Direct Action
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results106 Connexions Library9 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryThe Activists' Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Participatory Democracy Ricketts, Aidan Book 2012 A guide to grassroots activism. African Mine Workers' Strike of 1946: Connexipedia Article Article A strike, by mine workers of Witwatersrand, which started on August 12, 1946 and lasted around 1 week. The strike was attacked by police and over the week, at least 1,248 workers were wounded and at l... Against All Odds Diemer, Ulli Article 1985 The shadow haunting the power structure is the danger that those who are controlled will realize they are powerless only so long as they think they are. Once people stop believing they are powerless t... Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-capitalism ![]() McNally, David Book 2002 A call-to-arms for progressive activists. McNally argues that capitalism is synonymous with imperialism and fundamentally incompatible with democracy. The Art of Activism Tatchell, Peter Article 1997 The unique style of 'protest as performance' pioneered by the queer rights group OutRage! Arvida Strike: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Began July 24, 1941 when some 700 workers in the Aluminium Co. of Canada (Alcan) in Arvida, Québec, spontaneously walked off the job. Auto Industry Strikes in China Carter, Lance Article 2010 Strikes in China are nothing new, but the recent strike wave was remarkable in at least three respects: the amount of concessions granted to workers; the degree of publicity it initially received in t... Battle of Blair Mountain: Connexipedia Article Article In 1921 between 10,000 and 15,000 coal miners confronted company-paid private detectives in an effort to unionize the southwestern West Virginia mine counties. Battle of Matewan: Connexipedia Article Article A shootout in the coal company town of Matewan, West Virginia on May 19, 1920. Battle of Orgreave: Connexipedia Article Article A confrontation between police and picketing miners at a British Steel coking plant in Orgreave, South Yorkshire, in 1984, during the UK miners' strike. Beautiful Trouble - Pocket Edition: A Toolbox for Revolution Boyd, Andrew; Mitchell, Dave Oswald (eds.) Book 2014 Ideas for organizers. The Belgian General Strike Brinton, Maurice Article 1961 The strike of 1960-61 was the culmination of a growing movement of social protest that had been building up over many years. The economic situation of Belgium had been slowly deteriorating. The last a... Black Cats, White Cats, Wildcats Glaberman, Martin Article 1969 Direct, shop-floor organization have emerged that are willing and able to call strikes in its own name and fight against both the union and the management in a struggle to assert the power of the work... Blockading: a guide: Tips on some ways you can use your bodies and other materials to barricade, blockade and defend territory Article 2003 Some campaigns will require a geographical space to be protected. This is a short guide with tips and advice on some ways you can use your bodies and other materials to barricade, blockade and defend ... Brisbane general strike of 1912: Connexipedia Article Article The 1912 Brisbane General Strike in Queensland, Australia, began when members of the Australian Tramway Employees Association were dismissed when they wore union badges to work. Broken Barricades: The Oaxaca Rebellion in Victory, Defeat, and Beyond Collective Reinventions Article 2008 An analysis of the 2006 Oaxaca rebellion and its contradictions. Its diversity encompassed workers, indigenous groups, Stalinists, anarchists and others. Its weapons and tactics included general assem... Calling All Radicals: How Grassroots Organizers Can Help Save Our Democracy ![]() Thompson, Gabriel Book 2007 Thompson argues that we can reclaim our democracy through grassroots organizing. Cape Breton Strikes, 1920s: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article The Cape Breton labour wars of the early 1920s represented an intense local episode of class conflict. In such conflicts militant unions, often led by radical leaders, were attempting to change the ba... Catch your dreams - utopia is possible!: While Marinaleda has its flaws, it reminds us that alternative economic models are not only possible, they already exist. Barrington-Bush, Liam; Wilton, Jen Article 2014 Amid Spain's general depression, Marinaleda - an Andalucian town sometimes dubbed the 'communist utopia' - is bucking the moribund trend with a heady mixture of direct action, community-level