The Political Economy of Health

Doyal, Lesley
Publisher:  Pluto Press, London, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {17535 The Political Economy of Health POLITICAL ECONOMY OF HEALTH Doyal, Lesley Pluto Press London United Kingdom 1979 1889 360pp BC17535s-PoliticalEconomyOfHealth.jpg B Book 0 86104 074 CX7571 0 false true false CX7571.htm [0xc000bb88d0 0xc000bfd710 0xc000c8eae0 0xc001ef40f0 0xc0022b9350 0xc002417da0 0xc0024f8c60 0xc000320330 0xc0005eb9e0 0xc0005ebf80 0xc0001a4330 0xc0001a4810 0xc000299cb0 0xc000587710 0xc0005ce630 0xc0007f0180 0xc0002b4c60 0xc0002b5b90 0xc0002ca9f0 0xc0003049c0 0xc000305320 0xc000336330 0xc000367800 0xc000380810 0xc0003814a0 0xc0003818c0 0xc000381d70 0xc000381da0 0xc00039cb70 0xc000857b90 0xc000c07890 0xc000c921e0 0xc000e4d3e0 0xc000e85f80 0xc00084c630 0xc00084cc00 0xc000ed9b90 0xc00075c570 0xc000c28e10 0xc000f10cc0 0xc000f7c570 0xc00112b5f0 0xc001aef4a0 0xc00125fd40 0xc002498840 0xc001576ed0 0xc00284b770 0xc002980b10 0xc000267b90 0xc0002b04e0] Cx}
Year Published:  1889
Pages:  360pp   ISBN:  0 86104 074
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7571

Subject Headings

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