Vietnam War
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results122 Connexions Library3 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 6 Sources Library 2 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe ABC of National Liberation Movements Draper, Hal Article 1969 A war is politics continued by other, that is forcible, means. Our attitude toward a war must be congruent with our attitude toward the politics of which it is the continuation. This determines our pr... After Pinkville: In Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal on Vietnam Chomsky, Noam Article 1971 Chomsky begins by expressing criticism of the peace movement protestors. He claims that their demands on the US government to "stop bombing and enter negotiations" in Vietnam were insufficient; they s... After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina & the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology (The Political Economy of Human Rights) Chomsky, Noam; Herman, Edward S. Book 1979 A carefully dcoumented asessment of Western reporting on post-1975 Indochina. American Power and the New Mandarins ![]() Chomsky, Noam Book 1969 Chomsky writes about American power and violence, especially in the context of the Vietnam war, and he focuses especially on the complicity of American intellectuals in supporting and enabling the Ame... America's Use of Terror in Vietnam: The Evil That Was Phoenix Jacobs, Ron Article 2014 There’s a reason the CIA wanted to prevent the publication of Douglas Valentine’s 1990 book, The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam. This masterwork is more than an exposé of the US p... America's War in Indochina Mattick, Paul Article 1971 There is no special reason for America's intervention in Indochina, apart from her general policy of intervening anywhere in the world in order to prevent political and social changes that would be de... Anthroplogy and the Machine Ruane, Martin Article 1997 The first Teach-In against the Vietnam war, held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in March 1965, proved the ideal solution, an event that was at the same time an exercise in learning and a p... At War With Asia: Essays on Indochina Chomsky, Noam Book 1970 Noam Chomsky examines the many effects of America's war in Indochina and tries to answer the questions that underlie this conflict. Canada's 1960s: The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era ![]() Palmer, Bryan D. Book 2008 A history of social movements of the 1960s, including Canada’s student and anti-war movements, the rise of women’s liberation, labour agitation, and Quebec’s independence movement. The Catonsville Nine: Connexipedia Article Article Nine Catholic activists who burned draft files in 1968 to protest the Vietnam War. Censored: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why: The 1995 Project Censored Yearbook Jensen, Carl, and Project Censored. Introduction by Michael Crichton. Cartoons by Tom Tomorrow. Book 1996 Documenting how the U.S. mass media does a shabby job, deliberately or negligently withholding information of vital importance. Central American Women Speak for Themselves Central America Today Book 1983 A dossier focusing on the participation of women in the popular movements and revolutionary organizations in Central America. Contains transations from newspapers, pamphlets, documents, interviews and... Chomsky for Beginners Cogswell, David; Gordon, Paul Book 1996 An introduction to the life and works of Noam Chomsky. The Common Good Chomsky, Noam; interviewed by David Barsamian Book 1998 Interviews with Noam Chomsky on the U.S. and the world. The Culture of Terrorism Chomsky, Noam Book 1988 Chomsky argues that the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to contr... Dangerous Grounds: Antiwar Coffeehouses and Military Dissent in the Vietnam Era Parsons, David L. Book 2017 As the Vietnam War divided the nation, a network of antiwar coffeehouses appeared in the towns and cities outside American military bases. Owned and operated by civilian activists, GI coffeehouses ser... Democracy is in the Streets: From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago ![]() Miller, James Book 1987 A thoughtful and evocative history of the American New Left in the 1960's, looking critically but sympathetically at the struggles and passions of that period. Distortions at Fourth Hand Chomsky, Noam; Herman, Edward S. Article 1977 Chomsky addresses the issue of "freedom of the press". He points out that while publications that shun eyewitness accounts of the situation in post-war Vietnam have a daily circulation of approx. 