democrac... Catechismof a Revolutionist Nechaev, Sergei Article 1869 a program for the "merciless destruction" of society and the state, written by the anarchist Sergey Nechayev. The Clouds Clear: Labor, Seattle and Beyond: Against The Current vol. 85 Borgers, Frank Article 2000 As the clouds of teargas lifted from the streets of Seattle two images emerged in public consciousness: The edifice of the WTO brought crashing to its knees, simultaneously revealing an odd Lilliputia... Common Sense for Hard Times: The Power of the Powerless to Cope with Everyday life and Transform Society in The Nineteen Seventies ![]() Brecher, Jeremy; Costello, Tim Book 1976 Presents a vision of society as it is and as it could be. Putting the problems of contemporary daily life in historical perspective, it reveals that they have their roots in the way our society is org... Copperbelt strike of 1935: Connexipedia Article Article A strike action which performed by African mineworkers in the Copperbelt (then in Northern Rhodesia, today called Zambia) to protest against unfair taxes imposed by the British colonial authorities. Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement ![]() Ryan, Howard Book 1984 Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social moveme... Delano grape strike: Connexipedia Article Article A strike, boycott, and secondary boycott led by the United Farm Workers (UFW) against growers of table grapes in California. Direct Action: An ethnography Book 2008 Graeber undertakes the first detailed ethnographic study of the global justice movement. The case study at the center of Direct Action is the organizing and events that led to the one of the most dram... Direct action: Connexipedia Article Article Politically motivated activity undertaken by individuals, groups, or governments to achieve political goals outside of normal social/political channels. Direct Action for Democracy Tatchell, Peter Article 1999 Direct action protests are about people taking power for themselves, instead of leaving politics to professional politicians. Direct Action in Hard Times: Activist Strategies from Brazil to Wisconsin Freeston, Jesse Article 2011 Factory occupations, land occupations, and other tactics. Educate, agitate, occupy! Ferguson, Kate Article 2009 An account of the occupation Visteon factory in Enfield, London. Emergence: An Irresistible Global Uprising Notes from Nowhere Collective Article 2003 An Essay from the Book We Are Everywhere. The Everyday Activist: 365 Ways to Change the World Horton, Michael Book 2006 A positive, practical guide to healing the world - one day at a time. Packed with ideas and facts from leading campaign organizations, this handbook shows how the smallest actions can make a differenc... Farm Gate Defence Wilford, Allen Book 1986 Describes how farmers have been driven to come together to defend their farms in the face of high interest rates, mounting production costs and low prices. February strike (The Netherlands): Connexipedia Article Article A general strike organized during World War II in The Netherlands against the anti-Jewish measures and activities by the Nazis. Flint and the Rewriting of History Dollinger, Sol Article 1996 The 1937 sitdown strikes were a thunderbolt shattering minimal labor-management relations. The victory of the Flint auto workers heralded the most profound social changes in the United States since th... Flint Sit-Down Strike: Connexipedia Article Article Changed the United Automobile Workers from a collection of isolated locals on the fringes of the industry into a major union and led to the unionization of the United States automobile industry. Fraser River Fishermen's Strikes: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strikes by whites, natives and Japanese fishermen against salmon canneries that lined the lower Fraser River. Fraser River Railway Strikes: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article Strikes which started in March 1912 when railway workers organized by the Industrial Workers of the World walked out of construction camps on the Canadian Northern line to protest conditions. Free Speech Movement (Berkeley): Connexipedia Article Article A student protest which took place during the 1964-1965 academic year on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley after student activists, some of whom had traveled with the Freedom Riders... Freedom rides: Connexipedia Article Article Freedom Riders were Civil Rights activists who rode on interstate buses into the segregated southern United States. G4S To End Israel Prison Contracts Following Protests Chatterjee, Pratap Article 2014 