Saskatchewan Coalition Against Nuclear Development
Year Published: 1979Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX1004 This packet of published materials deals with the goals, history and present action of the Saskatchewan Coalition Against Nuclear Develpment (SCAND). Abstract: This packet of published materials deals with the goals, history and present action of the Saskatchewan Coalition Against Nuclear Develpment (SCAND). Some elements of SCAND's program are 1. for an end to uranium mining and the nuclear power industry; 2. for local and provincial referendums on the issues of nuclear develpment; 3. for complete nuclear disarmament; 4. for federal, provincial and municipal freedom-of-information legislation; 5. for full employment through an economy based on the use of decentralized community-controlled renewable resources; 6. no further resource development to be considered until all native land claims are settled; 7. for assistance to poorer countries in developing a technology appropriate to meeting fundamental needs; 8. for conservation of non-renewable resources through more efficient and rational use of energy; 9. for official public re-examination of x-rays and other sources of low-level radiation; 10. for guaranteed compensation for those displaced by phased shutdown of nuclear facilities; and 11. for widespread community organization toward the peaceful fulfillment of these aims. SCAND, a volunteer organization, seeks to educate and organize people around nuclear issues. One of SCAND's current campaigns is for a binding public referendum on all nuclear development. Materials in the packet consists largley of information sheets and press releases. They dealt with such issues as reactions to Harrisburg, Canadian and international developments around the nuclear issues, and the general dissemination of informaiton on the nuclear question. Some of the material deals with the Cluff Lake Uranium Inquiry (Bayda) and resists uranium mining in Saskatchewan. Other materials outline some of the actions undertaken by this group; in June 1977 SCAND organized an anti-nuclear demonstration consisting of 700 people. This demonstration proved to be on of the largest in Saskatchewan history. This organization no longer exists. This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1979. Subject Headings |