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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results479 Connexions Library21 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 4 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 6 Sources Library 12 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe Abolition of the State: Anarchist & Marxist Perspectives Price, Wayne Book 2007 Both Anarchists and Marxists believe that it will be possible to do away with the state. But what do they mean by that? What is the state, after all? What institutions, if any, would be necessary ... The Accumulation of Capital ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1913 Rosa Luxemburg's analysis of the inherent contradictions of capitalist accumulation. Adventures in Marxism ![]() Berman, Marshall Book 1999 Marshall Berman explores and rejoices in the emancipatory potential of Marxism.
Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914 - 1991 ![]() Hobsbawm, Eric Book 1994 A overview of the history of the years 1914 - 1991. Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society ![]() Ollman, Bertell Book 1971 Ollman reconstructs Marx's theory of alienation from its constituent parts and offers it as a vantage point from which to view the rest of Marxism. The book further contains a detailed examination of ... Alienation, Marx's theory of: Connexipedia Article Article As expressed in the writings of the young Karl Marx, refers to the separation of things that naturally belong together, or to put antagonism between things that are properly in harmony. In the concept... All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity ![]() Berman, Marshall Book 1982 Berman examines the clash of classes, histories, and clutures in the modern world, and ponders our prospects for coming to terms with the relationship between a liberating social and philosophical ide... Anarchism vs. Marxism: A few notes on an old theme ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 Anarchist critiques of Marxism typically reveal a lack of knowledge of what Karl Marx actually wrote, resulting in sterile denunciations of a straw-man opponent. Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-capitalism ![]() McNally, David Book 2002 A call-to-arms for progressive activists. McNally argues that capitalism is synonymous with imperialism and fundamentally incompatible with democracy. An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto ![]() Callinicos, Alex Book 2003 An extended argument about what the anti-capitalist movement should stand for. Antonio Gramsci: Towards an Intellectual Biography Davidson, Alastair Book This biography lifts the study of Gramsci out of the sterile search for orthodoxy or heresy and instead examines Gramsci's personality in its full moral and intellectual complexity. Davidson has succe... Autonomist Marxism Course Outline Cleaver, Harry Article An outline of currents of thought and readings related to autonomist Marxism. The term autonomis" is used to designate a dominan characteristic of this particular tradition of radical political thoug... Back to Marx ![]() Wood, Ellen Meiksins Article 1997 Maybe it's time for the left to see the universalization of capitalism not just as a defeat for us but also as an opportunity -- and that, of course, above all means a new opportunity for that unfash... Bad Marxism: Capitalism and Cultural Studies Hutnyk, John Book 2004 Cultural Studies commonly claims to be a radical discipline. This book thinks that's a bad assessment. After an introduction critiquing the so-called 'Marxism' of the academy, Hutnyk provides detailed... Bakunin vs. Marx ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1978 The anarchist-Marxist split started with Bakunin, who systematically misrepresented Marx's positions. Berman, Marshall: Connexipedia Article Article American philosopher and Marxist Humanist writer. (Born 1940). Bernstein and the Marxism of the Second International Coletti, Lucio Article 1969 An essay from the collection entitled From Rouseau to Lenin: Studies in Ideology and Society, First published as Ideologia e Societá by Editori Laterza, Rome, Italy.
The Betrayal of Marx ![]() Bender, Frederic L. (ed.) Book 1975 The public has too long been fed the view that figures such as Lenin and Stalin are genuine followers of Marx, simply because they have claimed that distinction. Nothing justifies the deeds of a perve... Beyond Capital Meszaros, Istvan Book 1996 Addresses the need for a new socialist theory of transition after the collapse of the Soviet Union and its apparent triumph of capitalism. Beyond Capital examines the European-based conceptual framewo... Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism ![]() Rowbotham, Sheila; Segal, Lynne; Wainright, Hilary Book 1979 A call for various fractions of the left to unite and work for a socialism through grass-roots activism.
Book Review: Kevin Anderson, Marx at the Margins (2010) Garvey, John Article 2010 Anderson’s argument is based on a careful and comprehensive reading of the writings of Marx (and, to the extent necessary, Engels) on: (1) the history, economics and politics of societies and nations ... Book Review: Marixism without Marx: Recent Interpretations of the Economic Crisis Roth, Gary Article 2012 Paul Mattick’s, Business As Usual, and David McNally’s, Global Slump, each focuses on a single, primary aspect of Marx’s theory as a means to explain the current crisis. For Mattick, the point of entr... Build It Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century Lebowitz, Michael Book 2006 Influenced by the dramatic proeesses unfolding in Venezuela, Lebowitz re-imagines a socialism for the twenty-first century that places workers and popular communities at the centre of the project. Canada's 1960s: The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era ![]() Palmer, Bryan D. Book 2008 A history of social movements of the 1960s, including Canada’s student and anti-war movements, the rise of women’s liberation, labour agitation, and Quebec’s independence movement. Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 1, Number 2 - July 1976 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1976 Canadian Information Sharing Service: Volume 2, Number 4 - November 1977 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1977 Das Capital, Volume 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1867 Marx's great work sets out to grasp and portray the totality of the capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that emerges from it. He describes and connects all its economic features, ... Capitalism and the National Question in Canada Teeple, Gary Book 1972 Essays examining a variety of questions about Canada's past, from a Marxist perspective. Capitalism for Beginners Lekachman, Robert; Van Loon, Borin Book 1981 An amusing, soundly researched, and highly accessible illustrated book that tells you everything you want to know about capitalism. Ciliga, Ante - Writings - Index Ciliga, Ante Serial Publication (Periodical) Writings of Ante Ciliga (1898-1992). Class consciousness: Connexipedia Article Article Consciousness of one's social class or economic rank in society. Classical Marxism and the Question of Reformism: Gluckstein, Donny Article 2014 A central issue for our movement is whether to work towards a complete revolutionary overturning of capitalism and the state that protects it, or rely on partial methods of struggle. This choice is ob... C.L.R. James and Anti-/Postcolonialism: Against The Current vol. 90 Farred, Grant Article 2001 C.L.R. James' proclamation in Beyond A Boundary (1963, a classic study of cricket and colonialism), after almost three decades of radical intellectual work, that “Thackeray, not Marx, bears the heavie... Commodity fetishism: Connexipedia Article Article In Marxist theory, commodity fetishism is a state of social relations in capitalist societies, in which social relationships are transformed into apparently objective relationships between commodities... The Communist Manifesto ![]() Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1848 Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the theoretical and practical platform of the Communist League, a workers' association.
The Communist Manifesto in Perspective Hobsbawm, Eric Article 1998 Eric Hobsbawm’s opening address to the international conference organised by Espaces Marx on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto. The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis Book 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, an... The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume II: Economic Writings 2 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis and Paul Le Blanc) Book 2015 This volume contains a new English translation of Luxemburg’s most important book, The Accumulation of Capital (1913) as well as her response to its critics. Taken together, they constitute one of the... Connexions Annual Resource and Reading List Article 1989 A short and selective list of resources on issues addressed in the Connexions Annual, such as environment, education, peace, interntional development, women's issues, urban issues, housing, human rig... Connexions Digest: Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 The Continuing Debate Diemer, Ulli Article 1979 We should subject both Marxism and anarchism to a critical analysis, and thereby start to provide the basis for a libertarian revolutionary movement that relates adequately to the needs and problems o... Contours of Descent : U.S. Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity Pollin, Robert Book 2003 The Crisis In Historical Materialism: Class , Politics and Culture in Marxist Theory Aronowitz, Stanley Book The Crisis of Dialectical Materialism and Libertarian Socialism Cutajar, Mario Article 1977 Libertarian socialism is defined first and foremost by the negation of political authoritarianism and theoretical determinism. Critical Theory Horkheimer, Max Book 1968 Essays by the founder of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt. The Critique of Capitalist Democracy: An Introduction to the Theory of the State in Marx, Engels, and Lenin Moore, Stanley W. Book 1957 Critique of the Gotha Programme ![]() Marx, Karl Article 1875 Karl Marx's criticisms of the programme adopted by congress to unite the two German socialist parties in 1875. Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method ![]() Ollman, Bertell Book 2003 For Ollman, Marx's method was his message: "By allowing Marx to focus on the interconnections that constitute the key patterns in capitalism, the dialectic brings the capitalist system itself, as a pa... The Death of the State in Marx and Engels ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1970 Surveys the thinking of Marx and Engels on the 'dying-away' of the state in socialist (communist) society.