G4S, the Anglo-Danish security contractor, has agreed to withdraw from prison work in Israel after activists disrupted the company annual general meeting for the second year in a row. The company is a... General Strike France 1968: A factory-by-factory account ![]() Hoyles, Andree Book 1969 Andre Hoyles analyses the development, organisation and end of the mass strike in France, 1968, with reference to case studies of particular factories. General Strike of 1842: Connexipedia Article Article The strike started among the Staffordshire miners and soon spread through the country affecting factories, mills and coal mines from Dundee to South Wales and Cornwall. Hard Core Green: How to Kick Corporate Butt Wasserman, Harvey Article 2010 Two uncompromised green activists and writers completely focused on winning, and utterly void of bullshit. How Our Lives Have Been Changed: An interview with Kate DeSmet Article 1997 You understand that there's a "common union" and "community," which of course is where "communion" comes from. That's better than what I had before. The best writers write with their own voice; and i... Intifada:: The Palestinian Uprising Against Israeli Occupation Lockman, Zachary & Beinin, Joel Book 1989 Journey of Reconciliation: Connexipedia Article Article An attempt in 1947 to challenge segregation laws on interstate buses in the Southern United States, through non-violent direct action. The "Labor Aristocracy" and Working-Class Struggles: Consciousness in Flux, Part 2: Against The Current vol. 124 Post, Charles Article 2006 Whatever the theoretical and empirical problems with the economics of the labor aristocracy thesis, its defenders still claim that well paid workers have generally been more reformist and conservative... Lessons From Arizona: Direct Action Organizing From 1999 to Now Strauss, Jesse Article 2010 What we saw in Arizona over the summer showed a new model of organizing, wherein cooperation between people who are dedicated to different tactics as well as space for accountability within the strugg... Los Angeles: Assessing D2K Protests: Against The Current vol. 89 Cooper, Louise Article 2000 More than 10,000 activists gathered in LA for the Democratic convention protests August 5-18. The main protest held Monday, August 12 drew around 10,000 activists. Three thousand had gathered for the... Making the most of spontaneous rebellions at work: Advice on how to react when a big issue immediately angers a large number of people at your workplace Article 2006 It would be nice if we always had tested and trusted structures in place able to respond to unexpected situations at work. Unfortunately this doesn’t describe many workplaces where structures tend to ... The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights Reynolds, David S. Book 2005 A biography of John Brown. Marx and Makhno Meet McDonald's ![]() Goldner, Loren Article 2005 Over the last several years, a revolving network of militants in Paris, France, have developed a strategy and tactics for winning strikes by marginal, low-paid, outsourced and immigrant workers agains... The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Book 1906 Luxemburg writes that "the mass strike in Russia [in 1905] has been realised not as means of evading the political struggle of the working-class, and especially of parliamentarism, not as a means of j... Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative Cohn-Bendit, Daniel; Cohn-Bendit, Gabriel Book 1968 An account of the May 1968 uprising in Paris, positing a left radical alternative to the encrusted beliefs of the old left and the right. A comment on power, on bureaucracy, and on the paths to libera... 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action Sharp, Gene Article 1973 Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of "nonviolent weapons" at their disposal. Listed are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 21, 2014: Killings by Police Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2014 Topic of the week is Killings by Police. Articles on the way the Ebola crisis illuminates the moral bankruptcy of capitalism; Responding the capitalist crisis, in 1914 and 2014; Globaling Gaza: Israel... The Other World Is Here Solnit, Rebecca Article 2010 You see what you’re looking for. Most of us are constantly urged to see the world as, at best, a competitive place and, at worst, a constant war of each against each, and you can see just that without... Outrageous Campaigners Show Size Isn't Everything Tatchell, Peter Article 1992 OutRage! therefore consciously tries to make its protests informative and amusing. It projects it's political message with wit, style, humour and theatricality. Indeed, a typical OutRage! action could... Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice Zinn, Howard Book 1990 Essays looking at American political ideology. Pay Cheques & Picket Lines: All About Unions in Canada MacKay, Claire; Illustrated by Peters, Eric Book 1987 A children's book which explains what unions are, how they came to be, and why they exist. Picketing: Connexipedia Article Article A form of protest in which people congregate outside a place of work or location where an event is taking place. Often, this is done in an attempt to dissuade others from going in ("crossing the picke... The Pittsburgh Reds, 1911-1914: Revolutionary Socialists in Allegheny County: Against The Current vol. 81 Hudson, Mark Article 1999 The Socialist Party of America reached the peak of its strength and influence in 1912. In that year, the party could claim 118,000 members, and 879,000 American voters (about 6% of the total) cast the... The Political Mass Strike ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa Article 1913 If we want to prove ourselves worthy of the great coming events then we must not begin at the wrong end by attempting to make technical preparations for the mass strike. When the situation is ripe, th... The Politics of Nonviolent Action: Part Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action ![]() Sharp, Gene Book 1973 An encyclopedic treatment of the theory and practice of nonviolence, with a detailed examination of 198 specific methods of the technique — illustrated with actual cases — within the broad classes of ... Practice and Ideology in the Direct Action Movement Undercurrent Article 2000 In the midst of enthusiasm and grandeur, the direct action movement sees a growing anti-capitalist movement everywhere. This illusion stops them from recognizing that, in its present form, the direct ... The problem of autonomism Article 2011 Direct action is crucial to win – but it needs to be orientated to building a mass movement, through strikes, civil disobedience and occupation. Propaganda of the deed: Connexipedia Article Article A concept that promotes violence against political enemies as a way of inspiring the masses and catalyzing revolution. Resource Manual for A Living Revolution: A Handbook of Skills & Tools for Social Change Activists ![]() Coover, Virginia, Deacon, Ellen, Esser, Charles, Moore, Christopher Book 1977 A manual for people who are concerned or angered by the deterioration of our society and who, because they have some sense that their efforts can have an effect on change, are looking for tools to tra... Review: Riding the Bus to Freedom: Against The Current vol. 132 Feeley, Dianne Article 2008 The 1961 Freedom Rides challenged a racially segregated society by openly defying its customs, riding in interracial groups on interstate buses going South and desegregating the stations’ facilities. ... Revolt On Goose Island: The Chicago Factory Takeover, and What it Says About the Economic Crisis Lydersen, Kari Book 2009 The story of a workers' takeover. Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (edited with an introduction by Robert Looker) Book 1972 A selection of Rosa Luxemburg's writings which highlight her outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of revolutionary socialism. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa. [Anderson, Kevin; Hudis, Peter (eds.)] Book 2004 A definitive one-volume collection of Luxemburg's writings. SDS ![]() Sale, Kirkpatrick Book 1973 The rise and development of the Students for a Democratic Society, the organization that became the major expression of the American left in the 1960s -- its passage from student protest to institutio... The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage ![]() Gitlin, Todd Book 1987 One of the best books on the Sixties in the U.S., bringing to life the political and cultural currents, including especially the music, which raged during that decade, and setting them in historical c... Socialism and Revolution ![]() Gorz, Andre Book 1967 Representative democracy in every industrially advanced country is in a state of profound crisis. But we have been accustomed for so long to accept democracy in the form of its outward appearances and... The Socialist Register 1972: Volume 9: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1972 The Socialist Register 1983: Volume 20: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1983 Spontaneity and Organization: Some Comments Montgomery, David Article 1973 A contribution to a symposium on Jeremy Brecher's book Strike!
