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Some Thoughts on Personal Liberation and World Change
Negrin, Su
Publisher: Times Change Press, Washington, USA
Year Published: 1972
Pages: 174pp ISBN: 87810-020-2
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX7316
Sue Negrin talks about her experiences in the hip, free school, mysticism, New Left, feminist and gay movements; how she sees them shedding old skins and coming together in a new way.
Table of Contents
1. Daily Life (The Individual)
The Individual-and-Society
Domination (Society)
What Being Dominated Feels Like
What Dominating Feels Like
Domination Includes and Transcends Categories
Comprehensivity and Conflict
Primary Participation in Change
Liberating Life
Free People (The Individual)
Little People
Scarcity Mentality
Alienation and Authenticity
Consciousness (I'll Say it Again)
Intentional Change
Obsolete Politics (Society)
Please Don't Sell me Revolution When it is Freedom that I Need
Liberal America & Co.
Black Power
The Old New Left
(Hetero)Sexual Politics
The Personal Solution
Who "Makes" the Liberation and How?
What is and What Can Be (Potentiality)
2. Ageism (A Tangent)
3. Utopia (Necessity)
Where I'm At (A Last Word)
Subject Headings