Deeply Re-examining Marxism Smith, Cyril Article 1998 Having just read Michael Lowy's “The Centrality of Self-emancipation for a Critical Marxism”, I agree strongly with many of Lowy's remarks about the next steps for those who consider themselves to be ... Democracy Against Capitalism ![]() Wood, Ellen Meiksins Book 1995 Wood provides a brilliant explication and defense of the key theoretical concepts relevant to socialism, understood to be the most radical social and economic democracy. Dialectic and History: An Introduction James, C.L.R. Book 1947 A pamphlet extracted from James' essay Dialcetical Materialism and the Fate of Humanity, originally published in 1947. Dialectical Marxism: The Writings of Bertell Ollman Ollman, Bertell Website Contains selections from Ollman's work on Marxist Theory - Dialectics - Alienation - Class Consciousness - Ideology - Class Struggle - Communism - Political Science (sic) - Socialist Pedagogy - Radic... Digital Labor and Imperialism Fuchs, Christian Article 2016 This article reviews the role of the international division of labour in classical Marxist concepts of imperialism, and extends these ideas to the international division of labour in the production of... Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2010-2011: Capital devours lives, labor, land; masses seek paths to freedom ![]() Article 2010 A revolutionary organization can no longer allow any separation between theory and practice, philosophy and revolution, workers and intellectuals, "inside" and "outside." Draper, Hal: Connexipedia Article Article American socialist activist, Marxist and author of a number of key works about Marxism. (1914-1990). Ecology and value theory Parker, Jean Article 2017 A review of Jason W Moore, Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital. The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy ![]() Bookchin, Murray Book 1982 Bookchin's synthesis of ecology, anthropology and political theory traces conflicting legacies of hierarchy and freedom from the first emergence of human culture to today's globalized capitalism, cons... The End of Dialectical Materialism: An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists Murtagh, P. Article 1978 An anarchist reply to the libertarian Marxists. The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? ![]() Kovel, Joel Book 2002 We live in and from nature, but the way we have evolved of doing this is about to destroy you. Capitalism and its by-products -- imperialism, war, neoliberal globalization, racism, poverty, and the de... Engels, Manchester and the Working Class Marcus, Steven Book 1974 An account and interpretation of the writing of Friedrich Engels' first major work, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. Ernest Mandel's Legacy: Against The Current vol. 93 Wainer, Kit Adam Article 2001 Ernest Mandel was perhaps the best known revolutionary Marxist of the second half of the twentieth century. As an activist and leader of the Fourth International for most of his adult life, Mandel bec... Essays on Marx's Theory of Value Rubin, Issak Illich Book 1928 A discussion of concepts at the root of Marxism: the theory of value and commodity fetishism. Eurocentrism ![]() Amin, Samir Book Amin argues that Eurocentrism is an ideological distortion, a myth and historical fallacy and argues for a new social, economic, cultural and political system based on socialist universalism. Everyday Life in the Modern World Lefebvre, Henri Book 1968 Everyday life is non-philosophical in relation to philosophy and represents reality in relation to ideality. Facing Reality ![]() James, C.L.R., Lee, Grace C., Chaulieu, Pierre Book 1958 Inspired by the October 1956 Hungarian workers' revolution against Stalinist oppression, as well as the U.S. workers' "wild-cat" strikes (against capital and the union bureaucracies), the authors look... Facing Reality: Connexipedia Article Article A radical left group in the United States which existed from about 1962 until 1970. Facing Reality 45 Years Later: Critical Dialogue with James/Lee/Chaulieu ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2003 According to Goldner, "In 1958, Facing Reality was an important book, uncannily anticipatory of the historical period which would unfold over the following 15 years. Its main assertions are still bein... Failure of a Dream?: Essays in the History of American Socialism Laslettt, John H. M.; Lipset, Seymour Martin Book 1974 Examines the reasons for the relative weakness of American socialism. False consciousness: Connexipedia Article Article The Marxist thesis that material and institutional processes in capitalist society are misleading to the proletariat, and to other classes. The Faltering Economy: The Problem of Accumulation Under Monopoly Capitalism Foster, John Bellamy; Szlajfer, Henryk Book 1984 The essays in this volume are part of a radical attempt to grapple with the problems of advanced capitalist development without discarding the real theoretical breakthroughs made by Keynes. Feminism vs. Marxism: Origins of the Conflict Article 1974 Contrary to an opinion still subscribed to in certain circles, modern feminism did not emerge full-grown from the fertile womb of the New Left, but is in fact an ideological offspring of the utopian e... Fictitious Capital for Beginners: Imperialism, 'Anti-Imperialism', and the Continuing Relevance of Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2007 Rosa Luxemburg's framework enabled her to see how capitalism could ultimately destroy society - barbarism, in her words, or the 'mutual destruction of the contending classes' as the Communist Manifest... Five Centuries of Imperialism and Resistance: Vol. 8: 1492-1992 Bourgeault, Ron et. al. Book 1992 A collection of poems and essays giving various perspectives on resistance to imperialism and capitalism. For a Critical Marxism Löwy, Michael Article 1997 Löwy emphasizes the open quality of the Marxist world view, in contrast with the conventional caricature of a closed, dogmatic system that has become ossified and irrelevant. Such a caricature of Mar... The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx: 1843 to Capital Mandel, Ernest Book 1971 Mandel discusses the development of Marx's economic ideas from their beginning to the completion of the Grundrisse. He combines a historical retrospective and a review of curent discussions on each of... The Freudian Left: Wilhelm Reich, Geza Roheim, Herbert Marcuse Robinson, Paul A. Book 1969 Paul Robinson tries to define a particular tradition in the history of psychoanalysis - the "radical" or "left-wing" tradition - through an analysis of its three most important representatives: Wilhel... From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics Historical Overview and Selection ![]() Le Blanc, Paul Book 1996 Le Blanc's purpose in making this book is simple. He is out to reconstruct the tradition of revolutionary Marxism. Astonishingly if tellingly, From Marx to Gramsci is the first reader in English whose... From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader -- Review Frank, Lisa Article 1996 Paul Le Blanc's From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics, while not wholly perfect, is a magnificent anti-capitalist gesture. It is an act of public revision, presupposing not ... Gay imperialism: Postcolonial particularity Article 2016 Since her refusal to accept the Berlin Pride Civil Courage Award, Judith Butler has been a leading critic of "homonationalism" and the closely related phenomenon of so-called "pinkwashing." Homonation... Gender, Race and Marx's Whiskers Roediger, David Article 2018 Roediger juxtaposes James and Marx quotations and discusses the iimplications for how Marx’s limits and his forward motion regarding race and gender might be understood together. Germany 1921: The March Action Broué, Pierre Article 1964 The debacle represented by the ‘March Action’ in Germany in 1921 was a crucial turning point in the development of the Communist International. The defeat led to a crisis in the German Communist Party... Martin and Jessie Glaberman Collection: Papers, 1939-2001 Glaberman, Martin & Jessie Unclassified The papers of the Marxist radicals Martin Glaberman and Jessie Glaberman, now housed at Wayne State University. Global Labor: Socialist Register 2001: Book review Fletcher, Bill Jr. Article 2001 For all intents and purposes, I discovered the Socialist Register during the early '90s. When I say "discovered" I, of course, do not mean that I was the first to come across it. Rather, having heard ... Gramsci's Marxism Boggs, Carl Book 1976 Carl Boggs introduces Gramsci as one of the first marxist theorists to grapple with the problems of revolutionary change in advanced capitalist society and as the first to identify the importance of t... The Greening of Marxism Benton, Ted (ed.) Book 1996 An examination of the influence of green politics on Marxism.