Strike!: The True History of Mass Insurgence from 1877 to the Present ![]() Brecher, Jeremy Book 1972 A history-from-below that brings to light strikes as authentic revolutionary movements against the establishments of state, capital, and trade unionism. The Strike and Its Enemies Ackerman, Seth Article 2012 Like the progressive labour bureaucrats, today’s generation of young radicals have spent all of their formative years living in the era of capitalist realism — the era of There is No Alternative. And ... Strike Lessons from the Last Twenty-Five Years: Walking Out and Winning: Against The Current vol. 124 Early, Steve Article 2006 Labor's strike effectiveness and organizational strength have long been connected. Throughout history, work stoppages have been used for economic and political purposes, to alter the balance of power ... Strike Wave Sweeps Brazil La Botz, Dan Article 2011 Workers in Brazil—in heavy industry, services, the public sector, and agriculture—are involved in a series of strikes and mass protests such as the country hasn’t seen in decades. Strikes Pannekoek, Anton Article 1948 State power acquires now an important function in organizing business life. In the devastated Europe it takes the supreme lead; its officials become the directors of a planned economy, regulating prod... Strikes and Lockouts: Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Article A strike is the withholding of labour by workers in order to obtain better working conditions; such withholding of labour is generally accompanied by demonstrations, such as picketing, parades, meetin... Strikes in South Korea 1996-1997: Connexipedia Article Article 1996 In December 1996 and January 1997, South Korea experienced the largest organized strike in its history, when workers in the automotive and shipbuilding industries refused to work in protest against a ... Strikes, List of: Connexipedia Article Article The following is a list of deliberate absence from work related to specific working conditions (strikes) or due to general unhappiness with the political order (general strikes). Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee: Connexipedia Article Article One of the principal organizations of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. Time for Civil Disobedience Tatchell, Peter Article 1990 The lesbian and gay movement should be committed to a strategy of non-violent civil disobedience to force the repeal of Britain's discriminatory anti-homosexual laws. We are everywhere: The irresistable rise of global anticapitalism ![]() Notes from Nowhere Collective Book 2003 Global voices presenting alternative visions of democracy.
Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical Theory ![]() Lynd, Staughton; Grubacic, Andrej Book 2008 Wobblies and Zapatistas offers readers an encounter between two generations and two traditions. Staughton Lynd and Andrej Grubacic meet in dialogue in an effort to bring together the anarchist and Mar... Worker-Student Action Committees France May '68 ![]() Gregoire, R.; Perlman, F. Book 1969 An account of the May-June 1968 events in Paris. The authors state that "our intention is not to 'clarify' the sequence of events which took place in France in order to make possible a ritual repetiti... Workers Solidarity Issue 2: June - August 2004 Serial Publication (Periodical) 2004 A newsletter pulbished by the Workers Solidairty Alliance (WSA). The WTO's Nude World Order: Against The Current vol. 85 Resnick, Bill Article 2000 It got intoxicating that Tuesday (Nov. 30, `99) in Seattle, without chemical assist. That capitalist machine that has looked so mighty and irresistible, for that day was stopped and defeated. Seattle... You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship: The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism ![]() Article 1979 An Australian socialist-libertarian response to terrorism in the aftermath of the 1978 Sidney Hilton bombing, and a meditation on the inferior logic of terrorist-based politics. The Young Lords' Legacy of Puerto Rican Activism Lee, Jennifer Article 2009 A short history of the Young Lords, a group that used confrontational tactics to bring services and attention to the residents of East Harlem, or El Barrio, and beyond. Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesAnarkismo.net Anarkismo.net is the product of international co-operation between anarchist groups and individuals who agree with our editorial statement. It is intended to further communciation, discussion and deba... Connexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... Direct Action and Research Training Center DART engages in congregation-based organizing and has affiliates around the country. Earth First! Are you tired of namby-pamby environmental groups? Are you tired of overpaid corporate environmentalists who suck up to bureaucrats and industry? Have you become disempowered by the reductionist appro... Greenpeace Canada Active in a wide variety of environmental campaigns, Greenpeace is effective at educating the public through creative, non-violent direct actions, researching alternatives to destructive practices and... Libcom.org Resource for all people who wish to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from experiences of the past and develop strategies ... Marxismo Libertario Lecturas para la Emancipacion del Proletariado.
Peter Tatchell Articles and actions related to human rights, democracy, and global justice. Workers Solidarity Alliance Workers Solidarity Alliance is an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian organization of activists who believe that working people can build a new society and a better world based on the principles of so... From the Connexions ArchivesIdeas and Action Periodical profile published 1981 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1981 Archive of some articles published in Ideas and Action, a radical paper published by the Workers Solidarity Alliance from 1981 to 1997. STRIKE Support News Periodical profile published 1979 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 The Citizens' Strike Support Committee is a group of friends of the labour movement working to organize support in Sudbury for members of Local 6500 United Steel Workers of America who are on strike. |