Corporate Concentration and the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility

Publisher:  Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  43pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX147

Condensed version of the brief presented to the Bryce Commission on Corporate Concentration.

A submission to the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration by the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility, February 16, 1976. This 43-page booklet condenses, for popular distribution, the brief presented to the Bryce Commission by TCCR, which represents a coalition of Canadian churches and associated groups that have come together to address themselves to questions of corporate social responsibility. In the Brief, TCCR focused on the social impact of major corporate concentration in Canada and abroad and based its comments on its own work experience in this area. The TCCR Brief was a unique experience for the Bryce Commission that had dealt almost exclusively with briefs from the corporate sector. In the Brief, TCCR recognized that the economic activities of man are essential to the maintenance and enrichment of life. However, the major corporate powers of Canada are not immune from ethical and social responsibilities. Three major recommendations arose: the need for an extension of shareholder rights, the need for greater right of access to corporate information and the need for a review board to oversee the impact of major concentrations of corporate power. An appendix presents seven case studies arising from the work of TCCR. Owing to the great demand for the Brief, TCCR has published it in booklet form. In this form, it is designed for academics, activists and interested church-people.

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