The Grundrisse: Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy ![]() Marx, Karl Book 1857 Marx wrote this huge manuscript as part of his preparation for what would become A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (published in 1859) and Capital (published 1867). The series of sev... Hal Draper on the Two Souls of Socialism: Insights from Hal Draper Article 1990 A comparison of socialism-from-below and socialism-from-above that considers Marx's struggle for socialism through liberal democracy. The Historical Moment That Produced Us ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2010 As we emerge, hopefully, from this dismal period of rollback, we recall Rosa Luxemburg's remark, shortly before her murder in 1919: "The revolution says: I was, I am, I shall be!" We assert the ongoin... History and Revolution: A Revolutionary Critique of Historical Materialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1965 The History of Democracy: A Marxist Interpretation ![]() Roper, Brian S. Book 2013 Roper traces the history of democracy from ancient Athens to the emergence of liberal representative and socialist participatory democracy. He argues that democracy cannot be understood separately fro... How Does the Subaltern Speak? ![]() Chibber, Vivek Article 2013 Vivek Chibber argues that postcolonial theory discounts the enduring value of Enlightenment universalism at its own peril. Focusing particularly on the strain of postcolonial theory known as subaltern... In a Time of Torment Stone, I.F. Book 1968 Independent journalist I.F. Stone on the events and issues of the 1960s. In Praise of Marx ![]() Eagleton, Terry Article 2011 Why might Marx be back on the agenda? The answer, ironically, is because of capitalism. Whenever you hear capitalists talking about capitalism, you know the system is in trouble. Inaugural Address of the International Workingmen's Association Marx, Karl Article 1864 Speech by Karl Marx to the founding meeting of the First International. History of the International Workingmen's Association Website Links to the history of the development of the International Workingmen's Association. Interview with Ellen Meiksins Wood: Democracy & Capitalism: Friends or Foes? ![]() Wood, Ellen Meiksins Article 1996 Postmodernist pluralism, just like the old variety, obscures the realities of power in capitalist societies. It also disarms and disintegrates the opposition to capitalism. Postmodernism brings us bac... An interview with Ellen Meiksins Wood - co-editor of Monthly Review Wood, Ellen Meiksins Article 1999 The strength of the Marxist project is that it does recognize difference, specificities, and grounds its project in a real social word, but that it has a unifying principle - class - based upon lived ... Interview with Ulli Diemer Diemer, Ulli; Orchard, Jeff Article 1990 Jeff Orchard interviews Ulli Diemer about socialism, capitalism, life, and social change. Introduction to 'Anti-Bolshevik Communism' ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1978 The international socialist movement must of course be an anti-imperialist movement. But it has to actualise its anti-imperialism through the destruction of the capitalist system in the advanced count... Introduction to Capital ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1932 Marx's book on capital, like Plato's book on the state, like Machiavelli's Prince and Rousseau's Social Contract, owes its tremendous and enduring impact to the fact that it grasps and articulates, at... An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy Onimode, Bade Unclassified This is a response to what the author sees as a gap in modern Marxist literature, especially in the Third World. The nature of exploitation and profit, capitalist development and crises, the periphery... Introduction to Marx's Capital Harvey, David Book 2009 This book is aimed to guide the first time reader through a difficult and intricate text. Harvey makes CAPITAL relevant to the understanding of contemporary capitalism. Introduction to the Critique of the Gotha Programme ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1922 Next to the Communist Manifesto of 1847-8 and the 'General Introduction' to the Critique of Political Economy of 1857, the Critique of the Gotha Programme of 1875 is, of all Karl Marx's shorter works,... Invaders from Marx: On the Uses of Marxian Theory, and the Difficulties of a Contemporary Reading ![]() Heinrich, Michael Article 2005 Heinrich stresses the difference between Marxian theory and traditional understandings of Marxism, emphasizing the "new reading of Marx", which has developed through the last decades. The Invading Socialist Society James, C.L.R.; Forest, F. [Raya Dunayevskaya]; Stone, Ria [Grace Lee Boggs] Book 1947 History has shown that in moments of great social crisis, its farthest flights fall short of the reality of the proletarian revolution. Never was the proletariat so ready for the revolutionary struggl... Ireland and the Irish Question Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1971 Brings together all of Marx's and Engels' writing on Ireland in one volume. Is Marxism Eurocentric? : This reading of Marx is virtually hegemonic in some branches of academia Lance, Selfa Article 2015 Many activists today first encounter Marxist ideas in and around college campuses, where certain interpretations of Karl Marx and Marxism have solidified into a sort of conventional wisdom. One of the... Istvan Meszaros and Marx's theory of alienation Cox, Judy Article 2017 The article explains how alienation can only be overcome by collective action which challenges capitalist relations of production. Johnson-Forest Tendency: Connexipedia Article Article Refers to an American radical left tendency associated with Marxist theorists C.L.R. James and Raya Dunayevskaya. The Junius Pamphlet: The Crisis of Social Democracy ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1916 The voting of war credits in August 1914 was a shattering moment in the life of individual socialists and of the socialist movement in Europe. Those who had worked for, and wholly believed in the abil... Karl Korsch: His Contribution to Revolutionary Marxism ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1962 For Korsch, all the imperfections of Marx's revolutionary theory which, in retrospect, are explainable by the circumstances out of which it arose, do not alter the fact that Marxism remains superior t... Karl Marx ![]() Korsch, Karl Book 1938 It is the purpose of this book to restate the most important principles and contents of Marx's social science in the light of recent historical events and of the new theoretical needs which have arise... Karl Marx and the Anarchists Thomas, Paul Book Shows the continuity of Marx's political theory in the context of different ideological opponents. Karl Marx: Essential Writings Bender, Frederic L. Book 1972 A selection of Marx's writings ranging from his early works on philosophy, religion, alienation, and Hegelianism, through the materialist conception of history, the theoretical analysis of capitalism,... Karl Marx: His Life and Works Ruhle, Otto Book 1928 Therewith our appraisement of Marx's personality has likewise been profoundly modified. Whereas persons of the last generation, in view of the opposing nature of their interests, reflected in their id... Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy Bottomore, T.B.; Rubel, Maximilien (eds.) Book 1956 A selection of Marx's writings intended to present the evolution of his ideas, the main features of his mothod, and the chief conclusions of his research. Karl Marxs Capital Rühle, Otto Book 1939 Otto Rühle's abridged version of Volume One of Das Capital. First published undeer the title "Living Thoughts of Karl Marx". Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume I: State and Bureaucracy ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1977 A wide-ranging and thorough exposition of Marx's views on democracy. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume II: The Politics of Social Classes ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1978 Draper ranges through the development of the thought of Marx and Engels on the role of classes in society. Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume III: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat Draper, Hal Book 1986 Hal Draper examines how Marx and Marxism dealt with the issue of dictatorship in relation to the revolutionary use of force and repression, particularly as this debate has centered on the use of the t... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume IV: Critique of Other Socialisms ![]() Draper, Hal Book 1990 Much of Karl Marx's most important work came out of his critique of other thinkers, including many socialists who differed significantly in their conceptions of socialism. Draper looks at these critiq... Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution: Volume 5: War & Revolution Draper, Hal; Haberkern, E. Book 2005 The subject of this volume is Marx and Engels' views on the relation between war and revolution. Its thesis is that, over the course of decades, their views on this question changed -- evolved is a be... Kicking Ass for the Working Class: Against The Current vol. 133 Moody, Kim Article 2008 There it was, staring at me from the AFL-CIO’s very own blog: a black sign with bold red letters saying “KICKING ASS FOR THE WORKING CLASS,” signed AFL-CIO. Surely they meant to say “working for,” or ... Leading Principles of Marxism: A Restatement ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1937 Marx's study of society is based upon a full recognition of the reality of historical change. Marx treats all conditions of existing bourgeois society as changing, ie more exactly, as conditions in th... Left-libertarianism: Connexipedia Article Article 2010 A doctrine that has a strong commitment to personal liberty and egalitarianism. Left-Wing, Anti-Bolshevik and Council Communism Website Index to the works of 'Left Communists' (a.k.a. 'Council Communists' or 'Anti-Bolshevik Communists') and other ultra-left Communist currents and the debates between Left Communists and the leaders of ... The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg Geras, Norman Book 2015 Norman Geras sets out to interrogate and refute the myths that have developed around Rosa Luxemburg's work. Let's Talk About Another Burning Color: Black Flame vs. Red Fire Extinguisher? Hawethorne, Nate Article 2010 Class struggle anarchists are not the only revolutionary forces on the left, and are not the only libertarian left revolutionary forces. In my opinion, anarchists can learn a lot from some marxists. Letter to Bracke Marx, Karl Article 1875 Karl Marx comments on the unity programme (Gotha programme) of the German Democratic Workers Party and the People's Party. A libertarian Marxist tendency map: Connexipedia Article Wright, Chris Article This tendency map was produced by Chris Wright for endpage.com, now part of the libcom.org library - it is designed to trace some of the important tendencies in libertarian Marxism. Contains a brief w... Libertarian Socialism: Connexipedia Article Article 2010 A socialist political orientation which promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic, stateless society without private property in the means of production. Libertarian socialism is opposed to coerciv... Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red Prichard, Alex; Kinna, Ruth; Pinta, Saku; Berry, David (eds.) Book 2017 Explores the important, too often neglected left-libertarian currents that have thrived in revolutionary socialist movements. By turns, the collection interrogates the theoretical boundaries between M... Listen, Marxist! Bookchin, Murray Book 1969 Murray Bookchin takes on the 'Marxist-Leninists' who are destroying the New Left. Living socialism, The experience of the eighties: New Internationalist November 1985 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1985 Discussion focusing on the challenges of living a socialist life in modern times. Political commitments to meeting people's needs can be more rhetoric than reality. "How can socialism maintain its ide... Rosa Luxemburg: A letter about Rosa Luxemburg's contribution to Marxism ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2000 In a time when the socialist movement was evolving in directions increasingly removed from Marx's positions -- Social Democratic reformism on the one hand, and Leninist bureaucratic centralism on the ... Luxemburg versus Lenin ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1935 On many essential points the conceptions of Luxemburg differ from those of Lenin as day from night, or -- the same thing -- as the problems of the bourgeois revolution from those of the proletarian. Luxemburgism: Connexipedia Article Article A revolutionary theory within Marxism and communism based on the writings of Rosa Luxemburg. Main Currents of Marxism: Volume 1: The Founders Kolakowski, Leszek Book 1978 Kolakowski gives his interpretation of the origins of Marxism, and analyses the development of Marx's thought and its divergence from other forms of socialism. Main Currents of Marxism: Volume 2: The Golden Age Kolakowski, Leszek Book 1978 Kolakowski examines the theories of the leading Marxists, and the controversies between them, in the era of the Second International. Main Currents of Marxism: Volume 3: The Breakdown Kolakowski, Leszek Book 1978 Kolakowski examines the origins and development of Stalinism, as well as the contributions of Trotsky, Gramsci, Lukacs, Marcuse, and others, and traces developments in Marxism it period after the Seco... Manifestos, Programs, Visions: Selected Manifestos - Political Statements - Programs ![]() Website 1649 A selection of left manifestos, programs, poltical statements and visions from the 1600s to today. Manoeuvres from above, movements from below: Greece under Tsipras Jenkins, Gareth; Karayianni, Despina Article 2015 The Syriza left is at a crossroads. For all the belief that Syriza is a different kind of party, one that transcends the division between reform and revolution and therefore should be the home for the... Man's Worldly Goods: The Story of the Wealth of Nations Huberman, Leo Book 1936 Huberman sets out to explain history using economic theory, and to explain economic theory using history. He tries to explain, in terms of the development of economic thought, why certain doctrines ar... Manual for Revolutionary Leaders Michael Velli. Compiled and edited by Lorraine and Fredy Perlman Book 1972 A devious satire aimed at Leninists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and vanguardists of all stripes.
