Sale, Kirkpatrick
Publisher:  Vintage, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {12410 SDS SDS Sale, Kirkpatrick Vintage New York USA The rise and development of the Students for a Democratic Society, the organization that became the major expression of the American left in the 1960s -- its passage from student protest to institutional resistance to revolutionary activism, and its ultimate impact on American politics and life. 1973 1974 752pp BC12410-SDS.jpg B Book 0-394-71965-4 LA229.S23 322.4'2 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>A Decade of Defiance <br>Reorganization 1960-1962 <br>Spring 1960 <br>Fall 1960-Fall 1961 <br>Spring 1962 <br>Summer 1962 <br>Reform 1962-1965 <br>Fall 1962-Spring 1963 <br>ERAP: Fall 1963-Spring 1964 <br>Fall 1963-Spring 1964 <br>ERAP: Summer 1964-Summer 1965 <br>Fall 1964 <br>Spring 1965 <br>Resistance 1965-1968 <br>Summer 1965 <br>Fall 1965 <br>Spring 1966 <br>Summer 1966 <br>Fall 1966 <br>Spring 1967 <br>Summer 1967 <br>Fall 1967 <br>Spring 1968 <br>Revolution, 1968-1970 <br>Summer 1968 <br>Fall 1968 <br>Spring 1969 <br>Summer 1969 <br>Fall 1969-Spring 1970 <br>Epilogue: 1970-1972 <br>Acknowledgements <br>Organizations <br>Officers and Membership Statistics <br>Constitution <br>Appendix: The Roots 1905-1960 <br>Bibliography CX6550 1 true true false CX6550.htm [0xc0009ea000 0xc000fc5c80 0xc000fd98f0 0xc001005530 0xc00101a210 0xc00101bfb0 0xc00105cf60 0xc00141d800 0xc0014329c0 0xc001433aa0 0xc001448420 0xc0014497d0 0xc001d79020 0xc0000c1800 0xc0001e6690 0xc0002925a0 0xc00061aff0 0xc000194b10 0xc0006eb260 0xc000ac7050 0xc000ae43c0 0xc000e95da0 0xc0005a8840 0xc00070ec90 0xc0014d1aa0 0xc000ecd890 0xc000ee9dd0 0xc000f02de0 0xc000f24360 0xc000fe3c50 0xc001028ba0 0xc001029b90 0xc00109c2a0 0xc0010cd440 0xc001cc1320 0xc00217eff0 0xc0021dba70 0xc00091bd10 0xc0010c0b70 0xc0011fd530 0xc00124e300 0xc00124eab0 0xc00124f230 0xc001288ea0 0xc0021272c0 0xc0021c7440 0xc00269b890 0xc002a3d950 0xc002d78d20] Cx}
Year Published:  1974
Pages:  752pp   ISBN:  0-394-71965-4
Library of Congress Number:  LA229.S23   Dewey:  322.4'2
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6550

The rise and development of the Students for a Democratic Society, the organization that became the major expression of the American left in the 1960s -- its passage from student protest to institutional resistance to revolutionary activism, and its ultimate impact on American politics and life.


Table of Contents

A Decade of Defiance
Reorganization 1960-1962
Spring 1960
Fall 1960-Fall 1961
Spring 1962
Summer 1962
Reform 1962-1965
Fall 1962-Spring 1963
ERAP: Fall 1963-Spring 1964
Fall 1963-Spring 1964
ERAP: Summer 1964-Summer 1965
Fall 1964
Spring 1965
Resistance 1965-1968
Summer 1965
Fall 1965
Spring 1966
Summer 1966
Fall 1966
Spring 1967
Summer 1967
Fall 1967
Spring 1968
Revolution, 1968-1970
Summer 1968
Fall 1968
Spring 1969
Summer 1969
Fall 1969-Spring 1970
Epilogue: 1970-1972
Officers and Membership Statistics
Appendix: The Roots 1905-1960

Subject Headings

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