The Working-Class Majority
Levison, Andrew
Publisher: Penguin Books, New York, USAYear First Published: {18703 The Working-Class Majority WORKING CLASS MAJORITY Levison, Andrew Penguin Books New York USA Defining the working class and people employed in essentially rote, manual labour, Levison shows that today's woerks are not dwindling in number, are not financially secure, do not enjoy an easy middle-class way of life, and are, for the most part, neither racist nor conservative. 1974 1975 319pp $3.50 B Book 0-14-00-4084-6 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface: Blue-Collar Workers and the Future of American Politics <br>1. The American Working Class <br>2. The Discontents of Work <br>3. The Discontents of Community Life <br>4. Working-Class Political Opinion <br>5. The Influence of Unions on the Working Class <br>6. The Current Scene <br>7. The Future <br>Notes and Sources <br>Index CX7757 1 false true false CX7757.htm [] Cx} Year Published: 1975 Pages: 319pp Price: $3.50 ISBN: 0-14-00-4084-6 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX7757 Defining the working class and people employed in essentially rote, manual labour, Levison shows that today's woerks are not dwindling in number, are not financially secure, do not enjoy an easy middle-class way of life, and are, for the most part, neither racist nor conservative. Abstract: - Table of Contents Preface: Blue-Collar Workers and the Future of American Politics 1. The American Working Class 2. The Discontents of Work 3. The Discontents of Community Life 4. Working-Class Political Opinion 5. The Influence of Unions on the Working Class 6. The Current Scene 7. The Future Notes and Sources Index |