Marx and Engels: Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich (edited by Feuer, Lewis S.) Book 1959 Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 3: Marx and Engels 1843 - 1844 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1844 Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 4: Marx and Engels 1844 - 1845 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1845 Includes The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism, and The Condition of the Working-Class in England. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 5: Marx and Engels 1845 - 1847 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1847 Includes The German Ideology. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 6: Marx and Engels 1845 - 1848 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1848 Includes the Poverty of Philosophy and The Communist Manifesto. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 7: Marx and Engels 1848 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1848 Includes articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, June 1 - November 7, 1848. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 8: Marx and Engels 1848 - 1849 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1849 Includes articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung November 8, 1848 - March 5, 1849. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 9: Marx and Engels 1849 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1849 Includes articles from the Neue Rheinische Zeitung March 6 - May 19, 1849. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 10: Marx and Engels 1849 - 1851 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes The Peasant War in Germany. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 11: Marx and Engels 1851 - 1853 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany and The Eighteenth Brumaire
of Louis Bonaparte and Revelations Concerning the Communist Trial in Cologne Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 12: Marx and Engels 1853 - 1854 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Articles mainly on British colonialism.
Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 13: Marx and Engels 1854 - 1855 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes Revolutionary Spain Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 14: Marx and Engels 1855 - 1856 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes material on British politics and the Crimean War. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 15: Marx and Engels 1856 - 1858 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book 1858 Mainly articles about Europe, colonialism, and India. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 16: Marx and Engels 1858 - 1860 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Mainly events in Europe. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 17: Marx and Engels 1859 - 1860 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes Herr Vogt and articles on military matters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 18: Marx and Engels 1857 - 1862 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Articles for The New American Cyclopaedia. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 19: Marx and Engels 1861 - 1864 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Colonialism, slavery, and the American Civil War. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 20: Marx and Engels 1864- 1868 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes The Prussian Military Question and the (German Workers' Party), and Value, Price and Profit, and articles and Reviews written in connection with the publication of Volume One of Capital. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 21: Marx and Engels 1867 - 1870 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Materials related to the International Workingmen's Association. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 22: Marx and Engels 1870 - 1871 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes The Civil War in France and other materials on the Franco-Prussian War. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 23: Marx and Engels 1871 - 1874 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Articles on the International, Bakunin, and the Housing Question. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 24: Marx and Engels 1874 - 1883 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes the Critique of the Gotha Programme, and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 25: Engels Engels, Friedrich Book Anti-Dühring & Dialectics of Nature
Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 26: Engels 1882 - 1889 Engels, Friedrich Book 1889 Includes Manuscripts on Early German History and The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, and Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, and The Role of Force in His... Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 27: Engels 1890 - 1895 Engels, Friedrich Book 1895 Includes The Foreign Policy of Russian Tsardom, and A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Program of 1891, and On the History of Early Christianity, and The Peasant Question in France and Germany Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 33: Marx 1861 - 1863 Marx, Karl Book 1863 Economic Manuscript of 1861-63. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (Continuation). Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 34: Marx 1861 - 1864 Marx, Karl Book Economic Manuscripts of 1861-64 (Conclusion). A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 39: Marx and Engels 1852 - 1855 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 40: Marx and Engels 1856 - 1859 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 41: Marx and Engels 1860 - 1864 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 42: Marx and Engels 1864 - 1868 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 43: Marx and Engels 1868 - 1870 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 44: Marx and Engels 1870 - 1873 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 45: Marx and Engels 1874 - 1879 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 46: Marx and Engels 1880 - 1883 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Letters. Marx and Freud Mattick, Paul Article 1956 Marcuse's book renews the endeavor to read Marx into Freud. Marcuse wants to resurrect the 'explosive' revolutionary content of Freud's theories. Marx as a Food Theorist ![]() Foster, John Bellamy Article 2016 Marx developed a detailed and sophisticated critique of the industrial food system in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century, in the period that historians have called "the Second Agricultural Revoluti... Marx at 200; Capital at 150 Holmstrom, Nancy Article 2018 Holmstrom discusses the relevance of Marx's Das Capital in understanding modern and historical economic systems. Specifically, she looks at the themes of exploitation, gender, race and capital. Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies ![]() Anderson, Kevin B. Book 2010 Marx’s critique of capital was far broader than is usually supposed. To be sure, he concentrated on the labor-capital relation within Western Europe and North America. But at the same time, he expen... Marx, Bakunin, and the question of authoritarianism ![]() Adam, David Article 2010 Marx characterized the International as "a bond of union rather than a controlling force" and considered it "the business of the International Working Men's Association to combine and generalize the s... Marx and Engels Belong to the Workers of the World Article 2014 Lawrence & Wishart, the British publisher of the Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (MECW), has compelled the Marxists Internet Archive to remove free digital versions of this 50-volume... Marx-Engels Chronicle, The: A Day-by-Day Chronology of Marx and Engels' Life and Activity. Vol. 1 of the Marx-Engels Cyclopedia Draper, Hal Book 1985 Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 2: Engels 1838 - 1842 Engels, Friedrich Book 1842 Works of Frederick Engels, August 1838-December 1842. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 28: Marx 1857 - 1861 Marx, Karl Book 1861 Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 29: Marx 1857 - 1861 Marx, Karl Book Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 30: Marx 1861 - 1863 Marx, Karl Book Economic Manuscripts of 1861-63. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 31: Marx 1861 - 1863 Marx, Karl Book 1863 A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 32: Marx 1861 - 1863 Marx, Karl Book 1863 Economic Manuscript of 1861-63 (Continuation). A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Marx-Engels Glossary, The: Glossary to the Chronicle & Register, & Index to the Glossary. Vol. 2 of the Marx-Engels Cyclopedia Draper, Hal Book 1986 Marx-Engels Register, The: A Complete Bibliography of Marx Engels' Individual Writings. Vol. 3 of the Marx-Engels Cyclopedia Draper, Hal Book 1985 The Marx-Engels Register contains a detailed bibliographical listing of all the individual writings of Marx and Engels. Each entry in the Register gives all the basic data about a given work: English-... Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life: Toward a Permanent Revolution Brown, Bruce Book 1974 The theory and practice of revolutionary social transformation, Brown argues, must encompass the subjective, psychological dimensions of the revolutionary process. Marx, Hegel, Ricardo; The "Inverted World" in the Heart of the Critique of Political Economy Goldner, Loren Article 2004 Marx, Karl: Connexipedia: Entry in Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of People Article Brief biography of Karl Marx. (1818-1883). Marx Myths & Legends Website A critical reading of the work of Karl Marx now requires us to lay to one side the myths and legends which have obscured his ideas over the past one hundred and twenty years- distortions and misinterp... Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective ![]() Burkett, Paul Book 1999 While recognizing that production is structured by historically developed relations among producers, Marx insists that production as a social and material process is shaped and constrained by natural ... Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective - Book Review ![]() Empson, Martin Article 2015 Essential reading for ecosocialists. Paul Burkett shows that humanity's relationship to nature is central to Marx’s critique of capitalism and vision of socialism. Marx on Democratic Forms of Government ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1974 Marx's socialism (communism) as a political programme may be most quickly defined, from the Marxist standpoint, as the complete democratization of society, not merely of political forms. For Marx, the... Marx on Economics Marx, Karl (Freedman ed.) Book 1961 A systematic compilation of extracts drawn from Marx's publications with brief summaries of their arguments. Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study Brown, Heather Book 2013 A study devoted exclusively to Marx's perspectives on gender and the family. Marx and Organization Lause, Mark A. Article 2018 Lause examines Marx's involvement in different organizations and argues that he seems never to have had a problem not being in an organization -- not because he accorded organization no importance, bu... Marx rediscovered: A review of Heather A Brown, Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study McGregor, Sheila Article 2015 Sheila McGregor states that Heather Brown has written an important study of Marx’s writings on women’s oppression. Brown situates her book in the current economic and political context, noting the rol... Marx, theoretician of anarchism ![]() Rubel, Maximilien Article 1973 Under the name communism, Marx developed a theory of anarchism; and further, in fact it was he who was the first to provide a rational basis for the anarchist utopia and to put forward a project for a... A Marxian Oddity: A review of Marxiam and Freedom. From 1776 Unitl Today, by Raya Dunayevskaya Mattick, Paul Article 1958 Paul Mattick says although Raya Dunayevskaya’s interpretation of Marxian doctrine is occasionally true and eloquent, this book as a whole is a scatterbrained hodge-podge of philosophical, economic and... Marxism: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Gonick, Cy Article A world view developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century and further developed by various theorists and political activists. Marxism: A Re-Examination Zeitlin, Irving Book 1967 A study of the social and political theory of Karl Marx, by an academic sociologist. Marxism & Anarchism: Documents in the Marxists Internet Archive Article Resources on the theory and practice of anarchism and the unity and conflict between Marxists and Anarchists over the past 150 years. Marxism and Bourgeois Economics Mattick, Paul Book 1983 Just as the proletariat opposed the bourgeoisie, so Marx confronted bourgeois economic theory: not in order to develop it, or to improve it, but to destroy its apparent validity and, finally, with the... Marxism and Freedom: From 1776 to Today ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1958 Dunayevskaya argues that Marx's theory is the generalisation of the instinctive striving of the proletariat for a new social order, a truly human society. Marxism and Politics Miliband, Ralph Book 1977 Miliband sets out to present an overview of the main themes and problems of the Marxist approach to politics. Marxism and the Party Molyneyx, John Book 1978 Molyneux examines the views of Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky, and Gramsci on the question of party organisation. He takes as his central theme their concern with the relationship between the party a... Marxism and the Russian Anarchists D'Agostino, Anthony Book Studies of the ideas of Russian anarchists, including anarcho-syndicalists, anarchist-communists, Makheavists, council anarchists, Makhnovism, and soviet anarchists. Marxism and the Trade Unions Draper, Hal Article 1970 Draper argues that essentially, no Marxist group has ever carried on any systematic revolutionary work in trade unions.