250 ... A Dweller in Peace: The Life and Times of Daniel Berrigan Dear, John Article 2016 Rev. Daniel Berrigan, the renowned anti-war activist, award-winning poet, author and Jesuit priest, who inspired religious opposition to the Vietnam war and later the U.S. nuclear weapons industry, di... For Reasons of State Chomsky, Noam Book 1973 Essays in which Chomsky analyzes the role of the American state and discusses some of the ways in which individuals can respond to its growing power. Forgotten Graffiti Sheds New Light on Long, Hot Journeys to Vietnam Svrluga, Susan Article 2014 Inside a rusting former US army ship, historians found vivid details of the hopes and fears of soldiers bound for war. Fragging: Connexipedia Article Article The assassination of an unpopular officer by members of his own unit. "Fragging" and "Combat Refusals" in Vietnam Article The US Army itself does not know exactly how many...officers were murdered. But they know at least 600 were murdered, and then they have another 1400 that died mysteriously. Consequently by early 1970... Friends and the Vietnam War Fager, Chuck (ed.) Book 1998 Friends from across North America gathered at Pendle Hill in 1998 for an in-depth analysis of what the Vietnam War means - both for themselves and for the larger Quaker community. This is the compilat... GI Coffeehouses Recalled: a Compliment From General Westmoreland ![]() Gardner, Fred Article 2018 The New York Times has published an op-ed piece by historian David Parsons about the coffeehouses started near US bases during the War in Vietnam. How We Fought the War: Bob Kerrey's Revolting Medal of Honor St. Clair, Jeffrey; Cockburn, Alexander Article 2001 On May 16, 2016, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey was named chairman of Fulbright University, a US-backed college with ties to the State Department in Ho Chi Minh City. During his recent visit to Vi... Hue Back When: the Bloodbath in Vietnam Was Us Uhl, Michael Article 2018 A look at Mark Bowden's book "Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam", which provides a two-sided perspective on a particularly tragic moment in the Vietnam War. In a Time of Torment Stone, I.F. Book 1968 Independent journalist I.F. Stone on the events and issues of the 1960s. Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media ![]() Parenti, Michael Book 1993 Parenti sets out to demonstrate how the news media distort important aspects of social and political life and why they do. Investigation of a Flame Sachs, Lynne (director) Film/Video 2003 Investigation of a Flame is a 2001 documentary by Lynne Sachs about the Catonsville Nine, nine Catholic activists who became known for their May 17, 1968 nonviolent act of civil disobedience in burnin... Jeff Sharlet (activist): Wikipedia article Article 2016 Jeff Sharlet (1942–1969), a Vietnam veteran, was a leader of the GI resistance movement during the Vietnam War and the founding editor of Vietnam GI. Kampuchea, Decade of the Genocide: Report of a Finnish Inquiry Commission Kiljenen, Kimmo Book 1990 Commissioned by the Finnish Inquiry Commission this a straight forward account of the history of Kampuchea from the saturation bombing by the United States during the Vietnam war in the 1970's to the ... Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam Turse, Nick Book 2013 Turse demonstrates that violence against Vietnamese noncombatants was not at all exceptional during the American war against Vietnam. Rather, it was pervasive and systematic, the predictable consequen... Landmines still exacting a heavy toll on Vietnamese civilians Cordall, Simon Article 2012 37 years on, unexploded bombs continue to ruin lives in the former wartime frontline regions of Vietnam. Laos After the Bombs Morris, Brett S. Article 2015 From 1964 to 1973, the US dropped two million tons of bombs on Laos. The horrendous effects are still being felt. Long Way From Home: The story of the Sixties generation in Canada ![]() Kostash, Myrna Book 1980 An account of the upheavals and transformations experienced by those who came of age in the 1960s, a time when international currents of change intersected with specifically Canadian events and circum... Looking Back -- and Ahead: Against The Current vol. 133 The Editors Article 2008 The year 1968 stands out as one of those pivotal years on multiple political and cultural levels. Against the Current will devote considerable space to discussing what the upheavals of that year meant... Machismo and Its Discontents: Against The Current vol. 134 Ferguson, Ann Article 2008 The one clear memory I have of 1968 (as opposed to all those other antiwar and pro-civil rights struggles in which I was engaged in the 1960s and ‘70s) is that I was a member of a faculty ad-hoc group... Mainstream News And USA's Heroics In Vietnam: Why The Silence About The 7 Million Dead? Janson, Jay Article 2017 An account of the media's role in suppressing information about US military actions in Indochina from the 1940s and onward, and how the same tactics persist in the present. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media ![]() Herman, Edward S.; Chomsky, Noam Book 1988 Contrary to the usual image of the press and cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitious in its search for truth, Herman and Chomsky depict how an underlying elite consensus largely structures all facets... A Marxist History of the World part 98: The Vietnam War Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 How an army of peasant guerrillas managed to defeat US imperialism in a full-scale war. A Marxist History of the World part 99: 1968 - the long sleep ends Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 The long sleep of the post-war period was brought to an end in 1968, as revolts erupted across the developed world. Mayday: The Case for Civil Disobedience Chomsky, Noam Article 1971 Chomsky addresses the expected "cooling" of the Student Movement in light of negative reviews of the May Day demonstration. He analyzes this cooling as a key factor in US strategy, especially in relat... McNamara's Vietnam Robinson, Lillian S. Article 1996 McNamara's Cold War mentality is as firmly fixed as ever. The purpose of American policy in Southeast Asia was to stop Communism, invariably characterized as "Communist aggression." That end justified... Memories Chomsky, Noam Article 1995 Regarding 1995 as the year of memories, Noam Chomsky critically accounts numerous historical conflicts before exploring the content of Robert McNamara's memoirs, In Retrospect. The Memory of Justice Ophuls, Marcel (director) Film/Video 1976 The Memory of Justice is a 1976 documentary film directed by Marcel Ophüls. It explores the subject of atrocities committed in wartime. Modern Capitalism and Revolution Cardan, Paul (Cornelius Castoriadis) Book 1959 For revolutionaries one central point must be grasped to understand how the system works: the struggle of human beings against their alientation, and the ensuing conflict and split in all spheres, asp... Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam: Connexipedia Article Article A large demonstration against the United States involvement in the Vietnam War that took place across the United States on October 15, 1969. The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers Ehrlich, Judith; Goldsmith, Rick Film/Video In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, a leading Vietnam War strategist, concludes that America’s role in the war is based on decades of lies. He leaks 7,000 pages of top-secret documents to The New York Times, a ... My 1968 in the Heartland: Against The Current vol. 133 Ezekiel, Judith Article 2008 “Ezekiel's brother got arrested. He’s a Communist!” The New Left at 40: Legacy and Continuity Roussopoulos, Dimitrios (ed.) Book 2007 A collection of memoirs and commentaries. The New Refugees: American Voices in Canada Christy, Jim Book 1972 Stories of 18 "new refugees" who came in Canada to escape the U.S. war against Vietnam. One Woman Army: The Life of Claire Culhane Lowe, Mick Book 1992 A biography of Claire Culhane, member of the Canadian Communist Party, crusader for prison abolition, and peace activist opposed to the Vietnam war. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 23, 2015: Eduardo Galeano, Latin America, the Vietnam War Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 In this issue of Other Voices, we mark the death of Eduardo Galeano by featuring two of his books, as well as an article about his life and work. Galeano once wrote that he was "obsessed with remember... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 22, 2017: Disobedience Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Ultimately all power structures depend on the obedience of those over whom they rule. It helps if people believe in the legitimacy of those who wield power, but the crucial thing is obedience. Once pe... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 18, 2017: Public Transit Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Public transit - good affordable public transit - is key to a liveable city. Around the world, there are movements of transit riders fighting for better public transit. A key perspective guiding many... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 27, 2017: Official Enemies Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Why and how do some countries become 'enemies'? How and why do governments and media work in tandem to demonize official enemies? Who are the people who live in those countries, what are their lives l... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 17, 2018: Hearts and Minds: How do People Change? Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2018 How can we reach the millions we need to reach and engage if fundamental change is to happen? How can we accomplish the essential task of persuading a majority of the population that a fundamental soc... The Party: Volume 1: The Sixties, A Political Memoir: The Socialist Workers Party 1960-1988 Sheppard, Barry Book 2005 Barry Sheppard was a member of the US Socialist Workers Party for 28 years, and a central leader for most of that time. This is the first of two volumes recounting his life in the party. Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice Zinn, Howard Book 1990 Essays looking at American political ideology. A People's History of the United States: 1492 - Present ![]() Zinn, Howard Book 1995 Zinn's history includes those most ignored by typical American textbook history, including Indians, blacks, women and workers.
