Southern Support Group Newsletter #8
Publisher: Southern Support Group, Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T., CanadaYear Published: 1977 Pages: 8pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX355 A newsletter written with a view to presenting a wide range of information related to native peoples' concerns about land claims and pipelines. Abstract: This newsletter is written with a view to presenting a wide range of information related to native peoples' concerns about land claims and pipelines. Included in the May issue are reports on the House debate over the Berger Report, parliamentary debate on the pipeline, the Yukon Indians' presentation to the-Lysyk Inquiry into the social and economic aspects of the proposed Alcan pipeline, and a report on the Northwest Territories government. A feature article in the May issue is related to the Berger Report and some of the major highlights of this report. Responses are also included from the following: the Dene, the Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec, part of a Toronto Sun Editorial, and excerpts from syndicated columnist Richard Gwyn's editorial of May 13. The newsletter ends with a section titled "Regional Events", which gives a cross-Canada coverage of groups responding to Native related concerns, and events they are sponsoring. Periodical profile published 1977 |