Marxism and Workers' Organisation: Writings of Marxists on Trade Unions, the General Strike, Soviets and Working Class Organisation Website Writings of Marxists on Trade Unions, the General Strike, Soviets and Working Class Organisation. Marxism as Action Pannekoek, Anton Article 1915 Now is the time to bring to the fore the other part of Marxism which has been so neglected; now, when the workers movement must find a new direction, in order to overcome the narrow views and the pass... Marxism as if the planet mattered: A Return to Marx's Ecological Critique ![]() Butler, Simon Article 2013 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels held that capitalism inevitably tears apart the natural conditions that sustain life. They argued capitalism's exploitation of working people, and the unsustainable expl... Marxism and the Dialectics of Ecology ![]() Foster, John Bellamy; Clark, Brett Article 2016 The recovery of the ecological-materialist foundations of Karl Marx’s thought, as embodied in his theory of metabolic rift, is redefining both Marxism and ecology in our time, reintegrating the critiq... Marxism and the Earth: A defence of the classical tradition ![]() Empson, Martin Article 2017 A review of John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett, Marx and the Earth: An Anti-Critique. Marxism and the Earth: A defence of the classical tradition: Book review of Marx and the Earth: An Anti-Critique Empson, Martin Article 2017 Marxist analyses of the natural world have been the focus of intense debate recently, and the publication of any book that further explores what Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels thought about the subjec... Marxism, Feminism, the State: Volume 1 Socialist Studies Editorial Collective Book 1983 Includes essays on the sexual division of labour, and socialist organizing in the 80s, referring to Engels, Ryerson, and MacPherson. Marxism and the Intellectuals: A review of Raymond Williams' Culture and Society and The Long Revolution James, C.L.R.; Glaberman, Martin Article 1962 Raymond Williams has shown the origins of British socialism in the history of Britain itself. He has concentrated on the manner in which British writers and the British workers have created what exist... Marxism: an Introduction to a Misunderstood Philosophy Rahal, Louai Article 2017 An introduction to fundamental principles of Marxism, and and examination of how these principles have been misrepresented by dictators and war criminals, leading to widespread misunderstanding. Marxism and LGBT politics: a new wave of discussion Wilson, Colin Article 2016 Colin Wilson reviews Peter Drucker's book Warped: Gay Normality and Queer Anti-Capitalism. The Marxism of C.L.R. James Le Blanc, Paul Article 1996 James is generally acknowledged to have been one of the most original Marxist thinkers to emerge from the Western hemisphere, yet essential aspects of his identity came from the other side of the Atla... The Marxism of Rosa Luxemburg Lukács, Georg Article 1923 It is characteristic of the unity of theory and practice in the life work of Rosa Luxemburg that the unity of victory and defeat, individual fate and total process is the main thread running through h... The Marxism of the First International Korsch, Karl Article 1924 On 28 September 1864 it was decided at an international meeting of workers in London to found the International Workingmen's Association. On 25 July 1867, Karl Marx wrote the preface to the first edit... Marxism Page Website Information about Marxism, and some Marxists classics. Marxism is understood here as the theory and practice of working class self-emancipation. "This theoretical
and political tradition is radically... Marxism and "Subaltern Studies" ![]() Usmani, Adaner Article 2013 A review of Vivek Chibber's book Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital. Marxism: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow ![]() Mattick, Paul Article 1978 Until now the history of revolutionary Marxism has been the history of its defeats, which include the apparent successes that culminated in the emergence of state-capitalist systems. It is clear that ... A Marxist Ecological Vision: Against The Current vol. 161 ![]() Davenport, Nicholas Article 2012 The questions facing environmental activists, and socialists in particular, range from the sheer scale of the environmental disasters already underway to the problems of beginning a transition from a ... Marxist feminism: Connexipedia Article Article Focuses on the dismantling of capitalism as the key to liberating women. A Marxist History of Capitalism Heller, Henry Book 2018 A short history of capitalism by a history professor at University of Manitoba A Marxist History of the World: Making the future Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 Historian Neil Faulkner concludes A Marxist History of the World by looking at what that history can tell us about the possibility for radical social change. A Marxist History of the World part 50: The Industrial Revolution Faulkner, Neil Article 2011 Frederick Engels was sent to Manchester, centre of the Industrial Revolution, to dispel his radicalism. Instead it made him the revolutionary he is remembered as today, Neil Faulkner explains. A Marxist History of the World part 53: What is Marxism? Faulkner, Neil Article 2011 In his latest instalment, Neil Faulkner explores the complex history of Marxism - and how capitalism produced its own gravediggers. Marxist Theory and Revolutionary Tactics Pannekoek, Anton Article 1912 If the party saw its function as restraining the masses from action for as long as it could do so, then party discipline would mean a loss to the masses of their initiative and potential for spontaneo... Marxist Women versus Bourgeois Feminism Draper, Hal; Lipow, Anne G. Article 1976 The texts presented here are intended to revive acquaintance with a revolutionary women's movement, which was undoubtedly the most important one of its kind that has yet been seen. Yet it has been so ... MarxistHistory.org Website Website dealing with the history of the early American Marxist movement. A repository of source material 1864 - 1946.