Perspectives On Power: Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order Chomsky, Noam Book 1997 Chomsky sets down his thoughts on topics ranging from language and human nature, to the Middle East and East Timor. Polemics and Prophecies 1967-1970 Stone, I.F. Book 1972 An anthology of I.F. Stone's articles from 1967 - 1970. The Power of Women United: Against The Current vol. 134 Dawson, Kipp Article 2008 Interview with Kipp Dawson. A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror McCoy, Alfred Book 2006 Chronicles the US government's use of terror as a political instrument The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda ![]() Herman, Edward S. Book 1982 Herman sets out to show that the U.S. ignores or sponsors terror by authoritarian states that are allied with U.S. interests. Reflections on a Political Trial Chomsky, Noam Article 1968 In wake of the sentencing of 4 of the 5 men on trial for illegal activities against the draft, Chomsky explores the details of the so-called "Spock" case as well as its meaning for both the "peace mov... Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War Dancis, Bruce Book 2014 An insider's account of the antiwar and student protest movements of the sixties and a look at the prison experiences of Vietnam-era draft resisters. The Responsibility of Intellectuals ![]() Chomsky, Noam Article 1967 It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies. Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture Chomsky, Noam Book 1993 Chomsky analyzes the Kennedy Administration's policy on the Vietnam War and compares the US Administrations of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan.
Review: Nick Turse, Kill Anything That Moves. The Real American War in Vietnam (2013) Goldner, Loren Article 2014 Review of Nick Turse's book Kill Anything That Moves. The Real American War in Vietnam. Revolutionary Nonviolence: Essays by Dave Dellinger Dellinger, Dave Book 1970 Dellinger says that "those of us who oppose the violence of the status quo and reject the violence of armed revolt and class hatred bear a heavy responsibility to struggle existentially to provdew non... SDS ![]() Sale, Kirkpatrick Book 1973 The rise and development of the Students for a Democratic Society, the organization that became the major expression of the American left in the 1960s -- its passage from student protest to institutio... Sir! No Sir! Zeiger, David (director) Film/Video 2005 A documentary about the anti-war movement within the ranks of the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage ![]() Gitlin, Todd Book 1987 One of the best books on the Sixties in the U.S., bringing to life the political and cultural currents, including especially the music, which raged during that decade, and setting them in historical c... '68: The Year of the Barricades ![]() Caute, David Book 1988 Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening aro... The Socialist Register 1967: Volume 4: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1967 The Socialist Register 1987: Volume 23: Conservatism in Britain and America: Rhetoric and Reality Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo; Saville, John (eds.) Book 1987 Socialist Register 1992: Volume 28: New World Order? Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 Soldiers in Revolt: GI Resistance during the Vietnam War Cortright, David Book 2005 A definitive account of GI resistance in the Vietnam War. With an introduction by Howard Zinn. Storming Heaven: 1968 Revisted Ali, Tariq Article 2008 The eruptions of 1968 challenged the power structures north and south, east and west. Countries in each continent were infected with the desire for change. Hope reigned supreme.
The story of the GI coffeehouses Ruder, Eric Article 2007 Examining the rise of the GI coffeehouse movement--during the Vietnam War and again today in protest of the war on Iraq. The terrible legacy of Agent Orange and dioxin Wynter, Coral Article 2013 Agent Orange was manufactured by Monsanto Corporation and Dow Chemicals to use as a herbicide and defoliant in the Vietnam War. A Time for Learning: Against The Current vol. 133 Slaughter, Jane Article 2008 I don't recall being aware of the events in France in May-June 1968. I was in college, beginning to get radicalized on several fronts, notably the war. Something called the “Free University” was start... Towards a New Cold War: Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There Chomsky, Noam Book 1982 A sobering assessment of American foreign policy from the end of the Vietnam era to Ronald Reagan. Uncovering the Sixties: Life and Times of the Undergound Press Peck, Abe Book 1985 A book about the Sixties and how they were recorded by radical participants. It traces how movements and communities convinced that their news did not fit into the agenda of mainstream media covered t... U.S. Imperialism Defeated, Capitalist Rule Smashed Article 1975 April 30, 2015 was the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, marking the defeat of U.S. imperialism and its South Vietnamese puppet forces. The heroic Vietnamese workers and pe... The Urge to Surge: War is a Drug