Witness to Justice: A Society to be Transformed
Publisher: Episcopal Commission for Social Affairs, CCCB, Ottawa, CanadaYear Published: 1979 Pages: 124pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX2036 Abstract: The following description of the book Witness to Justice: A Society to Be Transformed comes from a summary released by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops: "The purpose of this working text is to assist Christian communities in developing their ministry for justice. It is a resource guide for Christian animators, priests, lay leaders, religious, school teachers, and others - who are concerned about developing study and action programs. "Part One, Faith and Justice", is designed to provide a general introduction to a pastoral program. It reflects briefly on the impact of the growing demands for justice in the Third World and Canada and how these have affected the social teachings and pastoral programs of the Church in recent years. Part one closes by proposing a framework for developing a critical analysis of our society. "Part Two, Justice in Canada", has eleven sections, the first two identifying some of the basic structural problems in Canada's economic and political order. Other sections focus on specific issues: continuing poverty, industrial exploitation, Northern development, and others. "Part Three, Justice in the Third World", is a working paper designed for Christian animators concerned about the problems of social and economic injustice in the poor countries of the Third World. This part is designed to help stimulate a critical awareness of Canada's role in relation to the underdevelopment of the Third World. "In all three parts of the text, there are lists of resources for further study. The resources are presented for the information of local groups and to stimulate discussion and awareness. They reflect the variety of options and strategies open to Christian communities engaged in the struggle for justice." Subject Headings |