The Marxists and the Jewish Question: The History of a Debate 1843 - 1943 Traverso, Enzo (translated by Bernard Gibbons) Book 1994 Covers the difficult history of European Marxists' efforts to comprehend what "The Jewish Question" was about. The assumption that Jewish life and religion were a historical anachronism, something tha... Marxists Internet Archive - History Archive: A History of the Revolutionary Working Class: Documents by the People Who Practiced It Article An overview of the history of efforts of organising workers regardless of race, ethnicity, gender - or border, the effort to organise and create collaboration and co-operation between workers the worl... Marxmail Website The Marxism list is a worldwide moderated forum for activists and scholars in the Marxist tradition who favor a non-sectarian and non-dogmatic approach. It puts a premium on independent thought and ri... Marx's Concept of Man ![]() Fromm, Erich Book 1961 It is one of the peculiar ironies of history that there are no limits to the misunderstanding and distortion of theories, even in an age when there is unlimited access to the sources; there is no more... Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism ![]() Hudis, Peter Book 2013 In contrast to the traditional view that Marx's work is restricted to a critique of capitalism – and that he consciously avoided any detailed conception of its alternative – this work shows that Marx ... Marx's Theory of Alienation ![]() Meszaros, Istvan Book 1970 Meszaros provides a comprehensive treatment of Marx's theory of alienation by surveying Marx's work as a whole. In doing so, he argues against the commonly held distinction between a young philosophic... Marx's Vision of Communism: A Reconstruction Ollman, Bertell Article 1977 Ollman tries to reconstruct Marx's vision of communism from his writings of 1844, the year in which he set down the broad lines of his analysis, to the end of his life. The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1906 Luxemburg writes that "the mass strike in Russia [in 1905] has been realised not as means of evading the political struggle of the working-class, and especially of parliamentarism, not as a means of j... May 5, 1818: Birth of Karl Marx: Seeds of Fire ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2013 Marx breathes dialectics and revolution. For Marx, radicalism means going to the root, and Marx's radicalism seeks to go to the root of capitalism, to comprehend its essence dialectically, to understa... The Meaning of Socialism Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Article 1961 Paul Cardan's 1961 discussion of modern conceptions of socialism, and the future of socialist movements. Memoirs of a Revolutionary 1901- 1941 ![]() Serge, Victor Book 1943 Victor Serge, who was bron in 1890 and died in 1947, was an anarchist, a Bolshevik, a Trotskyist, and a revisionist-Marxist. Belgian by birth and upbringing, French by adoption and in literary express... Mining History Written in Blood Sandronsky, Seth Article 2018 Domestic coal mining history above and below ground lives on the pages of Written in Blood: Courage and Corruption in the Appalachian War of Extraction edited by Wess Harris (PM Press, 2017). The anth... Mistranslating Marx? The "idiocy of rural life" Joncas, Graham Article 2011 One often hears the criticism that Marxism was from the beginning an extreme modernizing philosophy that looked with complete disdain on rural existence. Did not Marx himself in The Communist Manifest... Modern Capitalism and Revolution Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1959 For revolutionaries one central point must be grasped to understand how the system works: the struggle of human beings against their alientation, and the ensuing conflict and split in all spheres, asp... The Myth of Marx's Economic Determinism Stillman, Peter G. Article 2005 Karl Marx is often represented as an "economic determinist" who credited economic structures with a basic determining role in just about every aspect of human life, and simple models such as "base"/"s... The Myth of the Labor Aristocracy, Part 1: Against The Current vol. 123 Post, Charles Article 2006 The persistence of reformism and outright conservatism among workers, especially in the imperialist centers of North America, Western Europe and Japan, has long confounded revolutionary socialists. Th... The National Question: Selected Writings by Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited by Davis, Horace B.) Book 1976 In her penetrating analysis of nationalism, Rosa Luxemburg argues that the formula of "the right of nations to self-determination" is essentially not a political or programmatic guide to the nationali... Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism ![]() O'Connor, James Book 1998 O'Connor provides an ecological Marxist analysis and suggests new political strategies. New Left Caucus (Toronto Student Movement): A Draft Manifesto Kellerman, Bob; Limpus, Laurel; Resnick, Philip; Wernick, Andrew Article 1969 Puts forward an alternative to Leninst factions which emerged in the Toronto Student Movement in 1968-1969. The authors state that "We consider ourselves, therefore, Marxists but not Leninists, thoug... The new socialist revolution: An introduction to its theory and strategy Lerner, Michael P. Article 1973 Chapter 6 - Strategy and Tactics. The first task of the revolutionary movement, its most important task within the next few years, is to destroy bourgeois hegemony and develop a radical consciousness ... News & Letters: Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2006 - 2007 Article 2006 We aim to help fill the void on the question of "what happens after" by creatively rethinking and restating his concept of "revolution in permanence" for today. The No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste & Hierarchies ![]() Seabrook, Jeremy Book 2002 Concentrates mainly on the history of social hierarchy in Western civilization, and particularly the struggles of the working class. Noam Chomsky and Marxism: On the roots of modern "authoritarianism" - Part One Khoo, Heiko Article 2004 Heiko Khoo argues that Noam Chomsky doesn't understand Marxism. A Non-Dogmatic Approach to Marxism Korsch, Karl Article 1946 As against that altogether dogmatic approach which had already sterilized the revolutionary Marxist theory in all but a few phases of its century-long development in Europe, and by which the attempted... On Criticizing Marx Haberkern, Ernest Article 1998 MICHAEL LOWY'S ARTICLE in ATC 71 was titled “For a Critical Marxism.”This is obviously a misprint. The original title could only have been “Where Marx Went Wrong.” On Marxism and Method Glaberman, Martin Article 1998 Martin Glaberman writes that the essay by Michael Lowy, "For A Critical Marxism," provides a useful beginning for discussion. His subtitle, “The Centrality of Self-Emancipation,”is an important depart... An ongoing debate Article 1978 The Red Menace is meant to be a forum of dissenting views withing the broadly defined boundaries of libertarian socialism. Ontological "Difference" and the Neo-Liberal War on the Social: Deconstruction and Deindustrialization ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2001 We have today legions of people with a smattering of knowledge turning out reams of books filled with buzz words that could be (and have been) produced by a computer program, and could be (and are) pi... Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent ![]() Galeano, Eduardo Book 1971 A political economy, a social and cultural narrative, and a powerful description of primitive capital accumulation. Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1904 Rosa Luxemburg's contribution to the debate within the Russian Social Democratic movement on party organization and democratic centralism. Luxemburg joins Trotsky in warning of the dangers inherent in... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2015: Urban agriculture and local food production Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 This issue of Other Voices ranges widely, from increasing worker activism and strikes in China, to advances in battery technology that make it much easier and cheaper to store solar and wind energy fo... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 30, 2016: Conflict of interest Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2016 This issue of Other Voices shines a light on the murky world of conflict of interest, the hidden reality that often underlies appearances of neutrality, objectivity, and due process. Conflicts of inte... Our Generation: Volume 12 Number 2 Serial Publication (Periodical) Our Program and the Political Situation Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1918 Tthe text of a speech by Rosa Luxemburg to the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Germany (Spartacus League), made on December 31, 1918.
Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism Smart.D.A. (ed.); Pannekoek, Anton; Gorter, Herman Book 1978 Anton Pannekoek and Herman Gorter were leading spokespersons for 'council communism.' They argued for the primacy of workers' own organizations, defending their importance agains the parliamentarists ... A People's History of the World: From the Stone Age to the New Millennium ![]() Harman, Chris Book 1999 Harman describes the shape and course of human history as a narrative of ordinary people forming and re-forming complex societies in pursuit of common human goals. Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to mao Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1973 Dunayevskaya argues in favour of a re-evaluation of the theoretical philosophy of Hegel and its application by Marx and the later Lenin to the history of mankind. A Political Statement of the Libertarian Socialist Collective Libertarian Socialist Collective Article 1979 The socialist perspective, as we see it, implies a total critique of human society as it is presently constituted. Socialism means a total transformation of life and social institutions - a project of... Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital ![]() Chibber, Vivek Book 2013 Against the thesis that Western subalterns are made of different stuff, Chibber argues that human beings are, at their core, not that different across contexts. The winds of history and culture may ch... Preface to Martin Glaberman's Four Essays on the Working Class Diemer, Ulli Article 1975 Glaberman insists that the working class is not merely a victim of capitalism. Working people are active participants in creating their own consciousness, their methods of struggle and their own histo... The Present State of the Problem of 'Marxism and Philosophy': An Anti-Critique Korsch, Karl Article 1930 A fundamental debate on the general state of modern Marxism has now begun, and there are many indications that despite secondary, transient or trivial conflicts, the real division on all major and dec... Presenting Insurgent Notes Article 2010 We take our Marx and Engels seriously. Recent history, beginning perhaps (in the US) with the UPS strike of 1997 and the 'battle of Seattle' in 1999, now quickened by the abject financial and ideologi... The Principle of Self-Emancipation in Marx and Engels ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1971 For Marx and Engels, there was a direct relationship between the revolutionary (literally subversive) nature of their socialism and the principle of emancipation-from-below, the principle that, as Eng... Problems with Red Menace method Renault, Greg Article 1979 our attempts to develop a positive alternative to DiaMat Marxism and Marxist-Leninist sects suffers from a polemical method which reproduces the very problem you want to get away from. The Program of the Minority James, C.L.R.; Dunayevskaya, Raya; et al Article 1946 Statement of the minority in the (U.S.) Workers Party.
The Prophet Alarmed: The Extreme Center: A Warning (Book Review) Wald, Alan Article 2015 Review of Tariq Ali's The Extreme Center: A Warning. In The Extreme Center, Ali gives more than just a pungent and entertaining smack-down of corruption in British politics. The Question of Stalin Colletti, Lucio Article Colletti explores the contradictions of Bolshevism as the vanguard party which constructed a powerful state apparatus to manage the socialist relations of production while abandoning the development o... Race and the Logic of Capital : Review of Class, Race, and Marxism Wald, Alan Article 2018 A review of Review of Class, Race, and Marxism by David Roediger. Radical Democracy ![]() Lummis, C. Douglas Book 1997 Lummis revives the meaning of democratic struggle and critques the economic and technological processes that have hindered its growth. Radical Digressions ![]() Diemer, Ulli Website 2006 Ulli Diemer's website/blog featuring comment from a radical left-libertarian Marxist perspective.
