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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results40 Connexions Library3 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 22 Sources Library 2 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAre you paying too much to send out your news releases?: Sources News Release Article 2009 If you have been using a corporate newswire service to send out your news releases you are likely paying $500 or more to send out a single release -- and that release may not even be reaching the peop... Business Guide To Promotion Miller, Marlene Book 1988 A useful guide for any group preparing materials for publication. Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 1, Number 4 - November 1976 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 1, Number 5 - January 1977 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1977 Effective Media Relations: Nurturing your relationships with reporters Article 2000 Our relationships with journalists need to be maintained over time in order to be fruitful. Effective Media Relations Article 2006 Media relations is human relations. Journalism is about telling compelling stories about people and their lives. The Eight Best Books for Publicity Seekers Fenske, Lynn Article 2003 For those of you pursuing and perfecting the fine art of getting publicity, here's a list of books you can't live without. Enhance your image in novel ways Pirie, Reg Article 1998 Soft marketing supports and image enhancement strategies require as much consideration as any other portion of your marketing plan. Expose Yourself: Using the Power of Public Relations to Promote Your Business and Yourself Beals, Melba Book 1990 A hands-on, practical book that gets down to the details of doing promotion. Flying High: 5 Sure Ways to Get Your Business Soaring Fillmore, Cathleen Article 2001 Know your audience, know your message, be clear and consistent in that message, then develop a strategy and execute it. Frequently Asked Questions about Sources Article 2009 SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, authors and researchers with the sources they need for their work. SOURCES spotlights organizations, institutions, government agencies, c... Grassroots media relations: A short introduction to media relations strategies for activist groups ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2010 A media relations guide for organizers and activists. Guerrilla Tactics for Maximizing the Results of Your Media Campaign Freeman, Cameron Article 2001 Strategy and tactics for successful media campaigns. Helping you reach the media: How Sources can help you get more and better media coverage ![]() Article 2009 Media coverage is the most valuable kind of publicity there is because it is based on the news value or information value of what you do or say, and is therefore far more credible than paid publicity ... How to Make Your B-roll Work LaVigne, Mark Article 2003 Getting a videographer or camera assigned to your story is a challenge to say the least. If you're lucky, you may get one or two cameras out to your news event. That leaves another three or four stati... How to Make Your PR Photos Work LaVigne, Mark Article 2003 There is a real art and science to the news photo. Is the Media Your Message? Article Mainstream media are good for getting exposure, but for social change activists they may not be the best avenue. Learning how to live with editors Czarnecki, Al Article 1998 Pay attention to editorial fit, readership relevance, and good writing. Letters to the Editor Graham, Barbara Florio Article 2004 The Letters page is one of the most popular sections of any newspaper, and is therefore an ideal way to keep your name and your core message in front of the public. News releases that work -- and those that don't Article 1999 Media relations know-how: effective media releases. Organising Things: A Guide to Successful Political Action Ward, Sue Book 1984 A comprehensive guide to practical political action, packed with information and handy checklists. Publicity and the Canadian State Kozolanka, Kirsten Book 2014 A collection examining the state's relationship with public practices and the "permanent campaign," the constant search for politicians and their strategists for popular consent. Publicity and Media Resources ![]() Website Resources and publications to assist your organization in getting more and better media coverage and raising awareness.
Smooth Talking! Explore the Paid Speaking Market Fillmore, Cathleen Article 2005 Becoming a professional speaker. Sources.com: Portal for Journalists and Writers - The directory for reporters, writers, editors and researchers ![]() Website 1977 Sources is an information portal for journalists, freelance writers, news editors, authors, researchers and journalism students -- and a resource for organizations, institutions, businesses, and ind... Successful news releases: 7 must-know tips Zwicker, Barrie Article 1997 Make it short, make it make, make sure it's important. TV PR: How To Promote Yourself, Your Product, Your Service or Your Organization on Television Chambers, Wicke Asher, Spring Book 1987 What Does a Reporter Want? Cowan, Kirsten Article 2001 What does a reporter what when they interview you? Why Publicity Sometimes Fails Graham, Barbara Florio Article 2004 You've done everything you can think of to publicize your new product launch, event, or small business. But nothing seems to work. Barbara Florio Graham explains why. Writing a Successful Case Study Slaunwhite, Steve Article 2003 Readers love a good story. That's why these chronicles of success will often stand out on the editor's desk while press releases, media kits and other media communications fight a tough battle just to... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesPublicitySources.com A web portal featuring publicity and PR resources, including articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A... Sources Sources specializes in collecting, indexing, and disseminating information to help journalists, editors, and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background i... Sources HotLink, The The Sources HotLink is a newsletter, published by Sources, featuring articles, practical ideas and tips for getting positive media coverage. The Sources HotLink is sent free to companies... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryThe Anatomy of Buzz How to Create Word of Mouth Marketing Rosen, Emanuel 2000 Rosen describes the phenomenon of word-of-mouth communication and explains how it plays an integral part in marketing goods and services to the consuming public. Expose Yourself! Diemer, Ulli (ed.) 2006 A booklet about effective media relations, providing practical advice about getting media coverage and relating to the media. Getting your story into the media 2009 Stories are the heart and soul of the media. Journalism is about telling stories, and good stories require sources # human contacts, the people who provide informed comment and expertise, the people w... Guerrilla P.R. Wired Waging a Successful Publicity Campaign Online, Offline, and Everywhere in Between Levine, Michael 2003 Hollywood PR guru Michael Levine applies his Guerrilla PR strategies to the Internet. Guerrilla P.R. How You Can Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign...Without Going Broke Levine, Michael 1993 HotLink Resource Shelf: Going for Gold! Cowan, Kirsten 2000 Review of Going for Gold, a book on marketing strategies for speakers. Improperganda The Art of the Publicity Stunt Borkowski, Art 2000 A survey of publicity stunts, scams, hypes, and PR heists Powerful publicity and marketing tools for publishers and authors 2009 Helping authors and publishers to publicize themselves and their books with a package of marketing and media relations tools designed to get publicity in the media and to reach readers and book buyers... Publicity 101 for Colleges Sources News Release 2009 Q: What's the best way for a college to get continuing media attention?
A: By being found in SOURCES, the Media's Guide to Experts and Spokespersons
Rejoignez SOURCES Le guide média pour les experts et les porte-paroles 2009 Votre présence dans SOURCES# vous assure une visibilité auprès des médias lors de l#élaboration de leur reportage ou articles sur votre domaine d#activité. Sources gives you powerful tools to help you stand out from the crowd 2009 An overview of how you can use SOURCES to amplify your message.
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, writers, producers and researchers with the sources they need for their ... Speaking to the Media A special report from Sources with articles from The Sources HotLink Diemer, Ulli (ed.) 2005 Being seen, heard, and quoted in the media is perhaps the quickest, best, and most lasting way for a speaker to become better known and more sought after. This booklet offers advice on handling media ... The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and SOURCES Stevenson, Robert Louis; Diemer, Ulli 2012 Stories turn out better with SOURCES. Twenty-five Years of Sources 2002 From the beginning, Sources was seen as a public service as well as a tool for journalists. Why I Am Listed in Sources Douglas, Ann 2001 Over the years, I have turned to Sources time and time again to track down experts to interview for whatever newspaper or magazine article I happened to be researching at the time. So when the time ca... From the Connexions ArchivesSources News Releases Website 1977 News releases from organizations and companies on a wide range of topics. Includes an extensive topic index, an archive of releases going back to the 1970s, and links to experts and organizations know... |