Englehardt, Tom Article 2011 Englehardt describes the effects of the US surge addiction with the military issue as an example. Vain Hopes, False Dreams Chomsky, Noam Article 1992 In a time in which hopes and dreams seemed to be fading from American society, Chomsky systematically explores the theory that the reason for JFK's assassination was his intention to withdraw from Vie... Victory in Vietnam Smith, Jack Article 2015 Forty years ago on April 30, 1975, the Vietnamese peopl were finally victorious in the long just struggle for national independence and unification against the United States and its puppet regime in S... Viet Peace will come with victory Diemer, Ulli Article 1972 The burning determination of the Vietnamese to control their own future deserves our full support. Vietnam: From National Liberation to Trans-Pacific Vassalage 1975-2015 Petras, James Article 2015 In 1975 the people of Vietnam successfully ended one of the longest and bloodiest anti-colonial wars in world-history – defeating the US, the world's biggest imperial power, after 20 years of struggle... 'Vietnam: It's our war too': The Antiwar movement in Canada: 1963 - 1975 Powell, Christopher William Article 2011 PhD Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2011 War and the Culture of Violence: Against The Current vol. 125 Feeley, Dianne Article 2006 Last year I had the opportunity to see “Winter Soldier,” a rarely shown 1971 documentary based on the testimony of over 100 soldiers recently back from Vietnam. It was filmed during a three-day hearin... The Wars on Vietnam Gibson, Rich Article 2015 In the past month, the Pentagon, PBS, and the for-profit press took a three pronged approach to the Vietnam Wars: (1) praise the returned troops and promote the notion of a home-country stab in the ba... We're facing a new Cold War Chomsky, Noam Article 2015 The linguist and philosopher on the warped coverage of Putin's Russia and the ways we whitewash our war crimes. What Uncle Sam Really Wants Chomsky, Noam Book 1993 Chomsky discusses examples of U.S. intervention and links together events stretching over four decades in regions throughout the world. He provides a quick synopsis of American foreign policy and pain... When Phoenix Came to Thanh Phong: Bob Kerrey and War Crimes as Policy in Vietnam Valentine, Douglas Article 2016 On May 16, 2016, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey was named chairman of Fulbright University, a US-backed college with ties to the State Department in Ho Chi Minh City. During his recent visit to Vi... When Soldiers Resist Fanning, Rory Article 2016 Let's remember the courageous war resisters who said no to the slaughter in Vietnam. Where Did the Antiwar Movement Go?: War, Sunny Side Up, and the Summer of Slaughter (Vietnam and Today) Englehardt, Tom Article 2015 Let me tell you a story about a moment in my life I'm not likely to forget even if, with the passage of years, so much around it has grown fuzzy. It involves a broken-down TV, movies from my childhood... Who spoke Up? American Protest against the War in Vietnam, 1963 - 1975 Zaroulis, Nancy; Sullivan, Gerald Book 1984 Why the rise of fascism is again the issue ![]() Pilger, John Article 2015 Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping blackshirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies, whose war-making elites urge us never to ... Winter Soldier Winterfilm Collective Film 1972 A chronicling of the Winter Soldier Investigation - about war crimes during the Vietnam War - that took place in Detroit, Michigan, from January 31 to February 2, 1971. Winter Soldier 2008: Against The Current vol. 134 Franco, Nate; Feeley, Dianne Article 2008 More than 250 veterans and military families gathered from March 13-15 outside Washington, DC for the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) Winter Soldier Investigation: Iraq and Afghanistan. Videos of... You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A personal history of our times Zinn, Howard Book 1994 Zinn tells his personal stories about more than thirty years of fighting for social change, from teaching at Spelman College to recent protests against war. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesBureau of Public Secrets Articles from a Situationist perspective.
Chomsky.info The Noam Chomsky Web site.
News and Letters An organization of Marxist-Humanists standing for the abolition of capitalism, both in its private property form and ins its state property form. We stand for the deveopment of new human relations; wh... Sources LibraryMy Lai Massacre Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder conducted by a unit of the U.S. Army on March 16, 1968 of 347–504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam, all of whom were civilians and a majority of whom were wo... 1965-1975 Another Vietnam Unseen images of the war from the winning side Arbuckle, Alex Q. 2016 Many famous images of the war were taken by Western photographers and news agencies, working alongside American or South Vietnamese troops.But the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong had hundreds of photog... From the Connexions Archives |