The Radical Life of Rosa Luxemburg: A graphic novelization of the revolutionary life and legacy of "Red Rosa" ![]() Evans, Kate Article 2015 An excerpt from Red Rosa, a graphic biography of Rosa Luxemburg. Reading Capital Politically ![]() Cleaver, Harry Book 1981 Harry Cleaver's seminal work on forming a practical, political interpretation of Marx's Capital. Red Menace #3: Volume 2, Number 2 - Spring 1978 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Evans, Kate; Buhle, Paul Book 2015 A giant of the political left, Rosa Luxemburg is one of the foremost minds in the canon of revolutionary socialist thought. Red Rosa gives Luxemburg her due as a radical and human being. In this beaut... Redefining Revolution Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1963 Modern society certainly remains profoundly divided. It constantly functions against the immense majority of working people. In everyday life the exploited defend themselves against exploitation by pa... The Reification of Desire: Toward a Queer Marxism Floyd, Kevin Book 2009 A new theoretical approach to the relationship between Marxism and queer studies. Reinterrogating the Classical Marxist Discourses of Revolutionary Democracy Marik, Soma Book 2008 Marik attempts to re-examine the "common sense" claim that Marxism had been an authoritarian political theory and practice. A Reluctant Memoir of the '50s and '60s: Against The Current vol. 134 Le Blanc, Paul Article 2008 I have been asked to write a memoir that would give a sense of the old left/new left realities of the 1950s and ‘60s. That seems quite odd to me (why would I be writing such a thing?), until I look in... Renewing Historical Materialism Holmstrom, Nancy Article 1997 Ellen Meiksins Wood's Democracy Against Capitalism offers a sophisticated interpretation and defense of the core concepts of Marxism. The vision of socialism as the most radical democracy was always a... A Response on "Critical Marxism" Lowy, Michael Article 1998 Lowy writes "I'm very happy that my article provoked debate among readers of Against the Current. Several of the remarks seem to me very relevant and I'll try to answer at least some of them." Restructuring and Resistance: Diverse voices of struggle in Western Europe Abramsky, Koyla Book 2000 The book consists of 77 individual chapters, almost all of them written by activists based on their experiences of struggle against the different aspects of capitalist globalisation. Those that aren't... The Return of Engels ![]() Foster, John Bellamy Article 2017 After Marx's death in 1883, Engels prepared volumes two and three of Capital for publication from the drafts his friend had left behind. If Engels, as he was the first to admit, stood in Marx’s shadow... Review: Cyber-Marx - Aufheben Article 2006 Aufheben critically review Nick Dyer-Witheford's Cyber-Marx: cycles and circuits of struggle in high-technology capitalism and its basis in the flawed theories of Antonio Negri. Review of 'Karl Marx' by Karl Korsch Mattick, Paul Article 1939 In conspicuous distinction to many other interpretations of Marx, this book concentrates upon the essentials of Marxian theory and practice. Review: The Politics of Some Bodies - On "Feminism, Queer Theory and Marxism at the Intersection" Drucker, Peter Article 2017 At a time when Marxist politics is struggling more than ever against the current, queer Marxist scholarship is enjoying a slight, startling, heartening resurgence. Holly Lewis' The Politics of Everybo... Right on the Marx Rosenfeld, Herman Article 1990 The shared vision articulated by Ulli Diemer will never attain an organized and effective form unless it can be concretized into a series of political programmes, and eventually made real through one ... Root & Branch: A Libertarian Marxist Journal, #7 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 Articles on the class situation in Spain, authority and democracy in the United States, Marxism and Anarchism. Rosa Luxemburg ![]() Frolich, Paul Book 1939 A biography of Rosa Luxemburg written by a German revolutionary who worked with Luxemburg in the Spartacist organization. Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited with an introduction by Robert Looker) Book 1972 A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism. Rosa Luxemburg Cliff, Tony Book 1959 A personification of the unity of theory and practice, Rosa Luxemburg's life and work require a description of her activities as well as her thoughts - they are inseparable.
The Rosa Luxemburg Reader ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa. [Anderson, Kevin; Hudis, Peter (eds.)] Book 2004 A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings. Rosa Luxemburg Speaks Waters, Mary Alice Book 1970 A selection of speeches and writings by Rosa Luxemburg. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution ![]() Dunayevskaya, Raya Book 1981 Part I - Rosa Luxemburg as Theoretician, as Activist, as Internationalist. Part II - The Women's Liberation Movement as Revolutionary Force and Reason. Part III - Karl Marx: From Critic of Hegel to Au... Rubel, Maximillien - Writings - Index Rubel, Maximillien Article Writings of Maximillien Rubel (1905-1996). The Russian Revolution ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1918 The basic lesson of every great revolution, the law of its being, decrees: either the revolution must advance at a rapid, stormy, resolute tempo, break down all barriers with an iron hand and place it... "Ruthless Criticism of All That Exists"; Against the Current vol. 194 Kellogg, Paul Article 2018 In October 1864, Marx drafted the inaugural rules for the International Working Men's Association (First International). Its opening lines were a hymn to freedom and self-activity: "the emancipation o... SDS ![]() Sale, Kirkpatrick Book 1973 The rise and development of the Students for a Democratic Society, the organization that became the major expression of the American left in the 1960s -- its passage from student protest to institutio... Selections from the Prison Notebooks ![]() Gramsci, Antonio Book 1951 Gramsci's Notebooks cover a wide range of subjects including history, culture, politics, and philosophy. Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934 ![]() Reich, Wilhelm; (Baxandall, Lee, ed.) Book 1934 Wilhelm Reich's writings from his Marxist period, outlining his thoughts about sexual and political liberation. She never was afraid: The biography of Annie Buller Watson, Louise Book 1976 The story of Annie Buller, a Canadian trade union activist and Communist. 6 underrated Marxists who don't get enough love Article 2017 A look at six less celebrated Marxists: Gavril Miasnikov, Ngo Van Xuyet, Clara Zetkin, Martin Glaberman, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, and Ambalavaner Sivanandan; who participated in working class movements ... The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage ![]() Gitlin, Todd Book 1987 One of the best books on the Sixties in the U.S., bringing to life the political and cultural currents, including especially the music, which raged during that decade, and setting them in historical c... Social and Sexual Revolution: Essays on Marx and Reich ![]() Ollman, Bertell Book 1979 A collection of essays by Bertell Ollman. Ollman tackles issues such as Karl Marx's concepts of class, class consciousness, and communism; he argues for the absorption of Wilhelm Reich's insights abou... Socialism and Revolution ![]() Gorz, Andre Book 1967 Representative democracy in every industrially advanced country is in a state of profound crisis. But we have been accustomed for so long to accept democracy in the form of its outward appearances and... Socialism in Crisis?: Canadian Perspectives Roberts, Jos.; Vorst, Jesse Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 Essays addressing questions such as What is the nature of socialism? How do gender and activism determine the socialist agenda? What is the essence of democracy under socialism? Socialism.ca ![]() Website 2016 A gateway to resources about socialism, socialist history, and socialist ideas, compiled by Connexions. Socialisme ou Barbarie: Connexipedia Article Article A French-based radical libertarian socialist group of the post-World War II period which existed from 1948 until 1965. Socialisme ou Barbarie was critical of Leninism, rejecting the idea of a revoluti... Socialist Humanism Fromm, Erich (ed.) Book 1965 An international symposium whose contributors explore the humanist essence of socialism. Among the contributors are Herbert Marcuse, Maximilien Rubel, Norman Thomas, T.B. Bottomore, Raya Dunayevskaya,... The Socialist Register 1967: Volume 4: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1967 The Socialist Register 1971: Volume 8: A survey of movements and ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1971 The Socialist Register 1972: Volume 9: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1972 The Socialist Register 1973: Volume 10: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1973 The Socialist Register 1974: Volume 11: A survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1974 The Socialist Register 1975: Volume 12: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 The Socialist Register 1978: Volume 15: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1978 The Socialist Register 1979: Volume 16: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 A series of essays on the state of the global economy. The Socialist Register 1980: Volume 17: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1980 The Socialist Register 1981: Volume 18: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 The Socialist Register 1982: Volume 19: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1982 The Socialist Register 1983: Volume 20: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1983 The Socialist Register 1984: Volume 21: The Uses of Anti-Communism Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1984 The Socialist Register 1985/1986: Volume 22: Social Democracy and After Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John; Liebman, Marc; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1986 The Socialist Register 1989: Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 The Socialist Register 1990: Volume 26: The Retreat of the Intellectuals Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Essays on the retreat away from socialism and Marxism by Left or formerly Left intellectuals. Socialist Register 1991: Volume 27: Communist Regimes the Aftermath Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1991 Socialist Register 1995: Volume 31: Why Not Capitalism? Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1995 Socialist Register 1997: Volume 33: Ruthless Criticism of All that Exists Panitch, Leo (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1997 Socialist Thought: A Documentary History Fried, Albert; Sanders, Ronald (eds.) Book 1964 An anthology of important documents in the history of European socialist thought, from pre-revolutionary France to the 1950s. Society of the Spectacle ![]() Debord, Guy Book 1967 An analysis of modern society and how it can be changed, written in the form of 221 theses. The first thesis reads: "In societies dominated by modern conditions of production, life is presented as an ... The Sociology of Marx Lefebvre, Henri Book 1966 Lefebvre discusses and dissects both the theoretical and the practical Marx to illuminate the enduring power of Marx's thought and Marx's incisive wit as a commentator. Through Marx, we can obtain a c... Stagnation and Progress of Marxism Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1903 Only in proportion as our movement progresses, and demands the solution of new practical problems do we dip once more into the treasury of Marx's thought, in order to extract therefrom and to utilize ... State Capitalism and World Revolution James, C.L.R. Book 1950 The great organisations of the masses of the people and of workers in the past were not worked out by any theoretical elite or vanguard. They arose from the experience of millions of people and their ... Strategy and tactics: how the left can organise to transform society Rees, John Book 2011 John Rees draws on the experience of recent mass movements and past revolutions to suggest ways in which the left can maximize the effectiveness of all those who want to transform society. Structuralism as Defense of the Bureaucratic Status Quo: A Dialectical Critique of Althusserian Theory ![]() Glaberman, Martin Article 1974 Althusserian theory is deeply conservative and puts obstacles in the way of seeing the truly revolutionary currents that exist in the modern world. Studies in Revolution: The Ideological Origins of the European Revolutionary Movement Carr, E.H. Book 1950 Targeting Iran Barsamian, David Book 2007 A critical analysis of the Bush administration's policies towards Iran. Texas Archives of Autonomist Marxism Database These archives contain a wide variety of material related to those threads of the Marxist tradition which have emphasized the self-activity of the working class. "Autonomist "is used here in several s... Theory & Practice: A polemic against Comrade Kautsky's theory of the Mass Strike ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1910 Rosa Luxemburg confronts Karl Kautsky on the crucial questions of the General Mass Strike and on the relationship of spontaneity to organization, as well as on the unity of theory and practice. This c... Theory and practice: an introduction to Marxian theory ![]() Mattick, Paul Jr. Article 1973 1979 article by Root and Branch, introducing Marxist theory. The Theory of Alienation: Marx's Debt to Hegel Dunayevskaya, Raya Article 1965 One hundred years before Hiroshima, Marx wrote, "To have one basis for science and other for life is a priori, a lie." We have lived this lie for so long that the fate of civilization, not merely rhet... Three Essays on Marxism: Leading Principles of Marxism; Introduction to Capital; Why I Am a Marxist ![]() Korsch, Karl Book 1972 In these essays Korsch offers his thoughts on basic Marxist ideas. Towards a New Marxism Grahl, Bart; Piccone, Paul Book 1970 A collection of papers presented at the Frist International Telos Conference, October 8 - 11, 1970, in Waterloo, Ontario. The Tradition of Scientific Marxism Holloway, John Article 2002 John Holloway challenges the myth that Marx promoted a "scientific socialism" in the positivistic understanding of "science" and insists rather on the "negative" and critical aspects of science. For H... A "Trot of the milder persuasion": Raymond Challinor's Marxism Høgsbjerg, Christian Article 2014 This essay aims to give a sense of Challinor's creativity as a Marxist historian and political activist. It suggests that The Origins of British Bolshevism perhaps reveals some of the limitations of C... The Two Souls of Socialism: Socialism from Above vs. Socialism from Below ![]() Draper, Hal Article 1960 It was Marx who finally brought the two ideas of socialism and democracy together, because he developed a theory which made the synthesis possible for the first time. The heart of the theory is this p... The uniqueness of Marxist-Humanism Dunayevskaya, Raya Article 1963 The uniqueness of Marxist-Humanism lies also in this: that despite all theoretic contributions and singleness of purpose in achieving total freedom, it asks to be "taken over" by the masses, to be sub... The Universality of Marx Goldner, Loren Article 1989 The question of the status of universality, whether attacked by its opponents as "white male", or "Eurocentric", or a "master discourse", is today at the center of the current ideological debate, as o... The Unknown Dimension: European Marxism Since Lenin ![]() Howard, Dick, Klare, Karl E. Book 1972 The radical intellectual tradition of European post-Leninist Marxism, so different from the dogma of the orthodox leftist parties, is an unknowwn dimension. This anthology sets out to recover this Mar... Unorthodox Marxism Albert, Michael; Hahnel, Robin Book 1978 An attempt to go beyond what the authors describe as "orthodox Marxism." Voyages To Utopia: From Monastery to Commune - The Search for the Perfect Society in Modern Times McCord, William Book 1989 The story of William McCord's exploration of utopian communities, both in person and through literature.
Were Marx's principles only skin deep? Diemer, Ulli Article 2007 A British dermatologist has managed to get himself worldwide publicity with an article suggesting that Karl Marx’s painful skin condition may have caused him to say all those mean things about capital... What is Class Consciousness? Reich, Wilhelm Book 1934 Critical of what he saw as Marxism's overly materialistic explanations, Reich proposes the perspectives of psychology and psychotherapy could revitalise radical political thought and the socialist mo... What is Libertarian Socialism? ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 1977 Revolution is a collective process of self-liberation: people and societies are transformed through their struggles for freedom and for a better world. Why I am a Marxist ![]() Korsch, Karl Article 1935 For the Marxist, there is no such thing as 'Marxism' in general any more than there is a 'democracy' in general, a 'dictatorship' in general or a 'state' in general. There is only a bourgeois state, a... Why Marx Was Right ![]() Eagleton, Terry Book 2011 Eagleton takes common objections to Marxism and demonstrates how and why they are wrong. Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism Trotksy, Leon Article 1911 A strike, even of modest size, has social consequences: strengthening of the workers’ self-confidence, growth of the trade union, and not infrequently even an improvement in productive technology. The... Why the Working Class? ![]() Chibber, Vivek Article 2016 Workers are at the heart of the capitalist system. And that's why they are at the centre of socialist politics. Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical Theory ![]() Lynd, Staughton; Grubacic, Andrej Book 2008 Wobblies and Zapatistas offers readers an encounter between two generations and two traditions. Staughton Lynd and Andrej Grubacic meet in dialogue in an effort to bring together the anarchist and Mar... Work and New Technologies: Other Perspectives (Volume 3) DeBresson, Chris; Lowe Benston, Margaret; Vorst, Jesse Book 1987 Essays covering health hazards, labour concerns, and issues of deskilling related to new technologies in the workplace. Yes, There is an Alternative!: A review of Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism, by Peter Hudis Friedman, Sam Article 2014 Peter Hudis has written a valuable analysis of what Marx said on a critical issue. In this sense it reminds me of Hal Draper’s volumes on Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Hudis’s subject matter diffe... Yes, There is an Alternative!: Book Review ![]() Friedman, Sam Article 2014 Review of "Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism" by Peter Hudis. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesAgainst the Current Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation. Black and Red Publishing books and pamphlets with an anti-authoritarian perspective since 1968. Black & Red books record contemporary and historical attempts to lead principled lives. They examine social relations ... Break Their Haughty Power Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective. Bureau of Public Secrets Articles from a Situationist perspective.
Center for Socialist History A non-profit corporation founded to promote research and publication in the field of the history of socialism. We strongly believe that (to paraphrase) socialists who don't know their own history are ... Connexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... Connexions Information Sharing Services Connexions provides information and services for advocacy groups, voluntary and non-profit organizations, and individuals, who are working for social and economic justice, environmental responsibility... Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres ESSF est une association de solidarit‚ internationale. Traitant d'un large ‚ventail de questions, notre site pr‚sente une information militante sur de nombreuses luttes et campagnes ; ainsi que des ar... Infoshop.org Anarchist website. International Luxemburgist Network The International Luxemburgist Network is a new organization of militants who are in general agreement with the ideas of Rosa Luxemburg. Our aim, as members of the working class, is to help in the org... Libcom.org Resource for all people who wish to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from experiences of the past and develop strategies ... Marxism.ca A gateway to resources about Marxism compiled by Connexions. Marxismo Libertario Lecturas para la Emancipacion del Proletariado.
Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
Marxsite Trotskyist-leaning site with a relatively broad range of resources.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... Radical Digressions Progressive comment and analysis by Ulli Diemer, featuring articles, letters, photos and the Radical Digressions Blog.
Red Menace, The The online archive of the libertarian socialist newsletter The Red Menace. Articles on socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, h... Rethinking Marxism To stimulate interest in and debate over the explanatory power and social consequences of Marxian economic, cultural and social analysis. We are interested in promoting Marxian approaches to social th... Socialism.ca A hub featuring links to selected resources about socialism, as well as other progressive sites of interest to socialists and activists. Socialist Register The Socialist Register was founded by Ralph Miliband and John Saville in 1964 as 'an annual survey of movements and ideas' from the standpoint of the independent new left. Each volume is focused on a ... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryChibber, Vivek Wikipedia article Vivek Chibber is an Indian academic, Marxist theorist, editor and a professor of sociology. A Response to Lawrence and Wishart 2014 Lawrence & Wishart, who hold the copyright for the Marx Engels Collected Works, have directed Marxists Internet Archive to delete all texts originating from MECW. Revolution.international Web resources on revolutionary politics and revolution. From the Connexions ArchivesAgainst the Current Serial Publication (Periodical) 1986 Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation. Autonomy & Solidarity Website An on-line network for anti-capitalists who believe that revolutionary transformation will come from workers and oppressed people self-organizing from below and not from the top down organizing of any... Break Their Haughty Power ![]() Goldner, Loren Website Articles on capitalism, socialism, and revolution, from a left-Marxist perspective.
Ideas and Action Periodical profile published 1981 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Archive of some articles published in Ideas and Action, a radical paper published by the Workers Solidarity Alliance from 1981 to 1997. Libcom.org ![]() Website Resource for all people who wish to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from experiences of the past and develop strategies ... Marxists Internet Archive ![]() Website Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable. The Newsletter Periodical profile Serial Publication (Periodical) 1973 Newsletter published in 1973 and 1974 by the New Tendency, a loose collaboration of independent leftists primarily based in Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg, and Kitchener-Waterloo. Articles dealt with work... The Red Menace ![]() A libertarian socialist newsletter Serial Publication (Periodical) 1975 Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, ... The Theory of Social Classes in Marx Armstrong, Hugh Article Armstrong attempts to synthesize various portions of Marx's writing to shed light on social class. |