001dbe660 0xc001dbec60 0xc001dbed20 0xc001dbf170 0xc001e05950 0xc002115350 0xc00215a450 0xc00215b3e0 0xc0021e18c0 0xc0022a1e90 0xc0022ca870 0xc0022ca8a0 0xc0022cac30 0xc0022cb440 0xc0022cb680 0xc0022cba10 0xc0022cbb90 0xc0022cbd40 0xc0022cbf20 0xc002578870 0xc000ce9080 0xc000ce90b0 0xc000ce9500 0xc000ce95f0 0xc000ce9650 0xc000ce96e0 0xc000ece390 0xc000ecf4a0 0xc000ecfe60 0xc000f7f830 0xc000f7f8f0 0xc000f7f9e0 0xc000f7fcb0 0xc000f7fe90 0xc0010f39e0 0xc00114c9c0 0xc00130ba70 0xc00130bb60 0xc001c9dfb0 0xc0025f1f80 0xc0026168a0 0xc002641bf0 0xc002c571d0 0xc002c724e0 0xc002c73a10 0xc002c73b00 0xc000002390 0xc000002870 0xc000002cc0 0xc0000035c0 0xc0000e3440] Cx}
Year Published: 2009
Resource Type: Website
Cx Number: CX5795
Sources is an information portal for journalists, freelance writers, news editors, authors, researchers and journalism students -- and a resource for organizations, institutions, businesses, and individuals who want to get media coverage of their expertise and their views on newsworthy topics.
Journalists: Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
Newsmakers: Use Sources to raise your profile and get media coverage. Sources is a powerful tool which complements and magnifies your other efforts to publicize yourself. See, fill out the membership form, or call 416-964-7799.
Sources is a directory of spokespersons and experts published (in print and online) for the use of journalists, writers, news editors, and producers. Organizations and individual experts list in Sources in order to raise their media profile and attract media attention. Reporters and broadcasters need knowledgeable sources to interview and quote when they write stories or line up guests. The Sources directory is a resource journalists turn to when they need to find experts and spokespersons, because Sources gives them what they most need in their day-to-day work: a wealth of human contacts offering a wide range of views and expertise, ready and willing to speak to the media. More than four thousand journalists, researchers, and communications professionals a day use the Sources Web site to find the spokespersons they need. Sources is one of the top-ranked sites on the Internet, meaning that organizations listed in Sources are also much more like to be found through Google and other search engines.
Sources specializes in collecting, indexing, and disseminating information to help journalists, editors, and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background information and comment on a wide range of topics. Publications and services include Sources, SOURCES SELECT Online, Parliamentary Names & Numbers, Media Names & Numbers, The Sources HotLink, and The Sources Calendar. Sources also provides mailing lists, publishing and research services, and consultations on publishing projects.
The aims and objectives of Sources are:
1. To improve the public's understanding of the widest possible range of subjects.
2. To accomplish this primarily by providing, especially to the largest and best list of Canadian newsmedia personnel, the user-friendliest access to the widest possible range of sources on the maximum number of subjects.
3. To encourage and assist the maximum number and diversity of Canadian organizations and individuals to effectively share their expertise and voice their views to and through the media, and in other ways.
4. To educate these organizations and individuals that communication must be open, persuasive and repetitive to be as effective as possible.
For information about how to become listed in Sources, call 416-964-7799 or visit
The Sources website is built around a controlled-vocabulary subject index comprising more than 23,000 topics. This subject index is underpinned by Sources Intelligent Search system which helps reporters focus their searches by suggesting additional subjects related to their search terms. For example, a search for 'cancer' will suggest terms such as 'chemotherapy', 'melanoma', 'oncology', 'radiation therapy', 'tobacco diseases' and 'tumours', and as well as topics that actually contain the word 'cancer'.
Each topic reference links in turn to experts and spokespersons on that topic, with profiles describing their expertise and where relevant their approach to the issue, along with their phone numbers and other contact information. Sources includes listings for universities and research institutes, non-profit associations and NGOs, government and public sector bodies, businesses, and individuals including academics, public speakers, and consultants.
The subject index and the search menus are being translated into French, Spanish, and German to make Sources more of an international resource.
Subject Headings